Topic consumer does not show up in destination after WLS restart

Hello JMS cracks
          <p>We have following setup: <br>
          - 1 Admin and 2 Managed WLS 8.1 SP4 on same host:<br>
          - distributed topic destination<br>
          - external jms topic subscriber client (using weblogic.jar)
          The client subscribes to the topic in the following way:
          TopicConnectionFactory fact = (TopicConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("factName");<br>
          TopicConnection tcon = fact.createTopicConnection();<br>
          tcon.setExceptionListener(exceptionListener); <br>
          TopicSession tsession = tcon.createTopicSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);<br>
          Topic topic = (Topic) ctx.lookup("logicNameOfDistributedTopic");<br>
          TopicSubscriber treceiver = tsession.createSubscriber(topic,selector,false);<br>
          Test scenario: <br>
          - start admin WLS and both managed WLS with URLs t3://host1:27100 and t3://host1:27200, respectively<br>
          - start client with URL t3://host1:27100<br>
          => client receives messages :-)<br>
          - kill client and start client again with URL t3://host1:27200<br>
          => client receives messages :-)<br>
          - kill client and start client again with URL t3://host1:27100,host1:27200<br>
          => client receives messages :-)<br>
          - kill WLS instance, e.g. t3://host1:27100<br>
          => Two possibilies: <br>
          1) the client was connected to t3://host1:27100 and it has not to reconnect; it still receives messages :-) (however, an internal tester told me, that it also may stop receiving messages :-(<br>
          2) client receives an Exception and reconnects to t3://host1:27200 (exceptionListener). It <b>may or may not receive messages</b> :-( <br>
          - start WLS instance t3://host1:27100 again<br>
          - kill client which is connected to t3://host1:27200 and start client with URL t3://host1:27100<br>
          => client connects to t3://host1:27100, but it <b>may or may not receive messages</b> :-( <br>
          - kill client which is connected to t3://host1:27100 and start client with URL t3://host1:27200<br>
          => client connects to t3://host1:27200, but it <b>may or may not receive messages</b> :-( <br>
          Going to the Weblogic console <myClusterDomain> > JMS Servers> <my JMS Server on t3://host1:27200> Active JMS Destinations one can see that the topic subscriber may or may not be added to the consumer count. If it is not added, the client does not receive any messages and vice versa.
          This is very very annoying.
          Please, can somebody tell me what can lead to this behaviour? Is something wrong with the configuration (if yes which parameter have I to adjust)? Is this just a timeing problem? Is there a workaround? Or is this normal (I hope not)?
          Thanks very much for your help.

Please find below the relevant parts of our config.xml.
          Thanks for your help, Peter
          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <Domain ConfigurationVersion="" Name="devtClusterDomain">
          <Cluster ClusterAddress=","
          MulticastAddress="" MulticastPort="27900" Name="devtCluster"/>
          <Server AcceptBacklog="50" Cluster="" DefaultProtocol="t3"
          DefaultSecureProtocol="t3s" ExpectedToRun="false"
          HttpdEnabled="true" ListenAddress=""
          ListenPort="27000" Machine="zueux32" Name="devtAdmin"
          NativeIOEnabled="true" ReliableDeliveryPolicy="RMDefaultPolicy"
          ServerVersion="" StdoutDebugEnabled="false"
          StdoutSeverityLevel="32" TransactionLogFilePrefix="./logs/"
          TunnelingClientPingSecs="45" TunnelingClientTimeoutSecs="40">
          <WebServer AuthCookieEnabled="true"
          LogFileName="./logs/access.log" LoggingEnabled="true" Name="devtAdmin"/>
          <COM Name="devtAdmin"/>
          JavaHome="/opt/bea/jkd142_05" Name="devtAdmin"
          RootDirectory="/var/bea/domains/devtClusterDomain" SecurityPolicyFile="/opt/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.policy"/>
          <SSL Enabled="false" IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="devtAdmin"/>
          <Log FileMinSize="20000" Name="devtAdmin" RotationType="bySize"/>
          <KernelDebug Name="devtAdmin"/>
          <KernelDebug Name="devtAdmin"/>
          <ServerDebug Name="devtAdmin"/>
          <ExecuteQueue Name="weblogic.kernel.Default"/>
          <JTAMigratableTarget Name="devtAdmin" UserPreferredServer="devtAdmin"/>
          <Server Cluster="devtCluster" ExpectedToRun="true"
          GracefulShutdownTimeout="30" ListenAddress=""
          ListenPort="27100" MSIFileReplicationEnabled="true"
          Machine="zueux32" Name="devtMan1" NativeIOEnabled="true" ServerVersion="">
          <SSL Enabled="false" IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="devtMan1"/>
          <ExecuteQueue Name="weblogic.kernel.Default"/>
          JavaHome="/opt/bea/jkd142_05" Name="devtMan1"
          SecurityPolicyFile="/opt/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.policy" Username="weblogic"/>
          <Server Cluster="devtCluster" ExpectedToRun="true"
          GracefulShutdownTimeout="30" ListenAddress=""
          ListenPort="27200" MSIFileReplicationEnabled="true"
          Machine="zueux32" Name="devtMan2" NativeIOEnabled="true" ServerVersion="">
          <SSL Enabled="false" IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="devtMan2"/>
          <ExecuteQueue Name="weblogic.kernel.Default"/>
          JavaHome="/opt/bea/jkd142_05" Name="devtMan2"
          SecurityPolicyFile="/opt/bea/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.policy" Username="weblogic"/>
          <MigratableTarget Cluster="devtCluster" Name="devtMan1 (migratable)"
          Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target for a server. Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="devtMan1"/>
          <MigratableTarget Cluster="devtCluster" Name="devtMan2 (migratable)"
          Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target for a server. Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="devtMan2"/>
          <UnixMachine Name="zueux32" PostBindGID="gs-weblogic"
          PostBindGIDEnabled="true" PostBindUID="weblogic" PostBindUIDEnabled="true">
          <NodeManager ListenAddress="localhost" Name="zueux32"/>
          <ApplicationManager Name="devtClusterDomain"/>
          <Application Deployed="true" LoadOrder="1000"
          Name="JWSQueueTransport" Path="/opt/bea/weblogic81/server/lib"
          StagedTargets="devtMan1,devtMan2" TwoPhase="true">
          <EJBComponent Name="QueueTransportEJB" Targets="devtCluster" URI="QueueTransportEJB.jar"/>
          <SNMPAgent Name="devtClusterDomain"/>
          <Log FileMinSize="20000" FileName="./wl-domain.log"
          Name="devtClusterDomain" RotationType="bySize"/>
          Notes="User transactions must be enabled to ensure transaction coordination for persistence and asynchronous operations"
          Targets="devtCluster" UserTransactionsEnabled="true"/>
          <JMSDistributedQueue JNDIName="jws.queue"
          Name="dist_cgJWSQueue_auto" Targets="devtCluster">
          <JMSDistributedQueueMember JMSQueue="cgJWSQueue_auto_1" Name="cgJWSQueue_auto_1_OF_cgJMSServer_auto_1"/>
          <JMSDistributedQueueMember JMSQueue="cgJWSQueue_auto_2" Name="cgJWSQueue_auto_2_OF_cgJMSServer_auto_2"/>
          <JMSFileStore Directory="rmfilestore" Name="FileStore"/>
          <JMSJDBCStore ConnectionPool="cgJMSPool-nonXA"
          Name="cgJMSStore_auto_1" PrefixName="dev_1"/>
          <JMSJDBCStore ConnectionPool="cgJMSPool-nonXA"
          Name="cgJMSStore_auto_2" PrefixName="dev_2"/>
          <JMSServer Name="cgJMSServer_auto_1" Store="cgJMSStore_auto_1" Targets="devtMan1 (migratable)">
          <JMSQueue JNDIName="jws.queue_auto_1" Name="cgJWSQueue_auto_1"
          RedeliveryLimit="2" StoreEnabled="default"/>
          <JMSServer Name="cgJMSServer_auto_2" Store="cgJMSStore_auto_2" Targets="devtMan2 (migratable)">
          <JMSQueue JNDIName="jws.queue_auto_2" Name="cgJWSQueue_auto_2"
          RedeliveryLimit="2" StoreEnabled="default"/>
          <WSReliableDeliveryPolicy DefaultRetryCount="10"
          DefaultTimeToLive="60000" Name="RMDefaultPolicy" Store="FileStore"/>
          <JMSServer Name="WSStoreForwardInternalJMSServerdevtAdmin"
          Store="FileStore" Targets="devtAdmin">
          <JMSQueue CreationTime="1137587420880"
          JNDINameReplicated="false" Name="WSInternaljms.internal.queue.WSStoreForwardQueuedevtAdmin"/>
          <JMSQueue CreationTime="1137587421219"
          JNDINameReplicated="false" Name="WSInternaljms.internal.queue.WSDupsEliminationHistoryQueuedevtAdmin"/>
          <JDBCConnectionPool ConnectionCreationRetryFrequencySeconds="30"
          InactiveConnectionTimeoutSeconds="30" InitialCapacity="3"
          MaxCapacity="10" Name="DataDispatcher Connection Pool"
          ShrinkFrequencySeconds="60" StatementCacheSize="50"
          Targets="devtMan1,devtMan2" TestConnectionsOnReserve="true"
          TestTableName="SQL SELECT * FROM V_DB_STATUS" URL="jdbc:bea:oracle://zueux33:1521"/>
          <JDBCTxDataSource EnableTwoPhaseCommit="true"
          JNDIName="jdbc/datadispatcher" Name="DataDispatcher Data Source"
          PoolName="DataDispatcher Connection Pool" Targets="devtCluster"/>
          <JMSTemplate DeliveryModeOverride="Persistent"
          ExpirationPolicy="Log" MessagesMaximum="1000"
          Name="Default JMS Template" RedeliveryDelayOverride="1000" RedeliveryLimit="20"/>
          Directory="/var/bea/domains/devtClusterDomain/filestores/devtMan1/ddreceiver" Name="Receiver File Store Man1"/>
          Directory="/var/bea/domains/devtClusterDomain/filestores/devtMan2/ddreceiver" Name="Receiver File Store Man2"/>
          Directory="/var/bea/domains/devtClusterDomain/filestores/devtMan1/ddsender" Name="Sender File Store Man1"/>
          Directory="/var/bea/domains/devtClusterDomain/filestores/devtMan2/ddsender" Name="Sender File Store Man2"/>
          <JMSServer Name="Receiver JMS-Server Man1"
          Store="Receiver File Store Man1" Targets="devtMan1 (migratable)" TemporaryTemplate="Default JMS Template">
          <JMSQueue CreationTime="1137593696886"
          JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.receiver@Receiver JMS-Server Man1"
          Name="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue@Receiver JMS-Server Man1" Template="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue"/>
          <JMSServer Name="Receiver JMS-Server Man2"
          Store="Receiver File Store Man2" Targets="devtMan2 (migratable)" TemporaryTemplate="Default JMS Template">
          <JMSQueue CreationTime="1137593696919"
          JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.receiver@Receiver JMS-Server Man2"
          Name="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue@Receiver JMS-Server Man2" Template="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue"/>
          <JMSServer Name="Sender JMS-Server Man1"
          Store="Sender File Store Man1" Targets="devtMan1 (migratable)" TemporaryTemplate="Default JMS Template">
          <JMSQueue CreationTime="1137593759170"
          JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.sender@Sender JMS-Server Man1"
          Name="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man1" Template="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue"/>
          <JMSQueue CreationTime="1137593828640"
          JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.jmsHandlerQueue@Sender JMS-Server Man1"
          Name="JMSHandler Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man1" Template="JMSHandler Distributed Queue"/>
          <JMSTopic CreationTime="1138625625006"
          JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.jmsHandlerTopic@Sender JMS-Server Man1"
          Name="JMSHandler Distributed Topic@Sender JMS-Server Man1" Template="JMSHandler Distributed Topic"/>
          <JMSServer Name="Sender JMS-Server Man2"
          Store="Sender File Store Man2" Targets="devtMan2 (migratable)" TemporaryTemplate="Default JMS Template">
          <JMSQueue CreationTime="1137593759133"
          JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.sender@Sender JMS-Server Man2"
          Name="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man2" Template="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue"/>
          <JMSQueue CreationTime="1137593828610"
          JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.jmsHandlerQueue@Sender JMS-Server Man2"
          Name="JMSHandler Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man2" Template="JMSHandler Distributed Queue"/>
          <JMSTopic CreationTime="1138625624566"
          JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.jmsHandlerTopic@Sender JMS-Server Man2"
          Name="JMSHandler Distributed Topic@Sender JMS-Server Man2" Template="JMSHandler Distributed Topic"/>
          <JMSTemplate DeliveryModeOverride="Persistent"
          Name="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue"
          RedeliveryDelayOverride="1000" RedeliveryLimit="20"/>
          <JMSDistributedQueue JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.receiver"
          Name="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue"
          Targets="devtCluster" Template="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue">
          JMSQueue="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue@Receiver JMS-Server Man1" Name="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue@Receiver JMS-Server Man1"/>
          JMSQueue="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue@Receiver JMS-Server Man2" Name="DataDispatcher Receiver Distributed Queue@Receiver JMS-Server Man2"/>
          <JMSTemplate DeliveryModeOverride="Persistent"
          Name="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue"
          RedeliveryDelayOverride="1000" RedeliveryLimit="20"/>
          <JMSDistributedQueue JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.sender"
          Name="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue"
          Targets="devtCluster" Template="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue">
          JMSQueue="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man2" Name="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man2"/>
          JMSQueue="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man1" Name="DataDispatcher Sender Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man1"/>
          <JMSTemplate ExpirationPolicy="Log"
          Name="JMSHandler Distributed Queue"
          RedeliveryDelayOverride="1000" RedeliveryLimit="20"/>
          <JMSDistributedQueue ForwardDelay="60"
          Name="JMSHandler Distributed Queue" Targets="devtCluster" Template="JMSHandler Distributed Queue">
          JMSQueue="JMSHandler Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man2" Name="JMSHandler Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man2"/>
          JMSQueue="JMSHandler Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man1" Name="JMSHandler Distributed Queue@Sender JMS-Server Man1"/>
          <JMSTemplate DeliveryModeOverride="Persistent"
          ExpirationPolicy="Log" Name="JMSHandler Distributed Topic"
          RedeliveryDelayOverride="1000" RedeliveryLimit="20" TimeToLiveOverride="-1"/>
          <JMSDistributedTopic JNDIName="jms/dataDispatcher.jmsHandlerTopic"
          Name="JMSHandler Distributed Topic" Targets="devtCluster" Template="JMSHandler Distributed Topic">
          JMSTopic="JMSHandler Distributed Topic@Sender JMS-Server Man2" Name="JMSHandler Distributed Topic@Sender JMS-Server Man2"/>
          JMSTopic="JMSHandler Distributed Topic@Sender JMS-Server Man1" Name="JMSHandler Distributed Topic@Sender JMS-Server Man1"/>
          <Application Name="xplg" Path="/var/tmp"
          StagedTargets="devtMan1,devtMan2,devtAdmin" StagingMode="stage" TwoPhase="true">
          <WebAppComponent Name="xplg" Targets="devtCluster" URI="xplg"/>
          <JDBCConnectionPool DriverName=""
          Name="methodenPool" PasswordEncrypted="{3DES}NIZOVDL+tBI="
          Targets="devtCluster" TestTableName="SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" URL="jdbc:bea:oracle://zueux33:1521"/>
          <JDBCTxDataSource JNDIName="jdbc/methoden" Name="methodenDataSource"
          PoolName="methodenPool" Targets="devtCluster"/>
          <Application Name="ws_dwh_methodenSession"
          StagedTargets="devtMan1,devtAdmin,devtMan2" StagingMode="stage" TwoPhase="true">
          <WebServiceComponent Name="dwh_methodenSession"
          Targets="devtCluster" URI="dwh_methodenSession.war"/>
          <EJBComponent Name="MethodenWebServiceEJB.jar"
          Targets="devtCluster" URI="MethodenWebServiceEJB.jar"/>
          <Server Cluster="c1" ExpectedToRun="true" ListenPort="1111"
          Machine="zueux32" Name="m1" ServerVersion="">
          <ServerDebug Name="m1"/>
          <SSL IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="m1"/>
          <KernelDebug Name="m1"/>
          <Log Name="m1"/>
          <ServerStart Name="m1"
          PasswordEncrypted="{3DES}wgEfvC0PoLDAO9eJ0RGXBg==" Username="weblogic"/>
          <WebServer Name="m1"/>
          <COM Name="m1"/>
          <IIOP Name="m1"/>
          <JTAMigratableTarget Name="m1" UserPreferredServer="m1"/>
          <JTARecoveryService Name="m1"/>
          <Server Cluster="c1" ExpectedToRun="true" ListenPort="2222"
          Machine="zueux32" Name="m2" ServerVersion="">
          <ServerDebug Name="m2"/>
          <SSL IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="m2"/>
          <KernelDebug Name="m2"/>
          <Log Name="m2"/>
          <ServerStart Name="m2"
          PasswordEncrypted="{3DES}wgEfvC0PoLDAO9eJ0RGXBg==" Username="weblogic"/>
          <WebServer Name="m2"/>
          <COM Name="m2"/>
          <IIOP Name="m2"/>
          <JTAMigratableTarget Name="m2" UserPreferredServer="m2"/>
          <JTARecoveryService Name="m2"/>
          <Cluster Name="c1"/>
          <MigratableTarget Cluster="c1" Name="m1 (migratable)"
          Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target for a server. Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="m1"/>
          <MigratableTarget Cluster="c1" Name="m2 (migratable)"
          Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target for a server. Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="m2"/>
          <JMSServer Name="j1" Targets="m1 (migratable)">
          <JMSTopic CreationTime="1165485063006" JNDIName="t1" Name="t1"/>
          <JMSServer Name="j2" Targets="m2 (migratable)">
          <JMSTopic CreationTime="1165485075834" JNDIName="t2" Name="t2"/>
          <JMSTemplate Name="d1"/>
          <JMSDistributedTopic JNDIName="d1" Name="d1" Targets="c1" Template="d1">
          <JMSDistributedTopicMember JMSTopic="t1" Name="dt1"/>
          <JMSDistributedTopicMember JMSTopic="t2" Name="dt2"/>
          <JMSConnectionFactory JNDIName="f1" Name="f1" Targets="c1"/>
          <Application Name="DataDispatcher"
          StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
          <EJBComponent Name="DataDispatcherBeans.jar"
          Targets="devtCluster" URI="DataDispatcherBeans.jar"/>
          <WebAppComponent Name="DataDispatcherAdminWeb"
          Targets="devtCluster" URI="DataDispatcherAdminWeb"/>
          <WebAppComponent Name="ReceiverServlet" Targets="devtCluster" URI="ReceiverServlet"/>
          <WebAppComponent Name="SenderServlet" Targets="devtCluster" URI="SenderServlet"/>
          <WebAppComponent Name="datadispatcherui" Targets="devtCluster" URI="datadispatcherui"/>
          Edited by peter05 at 12/18/2006 11:59 PM

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    I created a password for one of the logins on one of our notebooks and I had the option to choose Never under "If you've been away, when should Windows require you to sign in again?"

  • HT204291 Airplay icon does not show up in itunes after upgrade to

    I upgraded my itunes to and my airplay icon no longer shows up in itunes on my windows PC. it works from all of my other airplay devices ipad, iphone, and ipod.  I can't output to my apple tv from my PC. I have restarted my apple TV, my PC and itunes several times. 

    I'd try updating to version
    If you're already at version (or the update didn't help with the recognition trouble), try the procedure in Cerbu's post:
    Re: sync problem
    ... or try section 5 from the following document:
    TS1538: iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows.

  • Image does not show in lock screen after updating to ios7

    when i first downloaded ios7 the lockscreen was showing the selected wallpaper.  Now it is missing.  Any one else having this issue?  Any ideas?  I have rebooted and that did not work.

    Try a reset ...
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.

  • Old ipod does not show up in Itunes after new ipod was connected

    I have an ipod nano 2g and it was working alright with itunes, however bought a new ipod 4g for a mate and updated the ipod from my itunes now my ipod is not being recognised by itunes, its still reading it as my friends ipod and i cannot update
    amd athlon xp   Windows XP  

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Did you use the same name for both iPods?

  • About Finder does not show 10.4.8 after installing

    After running the 10.4.8 installer, I pulled down to the "About Finder" selection and it still says it is at 10.4.6
    Ran repair permissions before & after.
    I believe I am at 10.4.8 but do not know how to verify.

    Did you check your boot volume for any directory errors with Disk First Aid repair via Disk Utility when booted from your Tiger install disc before installing the update?
    Did you download the 10.4.8 Intel Combo Update or use Software Update?
    I suggest running DFA repair on your boot volume. If any problems are reported and successfully repaired, run repair again until no problems are reported.
    Then re-install the 10.4.8 Intel Combo Update and be sure to disconnect all external peripheral devices except for a keyboard and mouse during the installation.

  • Safari does not show Pics in Facebook after upgrade

    Ever since I upgraded my Safari, I am unable to see pics in facebook.
    I can see them in the news feed, but when I click on one to see in it's window, I see only a black space.
    I see the  <> arrows, but no picture.
    Thoughts comments, resolutions?

    Hi John ...
    Might be a cookies, cache, or extensions, issue.
    From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Privacy tab.
    Click:   Remove All Website Data
    Then delete the cache.
    Open a Finder window. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy paste the following
    Click Go then move the Cache.db file to the Trash.
    Quit and relaunch Safari to test.
    If that doesn't help, troubleshoot Safari extensions.
    From the Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Extensions tab. Turn that OFF, quit and relaunch Safari to test.
    If that helped, turn one extension on then quit and relaunch Safari to test until you find the incompatible extension then click uninstall.

  • EMC Does Not Show All Databases Copies Information on DAG - Exchange 2010 SP2

    Hi guys,
    Really need your help here, suddenly my customer complain that they cant see any information on database copies on their Active Copy DAG Exchange server, for another DAG members, the database copies information is visible. After do some readings, I found
    this related to Exchange 2010 SP1 known issue.
    But, for my environment, there is Exchange 2010 SP2. I have no idea on this issue since there is no error log thrown out from the event viewer. I already try to restart the server itself and the Microsoft Information services but no luck.

    Based on the description, your customers could see passive database copy information, but they couldn’t view the detail information such as state: Healthy in EMC.
    When did this issue begin?
    Please restart the AD topology service to check result.
    Since we have the information correctly on Exchange shell, please try to clear EMC cache and then open console to check if you can see database copy in EMC.
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

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