Tip/Suggestion for Grammar Check

Hmm this will be similar to my Tip/Suggestion referring to Dashboard's Dictionary. 
I've noticed that the Spelling/Grammar Check doesn't seem to catch those most simplest errors in my Grammar.
My Tip/Suggestion....Hire an Assistant and have that life saving Assistant to Proofread everything.  There isn't anything in OSX 10.8.4 that seems to point out what I need to correct.  As a Writer, no egg on my face should exist.  There are those quirks that slip through the Checking Process. 
Oh you have noticed that to....
Yes, this is silly but so important when one is a writer and seeking a position as a Lecturer at an Up-Scale University,  (Community College of Course is nice too).  Yes, please, this humbles me again.
Now, can you find the Grammar flail that I put in this statement that the Grammar check over looked....Hint: I bet you "to" have made this simple Grammar Error.

I post mainly in the iChat Community and in Lion and Mountain Lion in threads that use the Messages (app) filter.
As this thread fits that profile I "popsted".
Having read it I commented and of course added my regular Sig pic and block.
The line is question refers to people posting Communication Error Logs from iChat and or Messages.
An example split up and with comments (but no Binary Images) You can scroll through this just to get an idea.
At this point the Binary Images tell us nothing.
It is part of the text I keep in TextExapnder that is added to the Post when I add my Sig.
One  more thing.
My name is on each my posts and can be Copied and Pasted if you are not sure on spelling.
I know I should be over this sort of irritation by now but I am not.
6:57 PM      Saturday; July 6, 2013
  iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.4)
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
 Mac OS X (10.6.8),
 Couple of iPhones and an iPad
"Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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  • Change language for Grammar Check

    Hi folks,
    How do I change the language for the grammar check? Manchmal schreibe ich auf Deutsch ou en Français and in these cases I would really appreciate the grammar checking.
    MS Word (on Windows anyway) will even detect the language being written after about three words or so and switch. Can I get this on the Mac (the behavior, not MS Word)?
    Regards / mit Freundlichen Grüßen / Cordialement,

    Hi Tom,
    thanks for your reply. I suppose I can use Word & Entourage for mail & that will give me the builtin grammar checking à là windows. I was hoping for a more indigenous solution but this will do fine.
    Of course, I could always endeavor to improve my German and French grammar, but that's another story!!!
    Kind regards,

  • Suggestion for Spell Check - add the word 'Texting' to the dictionary!  XP

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    You can click on the button "learn" in the spell check dialog box.

  • Spell + Grammar check a foreign language properly.

    The method provided in Help is useless. I tested it in French; it's a joke. Someone finally gave me the right way.
    Log out (know your password first, so you can log in and out). Then go to the Black apple in the left upper corner and choose System Peferences>International>whichever foreign language you need to write in and move that to the top of the list. Then create your new document in the usual manner and spell + grammar check in the usual manner. File your document away in your Document folder.
    Log out of there, log back into your English language environment and you're done. It's a little heavy-handed workflow-wise, but at least it works.
    If you know of and/or have been successfully using an easier method, please let me know.
    So far as I know, MS Word beats Apple by a mile in this particular respect.
    I mentioned it to the Apple team just in case they feel compelled to help. Let's hope they do. Soon.

    Logging out and back in certainly isn't necessary.
    Changing your primary language is required if you want to change the default language used when creating new documents from the built-in templates.
    While the Help instructions are somewhat misleading, they are correct for some situations.
    Remember that Pages treats language as a style property, such as underline. So the techniques
    you'd use to get underlined text generally apply to changing the language:
    1) Change the language with the text inspector and start typing. Any text you type at that point will be in the specified language. (If you click in a header or a text box, or even elsewhere in existing text and start typing, that will still have the default language.)
    2) Select a range of already typed text, and change its language.
    3) Create a new character or paragraph style with your desired language as its only property. Use that anytime you want this particular language.
    4) Change the definition of all the character and paragraph styles to have your desired language, and save as a custom template. This is most useful for people that want their interface in one language but type all of their text in another.
    As for grammar checking - I assume you're referring to Proofreading. Proofreading isn't grammar checking. It simply checks for certain basic errors, regardless of the language. It doesn't do sentence analysis. I think it works as well in French as it does in English: "C'est la la vie." => "Il semble que le mot « la » soit utilisé deux foisde suite. Supprimez le second mot."

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    olive wrote:One of the reason I want a grammar checker is to write on these forums and obviously, I won't submit every posts I make for proofreading.
    Just a suggestion: if you're open to being corrected here, you could add something to your signature along those lines. Some people do.
    I am a native French speaker and I have a commercial grammar checker for French that is able to correct about 90% of grammar mistakes and tell something stupid about 10% of the time. This is commercial and rather expensive, but it shows what is technically possible.
    Technically possible? Maybe for French, but that doesn't say much about English. (I don't speak French, so I will consider generalities that apply to both Spanish and Latin.) Since English verbs typically come in only four-ish forms (walk, walks, walked, walking) and many words can be either nouns or verbs as the situation demands ("walk/walks" being a good example, but "mistake", from your first post, is another), there is a lot of room for ambiguity that software simply can't resolve.
    Consider the sentence you used earlier, "It does not see this mistakes". An intelligent audience would probably realize "this mistakes" was meant to be a noun phrase and suggest "this mistake" (or "these mistakes"), but grammatically, "this mistakes" could be a (somewhat awkward) relative clause with "mistakes" being a verb and "this" a pronoun. Compare "I do not think it understands", in which "it understands" is the relative clause. If I read it that way, the "correction" becomes wrong.
    True, it's unlikely that a real person would use "mistake" like that, but the point is, you can't disambiguate that sentence based purely on syntax; you have to have some idea what it means. And you need a lot of that semantic knowledge in order to spot errors 90% of the time.
    My opinion of these tools is that they are very useful if you know how to use them; that is at each suggestion, think about twice and accept the correction if you know the software is right.
    My experience has been that every single time a grammar checker "corrects" me, I am right and the software is wrong.[1] That's likely not true for everyone. But with sentences like the example above, you might just be running into the limit of what's possible to check, with existing technology, without throwing perfectly good English under the bus. I doubt there is any tool that checks English grammar with more than 50% accuracy.
    [1] This is not quite fair. I have made subtle grammatical mistakes and found them because of grammar checkers. Nevertheless, the software invariably suggests "fixing" it in a way that either changes the meaning or actually makes the rest of the sentence un-grammatical.

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    Some general ADF / Webcenter coding standards -
    You can use JAudit as well as mentioned in the blog.

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    The forum is about install/uninstall .NET Framework, please post your issue to dev related forum instead of here.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Hi RonWM,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    This article lists the ports that are used by the Apple TV:
    Apple TV: TCP and UDP ports and protocols used
    Best Regards,

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    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    ;Turns off Spell Check
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing\1.0\Office]
    ;Turns off Checking for initial capital of a sentence
    ;Turns off Autocorrect
    ;Turns off checking for two initial capital letters
    ;Turns off checking for capitals on names of days
    ;Turns off checking for use of caps lock
    ;Turns off replace text as you go
    ;Turns off checking for correct keyboard layout

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    You have to tell Apple. We who respond here are only end users like you and can't change a thing.

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    Bus 1 > Drums
    Bus 2 > Percussion
    Bus 3 > Bass
    Bus 4 > Guitar
    Bus 5 > Keyboards
    Bus 6 > Orchestral
    Bus 7 > Backup Vocals
    Bus 8 > Wet
    Bus 9 > Dry
    etc, etc....while creating other Groups and assigning Buses for those...e.g.
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    Bus 21 > Horns
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    Bus 31 > Instrument Reverb
    Bus 32 > Snare Reverb
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    http://logicblog.info/logic-pro-blog/2011/12/03/tips-on-organizing-and-bouncing- aux-buses-in-logic-pro.html
    Also, any suggestions for a color convention to help organization, easy identification?
    Hope this makes sense and I appologize in advance if it doesn't. Feel free to set me straight, ask for clarification, etc.

    looks like your database is in a deadlock situation. check you logs and try finding out where the deadlock is occuring.

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    When Apple listen to its customers and have a facility for a WISH LIST.

    Why don't you check your own grammar?
    Surely you must have some idea of how English is written.
    A simple rereading of your text should pick up the obvious errors. Grammar checkers suggestions are generally either laughable or go over the heads of those who don't understand the principles.
    There are no fact checkers, there are no meaning checkers and it is rather apparent that all the spell checkers in the world aren't fixing people's bad writing.

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Maybe you are looking for