Tranfer itunes music from mac to pc

Please help.. I originally was using itunes on my mac. Now I am using a PC. I want to transter all my music from the mac and put it on my PC, but have no idea how to. I tried connected my ipod to the PC, but it tells me I have to format it. What do I do?? Please help me!!

I don't know much about macs, but if you still have access to your mac, I can offer some advice (Someone else might have a better way). Go ahead and format/restore your ipod on the PC.
Connect the ipod to your mac, let it load all the songs. when its done, disconnect it, hold the shift and ctrl key on the pc WHILE HOLDING THE KEYS connect the ipod and do not let go of the keys til itunes opens and list the ipod, this stops an auto update.
goto edit>preferences>ipod and set the ipod to "Manual update" then hit the advanced tab>general tab and make sure "Copy files to iTUnes music folder" is UNCHECK then hit OK
Now you can use third party programs like podutil to copy all your songs/playlist/ratings/playcounts to your PC and iTUnes. You can use there trail version to do this, after every 50 songs it copies it pops up a window you have to hit OK on for it to continue, but thats a small price for something doing all this free
Hope that helps you out

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    Hi NativeTiger!
    Here is an article that can help you find your Past Purchases and re-download them to your computer:
    Download past purchases
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

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