Tracing Directory Tree Structure !

I am trying to make a program which read all directories and each one's respective subdirectories, along with files in a disk. Can I use concept of recursion, to trace a directory and it's subdirectory till a subdirectory with no child directory is encountered. Could you please help me to implement this problem in code.

sure you have to use a recursive algorithm! Try the following:
public void initTree(){
DefaultTreeModel model=new DefaultTreeModel(getNodeForFolder(File.listRoots()[0])); //the starting point, you may choose sth. else
JTree tree=new JTree(model);
//recursive method
private TreeNode getNodeForFolder(File folder){
DefaultMutableTreeNode node=new DefaultMutableTreeNode(folder);
File[] children=folder.listFiles();
for(int i=0;i<children.length;i++){
else node.addChild(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(children[i]));
best regards, Michael

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  • Directory(tree) structure

    I wish arch linux directory something like this
    not important point of my story wrote:/boot
    NO /usr or /usr/local
    ANY customed /bin  $PATH set to their /home/<usr_account>/<prefixed name>/bin
    ALL default binaries in /bin, ALL shared or static libraries in /lib
    Just wish.
    PS: this post was written after "cd /opt && rm -rf *", Because i am using garnome

    phrakture wrote:
    Chapter 4. The /usr Hierarchy
    /usr is the second major section of the filesystem. /usr is shareable,
    read-only data. That means that /usr should be shareable between various
    FHS-compliant hosts and must not be written to. Any information that is
    host-specific or varies with time is stored elsewhere.
    Large software packages must not use a direct subdirectory under the /usr
    /usr is to contain non host-specific data/applications.  This is very important.  Let's go back to your "bloated" retort.  Can you explain how it is "bloated" that, under the FHS, I am able to create an NFS share and mount it as /usr on a hundred different (quasi-compatible) machines?  How is that "bloated"?  Would not "bloated" be defined by being forced to install the exact same directory on every machine?
    to me, /usr isn't so important, nfs mount root fs itself is possible, it shouldn't be /usr! it can be /home/<user_account>/<XXX> Does it look better?
    non host-specific data/applications: What does this mean?
    then we shouldn't install any host-specific applications into /usr??
    PS: now i guess what "host-specific" means, it means glibc, init-script, kernel etc, just like below
    [url=]Linux From Scratch
    Version 6.1.1
    [/url] wrote:
          5. Constructing a Temporary System
              o Introduction
              o Toolchain Technical Notes
              o Binutils- - Pass 1
              o GCC-3.4.3 - Pass 1
              o Linux-Libc-Headers-
              o Glibc-2.3.4
              o Adjusting the Toolchain
              o Tcl-8.4.9
              o Expect-5.43.0
              o DejaGNU-1.4.4
              o GCC-3.4.3 - Pass 2
              o Binutils- - Pass 2
              o Gawk-3.1.4
              o Coreutils-5.2.1
              o Bzip2-1.0.3
              o Gzip-1.3.5
              o Diffutils-2.8.1
              o Findutils-4.2.23
              o Make-3.80
              o Grep-2.5.1a
              o Sed-4.1.4
              o Gettext-0.14.3
              o Ncurses-5.4
              o Patch-2.5.4
              o Tar-1.15.1
              o Texinfo-4.8
              o Bash-3.0
              o M4-1.4.3
              o Bison-2.0
              o Flex-2.5.31
              o Util-linux-2.12q
              o Perl-5.8.7
              o Stripping
    III. Building the LFS System
          6. Installing Basic System Software
              o Introduction
              o Mounting Virtual Kernel File Systems
              o Entering the Chroot Environment
              o Changing Ownership
              o Creating Directories
              o Creating Essential Symlinks
              o Creating the passwd, group, and log Files
              o Populating /dev
              o Linux-Libc-Headers-
              o Man-pages-2.01
              o Glibc-2.3.4
              o Re-adjusting the Toolchain
              o Binutils-
              o GCC-3.4.3
              o Coreutils-5.2.1
              o Zlib-1.2.3
              o Mktemp-1.5
              o Iana-Etc-1.04
              o Findutils-4.2.23
              o Gawk-3.1.4
              o Ncurses-5.4
              o Readline-5.0
              o Vim-6.3
              o M4-1.4.3
              o Bison-2.0
              o Less-382
              o Groff-1.19.1
              o Sed-4.1.4
              o Flex-2.5.31
              o Gettext-0.14.3
              o Inetutils-1.4.2
              o IPRoute2-2.6.11-050330
              o Perl-5.8.7
              o Texinfo-4.8
              o Autoconf-2.59
              o Automake-1.9.5
              o Bash-3.0
              o File-4.13
              o Libtool-1.5.14
              o Bzip2-1.0.3
              o Diffutils-2.8.1
              o Kbd-1.12
              o E2fsprogs-1.37
              o Grep-2.5.1a
              o GRUB-0.96
              o Gzip-1.3.5
              o Hotplug-2004_09_23
              o Man-1.5p
              o Make-3.80
              o Module-Init-Tools-3.1
              o Patch-2.5.4
              o Procps-3.2.5
              o Psmisc-21.6
              o Shadow-4.0.9
              o Sysklogd-1.4.1
              o Sysvinit-2.86
              o Tar-1.15.1
              o Udev-056
              o Util-linux-2.12q

  • Msg server implementation with change in directory tree strcucture

    Hello all,
    Our organization is using directory server 5.1 and messaging server5.2.Our company is going for a change of directory tree structure.Can anybody please tell me whether for this change of directory tree structure we will have to again go for a reinstall of our messaging servers.Is there a way by which present messaging servers can be made to operate with new directory server with revamped directory tree structure.We are not going to upgrade to a new version of either directory or messaging server.

    The "schema 1" that 6.0 supports is the two tree system.
    Schema 2 is single tree. You may be able to go that direction, BUT this road is not well documented. There's really no "schema guide" the way there is for 5.2 and "schema 1".
    You can certainly download and install 6.1, and provisioin some test users, and see what it does.
    The mailstore has had only minor changes gooing from 5.1 to 5.2 to 6.0 to 6.1, and the server should automatically and invisibly upgrade as you go.
    the queue is incompatible, so you will need to clear the queue before you upgrade.

  • Changing tree structure in dir 5.1

    Hello all,
    Our organization is using directory server 5.1 and messaging server5.2.Our company is going for a change of directory tree structure.Can anybody please tell me whether for this change of directory tree structure we will have to again go for a reinstall of our messaging servers.Is there a way by which present messaging servers can be made to operate with new directory server with revamped directory tree structure.We are not going to upgrade to a new version of either directory or messaging server.

    Stay with Pages 09 if it is working. Pages 5 has a lot of problem from what i read in this forum and also is lacking about 100 features that Pages 09 has. That does say a lot about Pages 5!

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    CN {person}
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    Please help

    tigerkumar wrote:
    I am using swing on that JPanel
    i got the drives of system in my combo box
    can u tell me how to show selected drive`s folders in a tree structure
    using JTree
    how i can show the the directories(folder`s) of a drive into the JTree box
    directory to be selected from ComboBox showing driveswhat is wrong with you?
    why keep on multi-posting, I give you a solution and you ignore it.
    no one will help you if you keep on doing that.

  • Read directory structure into tree structure

    Hi ya,
    I want to be able to write a command line program that either takes a root node(directory root) or just takes the directory root from where the program is run reads in the directory tree into a tree structure. Then I want to analyse the tree.
    I would like to know what are the best ways to do this and what are the most useful classes.
    Thanks a lot for the help,

    Here is a quickie du(1) (disk usage) clone that should give some hints. The Getopt class is something I wrote so you won't be able to compile this as such.
    public class Du
        public static void main(String args[])
            boolean sum_mode = false;
            Getopt getopt = new Getopt(args, "sk");
            while ( {
                switch (getopt.option()) {
                  case 's':
                      sum_mode = true;
                  case 'k':
                      System.err.println("du: unknown option \"-" + getopt.optionName() + "\"");
            if (getopt.parameterCount() == 0) {
                du(new File("."), ".", sum_mode, true);
            } else {
                for (int n = 0; n < getopt.parameterCount(); n++) {
                    String name = getopt.parameter(n);
                    du(new File(name), name, sum_mode, true);
        private static long du(File file, String path, boolean sum_mode, boolean topmost_file)
            long bytes = 0;
            if (file.isDirectory()) {
                File files[] = file.listFiles();
                String sub_path = path + "/" + file.getName();
                for (File f : files)
                    bytes += du(f, sub_path, sum_mode, false);
                if (!sum_mode || topmost_file)
                    System.out.println((bytes / 1024) + "\t" + path + "/" + file.getName());
            } else {
                bytes = file.length();
                if (topmost_file)
                    System.out.println((bytes / 1024) + "\t" + path + "/" + file.getName());
            return bytes;

  • Tree structure of system directory

    I am using swing on that JPanel
    i got the drives of system in my combo box
    can u tell me how to show selected drive`s folders in a tree structure
    using JTree
    how i can show the the directories(folder`s) of a drive into the JTree box
    directory to be selected from ComboBox showing drives

    tigerkumar wrote:
    sorry for that
    i will take care of that
    Please help me in this problemI have given you an answer in the swing forum and you keep on
    multi-posting and ignoring the people who help you.
    read the solution here.
    I think this is the 4th time you keep on posting the same problem.
    next time there would be no help.

  • Listing File Hierarchy in console using a Tree structure

    first off i'm a college student. i'm not that good at java... we got this CA in class and try as i might i just can't get my head around it
    i was wondering if someone who know a bit more about java then i do would point me in the right direction, were i'm going wrong in my code
    i have to list out sub-files and sub-directorys of a folder (i.e. C:/test) to console using tree structure
    like this
    dir1 //subfolder of startingdir
    dir11 //subfolder of dir1
    dir111 //subfolder of dir11
    dir12 //subfolder of dir1
    file1A // document on dir1
    dir2 //subfolder of startingdir
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.ListIterator;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    import java.util.Deque;
    public class Tree<E> {
        // Each Tree object is an unordered tree whose
        // elements are arbitrary objects of type E.
        // This tree is represented by a reference to its root node (root), which
        // is null if the tree is empty. Each tree node contains a link to its
        // parent and a LinkedList of child nodes
        private Node root;
        //////////// Constructor ////////////
        public Tree () {
        // Construct a tree, initially empty.
            root = null;
        //////////// Accessors ////////////
        public boolean isEmpty () {
        // Return true is and only if this tree is empty.
             return (root == null);
        public Node root () {
        // Return the root node of this tree, or null if this tree is empty.
            return root;
        public Node parent (Node node) {
        // Return the parent of node in this tree, or null if node is the root node.
            return node.parent;
        public void makeRoot (E elem) {
        // Make this tree consist of just a root node containing element elem.
            root = new Node(elem);
        public Node addChild (Node node, E elem) {
        // Add a new node containing element elem as a child of node in this
        // tree. The new node has no children of its own. Return the node
        // just added.
            Node newChild = new Node(elem);
            newChild.parent = node;
            return newChild;
        public E element (Node node) {
             return node.getElement();
        //////////// Iterators ////////////
        public Iterator childrenIterator (Node node) {
            return node.children.iterator();
        public Iterator nodesPreOrder () {
        // Return an iterator that visits all nodes of this tree, with a pre-order
        // traversal.
            return new Tree.PreOrderIterator();
        //////////// Inner classes ////////////
        public class Node {
            // Each Tree.Node object is a  node of an
            // unordered tree, and contains a single element.
            // This tree node consists of an element (element),
            // a link to its parent
            // and a LinkedList of its children
            private E element;
            private Node parent;
            private LinkedList<Node> children;
            private Node (E elem) {
                // Construct a tree node, containing element elem, that has no
                // children and no parent.
                this.element = elem;
                this.parent = null;
                children = new LinkedList<Node>();
            public E getElement () {
            // Return the element contained in this node.
                return this.element;
            public String toString () {
            // Convert this tree node and all its children to a string.
                String children = "";
                // write code here to add all children
                return element.toString() + children;
            public void setElement (E elem) {
            // Change the element contained in this node to be elem.
                this.element = elem;
        public class PreOrderIterator implements Iterator {
            private Deque<Node> track; //Java recommends using Deque rather
            // than Stack. This is used to store sequence of nomempty subtrees still
            //to be visited
            private PreOrderIterator () {
                track = new LinkedList();
                if (root != null)
            public boolean hasNext () {
                return (! track.isEmpty());
            public E next () {
                Node place = track.removeFirst();
                //stack the children in reverse order
                if (!place.children.isEmpty()) {
                    int size = place.children.size(); //number of children
                    ListIterator<Node> lIter =
                            place.children.listIterator(size); //start iterator at last child
                    while (lIter.hasPrevious()) {
                        Node element = lIter.previous();
                return place.element;
            public void remove () {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    import java.util.Iterator;
    public class FileHierarchy {
        // Each FileHierarchy object describes a hierarchical collection of
        // documents and folders, in which a folder may contain any number of
        // documents and other folders. Within a given folder, all documents and
        // folders have different names.
        // This file hierarchy is represented by a tree, fileTree, whose elements
        // are Descriptor objects.
        private Tree fileTree;
        //////////// Constructor ////////////
        public FileHierarchy (String startingDir, int level) {
            // Construct a file hierarchy with level levels, starting at
            // startingDir
            // Can initially ignore level and construct as many levels as exist
            fileTree = new Tree();
            Descriptor descr = new Descriptor(startingDir, true);
            int currentLevel = 0;
            int maxLevel = level;
            addSubDirs(fileTree.root(), currentLevel, maxLevel);
        //////////// File hierarchy operations ////////////
        private void addSubDirs(Tree.Node currentNode, int currentLevel,
                int maxLevel) {
        // get name of directory in currentNode
        // then find its subdirectories (can add files later)
        // for each subdirectory:
        //    add it to children of currentNode - call addChild method of Tree
        //    call this method recursively on each child node representing a subdir
        // can initially ignore currentLevel and maxLevel   
            Descriptor descr = (Descriptor) currentNode.getElement();
            File f = new File(;
            File[] list = f.listFiles();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
                if (list.isDirectory()) {
    File[] listx = null;
    fileTree.addChild(currentNode, i);
    if (list[i].list().length != 0) {
    listx = list[1].listFiles();
    } else if (list[i].isFile()) {
    fileTree.addChild(currentNode, i);
    // The following code is sample code to illustrate how File class is
    // used to get a list of subdirectories from a starting directory
    // list now contains subdirs and files
    // contained in dir
    ////////// Inner class for document/folder descriptors. //////////
    private static class Descriptor {
    // Each Descriptor object describes a document or folder.
    private String name;
    private boolean isFolder;
    private Descriptor (String name, boolean isFolder) { = name;
    this.isFolder = isFolder;
    FileHierarchyTest.javapublic class FileHierarchyTest {
    private static Tree fileTree;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    FileHierarchy test = new FileHierarchy ("//test", 1);

    Do you have [red hair|]? ;-)
    My advise with the tree structure is pretty short and sweet... make each node remember
    1. it's parent
    2. it's children
    That's how the file system (inode) actually works.
    The exact reasoning for designating these as "i" nodes is unsure. When asked, Unix pioneer Dennis Ritchie replied:[citation needed]
    In truth, I don't know either. It was just a term that we started to use. "Index" is my best guess, because of the
    slightly unusual file system structure that stored the access information of files as a flat array on the disk, with all
    the hierarchical directory information living aside from this. Thus the i-number is an index in this array, the
    i-node is the selected element of the array. (The "i-" notation was used in the 1st edition manual; its hyphen
    became gradually dropped).</quote>

  • Dynamic page based on directory content/structure

    I'm trying to build a web page based the content of a directory. I'm going to try and explain this as briefly as possible, yet still make sense.
    There are many more file than this, but an example of the directory of the index.html's looks like this:
    e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Courses\Dev\Environmental Management Systems\Content\Install\Templates\en\index.html
    e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Courses\Dev\Environmental Management Systems\Content\player\index.html
    e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Courses\Dev\Environmental Management Systems\Content\scp\index.html
    e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Courses\Dev\Environmental Management Systems\index.html
    With this structure, the root path is: e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Courses.
    Dev would become a main section.
    Environmental Management Systems would become a Course title, because it has an index.html.
    I want to ignore the rest of the index.html's underneath.
    A caveat to this, is I need it to possibly go one level deeper.
    e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Courses\Dev2\Manufacturing\Environmental Management Systems\Content\Install\Templates\en\index.html
    e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Courses\Dev2\Manufacturing\Environmental Management Systems\Content\player\index.html
    e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Courses\Dev2\Manufacturing\Environmental Management Systems\Content\scp\index.html
    e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Courses\Dev2\Manufacturing\Environmental Management Systems\index.html
    Here, Dev2 becomes main section
    Manufacturing becomes sub section
    Environmental Management Systems would become a Course title, because it has an index.html.
    Of course there are a lot more files, which is part of the problem I'm having. Right now it takes about 8 seconds to read all the files, which is too long for building a page. Once I get all the main, subs, and Courses determined, I would then build the page, using some kind of menu.
    Below is the code I have that searches all files under a parent folder, I'm just not sure how to make it stop once it finds the correct index.html. I started to put in a recursive stop, but haven't quite figured out how to implement that either.
    Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm open to any and all suggestions. Btw, the intention here, is that the person that manages these courses can just ftp a new course directory to the server, and it's then available.
    <%@ page import="java.util.*,*,java.text.*,,*" %>
    <HEAD><TITLE>Skillsoft Courses</TITLE></HEAD>
    <BODY BGCOLOR="white">
    <H1><B><img src="logo.gif" width="120" height="49"><FONT COLOR=#004685>Courses</FONT></B></H1>
         public ArrayList listFiles(ArrayList files, String currentFile, int recurse)
                   File fd = new File(currentFile);
                   if ( fd.exists() && fd.isFile())
                        //grab filename - not quite working right as it still prints out the ones that should be excluded
                        if ((currentFile.endsWith("index.html")) && (!(currentFile.endsWith("Content\\scp\\index.html")) || !(currentFile.endsWith("Content\\player\\index.html"))))
                   else if ( fd.exists() && fd.isDirectory())
                        File [] fileList = fd.listFiles();
                        // Loop through File array and display.
                        for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++)
                             listFiles(files, fileList.getPath(), recurse);
                        } // for loop
              return files;
         ArrayList files = new ArrayList();
         String rootPath = "e:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\Courses\\";           
         //get file list of root path
         File dir = new File(rootPath);
         File[] children = dir.listFiles();
         //stick into array
         for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
              int recurse = 0;
              String tmp = children[i].getPath();
              listFiles(files, tmp, recurse);
         for (int j = 0; j < files.size(); j++)

    Architecturally, I would not put this code in a JSP, put it in a Plain Old Java Object that gets called by a Servlet, builds the tree, then passes the tree to the JSP for display. It will make things easier in the long run.
    I would also look into caching the results. When you traverse the directory structure, hold the results in memory. Use a timestamp that records the last time the \Courses\ directory was traversed, and compare it to the \Courses\ last modified time. If \Courses\ was modified after the timestanp then re-load the content. This would reduce that 8 second load time to only occur when changes were made.
    Similarly, you could further reduce loading time by
    1) Compare a section with those sections already loaded. If it doesn't exist, then traverse it and add the directory structure
    2) If the section does exist, use a timestamp and modified time to see if it the section has changed. If it has changed, traverse it and update the directory structure
    3) If the section does exist and hasn't been modified, leave it alone.
    You would then want to make classes to represent the entire tree of files - which would contain a timestamp and a list of sections (main sections). Each section would have a timestamp, a list of sub-sections, and a list of courses. A course would have a timestamp and a list of files for the course. And as was mentioned this tree structure would be held in memory and returned as needed.
    For viewing files that are too deep in the structure, that will take more looking into than I have time for now. Sorry.

  • Creating a directory tree

    I am a newbe in java/jsp and i want to create a session java bean which can contain the structure of a directory tree. Like the one of windows explorer. I am having a java been containig the cuurent state of the tree. Should thid bean be a vector of vectors of vectors or is there a better way to store the trees current structure. And if i make it like vector of vectors will i be able to iterate the multidimansional vectors with jsp tags??
    Any ideas on how to make the file tree?
    Thnx for any tip!

    You can use the JSP Tree Tag I have developed. This helps you both structuring the tree model itself + it takes care of displaying the tree in a nice way. You can change all HTML code used to display the tree. Also you can build trees dynamically instead of just displaying static trees. Take a look at it here:
    Kind Regards,
    Jakob Jenkov

  • Directory Tree Portlet

    We are looking for a portlet that will allow content providers to create new folders via a simple Windows Explorer (directory tree) style interface. We need the interface to be properly linked to the database so that it reflects the current structure and so that folders can also be deleted via the same interface. It should have all the basic expanding and collapsing features and I would like it to show the content of the folders like Explorer does. Can anyone give me guidance on whether such a portlet already exists or how difficult it would be to develop if it does not exist? (Or maybe I'm headed down the wrong path here and should use a completely different solution...)
    All help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    This sounds more like an iFS requirement. It does all that (and more!), but not as a portlet (yet?).
    You can approximate the directory tree with a Portal Content area (which is available as a portlet), and you get pretty much everything except the expand/collapse bit. It's more along the lines of drill down/drill up.

  • Search a Directory Tree For a Directory

    Hello All,
    Alright, the backround first. I am working on a system for managing photos for cases. So, the top photos dir has 5 dirs represnting the years. In each of those, are months, in those are days, and in the days there are dir named for the casenumber. This may sound confussing but...Say for Case number 05-00001 which happened January 1st 2005, the photos would be in ./photos/2005/1/1/05-00001/Now I cant change the dir structure because this is how the system uploads them, but I need a program to search this dir tree when the person enters a case number and return the photos. Everything works great (from a logic standpoint) but the problem is that there are about 20,000+ cases a year and if the case is toward the end it takes FOREVER to search through them all.
    What I am looking for is suggestions on how to most efficently search for these cases...

    a particular string. I was able to read one file in
    a single directory but not in any other directory.
    How would I go about writing code to be able to
    access all files in directory that has multiple sub
    You can do that several ways.
    Most likely you'll end up with some sort of recursive iteration over the directory tree.
    Not hard to write, somewhat harder to prevent memory problems if you end up with a lot of data.
    Also, when I started to write my program I tried to
    use the DOM XML Parser to parse my html page. My
    logic behind this decision was that if you look at
    html code it is an xml document. But as I was
    trying to run my program I noticed that I had to
    convert my html document into xml format. I really
    don't want to have to build my own html parser. Is
    there a html parser that is included in Java. Oh my
    program is just your basic text program. No
    A VALID xhtml document is a valid XML document.
    Problem is that most HTML isn't xhtml.
    Another problem is that most HTML is fundamentally broken even to its own standards (which have always been based on SGML on which XML is also based).
    Browsers take that into account by being extremely lax on standards compliance and effectively making up tags as they go along to fill in the missing ones in the trees they parse.
    That's however not a standardised process and each browser handles it differently (and as a result most html will render differently in different browsers).
    Java contains a simple HTML parser in Swing, but it's primitive and will only parse a subset of HTML 2.0.
    There are almost certainly 3rd party libraries out there that can do better, both free and/or commercial.

  • The tree structure in SE09

    Hello Gurus,
            will you please explain the tree item of the tree structure in all level in SE09 ?
    Many thanks,
    Frank Zhang

    The Transport Organizer with Transaction SE09 or SE10. You can also access the request overview of the Transport Organizer from all ABAP Workbench transactions by choosing Environment Transport Organizer (Requests).
    The Display function lets you search for all requests that belong to the specified user and match the standard selection criteria set. You can change the standard selection as required.
    The status selection for requests is used by default for the task selection. However, you can change this by going to the initial screen and choosing Settings other settings.
    Tasks that are not assigned to a request can no longer be created. This means that these tasks are no longer displayed as standard. If you still own tasks of this type, use the request search to display them
    Piece lists
    You can use this request type to set up your own object lists and save them under a name of your choice.
    Piece lists have the following attributes:
    u2022You cannot release them this also means that you cannot transport them.
    u2022They have an object directory entry and are therefore assigned to a package.
       They have the same transport attributes as all objects in this package.
    u2022If you have assigned the piece list to a transportable package, then when you make changes to the piece list the entry LIMU COMM <piece list name> is made in your current change request.
    u2022After the change request has been imported, the piece list is also in the target system of the request; however, the objects entered in the piece list are not automatically included in the transport.
    Delivery Transports
    Use the Delivery selection screen to display transports that deliver software changes from SAP or SAP partners to customers.
    The selection screen covers the following request types:
    u2022Piece list for upgrade
    This transport type imports new releases into your SAP System when you upgrade.
    u2022Piece list for Support Package
    This transport type imports corrections into your SAP System.

  • Oracle OID Tree Structure resolution to find SID

    Hi Team,
               With out DNS SRV record Can OID ldap tree Automatically resolve its primary domain. Ex: if i have sub directory structure under "abc & xyz two separate Directories", I want to resolve or even SID should be going through the tree structure and resolves FIFO method!. Right now it works with SID.ABC.EXAMPLE.COM, but i do not want to give every time. Is there a better solution with in OID?
    Currently we are using OID to resolve SID Names only, so it is not integrated with OIDM Suite.

    I guess this might be issue with Database, because it happens to only some users and that too occasionally. If the user closes the browser and opens next time he/she won't get the problem .
    Weiden: The Child/leaf nodes are not displayed in some cases while the root/parent is displayed correctly.
    CraigB: Forms version- 11.1.4, jre version-1.6.0_22-b04
    Edited by: user13364758 on Jul 5, 2012 5:41 AM

  • How to create a tree structure with check boxs using Windows Activex Control?

    I am very new to LabVIEW. I am trying to create a tree structure with Check Boxes like the below. It would be great if someone would show me a right direction to go forward.
    The aim is to select the item and one by one i have to get the Path and give as an input to by application VI.
    Thanks and Best Regards

    Hi Andy,
    Sorry i pasted the Picture.. Pls find the attached picture.
    Following are my requirement:
    1) I need to populate a tree given a root directory, listing all the Folders and file of cetain pattern(*.pjt... ther will be only one *.pjt in every subfolders).
    2) I need a check box for every *.pjt to select the its path. The list of pjt files selected are used for my automation test suit.
    Pls let me know if you need more info.
    Best Regards
    tree.JPG ‏73 KB

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