Tomcat duplicates file idx

I guess this is basically a Tomcat problem - and probably there's something I've missed in the set up. A Tomcat expert might well see through this one straight away - so if you can understand what's up, I'd really welcome the hint.
I'm using a servlet to upload files to my server and writing the results to an idx file. Things were going fine until I added a second WebApp which basically does exactly the same thing - only writes the files to a different set of directories - and hence in theory updates a completely different idx file. The problem is that both WebApps update both idx files - even though the directory paths are completely seperate.
If I stop and start Tomcat in between then this doesn't happen - but obviously I can't keep doing that all the time. It seems as though Tomcat has a cache where it stores my idx file and writes it out whenever it is called - regardless of who or where it is called from!
Cheers for any help on this one

Cheers for the reply,
OK, my directory structure is as follows:
webapps  +  root   +  WEB-INF   +  lib    +   servlet.jar
                      testService  +   00index.idx
                                        full   + ...... (various levels)
                                        high  + ...........(various levels)
                                        medium + ..... (various levels)
                     __d   +   (various levels)  +  00index.idx
                                                      full    + ...... (various levels)
                                                      high    + ...........(various levels)
                                                      medium + ..... (various levels)
                    __h   +   (various levels)  +  00index.idx
                                                      full    + ...... (various levels)
                                                      high    + ...........(various levels)
                                                      medium + ..... (various levels)
        i.e. WEB-INF, testService, __d, __h and index.html all live on the same level. As do the folders 'full', 'medium', 'high' and '00index.idx'.
Basically, the servlet is uploading an image into the 'full' folder and at the same time writing a cropped version of the same image into the high and medium folders. at the same time, it also updates the idx file. from the intial HTML page the user has the possibility to specify both the initial directory (testService, __d or __h etc) and also the various subdirectories.
My problem is that even if I load a file into 'testService' is that it writes to the idx file in every other directory. Yes, I agree it seems as though it's a path problem, but as my code shows I specify the absolute path
The idx entry look like this:
<ITEM name="products/InputTestFileName_002">
     <file="full"     name="full/products/InputTestFileName_002.jpg"     size="570234"       key=""       width="1280"      height="1024"      option="defaultOption">
     <media="high"     name="high/products/InputTestFileName_002.jpg"     size="1820"       key=""       width="100"      height="80"      option="defaultOption">
     <media="medium"     name="medium/products/InputTestFileName_002.jpg"     size="1820"       key=""       width="100"      height="80"      option="defaultOption">
<^ITEM>the relevant bits of my Servlet code are as follows:
public void upIndexLoad() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        File           idxFile      = new File(upServiceFullPath + "00index.idx");
            FileInputStream      idxStream      = new FileInputStream (idxFile);
            FileChannel           idxChannel      = idxStream.getChannel();
            upOut += "upIndexLoad: " + upServiceFullPath + "00index.idx" + "<BR>";
            MappedByteBuffer idxBuf =, 0, idxChannel.size());
            CharBuffer idxChar = Charset.forName("8859_1").newDecoder().decode(idxBuf);
            upIdx = idxChar.toString();
        catch (IOException e)
public void upIndexSave() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        File           idxFile      = new File(upServiceFullPath + "00index.idx");
        if (upIdx.length() > 0 )
    }where 'upServiceFullPath' is a variable of type:
(the upOut line prints this to the console - so I know that this is the variable being passed to File() method.)
You might be still be right, that it is indeed a path problem - but I can't quite see how. If you do have have any ideas though I'd be most grateful - after all this time my application now works great - all except for this one huge spanner in the works!!!

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    I really don't know exactly, but since no one else has a answer I'll give it a shot.
    I don't know much about TimeMachine at all, however I did assist someone that their TM was corrupted and they needed to salvage what they could off the drive, so I'll start with that.
    There is software called Data Rescue and it's designed to read the 1's and 0's of any data on the drive, deleted or not, regardless of the file structure, and output the results to another drive.
    TimeMachine tries to save space, so it uses what appears to be duplicate files, but contain no data as they are placemarks for files in later states that went unchanged from the previous states.
    If Data Rescue has the option of recovering files independently of the file/folder structure this would result in all your files from the recoved TM drive being on all one level on the second drive.
    From that second drive one could run software called DeCloner, which would flag the actual duplicate files of content, not just by name.
    The next stage perhaps would be to eliminate files with no data, the placeholders, using the Finder "size" as a sorting option.
    Saving all this remaining content to another drive to work on further, perhaps all the remaining image files can be seperated, sorted according to largest size, the largest ones (usually the ones you want to keep as they contain more quality)  and opened into iPhoto or Aperture for further refinement as you add a small batches of smaller image sizes in to compare with the larger versions for duplicates/unwanted sizes.

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    Hello rmunsey,
    Thank you for the question.  It sounds like you have two separate iTunes Libraries but would like to add the music from one to the other to have one consolidated library.
    If you know where the files are for each library, I recommend opening one iTunes Library in iTunes and importing the files from the other library using the following steps:
    Open iTunes
    From the File menu, choose one of the following choices:
    MacAdd to Library
    Add File to Library
    Add Folder to Library
    Navigate to and select the file or folder that you want to add
    Adding music and other content to iTunes
    Next, you can search for duplicates:
    Choose View > Show Duplicate Items to show duplicate items (matches are based on the song name and artist). If you have multiple versions of the same song (for example, live and studio versions, or versions from different albums) you can hold the Alt or Option key (for Mac OS X) or the Shift key (for Windows) and choose View > Show Exact Duplicate Items. This will show only duplicate songs having the same name, artist, and album.
    How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library
    This should help you identify the duplicates all at one time so that you can delete the extra versions of songs.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    Hello experts.  I have a conundrum I'm too inexperienced to reason out.  Hoping to tap your creativity.
    I have a huge iTunes library I've created over the years.  50,000+ songs.  No problem, other than my desire to whittle through it slowly and pare it down to only the 22,000 or so I want to keep as my primary library.  I haven't gone through the effort of creating multiple libraries yet, I simply delete songs or albums from the library as time permits without deleting the original file.  I figure iTunes' database will be my primary and in the long-game, I'll create a new library that holds everything, but for now I'll just keep whittling the dB structure away until I get what I want (this is a slow, multi-year project I'm undertaking -- no rush here).
    Here's my problem:
    Most of these songs are physically saved in the iTunes folder on an external hard drive.  Some of the songs I added to my library from the iTunes store when the external hard drive wasn't connected to the Mac - so they are on the Mac's hard drive under the standard iTunes folder structure.  I have the "Keep iTunes Media folder organized" and "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library" checkboxes checked.
    As I said, I've deleted songs from the iTunes app, but told it to "Keep Files" so that I could listen to them in the future if I decide to re-add them.  Yesterday, I ran out of space on the startup drive of my mac, so naturally, I figured I could consolidate any files on my hard drive over to my external hard drive and delte them from the mac. 
    In iTunes, I went to File -> Library -> Organize Library.  I checked both boxes for "Consolidate files" and "Reorganize files in the folder..."  I let this run overnight to consolidate my library into one place.  Today, I found that the function was unable to complete due to lack of disk space on my external hard drive.  When I went to check the external hard drive, I found that iTunes had duplicated all of the songs that were on the external hard drive in their existing folders. 
    For example, now I have a file under the structure:  iTunes library -> Music -> Blue Oyster Cult -> Heaven Forbid -> Cold Grey Light of Dawn.mp3
    And I also have a file under the structure: iTunes library -> Music -> Blue Oyster Cult -> Heaven Forbid -> Cold Grey Light of Dawn 1.mp3
    So now the immediate problem...  The consolidation didn't finish, so I don't know exactly how much duplication iTunes created.  I checked my library, and sure enough, the song in the library is pointed at the duplicate file (the one with a 1 at the end).  I don't have the option to just copy the iTunes library to another external drive temporarily (or not easily, at least).  I checked out a bunch of duplicate file cleanup programs, but the ones I found (and I even purchased Gemini's dupe file finder/cleanser) don't seem to inherently choose the correct duplicate file that is linked to iTunes library dB.  I can't realistically pick and choose from the thousands of files that have been duplicated.
    I decided to change the advanced preferences in iTunes to an entirely new folder on the External hard drive.  Then I could just go back into File -> Library -> Organize library and select only the "Reorganize files..." checkbox without selecting the "Consolidate files" checkbox.  I figured this would just move all the files that are in the iTunes dB to the new iTunes folder.  Ummm.... but no.  Apparently this "Reorganize files" checkbox is only available if you select "Consolidate files"...?   To be clear, "Reorganize files" is greyed out.
    So to summarize:
    1.  Why did iTunes create copies of existing files in the exact same location they were in?
    2.  What is the right (and I pray easy) way to get my library back to the right size and consolidated into one place?   I'm still dangerously low on disk space on the mac...
    Thanks for reading through all this! 
    Mac Mini  OSX 10.8.3; iTunes 11.0.2 (26)

    See this thread for background on why iTunes can end up with duplicates and how they can be systematically removed. The script there is for Windows users and the "show duplicates" menus have moved around in iTunes 11,  but the advice on clearing recently made duplicates should still hold.
    As given in my older post "Reorganize library" is meant as a one time command to change the structure of a pre-iTunes 9 library into the newer layout that places music in its own subfolder of the media folder. Once used, if the option becomes available again that suggests that a file called .iTunes Preferences.plist in the media folder has been deleted or editied.
    See also this post.

  • Create an iPod or iphone version - is there any way to avoid duplicate files OR automating a new name for the new file?

    I have two devices for my videos. An ipod classic and an Ipad. I would prefer to keep the highest resolution possible but also will be travelling and it will be useful to have a large archive with me.
    I have found that many of the videos I have are "incompatible" with my ipod classic and am in the process of using the "create an ipod or iphone version" but this results in a duplicate file in my itunes library that is identical in everyway (except size and this can be bigger or smaller).
    When you buy a HD video off itunes, you get both versions but only one file populates in the itunes libary.
    Is there anyway that when itunes "creates the ipod or iphone version", it can do automatically merge these two files so you only see one file in your library? And then it will automatically sync the appropriate file with the appropriate device?
    Or is there a way to have itunes "create the ipod or iphone version" and have it automatically label it with the name "XXX (ipod version"?
    I am finding it very annoying to manually change all the titles on all the files being created.
    thanks, margaret

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  • How do I find and locate duplicate files?

    What is the process to find and remove duplicate files. The tab is grayed out.   I am using version 13 and have over 1000 files and many of them are duplicates

    In unix you can use a combination of ls and diff.
    Unfortunately Apple is notorious for creating crippleware, so they have only provided this function in iPhoto and maybe iTunes.  There is no easy Finder solution, such as would make sense as part of Smart Folders!
    Stupid Apple 

  • Can't synch iPod classic to iTunes after updating iTunes. a duplicate file name was specified.

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    Try deleting the iPod Photo Cache from the nominated folder that you have set up to sync photos to the devices.
    See iTunes: Understanding the iPod Photo Cache folder for more info.

  • When I plug in my ipod it comes up with an error saying, "ipod "Skye" cannot be synced, duplicate file name specified." it wont let me put any songs on my ipod? Help!

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    Never mind.  I found out how to fix the problem
    - Go to "Computer"
    - Right click on your IPod icon
    - Click "Properties"
    - Go to the "Tools" tab
    - Under "Error -checking" cilck the "Check now..." button
    After doing all of that, ITunes now works like normal for me.

  • Error "The IPod cannot be synched. A duplicate file name was specified"

    When I drag a song from my ITunes library to my Nano, an error pops up that says "The IPod cannot be synched. A duplicate file name was specified." I've read on other boards that I should delete the IToner bundle, but there is no IToner bundle in ITunes plug ins, just a Quartz Composer Visualizer. ANy suggestions on how to keep the error message from popping up every time I add a song?

    Hemberger wrote:
    When I drag a song *from my ITunes library* to my Nano,
    Drag the song from Library to the playlist window then drag it to Devices instead of directly from the Library.

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    What do I need to do?  

    I keep getting 'check Internet connection' getting bit sick of it now ;( sorry cant help

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