Timestamp Difference Excluding the weekends

I need to find the Timestamp difference from Monday to Friday by Excluding the Weekends..
At present I am using the Timestamp diff function to find difference but let me know how to exclude the weekends from the calculation..
Is there any function to exclude.. Please help me..

There is no direct function available in OBIEE to exclude weekends (SAT and SUN) while you do a day difference calculation.
In order to achieve this, there are two ways...
1. Create a complex join with W_DAY_D table with the condition W_DAY_D.DAY_DT in between OPEN_DATE and ifnull(CLOSE_DATE, current_date) and W_DAY_D.DAY_OF_WEEK not in (1, 7). This will give you all the records from W_DAY_D between OPEN_DT and CLOSE_DT excluding Saturday and Sunday. Then you can create a metric in BMM layer to count the ROW_WID from W_DAY_D table. The count gives you the desired value.
2. Move the OPEN_DT and CLOSE_DT to the Friday by adding the desired number of days using TimeStampAdd and DayOfWeek function. Calculate the day difference between OPEN_DT and CLOSE_DT(say X) and calculate the week difference after modifying the dates to friday (say Y). Now X-2*Y is going to give you the desired value.
Hope this helps.

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    I use an Oracle XE and I have a table which has the following Timestamp columns
    A_Date Timestamp
    R_Date Timestamp
    Now in this query i need to be able to exclude the SAT/SUN and show the difference between these 2 timestamp dates.
    Could any one help on this?
    I use this query to find out the difference between the 2 dates (R_DATE - A_DATE),showing the DAYS:HOURS:MIN:SECS
    INSTR (R_DATE - A_DATE, ' ')
    || ':'
    || SUBSTR ((R_DATE - A_DATE),
    INSTR ((R_DATE - A_DATE), ' ') + 1,
    || ':'
    || SUBSTR ((R_DATE - A_DATE),
    INSTR ((R_DATE - A_DATE), ' ') + 4,
    || ':'
    || SUBSTR ((R_DATE - A_DATE),
    INSTR ((R_DATE - A_DATE), ' ') + 7,
    ) "TTR"
    Example : A_DATE := '11-Dec-2009 19:33:30 PM' ---> Friday
    R_DATE := '14-Dec-2009 07:32:38 AM' ---> Monday
    should not consider the SAT/SUN that comes between them.

    SQL> create table t as (
      2  select to_timestamp('11-dec-2009 07:33:30 PM') rdate
      3  ,      to_timestamp('14-dec-2009 07:32:38 AM') adate
      4  from   dual
      5  );
    Table created.
    SQL> select rdate
      2  ,      adate
      3         /* do some final formatting */
      4  ,      to_number(substr(diff_incl_weekend, 1, instr( diff_incl_weekend, chr(32))))
      5         ||':'||
      6         substr(diff_incl_weekend, instr( diff_incl_weekend, chr(32))+1, 8) diff_incl_weekend
      7  ,      to_number(substr(diff_excl_weekend, 1, instr( diff_excl_weekend, chr(32))))
      8         ||':'||
      9         substr(diff_incl_weekend, instr( diff_excl_weekend, chr(32))+1, 8) diff_excl_weekend    
    10  from ( /* substract intervals */
    11         select to_char(rdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') rdate
    12         ,      to_char(adate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') adate
    13         ,      trim('+'
    14                from
    15                numtodsinterval((to_date(to_char(adate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM'), 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM')
    16                                 -
    17                                 to_date(to_char(rdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM'), 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM')
    18                                )
    19                               , 'day')
    20                    ) diff_incl_weekend
    21         ,      trim('+'
    22                from            
    23                numtodsinterval((to_date(to_char(adate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM'), 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM')
    24                                 -
    25                                 to_date(to_char(rdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM'), 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM')
    26                                 -
    27                                 nof_satsuns.total
    28                                )
    29                               , 'day')
    30                    ) diff_excl_weekend
    31         from   t
    32         ,      /* calculate nof sats and suns*/
    33              ( select count(dy) total
    34                from ( select to_char(rdate+level-1, 'dy') dy
    35                       from   t
    36                       where  to_char(rdate+level-1, 'dy', 'nls_date_language=american') in ('sat','sun')
    37                       connect by level <= trunc(to_date(to_char(adate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM'), 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM'))
    38                                           -
    39                                           trunc(to_date(to_char(rdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM'), 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM'))+1
    40                     )    
    41              ) nof_satsuns
    42      );
    RDATE                   ADATE                   DIFF_INCL_WEEKEND                                 DIFF_EXCL_WEEKEND
    11-dec-2009 07:33:30 PM 14-dec-2009 07:32:38 AM 2:11:59:08                                        0:11:59:08

  • SLA Calculation needed to exclude Holidays, Weekends and Off business hours

    Hello all,
    I am to create a function that will calculate the minutes between two dates for company work hours, excluding the weekends. 
    The function here from RSingh() is ideal for this purpose; however I am now asked to excluded company holidays also.
    With a table called 'holidays' that contains holiday dates. I would hope to modify the function to exclude these.
    Please, how can this be accomplished? 

    My approach would be something like this
    Populate a calendar table that includes a work start and work end time for each day (none for weekends and holidays)
    SELECT *
    INTO #cal
    FROM (
        SELECT CAST('20140117' AS DATE) AS CalendarDate
            , CAST('20140117 09:00' AS DATETIME) WorkStart
            , CAST('20140117 17:00' AS DATETIME) AS WorkEnd
        UNION ALL
        SELECT CAST('20140118' AS DATE) AS CalendarDate
            , CAST(NULL AS DATETIME) WorkStart
            , CAST(NULL AS TIME) AS WorkEnd
        UNION ALL
        SELECT CAST('20140119' AS DATE) AS CalendarDate
            , CAST('20140119 09:00' AS DATETIME) WorkStart
            , CAST('20140119 17:00' AS DATETIME) AS WorkEnd
        UNION ALL
        SELECT CAST('20140120' AS DATE) AS CalendarDate
            , CAST(NULL AS DATETIME) WorkStart
            , CAST(NULL AS TIME) AS WorkEnd
        UNION ALL
        SELECT CAST('20140121' AS DATE) AS CalendarDate
            , CAST(NULL AS DATETIME) WorkStart
            , CAST(NULL AS TIME) AS WorkEnd
        UNION ALL
        SELECT CAST('20140122' AS DATE) AS CalendarDate
            , CAST('20140122 09:00' AS DATETIME) WorkStart
            , CAST('20140122 17:00' AS DATETIME) AS WorkEnd
        ) X
    Use a query something like the following to work out the number of minutes
    DECLARE @Start DATETIME = '20140117 13:00'
    DECLARE @End DATETIME = '20140122 17:00'
    SELECT SUM(diff)
    FROM (
    AND @Start > WorkStart THEN @Start ELSE WorkStart END, CASE WHEN CAST(@End AS DATE) = CalendarDate
    AND @End < WorkEnd THEN @End ELSE WorkEnd END) AS diff
    FROM #cal
    WHERE CalendarDate BETWEEN CAST(@Start AS DATE)
    ) X
    Edit: Totally mucked up the example calendar table so I've changed it

  • What are differences between the target tablespace and the source tablespac

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    Why create so many errors?
    How to avoid these errors?
    What are differences between the target tablespace and the source tablespace?
    Is this datapump action really successfull?
    Thw following is the log output:
    [oracle@hostp ~]$ impdp system/oracle dumpfile=user_dir:demo02.dmp tablespaces=example remap_tablespace=example:example
    Import: Release - Production on Sunday, 28 September, 2008 18:08:31
    Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Master table "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLESPACE_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
    Starting "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLESPACE_01": system/******** dumpfile=user_dir:demo02.dmp tablespaces=example remap_tablespace=example:example
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE
    ORA-39117: Type needed to create table is not included in this operation. Failing sql is:
    ORA-39117: Type needed to create table is not included in this operation. Failing sql is:
    ORA-39117: Type needed to create table is not included in this operation. Failing sql is:
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA
    . . imported "SH"."CUSTOMERS" 9.850 MB 55500 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SUPPLEMENTARY_DEMOGRAPHICS" 695.9 KB 4500 rows
    . . imported "OE"."PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS" 2.379 MB 8640 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q4_2001" 2.257 MB 69749 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q1_1999" 2.070 MB 64186 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q3_2001" 2.129 MB 65769 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q1_2000" 2.011 MB 62197 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q1_2001" 1.964 MB 60608 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q2_2001" 2.050 MB 63292 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q3_1999" 2.166 MB 67138 rows
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type OBJECT_GRANT:"OE" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type OBJECT_GRANT:"OE" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEX
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"OE"."CUSTOMERS_PK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_IX" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_LNAME_IX" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_EMAIL_IX" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"PM"."PRINTMEDIA_PK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"PM"."PRINT_MEDIA" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type CONSTRAINT:"OE"."CUSTOMER_CREDIT_LIMIT_MAX" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type CONSTRAINT:"OE"."CUSTOMER_ID_MIN" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type CONSTRAINT:"OE"."CUSTOMERS_PK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type CONSTRAINT:"PM"."PRINTMEDIA__PK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"PM"."PRINT_MEDIA" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type CONSTRAINT:"IX"."SYS_C005192" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"OE"."CUSTOMERS_PK" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_IX" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_LNAME_IX" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_EMAIL_IX" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"PM"."PRINTMEDIA_PK" creation failed
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/COMMENT
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type REF_CONSTRAINT:"OE"."CUSTOMERS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_FK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39083: Object type REF_CONSTRAINT failed to create with error:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type REF_CONSTRAINT:"PM"."PRINTMEDIA_FK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"PM"."PRINT_MEDIA" creation failed
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TRIGGER
    ORA-39082: Object type TRIGGER:"HR"."SECURE_EMPLOYEES" created with compilation warnings
    ORA-39082: Object type TRIGGER:"HR"."SECURE_EMPLOYEES" created with compilation warnings
    ORA-39082: Object type TRIGGER:"HR"."UPDATE_JOB_HISTORY" created with compilation warnings
    ORA-39082: Object type TRIGGER:"HR"."UPDATE_JOB_HISTORY" created with compilation warnings
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_UPPER_NAME_IX" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_UPPER_NAME_IX" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type TABLE_STATISTICS skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type TABLE_STATISTICS skipped, base object type TABLE:"PM"."PRINT_MEDIA" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type TABLE_STATISTICS skipped, base object type TABLE:"PM"."PRINT_MEDIA" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type TABLE_STATISTICS skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCACT_INSTANCE skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39083: Object type PROCACT_INSTANCE failed to create with error:
    ORA-01403: no data found
    ORA-01403: no data found
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCDEPOBJ:"IX"."AQ$_ORDERS_QUEUETABLE_V" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCDEPOBJ:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUE_N" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCDEPOBJ:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUE_R" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCDEPOBJ:"IX"."AQ$_ORDERS_QUEUETABLE_E" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCDEPOBJ:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUE" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    Job "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLESPACE_01" completed with 63 error(s) at 18:09:14

    Short of trying to then reverse-engineer the objects that are in the dump file (I believe Data Pump export files contain some XML representations of DDL in addition to various binary bits, making it potentially possible to try to scan the dump file for the object definitions), I would tend to assume that the export didn't include those type definitions.
    Since it looks like you're trying to set up the sample schemas, is there a reason that you wouldn't just run the sample schema setup scripts on the destination database? Why are you using Data Pump in the first place?

  • Adt.bat Could not generate timestamp: Cannot parse the response

    I am using the command line to build an air app as follows:
    adt.bat -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore mycert.pfx
    -storepass xxx -tsa
    myApp.air myApp-app.xml myApp.swf
    However, I receive this error:
    Could not generate timestamp: Cannot parse the response
    I am using a Verisign issued Authenticode certificate. Has
    anyone got any idea why this might be happening?

    There is no previous thread running for this application
    (that's the first thing I checked out). As I said in the last
    message, I can successfully launch my app from within FlexBuilder3,
    but not from a generated .air file install.
    At your suggestion, I created a simple "Hello World" type of
    Flex application in FlexBuilder3. From within FlexBuilder3, I
    exported it to an AIR file and installed it. This simple
    application does indeed run on my system after being installed from
    the .air file.
    So there's something different about this new public release
    of the FlexSDK than the last bet release. I compared that simple
    project contents and layout to my project. The big difference is
    that all the source files for the simple project was automatically
    dropped/created in a child 'src' folder under the main project
    folder. I also noticed that when installed, there were files
    missing for my app, but not for the simple app. The big difference
    there being that only the files in the src folder were copied into
    the AIR installer to be installed. Nothing outside of that folder
    was part of the install codebase!
    I therefore refactored my code (yet again) to move all my
    source files (including my external config XML files) into a 'src'
    folder under the main project folder. After a lot of tweaking in
    FlexBuilder3 to get it all working again and running, I exported to
    an AIR file once again. This time all the files were included, when
    I ran the new installer. The application now launches successfully.
    The next step is to replicate this via the command-line ADT
    It would have been nice to know the changes in this area (src
    folder) before going this far into the process. Unless they are
    documented in some obscure release note somewhere that I am not
    aware of yet.
    I'll let you know how the ADT run goes when I get the chance.
    Thanks for your help everyone.

  • Why can't we get Adobe Photoshop help on the weekends. If I buy it I should be able to use it.

    Why can't we get Adobe Photoshop help on the weekends. If I buy it I should be able to use it.

    To all frustrated Photoshop users:
    As has been pointed out, the Adobe Photoshop Forum is NOT staffed by Adobe employees (though a few engineers DO stop by, when they have the time), and we are but users, such as yourself. The difference is that many users here have decades of experience with Ps, and can often solve all sorts of issues, of a technical nature.
    Ranting, and listing bad experiences with Adobe Technical Support (or Customer Support), will NOT reach Adobe - just other users, who might have also had negative experiences with Adobe T/S, but who are powerless to change anything, at a corporate level - also noted by others in this thread.
    We, as users, have no access to any communications that you might have had with T/S - no phone logs, no case numbers, nothing. All that we have is what YOU provide us, regarding YOUR problem. In that vein, if you read this FAQ Entry, plus the one linked in Station_Two's Reply above, and clearly state YOUR problem with the program, someone will attempt to help you with it: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4587299#4587299
    Please be patient, as we are all volunteers (even the Adobe engineers come here on their own time - it's most likely not part of their job descriptions), and drop by the forum, when we have a moment. Many users DO have "day jobs," and face client deadlines. They might not get by that often, and then with breaks in timing, that can extend for days. This is not a "live chat room," where "operators are standing by." However, with the number of contributing users here, it should not take too long, before someone DOES reply to your post. If they have questions, please answer them, to the best of your abilities, and do not hesitate to ask for clarifications, if you are not sure what they are asking, or where to obtain that information. Also, please be courteous, when replying to the users, who are donating their time - they get zero, beyond the satisfaction of helping other users get answers and solutions. If they DO help, which is likely, a simple "thank you," is the best that they can receive. If they DO help, please take a moment to let them know, and also use the "Correct," and "Helpful" buttons in the forum, to let Adobe Corporate know that you got help in the Adobe Forums - they DO count those numbers, though they do not monitor these forums.
    Good luck, and many feel that the help FROM the Adobe products forums, is much better, than from Adobe Technical Support.

  • Checking differences in the bytecode

    I'm currently testing java applications. I wanted to find out if one build is the same as another build by doing a comparison using WinDiff on the jar files (which are basically .class files or the bytecode). I see some differences between the same build, say, a CD with a build a1 and another CD built at a different time but also using the same files for build a1. Does anyone know why hte two builds would it generate differences in the bytecode (aside from timestamps) if the code looks exactly the same (didn't get edited at all)?

    Sun's Java compiler (javac) accepts a -O command line option that optimizes code when used. However newer versions of the compiler (post JDK 1.2.x I believe) simply ignore that option. The javadocs for that compiler option (JDK 1.3.1 - see below) mention that if used the resultant class file could be larger. Not sure what compiler version is being used but I would doubt that the builds would have been compiled inconsistently (i.e., without and with the -O option).
    Note: the -O option does nothing in the current implementation of javac and oldjavac.
    Optimize code for execution time. Using the -O option may slow down compilation, produce larger class files, and make the program difficult to debug.

  • Is there any difference between the commerical product and the Teacher/Student version?

    In Adobe Photo Shop Elements 13 and Premiere Elements 13 is there any difference between the commerical product and the Teacher/Student version? I don't remember them having two versions in the past.

    Is there a difference? Sure. Will it be noticable? Maybe.
    The 9i client will use one of the 9i ODBC drivers. The 8i client will use one of the 8i ODBC drivers. The 9i drivers will generally have more bug fixes & more features than the 8i drivers. It is possible, though rare, that the 9i drivers will fix a bug whose behavior your application was dependent on and/or introduce bugs that were not in the earlier version. Of course, you have to consider the different features of the underlying clients as well-- i.e. a 9.2 Oracle client cannot communicate with a 7.3.4 database, an 8i client doesn't know how to handle data types introduced in 9i (i.e. TIMESTAMP), etc.

  • What is the difference between the 4 options available while we activate a Legal Regulation

    Hi All
    Please help me to understand the difference between the below 4 options available while we activate a Legal Regulation
    1.Check Dispatch (Exclusively)
    2.Check Export (Exclusively)
    3.Check Dispatch/Export (Excluding Domestic)
    4.Check Dispatch/Export (Including Domestic)

    Hi Akhil,
    Actually, there are three different business scenario's when we talk in terms of trade. These are as follows:-
    1.Domestic Trade:- This is internal to a country and needs to adhere to only country's internal rules/regulations.
    2.Dispatch:- It is cross border trade but withing an Economic Zone of the concerned country. Economic zone is an area or group of countries to promote trade between themselves for example EU. Dispatch is further subjected to cross border trade rules/regulations but also enjoys benefits of certain agreements.
    3.Export:- When we talk in terms of cross border trade with a third country with whom we didn't have any trade relation/ agreements, that is known as an Export. Export is further subjected to more scutinisning by authorities when it is processed as compared to other's.
    Hence, to conclude Domestic trade is internal trade(within the country) while Dispatch/Export is the cross border trade subjected to more rules and regulation and keeping these in mind ,business can take a desicion to use a legal regulation for any of your above mentioned 4 options.
    Hope I answered your question.

  • Likely hood of update being released over the weekend...

    Listen, I know V2 will arrive when it arrives, and surely it has been discussed on here enough. But I am curious, has or would an update ever be released during the weekend?? Or most likely during the normal business week? Just curious.

    Why do you think it will delay?
    There is a vast difference between sliding a deliverable one or two weeks, and sliding one out past a month. A slide past this second 'two week' delays demonstrates a real break down in communications and expectations and sends a signal that all is not well in Apple land.
    I am a software developer by profession. Stuff happens and moving out a deliverable date 2, 3, even 4 weeks does happen. However, there is no excuse for being weeks off in an estimate when the group is close to a deliverable. Either the team is not being well managed and either can't, or won't, tell upper management that the remaining problems are more serious than anticipated, or the Apple folk are pulling our chain, leading us on with promises of 'soon' 'soon', hoping the usual Apple fanboy attitude kicks in, blinders and all.
    So no, the Apple company has promised the update 'within two weeks'. Unless the scenario I just mentioned is in play, I'm expecting the update this next week.

  • What is the difference between the following 2 hints?

    What is the difference between the following 2 hints?

    Oracle Documentation starts @ http://tahiti.oracle.com

  • What is the difference between the passcode on my iPhone 5 and a password?  I am locked out of my phone.

    What is the difference between the passcode on my iPhone 5 and a password?  I am locked out of my phone.

    Not entirely sure what you are asking, but a passcode to unlock an iOS device is normally 4 digits long (so is a 4 digit code), though you can make it alphanumeric and longer (so effectively becomes a password).
    If you don't know the passcode to unlock your phone or it's showing the disabled screen then there are instructions on this page for how to reset a device : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1212 - you should then be able to restore/resync your content to it.

  • Difference between the design of clusters PCLx and others like RFBLG etc .

    There are a few nagging questions which I was not able to find in the forum hence i have to post a new question.
    I am a little confused about the difference between the different clusters .
    If i start with RFBLG i.e. the cluster for BSEG BSEC etc ,I can see that the tables which are part of this cluster
    can be viewed through different methods like
    1) whr usd list for RFBLG
    2) dd02l table and give the required parameters there
    now when I compare this with another so-called cluster PCL1 if find that PCL1 is not recognized as  a cluster
    and also I am not able to see the same in dd02l table when i give PCL1 and the tabtype as cluster which I was able to see
    for the RFBLG ,there are other tables similar to RFBLG .
    1) SO what is the difference between the RFBLG type of clusters and the PCLx type of cluster
    2) are pclx and rfblg..type of clusters same ?
    3) why does PCL1 shows that it is a transparent table ? where as rfblg shows in a diff way in se11
    4) i know we access data from PCL1 using import and export stmts ,DO OR CAN WE DO THE SAME FOR RFBLG
    5) I found that each and evry cluster table had diff fields ,this was kinda surprising for me as I had been thinking
    that all cluster tables need to follow a certain rule ,SO WHO DECIDES THE FIELDS OF A TABLE CLUSTER ?
    6) PCL1 has the index button enabled ,which again I think is not according to the cluster table rules?how?
    7) I understand that we can save data in form of internal tables in the PCL1 cluster ,can we do the same in RFBLG ?
    8) Can I think on lines that PCL1 and RFBLG type of cluster are two totally different types of data dictionary objects
    and the usage and implementation of both of them is different and that the design and the BASE of both of such objects
    is different .
    I know this is a long list but I am sure that answers to these questions would really require some one who has really really work hard and invested a lot of time in understanding the dictionary system.I am awaiting a few answers ,few hints and a healthy discussion till we get them .
    Thanks ...

    BSEG is a typical Cluster Table.
    This means that the physical table BSEG does NOT exist in the database, physical data for BSEG is stored in the database (table) cluster RFBLG.
    In ABAP however you can perform selects on BSEG (with all fields from the SAP repository structure, see SE11 on BSEG), during execution the SAP database layer will translate these statements to physical selects in the RFBLG database table, so in ABAP this is transparant.
    More info :
    PCL1, PCL2, ... are normal SAP transparent tables, however in HR they are often called HR cluster table.
    Transparent tables are SAP objects where there is also a database table with the same name that contains the physical data.
    However the PCL tables are somewhat different from normal transparent tables (data is compressed, external programs can not interpret the data, ...).
    This means that in ABAP you can not use simple SQL statements to access data in PCL tables (because of compressed format).
    In stead statements like EXPORT TO DATABASE and IMPORT FROM DATABASE need to be used.
    More info :

  • Is there a difference between the Z10 and Q10, except the keyboard?

    Since now it was simple, BlackBerry had 3 lines left till now: Curve (lower), Torch (touch screen, no idea how powerful is the machine) and Bold (the strongest machine).
    What about the new Z and Q lines?
    Is there a difference , except the keyboard for the Q line or the machines really differ in power and features?

    My understanding is that the devices will be the same. The screen size will be different (1024 x 768 vs 720 x 720 pixels), but other than that and the obvious difference of virtual vs. physical keyboard, they should both be the same with the same features.
    I hope that info helps!
    If you want to thank someone for their comment, do so by clicking the Thumbs Up icon.
    If your issue is resolved, don't forget to click the Solution button on the resolution!

  • What'z the difference between the Commercial Invoices and

    What'z the difference between the Commercial Invoices and
    Invoices/Excise Invoices? Also I understand that we can combine 2~3
    invoices and can create one commercial invoice? If it is possible, how
    to create the same?

    A commercial invoice is a bill for the goods from the seller to the buyer. Commercial invoices are utilized by customs officials to determine the value of the goods in order to assess customs duties and taxes.
    In general there is no standard form for a commercial invoice although they tend to contain many of the following features:
    •     seller's contact information
    •     buyer's contact information
    •     consignee's contact information (if it is different from the buyers)
    •     invoice date
    •     a unique invoice number
    •     sales terms (usually in incoterm format)
    •     payment terms
    •     currency of sale
    •     full quantities and description of merchandise (Generally this includes unit price and total price. Product descriptions should be consistent with the buyer's purchase order. Including the Harmonized System commodity codes can be helpful, especially in countries that are WTO members.)
    Excise invoice “Original for Buyer copy”, whether  prices are inclusive or exclusive of excise duty.
    The invoice in which the Excise duties are included.
    As per Indian tax system, Excise duty (16%) is payable by each manufacturing unit on the value of manufactured goods / on the value added. The manufacturing plant is supposed to submit an excise duty report on fortnightly / monthly basis. Various registers (RG1, RG23A, RG23C, PLA) are maintained for that purpose, which record all the transactions including movement of goods, cenvat credit available and cash balance available.
    In SAP, we use transaction j1id for configuration and j1iin, j2i7, j1i5, j2i5, j2i6, j1ip for creating, extracting and printing excise invoice. 
    *Please reward if this helps**

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