Trackpad response is failing .. why?

Hello everybody.
I'm sure this problem has come up and again but unfortunately I couldn't find a solution after looking around for 3 days.
My trackpad's response rate has turned terrible. I don't know what happened but I feel like it was because of an update.
I move my finger on the track pad and the mouse on the screen either goes too fast, or too slow, or stutters across the screen. Sometimes my multi-finger functions don't work. This is annoying. Help please!!

I've gotten this exact problem in the last week or two. Sometimes the trackpad is fine, other times it's like treacle, or staccato jumps across the screen. Sometimes I'll have one finger on the trackpad and the window I'm in will respond like I'm two-finger scrolling.
The oddest thing is how inconsistent it is. If it was a hardware problem, I'd expect it to just fail hard, but it works fine sometimes.
I can't remember what the last update I did was, could have been quite recently I've just been mad busy lately. Sorry, I have no solutions; I'm going to have to start using a mouse

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    +I was having the same problem, i upgraded to the new iTunes & it wouldn't open cause of an error with Quicktime.+
    +On another topic thread, Rob Austin suggested to go to this website
    +IT WORKS!!! Just delete Quicktime from your computer & download Quicktime from the link & iTunes will re-open. I got all my songs back, everything was the same, even my playlists.+
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    G-5 Quad 2.5GHz, MacBook Pro 2.16GHz 2GB   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hi All
    Even with today's "Apple Keyboard Update 1.0", they didn't update the Trackpad driver, which is a huge problem for me.
    Under XP, using BootCamp, I have no problem at all, of any kind, with the trackpad.
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    Alpha 1? Are you kidding me?
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    Every few minutes, the trackpad goes nuts. This lasts about a few minutes.
    What happens is that only a 1cm wide vertical strip, 3/4s of the way to the right of the trackpad, works. The rest of the trackpad does nothing. At all.
    When you get your finger inside this 1cm strip, the trackpad works, but as if it's on super-hyper-sensitivity mode: resting your finger on it results in an oscillating, twitching, mouse cursor. Move up/down, still ultra jittery. Move left and right (which is very hard, remember: this is a 1cm strip!) and it's ultra jitter mode.
    Then it all goes good, all of a sudden.
    I've tried every combo of settings in the trackpad panel, to no avail.
    So I bought the top of the line, every single option, retail price (!!) laptop, to have a trackpad that is worse than a $2 mouse I can get at the 7-Eleven.
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   2.16GHZ CPU, 120GB HDD

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