Tran SMQ1

What is the role of queue which we can see in tcode SMQ1. And how does it come into play at the time of extraction.

Hi Amit,
SMQ1 - qRFC Monitor for the outbound queue. You use this transaction to monitor the status of the LUWs in the outbound queue and restart any hanging queues manually.
check the below link for more info:

Similar Messages

  • Error message in trans code SMQ1(backend) for material replication

    Hi All,
    I am wandering if someone can help me with this query. I have basically followed all the customisation steps requried to replicate replicate material masters from R/3 to SRM. I had infact closley followed the advise posted on the blog: How to replicate material master from R/3 to SRM
    However, once I start the initial load in SRM with trans code R3AS and thebn goto trans code SMQ1(in R/3 backend), the load has failed with the 'status' or SYSFAIL. When I double click on this message, I get the error:
    "Exception condition" EBCDIC_PROBLEM__OSSNOTE_33300 8" raised.
    I have looked at note 333008 but cannot find any clues as to what is causing the load to fail. In trans code R3AM1, the job's status only remains as 'Running' and does not change.
    Any pointers as to the cause and required workaound would be appreciated!

    Hi Muthu,
    Thank you for your feedback. I have just this moment implemented the note you recommended, but this does not appear to have resolved the error message, even though the consumer has been changed from CRM to SRM in r/3 and srm.
    I basically undertook the initial load for object 'dnl_cust_basis3' only with trans code R3AS, but the system still shows the following error message in the outbound que list (trans code SMQ1) in the sender R/3 backend system:
    ""Exception condition "EBCDIC_PROBLEM__OSSNOTE_33300
    8" raised""
    I am reluctant to implement the note number (333008) within the error message as the note heavily describes the CRM 2.0 component only and shows little relevance to SRM 5.0.
    Any feedback would be appreciated. I have pasted the note contents below.
    Note 333008 - XML in R/3 Adapter
    For the Plugin PI 2000.1 (R/3 OLTP) and the CRM 2.0B Support Package 08, the R/3 Adapter was enhanced by an XML support.As of CRM 2.0B Support Package 7, SAP recommends to use R3A XML as a standardAs of CRM 2.0C, XML is automatically the standard setting in the server, only in the OLTP PlugIn, you have to maintain a setting.
    Additional key words
    CRM, R/3 Adapter, XML, CRM_SEND_XML, BAPIMTCS, IBM, AS/400 OS/400 S/390, DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR, SQL error -302 accessing table SMOAUSP
    Cause and prerequisites
    System requirement:Plugin PI 2000.1 with at least PlugIn patch 03 or higher and CRM 2.0B Support Package 08 or CRM 2.0C on the server.(XML is possible with CRM 2.0B Support Package 07, however, Support Package 08 is recommended:if you only use Support Package 07, parameter CRM_CONVERT_ENDIAN has to be maintained even if this has no effect - see Note 207264.)
    To eliminate or minimize problems that occur during the data transfer between different operating and computer systems, an XML interface was implemented in the R/3 Adapter in addition to the binary transport, which has been used so far.
    This XML interface consists of an XML generating program on the OLTP-Plugin and an XML parser on the CRM.
    The generating program generates an XML document from the data stream to be sent to the CRM System and the XML parser converts this back into the original data stream. Except for the initial configuration, the mechanism is transparent and does not require further user activities.
    To use XML in CRM 2.0B in the initial download, you have to enter the following new parameter in table SMOFPARSFA (Transaction SM30 or R3AC6) on the CRM server:
                 Key:             R3A_COMMON
                 Parameter name:  CRM_SEND_XML
                 Parameter value: 'X'
    In CRM 2.0C, table SMOFPARSFA does not have to be maintained since XML is automatically the standard setting.
    For the data transfer with XML in delta download you must do the following
    Maintain parameter table CRMPAROLTP in PlugIn Release PI 2000.1, patch 03:Newly enter parameter name CRM_SEND_XML_FOR_DEFAULT_DEST with parameter value 'X'.
    Maintain parameter table CRMRFCPAR as of PlugIn Release PI 2000.2:Transaction SM30, set field SEND_XML of CRMRFCPAR to value 'X' for the corresponding entries
    The data transport in the XML format solves both the endian problem (see Note 207264) and the code page problem which existed during a data transport from or to an IBM mainframe (AS/400, S/390) to or from an ASCII-based system (NT, UNIX).
    Regarding the performance, the XML format has the disadvantage that the XML parser needs CPU time (which can be processed in parallel because no database access is made).If you want to do without the XML conversion in a specially defined system landscape, then set parameter CRM_SEND_XML to blank in the CRM System, and set table CRMPAROLTP (PI 2000.1) or CRMRFCPAR (PI 2000.2) without XML in the R/3 OLTP.In addition, parameter CRM_CONVERT_ENDIAN must be maintained correctly in the CRM System (see Note 0207264).
    You can do without the XML conversion under the following conditions.
    1. The OLTP system infrastructure and the CRM system infrastructure mustbe homogeneous. Example: all OLTP application servers UNIX and all CRMapplication servers NT.
    2. You must also make sure that no application servers with different operating systems are used in future.
    3. The OLTP system infrastructure must be homogeneous.In the CRM System it is possible to limit the application servers permitted for the processing of the queues by setting a specific server group.The application servers of these group servers must be homogeneous.However, the setting is valid for all inbound queues and cannot be restricted to specific queue names.
                  You can set up a server group with Transaction RZ12, and in Transaction SMQR you can set up the server group used for the processing via menu option 'Edit' -> 'Change AS group'. For details on this, see Note 369007.
    As SAP cannot check the customer's system landscape,this option is to be classified on project basis where the responsibility is the customer's and not SAP's.
    If homogeneous system infrastructures do not exist, the time required for saving data and documents can nevertheless be significantly reduced by carrying out the XML conversion in one asynchronous step.For this, you must maintain parameter CRM_XML_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_ON in table CRMPAROLTP. For this purpose, refer to Note 350176.
    Since the IPC is currently not able to process the XML document of the R/3 Adapter, XML must not be activated for IPC targets in CRMRFCPAR!
    Since, in addition to the existing data mapping and data transport, the XML generation and the XML parsing is included in the sequence of operations, you must expect a download runtime which might be twice as long as usual!
    Due to performance reasons, only the '&', '<' and '>' characters are converted into XML escape sequences at present.Therefore, other special characters in text fields might cause problems and might not be output correctly on the target system.
    The XML conversion does not solve problems with multi-byte texts, for example the data exchange between a Japanese and an English codepage is not supported.
    Source code corrections
    Header Data
    Release Status: Released for Customer
    Released on: 25.07.2001  22:00:00
    Priority: Recommendations/additional info
    Category: Special development
    Primary Component: CRM-MW-ADP Middleware Adapter
    Secondary Components: CRM-MW Middleware
    Affected Releases
    Component Release From
    Release To
    Release And
    MDM 200 200 200  
    COM_CRMMDM 40 4.0 4.0  
    UIFRW 40 4.0 4.0  
    CGVMIC 10 100 100  
    BBPCRM 2.0 20B 20C X
    BBPCRM 3.0 300 300 X
    BBPCRM 3.1 310 310 X
    BBPCRM 3.5 350 350 X
    BBPCRM 4.0 400 400 X
    Correction delivered in Support Package
    Packages Release Package
    BBPCRM 20C

  • SMQ1,SMQ2 display restriction

    dear experts
    In SRM i would like to restict transactions SMQ1,SMQ2 to display only,i have searched in su24,one object common to both is S_ADMI_FCD with field S_ADMI_FCD and value NADM(Network administration using trans. SM54, SM55, and SM58),what values shall i provide to restrict to display

    Nishant Sourabh wrote:
    > Add t-code SMQ1 and SMQ2 ..but make S_ADMI_FCD with value NADM inactive and check. As you make the S_ADMI_FCD object inactive, you will not see the delete icon.
    this is correct and works.

  • I encountered an error in the Payment Wizard screen as I was creating an Outgoing Payment for petty cash expenses. On the "Recommendation Report" screen, I clicked "Non-Included Trans." and saw that one of the vendors (Vendor Code: WILCO) has the followi

    I encountered an error in the Payment Wizard screen as I was creating an Outgoing Payment for petty cash expenses. On the “Recommendation Report” screen, I clicked “Non-Included Trans.” and saw that one of the vendors (Vendor Code: WILCO) has the following error:
    “The document amount is greater than the max. amount allowed in the payment methods linked to the BP”
    Upon checking, the “PCF-W” Payment Method linked to WILCO does not have any restrictions, nor does WILCO have any credit/commitment limit set. I have also appropriately defined the Dummy Business Partner Bank (under Payment Terms) as well as checked the “Included” box for PCF-W on the Payment Run-Payment Methods screen.
    Could anyone please help me on this?

    PS - have found other posts indicating that clips smaller than 2s or sometimes 5s, or "short files" can cause this. Modern style editing often uses short takes ! Good grief I cannot believe Apple. Well I deleted a half a dozen short sections and can export, but now of course the video is a ruined piiece of junk and I need to re-do the whole thing, the sound etc. which is basically taking as much time as the original. And each time I re-do it I risk again this lovely error -50 and again trying to figure out what thing bugs it via trial and error instead of a REASONABLE ERROR MESSAGE POINTING TO THE CLIP IT CAN'T PROCESS. What a mess. I HATE this iMovie application - full of BUGS BUGS BUGS which Apple will not fix obviously, since I had this product for a few years and see just hundreds of hits on Google about this error with disappointed users. Such junk I cannot believe I paid money for it and Apple does not support it with fixes !!!
    If anyone knows of a GOOD reasonably priced video editing program NOT from APPLE I am still looking for suggestions. I want to do more video in future, but obviously NOT with iMovie !!!

  • Sale order not trans to r3 .

    I create sale order through bapi.but it can not trans to r3.
    but the order created through GUI can trans to r3.
    please help.

    sorry , my english is very pool.
    I created sale order in CRM through BAPI,and can view it use Tcode 'CRMD_BUS2000115'.
    But I can not find it in R3.
    In our company , We installed Middleware between CRM and R3.when create sale order in GUI use TCode 'CRMD_BUS2000115', Middleware will trans sale order into R3 system.
    But I upload sale order through BAPI,Middleware does not work.
    please help

  • Getting error while taking MAX DB trans log backup.

    I am getting error while taking trans log backup of Maxdb database for archived log through data protector as below,
    [Critical] From: OB2BAR_SAPDBBAR@ttcmaxdb "MAX" Time: 08/19/10 02:10:41
    Unable to back up archive logs: no autolog medium found in media list
    But i am able to take complete data and incremental backup through data protector.
    I have already enabled the autolog for MAX DB database and it is writing that log file directly to HP-UX file system. Now i want to take backup of this archived log backup through data protector i.e. through trans log backup. So that the archived log which is on the file system after trans log backup completed will delete the archived logs in filesystem.  So that i don;t have to manually delete the archived logs from file system.

    Hi Lars,
    Thanks for the reply...
    Now i am able to take archive log backup but the problem is i can take only one archive file backup. Not multiple arhive log files generated by autolog at filesystem i.e /sapdb/MAX/saparch.
    I have enabled autolog and it is putting auto log file at unix directory i.e. /sapdb/MAX/saparch
    And then i am using the DataProtector 6.11 with trans log backup to backup the archived files in /sapdb/MAX/saparch. When i start the trans backup session through data protector it uses the archive stage command as "archive_stage BACKDP-Archive LOGBackup NOVERIFY REMOVE" If /sapdb/MAX/saparch has only one archive file it will backup and remove the file successfully. But if /sapdb/MAX/saparch has multiple archive files it gives an error as below,
      Preparing backup.
                Setting environment variable 'BI_CALLER' to value 'DBMSRV'.
                Setting environment variable 'BI_REQUEST' to value 'OLD'.
                Setting environment variable 'BI_BACKUP' to value 'ARCHIVE'.
                Constructed Backint for MaxDB call '/opt/omni/lbin/sapdb_backint -u MAX -f backup -t file -p SAPDB.13576.1283767878.par -i /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.
    bsi_in -c'.
                Created temporary file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out' as output for Backint for MaxDB.
                Created temporary file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err' as error output for Backint for MaxDB.
                Writing '/sapdb/data/wrk/MAX/dbm.ebf' to the input file.
                Writing '/sapdb/data/wrk/MAX/dbm.knl' to the input file.
            Prepare passed successfully.
            Starting Backint for MaxDB.
                Starting Backint for MaxDB process '/opt/omni/lbin/sapdb_backint -u MAX -f backup -t file -p SAPDB.13576.1283767878.par -i /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.
    bsi_in -c >>/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out 2>>/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err'.
                Process was started successfully.
            Backint for MaxDB has been started successfully.
            Waiting for the end of Backint for MaxDB.
                2010-09-06 03:15:21 The backup tool is running.
                2010-09-06 03:15:24 The backup tool process has finished work with return code 0.
            Ended the waiting.
            Checking output of Backint for MaxDB.
            Have found all BID's as expected.
        Have saved the Backup History files successfully.
        Cleaning up.
            Removing data transfer pipes.
                Removing data transfer pipe /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1 ... Done.
            Removed data transfer pipes successfully.
            Copying output of Backint for MaxDB to this file.
    Begin of output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out)----
                #SAVED 1009067:1 /sapdb/data/wrk/MAX/dbm.ebf
                #SAVED 1009067:1 /sapdb/data/wrk/MAX/dbm.knl
    End of output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out)----
            Removed Backint for MaxDB's temporary output file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out'.
            Copying error output of Backint for MaxDB to this file.
    Begin of error output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err)----
    End of error output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err)----
            Removed Backint for MaxDB's temporary error output file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err'.
            Removed the Backint for MaxDB input file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_in'.
        Have finished clean up successfully.
    The backup of stage file '/export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.040' was successful.
    2010-09-06 03:15:24
    Backing up stage file '/export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.041'.
        Creating pipes for data transfer.
            Creating pipe '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1' ... Done.
        All data transfer pipes have been created.
        Preparing backup tool.
            Setting environment variable 'BI_CALLER' to value 'DBMSRV'.
            Setting environment variable 'BI_REQUEST' to value 'OLD'.
            Setting environment variable 'BI_BACKUP' to value 'ARCHIVE'.
            Constructed Backint for MaxDB call '/opt/omni/lbin/sapdb_backint -u MAX -f backup -t file -p SAPDB.13576.1283767878.par -i /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_
    in -c'.
            Created temporary file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out' as output for Backint for MaxDB.
            Created temporary file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err' as error output for Backint for MaxDB.
            Writing '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1 #PIPE' to the input file.
        Prepare passed successfully.
        Constructed pipe2file call 'pipe2file -d file2pipe -f /export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.041 -p /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1 -nowait'.
        Starting pipe2file for stage file '/export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.041'.
            Starting pipe2file process 'pipe2file -d file2pipe -f /export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.041 -p /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1 -nowait >>/var/tmp/tem
    p1283767880-0 2>>/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1'.
            Process was started successfully.
        Pipe2file has been started successfully.
        Starting Backint for MaxDB.
            Starting Backint for MaxDB process '/opt/omni/lbin/sapdb_backint -u MAX -f backup -t file -p SAPDB.13576.1283767878.par -i /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_
    in -c >>/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out 2>>/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err'.
            Process was started successfully.
        Backint for MaxDB has been started successfully.
        Waiting for end of the backup operation.
            2010-09-06 03:15:25 The backup tool process has finished work with return code 2.
            2010-09-06 03:15:25 The backup tool is not running.
            2010-09-06 03:15:25 Pipe2file is running.
            2010-09-06 03:15:25 Pipe2file is running.
            2010-09-06 03:15:30 Pipe2file is running.
            2010-09-06 03:15:40 Pipe2file is running.
            2010-09-06 03:15:55 Pipe2file is running.
            2010-09-06 03:16:15 Pipe2file is running.
            Killing not reacting pipe2file process.
            Pipe2file killed successfully.
            2010-09-06 03:16:26 The pipe2file process has finished work with return code -1.
        The backup operation has ended.
        Filling reply buffer.
            Have encountered error -24920:
                The backup tool failed with 2 as sum of exit codes and pipe2file was killed.
            Constructed the following reply:
                -24920,ERR_BACKUPOP: backup operation was unsuccessful
                The backup tool failed with 2 as sum of exit codes and pipe2file was killed.
        Reply buffer filled.
        Cleaning up.
            Removing data transfer pipes.
                Removing data transfer pipe /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1 ... Done.
            Removed data transfer pipes successfully.
            Copying output of Backint for MaxDB to this file.
    Begin of output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out)----
    End of output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out)----
            Removed Backint for MaxDB's temporary output file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out'.
            Copying error output of Backint for MaxDB to this file.
    Begin of error output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err)----
    End of error output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err)----
            Removed Backint for MaxDB's temporary error output file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err'.
            Removed the Backint for MaxDB input file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_in'.
            Copying pipe2file output to this file.
    Begin of pipe2file output (/var/tmp/temp1283767880-0)----
    End of pipe2file output (/var/tmp/temp1283767880-0)----
            Removed pipe2file output '/var/tmp/temp1283767880-0'.
            Copying pipe2file error output to this file.
    Begin of pipe2file error output (/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1)----
    End of pipe2file error output (/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1)----
            Removed pipe2file error output '/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1'.
        Have finished clean up successfully.
    The backup of stage file '/export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.041' was unsuccessful.
    2010-09-06 03:16:26
    Cleaning up.
        Have encountered error -24919:
            Can not remove file '/var/tmp/temp1283767880-0'.
            (System error 2; No such file or directory)
        Could not remove temporary output file of pipe2file ('/var/tmp/temp1283767880-0' ).
        Have encountered error -24919:
            Can not remove file '/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1'.
            (System error 2; No such file or directory)
        Could not remove temporary output file of pipe2file ('/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1' ).
    Have finished clean up successfully.

  • Error : Posting with trans.type 200 not possible (No acquisition posted)

    Dear All,
      Iam getting error while doing asset retirement thru ABAVN. Error is mentioned below. Pls do the needful.
    Posting with trans.type 200 not possible (No acquisition posted)
        Message no. AA324

    Dear Bird,
      Already asset has been posted , but then also it shows the same error.
    pls help on this.

  • F-02 with asset retirement: Trans. type not possible - No affil. company

    Hello Gurus,
    I am struggling with the following, I hope you can help me:
    We want to sell an investment using a trading partner. When entering the asset retirement transaction type 230, I get error message AA 389 Trans. type not possible (No affiliated company specified). I however enter the trading partner through 'More data' but when coming back to the asset retirement, T. type 210 is written and changing it to 230 gives me the error.
    I am using document type DR for which the flags 'enter trading partner' and 'Inter co. postings' are set. I tried without the flag 'Inter co. postings', no success.
    I have tried with Trans. type 210 and changing the line item after simulation, no success as well.
    The target document is:
    Pos. Posting Key       Account       Amount      Trading Part.
    1      01                      1195914       4,320.00
    2      50                      610720         4,320.00-   CI09
    After simulate:
    Pos. Posting Key       Account       Amount     Trading Part.
    1      01                      1195914       4,320.00
    2      50                      610720         4,000.00-  CI09
    3      50                      204010         320.00-     CI09
    4      75                      18678 0        0.01-
    5      40                      9740150       4,0000.00
    6      50                      9740100       3,9999.99-
    Many Thanks in advance.

    Hello Alex,
    Try F-92, on the screen for creating the revenue line item, i.e. the credit side, you must activate the indicator "asset retirement." > Next, press 'Enter' key, after which the screen 'Create Asset Retirement' appears and in this dialog box screen enter the appropriate 'Transacion Type' instead.
    Hope the above helps.
    Kind regards,
    John Chin

  • Asset Retirement (ABAON) error - Posting with trans.type 210 not possible

    HI All,
    I was trying to sell an asset using transaction ABAON which is fully depreciated, but I am getting the error -
    " Posting with trans.type 210 not possible (No acquisition posted)"
    The Scenario is, there is an asset(car) which was uploaded during implimentation and it got depreciated fully in the month of april.
    The same asset(car, which is fully depreciated) is sold for an amount of Rs 40000/-.
    So, I was trying to post it with some revenue vlaue in transaction ABAON, but I am getting the above error.
    (The Asset value was an uploaded during implimentation,it was not an acquisition value from SAP. It was an uploaded value from legacy data)
    Could any one help in this, or let me know the correct process for this kind of transactions.
    Awaiting for a reply.

    HI Mamta,
    Thanks for the reply.
    While Uploading the data was uploaded as asset balance upload for prior year with value.
    Plase let me know what do you propose, to be done for this.

  • FI _AA errr Posting with trans.type 210 not possible (No acquisition posted

    Asset Retirement Not Possible  
    We have uploded legacy data in our Production server on 01.04.2010.. after that we have to sale one of them asset .
    I am using T.code :- F-92 .. but i couldn't sale that and system gives me error
    Posting with trans.type 210 not possible (No acquisition posted)
    Message no. AA324
    Transaction type 210 belongs to a transaction type group, which can only be used to post to assets to which posting has already been performed. However, no postings have been made to this asset.
    Use a transaction type from a transaction type group, which can be used for the first acquisition to an asset.
    Can anyone Help on this topic
    Moderator: Please, search SDN*

    Hi Rambo
    I think you are using Group Assets for income tax depreciation
    If yes, have you uploaded values into Group assets from AS82? Can you please check this and revert
    Ajay M

  • MIRO error Posting with trans.type 159 not possible (No acquisition posted)

    I have the following probem while doing MIRO.  Would appreciate if someone could help.
    Error in Purchase invoice posting MIRO  :-
    The user has created a PO for asset in  FY2010 and has performed a MIGO in FY2010.
    Now in FY2011 the user tries to  invoice against the  above asset and wants to post it thru Trans MIRO.
    System gives an  error during MIRO  "Posting with trans.type 159 not possible (No acquisition posted)"  Message no AA 324
    Trans type 159 has trans type group 12 attached to it.
    MIGO can not be reversed  because it belongs to the closed FY.
    Please help

    refer notes 1526247 and 1507808... Though it relates to Japan, but the issue is same
    Br, Ajay M

  • ASSET TRANS-Posting with trans.type Z30 not possible(No acquisition posted)

    Hi Experts,
    Am creating a sub asset 001 for my_asset_1, via 'BAPI_FIXEDASSET_CREATE1'. Fine.
    Then, am trying to post the Asset transfer for my_asset/001 by using a BAPI of  'AMDP_BAPI_CALL_ON_TRANSACTION'.
    But, am getting the Error(via ABUMN am NOT geetting any ERROR)- <i><b>Posting with trans.type Z30 not possible (No acquisition posted)</b></i>
    Am passing paras, like,
    so, pls. clarify that,
    1 - Wht is the meaning of Error message am geeting?
    2 - How to fix it?
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    closing, bcoz, did not get good answer

  • MIRO - Posting with trans.type 159 not possible (No acquisition posted)

    Hi all,
    I have a case where an asset PO was created with multiple account assignment in one line item.  For example, purchase 10 pc of printer with 10 asset numbers specified in the account assignment tab.  By standard SAP, the GR is non-valuated.
    The GR of the PO was done in the previous period.  Now, when the invoice is to be posted thru MIRO.  The system generate error message to me.  The error message is "Posting with trans.type 159 not possible (No acquisition posted)" and message number is AA324.
    The reason of this error is due to no acquisition date in the asset master.  GR is non-valuated hence, the acquisition date is not populated in the asset as well.  I believe this is quite a common problem.  Kindly advise any workaround solution.

    refer notes 1526247 and 1507808... Though it relates to Japan, but the issue is same
    Br, Ajay M

  • Error posting with trans.type 159 not possible (no aquisition posted)

    Hello All,
    A user has created an PO for asset with GR non valuated  in 2007 and has performed a MIGO/GR in the same year 2007. Now in 2008 the user has received an invoice against the said asset and wants to post it thru Trans MIRO.
    At the time of posting the invoice the user gets the error "posting with trans.type 159 not possible (no aquisition posted)" . Since this is a completely new asset and GR non valuated asset process is a standard in SAP why is the system recognising the transation type as 159 i/o trans type 100 ie new asset aquisition.
    If i post a dummy value to the same asset using FB01 the system accepts the value but the same process if i intend to follow usin MIRO system does not allow.
    Can you guys help me

    Thanks Paul for your reply, I checked the depreciation key. inthe key the "Aqu only allowed in capitalization year is marked as NO"
    Therefore the problem is not the depreciation key

  • ABUMN: Posting with trans.type 300 not possible (No acquisition posted)

    Hello everyone,
    I have seen a few threads on this topic, however I am still not finding a resolution to my issue.  I am very new to the FICO configuration scene and probably need a little more hand holding than the others who have asked this question.
    I am having and issue using ABUMN while transfering a Capital Investment Project (CIP Asset) under a asset class of AUC, to a standard fixed asset.  The CIP has been capitalized.  However, when I try to perform the transfer I am receiving the following error:
    Posting with trans.type 300 not possible (No acquisition posted)
    Message no. AA324
    Transaction type 300 belongs to a transaction type group, which can only be used to post to assets to which posting has already been performed. However, no postings have been made to this asset.
    Use a transaction type from a transaction type group, which can be used for the first acquisition to an asset.
    I have read through SAP NOTE 327088 (for retirements transfer variant 4) and it just doesn't help me with the issue.  I know it probably should, but I do not know enough about this process in order for it to make a whole lot of sense.
    If anyone can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.  Again, I am very new, so I will probably have several follow-up questions as well.
    Thanks in advance for the help!

    I have finally figured this out on my own.
    When trying to transfer a capital investment project asset with an AuC class (asset under construction), ABUMN is not to be used.
    1st.  The internal order needs to be fully settled (KO02).  Create a settlement rule "FUL" for the designated fixed asset.
    2nd.  Run "Actual Settlement" run via KO88.
    This should transfer everything from the CIP asset to the fixed asset.  You can double check this via the S_ALR_87011967 - ... by Plant report.  Run this report prior to performing the steps above and the money will show in the CIP asset account, run it again after the above steps.  The CIP should be zeroed out and the fixed asset should now carry the amount.

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