Transfer iMovie audio tracks to iPod

I mixed 4 music tracks in iMovie, exported them to Quicktime in cd format, and then added the mix to the iTunes library. However, the mix wouldn't transfer to the iPod while updating. Suggestions?

What format is the file in? Make sure it is MP3 or AAC - the iPod won't play anything else....
You can convert it to MP3/ACC in iTunes by highlighting the song and selecting "Convert to MP3/ACC" (it wil default to whatever your default is in the iTunes preferences) in the Advanced menu.

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    See if these help.
    iPod does not play content purchased from the iTMS.
    Troubleshooting songs and audiobooks that won't play on the iPod.

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    Why are you using "media player" instead of iTunes to manage your content? iPods are engineered to work with iTunes and vice-versa, so if you haven't already installed iTunes you should do so. Then...(same answer I gave in another thread)...
    In iTunes, select "Add File to Library". In the Add File dialog, navigate to the location of your audiobook content on your hard drive, select the file you want to add, then click "Open".
    This adds the file to your iTunes library, but you may have to edit file details to get audiobooks to show up where you want them in iTunes and on the iPod. After a given audiobook file has been added in iTunes, right-click on it and select "Get Info" from the pop-up menu. On the "Info" tab, enter "Audiobook" for genre, author name for "Artist", whatever title you'd like to appear in iTunes / on your iPod, and whatever other info you'd like.
    After you sync your iPod to iTunes, your audiobook files can be easily accessed on the iPod by selecting Music - Genre - Audiobook from the menu. Creating a playlist of audiobooks will also make them easy to find in iTunes.

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    As an addendum with another question. The Quick time movie did work as did exporting it again without video. It was still an *.mov file. Right clicking on it in the list in iTunes allows conversion to MP3. Without doing that, it would not sync onto the iPod.
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    Thank you

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    like in between where the ruler marks
    turn off the Snap to Grid, and Alignment Guides menuItems

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    Looking for some basic guidance.

    Looks like I was trying to detach the audio from the movie clip in the media iMovie is now much more than a Quicktime player!!! After selecting the movie clip in the movie project I was able to:
    detach the audio from the movie using the Modify menu selection
    drag and drop my replacement.wav file onto the "1/8th notes icon" as an audio track
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    Excellent Job Apple - iMove works great.

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    If yu can update:
    - Transfer iTunes purchases to the new computer by:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
    - Transfer other music by using a third-party program like on of those discussed here:
    newer copy
    - Connect the iPod to the computer and make a backup by right clicking on the iPod under Devices in iTunes and select Back Up
    - Restore the iPod from that backup. Your iPod wll also be updated.
    Note that the iPod backup that iTunes makes does not included synced media like apps and music.

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    Enabled Name Start Time Duration Format
    Y Video Track -- 0:00:00:00 -- 2:21:53:90 -- H.264
    Y Audio Track1 -- 0:00:00:00 -- 2:21:53:90 -- AAC
    Y Audio Track2 -- 1:27:28:87 -- 0:54:24:02 -- AAC
    N Text Track -- 0:00:00:00 -- 2:21:53:90 -- Text
    Any suggestions?

    So basically, anytime I combine more than one mp4 file in QT7 Pro, it will always create multiple audio tracks when doing a simple "save as" (vs. export as)
    Not exactly. QT has it own set of rules. As you noted, the video track had no problem merging into a single track. This would not have happened if you had merged video compressed differently or added an image/stretched image sequence. Not knowing your specific work flow or settings, I hesitate to make any claims here. Frankly, when merging audio, I normally prefer to use GarageBand when I want to create a single master audio track and still retain control of the other tracks for mixing purposes. However, I could just as well have exported the audio in the original file using QT Pro to a single audio file and used that audio track to replace both original tracks keeping both the original video and chapter tracks. It is all a matter of which work flow you consider easiest for a particular job or project.
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    The above link is a somewhat old tutorial explaining how to create a chapter text track from scratch. Since you already have the chapter track, just refer to the steps indicating how to add the text file back to your main movie file. (Ignore the step that says to set a "Preload" option as this pop-up has been removed.)

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    Thanks in advance for your help!

    With the iPad connected to the computer, while iTunes is running, click on the iPad name on the left side under devices. Click on the Movies tab and look for Movie Rentals. You want to "Move" the films to the iPad.

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    Any ideas ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Michael,
    Yes, sorry. I'm using version 4.5, I've not seen this problem before.
    I tried extracting and then importing the track in again but that didn't work. I can extract it to a separate clip but there is a lot of editing to be done with lots of changes and continually having to edit a second track would make the job longer.
    I was hoping to find a solution in QuickTime where I could change the track ID.
    Any thoughts on the version I'm using?
    Regards Alan

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    Hello kropacd (and Karsten;)):
    I realize at this late time that this will be a pain..but you might want to try to extract your audio prior to exporting (sharing) to iDVD to se if that helps...
    The only other thing I can imagine is that you used 12-bit audio in your video instead of 16-bit? It really needs to be 16-bit-check the setting on your camera.

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    You might have more success converting it into an AIFF file.
    Try this: Download MPEG Streamclip, it's a free utility that allows you to do a lot of different conversions on audio and video clips. What we're going to to try is save an AIFF to 48kHz and re-import it into iMovie and see if there's a difference.
    Once you download MPEG Streamclip, open it and go to File Menu> Open Files... and navigate out to your AIFF file. Make sure the drop down list at the bottom of the window has All Files listed (instead of just Audio or just Video). If you don't show all files, it will gray out files it doesn't recognize. Once you have your audio clip selected, click Open.
    From the File Menu > Export Audio... choose AIFF and under Sample rate: choose 48kHz. Click OK
    Save the clip to the Desktop, maybe give it a different name (say #2 added to the end).  Quit MPEG Streamclip. In iMovie drag your new AIFF file to the project timeline.

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    I have an audio track captured with a microphone that was mistakenly recorded on a stereo track. Is there any way to transfer it to a mono track so that the audio can be heard equally in both speakers?

    That's the latest version. Go to iTunes Prefs>General. Click on the Import Settings button, another widow opens, set Import Using: to whatever you want to convert to, then Setting choose Custom, another window opens, Channel choose Mono. Then choose your song in iTunes and either right-clicking or using the Advanced menu choose Create...Version. I think that should do it.
    Just don't forget to set everything back before you import any other CDs or what not.

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