Track Layering in Realtime Performance

I have the Logic Pro 7.2, MOTU Traveler Audio/Midi interface.
I would like to know how can I select multiple tracks per channel in realtime performance! So for example my midi accordion is sending on channel 1,2,3. Upper on 1, Lower on 2, and Bass on 3. I want to have more than one instrument playing per midi channel, so have a piano for instance and a guitar or something on the same midi channel, but separate tracks. and for the Bass part, have a bass and some pads to keep the sound alive. by pressing one note to hear multiple instruments at the same time.
Thank you
MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   2GB RAM
MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

I think there might be some missunderstanding.
You want to push a button on your midi controller (to select which in instrument in Logic) and play a part. Now push a different button, and now you are recording a different instrument. Is this what you want to do?
I think the best way would be a cable switcher in the environment.
Dual 1.8Ghz G5 PB G4 1Ghz LP7.1.1 Motu 896   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Reaktor 5.1 Reason 3.0.4 Live 5.0.2 Battery 2.1.1 Recycle 2.1 DFH 1.5.3

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       one object is taking 30hr for executing.some one develped this in 1998 but this time it is a big Performance problem.please some one helep what to do i am giving that code.
    Programe written by :  31.03.1998 .
    Purpose : this programe updates the car status into the table zsdtab1
    This programe is to be schedule in the backgroud periodically .
    Querries can be fired on the table zsdtab1 to get the details of the
        Car .
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    last updated date and the new entries in material master and updates
    the tables zsdtab1 .
    Changes in the Sales Order are not taken into account .
    To get a fresh data set the value of zupddate in table ZSTATUS as
    01.01.1998 . All the data will be refreshed from that date .
    Program Changed on 23/7/2001 after version upgrade 46b by jyoti
    Addition of New tables for Ibase
    tables used -
    tables : mara ,                        " Material master
             ausp ,                        " Characteristics table .
             zstatus ,                     " Last updated status table .
             zsdtab1 ,    " Central database table to be maintained .
             vbap ,                        " Sales order header table .
             vbak ,                        " Sales order item table .
             kna1 ,                        " Customer master .
             vbrk ,
             vbrp ,
             bkpf ,
             bseg ,
             mseg ,
             mkpf ,
             vbpa ,
             vbfa ,
             t005t .                         " Country details tabe .
    tables :   ibsymbol ,ibin , ibinvalues .
    data : vatinn like ibsymbol-atinn , vatwrt like ibsymbol-atwrt ,
           vatflv like ibsymbol-atflv .
    *--types definition--
    types : begin of mara_itab_type ,
               matnr like mara-matnr ,
               cuobf like mara-cuobf ,
            end of mara_itab_type ,
            begin of ausp_itab_type ,
               atinn like ausp-atinn ,
               atwrt like ausp-atwrt ,
               atflv like ausp-atflv ,
            end of ausp_itab_type .
    data : mara_itab type mara_itab_type occurs 500 with header line ,
           zsdtab1_itab like zsdtab1 occurs 500 with header line ,
           ausp_itab type ausp_itab_type occurs 500 with header line ,
           last_date type d ,
           date type d .
    data: length type i.
    clear mara_itab . refresh mara_itab .
    clear zsdtab1_itab . refresh zsdtab1_itab .
    select single  zupddate into last_date from zstatus
           where programm = 'ZSDDET01' .
    select matnr cuobf into (mara_itab-matnr , mara_itab-cuobf) from mara
          where mtart eq 'FERT' or mtart = 'ZCBU'.
        where MATNR IN MATERIA
         and ERSDA IN C_Date
         and MTART in M_TYP.
        append mara_itab .
    endselect .
    loop at mara_itab.
    clear zsdtab1_itab .
    zsdtab1_itab-commno = mara_itab-matnr .
       Get the detailed data into internal table ausp_itab .----------->>>
    clear ausp_itab . refresh ausp_itab .
    --change starts--
    select atinn atwrt atflv into (ausp_itab-atinn , ausp_itab-atwrt ,
                               ausp_itab-atflv) from ausp
          where objek = mara_itab-matnr .
          append ausp_itab .
       endselect .
       clear ausp_itab .
    select  atinn  atwrt atflv  into (ausp_itab-atinn , ausp_itab-atwrt ,
    ausp_itab-atflv) from ibin as a inner join ibinvalues as b
                      on ain_recno = bin_recno
           inner join  ibsymbol as c
                      on bsymbol_id = csymbol_id
        where a~instance = mara_itab-cuobf  .
      append ausp_itab .
    endselect .
    sort ausp_itab by atwrt.
    loop at ausp_itab .
    clear date .
    case ausp_itab-atinn .
      when '0000000094' .
        zsdtab1_itab-model = ausp_itab-atwrt .  " model  .
      when '0000000101' .
        zsdtab1_itab-drive = ausp_itab-atwrt .  " drive
      when '0000000095' .
        zsdtab1_itab-converter = ausp_itab-atwrt . "converter
      when '0000000096' .
        zsdtab1_itab-transmssn = ausp_itab-atwrt . "transmission
      when '0000000097' .
        zsdtab1_itab-colour = ausp_itab-atwrt .    "colour
      when '0000000098' .
        zsdtab1_itab-ztrim = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "trim
      when '0000000103' .
    *=========Sujit 14-Mar-2006
           ZSDTAB1_ITAB-CHASSIS_NO = AUSP_ITAB-ATWRT .     "chassis no
        zsdtab1_itab-chassis_no = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "chassis no
      when '0000000166' .
      length = strlen( ausp_itab-atwrt ).
      if length < 15.                       "***aded by patil
       zsdtab1_itab-engine_no = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "ENGINE NO
    zsdtab1_itab-engine_no = ausp_itab-atwrt+13(14)."Aded on 21.05.04 patil
      when '0000000104' .
        zsdtab1_itab-body_no = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "BODY NO
      when '0000000173' .                                          "21.06.98
        zsdtab1_itab-cockpit = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "COCKPIT NO . "21.06.98
      when '0000000102' .
        zsdtab1_itab-dest = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "destination
      when '0000000105' .
        zsdtab1_itab-airbag = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "AIRBAG
      when '0000000110' .
        zsdtab1_itab-trailer_no = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "TRAILER_NO
      when '0000000109' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-fininspdat = date .   "FIN INSP DATE
      when '0000000108' .
        zsdtab1_itab-entrydate = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "ENTRY DATE
      when '0000000163' .
        zsdtab1_itab-regist_no = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "REGIST_NO
      when '0000000164' .
        zsdtab1_itab-mech_key = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "MECH_KEY
      when '0000000165' .
        zsdtab1_itab-side_ab_rt = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "SIDE_AB_RT
      when '0000000171' .
        zsdtab1_itab-side_ab_lt = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "SIDE_AB_LT
      when '0000000167' .
        zsdtab1_itab-elect_key = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "ELECT_KEY
      when '0000000168' .
        zsdtab1_itab-head_lamp = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "HEAD_LAMP
      when '0000000169' .
        zsdtab1_itab-tail_lamp = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "TAIL_LAMP
      when '0000000170' .
        zsdtab1_itab-vac_pump = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "VAC_PUMP
      when '0000000172' .
        zsdtab1_itab-sd_ab_sn_l = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "SD_AB_SN_L
      when '0000000174' .
        zsdtab1_itab-sd_ab_sn_r = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "SD_AB_SN_R
      when '0000000175' .
        zsdtab1_itab-asrhydunit = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "ASRHYDUNIT
      when '0000000176' .
        zsdtab1_itab-gearboxno = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "GEARBOXNO
      when '0000000177' .
        zsdtab1_itab-battery = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "BATTERY
      when '0000000178' .
        zsdtab1_itab-tyretype = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "TYRETYPE
      when '0000000179' .
        zsdtab1_itab-tyremake = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "TYREMAKE
      when '0000000180' .
        zsdtab1_itab-tyresize = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "TYRESIZE
      when '0000000181' .
        zsdtab1_itab-rr_axle_no = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "RR_AXLE_NO
      when '0000000183' .
        zsdtab1_itab-ff_axl_nor = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "FF_AXLE_NO_rt
      when '0000000182' .
        zsdtab1_itab-ff_axl_nol = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "FF_AXLE_NO_lt
      when '0000000184' .
        zsdtab1_itab-drivairbag = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "DRIVAIRBAG
      when '0000000185' .
        zsdtab1_itab-st_box_no = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "ST_BOX_NO
      when '0000000186' .
        zsdtab1_itab-transport = ausp_itab-atwrt .     "TRANSPORT
      when '0000000106' .
        zsdtab1_itab-trackstage = ausp_itab-atwrt .  " tracking stage
      when '0000000111' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_1 = date .    " tracking date for 1.
      when '0000000112' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_5 = date .    " tracking date for 5.
      when '0000000113' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_10 = date .   "tracking date for 10
      when '0000000114' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_15 = date .   "tracking date for 15
      when '0000000115' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_20 = date .   " tracking date for 20
      when '0000000116' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_25 = date .   " tracking date for 25
      when '0000000117' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_30 = date .   "tracking date for 30
      when '0000000118' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_35 = date .   "tracking date for 35
      when '0000000119' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_40 = date .   " tracking date for 40
      when '0000000120' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_45 = date .   " tracking date for 45
      when '0000000121' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_50 = date .   "tracking date for 50
      when '0000000122' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_55 = date .   "tracking date for 55
      when '0000000123' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_60 = date .   " tracking date for 60
      when '0000000124' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_65 = date .   " tracking date for 65
      when '0000000125' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_70 = date .   "tracking date for 70
      when '0000000126' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_75 = date .   "tracking date for 75
      when '0000000127' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_78 = date .   " tracking date for 78
      when '0000000203' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_79 = date .   " tracking date for 79
      when '0000000128' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_80 = date .   " tracking date for 80
      when '0000000129' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_85 = date .   "tracking date for 85
      when '0000000130' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_90 = date .   "tracking date for 90
      when '0000000131' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_95 = date .   "tracking date for 95
      when '0000000132' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dattrk_100 = date .   " tracking date for100
      when '0000000133' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dattrk_110 = date .   " tracking date for110
      when '0000000134' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dattrk_115 = date .   "tracking date for 115
      when '0000000135' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dattrk_120 = date .   "tracking date for 120
      when '0000000136' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-dattrk_105 = date .   "tracking date for 105
      when '0000000137' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_1 = date .     "plan trk date for 1
      when '0000000138' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_5 = date .     "plan trk date for 5
      when '0000000139' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_10 = date .    "plan trk date for 10
      when '0000000140' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_15 = date .    "plan trk date for 15
      when '0000000141' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_20 = date .    "plan trk date for 20
      when '0000000142' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_25 = date .    "plan trk date for 25
      when '0000000143' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_30 = date .    "plan trk date for 30
      when '0000000144' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_35 = date .    "plan trk date for 35
      when '0000000145' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_40 = date .    "plan trk date for 40
      when '0000000146' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_45 = date .    "plan trk date for 45
      when '0000000147' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_50 = date .    "plan trk date for 50
      when '0000000148' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_55 = date .    "plan trk date for 55
      when '0000000149' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_60 = date .    "plan trk date for 60
      when '0000000150' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_65 = date .    "plan trk date for 65
      when '0000000151' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_70 = date .    "plan trk date for 70
      when '0000000152' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_75 = date .    "plan trk date for 75
      when '0000000153' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_78 = date .    "plan trk date for 78
      when '0000000202' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_79 = date .    "plan trk date for 79
      when '0000000154' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_80 = date .    "plan trk date for 80
      when '0000000155' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_85 = date .    "plan trk date for 85
      when '0000000156' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_90 = date .    "plan trk date for 90
      when '0000000157' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_95 = date .    "plan trk date for 95
      when '0000000158' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_100 = date .   "plan trk date for 100
      when '0000000159' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_105 = date .   "plan trk date for 105
      when '0000000160' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_110 = date .   "plan trk date for 110
      when '0000000161' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_115 = date .   "plan trk date for 115
      when '0000000162' .
        perform date_convert using  ausp_itab-atflv changing date .
        zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_120 = date .   "plan trk date for 120
    ********Additional fields / 24.05.98**********************************
      when '0000000099' .
        case ausp_itab-atwrt .
          when '540' .
            zsdtab1_itab-roll_blind = 'X' .
          when '482' .
            zsdtab1_itab-ground_clr = 'X' .
          when '551' .
            zsdtab1_itab-anti_theft = 'X' .
          when '882' .
            zsdtab1_itab-anti_tow = 'X' .
          when '656' .
            zsdtab1_itab-alloy_whel = 'X' .
          when '265' .
            zsdtab1_itab-del_class = 'X' .
          when '280' .
            zsdtab1_itab-str_wheel = 'X' .
          when 'CDC' .
            zsdtab1_itab-cd_changer = 'X' .
          when '205' .
            zsdtab1_itab-manual_eng = 'X' .
          when '273' .
            zsdtab1_itab-conn_handy = 'X' .
          when '343' .
            zsdtab1_itab-aircleaner = 'X' .
          when '481' .
            zsdtab1_itab-metal_sump = 'X' .
          when '533' .
            zsdtab1_itab-speaker = 'X' .
          when '570' .
            zsdtab1_itab-arm_rest = 'X' .
          when '580' .
            zsdtab1_itab-aircond = 'X' .
          when '611' .
            zsdtab1_itab-exit_light = 'X' .
          when '613' .
            zsdtab1_itab-headlamp = 'X' .
          when '877' .
            zsdtab1_itab-readlamp = 'X' .
          when '808' .
            zsdtab1_itab-code_ckd = 'X' .
          when '708' .
            zsdtab1_itab-del_prt_lc = 'X' .
          when '593' .
            zsdtab1_itab-ins_glass = 'X' .
          when '955' .
            zsdtab1_itab-zelcl = 'Elegance' .
          when '593' .
            zsdtab1_itab-zelcl = 'Classic' .
        endcase .
    endcase .
    endloop .
    *--Update the sales data .--
    perform get_sales_order using mara_itab-matnr .
    perform get_cartype using mara_itab-matnr .
    append zsdtab1_itab .
    loop at zsdtab1_itab .
      if zsdtab1_itab-cartype <> 'W-203'
      or zsdtab1_itab-cartype <> 'W-210'
      or zsdtab1_itab-cartype <> 'W-211'.
          clear zsdtab1_itab-zelcl.
    select single * from zsdtab1 where commno = zsdtab1_itab-commno.
    if sy-subrc <> 0 .
        insert into zsdtab1 values zsdtab1_itab .
    else .
        update zsdtab1 set :vbeln = zsdtab1_itab-vbeln
                       bill_doc = zsdtab1_itab-bill_doc
                       dest = zsdtab1_itab-dest
                       lgort = zsdtab1_itab-lgort
                       ship_tp = zsdtab1_itab-ship_tp
                       country = zsdtab1_itab-country
                       kunnr = zsdtab1_itab-kunnr
                       vkbur = zsdtab1_itab-vkbur
                       customer = zsdtab1_itab-customer
                       city   = zsdtab1_itab-city
                       region = zsdtab1_itab-region
                       model = zsdtab1_itab-model
                       drive = zsdtab1_itab-drive
                       converter = zsdtab1_itab-converter
                       transmssn = zsdtab1_itab-transmssn
                       colour = zsdtab1_itab-colour
                       ztrim = zsdtab1_itab-ztrim
                       commno = zsdtab1_itab-commno
                       trackstage = zsdtab1_itab-trackstage
                       chassis_no    =   zsdtab1_itab-chassis_no
                       engine_no     =   zsdtab1_itab-engine_no
                       body_no       =   zsdtab1_itab-body_no
                       cockpit       =   zsdtab1_itab-cockpit
                       airbag        =   zsdtab1_itab-airbag
                       trailer_no    =   zsdtab1_itab-trailer_no
                       fininspdat    =   zsdtab1_itab-fininspdat
                       entrydate     =   zsdtab1_itab-entrydate
                       regist_no     =   zsdtab1_itab-regist_no
                       mech_key      =   zsdtab1_itab-mech_key
                       side_ab_rt    =   zsdtab1_itab-side_ab_rt
                       side_ab_lt    =   zsdtab1_itab-side_ab_lt
                       elect_key     =   zsdtab1_itab-elect_key
                       head_lamp     =   zsdtab1_itab-head_lamp
                       tail_lamp     =   zsdtab1_itab-tail_lamp
                       vac_pump      =   zsdtab1_itab-vac_pump
                       sd_ab_sn_l    =   zsdtab1_itab-sd_ab_sn_l
                       sd_ab_sn_r    =   zsdtab1_itab-sd_ab_sn_r
                       asrhydunit    =   zsdtab1_itab-asrhydunit
                       gearboxno     =   zsdtab1_itab-gearboxno
                       battery       =   zsdtab1_itab-battery
                       tyretype      =   zsdtab1_itab-tyretype
                       tyremake      =   zsdtab1_itab-tyremake
                       tyresize      =   zsdtab1_itab-tyresize
                       rr_axle_no    =   zsdtab1_itab-rr_axle_no
                       ff_axl_nor    =   zsdtab1_itab-ff_axl_nor
                       ff_axl_nol    =   zsdtab1_itab-ff_axl_nol
                       drivairbag    =   zsdtab1_itab-drivairbag
                       st_box_no     =   zsdtab1_itab-st_box_no
                       transport     =   zsdtab1_itab-transport
                       roll_blind    = zsdtab1_itab-roll_blind
                       ground_clr    = zsdtab1_itab-ground_clr
                       anti_theft    = zsdtab1_itab-anti_theft
                       anti_tow      = zsdtab1_itab-anti_tow
                       alloy_whel    = zsdtab1_itab-alloy_whel
                       del_class     = zsdtab1_itab-del_class
                       str_wheel     = zsdtab1_itab-str_wheel
                       cd_changer    = zsdtab1_itab-cd_changer
                       manual_eng    = zsdtab1_itab-manual_eng
                       conn_handy    = zsdtab1_itab-conn_handy
                       aircleaner    = zsdtab1_itab-aircleaner
                       metal_sump    = zsdtab1_itab-metal_sump
                       speaker       = zsdtab1_itab-speaker
                       arm_rest      = zsdtab1_itab-arm_rest
                       aircond       = zsdtab1_itab-aircond
                       exit_light    = zsdtab1_itab-exit_light
                       headlamp      = zsdtab1_itab-headlamp
                       readlamp      = zsdtab1_itab-readlamp
                       code_ckd      = zsdtab1_itab-code_ckd
                       del_prt_lc    = zsdtab1_itab-del_prt_lc
                       ins_glass     = zsdtab1_itab-ins_glass
                       dat_trk_1 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_1
                       dat_trk_5 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_5
                       dat_trk_10 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_10
                       dat_trk_15 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_15
                       dat_trk_20 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_20
                       dat_trk_25 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_25
                       dat_trk_30 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_30
                       dat_trk_35 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_35
                       dat_trk_40 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_40
                       dat_trk_45 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_45
                       dat_trk_50 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_50
                       dat_trk_55 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_55
                       dat_trk_60 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_60
                       dat_trk_65 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_65
                       dat_trk_70 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_70
                       dat_trk_75 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_75
                       dat_trk_78 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_78
                       dat_trk_79 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_79
                       dat_trk_80 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_80
                       dat_trk_85 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_85
                       dat_trk_90 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_90
                       dat_trk_95 = zsdtab1_itab-dat_trk_95
                       dattrk_100 = zsdtab1_itab-dattrk_100
                       dattrk_105 = zsdtab1_itab-dattrk_105
                       dattrk_110 = zsdtab1_itab-dattrk_110
                       dattrk_115 = zsdtab1_itab-dattrk_115
                       dattrk_120 = zsdtab1_itab-dattrk_120
                       pdt_tk_1 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_1
                       pdt_tk_5 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_5
                       pdt_tk_10 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_10
                       pdt_tk_15 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_15
                       pdt_tk_20 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_20
                       pdt_tk_25 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_25
                       pdt_tk_30 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_30
                       pdt_tk_35 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_35
                       pdt_tk_40 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_40
                       pdt_tk_45 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_45
                       pdt_tk_50 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_50
                       pdt_tk_55 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_55
                       pdt_tk_60 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_60
                       pdt_tk_65 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_65
                       pdt_tk_70 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_70
                       pdt_tk_75 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_75
                       pdt_tk_78 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_78
                       pdt_tk_79 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_79
                       pdt_tk_80 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_80
                       pdt_tk_85 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_85
                       pdt_tk_90 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_90
                       pdt_tk_95 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_95
                       pdt_tk_100 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_100
                       pdt_tk_105 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_105
                       pdt_tk_110 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_110
                       pdt_tk_115 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_115
                       pdt_tk_120 = zsdtab1_itab-pdt_tk_120
                       cartype = zsdtab1_itab-cartype
                       zelcl = zsdtab1_itab-zelcl
                       excise_no = zsdtab1_itab-excise_no
    where commno = zsdtab1_itab-commno .
       Update table .---------<<<
    endif .
    endloop .
    perform update_excise_date .
    perform update_post_goods_issue_date .
    perform update_time.
    *///////////////////// end of programe /////////////////////////////////
    Get sales data -
    form get_sales_order using matnr .
      data : corr_vbeln like vbrk-vbeln .
    ADDED BY ADITYA / 22.06.98 **************************************
    perform get_order using matnr .
    select single vbeln lgort into (zsdtab1_itab-vbeln , zsdtab1_itab-lgort)
                from vbap where matnr = matnr .   " C-22.06.98
                  from vbap where vbeln = zsdtab1_itab-vbeln .
      if sy-subrc = 0 .
    ************Get the Excise No from Allocation Field*******************
        select single * from zsdtab1 where commno = matnr .
        if zsdtab1-excise_no =  '' .
          select * from vbrp where matnr = matnr .
            select single vbeln into corr_vbeln from vbrk where
            vbeln = vbrp-vbeln and vbtyp = 'M'.
            if sy-subrc eq 0.
              select single * from vbrk where vbtyp = 'N'
              and sfakn = corr_vbeln.      "cancelled doc.
              if sy-subrc ne 0.
                select single * from vbrk where vbeln = corr_vbeln.
                if sy-subrc eq 0.
                  data : year(4) .
                  move sy-datum+0(4) to year .
      select single * from bkpf where awtyp = 'VBRK' and awkey = vbrk-vbeln
                                      and  bukrs = 'MBIL' and gjahr = year .
                  if sy-subrc = 0 .
      select single * from bseg where bukrs = 'MBIL' and belnr = bkpf-belnr
                                       and gjahr = year and koart = 'D' and
                                                               shkzg = 'S' .
                    zsdtab1_itab-excise_no = bseg-zuonr .
                  endif .
        endif .
        select single kunnr vkbur into (zsdtab1_itab-kunnr ,
                zsdtab1_itab-vkbur) from vbak
                where vbeln = zsdtab1_itab-vbeln .
        if sy-subrc = 0 .
          select single name1 ort01 regio into (zsdtab1_itab-customer ,
             zsdtab1_itab-city , zsdtab1_itab-region) from kna1
             where kunnr = zsdtab1_itab-kunnr .
      Get Ship to Party **************************************************
        select single * from vbpa where vbeln = zsdtab1_itab-vbeln and
                        parvw = 'WE' .
        if sy-subrc = 0 .
            zsdtab1_itab-ship_tp = vbpa-kunnr .
      Get Destination Country of Ship to Party .************
            select single * from kna1 where kunnr = vbpa-kunnr .
            if sy-subrc = 0 .
               select single * from t005t where land1 = kna1-land1
                                       and spras = 'E' .
               if sy-subrc = 0 .
                   zsdtab1_itab-country = t005t-landx .
               endif .
            endif .
        endif .
      endif .
    endform.                               " GET_SALES
    form update_time.
      update zstatus set zupddate = sy-datum
                         uzeit = sy-uzeit
      where programm = 'ZSDDET01' .
    endform.                               " UPDATE_TIME
    *&      Form  DATE_CONVERT
    form date_convert using atflv changing date .
      data : dt(8) , dat type i .
      dat = atflv .
      dt = dat .
      date = dt .
    endform.                               " DATE_CONVERT
    form update_post_goods_issue_date .
      types : begin of itab1_type ,
                mblnr like mseg-mblnr ,
                budat like mkpf-budat ,
              end of itab1_type .
      data : itab1 type itab1_type occurs 10 with header line .
      loop at mara_itab .
        select single * from zsdtab1 where commno = mara_itab-matnr .
        if sy-subrc =  0  and zsdtab1-postdate =  '00000000' .
          refresh itab1 . clear itab1 .
        select * from mseg where matnr = mara_itab-matnr and bwart = '601' .
            itab1-mblnr = mseg-mblnr .
            append itab1 .
          endselect .
          loop at itab1 .
            select single * from mkpf where mblnr = itab1-mblnr .
            if sy-subrc = 0 .
              itab1-budat = mkpf-budat .
              modify itab1 .
            endif .
          endloop .
          sort itab1 by budat .
          read table itab1 index 1 .
          if sy-subrc = 0 .
            update zsdtab1 set postdate = itab1-budat
                         where commno = mara_itab-matnr .
          endif .
        endif .
      endloop .
    endform.                               " UPDATE_POST_GOODS_ISSUE_DATE
    *&      Form  UPDATE_EXCISE_DATE
    form update_excise_date.
      types : begin of itab2_type ,
                mblnr like mseg-mblnr ,
                budat like mkpf-budat ,
              end of itab2_type .
      data : itab2 type itab2_type occurs 10 with header line .
      loop at mara_itab .
        select single * from zsdtab1 where commno = mara_itab-matnr .
        if sy-subrc =  0  and zsdtab1-excise_dat  = '00000000' .
          refresh itab2 . clear itab2 .
          select * from mseg where matnr = mara_itab-matnr and
                                  (  bwart = '601' or  bwart = '311' ) .
            itab2-mblnr = mseg-mblnr .
            append itab2 .
          endselect .
          loop at itab2 .
            select single * from mkpf where mblnr = itab2-mblnr .
            if sy-subrc = 0 .
              itab2-budat = mkpf-budat .
              modify itab2 .
            endif .
          endloop .
          sort itab2 by budat .
          read table itab2 index 1 .
          if sy-subrc = 0 .
            update zsdtab1 set excise_dat = itab2-budat
                         where commno = mara_itab-matnr .
          endif .
        endif .
      endloop .
    endform.                               " UPDATE_EXCISE_DATE
    form get_order using matnr .
    types :  begin of itab_type ,
                vbeln like vbap-vbeln ,
                posnr like vbap-posnr ,
             end of itab_type .
    data : itab type itab_type occurs 10 with header line .
    refresh itab . clear itab .
    select * from vbap where matnr = mara_itab-matnr .
       itab-vbeln = vbap-vbeln .
       itab-posnr = vbap-posnr .
       append itab .
    endselect .
    loop at itab .
      select single * from vbak where vbeln = itab-vbeln .
      if vbak-vbtyp <> 'C' .
        delete itab .
      endif .
    endloop .
    loop at itab .
    select single * from vbfa where vbelv = itab-vbeln and
             posnv = itab-posnr and vbtyp_n = 'H' .
    if sy-subrc = 0 .
      delete itab .
    endif .
    endloop .
    clear :  zsdtab1_itab-vbeln ,  zsdtab1_itab-bill_doc .
    loop at itab .
      zsdtab1_itab-vbeln = itab-vbeln .
      select single * from vbfa where vbelv = itab-vbeln and
             posnv = itab-posnr and vbtyp_n = 'M' .
    if sy-subrc = 0 .
      zsdtab1_itab-bill_doc = vbfa-vbeln .
    endif .
    endloop .
    endform .
    *&      Form  GET_CARTYPE
    form get_cartype using matnr .
    select single * from mara where matnr = matnr .
    zsdtab1_itab-cartype = mara-satnr .
    endform.                    " GET_CARTYPE

    I have analysed your program and i would like to share following points for better performance of this report :
    (a)  Use the field Names instead of Select * or Select Single * as if you use the field names it will consume less amount of resources inside the loop as well as you have lot many Select Single * and u r using very big tables like VBAP and many more.
    (b) Trace on ST05 which particular query is mostly effecting your system or use ST12 in current mode to trace for less inputs which run the report for 20-30 min so that we get an idea which queries are effecting the system and taking a lot of time.
    (c) In Case of internal tables sort the data properly and use binary search for getting the data.
    I think this will help.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Strange performance issue in SSRS SharePoint integrated / Kerberos

    current setup / situation:
    Four server farm for a BI Portal:
    SQL Server instances
    SSAS instances
    SharePoint apps (SSRS, Central Admin ...)
    SharePoint frontend
    Three different environments (Dev, Test, Prod) with the same configuration (servers, versions, CPU/RAM,...)
    Kerberos properly configured (as far as we can see) pushing the current user credentials forward from the SharePoint frontend to the SSRS integrated service app to the SSAS OLAP cube.
    When we connect the report on dev to the dev cube, report execution time is about 7 seconds. In the execution log we can see in the additional info field, that we have a ConnectionOpenTime of a couple of milliseconds (~ 20-40).
    When we connect the report on test to the test cube OR to the dev cube OR the dev report to the test cube, we have runtimes of about 60 seconds with ConnectionOpenTime of a Little bit more than 2000 ms.
    When we change the data source connection to a fixed Windows account, the runtime drops down to about 7 seconds. When we switch back to "Use current user credentials" the runtime stays at the 7 seconds for about 1-2 hours, then in drops back to
    60 seconds.
    What can cause this huge ConnectionOpenTime? Is it AD/DNS related? Claims To Windows Token Service? Any other caching/OS issue?
    Thanks for any input.

    Hi Rainer,
    The issue is little complex. I suggest that you could try to narrow down the issue deeper with below steps:
    1. Enable the verbose log on Sharepoint side.
    2. Capturing the SQL Server profiler trace on both test(slow) and dev(fast) environment.
    3. The same, RS exectionlog3 table
    Then reproduce the issue on both fast and slow environment, we need to compare both the Sharepoint ULS log and RS exection log to find out the slowness part.
    Could you please follow the below article for how to narrow down the issue with all logs?
    Since you have found out the slowness is at ConnectionOpenTime , so we should focus on the Sharepoint frontend and SQL Server reporting service side. The ConnectionOpenTime should not reach the SSAS instance.
    Doris Ji

  • SQL Services 2012 Reporting Services Performance Issue - PowerView

    Power view Reports are loading very slow while opening in SharePoint 2013, it is taking more than 15 secs. It is development environment, maximum 10 users , no traffic at all but still not sure why it is taking such long time.
    We have 2 servers in SharePoint farm one is for SharePoint and other is for SQL. I have gone through the logs in reporting database, attached the same below. Can you please help me what we can say from the sheet attached ,whether it is slow or fast. Or where
    we are having issue.
    SQL server version is SQL 2012 SP2.
    SharePoint 2013 is RTM.
    Gone through the below blogs but no luck.
    Thanks, Ram Ch

    Hi Ram Ch,
    According to your description, your have performance issue when running your Power View report. Right?
    In this scenario, based on your screenshot, it takes long time on data retrieval. How is the performance when executing the query in SQL Server Management Studio? Since you mention there's no traffic at all and 15 seconds will not cause query
    time out, we suggest you optimize the query for retrieving data. Please refer to links below:
    Troubleshooting Reports: Report Performance
    Please share some detail information about the data query if possible. Thanks.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Unable to get realtime position of animated child symbol's div from parent node (Stage)

    for a data viz project, i've created an animated child symbol which changes its position on realtime basis. however, for some calculation purposes, i'm not able to keep track of the  realtime position of the div through stage as it is only showing me fixed value (starting position of the child div).... can anyone help? or is there a way to make global variable which can store position value in child symbol and i can access those values on the main stage???

    Try these in compositionReady. Adapt the scope of your element.
    var symTop = sym.$('Rectangle').css('top');
    var symLeft = sym.$('Rectangle').css('left');
    Then use the variable value where needed.
    var position = sym.$("Rectangle").position();
    console.log( "x or left: " + position.left + ", y or top: " + );
    var x = sym.$("Rectangle").position().left;
    var y = sym.$("Rectangle").position().top;
    var coord = sym.$("Rectangle").position();
    sym.$("test_Text").html("x:" + coord.left + "<br>y:" +;

  • Creating load for performance testing on SSAS and Power View on SharePoint 2013

    We have SQL Server DW, SSAS OLAP Cube and Sharepoint 2013 on dedicated virtual machines.
    We would like to create load simulating use of 500 end-users.
    What are best tools?
    What are best methods?

    Hi Kenny_I,
    According to your description, you want to create a PowerView report using SQL Server Analysis Services database in a SharePoint site, now you need to do a load testing for this report, right?
    In SharePoint level, there are many tools that helps in the load testing. For the details, please refer to the link below.
    SharePoint (Performance, Stress ) Load Testing
    For the PowerView report level, you can refer to the link below to see how to track down Power View Performance Problems.
    Tracking down Power View Performance Problems
    Charlie Liao
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • NOW LIVE: Oracle Database 11g - Performance Tuning Exam (1Z0-054)

    The new *"Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning" certification exam (1Z0-054)* is now live, which is a single exam requirement for Oracle 11g DBA OCPs to earn the Oracle Database 11g Performance Tuning Certified Expert (OCE) certification.</p>
    <p align="justify">This certification endorses those database administrators, support engineers, and technical consultants who have demonstrated their knowledge and skills using Oracle Database 11g automatic tuning features, including SQL Tuning Advisor, SQL Access Advisor, Automatic Workload Repository and Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor.</p>
    <p align="justify">Candidates taking this exam at test centers will now receive their exam scores and pass/fail status immediately at the completion of their exam. Score reports have just been shipped to those candidates who participated in the beta period. If you participated in beta testing and did not yet receive your score report, please contact [email protected]</p>
    <p align="justify"><strong>QUICK LINKS</strong></p>
    <ul><li>Certification Track: Oracle Database 11g Performance Tuning Certified Expert (OCE)</li>
    <li>Certification Exam: 1Z0-054 &ndash; Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning</li>
    <li>Stay Up To Date: Oracle Certification Blog | Oracle Certification Website</li>

    Naveen Kumar C wrote:
    I want to take the certification Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning exam 1Z0-054 and want to write the exam.
    To earn the OCE credentials, I know that we need to take training from Oracle University. I am not an OCP currently.
    Can I write the exam now and later take the course to meet the certification requirements? I know it is not the right way, but I can not pay $3000 for the course as of now. I can write the exam through self study. I want to check if I can take the exam now and later take the course.
    Is it mandatory to take the course before taking the exam?
    naveen.Indeed you can take the exam now, and subsequently earn the 11g PERFTUNE OCE credential when you either:
    1) complete, submit and get verified the OU authorised 11g perftune course (possible but seems a little cart before horse).
    2) Become 11g DBA OCP.

  • Multiple incremental cuts on multiple tracks in one click

    Is there a way, perhaps by setting marker points, or maybe just choosing a set time interval, to make a bunch-o-cuts on a track (or thru several stacked tracks) at set distances, in one fell swoop?
    So if I have a few tracks layered and I want to make a slice every 5 minutes along the timeline through all of them.

    Well, one could do something like Mark Beats on a Timeline, say by playing and tapping the * key on the numberpad, then going from Marker to Marker and hitting Ctrl+K, with the proper Tracks Targeted.
    I do not know of any process that would add a Marker at specified increments. Maybe it's there, and I have just never needed to use it, and hence have not looked closely enough to find it.
    Good luck,

  • Logic's EXPORT TRACK(S) feature is buggy. Anyone else noticing this?

    I'm curious to know what Logic's "export track(s)" functions are specifically designed for. I say specifically because I can't quite pinpoint how they work exactly. Meaning, if a track has sends or sidechain processing etc etc those effects are NOT APPLIED to the exported track. Further, I've noticed static in a file (which doesn't have static in the mix) appear on an exported track, also I've experienced out of sync delays and other issues.
    My first question is: has anyone else found the export track feature in Logic to be somewhat inefficient, and if so, have you found a suitable work around?
    Second question: What is the Export tracks function specifically designed for? It's not designed to print certain effects on tracks and it doesn't apply any sends data either.
    Please chime in with any thoughts. My personal workaround right now is to simply solo each track and bounce the project at the global level (for every individual track). I keep the output strip dry and it seems to be working fine so far (but quite tedious). I'm scratching my head to know what "export track(s)" is designed for.

    christianobermaier wrote:
    I'm still unsure as to why you'd actually want to do this.
    If you want to give your processed tracks to a mixing engineer, first thing he will do is ask, for the dry material, because, after all, you are paying him to create abetter mix with better procesing than you can.
    If you want to save processing power or RAM, then use Freeze.
    If you want to create processed tracks for riskfree playback in a live situation, you'd bounce stems anyway.
    Also, the request for incorporated Sends does not make sense, as a send only carries dry, unprocessed sound anyway.
    Well you are right about the "live situation" scenario. This is why I'd like a "bounce all individual tracks seperately" option. It would facilitate exporting tracks for remixing or performance in Ableton Live. It's a lot nicer to have every track as it sounds in a mix than to have groups or stems when remixing or performing.Right now it just takes a while to solo and bounce every track in a 40+ track project. I just think it would be a very useful function.

Maybe you are looking for