To retrview records that contais a word or a part of the word

I am developing a web form. I wanted to give search facility to my useres.
I wanted:
1. I must be able to retrieve all these records that contains the search string provided by the user
2. It ignores minor spellings mistakes (Not the bigger 1). As in google search if we write OrEcle instead of writing correctly it is still able to give us results realted to Oracle.

investigate using the functions available in the UTL_MATCH built-in package, there's the edit distance and jaro_winkler similarity functions which are quite useful for that sort of thing.
Without any more information though we can't write your query fory you, so we'd need you to provide
your table definitions,
some sample data
what you've tried so far
why it is insufficient.
also: this thread has a faint homework smell about it
also also: be aware that the NLS_IGNORE_SPELLING_MISTEAKS session parameter is not available in current versions of oracle so you will have to be very explicit in your requirements.

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    Hi Nes,
    This is the second time you are posting a variation on this question.
    I was about to so NO YOU CAN'T...
    but then I thought...
    It is possible to print just parts of a front panel but it is a lot easier to do the things others have suggested.
    If you really want to print just a part of the FP you will have to do a lot of coding and the GUI will do some strange things in the process.
    I will outline the process and leave the code as an exercise for the reader.
    Using property nodes determine where on the FP the objects of interest are located.
    Again using property nodes, move the objects around on the FP so that they are grouped together and sized such they fit on a printed page.
    Using property nodes adjust the screen size origin etc so only
    the objects of interest are now visable.
    Using.....nodes print only the visable part of the screen.
    Using....nodes put everything back where is was when you started!
    Like I said, this is not easy.
    The simplest solution was suggested by BJD who said group the objects of interest on a tab page, use an invoke node to get the image and then display it on the FP of a sub-VI set to print on completion. That method will let you quickly add new interesting objects to the print out without having to change the sub-VI.
    Trying to help,
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • RoboHelp 8 vs. 9 - Search Functionality Comparison and "All of the Words" vs. "Any of the Words"

    Our organization focuses a lot on the accuracy of our searches, which is a necessity when we have hundreds of very lengthy topics (no matter how well organized they are).
    I finally completed a detailed comparison of the search functionality of 8 and 9 and came to the realization that 8 is a disaster, while with 9 things get better, but there's still TONS of room for improvement.  I have reported this to Adobe and so far there has been no official response. There are many blogs on here related to the search functionality, but I thought it may be a good idea to try to sum some of them up. I do hope that someone somewhere at Adobe runs into this and shares with all of us why Adobe's Search functionality is still in the 20th century!
    I hope this helps everyone else who is curious to know about how the tool's search functions work and whether it's worth upgrading from 8 to 9 at this point. I have included some examples which are in a way internal to us, but they will give you a good idea of what to expect and I'm quite confident you'll be able to recreate them on your side in seconds.
    I also wanted to ask a question or two, and if anyone can assist, that would be greatly appreciated:
    Currently if we search for several words at once (not exact phrase), both 8 and 9 perform an "Any of the words" search which always returns too many results. Does anyone know a way to change the default to an "All of the words" search? For years I have not encountered a tool out there that doesn't have the option to modify this, alas with RoboHelp 8 and 9, we can't find a way to do it (with or without modifying the source code).
    Out of curiosity, are there any other tools out there which offer Conditional Tag (or similar) functionality and which behave better than RoboHelp? (easier to maintain, less buggy, web interface, etc)?
    RoboHelp 8 vs 9 - Search Functionality Comparison Table with some Examples:
    Search Example              
    RoboHelp 8     
    RoboHelp 9        
    Expected Results
    (based on industry standards)
    1. Searching for Exact Phrase "Correspondent Banking"
    Such a search returns topics which contain "Correspondent Banking" and "Correspondent Bank". The last one is included because "Bank" is the root of "Banking". The topics that contain the exact phrase appear at the bottom. When we click on any of them, we're not automatically taken to phrase so we have to scroll and look for it or use CTR+F.
    Identical behavior except that when we click on the topics which contain the exact phrase, we're taken straight to it.
    When we hear "exact" we expect "exact" and nothing else. Unfortunately, both versions keep searching for the roots of each word as well and incorrectly display those results at the top. Adobe has made it clear that this is a part of their functionality, BUT this is something we would not expect to see for exact phrase searches that are in quotes.
    2. A Non-Exact phrase search of "Geographical Limits of market area"
    The tool automatically performs an "Any of the Words" search instead of an "All of the Words" search. This is also related to the question I asked above this table. As you can imagine, this is returning almost every topic and it becomes virtually impossible to find what we're looking for. It even returns topics which contain "of" and nothing else.
    Identical behavior
    There to be an option which allows us to choose what the default search would be - "Any of the words" vs. "All of the Words"
    3. Exact Phrase search of "low-score" with a dash
    None of the topics that were returned contain the phrase. As some of you know, RH8 has problems with special characters, including dashes.
    RH9 returned only the topic that which contains the phrase and we were taken straight to it when we open it.
    The expectation is to see exactly what RH9 currently offers. Unfortunately 8 has a big problem with these types of searches.
    4. Exact Phrase search of "2.4"
    This is similar to the one above. Adobe doesn't like periods as well. It doesn't not find any of the topics which contain this phrase. In our case, this is a section number and sometimes people want a quick way to get to a specific section or sub-section.
    We were hoping that this will be fixed with 9, just the way they fixed the dashes. Unfortunately, still ZERO results returned.
    Expectation is for the topics which contain that exact phrase to be returned, no matter whether there's any special character inbetween.
    5. Exact Phrase search of "300,000" or $300,000"
    The tool only returned several random topics which contain "000" as part of larger numbers. The topic that contains "300,000" was not on that list, even though it also contains "000".
    Identical behavior
    Expectation is for topics that contain the exact amount to be returned, no matter if there is a coma or a dollar sign anywhere within the phrase.
    6. Exact Phrase Search of "525-B5". Goal was to have a special character, a letter and numbers.
    ZERO Results returned.
    Only the docs that contain the phrase were returned and nothing else. It seems that this this was addressed in version 9 and now it behaves as expected.
    Expectation is only for the docs that contain the exact phrase to be returned.
    7. Exact phase search of "log" in order to test the Substring Functionality
    Here's an extract from Adobe's Support Site:
    “Substring search (WebHelp/Pro, FlashHelp/Pro) - If you enable this feature, a search for "log" returns topics containing the words "catalog" and "logarithm." Substring search takes longer than whole-string search.”
    So with that in mind, we decided to test if turning the substring searches on and off does exactly as advertised, unfortunately the answer was NO. We even used an example almost idnetical to what Adobe provided on their site.
    With Substring Searches disabled, we searched for the word "log". Unfortunately it returned words like "logbook" and methodology". How is that possible?
    Identical behavior
    Our expectation would be only for docs that contain"log" to be returned, no matter whether substring is enabled or disabled. In our case it was disabled.

    Hi there
    Out of curiosity, why is it that you expect to hear from Adobe? I'm hoping it's not simply because you posted here. Certainly we have Adobe folks that visit here and we are thankful for that, but it isn't to be expected.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7, 8 or 9 within the day!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    RoboHelp eBooks

  • I just tried to copy text from power point to a word document. Since then the word document is frozen an shows no reaction. Also can not restart word. Can anyone help me to unfreeze or recover the word document?

    I just tried to copy text from power point to a word document. Since then the word document is frozen an shows no reaction. Also can not restart word. Can anyone help me to unfreeze or recover the word document?

    If the PDF page content is an image (for text that'd by the image that any scanner provides) then it is an image that exports to Word.
    Regardless, Adobe Reader cannot export PDF page content, cannot create PDF and cannot manipulate PDF page content.
    Adobe Reader is a PDF viewer only.
    Perhaps you have a subscription to one of Adobe's online subscription services.
    (ExportPDF, PDF Pack, etc.)
    Each of the online subscription services have their own dedicated user-2-user forums.
    Easy find as there here in Adobe's Forums. Hmmm, just dumping somewhere means ... Ah well, won't go there. Miss Manners would not approve eh.
    Resources for getting into a dialog with Adobe:
    (other than the user-2-user forums)
    To contact support for subscription services: 
    Other links to support:
    contact Adobe Customer Care on Twitter @AdobeCare.
    Phone support (for a fee - have credit card ready)
    800-833-6687, Mon - Fri, 5AM - 7PM PT 
    Be well...

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    All iWork apps have bugs like this that make them generally unsuitable for RTL scripts like Arabic.  All you can do is try a different font and see if the results are any better.  Or try another app like OpenOffice or PowerPoint.
    Let Apple know this needs to be fixed via

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    If you used bad judgement and put a fraudulent copy of iOS 7 on your iPhone that is the message you will get. If you are a developer register it; if not, put your iPhone in DFU mode (Google it), connect it to your computer and restore it from backup.

  • Why is the last part of the Word Press install not working?

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    I have installed PHP/MySql on my machine and have set up the wordpress database as instructed. The last part of the process has me bogged down. In following step one of the process, I get a blank screen. Here's the url: http://localhost/wp-admin/install.php and the instructions to complete the process.
    With the WordPress files copied to the correct location in the htdocs folder, the web server installed, and a database created, open a browser and browse to http://localhost/wp-admin/install.php.
    A screen telling you to create a configuration file will appear. Click the Create a Configuration File button.
    Click the Let’s Go button to go to a page that allows you to enter your database information.
    Type your database name, wordpress.
    Type your MySQL user name and password (usually the user name and password are both admin, unless you changed them in the database).
    For the Database Host type localhost.
    Click Submit
    Can anyone help?
    Thank for your help,

    I'm stuck installing virtualhosts in DW and using Wordpress templates, but I may be a few steps further than you are, so I'll try to help. I'm also using Windows, so who knows?
    I'm assuming you are not using a virtual host, just a local host; therefore, I went to the section that has instructions for the steps you are on in David Powers' "Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 with PHP: Training from the Source" and right after he has you launch the browser and open "wordpress/wp-admin/install.php" in "your [site name here] site." He goes on to write:
         The URL depends on how you set up your testing environment:
    Virutal host: http://[site name here]/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php
    Localhost: http://localhost/[site name here]/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php
    NOTE: if you are using the MAMP default ports on a Mac, add :8888 after [site name here] for a virual host, or after a localhost.
    So perhaps that's what you're missing, I really don't know.
    Good luck!

  • How do I use the following code in such a way that it will display what is indicated by the word "echo"?

    if(exist chrome.exe $true) 
    echo internet is ready 
    echo get chrome!!
    I want to use the above script to cause the shell to display either "internet is ready" or "get chrome!!" depending on whether or not a user has Chrome but the shell keeps giving the following error message.
    Missing statement block after if ( condition ).
    At line:2 char:1
    What is a statement block, and how do I use it to display the text?

    This might work okay in .BAT but I don't think so much in Powershell. You are trying to do an IF ( ) statement, but you have no parameters after that.
    A pancake of how an IF statement works in Powershell:
    If (statement -like "True") { Script info if condition is true } else { script info if condition is false }
    In your case, you need to test the path of Chrome to see if it exsists. I don't have Chrome installed, but I do have IE. You just need to change the path to where the Chrome.exe is installed.
    ps - the Echo equiv in Powershell is Write-Host
    $TestBrowser = Test-Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
        if ($TestBrowser -like "True")
            Write-Host the internets is ready!
            Write-Host the internets is not ready
    Similiarly, you don't need to use $TestBrowser in your If ( ) statement, you can just use the operational param $?, which should return true or false depending on the last error message.

  • How to do this?  More words in one field - split the words

    Hello Hello,
    I have a simple question about a simple database arrangement.
    But the family name and first name are in the same field(column).
    I would like to have a database with the first name - family name(s) in different fields.
    So when for example the database has Willem De Wortel in one field
    I would like to get a database with 3 more fields First name - Family 1 - Family 2
    So the first word is the first name : Willem
    and the second field is second name : De and the third field is third name : Wortel. For Willem Van De Wortel : I get 4 columns
    So the script should see at 1 column in the database.
    And make more columns for every word in that column.
    So I think most of times I get a database with 4 extra columns
    First name - Second name - third name - fourth name
    I prefer to make extra columns starting next to the selected column
    so I get a new database tab delimited mac os roman with (most of the times) 4 extra columns where the name is separated in more columns. And the new columns are next to the original column.
    I hope some one understand me.

    Hello Colin,
    Here it goes. Try this one.
    May this work well.
    P.S. Sorry I misspelled your name in previous posts...
    --SCRIPT 2
    infile.txt (; denotes tab)
    * Here, the 1st field is for name
    outfile.txt (; denotes tab)
    name;name 1;name 2;...;name 9;name 10;field2;field3;field4
    * X denotes X's i'th substring delimited by space
    (If X is in double quotes, each X is also enclosed in double quotes)
    Given X = "Willem Van De Wortel",
    X[1] = "Wililem"
    X[2] = "Van"
    X[3] = "De"
    X[4] = "Wortel"
    X[5]..X[10] = (empty)
    on run
    open (choose file with prompt "Choose input file") as list
    --open (choose file with prompt "Choose input file(s)" with multiple selections allowed) as list -- AS1.9.2 or later
    end run
    on open aa
    repeat with a in aa
    set infile to a as string
    set {p, m, x} to {|parent|, |name stem|, |name extension|} of getPathComponents(infile)
    set outfile to p & m & "-converted" & x
    main(infile, outfile)
    end repeat
    end open
    on main(infile, outfile)
    string infile : HFS path of input file
    string outfile : HFS path of output file
    script o
    property targetfield : 1 -- # target field index
    property subfields : {¬
    "name 1", "name 2", "name 3", "name 4", "name 5", ¬
    "name 6", "name 7", "name 8", "name 9", "name 10"} -- # additional sub field's names
    property sublen : count subfields
    property text_class : string -- # input & output text class [1]
    --property text_class : «class utf8» -- UTF-8
    [1] Input and output text class (: text encoding)
    string : System's primary encoding; e.g. Mac-Roman
    «class utf8» : UTF-8
    Unicode text : UTF-16BE
    property ORS : return -- # output record separator
    --property ORS : linefeed
    property pp : {}
    property qq : {}
    property rr : {}
    property mm : {}
    -- (0) read input file
    set t to read file infile as text_class
    set pp to t's paragraphs
    -- (1) build new header row
    set h1 to my pp's item 1 -- original header row (from line 1 of infile)
    set hh1 to text2list(h1, tab)
    set hh1's item targetfield to {hh1's item targetfield} & subfields -- add new sub fields
    set h to list2text(hh1, tab) -- new header row
    set qq to {h}
    -- (2) process each data row (line 2 .. line -1)
    repeat with i from 2 to count my pp --pp's item i is data row (i - 1)
    set p to my pp's item i
    if p = "" then -- skip any empty row
    set end of qq to p
    -- get row data, name and name components
    set rr to text2list(p, tab) -- current row data
    set n to my rr's item targetfield -- full name
    set mm to text2list(n, space) -- name components delimited by space
    -- special treatment in case name is enclosed in double quotes
    if n starts with """ then -- original name is in double quotes
    set mm to text2list(list2text(my mm, """ & tab & """), tab) -- quote every component
    end if
    -- adjust name components' length to match the given field length
    set delta to sublen - (count my mm)
    repeat delta times
    set end of my mm to "" -- pad "" to end
    end repeat
    if delta < 0 then set mm to my mm's items 1 thru sublen -- truncate any extra, just in case
    -- build new row data
    set my rr's item targetfield to {n} & my mm
    set end of my qq to list2text(my rr, tab)
    end if
    end repeat
    -- (3) build output text and write it to output file
    set t1 to list2text(qq, ORS)
    writeData(t1, outfile, {_append:false, class:textclass})
    return t1
    end script
    tell o to run
    end main
    on list2text(aa, delim)
    list aa : source list
    text delim : text item delimiter in list-text coercion
    local t, astid, astid0
    set astid to a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set astid0 to astid's contents
    set astid's contents to {delim}
    set t to "" & aa
    set astid's contents to astid0
    on error errs number errn
    set astid's contents to astid0
    error "list2text(): " & errs number errn
    end try
    return t
    end list2text
    on text2list(t, delim)
    text t : source text
    text delim : text item delimiter in text-list conversion
    local tt, astid, astid0
    set astid to a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set astid0 to astid's contents
    set astid's contents to {delim}
    set tt to t's text items
    set astid's contents to astid0
    on error errs number errn
    set astid's contents to astid0
    error "text2list(): " & errs number errn
    end try
    return tt
    end text2list
    on writeData(x, fp, {append:append, class:class})
    data x: anything to be written to output file
    string fp: output file path
    boolean _append: true to append data, false to replace data
    type class _class: type class as which the data is written
    local fref
    set fref to open for access (file fp) with write permission
    if not _append then set eof fref to 0
    write x as _class to fref starting at eof
    close access fref
    on error errs number errn
    close access file fp
    on error --
    end try
    error "writeData(): " & errs number errn
    end try
    end writeData
    on getPathComponents(a)
    alias or HFS path string : a
    return record : {|parent|:p, |name|:n, |name stem|:m, |name extension|:x}, where -
    p = parent path (trailing colon inclusive)
    n = node name (trailing colon not inclusive)
    m = node name without name extension (trailing period not inclusive)
    x = name extension (leading period inclusive; i.e. n = m & x)
    local astid, astid0, fp, p, n, m, x
    set astid to a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set astid0 to astid's contents
    -- (0) preparation (strip trailing ":")
    set fp to a as Unicode text
    if fp ends with ":" and fp is not ":" then set fp to fp's text 1 thru -2
    -- (1) get node's parent path and node name
    set astid's contents to {":"}
    tell fp's text items
    if (count) ≤ 1 then
    set {p, n} to {"", fp}
    set {p, n} to {(items 1 thru -2 as Unicode text) & ":", item -1}
    end if
    end tell
    -- (2) get node name stem and extension
    set astid's contents to {"."}
    tell n's text items
    if (count) ≤ 1 then
    set {m, x} to {n, ""}
    set {m, x} to {items 1 thru -2 as Unicode text, "." & item -1 as Unicode text}
    end if
    end tell
    set astid's contents to astid0
    on error errs number errn
    set astid's contents to astid0
    error "getPathComponents(): " & errs number errn
    end try
    return {|parent|:p, |name|:n, |name stem|:m, |name extension|:x}
    end getPathComponents
    Message was edited by: Hiroto (fixed the code a bit)

  • Issue when opening word document where it doesnt show the template part of the word document

    I have a user who when she opens a document that should have a letter head template load in the background the template doesnt show, using another profile on the same machine the template does open, the view can be replicated from the working profile by
    selecting page layout/Margins/custom Margins/layout and unticking the different first page box. this setting is correct on the affected profile. I have recreated the users profile but still get the same issue, this issue is affecting all documents the user
    opens, is there a setting i am missing? I have also tried resetting word in the registry but this also has had no effect.

    Could you tell me what version of Word are you using?
    Templates (including are stored in C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates.
    It’s possible that file under your profile is corrupted. You can copy the file under the normal profile to your store path.
    If there is anything else that I can do for you regarding this issue, feel free to post back.
    Best regards,
    Greta Ge
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • How can I change the word count not to include the words in foot notes?

    Can anyone tell me how to do this?

    I don't think that is possible, it does what it does.

  • Search - doesn't find the word entered, doesn't link to the word entered

    Hi all,
    Using TCS2 on Windows 7 64-bit - linked FM file to RH. Generating WebHelp (primary layout).
    The SEARCH functionality in RH doesn't seem to work terribly well and I'm wondering if I'm just missing something.
    For example: I have chapters about creating a New Grant. In the search, i enter the words "new grant" >> in quotations, just like that.
    Search returns any topics which have the words NEW or GRANT (I have sub-string enabled; I've tried it with and without this enabled with the same result).
    In addition, in the search pannel where the name of the topics containing the words NEW or GRANT are listed, if I click on the topic name, it takes me to the start of the topic, not to the instances of the words NEW or GRANT.
    I have 2 issues:
    1- If I search for "new grant" I would expect to only see results with both words, not instances of new, grant, or both. Is this something missing? Or a setting?
    2- If I click on the topic name in the search pane, I'd like to be taken to the location within that topic where the found instance of my search words are. Again, is this something missing or a setting?
    I should note that I have heard of ZoomSearch and will read the information about it, but I'm hoping that this works within RH and without extraneous tools.

    Hi folks
    Assuming that the topic is "long-ish" and the found term is out of view when you display the topic, it should cause the topic to display where it has been scrolled so the found terms are in view.
    Thanks to John Daigle who demonstrated this in the Adobe booth while at a conference.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7 or 8 within the day - $24.95!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    RoboHelp eBooks

  • Is it possible to remove hyphens at the end of a line separating parts of a word? Thank you

    Hi there,
    I was wondering, Indesign automatically adds hyphens at the end of a line to join one part of the word with the next part (on the next line). Is there any way to get rid of this in my entire document so that indesign automatically puts the word on the next line rather than separating it with a hyphen? I've been going through it manually and correcting it but it's taking many hours.
    Let me know if it's not clear what I'm saying
    Many thanks

    LegitNZ wrote:
     I've been going through it manually and correcting it but it's taking many hours
    Ouch!  What you need to do is turn "hyphenating" off.  Select all your text and do it in the control panel like this:
    You can also turn it off before you start in the paragraph panel, or by turning it off with no documents open make it off by default.

  • Movie The Words will not sync from iTunes 11.0.1 to Apple TV gen1

    I have followed the threads on the subject and got an SD copy of The Words (which I purchased in HD).
    Originally, there were two other problems.
    1) the download was being corrupted at the end, not finishing properly (HD). Although it would play in iTunes on the mac, a check of the Info showed several fields simply missing, such as AppleID. It did sync to Apple TV gen1 but then told us 'not authorized' when trying to play it. I finally got a good copy after clearing the Downloads folder and re-downloading several times.
    2) AppleIDs from iTunes and iCloud did not match, so I was at first unable to get the show iCloud in iTunes option on the Store preferences, with no warning. I fixed that too and got an SD copy of The Words into iTunes.
    I removed the original movie file from the Apple TV. it was gone from the movie list.
    However, I now have an SD copy of the movie in my iTunes, but it WILL NOT sync to the AppleTV. When i select it for sync, and apply, Sync runs very briefly, indicating no problems, but nothing gets done. The movie does not appear in the Apple TV menu, and it is clearly not being transferred over.
    Anyone got any suggestions?

    Morning athos441,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    The black unit is the 2nd or 3rd gen Apple TV.
    The 1st gen Apple TV (silver) is the one that you can move things over to the internal HD on the Apple TV.
    For more information on this, take a look at this article:
    iTunes 11 for Mac: Play items in your iTunes library using Apple TV (2nd generation or later)
    Best of luck,

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