Transferring a PAL DVD to NTSC

Hi there. I've got a PAL DVD that I need to convert to NTSC to edit with. I've ripped the DVD, but can't seem to figure out what to do from there with the Video TS folder files. Any ideas? Thanks!

Hi Danielle,
There are a couple of approaches to this problem, whether it's NTSC or PAL. First of all, Streamclip should work with all non-copy-protected DVDs. Be sure you're dragging the correct VOB file... look at the filesizes and it will become obvious which one is a video and which is a menu file... usually it's VTS011.VOB
If it doesn't work (there are legitimate reasons why it may not work), your next bet would be Handbrake.
This marvelous free software will rip your DVD to an MP4 or other format, at which point you can use Quicktime Pro to transcode to NTSC interlaced, or whatever other format you choose.
I agree, there is some quality loss with this extra step, but it beats not being able to use your video at all.
Good luck!

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    2 options.
    1) Best option - only available if you have the source material - Convert source material from PAL to NTSC using the Nattress standards converter.
    or the JES deinterlacer:
    It's also possible to do this in Compressor but not as good quality and longer render times.
    2) If you don't have the source footage, you'll need to demux the file in MPeg Streamclip:
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    It makes sense that a PAL DVD project wouldn't accept media that's already compressed to MPEG2 in NTSC format. When the DVD is built, all it does is multiplex the audio/video. It doesn't change the compression or frame rate or size.
    You'd probably need to recompress the original edited source video in Compressor to PAL format. Once you select a preset in Compressor, you need to change the Video Format from Automatic to PAL. Select the preset and in the Inspector, click the Encoder section, then the Video Format tab. Then you'll see the Video Format popup menu where you can change it to PAL.
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    I`m using CS5 Production premium and I have edit movie (1440x1080 25fps 1,3333). Pal DVD and blu-ray is ready, but now I need to make Nort American festifal copy NTSC DVD and Blu-ray. Is that so simple that I took squence to media encoder and pick up Format: MPEG2-DVD Present: NTSC 23,976p widescreen and after that I open NTSC project on  Encore and burn DVD. Same thing with Blu-ray? I make test clip this way and it`s look fine VLC player, but I can`t test DVD or Blu-ray because I don`t have pure NTSC stand alone player. Does anyone know this issue? I don`t want to send copy that is not working
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    Yes I know, so if that work here that should work and look same
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    My question is . Do I have to convert also to PAL the IDV menu, the shot picture in the menu, and the Itunes in the menu.
    If your aswer is yes! - How can I do that? I am using Mac G5 final cut pro 4. Your help is appreciated

    My sequence is already converted to PAL.
    1. When I recreate the menu. Do I have to convert the menu to PAL?
    2. When I recreate the picture shot background to the menu. Do I have to convert the still picture also to PAL, before importing?
    3. When I imported the music to background/Menu. The music is too loud. Can I lower the volume from the menu?
    4. When I convert my sequence from NTSC to PAL. How can I know that my new sequence turned to be PAL? (I am using MPEG Streamclip) When I went to get info on the new sequence, there is no sign if the sequence is PAL or NTSC.
    Please help. This is very confusing

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    Open a new PAL Encore project, then using the dynamic link, bring in the NTSC edited video.
    The menu I used in the NTSC version of the DVD for the parents used a 4:3 NTSC frame which I saved as a menu and will import to the PAL project to avoid having to create it again (which contatined about 12 buttons for selecting various shots).
    There is no PAL menu in Encore so I am wondering if the NTSC menu will be stretched when viewed in PAL.
    More imporntantly, I am wondering if the video will be re-sized correctly in the PAL Encore project, since I have no way to test it.
    Would very much appreciate input on this effort.

    You could just send them an NTSC DVD - nearly all PAL DVD players can play NTSC discs.

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