Too much ink being used

We have gone through an XL ink cartridge in 4 week and they are suppose to last much longer. We do not print things very often, what problems could be happening to use all this ink so quickly. Any answers are greatly appreciated!!

Please read this post then provide some details.  What printer model? What operating system? What are you printing?
There are a few general things to reduce ink usage:
Do not turn the printer off from an external switch, such as a power strip or outlet switch.  Even if the printer is properly shut down first from its own switch an external switch will cause more ink to be used at startup.  The printer should always be connected to a live outlet.
Do not run unnecessary cleaning cycles.  Cleaning cycles use ink and are rarely needed.
Printing in Draft mode uses about half the ink of Nomal or Best modes.  For everyday printing, especially text, draft mode may give acceptable results.
Photo prints (on photo paper) use much more ink than normal plain paper printing.
Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

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    This is a common problem with USB ports. The only permanent solution is to create your own powered set of USB ports. You do that with a powered USB hub, any powered USB hub will do. You plug the hub into a wall outlet for power, and to the Mac for connectivity. All your USB devices can then be plugged into the hub without drawing any extra power from the Mac. Cameras, printers, scanners, keyboards, what ever are all plugged into the hub. You can have as many ports as you want!
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    Regarding the USB, see if zapping the PRAM helps.
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    Test Data Save
    I saved the ZIP file to preserve the folder structure.
    I think you will also need the attached text file in the same folder as BCU Sim Config
    This post is now mostly of academic interest.  I've solved, or at least worked around the problem by saving 4 data files fo "ER" and 3 for "HA."  I will write another VI to join the files later.  The newer VIs still take 3-5 mS to run (accumulate), which is marginal for the application.  I don't see how they can be made faster though.  The cycle rate could probably be lowered, and the data rate taken to 100Hz, but I'm fighting response time and some noise filtering issues too.  Higher sample / cycle rates help.
    I've got a test program that will run all weekend trying to fill up a hard drive.  If it survives then I'll call it good to install in the real program.
    HA History (no ARINC) to File ‏179 KB
    BCU_Sim_Init.txt ‏3 KB
    ERA History (no ARINC) to File ‏222 KB

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    Here's the catch: *this only happens in Photoshop.* (I'm using CS 5.1.) If I take the same image file, place it in Illustrator, and print it, it comes out just fine. So the problem lies in Photoshop's print options. Somehow, something got changed in the last couple weeks, and I have no idea what.
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    Unfortunately we don't know what is causing the issue. We have seen an increase in calls with people having issues with CS5 but we can't do anything about it as we do not make Photoshop. Everyone is able to print from other programs just like you are, so it is narrowed down to the Photoshop program...
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    Thanks in advance for your help!

    rule out the obvious that you are printing on the correct side of the paper
    that you have at least deleted the printer, ran all OS-Photoshop-Printer updates and added the printer back and rebooted
    next post screeshots of File> Print
    and File> Print> Print Settings...> Printer Settings
    dialogs (see below examples)

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. The library has a lot of overhead in it. Some of it is the thumbnail image files. There are also the library database files along with the modified files (those photos you've edited or portrait oriented photos from a camera with the auto rotate feature). This is what a typical iPhoto Library looks like inside.
    Click to view full size
    So what you're seeing is normal. It's the nature of the beast.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
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  • Too much ink

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    hi there,
    could you provide the community with a little more information to help narrow troubleshooting? Things like your printer model and your operating system help out a lot.
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

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    What are you trying to hook to your iPad?

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         I haven't had a single problem with it until recently, and it seems like the RAM memory is being all used up without me even running programs. This problem barely started rougly 2-3 weeks ago and it's becoming annoying. I do plan to upgrade the ram soon seeing as the extra RAM will help run my engineering software I'm going to be using.
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    Stop using Chrome for any number of reasons and stick to Safari. An aspect of OS X memory management is to take over as much memory as possible in order to better manage the memory, however, this does not mean you are running out of memory. You only run out of memory when you try to run too many applications concurrently given the amount of RAM you have. You will know when that happens because the computer will slow down, you will see the beachball a lot, everything you do takes forever, and the hard drive will be grinding away.
    About OS X Memory Management and Usage
    Using Activity Monitor to read System Memory & determine how much RAM is used
    OS X Mavericks- About Activity Monitor
    Understanding top output in the Terminal
    The amount of available RAM for applications is the sum of Free RAM and Inactive RAM. This will change as applications are opened and closed or change from active to inactive status. The Swap figure represents an estimate of the total amount of swap space required for VM if used, but does not necessarily indicate the actual size of the existing swap file. If you are really in need of more RAM that would be indicated by how frequently the system uses VM. If you open the Terminal and run the top command at the prompt you will find information reported on Pageins () and Pageouts (). Pageouts () is the important figure. If the value in the parentheses is 0 (zero) then OS X is not making instantaneous use of VM which means you have adequate physical RAM for the system with the applications you have loaded. If the figure in parentheses is running positive and your hard drive is constantly being used (thrashing) then you need more physical RAM.
    Adding RAM only makes it possible to run more programs concurrently.  It doesn't speed up the computer nor make games run faster.  What it can do is prevent the system from having to use disk-based VM when it runs out of RAM because you are trying to run too many applications concurrently or using applications that are extremely RAM dependent.  It will improve the performance of applications that run mostly in RAM or when loading programs.

  • After Effects Ram Preview Drops Frames , Using Strangely Too Much Ram

    System Specs :
         CPU : Core i7 4770k
         Memory : 16 GB DDRIII
         Graphic Card : GTX 770 4GB RAM
         Storage : 256 GB SSD + 2 TB HDD
         OS : Windows 7 SP1
         Using After Effects CC
    Hi there
    As you Already Don't know I'm an After effects Specialist Using it for quite long time . There is an Ancient Problem with CS6 CC versions . I have a short Small size 1080p Video , about 8 MB , I drag it into project panel and then put it into timeline hence it creates a sequence . There are no Effects and nothing added to timeline , just a small simple video . The Strange Problem is when I click "0" for ram preview , The video starts playing and the green bar above timeline starts to fill . When Ram preview Finishes and plays the video from beginning I See there are several frames Between which are not being loaded to Ram ! The video plays RGB color bar instead of main video and when I check the Green bar above Timeline I see that those frames are being dropped and there is no Green bar above them !
    I have had this problem several times before but this time it is too important and the problem should be solved . What is obvious is that some frames are not being rendered or are being deleted after render !
    Another Strange problem is that when I open Task manager , It shows AE uses around 10 GB ! of RAM when I press "0" for Ram previewing this video !
    So there is a Logical explanation here , Somehow when I do ram preview this video it uses extra ordinary too much ram so AE is unable to load the full video (8 MB) into Ram and hence deletes some of frames .
    most of my videos have not this problem and use acceptable amount of ram .I've had this issue with some of my videos till now .
    Listen carefully : "This has nothing to do with AE preferences or low memory or plugins . because there is nothing wrong with any individual components of may hardware or software . I have far more than enough RAM for a 8MB video . My Memory has no hardware or software problem . I tested them and if there was any problem with memory or other hardware that should have affected other applications . I have the most recent AE version . I have the most Recent windows updates and drivers . I have a Clean virus free system , and as a computer engineer this strange AE problem is rarely caused by viruses , trust me . I have not any hardware instead of ones a normal PC has . I have not any problem with my whole entire system configuration because I have benchmarked my PC with several up to date softwares . I have tested my PC with almost any STRESS TESTING solutions available for really long period of time , 3 days by IDA64 . Not any driver conflict , dll missing , registry problem have been discovered , as I know perfectly how to solve them ."
    I asked some of my friend whom are expert in AE . I handed them my videos and Watched ALL OF THEM HAD THE SAME ISSUE ! So the problem isn't related to my Local PC . What i believe is that there is some malfunctioning or miss coded part in AE source code that decides to reserve such a huge strange amount of ram for such a tiny 8MB video . The point is that the AE works fine , no crash or any problem report . So the AE it Self decides to allocate such huge amount of ram and thinks it is correct ! So I think this is a work around that AE developers in adobe are using to bypass a problem or conflict ! by Using more amount of RAM . I think that there might be some miss understanding between the AE and my installed codec . I installed MEGA CODEC PACK on my PC to enable some new codec supports , and so are some of Windows default de/encoders changed to new ones . I think there shouldn't be any problem But there is something wrong between AE and de/encoder modules !
    Please any one with any suggestion , I really appreciate your advices .

    Well thank you guys for your patience ...
    as you considered I forgot to mention the codec itself and other stuff ...
    The video is in 1080p , 35 sec long , it is a green screen shot , this video is directly downloaded from YouTube and plays perfectly on all tested PCs . here are detailed info :
    Format                                   : MPEG-4
    Format profile                          : Base Media
    File size                                 : 8.55 MiB
    Duration                                 : 34s 993ms
    Overall bit rate mode                : Variable
    Overall bit rate                         : 2 050 Kbps
    VideoFormat                            : AVC
    Format/Info                              : Advanced Video Codec
    Format profile                           : [email protected]
    Codec ID                                 : avc1
    Codec ID/Info                            : Advanced Video Coding
    Bit rate                                    : 1 927 Kbps
    Width                                      : 1 920 pixels
    Height                                     : 1 080 pixels
    Frame rate mode                      : Constant
    Frame rate                               : 30.000 fps
    Color space                              : YUV
    Chroma subsampling                 : 4:2:0
    Bit depth                                  : 8 bits
    Scan type                                 : Progressive
    NOTICE : This video is just for testing the lighting and etc , and so the Sampling and other specs are not considered for broadcast .
    I think you hit the point ! Thats K-lite codec pack installed on every machine which the video is tested on ! The point is whats wrong with it ?! I have had never ever any problem with this codec pack !!!
    The deadly question : So what are the alternative ways to work with codecs that AE doesn't support ?! because installing codec looks simple and sufficient !

  • Bridge memory leak/using too much ram

    I just built a new PC tower for business use and installed PS, ID, LR, and BR CC trials.  I already have all of these (CS5) on my personal laptop, all work fine.  Bridge on the new tower has been using WAY too much ram/caching too much and crashing everything.  I'd changed cache preferences, purged the cache several times, and within days it is back at it again.  PC specs: 8 core AMD processor, 16GB ram, 2x 3TB HDD 
    This is being used to show photos, edit, burn and print at events.  I cannot keep closing bridge every half hour to keep my computer running.  Right now bridge is NOT keeping 100% previews in cache, exporting cache to folders, cache size is about 25,000.  If bridge is going to crash every half hour on a machine with 16GB of ram, while CS5 ran fine on my laptop with only 4GB something is seriously wrong.  At this point I don't know if I should actually subscribe to CC or just move my CS5 to this new computer.

    I have tried to analize better what happens. In the dashboard I only have a calendar, a calculator, a clock and one postit (but there is nothing writen on it). If I use something in the dashboard, for example, the calculator, and I do some multiplications, after a couple of minutes the use of memory of the dashboard starts to increase. I closed any other program and in some minutes I have sen how it increased until I stopped the process when it was using more than 2GB! (you can see it in the picture). It's very strange! (Thank you very much for your help!)

  • USB using too much juice

    I have seen several posts regarding this topic but i feel my situation is slightly unique and warrants a fresh post.
    I dropped my laptop approx 3 months ago, damaged the left i/o but subsequently have had it repaired/replaced. The laptop is back under warranty but now i have an error message constantly warning me the USB ports are being shutdown due to demanding too much power. Strange since at the time nothing was plugged into them!
    I need my laptop 24/7 for the next two months so does anyone have any suggestions other than taking it into the shop for repair??

    I am having the same problem with my Macbook pro for the same reasons. I dropped my Macbook pro with a USB trackball in the left port. After a reboot and A Power Management info reset, that I saw on another post, it still persists. I still have my right USB port but not my left. Upon booting to the login screen, I get a message that a device on the USB hub is drawing to much power so it is disabled. Attaching a multimeter to the power points of the USB port showed that there was no resistance between the two (is that normal?). I have gone so far as to de-solder and take out the USB port thinking it was shorting out, but the problem still persists. (I have had some experiance taking apart laptops and soldering so I do not recommend this for most people.)
    I am hoping that I can replace the left control board on my Macbook pro to get it working again. The Macbook pro needs more USB ports, two was ok for day to day tasks, but every now and then you need more ports, and a hub just doesn't cut it. Now that I have only one port, I need to fix the other one because it is extremely useful.
    When you had your Macbook fixed did they mention anything about replacing just the left IO Board? Or is there anyone who knows if the Left board has the actual Hub used for that port on the card? I would hate to spend $90 bucks on a new left board just to find out that the motherboard was actually damaged.

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    This is a printer issue and it's only covered under the Epson Warranty Program, which is 1 year.  AppleCare has nothing to do with that.
    You'll probably have to replace the printer if the print heads cannot be replaced.  That's the issue when you buy an inkjet that has print heads that aren't part of the ink cartriges... when they go bad, they go bad and you're hosed.  If the issue persists after a print cartridge change, then it's definitely the heads.

  • Firefox uses too much CPU ff3.6.3 any HELP?

    Firefox uses way too much CPU. Running MAC OSX and ff 3.6.3 using "activity monitor" shows Firefox uses typically 96% of my CPU !!
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I noticed my computer was getting s- l -o w- e -r

    Hello Kr.
    This kind of issues are, unfortunately, more common and the we'd like. Thankfully, 99% of the cases are very easy to solve. However, you do need to diagnose what your exact problem is. Do this:
    #run Firefox in [ safe-mode] to disable all extensions, themes and plugins. If this fixes your issues, be them with RAM or CPU usage, then you know it's a problem with plugins, themes or extensions. Proceed to number 2. If safe-mode doesn't fix the issues, then read bellow, after this list;
    #update all extensions, themes and plugins in your Firefox. If this doesn't solve the issues, proceed to the following number;
    #disable all extensions, themes and plugins in your Firefox (not running safe-mode). Being certain that, as in safe-mode, the problems you're having have gone away, enable one plugin at a time. You should be certain that you WANT that plugin to be enabled, so keep your overall number of plugins as low as possible. When you encounter the problems, you know you've found a problematic plugin, so disable it for good. Keep enabling all plugins (except problematic ones) until you've gone through them all.
    #enable one extension at a time. Again, be certain that you WANT that extension to be enabled, so keep your overall number of extensions as low as possible. Also, try the theme you want to have installed so see if that is what's causing the problem. When you encounter the problems, you know you've found a problematic extension/theme, so disable it for good. Keep enabling all your extensions (except problematic ones) until you've gone through them all;
    #you're done! You've fixed your problems with problematic add-ons. If you want to keep using those problematic add-ons, please contant their author for support.
    Ok, if disabling all extensions and plugins through safe-mode didn't work to bring Firefox's CPU and RAM usage to good levels, then you have different issue. The most likely scenario is that you have a third party software running on your computer that is messing with Firefox. Do as follows:
    #try reinstalling Firefox. No data will be lost. You can get the latest version for free at []. If that doesn't fix the problem, proceed;
    #do a virus/malware check on your computer. If this doesn't fix it, proceed;
    #disable all software running in the background that you don't want to have running in the background (in windows, this is done by pressing WINDOWS+R in your keyboard, typing "msconfig" (without the commas) and pressing enter. Now, under the "Startup" tab, you can uncheck the software you don't want, and reboot your system for changes to take effect. If you're unsure of what software you want running, ask someone with more experience). If this doesn't fix your issues with Firefox, proceed;
    #check your firewall/antivirus/security suite for enabled functions/features that you don't want and/or may be conflicting with Firefox. You'll find that these features are most likely tied to Internet Security features, such as link scanners or URL checkers and the like. If you're not sure they are conflicting with Firefox, simply try to disable them to see whether or not that's true. As long as you don't browse the web with your antivirus completely off and your firewall completely turned off, there should be no problems. If this doesn't solve the issues, proceed to the following number;
    #check your operating system security options, mainly advanced options that are not configured by default. While it's very unlikely that this may be the cause of the problem (after all, it's the last item on the list), it's remotely possible. If this doesn't work, proceed to the following point;
    #update your modem/router software. There have been some reports that some modem/router software may cause Firefox and other browsers to loose performance and/or stability. If updating doesn't fix your issue, try other versions of the software, if possible. If you need support with this, contact your modem/router manufacturer. If this doesn't help, proceed;
    #clean up your OS registry, using appropriate software. Make sure you've followed my instructions correctly, but if this all doesn't work, [ create a new Firefox profile] (this can be temporary, of course) and see if the issues persist. Report here the results, so we can't help you further.

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