"To" field in preview pane is always empty

About a week or two ago, Apple Mail suddenly quit displaying the "To" information in the preview pane. The "To" field is there, but it's blank. E-mails are sent just fine, but not being able to sort by "To" is becoming quite a burden. It started happening after a recent power outage, but the computer stayed up due to my battery back-up.
What can I do to get this working again?

Never mind. Rebuilding the mailbox wrote everything back in.

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    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Bookmarks_history_and_toolbar_buttons_not_working_-_Firefox

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    This was never the default view (the preview pane has always been below the messages by default), so you must've had a plugin installed that allowed you to change it. As suggested in another reply, take a look at Letterbox and, if that doesn't work, WideMail.

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    pottyperson wrote:
    Smirnoff wrote:Not sure it's the ads that are causing the problem.
    Nor am I; it was a suggestion which you might like irrespective of your issue. An ad blocker would eliminate the adverts, both as the cause of the problem and as an annoyance (which is how most people regard them).
    I don't use webmail but have had a peep. Even though I have an excellent BB connection the (empty) preview pane is taking a little while to appear just now. There may be a time-out issue with the Yahoo! server, which wouldn't be helped if adverts are loading.
    Installed Simple Adblock but still hit and miss with the preview pane so assume it's the server.
    However, a BIG improvement on my BT Home Page. The adverts there completely naused up the way I wanted it to look.
    Adverts now missing and it looks much better.

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    I'm a little surprised that you've ended up with duplicates. Those messages would have been there prior to re-indexing just that now you can see them. It suggests to me that something has happened some time ago with Mail which has resulted in the same messages being retrieved from the server a second time because it had lost the record of having retrieved them initially. Perhaps there has been some sort of failure with your Mac at the time it was downloading messages. Does that seem likely ???... The originals never got added to the index and now that you've rebuilt the index it has revealed them. No big deal as you say just the hassle of having to identify and delete them.
    Message was edited by: 2point5

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    Actually this not only happens upon new mail arriving. I cannot seem to find the real trigger for it. The sympthom is always that the currently active message gets deselected and the content from the preview pane disappears.

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    Hi Ashish,
    On Agent Inbox, you must enter you account # to search, if it still does not show your records, then check if the category drop down box has your required transaction type in the list, if not then the search does not show the list.
    in this case if you want to add the transaction type to the drop down list please do the customizing changes, follow below path to do the same.
    SAP Implementation Guide->Customer Relationship Management->Interaction Center WebClient ->Agent Inbox ->Inbox Search Definitions->Define Item Categories for Searches.
    hope this helps,

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    Hi Arghadip,
    Thanks for your quick response. It is not general setting for sure. It displays in a full window with other already existing workflows in the system. It doesnt happend with the WF's that I just developed.
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    Can someone please provide give me a solution.

    I did a test on my machine, couldn't reproduce this issue.
    There doesn't seem to be any settings on Office to change that; anyway, please try repairing Office in Control Panel to try again.
    Since it may be an issue more related to Windows Client, I suggest you post this question in Windows Client forum:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • "enter" key in Mac Mail erratic (in preview pane)

    I finally moved from Snow Leopard to Yosemite.
    I noticed that the behavior of the 'enter' key (the misnamed key that should be called 'return', #1)
    when used in the message preview pane is erratic.
    Hitting 'enter' always deletes the highlight message ... that's expected.
    But what isn't expected is that sometimes the highlight moves *down* to the
    next older message, and sometimes it moves *up* to the next newer message.
    The behavior I've seen for the last four "enter"s: down, up, up, down.
    This is highly disconcerting, and I've already lost (into the trash) emails due to this ...
    because as I'm hitting "enter" to delete the current message, I've reading ahead,
    I see the message above (where I expect the highlight to go), and have decided
    "yeah, I'll delete that too" ... and I hit the enter key a second time, before realizing
    the darn highlight moved the wrong way.
    I've done a fair amount of testing ... including:
       - having the above message being read vs. not yet read
      - having the below message being read vs. not yet read
      - using arrow/mouse to move to a mesage
    There's no apparent cause/effect.  About 80% of the time, 'enter' deletes and
    then moves up ... 20% of the time it deletes and moves down.
    As you may guess, Snow Leopard's Mac Mail *always* moved up for me
      [x] sort by date (and, clicked on date so newest is at top, not bottom)
      [x] newest message on top
    (nothing else checked; I've previously clicked on "Expand all conversations",
    but rather than showing it checked, sigh, it's now grayed out (along with
    "Collapse all conversations", and "Organize by conversation" is black (not grayed
    out, and not checkmark).
          mail .app / Auto / None / [x] play / inbox only / inbox only / never /
          Downloads / After Message is Deleted / Show a list,
          three checkboxes are unchecked
         (i.e., nothing having to do with viewing
         [x] Use classic layout
          List Preview [2 lines]   (note: I suspect this should be grayed out
         when "classic layout" is selected, since (a) it has no effect, and (b)
         classic view uses a single line per message.)
         [x] load remote content
         [x] use smart addresses
         all else unchecked
       The other Prefs categories (Accounts, Junk Mail, Fonts & Colors,
       Composing, Signatures, Rules, Mail Hub) have no apparent
      controls that seem related to this.
    I do have MailHub installed, but I'm not aware of it having a potential
    to affect this behavior.
    #1. I mentioned "enter" vs. "return" to clarify that I mean the "normal" key people
    nowadays think of as "enter" ... not the "keypad enter" (the "enter" key on
    the numeric keypad / secondary keypad).  I'm just being pedantic, I guess : )
    Message was edited by: sieler
    (fixed minor typo)

    Er, make that "backspace", not "enter", to delete the highlighted message.  Sigh, sorry!
    However, I found the answer.
    Assume you've hit the up or down arrow in the message preview pane.
    Now, "backspace" will delete the highlighted message *and* move in the
    same direction as your last up or down arrow! 
    In effect, Mail says "hmm...you were moving in direction X before, so you probably
    want to move in direction X again". 
    (Had there been no up/down keypress since starting Mail, "up" is the default direction.)
    And if your last direction was indicated by pressing pageUp or pageDown?
    ...trick question ... those don't move you in the message preview pane
    Annoying, but at least I (think) I understand it.

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    This might not be your problem, but there is a bug in iM that prevents editing a Ken Burns effect photo if you have previously emptied the iM trash for your project. In that case you would need to reimport the photo before you can edit it. A good rule of thumb is never to empty the iM trash.
    If the above is not your problem, then you should try the oft recommended procedure of 1) closing iMovie and trashing the com.apple.iMovie.plist file found in user/library/preferences (on relaunch iMovie will recreate this file), and 2) repairing permissions by using the Disk Utility app.

  • Mail message list and preview pane no longer in sync?

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    I'm thinking I need to tell Mail to recreate some kind of header cache or something but I don't know where/how to do that. Any help would be appreciated.

    have you tried to rebuild the offending mailboxes? select a specific mailbox, then go to the mail menu, mailbox>rebuild
    hope this helps

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    Many thanks if someone can shed some light on this :-)

    D/L Thunderbird but not set it up as active on line program. No new mail settings etc. Most of the old copied file folders were set as "read only" which I understand is the default of backups and causes problems on non rewrite DVD. Not a problem on ex - HD. I do not understand but it seems TB sets up an "APPS DATA" file that it separate from regular data files (but both are in Documents library). One on-line suggestion was to copy old "APPS DATA" into new TB structure ( a replacement) It did not work. Then tried replacing just parts with no better luck.
    I only want to open the old files. No desire to going back to TB as working program. Use Chrome and gmail now.
    Explorer2 film management program can preview the email in the old file but TB sees it as an empty file.

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    LR 4 only prints a blank page on Epson 2880. Print preview panes remain blank. Window 7 OS. Need help desperately!

    Thank you for your kind consideration of my problem. Up until the software started to print blank pages the preview pane always showed the selected print within the selected layout. Something has changed. Lightroom will print to the JPEG file but only a blank page on the Epson 2880. I've been in contact with Epson support and an IT tech and they tell me the problem is with Lightroom. I'm at my wits end and thinking of upgrading but the glitch may carry over. Uninstalling and reinstalling and deleting the preferences file did nothing to rectify the situation.
    Thanks again!

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    In new IPAD, in email, can see subject data in preview pane but not on right side of screen, its always blank  any ideas

    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.

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