TImezone trouble...

I started working on a new project with a unit test that tested the DST change in 2007. The test was good, but my machine did not pass. I am running ubuntu 9.04 updated and using various jdk's, but 1.6.0_16 specifically for this project. I updated my tzdata, I removed and reinstalled my jdk. I checked the jdk with the tzupdater.jar version: tzdata2009k. My /etc/localtime was a copy of /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York. I reconfigured my timezone from the GUI and from the commandline. That is when I decided enough was enough and I read the native c code that pulls the tz data from the OS. First it looks in /etc/sysconfig/clock where it finds it fine, like on my REHL5.3 box.
# The ZONE parameter is only evaluated by system-config-date.
# The timezone of the system is defined by the contents of /etc/localtime.
ARC=falseNext it checks /etc/localtime to see if it is a symlink (which nobody does any more). If it is, it parses the link and determines the tz locale.
Finally when all that fails it recursively searches /usr/share/zoneinfo for a file that first is the same size as /etc/localtime, and then secondly is the same using binary compare. Once found, the path is parsed and the tz locale is returned. Java does not use the os version, it then uses its own version in ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/zi. On my updated ubuntu 9.04 distro /usr/share/zoneinfo/SystemV/EST5EDT is the same as /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York
jjv6@qubit:/$ diff /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York usr/share/zoneinfo/SystemV/EST5EDT
jjv6@qubit:/$ BUT in java they differ.
jjv6@qubit:/$ diff /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_16/jre/lib/zi/America/New_York /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_16/jre/lib/zi/SystemV/EST5EDT
Binary files /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_16/jre/lib/zi/America/New_York and /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_16/jre/lib/zi/SystemV/EST5EDT differ
jjv6@qubit:/$ I only assume that the OS version is correct, as that makes the most sense, but holey crap, you recursively search for a file that is the same and pick it. Just so happens that my SystemV inode comes before my America inode, don't know why, dont' really care. I'm worried because this is the best we can to, in 2009, for having a standard process for determining tz locale. We need to be better.
jjv6@qubit:/$ cat /etc/timezone
jjv6@qubit:/$ Can we get someone to revamp this c code and check a few more "standard" spots before we go completely off the deep end and assume /etc/localtime == /usr/share/zoneinfo/county/locale.

I started working on a new project with a unit test that tested the DST change in 2007. The test was good, but my machine did not pass. I am running ubuntu 9.04 updated and using various jdk's, but 1.6.0_16 specifically for this project. I updated my tzdata, I removed and reinstalled my jdk. I checked the jdk with the tzupdater.jar version: tzdata2009k. My /etc/localtime was a copy of /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York. I reconfigured my timezone from the GUI and from the commandline. That is when I decided enough was enough and I read the native c code that pulls the tz data from the OS. First it looks in /etc/sysconfig/clock where it finds it fine, like on my REHL5.3 box.
# The ZONE parameter is only evaluated by system-config-date.
# The timezone of the system is defined by the contents of /etc/localtime.
ARC=falseNext it checks /etc/localtime to see if it is a symlink (which nobody does any more). If it is, it parses the link and determines the tz locale.
Finally when all that fails it recursively searches /usr/share/zoneinfo for a file that first is the same size as /etc/localtime, and then secondly is the same using binary compare. Once found, the path is parsed and the tz locale is returned. Java does not use the os version, it then uses its own version in ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/zi. On my updated ubuntu 9.04 distro /usr/share/zoneinfo/SystemV/EST5EDT is the same as /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York
jjv6@qubit:/$ diff /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York usr/share/zoneinfo/SystemV/EST5EDT
jjv6@qubit:/$ BUT in java they differ.
jjv6@qubit:/$ diff /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_16/jre/lib/zi/America/New_York /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_16/jre/lib/zi/SystemV/EST5EDT
Binary files /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_16/jre/lib/zi/America/New_York and /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_16/jre/lib/zi/SystemV/EST5EDT differ
jjv6@qubit:/$ I only assume that the OS version is correct, as that makes the most sense, but holey crap, you recursively search for a file that is the same and pick it. Just so happens that my SystemV inode comes before my America inode, don't know why, dont' really care. I'm worried because this is the best we can to, in 2009, for having a standard process for determining tz locale. We need to be better.
jjv6@qubit:/$ cat /etc/timezone
jjv6@qubit:/$ Can we get someone to revamp this c code and check a few more "standard" spots before we go completely off the deep end and assume /etc/localtime == /usr/share/zoneinfo/county/locale.

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    <j:new className="java.text.SimpleDateFormat" var="format">
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    that makes sense because you are setting the sessionAttribute at the wrong time.. see you are passing the paramater from index to shop, so you really need to set the sessionAttribute in the index page so it is always available in the shop page.
    hope that helps...you will always have this problem when refreshing because when you refresh the value from "customer" is not being passed again.....

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    XSL is probably a bit overkill, you could do stuff like the following as well
    SQL> declare
      V_FILENAME  VARCHAR2(700) := 'CMFXML.SWIFT.MT544.xsd';
      V_XMLSCHEMA XMLTYPE := xmltype(bfilename('XMLDIR',V_FILENAME),nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'));
      2    3    4  begin
      5          -- dbms_xmlschema_annotate.addXDBNamespace(V_XMLSCHEMA);
      6          dbms_xmlschema_annotate.setDefaultTable(V_XMLSCHEMA,'CMFXML','CMFXML_MT544_TABLE');
      7          dbms_xmlschema_annotate.DISABLEDEFAULTTABLECREATION(V_XMLSCHEMA);
      9          select insertChildXML
    10           (
    11                   V_XMLSCHEMA,
    12                   '//xsd:element[@type="TIndicator-22F-01"]',
    13                   '@xdb:SQLInline',
    14                   'false',
    15                   'xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"'
    16                 )
    17            into V_XMLSCHEMA
    18            from dual;
    20          select insertChildXML
    21           (
    22                   V_XMLSCHEMA,
    23                   '//xsd:element[@type="TAmount-19A-01"]',
    24                   '@xdb:SQLInline',
    25                   'false',
    26                   'xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"'
    27                 )
    28            into V_XMLSCHEMA
    29            from dual;
    31          select insertChildXML
    32           (
    33                   V_XMLSCHEMA,
    34                   '//xsd:element[@type="TDate-98A-01"]',
    35                   '@xdb:SQLInline',
    36                   'false',
    37                   'xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"'
    38                 )
    39            into V_XMLSCHEMA
    40            from dual;
    42          select insertChildXML
    43           (
    44                   V_XMLSCHEMA,
    45                   '//xsd:element[@type="TRate-92A-01"]',
    46                   '@xdb:SQLInline',
    47                   'false',
    48                   'xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"'
    49                 )
    50            into V_XMLSCHEMA
    51            from dual;
    53          select insertChildXML
    54           (
    55                   V_XMLSCHEMA,
    56                   '//xsd:element[@type="TFlag-17B-01"]',
    57                   '@xdb:SQLInline',
    58                   'false',
    59                   'xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"'
    60                 )
    61            into V_XMLSCHEMA
    62            from dual;
    64          select insertChildXML
    65           (
    66                   V_XMLSCHEMA,
    67                   '//xsd:element[@type="TQuantityOfFinancialInstrument-36B-01"]',
    68                   '@xdb:SQLInline',
    69                   'false',
    70                   'xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"'
    71                 )
    72            into V_XMLSCHEMA
    73            from dual;
    75          select insertChildXML
    76           (
    77                   V_XMLSCHEMA,
    78                   '//xsd:element[@type="TReference-20C-01"]',
    79                   '@xdb:SQLInline',
    80                   'false',
    81                   'xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"'
    82                 )
    83            into V_XMLSCHEMA
    84            from dual;
    86  select insertChildXML
    87           (
    88                   V_XMLSCHEMA,
    89                   '//xsd:element[@type="TParty-95PQR-01"]',
    90                   '@xdb:SQLInline',
    91                   'false',
    92                   'xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"'
    93                 )
    94            into V_XMLSCHEMA
    95            from dual;
    98          dbms_xmlschema_annotate.setOutOfLine(V_XMLSCHEMA,'element','ReceiveFreeConfirmationType','TwoLegTransactionDetails','MT544_TWO_LEG_TRANS_TABLE');
    99          dbms_xmlschema_annotate.setOutOfLine(V_XMLSCHEMA,'element','ReceiveFreeConfirmationType','TradeDetails','MT544_TRADE_DETAILS_TABLE');
    100          dbms_xmlschema_annotate.setOutOfLine(V_XMLSCHEMA,'element','TTradeDetails','FinancialInstrumentAttributes','MT544_FIN_INST_ATTRS_TABLE');
    102    dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema
    103    (
    104      schemaurl       => V_FILENAME,
    105      schemadoc       => V_XMLSCHEMA.getClobVal(),
    106      local           => TRUE,
    107      genTypes        => TRUE,
    108      genBean         => FALSE,
    109      genTables       => TRUE
    110    );
    111  end;
    112  /

  • SimpleDateFormat - Timezone - SystemTime troubles

    Hi there,
    I don't understand why the following little class produces the results it produces:
    input timestamp = 1097670920739
    formatted String #1 = 2004-35-13T14:35:20+0200
    result timestamp = 1073997320000
    formatted String #2 = 2004-35-13T13:35:20+0100
    I would have expacted seeing two times the same timestamp and two times the same formatted String and have no idea where the problem is. Please Help.
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class TestDates {
    private TestDates() {}
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String input = "1097670920739";
    // 1. Get Date-String from java-timestamp
    SimpleDateFormat formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", Locale.GERMANY );
    long timestamp1 = ( new Long( input ) ).longValue();
    Date date1 = new Date( timestamp1 );
    String string1 = formatter1.format( date1 );
    // 2. Get back java-timestamp from Date-String
    SimpleDateFormat formatter2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", Locale.GERMANY );
    Date date2 = null;
    try { date2 = formatter2.parse( string1 ); } catch ( java.text.ParseException e ) {}
    long timestamp2 = date2.getTime();
    // 3. Get back Date-String form temp java-timestamp
    SimpleDateFormat formatter3 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", Locale.GERMANY );
    Date date3 = new Date( timestamp2 );
    String string3 = formatter3.format( date3 );
    System.out.println( "input timestamp = " + input );
    System.out.println( "formatted String #1 = " + string1 );
    System.out.println( "result timestamp = " + timestamp2 );
    System.out.println( "formatted String #2 = " + string3 );

    Well, one of your conversions isn't handling the daylight savings hour conversion properly.
    Date date1 = new Date( timestamp1 );
    Will convert the UTC / GMT long value into a date object for your default timezone on your pc.
    Is your regional settings and timezone set up to German time on your pc ?
    Sorry, haven't time to think this one through fully...

  • Troubles after installing Catalyst and re-installing KDE

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    X.Org X Server 1.11.4
    Release Date: 2012-01-27
    X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
    Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.2-1-ARCH x86_64
    Current Operating System: Linux sphex 3.3.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun May 13 10:52:32 CEST 2012 x86_64
    Kernel command line: root=/dev/sda2 ro nomodeset
    Build Date: 29 January 2012 03:38:00PM
    Current version of pixman: 0.24.4
    Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org
    to make sure that you have the latest version.
    Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
    (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
    (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
    (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Thu May 31 21:56:50 2012
    (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
    (==) Using config directory: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d"
    (EE) module ABI major version (16) doesn't match the server's version (13)
    (EE) Failed to load module "synaptics" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
    (EE) No input driver matching `synaptics'
    (EE) fglrx(0): Can not enable interrupt sourceID 0xff000066!
    klauncher(586) kdemain: No DBUS session-bus found. Check if you have started the DBUS server.
    kdeinit4: Communication error with launcher. Exiting!
    kdmgreet(580)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): KSystemTimeZones: ktimezoned initialize() D-Bus call failed: "Not connected to D-Bus server"
    kdmgreet(580)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): No time zone information obtained from ktimezoned
    (EE) fglrx(0): Can not enable interrupt sourceID 0xff000066!
    (EE) fglrx(0): Can not enable interrupt sourceID 0xff000066!
    The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
    > Warning: Compat map for group 2 redefined
    > Using new definition
    > Warning: Compat map for group 3 redefined
    > Using new definition
    > Warning: Compat map for group 4 redefined
    > Using new definition
    Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
    The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
    > Warning: Compat map for group 2 redefined
    > Using new definition
    > Warning: Compat map for group 3 redefined
    > Using new definition
    > Warning: Compat map for group 4 redefined
    > Using new definition
    Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
    The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
    > Warning: Compat map for group 2 redefined
    > Using new definition
    > Warning: Compat map for group 3 redefined
    > Using new definition
    > Warning: Compat map for group 4 redefined
    > Using new definition
    Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
    The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
    > Warning: Compat map for group 2 redefined
    > Using new definition
    > Warning: Compat map for group 3 redefined
    > Using new definition
    > Warning: Compat map for group 4 redefined
    > Using new definition
    Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
    (EE) fglrx(0): Can not enable interrupt sourceID 0xff000066!
    (EE) fglrx(0): Can not enable interrupt sourceID 0xff000066!
    (EE) fglrx(0): Can not enable interrupt sourceID 0xff000066!
    Same errors are seen in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. What causes them? Could this be the root problem for all others?
    Here is also my /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "aticonfig Layout"
    Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 0
    Section "Module"
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
    Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
    Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
    Option "DPMS" "true"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
    Driver "fglrx"
    BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0"
    Device "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
    Monitor "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    SubSection "Display"
    Viewport 0 0
    Depth 24
    Here is some more info on my graphics card:
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV620 [Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
    Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Device 19e2
    Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 40
    Memory at c0000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=512M]
    I/O ports at d800 [size=256]
    Memory at fdef0000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
    Expansion ROM at fdec0000 [disabled] [size=128K]
    Capabilities: <access denied>
    Kernel driver in use: fglrx_pci
    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Last edited by maistora (2012-05-31 21:34:25)

    (EE) module ABI major version (16) doesn't match the server's version (13)
    There's your problem. Are you using the xorg111 repo? If not, enable that and then pacman -Syuu.
    As a warning, xorg-server 1.11 is now broken with the new udev package (at least until someone rebuilds it and updates the repo). You'll need to rebuild it manually to avoid this.
    Last edited by Pres (2012-06-01 21:54:17)

  • Clock Timezone command missing in running-config

    Dear All,
    I have a Cisco 2911 router and recently upgraded with IOS : c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.153-3.M4.bin. The issue is now when every time when I apply "clock timezone xx 8" cli in my router, the command does not reflect. So that my router clock always stays at UTC 0 timezone.
    Other CLI is working without problem, only this clock timezone CLI giving weird trouble. and because of this, all the logs timestamps are follow UTC timezone, which will give me problem when doing tracing.
    Is there any alternative way to re-activate this command, instead of go back to old IOS. 
    Thank you.

    hi, it is not the timestamp problem. the problem is that whenever I input the command "clock timezone xx 8", is doesn't show in my running-config.
    Thank you.

  • Cannot Change Timezone/Time at All under GNOME Desktop

    Just as the title says, im having trouble changing the timezone in gnome, when i go to date & time settings, it doesnt let you do anything and the unlock button in the top right corner fails to ask for a password, rather it doesnt do anything. If you need any info to complete this task, ill be more than happy to shed light where it needs to be shed

    I have no idea about Gnome, but why do you need Gnome to change it anyway?

  • Timezone of the application

    I'm coding an application which uses timezone. I'd like to give the user ability to change the timezone. Is that possible to change the timezone in which application is running? I mean to change the raw offset from GMT. For example the telephone has GMT + 1 and user can overwrite that value (or not telephone's but just J2ME) by GMT + 3.

    Q: Is it a simple workaround the timestamp issue?
    I got the same trouble using Netbeans 6.0.1 / Glassfish V2
    [TopLink Warning]: 2008.04.01 04:56:34.094--UnitOfWork(12644844)--Exception [TOPLINK-3002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.1 (Build b27-fcs (03/26/2008))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ConversionException
    Exception in thread "main" Local Exception Stack:
    Exception Description: The object [oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ@1094d48], of class [class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ], from mapping [oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping[messagecreatedtimestamp-->WORKORDER_VIEW.MESSAGECREATEDTIMESTAMP]] with descriptor [RelationalDescriptor(com.telenor.cinclus.statistics.model.WorkorderView --> [DatabaseTable(WORKORDER_VIEW)])], could not be converted to [class java.util.Date].
    Exception [TOPLINK-3002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.1 (Build b27-fcs (03/26/2008))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ConversionException
    Exception Description: The object [oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ@1094d48], of class [class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ], from mapping [oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping[messagecreatedtimestamp-->WORKORDER_VIEW.MESSAGECREATEDTIMESTAMP]] with descriptor [RelationalDescriptor(com.telenor.cinclus.statistics.model.WorkorderView --> [DatabaseTable(WORKORDER_VIEW)])], could not be converted to [class java.util.Date].
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(ConversionException.java:87)

  • Wcap lightning error timezone

    I have trouble with daily events created with lightning 0.9 on uwc 6.3 :
    an event created on 12/05/09 is placed on 11/05/09.
    wcap log show :
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/12 09:35:20 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    [context-id: c5e9f7c6-eb68-469c-810a-f7020731d941, uri: http://[email protected]:81/, userId=rmart2, default calendar]
    adoptItem() call: Test14
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/12 09:35:20 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    not a supported timezone: floating
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/12 09:35:20 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    [context-id: c5e9f7c6-eb68-469c-810a-f7020731d941, uri: http://[email protected]:81/, userId=rmart2, default calendar]
    error: defaultTimezone: cannot get X-NSCP-CALPROPS-TZID!
    any ideas

    wcap.log :
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/13 10:55:07 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    [context-id: 109a519b-fd74-43f4-a745-e2c673cc741e, uri: http://[email protected]:81/, userId=zcart, default calendar]
    adoptItem() call: Test14c
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/13 10:55:07 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    not a supported timezone: floating
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/13 10:55:07 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    [context-id: 109a519b-fd74-43f4-a745-e2c673cc741e, uri: http://[email protected]:81/, userId=zcart, default calendar]
    error: defaultTimezone: cannot get X-NSCP-CALPROPS-TZID!
    1: logError
    2: calWcapCalendar_defaultTimezoneGetter
    3: calWcapCalendar_getAlignedTzid
    4: calWcapCalendar_storeItem
    5: calWcapCalendar_adoptItem
    6: calWcapCalendar_addItem
    7: [null:0] null
    8: cT_doTransaction
    9: [null:0] null
    10: cTM_createAndCommitTxn
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/13 10:55:07 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    [context-id: 109a519b-fd74-43f4-a745-e2c673cc741e, uri: http://[email protected]:81/, userId=zcart, default calendar]
    floating not supported, falling back to default: UTC
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/13 10:55:07 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    [context-id: 109a519b-fd74-43f4-a745-e2c673cc741e, uri: http://[email protected]:81/, userId=zcart]
    login queue lock: false, length: 0
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/13 10:55:07 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    [context-id: 109a519b-fd74-43f4-a745-e2c673cc741e, uri: http://[email protected]:81/, userId=zcart]
    login queue lock: false, length: 0
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/13 10:55:07 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    [calWcapRequest id=bc7e6d4a-4919-4637-8c76-e29f1cc2a51f-42, parent-id=<none> ([context-id: 109a519b-fd74-43f4-a745-e2c673cc741e, uri: http://[email protected]:81/, userId=zcart, default calendar]
    adoptItem() call: Test14c)
    attached requests:
    #bc7e6d4a-4919-4637-8c76-e29f1cc2a51f-43     calWcapNetworkRequest id=bc7e6d4a-4919-4637-8c76-e29f1cc2a51f-43, parent-id=bc7e6d4a-4919-4637-8c76-e29f1cc2a51f-42 (http://encke.getima.msanet:81/storeevents.wcap?appid=mozilla-calendar&id=LoKekpxP9bU&dtstart=20090514&dtend=20090515&isAllDay=1&rrules=&rdates=&exrules=&exdates=&orgCalid=zcart&summary=Test14c&categories=&desc=&location=&icsUrl=&priority=0&icsClass=PUBLIC&status=0&transparent=1&attachments=&alarmStart=&alarmPopup=&alarmEmails=&tzid=UTC&storetype=1&mod=4&method=1&replace=1&fetch=1&relativealarm=1&compressed=1&recurring=1&emailorcalid=1&fmt-out=text%2Fcalendar&calid=zcart), isPending=true, status=NS_OK, isPending=true, status=NS_OK]
    ### WCAP log entry: 2009/05/13 10:55:07 Europe/Paris isDate=0
    [calWcapNetworkRequest id=bc7e6d4a-4919-4637-8c76-e29f1cc2a51f-43, parent-id=bc7e6d4a-4919-4637-8c76-e29f1cc2a51f-42 (http://encke.getima.msanet:81/storeevents.wcap?appid=mozilla-calendar&id=LoKekpxP9bU&dtstart=20090514&dtend=20090515&isAllDay=1&rrules=&rdates=&exrules=&exdates=&orgCalid=zcart&summary=Test14c&categories=&desc=&location=&icsUrl=&priority=0&icsClass=PUBLIC&status=0&transparent=1&attachments=&alarmStart=&alarmPopup=&alarmEmails=&tzid=UTC&storetype=1&mod=4&method=1&replace=1&fetch=1&relativealarm=1&compressed=1&recurring=1&emailorcalid=1&fmt-out=text%2Fcalendar&calid=zcart), isPending=true, status=NS_OK]
    contentCharset = UTF-8
    request result:
    PRODID:-//Sun/Calendar Server//EN
    X-NSCP-CALPROPS-NAME:Roland Cartron
    ORGANIZER;CN="Roland Cartron"
    :mailto:[email protected]
    X-NSCP-ORGANIZER-EMAIL:[email protected]
    REQUEST-STATUS:2.0;Success. Store successful.
    The event have not the field X-NSCP-CALPROPS-TZID valued.
    When you activate All Day event in lightning, there is no more Timezone visible but local time and start and end of the event is "greyed".

  • Get user's locale / Timezone

    I am developing Customized Calendar jsp on OCS by
    only using Calendar API(calendarlet.jar) not using Portal API.
    I have problem to get User's Locale/TimeZone that User had set in Preference.
    Calendar API Select and Display baesed on UDT
    CASE :
    " User had choice certain TimeZone in Preference
    then Calendar PKG display time based on User Selected Time-Zone
    but Customized Calender JSP displayed time on UCT "
    How can I get locale/TimeZone that user had set in Calendar Preference ?
    (Using calendar API)

    That's odd. You say that java.util.Date doesn't have
    any timezone in it, but when I insert a breakpoint
    and look at the contents of the object it has a
    sun.util.calendar.BaseCalendar and that has a
    timezone in it. Date != Calendar. A Date is just a long. Like I said, right this second, if you, I, somebody in Chicago, somebody in NY, somebody in London, and somebody in Tokyo all create a Date, the long will be the same for all of us--number of millis since 1/1/1970 00:00:00 GMT. (Note that this does NOT meant that Date "has" a TZ. It does not.) The TZ comes when a String is created from the Date.
    I always just assumed that that
    timezone must be what I was having trouble with.
    As for the DB, I assumed that mysql was timezone
    agnostic, and simply took times in and spit them out
    exactly the same. Are you saying that when I put 8AM
    in, if a person in england had that database that
    same value would read midnight? If so, is there any
    way to make it timezone neutral? It's complicating
    things.It is TZ-agnostic. You're overcomplicating it.
    // In LA, I do
    date = new Date(); // Ignore util.Date/sql.Date/Timestamp distinction for now
    S.o.p(date); // prints out Thu., 9:53 a.m. PDT
    ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into whatever values (?)");
    ps.setDate(1, date);
    // In London, you do
    rs = execute("select * from whatever"); // yeah, I'm fudging the jdbc stuff. Just lazy
    date = rs.getDate(1); // this Date wraps the same long as my original in LA
    S.o.p(date); // prints out Thu., 5:53 p.m. BST or whatever
    sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(some format);
    sdf.setTimeZone(new york);
    S.o.p(sdf.format(date)); // prints Thu., 12:53 p.m. EDTThe DB stores "N millis since the epoch", or something equivalent. My LA Java and your London Java read that value and interpret it as the same point in time. When we print it, it converts to the appropriate TZ.

  • Trouble creating content presenter template

    I'm trying to create a template for the content presenter that will display a table view of files in a folder.
    I tried creating a custom template based off the sample list-detailed-tabular-view.jsff that was included. but I am having trouble figuring out what my error is.
    When I export the template I can successfully upload it to webcenter but when I try to apply the template to a content presenter the page goes blank and I have to go back to administration to disable the template to get the page to load again.
    After several failed attempts I even tried copying the sample table template directly without changing any of the code but when I apply it the page still goes blank and becomes inaccessible
    This only happens when I try to create a template that calls another single template. I was able to get a template working that was for a single item, but I need to get the documents under a folder to work...
    How can I troubleshoot whats causing the error? I am new so I have a feeling I may be missing some steps when creating,exporting, or uploading the template.
    Below are the sources for the 2 templates, do I have to create anything else besides a .jsff file?
    Single Item which works by it self:
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.1"
    <dt:contentTemplateDef var="node">
    <af:goImageLink text="#{node.name}"
    id="gil1" icon="#{node.primaryProperty.icon.smallIcon}"
    shortDesc="#{not empty node.propertyMap['xComments'].value.stringValue ? node.propertyMap['xComments'].value.stringValue : node.primaryProperty.value.binaryValue.name}"
    rendered="#{not empty node}">
    <af:showPopupBehavior triggerType="mouseOver" popupId="::cpPopup"/>
    <af:outputText id="emptyot" value="#{templateBundle.EMPTY_NODE}"
    rendered="#{empty node}"/>
    The Table Template that calls the single item (this is what seems to break the page when I activate it)
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <!-- Test -->
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.1"
    <dt:contentListTemplateDef var="nodes">
    <jsp:include page="./support/miniView.jsff"/>
    <af:table rowSelection="none" columnSelection="none" columnStretching="column:c1"
    columnBandingInterval="0" rowBandingInterval="1" var="node" value="#{nodes}"
    summary="#{templateBundle.DEFAULT_TABULAR_LIST_TEMPLATE_DESC}" id="tblRslt"
    emptyText="#{templateBundle.EMPTY_NODES}" styleClass="AFStretchWidth"
    <af:column id="c1a" rowHeader="unstyled"
    <af:outputText value="#{node.name}" id="ot1"/>
    <af:column headerText="#{templateBundle.COLUMN_DOCUMENT}"
    sortable="true" align="left" minimumWidth="200"
    sortProperty="name" id="c1">
    <dt:contentTemplate node="#{node}"
    nodesHint="#{nodes}" id="ct1"/>
    <af:column headerText="#{templateBundle.COLUMN_MODIFIED_DATE}"
    sortProperty="modifiedDate" sortable="true" align="end"
    <af:outputText value="#{node.modifiedDate}" id="ot2">
    <af:convertDateTime type="both"
    <af:column headerText="#{templateBundle.COLUMN_MODIFIED_USERNAME}"
    sortProperty="modifiedBy" sortable="true" align="end"
    <af:outputText value="#{node.modifiedBy}" id="ot3"/>
    Also if anyone knows where I can find tutorials to learn how to create the templates that would be great.

    You may want to repost your question in the WebCenter Portal forum. The problem is likely not on the Content Server side.

  • Mini-Dvi-to-Video trouble

    I just bought a mini-dvi-to-video adapter so I could use my TV as a display. More specifically, so I could use my VCR to record what's on my Mac's display. I also bought a headphone-to-composite cable adapter. I'm using a double-headed (is that one male or female? It's male, isn't it?) composite cable from the video adapter to the VCR. The problem is, it doesn't show up. The sound plays (and records) fine, but the video neither shows up on the TV screen nor records onto the tape. What's the problem? Both adapters are Dynex, my computer's a Late 2006 iMac (I think), the cable is WireLogic, and both the VCR and TV are Sony. Please help, thanks.

    So if you eliminate the double headed splitter and plug straight into the TV, does the video still not show up?
    FYI, there have been reports in the past of trouble with the Dynex video adapter. You may need to purchase the Apple OEM one. The Dynex may lack having a ROM inside of it with a proper EDID in the ROM. This is crucial to the Mac.

  • Trouble Using Apple's Video Adapter

    I am having trouble getting my eMac to work with the Apple Mini-DVI to Video Adapter. There are no directions telling you how to use it or to even get it to work. I want to use it to import videos from my Sony Hi8 camcorder and was told by Apple's Live help that this is what I needed to import video and make DVDs. How do I get this adapter to work?

    Welcome aboard.
    I think the adapter you have is for video output, not input. To input video to the eMac you need a firewire connection. Sony cameras typically have a 4 wire connector which is smaller than the 6 wire plug on the mac, so you need a cable that has a 4 wire connector on one end and a 6 wire connector on the other. Cameras often (but not always) come with such a cable. You also need a digital camcorder- not just Hi8., although Sony does make cameras that will do both. If you camera does not have digital output, you need a convertor box.

  • Hi, I am having trouble MacBook Air crashing since Yosemite upgrade. I ran an Etresoft check but I don't know what it means... my system runs slowly and crashes. I have to force shutdown. Sometimes screen is black for a split second b/w webmail pages

    I am having trouble with my MacBook Air 13 inch June 2012 MacBook Air5, 2 4GB RAM  details below in Etresoft report. I recently upgraded to Yosemite and am having system trouble. My computer crashes and I have to force quit to restart. When using webmail there is a black screen for a split second between pages. This did not happen before. I am worried that it is not running properly and perhaps I need to revert to the previous operating system. I only have a MacBook Air and no need to share images between a tablet or phone so I did not need the new photo sharing software of Yosemite. I wonder if I don't have enough RAM to run it? I did not run time machine before I made the upgrade as I did not realise the significance of an upgrade as not very Mac literate. Any advice on whether my system is in danger... most appreciated! I am writing a book and making a back up but this machine is my lifeline and my work is conducted through it. It ran perfectly before... the Yosemite upgrade has perhaps highlighted some problems and it has unnerved me!
    Thanks ever so much for your advice!
    EtreCheck version: 2.2 (132)
    Report generated 5/2/15, 9:53 PM
    Download EtreCheck from http://etresoft.com/etrecheck
    Click the [Click for support] links for help with non-Apple products.
    Click the [Click for details] links for more information about that line.
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
        MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012) (Technical Specifications)
        MacBook Air - model: MacBookAir5,2
        1 1.8 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2-core
        4 GB RAM Not upgradeable
            BANK 0/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
            BANK 1/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
        Bluetooth: Good - Handoff/Airdrop2 supported
        Wireless:  en0: 802.11 a/b/g/n
        Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 694 - SN = D86218700K2DKRNAF
    Video Information: ℹ️
        Intel HD Graphics 4000
            Color LCD 1440 x 900
    System Software: ℹ️
        OS X 10.10.3 (14D136) - Time since boot: 0:22:41
    Disk Information: ℹ️
        APPLE SSD SM256E disk0 : (251 GB)
            EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
            Macintosh HD (disk1) / : 249.77 GB (167.35 GB free)
                Encrypted AES-XTS Unlocked
                Core Storage: disk0s2 250.14 GB Online
    USB Information: ℹ️
        Apple, Inc. Keyboard Hub
            Mitsumi Electric Apple Optical USB Mouse
            Apple Inc. Apple Keyboard
        Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
        Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
        Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
        Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    Thunderbolt Information: ℹ️
        Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
        Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
            /Applications/WD +TURBO Installer.app
        [not loaded]    com.wdc.driver.1394HP (1.0.11 - SDK 10.4) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.wdc.driver.1394_64HP (1.0.1 - SDK 10.6) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.wdc.driver.USB-64HP (1.0.3) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.wdc.driver.USBHP (1.0.14) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.wdc.driver.1394.64.10.9 (1.0.1 - SDK 10.9) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.wdc.driver.USB.64.10.9 (1.0.1 - SDK 10.9) [Click for support]
    Problem System Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [failed]    com.apple.mtrecorder.plist
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [running]    com.mcafee.menulet.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.mcafee.reporter.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [running]    com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Click for support]
        [failed]    com.apple.spirecorder.plist
        [running]    com.mcafee.ssm.Eupdate.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.mcafee.ssm.ScanManager.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.mcafee.virusscan.fmpd.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist [Click for support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.google.keystone.agent.plist [Click for support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
        iTunesHelper    Application Hidden (/Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunesHelper.app)
        Dropbox    Application  (/Applications/Dropbox.app)
        AdobeResourceSynchronizer    Application Hidden (/Applications/Adobe Reader.app/Contents/Support/AdobeResourceSynchronizer.app)
        EvernoteHelper    Application  (/Applications/Evernote.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/EvernoteHelper.app)
        TouchP-150M    Application  (/Applications/Canon P-150M/TouchP-150M.app)
        iPhoto    Application  (/Applications/iPhoto.app)
        WDDriveUtilityHelper    Application  (/Applications/WD Drive Utilities.app/Contents/WDDriveUtilityHelper.app)
        WDSecurityHelper    Application  (/Applications/WD Security.app/Contents/WDSecurityHelper.app)
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
        AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
        JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 8 Update 45 Check version
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
        Flash Player  [Click for support]
        FUSE for OS X (OSXFUSE)  [Click for support]
        Java  [Click for support]
        MacFUSE  [Click for support]
        NTFS-3G  [Click for support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
        Skip System Files: NO
        Mobile backups: ON
        Auto backup: YES
        Volumes being backed up:
            Macintosh HD: Disk size: 249.77 GB Disk used: 82.42 GB
            My Passport Edge for Mac [Local]
            Total size: 499.94 GB
            Total number of backups: 27
            Oldest backup: 2013-01-31 21:15:26 +0000
            Last backup: 2015-05-02 11:33:09 +0000
            Size of backup disk: Adequate
                Backup size 499.94 GB > (Disk used 82.42 GB X 3)
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
             6%    WindowServer
             3%    fontd
             2%    VShieldScanManager
             0%    taskgated
             0%    notifyd
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
        745 MB    Google Chrome Helper(8)
        439 MB    kernel_task
        246 MB    VShieldScanner(3)
        160 MB    Google Chrome
        127 MB    Finder
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
        130 MB    Free RAM
        3.87 GB    Used RAM
        0 B    Swap Used
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
        May 2, 2015, 09:30:08 PM    Self test - passed
        May 2, 2015, 08:52:59 PM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/soffice_2015-05-02-205259_[red acted].crash
        May 2, 2015, 09:28:53 AM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/backupd_2015-05-02-092853_[redacted].cpu_resour ce.diag [Click for details]
        May 1, 2015, 05:45:24 PM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/EvernoteHelper_2015-05-01-1745 24_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:38:54 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173854_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:38:43 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173843_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:38:32 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173832_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:38:27 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173827_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:38:10 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173810_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:38:00 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173800_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:37:49 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173749_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:37:38 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173738_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:37:27 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173727_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:37:22 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173722_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:37:06 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173706_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:36:55 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173655_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:36:44 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173644_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:36:33 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173633_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:36:22 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173622_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:36:17 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173617_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:36:01 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173601_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:35:50 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173550_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:35:39 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173539_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:35:28 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mds_2015-05-01-173528_[redacted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 05:20:29 PM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/soffice_2015-05-01-172029_[red acted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 04:55:05 PM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/soffice_2015-05-01-165505_[red acted].crash
        May 1, 2015, 02:53:58 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/sharingd_2015-05-01-145358_[redacted].crash
        Apr 20, 2015, 09:31:20 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Kernel_2015-04-20-213120_[redacted].panic [Click for details]

    When you have kernel panics, the pertinent information is in the panic report.
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    In the Console window, select
              DIAGNOSTIC AND USAGE INFORMATION ▹ System Diagnostic Reports
    (not Diagnostic and Usage Messages) from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    There is a disclosure triangle to the left of the list item. If the triangle is pointing to the right, click it so that it points down. You'll see a list of reports. A panic report has a name that begins with "Kernel" and ends in ".panic". Select the most recent one. The contents of the report will appear on the right. Use copy and paste to post the entire contents—the text, not a screenshot.
    If you don't see any reports listed, but you know there was a panic, you may have chosen Diagnostic and Usage Messages from the log list. Choose DIAGNOSTIC AND USAGE INFORMATION instead.
    In the interest of privacy, I suggest that, before posting, you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.)
    Please don’t post other kinds of diagnostic report.
    I know the report is long, maybe several hundred lines. Please post all of it anyway.

  • How to Hide Timezone in Month View in Calendar App?

    I live in two timezones and go back and forth often so I use the timezone support in Calendar app for Mavericks and on my iOS devices and it's quite useful. However, one thing about it really stinks, imho.
    I cannot find a way to hide the timezone information associated with individual events in the month view of the Calendar desktop application. This redundant and superfluous information results in the truncation of the event information, which *is* important to me.
    For example, instead of an event in month view being displayed as "check amex payment", as it was before I enabled timezone support, it now says "check a... 3AM GMT+7". Since every event has this appended timezone information displayed next to it the month view of my calendar has become much less useful than it was previously. I don't really need to know how many hours ahead of GMT an event is, I pretty much just want to know what the event is and on what day, in the month view. Now I cannot tell what any event is unless I open it in in week or day view. Very frustrating.
    If anyone knows of a way to hide that information in the month view it would be greatly appreciated to post it here.
    thanks Apple Community!

    No one else has this problem or knows of a solution? *weeps quietly*

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    Hi All, I am getting an Essbase connection error while doing Data source creation for planning application from workspace. Below is my Oracle EPM System Diagnostics report for Workspace and Essbase Foundation / Workspace PASSED     CFG: Configuration

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    I have four self made componensts that I imported them into my main mxml file and placed each on four corners. What I want to achieve is to drag each component onto others then swap their position. For example, comp A is dragged over comp B, when thi