TO get BSEG Entries

I need to get fields from KOART ALTKT XBILK GVTYP from BSEG based on BKPF entries. Is there any other table that I can get these details from Because its taking a lot of time to get the entries from BSEG. Please suggest.

Please see this   Query for getting data from the   BSEG  Based  on the BKPF  internal table data  ... it was  Performed  tuned   already ..
Code to demonstrate select command
*Code to demonstrate select into internal table command
*  include structure bkpf.
  bukrs LIKE bkpf-bukrs,
  belnr LIKE bkpf-belnr,
  gjahr LIKE bkpf-gjahr,
  bldat LIKE bkpf-bldat,
  monat LIKE bkpf-monat,
  budat LIKE bkpf-budat,
  xblnr LIKE bkpf-xblnr,
  awtyp LIKE bkpf-awtyp,
  awkey LIKE bkpf-awkey,
END OF t_bkpf.
      wa_bkpf TYPE t_bkpf.
*include structure bseg.
  bukrs     LIKE bseg-bukrs,
  belnr     LIKE bseg-belnr,
  gjahr     LIKE bseg-gjahr,
  buzei     LIKE bseg-buzei,
  mwskz     LIKE bseg-mwskz,         "Tax code
  umsks     LIKE bseg-umsks,         "Special G/L transaction type
  prctr     LIKE bseg-prctr,         "Profit Centre
  hkont     LIKE bseg-hkont,         "G/L account
  xauto     LIKE bseg-xauto,
  koart     LIKE bseg-koart,
  dmbtr     LIKE bseg-dmbtr,
  mwart     LIKE bseg-mwart,
  hwbas     LIKE bseg-hwbas,
  aufnr     LIKE bseg-aufnr,
  projk     LIKE bseg-projk,
  shkzg     LIKE bseg-shkzg,
  kokrs     LIKE bseg-kokrs,
END OF t_bseg.
      wa_bseg TYPE t_bseg.
*Select FOR ALL ENTRIES command
SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr bldat monat budat xblnr awtyp awkey
  UP TO 100 ROWS
  FROM bkpf
  INTO TABLE it_bkpf.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
* The FOR ALL ENTRIES comand only retrieves data which matches
* entries within a particular internal table.
  SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr buzei mwskz umsks prctr hkont xauto koart
         dmbtr mwart hwbas aufnr projk shkzg kokrs
    FROM bseg
    INTO TABLE it_bseg
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_bkpf
    WHERE bukrs EQ it_bkpf-bukrs AND
          belnr EQ it_bkpf-belnr AND
          gjahr EQ it_bkpf-gjahr.
reward  points if it is usefull.....

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    Your question is not very clear. May be you explain what you want to achieve after getting first entry of table.
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    Message was edited by: Thomas Kjelsrud

    put like this
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    Hi Avishek,
       Let me explain the meaning of Change pointers.
    If you have entry in BDCP table for MARA, that means everytime a material is created in MARA table in one system, a corresponding Material is created in another system which is connected to the current system VIA ALE. and whenever you change that material in your source system, then the change is propagated to the target system also(If you have done the change pointer set up).
    The you do not have entries for other tables becuase the configuration for change pointers is not done for those Objects(In your case the change pointers are not defined for Purchase Orders and hence no entries in BDCP table).
    Ravi kanth Talagana

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    In the ini file for your executable create a section with the same name as the executable and put the follwing key in it:
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    I too was having this issue recently.  I decided to look into it and discovered that and all of the search results accessed through using a google search engine toolbar were currupt.  I believe I solved this problem by updating my firmware of my router. 
    Type in your IP address in your Address Bar (search using Yahoo what your default IP router address is if you haven't changed it since you got it.)  You'll then need to navigate to your router's website (ex: I search Cisco and Linksys and found mine).
    Most logins to the router are
    Name: admin
    Password: password
    You will then download a .bin file and go to your administrator page in your router's control panel and go to Firmware Upgrade.  Click the "find file" (or whatever it says) and click upgrade.  This worked for me.
    If this doesn't solve it, reset the router to it's default settings by either using it's control panel or holding the reset button on the back of it in for several seconds.  This will reset any port forwarding you may have set up as well as your Wifi password.
    Hope this helps,

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