Transfer Playlists, Artwork and Ratings.

I got a macbook not long ago and I transferred all my music files from my iMac onto my Macbook planning to sort out the ratings and stuff 'later'. I've since added about 500 songs and still haven't done anything about the ratings, artwork and playlists.
I though just backing up the original library xml files and adding the library xml files to the itunes folder would fix it, but then I thought that, that might mess up the new music.
Any help would be great.

see if this KB helps.

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    Close iTunes and wait for 30 secs or so then copy the two library files somewhere safe.
    To restore, close itunes, drag the bad iTunes Library.itl from the iTunes folder to the desktop and copy in the backup.
    Note: the xml file is not required for this but it can come in handy so it is worth backing up with the itl file.

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    Copy the entire iTunes media folder from the macbook to the pc.
    Using homesharing to transfer files makes no logical sense, as you have seen, it does not transfer playlists, ratings,  or play counts.

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    Don't do this
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    I sent requests to Anapod for help today, but they have not been answered yet. Docs truly did not seem to help. Would have been good if there was a pdf file rather than just an online help html file that seemed outdated.
    This worked for me:
    I ended up having iTunes wipe out the entire library because of all the dups Anapod made. (Made sure that iTunes only wiped out library and did not delete actual songs from hard drive. Then I had iTunes import my subfolder with songs again. That brought me back to where I was before wasting money and much time on Anapod.
    After I had my iTunes library up (without ratings and playlists and after finding Anapod did not meet my needs.
    1. I imported the xml file to which I had exported playlists before reformating hard drive. That gave me the playlists back although an error message said some items not copied because the music tracks listed in playlists were not in my iTunes library. --Possibly I deleted songs after playlists were downloaded some time ago to iPod. Importing the xml file is probably not necessary because of what I did below.
    2. Quit iTunes
    3. Because my song ratings were still missing, I then moved the iTunes library files made by the new version of iTunes into a different folder.
    4. Then I put my old version 4 library files into the place where the library files should be.
    5. Then I crossed my fingers and restarted iTunes. It took awhile to start and said it was updating my library files. Now I have back most or all of my playlists and ratings.
    If problems develop, I will probably wipe out iTunes library and use Anapod to move everything from my iPod into a folder and tell iTunes to import that folder. That approach might avoid the dups that Anapod makes when restoring playlists to iTunes.
    So my message is keep your actual songs backed up somewhere (such as DVD's and anotehr hard drive) and keep a duplicate copy of your library files somewhere not on your hard drive. With these items you should be able to restore iTunes library to its former status.
    Sorry for the length of this message. Hope it helps someone.

    The simple version of above:
    iTunes Files to Backup (anytime you make additions or changes to the Music or Library that you want to retain)
    1) All music files in their current folder structure (usually located in and under the ‘iTunes Music’ folder)
    2) The Library database file: ‘iTunes Library.itl’ located in the ‘iTunes’ folder
    3) The Library XML file: ‘iTunes Music Library.xml’ located in the ‘iTunes’ folder
    4) Any XML playlist files created for Playlist retention
    5) The two iTunes.pref files (optional)
    -- C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes.pref
    -- C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer Inc\iTunes.pref
    6) The XML file of Ratings, Play Counts and Last Played attributes saved from the main Library and created by Otto’s SaveRatings script (also optional, but recommended):
    “Download this: . It's a program, just run it like any other program. Run it on the machine where you're copying the info from BEFORE you move the files to the new machine. Click the "Save Ratings" button and it'll create a ratings.xml file. Now when you move the files, move the program and this file as well. Then after you make your new iTunes library, run it again and click the "Restore Ratings" button. Voila, all your information is back in the Library. Well, most of it anyway, it's not perfect. It'll tell you what songs it couldn't figure out though, and there's usually not very many.”

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    iTunes as you see it is more than just a file or two.  It is all the contents of the iTunes folder including the critical library.itl file.  That holds pretty much all the information about what you see when you start iTunes.  You need to restore the whole iTunes folder, not just media files.

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    Are these WAV files?
    WAV does not use ID3 tags to store info.

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    Because ratings don't travel with the files or the playlist.
    These are two possible approaches that will normally work to move an existing library to a new computer.
    Method 1
    Backup the library with this User Tip.
    Deauthorize the old computer if you no longer want to access protected content on it.
    Restore the backup to your new computer using the same tool used to back it up.
    Keep your backup up-to-date in future.
    Method 2
    Connect the two computers to the same network. Share your <User's Music> folder from the old computer and copy the entire iTunes library folder into the <User's Music> folder on the new one. Again, deauthorize the old computer if no longer required.
    Both methods should give the new computer a working clone of the library that was on the old one. As far as iTunes is concerned this is still the "home" library for your devices so you shouldn't have any issues with iTunes wanting to erase and reload.
    I'd recommend method 1 since it establishes an ongoing backup for your library.
    If you have an iOS device that syncs with contact & calendar data on your computer you should migrate this information too. If that isn't possible create a dummy entry of each type in your new profile and iTunes should offer to merge the existing data from the device into the computer, otherwise the danger is that it will wipe the information from the device.
    If your media folder has been split out from the main iTunes folder you may need to do some preparatory work to make it easier to move. See make a split library portable.
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library, or a backup of it, then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device for advice on how to set up your devices with a new library with the maximum preservation of data. If you don't have any Apple devices then see HT2519 - Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store.

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    I would like to know how can I keep my playlists and ratings after reinstalling a fresh copy of windows.
    Thank you in advance,

    You need to go to each device and make sure there is a wireless profile configured for the SSID, and then save it as the default wireless connection. This may be easier if you configure each device prior do disabling the SSID.

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    What format is the media in?  MP3? AAC? OGG? FLAC?
    If it's not a supported format, it cannot be loaded on the device.

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    If you are using automatic syncing to load the iPod, all songs on the iPod are in your iTunes music library.  So, you won't need to transfer anything from the old nano.  Just sync the new iPod from your iTunes library the same way.
    If you use the Manually manage music setting, AND there are songs on the iPod that are not in your iTunes music library, you will need to off-load songs to your computer first.  You cannot transfer song files from iPod to computer using iTunes (except for songs purchased from the iTunes Store).  However, there are third-party methods and utilities that can transfer from iPod to computer.  If you do a Google search on something like "ipod transfer" you should get some links.
    Also, if this is a 1st gen iPod nano, you can check this article to see if it applies to you

  • Put H.Drive with iTunes onto new computer...lost playlist and ratings

    My main computer that had iTunes on it crashed the other day, my motherboard was fried. So I put the hard drive with the iTunes into another computer. The iTune files are not corrupted, but I have lost my playlist and ratings.
    Is there a way to recover my old playlist and ratings?

    Yes there may be.
    iTunes operates as a database of information for your music files. The actual music files are stored on your PC, not within iTunes. iTunes keeps absolute references of the music file location and other information in its database file. This allows iTunes to use music files from any location on the PC: different directories/folders on the main HD, another internal drive, an external drive, or a network drive (or any combination of the above).
    Each song reference has a specific and hardcoded location (both drive letter & path) so iTunes can find and play (or sync) it. Move the file, change the path, re-map the drive it is on, shut down or remove the Drive, and iTunes will lose the file (giving you the '!' of a ‘Broken Link’). Lose, move or corrupt the ‘iTunes Music.itl’ file and your complete Library will ‘vanish’.
    If you delete, corrupt, or otherwise lose your ‘iTunes Library.itl’ file, you will end up with a ‘blank’ Library within iTunes. Nine times out of ten, your underlying music files are still on the PC. They can be ‘re-Added’ via the File==>Add Folder/File menu command, but you will lose some of the music meta-data. Recovering your Library via backup copies of the iTunes database file, or from importing the XML file is always preferable.
    By your placing the previous C: drive (I'm assuming) into another PC now reading it as the H: drive, iTunes is either looking at a blank Library database file, or reading the old one, but looking for the music on the C: drive where it was before (I'll guess the former).
    IF you can put all the music on the C: drive into the exact same path as it was previously
    AND you can place a copy of your previous ITL database file into the '..\My Music\iTunes' folder on the C: drive
    THEN when you open iTunes, it should restore your complete Library.
    Post back if you have questions or if you need to clarify your exact HD situation (I may have misread your meaning...).

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