"Transform": how do i create inbetween sizes and space evenly?

hopefully the titles have said enough. i've placed 2
different sizes of the same graphic symbol on a stage. one is on
the bottom left side of the stage, the other on the top right. i
want to create 5, inbetween sizes from small to large and
distribute them evenly on the center-line axis.
is there a way to do this?

All I can think of would be this:
Create a symbol of the largest size for your image.
Figure out the difference in size from the smallest to the
largest, then what each size should be for instances 2-4
Figure out the difference between 1 and 5 and space 2-4
accordingly. As with the sizes, you'll have to set all of this
I'm not sure if the positions and sizes will change
dynamically if the movie is resized, but I doubt it. If you want to
do that, you're probably looking at some major AS.

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    Have a look at this article written by the CEO of our company (MoviMED):
    What is the object you are going to be making with the CNC?  Is it a cube? Is it an intricate statue?
    Are you making an object with a CNC, or just mounting a camera to a CNC to image the object?
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    *Oracle DBA* wrote:
    Dears ,,
    I faced problem in ASM size as it appeared in alert file as below
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    I was having this problem. Im my case i couldn add datafiles to a tablespace despite the fact that i was having a lot of space in the asm. Try rebalancing. It might help. In my case rebalancing also didn work because it seems that there need to be a threshold space in all the disks for the rebalancing to happen which was not in my case, so i had to shrink some unused space in the tablespace and then after gaining the required space I rebalanced the disk and then the disks got rebalanced, also i was able to use the free space that was showing .

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    Thanks and Regards,

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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    <project xmlns:projdeps2="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/ant-project-references/2" basedir=".." default="jar" name="-impl">
    <target name="pre-init"/>
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    <echo message="User properties file (user.properties.file) property is not set. By specifying this property many properties required by the project will be automatically evaluated (e.g.: libraries, platforms, ...)." level="warning"/>
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    <fail unless="platform.home">Platform home (platform.home property) is not set. Value of this property should be ${platform.active.description} emulator home directory location.</fail>
    <fail unless="platform.bootclasspath">Platform boot classpath (platform.bootclasspath property) is not set. Value of this property should be ${platform.active.description} emulator boot classpath containing all J2ME classes provided by emulator.</fail>
    <fail unless="src.dir">Must set src.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="build.dir">Must set build.dir</fail>
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    <fail unless="preprocessed.dir">Must set preprocessed.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="preverify.classes.dir">Must set preverify.classes.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="obfuscated.classes.dir">Must set obfuscated.classes.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="dist.dir">Must set dist.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="dist.jar">Must set dist.jar</fail>
    <fail unless="dist.jad">Must set dist.jad</fail>
    <fail unless="obfuscator.srcjar">Must set obfuscator.srcjar</fail>
    <fail unless="obfuscator.destjar">Must set obfuscator.destjar</fail>
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    <echo append="true" file="${build.dir}/manifest.mf">MicroEdition-Configuration: ${platform.configuration}
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    <echo append="true" file="${build.dir}/manifest.mf">MicroEdition-Profile: ${platform.profile}
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    <target name="post-jar"/>
    <target description="Rebuild the application." depends="init,clean,jar" name="rebuild"/>
    <target description="Run MIDlet suite." depends="init,jar" name="run">
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    <target description="Quick Run already built MIDlet suite." depends="init" name="run-no-build">
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    <path path="${platform.bootclasspath}"/>
    <path path="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}"/>
    <path path="${src.dir}"/>
    <path path="${libs.src.path}"/>
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    <path path="${libs.classpath}"/>
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    <fileset dir="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
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    <target depends="pre-clean" name="do-clean">
    <delete dir="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
    <delete dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
    <delete file="${obfuscator.srcjar}"/>
    <delete file="${obfuscator.destjar}"/>
    <delete dir="${obfuscated.classes.dir}"/>
    <delete dir="${preverify.classes.dir}"/>
    <delete file="${build.dir}/manifest.mf"/>
    <delete file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}"/>
    <delete file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist.javadoc.dir}"/>
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    <target name="post-clean"/>
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    <target if="deployment.do.override.jarurl" depends="init,jar,pre-deploy" name="override-jad">
    <property value="${dist.jar}" name="deployment.jarurl"/>
    <nb-jad aliaspassword="${sign.alias.password}" alias="${sign.alias}" keystorepassword="${sign.keystore.password}" keystore="${sign.keystore}" sign="${sign.enabled}" url="${deployment.jarurl}" jarfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}" jadfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <target unless="skip.deployment" if="deployment.method" depends="init,jar,override-jad,pre-deploy" name="deploy">
    <fail unless="deployment.scriptfile">Property deployment.${deployment.method}.scriptfile not set. The property should point to an Ant script providing ${deployment.method} deployment.</fail>
    <ant inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" antfile="${deployment.scriptfile}">
    <property location="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}" name="deployment.jad"/>
    <property location="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}" name="deployment.jar"/>
    <propertyfile file="nbproject/private/private.properties">
    <entry pattern="000000" default="2" operation="+" type="int" key="deployment.counter"/>
    <entry value="${deployment.counter}" key="deployment.number"/>
    <replaceregexp replace="deployment.number=\2\3.\5\6.\8\9" match="^deployment.number=[0-9]*(0|([1-9]))([0-9])(0|([1-9]))([0-9])(0|([1-9]))([0-9])$" file="nbproject/private/private.properties" byline="true"/>
    <antcall inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" target="post-deploy"/>
    <target name="post-deploy"/>
    <target name="for-all-configs">
    <antcall inheritrefs="false" inheritall="false" target="${target.to.call}">
    <param value="" name="config.active"/>
    <target name="jar-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="jar" name="target.to.call"/>
    <target name="javadoc-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="javadoc" name="target.to.call"/>
    <target name="deploy-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="deploy" name="target.to.call"/>
    <target name="rebuild-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="rebuild" name="target.to.call"/>
    <target depends="load-properties" name="clean-all">
    <fail unless="build.root.dir">Property build.root.dir is not set. By default its value should be \"build\".</fail>
    <fail unless="dist.root.dir">Property dist.root.dir is not set. By default its value should be \"dist\".</fail>
    <delete dir="${build.root.dir}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist.root.dir}"/>
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="clean" name="target.to.call"/>
    I have pasted the content of that file, please do the needs....

  • How do I create a SMS and/or email distribution on iPhone through Verizon?

    How do I create a SMS and/or email distribution on iPhone through Verizon? I have distribution lists set up in my contacts on my computer, but they are not visible on my phone.

    This type of thing is probably best done with a script, either by adding a uniquely named field to each page or by spawing a template page that contains just the form field (like your last idea). There's not a built-in method for doing this. If you add a blank page to the beginning of the document, create the field in the location you want, and make the page a template, you can run the following script in the interactive JavaScript console (Ctrl+J):
    // Get a reference to the template
    var t = getTemplate("Field");
    // Spawn the template on each page, automatically renaming the fields
    for (var i = 1; i < numPages; i += 1) {
        t.spawn({nPage: i, bRename: true, bOverlay: true});
    To run the code, select it all in the console and press Ctrl+Enter, or Enter on the numeric keypad.
    To make a page a template in Acrobat 11, make sure you're on the page you want to make a template and select: Tools > Document Processing > Page Templates
    and enter a name. I used a name of "Field" in the example above, but you can use anything.
    To create a blank page, you can use the following script:
    newPage({nPage: 0, nWidth: 8.5 * 72, nHeight: 11 * 72});
    for an 8.5"x11" page. Adjust the numbers to match whatever your page size is. It will be added to the beginning of the document and you can then add the field and make it a template. Once the fields have been added, you can remove the template page.

  • How can i create a new and tableless database using database configuration

    How can i create a new and tableless database using database configuration

    How can i create a new and tableless database using database configuration
    Just don't install the sample schemas. See the installation guide
    Using the Database Configuration Assistant
    When you install Oracle Database with the Oracle Universal Installer, the sample schemas are installed by default if you select the Basic Installation option. Selecting the sample schemas option installs all five schemas (HR, OE, PM, IX, and SH) in the database. If you choose not to install the sample schemas at that time, you can add them later by following the instructions in section "Manually Installing Sample Schemas".
    Choose a custom install and don't install the sample schemas.
    All other schems/tables installed are REQUIRED by Oracle

  • How do I create both endnotes and footnotes in same doc in Pages? I have iWork 2008. I understand how to create one or the other, but not both.

    How do I create both endnotes and footnotes in same doc in Pages? I have iWork 2008. I understand how to create one or the other, but not both.

    You have to select one or the other.
    Try making two documents and see if you can merge the .pdfs, but their will be problems with page flow, making the pages shift. Can't see it working really.
    Pages is not the only solution out there or the best for most jobs (let alone the safest). Try Word for Mac, LibreOffice (free) or any App that has the features you need.

  • How do I create a signature,and then add it to an e ailed document?

    How can I create a signature and then use it to sign a document in e mail?

    Not sure I understand the question correctly.
    Open Mail and click on Preferences under the Mail menu. Click on the Signatures icon in the toolbar. You can set up your signatures there.
    But if you are talking about adding a written signature, then you cannot do that within Mail. You would need to scan in an image of your written signature then manually add it to a signature you create in mail as a graphic image. That seems to work.

  • How can I create a black and white image similar to what I see in the "Replace Color" tool?

    Hi all, I'm just wondering how I can create a black and white image similar to what I see in the preview window of the "Replace Color" tool. See attached screenshot for clarification -- I need the grass to be black while the soil is white or vice versa. Any tips?

    One way is to use Select>Color Range
    Make a new Color Fill Layer>White
    (Layer>New Fill Layer>Solid Color)
    Put a new color fill layer below>black
    Just invert the layer mask on the top fill layer for the opposite effect.

  • How do i change font sizes and colors in ical in OS Lion.  Everything is greyed and too small.   And how do I changed the color of the scroll bars, which are now invisible?

    how do i change font sizes and colors in ical in OS Lion. Since upgrading,  all fonts are grey, instead of black,  and too small.   And how do I changed the color of the scroll bars, which also are grey and almost invisible?  And if you can asnwer this, can you tell me how to get back the email format I had before the upgrade?  I no longer have column headings and I'd like them.  Thank you. 

    Do you know about changing the font colors for ical, and the color of the scroll bars?
    No, I don't. I don't use that program; I fiddled with it just now, and could not find a way to do that.
    Perhaps someone else will have an idea.

  • The letters on my firefox is getting smaller everytime i'm on it. how can i restore the size and how do I stop it from shrinking?

    the letters are shrinking and i can barely read them. how do i restore the size and how do i prevent this from happening?

    In case it is zoom, you can try resetting the zoom level by pressing Ctrl+0 (that Ctrl and zero). Zoom can be changed by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding the Ctrl key. There also seen to be some touchpad swiping techniques that can change zoom even without holding the Ctrl key. If you can figure out what's causing it, there might be a way to turn it off.
    If resetting zoom doesn't restore the text size, does it affect all sites? Particular fonts?

  • HT2731 I am from Nepal how can i create Apple Id and don't have VISA card?

    I am from Nepal how can i create Apple Id and don't have VISA card?

    Refer to this article:
    Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card

  • How can i create list box and  dropdown in my report?

    dear experts
    how can i create list box and  dropdown in my report?
    thanks  in advance

    Pl. see the code given below.
    Data declaration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Selection screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    AT SELECTION SCREEN OUTPUT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      NAME = 'PS_PARM'.
      VALUE-KEY = '1'.
      VALUE-TEXT = 'Line 1'.
      VALUE-KEY = '2'.
      VALUE-TEXT = 'Line 2'.
                ID     = NAME
                VALUES = LIST.


    Hi Export

    afzal wrote:
    my ram 12gb
    database size 70gb
    windows 2003
    harddisk 500gbHow large is your SGA now??
    Do you have a performance problem yet ??
    Is the problem a global problem in the whole database, or are there just some queries that are slow ??
    What db version are you using ??
    What other applications are using this server ??
    How many users are using this database ??
    Tuning is very much dependent on the application/situation and database type.
    I would like to suggest you start looking at AWR or Statspack.
    FJ Franken
    My Blog: http://managingoracle.blogspot.com

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