Transformation GUI

We are checking the upgrade system of BI 7.0 and it seems ruther inconvinient to work with the transformation.
All this mapping with lines between source and target cause a few problems when you have a lot of objects:
1. Eventually it looks like a spagetti and very hard to track the connections (especially when the source and target are not in the same "page")
2. In BW 3.5, when we had a similar transfer rules, we used Ctrl+Y, copy and paste, so it was much faster. what can we use in transformation mapping ?
3. Not always the system proposal is right. It's hard to check which objects should be replaced.
Does anyone know if there's a way to change the GUI and have it a little more like the old one ?
Or maybe there's something that could ease owr work ?
I really hope there's something that could help us, because otherwise it's a nightmare and we might not upgrade after all...
Kind Regards,
Daphna Shani

  When working with transformations, you are correct.
  The system proposal doesn't work right & is tedious.
   This is what I suggest (Connecting Cube<->Data source)
   1. Replicate the data source in 3.x version.
   2. Create the transfer rules & map it to Info source.
   3. Create update rules & amp cube to Info src.
    (Same as you did previously)
    4. Now create Transformation from cube directly to data 
   At this point SAP will propose most of the rules & they will be correct. (N.B:Automatic time conversion & Unit/currency assignments will not happen. You have to do it manually.)
   5. Now migrate the data source to 7.0.
   6. Delete the update rules (cube<->info src).
    Works for me.
Thanks Vishno.

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    super.write(buf, off, len);
    textArea.append(new String(buf, off, len));
    public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException {
    textArea.append(new String(b));
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    Boot under archiso
    If you try to boot, it will not work. Because, as T100, it search only for 32bit efi (even if the cpu can handle 64bit OS). You can do like him.
    Or you can do like me, I think it's easier, but really dirty (it's not a full script, execute it only part by part) :
    ## Create working directory
    mkdir work
    cd work
    ## Build grub and get missing bootloader files bootia32.efi
    git clone git://
    cd grub
    export EFI_ARCH=i386
    ./configure --with-platform=efi --target=${EFI_ARCH} --program-prefix=""
    cd grub-core
    ../grub-mkimage -d . -o bootia32.efi -O i386-efi -p /boot/grub ntfs hfs appleldr boot cat efi_gop efi_uga elf fat hfsplus iso9660 linux keylayouts memdisk minicmd part_apple ext2 extcmd xfs xnu part_bsd part_gpt search search_fs_file chain btrfs loadbios loadenv lvm minix minix2 reiserfs memrw mmap msdospart scsi loopback normal configfile gzio all_video efi_gop efi_uga gfxterm gettext echo boot chain eval
    cp bootia32.efi ../../bootia32.efi
    cd ../../
    rm -r grub
    ##Get all file from the current archlinux install iso
    #Search and replace all XXXX.XX.XX by the current release date and /dev/sdX by your usb key address. If you find a way to extract both partion from iso without dd, it should be faster than that, so tell me if you know how to do that.
    dd bs=4M if="archlinux-XXXX.XX.XX-dual.iso" of=/dev/sdX
    mkdir usb
    mkdir newiso
    # Unplug and replug your usb key and wait a little if mount doens't work :
    mount /dev/sdX2 ./usb
    cp -r usb/* newiso/
    umount usb
    mount /dev/sdX1 ./usb
    cp -r usb/* newiso/
    umount usb
    rmdir usb
    ## Prepare new usb key content
    mv bootia32.efi newiso/EFI/boot/
    mkdir -p newiso/boot/grub
    echo "
    menuentry 'Arch Linux i686'{
    echo 'Loading Linux core repo kernel ...'
    linux /arch/boot/i686/vmlinuz nomodeset archisobasedir=arch archisolabel=ARCHISO
    echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
    initrd /arch/boot/i686/archiso.img
    menuentry 'Arch Linux x86_64'{
    echo 'Loading Linux core repo kernel ...'
    linux /arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz nomodeset archisobasedir=arch archisolabel=ARCHISO
    echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
    initrd /arch/boot/x86_64/archiso.img
    }" > newiso/boot/grub/grub.cfg
    ## Prepare the usb key partition
    gdisk /dev/sdX
    3 # Create blank GPT
    o # Create a new empty GPT
    y # Proceed
    n # New partition
    # Default partition number
    # Default first sector
    # Default last sector
    EF00 # Bootable efi partition
    c # change partion's name
    w # Write modifications on the disk
    Y # Proceed
    mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sdX1
    echo mtools_skip_check=1 >> ~/.mtoolsrc
    mlabel -i /dev/sdX1 -s ::ARCHISO
    rm ~/.mtoolsrc
    ## Copy files to the usb key
    mkdir usb
    mount /dev/sdX1 usb
    cp -r newiso/* usb/
    umount usb
    rmdir usb
    ## Cleaning
    cd ../
    rm -r work
    A better way of fixing that should be building a x86 version of the file `PreLoader` from the repo `git://` because this file is renamed as `bootx64.efi` during the archiso creation, and the missing file is the x86 equivalent : `bootia32.efi`. Anyway, I didn't manage to build it, so I gave up this path. Tell me if you find something better.
    Boot Archlinux on the keyboard's HDD
    I cannot currently use this computer under linux for everyday, but I need a linux to work or dev. And I have to admit that the windows UI is much better for touchscreen than any linux desktop that I tried. The internal memory is only 30GB. So I let Windows 8.1 on internal memory for "tablet mode" and linux on hard drive for "netbook mode".
    I didn't find any way to make the computer boot to the hard drive (or the micro usb card of 64GB), the efi-bios don't see them (the HDD is pluged in usb 3.0, but even in USB 2.0 mode it does the same).
    To make it work, you have to put the boot and efi partition on the internal memory :
    - Create a boot parition (100mo ext2) on the internal memory or use the windows rescue partition (300mo, ntfs, ~86%used after grub and vmlinuz installation). And during your installation process, mount it at /boot (/dev/mmcblkpX)
    - Use the windows EFI parition (100mo fat32) and mount it to /boot/efi (/dev/mmcblkpY)
    - Then (re-)install linux (need internet connexion, wireless or no. Dont forget to start dhcpcd)
    mount /dev/sdbZ /mnt # with /dev/sdbZ your keyboard's hdd root partition where linux will be installed
    mkdir /mnt/boot
    mount /dev/mmcblkpX /mnt/boot
    mkdir /mnt/boot/efi
    mount /dev/mmcblkpY /mnt/boot/efi
    pacstrap /mnt/ base grub efibootmgr
    genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
    - and install grub on partition
    arch-chroot /mnt
    grub-install --target=i386-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=grub --recheck
    - Edit /etc/grub.d/40_custom and add at the end :
    if [ "${grub_platform}" == "efi" ]; then
    menuentry "Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 UEFI-GPT" {
    insmod part_gpt
    insmod fat
    insmod search_fs_uuid
    insmod chain
    search --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gptY --hint-efi=hd0,gptY --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gptY [fs_uuid]
    chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
    with gptY, the Y from /dev/mmcblkpY above (the efi partition)
    and [hints_string] is gave by the command
    grub-probe --target=fs_uuid /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
    - Apply grub config
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    Now I can boot to "Windows Boot Manager" or "grub" from bios. But I choosed to have grub by default and then he ask me what I want.
    What works :
    - host Win32, guest linux32
    - host win32, guest win32
    - host linux32, guest linux32
    - host linux64, guest win
    What doesn't work:
    - host linux32, guest win32
    Windows 8.1 guest : With QEMU and Virtualbox, same problem during installation (or boot when already installed) we got a
    Your PC needs to restart.
    Please hold down the power button.
    Error Code: 0x0000000A
    After 3min virtualbox said that a critical error happend and tell us to watch the log. But it seem useless because the bug happend after 7 seconds and nothing show up after 7 seconds.
    SD Card wrote:
    The SD card reader works with newer kernels, but the sdhci module needs some configuration. Create a new file:
    sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/sdhci.conf
    Then add the following:
    options sdhci debug_quirks=0x8000
    ctrl-o then ctrl-x to save and exit, then:
    sudo mkinitcpio -p linux
    2D and 3D accelerations are enabled with xf86-video-intel 2.99.917 and mesa 10.4 :
    $ glxinfo | grep direct :(
    direct rendering: Yes
    GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex, GL_ARB_draw_indirect,
    GL_ARB_map_buffer_range, GL_ARB_multi_bind, GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect,
    $ glxinfo | grep OpenGL
    OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
    OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Bay Trail x86/MMX/SSE2
    OpenGL core profile version string: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 10.4.0
    OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 3.30
    OpenGL core profile context flags: (none)
    OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profile
    OpenGL core profile extensions:
    OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 10.4.0
    OpenGL shading language version string: 1.30
    OpenGL context flags: (none)
    OpenGL extensions:
    OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.4.0
    OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.0
    OpenGL ES profile extensions:
    However firefox doens't enable 3D acceleration by default, you have to force it. To check if it use it, go to about:support
    And this mean that, it doesn't support it :
    GPU Accelerated Windows 0/1 Basic
    To force it :
    - Got to about:config
    - Set layers.acceleration.force-enabled
    - Set layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled to true
    And restart firefox. Now you should have
    GPU Accelerated Windows 1/1 OpenGL (OMTC)
    Warning : 3D acceleration can make firefox more buggy, so try to disable it if you have problems.
    source : … in-firefox
    Random freezes
    After some minutes (last time after ~40minutes) the system freeze. I don't know if it's only graphical or not. This freeze seem to happend when the cpu/gpu has a lot to do.
    I've done a clean install with default kernel 4.0 in may 2015, and since that, I didn't have any freeze.
    xhci_hcd bug at boot
    When I enable XHCI in bios, sometime, I get that
    xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Error while assigning device slot ID
    xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Max number of devices this xHCI host supports is 32.
    usb usb1-port3: couldn't allocate usb_device
    The port change randomly and when it is port3, I loose the keybard and mouse and I have to make a hard reebot.
    To "fix" this, I disabled XHCI (wich mean USB3) from the bios.
    Still happen with kernel 4.0
    With the work of  sid789. I manage to make sound work on Linux 4.0.
    Save this file somewhere on your computer : asound.state
    state.bytrt5640 {
    #### General
    # Level
    control.1 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAC1 Playback Volume'
    value.0 175 # Left volume
    value.1 175 # right volume
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 2
    range '0 - 175'
    dbmin -65625
    dbmax 0
    dbvalue.0 0
    dbvalue.1 0
    # Disable both output Right
    control.51 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo DAC MIXR DAC R1 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Enable both Left speaker
    control.54 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo DAC MIXL DAC L1 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Channel to listen
    control.21 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAC IF1 Data Switch'
    value 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 Normal
    item.1 Swap
    item.2 'left copy to right'
    item.3 'right copy to left'
    # Enable
    # Only 0 and 2 works
    control.100 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAI select'
    value 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 '1:1|2:2'
    item.1 '1:2|2:1'
    item.2 '1:1|2:1'
    item.3 '1:2|2:2'
    ##### Speaker #####
    control.27 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Speaker Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    #Change a little the volume..
    control.19 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Class D SPK Ratio Control'
    value 10
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 '1.66x'
    item.1 '1.83x'
    item.2 '1.94x'
    item.3 '2x'
    item.4 '2.11x'
    item.5 '2.22x'
    item.6 '2.33x'
    item.7 '2.44x'
    item.8 '2.55x'
    item.9 '2.66x'
    item.10 '2.77x'
    # Enable Left speaker
    control.62 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Speaker L Playback Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Enable right speaker
    control.61 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Speaker R Playback Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Enable right channel on right speaker
    control.67 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPOR MIX DAC R1 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Enable right channel on left speaker
    control.70 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPOL MIX DAC R1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Enable left channel
    control.71 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPOL MIX DAC L1 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    ##### headphone #####
    # Enable
    control.24 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Headphone Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    #Enable too
    control.34 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'HPO MIX DAC1 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Enable Left
    control.98 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAC MIXL INF1 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Enable Right
    control.96 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAC MIXR INF1 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Enable right
    control.59 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'HP R Playback Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Enable Left
    control.60 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'HP L Playback Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    # Don't know what, but change something on headphone
    control.58 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAC L2 Mux'
    value 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 IF2
    item.1 'Base L/R'
    ## Useless on output
    control.2 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono Playback Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.11 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono DAC Playback Volume'
    value.0 0
    value.1 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 2
    range '0 - 175'
    dbmin -65625
    dbmax 0
    dbvalue.0 -1500
    dbvalue.1 -1500
    control.3 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Speaker Channel Switch'
    value.0 false
    value.1 false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 2
    control.4 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Speaker Playback Volume'
    value.0 0
    value.1 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 2
    range '0 - 39'
    dbmin -4650
    dbmax 1200
    dbvalue.0 -900
    dbvalue.1 -900
    control.5 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'HP Channel Switch'
    value.0 false
    value.1 false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 2
    control.6 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'HP Playback Volume'
    value.0 0
    value.1 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 2
    range '0 - 39'
    dbmin -4650
    dbmax 1200
    dbvalue.0 1200
    dbvalue.1 1200
    control.7 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT Playback Switch'
    value.0 false
    value.1 false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 2
    control.8 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT Channel Switch'
    value.0 false
    value.1 false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 2
    control.9 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT Playback Volume'
    value.0 0
    value.1 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 2
    range '0 - 39'
    dbmin -4650
    dbmax 1200
    dbvalue.0 -1950
    dbvalue.1 -1950
    control.10 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAC2 Playback Switch'
    value.0 false
    value.1 false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 2
    control.12 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'IN1 Boost'
    value 8
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 1
    range '0 - 8'
    dbmin 0
    dbmax 5200
    dbvalue.0 3000
    control.13 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'IN2 Boost'
    value 8
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 1
    range '0 - 8'
    dbmin 0
    dbmax 5200
    dbvalue.0 3500
    control.14 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'IN Capture Volume'
    value.0 0
    value.1 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 2
    range '0 - 31'
    dbmin -3450
    dbmax 1200
    dbvalue.0 -300
    dbvalue.1 -300
    control.15 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'ADC Capture Switch'
    value.0 false
    value.1 false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 2
    control.16 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'ADC Capture Volume'
    value.0 0
    value.1 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 2
    range '0 - 127'
    dbmin -17625
    dbmax 30000
    dbvalue.0 28500
    dbvalue.1 28500
    control.17 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono ADC Capture Volume'
    value.0 0
    value.1 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 2
    range '0 - 127'
    dbmin -17625
    dbmax 30000
    dbvalue.0 27000
    dbvalue.1 27000
    control.18 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'ADC Boost Gain'
    value.0 3
    value.1 3
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type INTEGER
    count 2
    range '0 - 3'
    dbmin 0
    dbmax 3600
    dbvalue.0 1200
    dbvalue.1 1200
    control.20 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'ADC IF1 Data Switch'
    value 1
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 3
    item.0 Normal
    item.1 'left copy to right'
    item.2 'right copy to left'
    item.3 Swap
    control.22 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'ADC IF2 Data Switch'
    value 3
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 Normal
    item.1 'left copy to right'
    item.2 'right copy to left'
    item.3 Swap
    control.23 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAC IF2 Data Switch'
    value 1
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 Normal
    item.1 'left copy to right'
    item.2 'right copy to left'
    item.3 Swap
    control.25 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Headset Mic Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.26 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Internal Mic Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.28 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono MIX DAC R2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.29 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono MIX DAC L2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.30 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono MIX OUTVOL R Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.31 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono MIX OUTVOL L Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.32 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono MIX BST1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.33 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'HPO MIX DAC2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.35 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'HPO MIX HPVOL Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.36 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXR SPK MIXR Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.37 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXR BST2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.38 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXR BST1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.39 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXR INR Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.40 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXR REC MIXR Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.41 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXR DAC L2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.42 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXR DAC R2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.43 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXR DAC R1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.44 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXL SPK MIXL Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.45 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXL BST1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.46 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXL INL Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.47 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXL REC MIXL Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.48 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXL DAC R2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.49 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXL DAC L2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.50 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'OUT MIXL DAC L1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.52 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo DAC MIXR DAC R2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.53 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo DAC MIXR ANC Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.55 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo DAC MIXL DAC L2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.56 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo DAC MIXL ANC Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.57 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAC R2 Mux'
    value 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 IF2
    control.63 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'LOUT MIX DAC L1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.64 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'LOUT MIX DAC R1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.65 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'LOUT MIX OUTVOL L Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.66 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'LOUT MIX OUTVOL R Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.68 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPOR MIX SPKVOL R Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.69 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPOR MIX BST1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.72 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPOL MIX SPKVOL R Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.73 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPOL MIX SPKVOL L Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.74 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPOL MIX BST1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.75 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPK MIXR REC MIXR Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.76 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPK MIXR INR Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.77 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPK MIXR DAC R1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.78 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPK MIXR DAC R2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.79 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPK MIXR OUT MIXR Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.80 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPK MIXL REC MIXL Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.81 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPK MIXL INL Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.82 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPK MIXL DAC L1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.83 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPK MIXL DAC L2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.84 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SPK MIXL OUT MIXL Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.85 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DIG MIXR DAC R1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.86 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DIG MIXR DAC R2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.87 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DIG MIXL DAC L1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.88 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DIG MIXL DAC L2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.89 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono DAC MIXR DAC R1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.90 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono DAC MIXR DAC R2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.91 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono DAC MIXR DAC L2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.92 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono DAC MIXL DAC L1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.93 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono DAC MIXL DAC L2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.94 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono DAC MIXL DAC R2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.95 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAC MIXR Stereo ADC Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.97 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'DAC MIXL Stereo ADC Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.99 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'SDI select'
    value 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 IF1
    item.1 IF2
    control.101 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono ADC MIXR ADC1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.102 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono ADC MIXR ADC2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.103 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono ADC MIXL ADC1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.104 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono ADC MIXL ADC2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.105 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo ADC MIXR ADC1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.106 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo ADC MIXR ADC2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.107 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo ADC MIXL ADC1 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.108 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo ADC MIXL ADC2 Switch'
    value false
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.109 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono ADC R2 Mux'
    value 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 'DMIC R1'
    item.1 'DMIC R2'
    item.2 'Mono DAC MIXR'
    control.110 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono ADC R1 Mux'
    value 'Mono DAC MIXR'
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 0
    item.0 'Mono DAC MIXR'
    item.1 ADCR
    control.111 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono ADC L1 Mux'
    value 1
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 'Mono DAC MIXL'
    item.1 ADCL
    control.112 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Mono ADC L2 Mux'
    value 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 'DMIC L1'
    item.1 'DMIC L2'
    item.2 'Mono DAC MIXL'
    control.114 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo ADC2 Mux'
    value 0
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 DMIC1
    item.1 DMIC2
    item.2 'DIG MIX'
    control.115 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'RECMIXR HPOR Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.116 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'RECMIXR INR Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.117 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'RECMIXR BST2 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.118 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'RECMIXR BST1 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.119 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'RECMIXR OUT MIXR Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.120 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'RECMIXL HPOL Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.121 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'RECMIXL INL Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.122 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'RECMIXL BST2 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.123 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'RECMIXL BST1 Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.124 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'RECMIXL OUT MIXL Switch'
    value true
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    type BOOLEAN
    count 1
    control.113 {
    iface MIXER
    name 'Stereo ADC1 Mux'
    value 1
    comment {
    access 'read write'
    count 1
    item.0 'DIG MIX'
    item.1 ADC
    and you can load it by doing
    alsactl -f asound.state restore
    To change the values, you have to edit the field "value" of a control and reload the config file with the precedent command. I tried to comment it, but I didn't test any microphone, because I didn't need it currently. We are supposed to have 2 microphones : internal and via the jack. I think it's possible, but I don't have any jack microphone, so if you need it, try to change the different settings and tell me if you find something.
    I don't think any GUI, will manage to make the sound control work (even in alsamixer, it's a big mess), because there is no convention followed.
    To be continued
    Last edited by Ziqumu (2015-05-30 20:06:48)

    I had still freeze with uxa. I still don't have any freeze with disabled acceleration. But I also have the flickering tty, but it's not a big problem as this is still usable and I don't often use it.
    Maybe when you tried, it was another bug that makes you freeze (with an older version of someting).. I don't know, I will write both solution on the topic.
    I've done some search on the touchpad : If you look at the device output (cat /dev/hidraw2 for me), you will see that the device don't send anything when you have two finger that touch the device (so it's not possible to use it as dualtouch). I think it's just a starting data that is send from Asus Smart Gesture under windows that start the Multi touch mode. I've start a vritual machine and I gave it the touchpad usb device (wich is also the keyboard... Usb bus 1 address 3) and I started the driver. Under windows it worked well with multitouch. I killed the virtual machine and I got back my keyboard but not the touchpad. I watch at /dev/hidraw2 and the touchpad now give information with two and more fingers (also it give immediatly data and not after a small lag like normally). After a restart it was gone as expected. I watched the usb driver with usbmon and wireshark and I tried to reproduce UsbHid exchange between computer and device but it didn't work. I still don't know why but I will continue to search.
    There is 3 sub device on the usb device mouse/keyboard. 0 is the keyboard, 1 the media key (fn keys except sound) from the keyboard, and 2 the touchpad. So if someone has time to works on media keys, I don't think this is verry difficult. (It's more difficult for the sound, win and sleep button on the screeen, because I didn't find any signals from it.
    I will try to work on a aur package that give our kernel with fixes this summer. (And maybe also a pre-builded version).
    Last edited by Ziqumu (2015-06-04 23:15:27)

  • Short Dump while creating transformation in SAP Trial 7.01

    Hi All,
    I'm getting this dump when I try to create transformation(BI 7) in Trial Version 7.01 software which I downloaded from SDN. Below is the dump error.
    "Make sure that the OCXs ICDataFlow.ocx and wdbdadpt.ocx auf are
    installed on your computer. You can find notes on installing and
    checking the BW Frontend by searching for SAP Notes with the
    following key words:
    Version, sapservX, Setup, Patch, Installation, Frontend, BW,
    sapbexc.xla, checktool, wdtaocx, wdtaocx.ocx
    If the front end is installed correctly but the error still occurs,
    contact SAP."
    I tried some notes but they didn't help. Few other threads said to install the latest patches. I have oss user id but market place allows downloads of latest patches only through Solution Manager. How do I install Sol Man in trial software. This is what Download Basket says:
    "All corrective software packages, for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 and SAP Business Suite 2005 and beyond that are delivered after April 2nd, 2007 will ONLY be available via SAP Solution Manager's Maintenance Optimizer. Find more details  here . "
    Any other solution if anyone knows then please share. Points will be assigned.

    The problem was with the sap gui version. I installed the trial version on my office computer and my office computer had the latest gui. The sap gui that comes with the trial version has this problem. Check if they have a new trial version now. Hope this helps you.

  • Help with a hangman class with Gui

    Gah, so I'm creating a Java Hangman program using a gui program. Everything was working fine till I started adding the program to the gui. I'm hopelessly confused, and I can't seem to get it working. Help appreciated! Thanks guys... I'm really bad at this, sorry for the noob question.
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.plaf.PanelUI;
    public class hmg extends JPanel {
         private char[] word;
         private int Misses;
         private int myWordIndex;
         private int index;
         private boolean[] used;
         protected Image[] i = new Image[8];
         protected Image[] s = new Image[3];
         private final static char NADA = '_';
         private final static int GUESSES = 8;
         private String fileName;
              i[0] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang1.jpg");
              i[1] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang2.jpg");
              i[2] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang3.jpg");
              i[3] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hange4.jpg");
              i[4] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang5.jpg");
              i[5] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang6.jpg");
              i[6] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang7.jpg");
              i[7] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang8.jpg");
              s[0] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hacks.jpg");
              s[1] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
              "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hacks.jpg");
              s[2] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
              "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hacks.jpg");
         protected int x = 0;
         protected ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(i[x++]);
         protected ImageIcon icon2 = new ImageIcon(s[x++]);
         private JLabel j = new JLabel(icon);
         private JButton b = new JButton();
         private JLabel a = new JLabel();
         private String[] wordArray;
         private String wordChosen;
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
         public hmg() {
              JButton guess = new JButton("The Click of Faith!");
              this.add(guess, BorderLayout.WEST);
              guess.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        if (!(x == i.length)) {
                             icon = new ImageIcon(i[x++]);
              JButton guess2 = new JButton("Click here if your almost dead! ");
              this.add(guess2, BorderLayout.WEST);
              guess2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        icon2 = new ImageIcon(s[x++]);
              this.add(a, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              Misses = 0;
              index = 0;
              used = new boolean[Character.MAX_VALUE];
         //     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
         //          if (!(x == i.length)) {
         //          icon = new ImageIcon(i[x++]);
         //          j.setIcon(icon);
         private void clear() {
              int k;
              for (k = 0; k < Character.MAX_VALUE; k++) {
                   used[k] = false;
              word = new char[myWords[myWordIndex].length()];
              for (k = 0; k < word.length; k++) {
                   word[k] = NADA;
         private void guess(char ch) {
              int b;
              boolean charFound = false;
              ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
              for (b = 0; b < word.length; b++) {
                   if (!used[ch] && myWords[index].charAt(b) == ch) {
                        word[b] = ch;
                        charFound = true;
              if (!used[ch] && !charFound) {
              used[ch] = true;
         private void chooseRandomWord()
         // myWords[];
    //     loadFileList();
              Random generator = new Random();
              int x = generator.nextInt(wordArray.length);
              wordChosen = wordArray[x];
         //public void processFile(String commonWords) {
         //     wordArray = commonWords.split(",");
         //private String[] loadFileList() {
         //     try
         //          fileName = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\Wordlist";
         //               File file = new File("C:\\Documents and
         // Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\Wordlist");
         //          if(file.exists());
         //               Scanner scan = new Scanner(file);
         //               while(scan.hasNext())
         //                    String word =;
         //                    processFile(word);
         //     } catch (Exception e)
         //          e.printStackTrace();
         //     return wordArray;
         //     public void add() {
         //          try {
         //               Scanner s = new Scanner(new File("Wordlist"));
         //               while (s.hasNext())
         //          } catch (Exception e) {
         private String showWord() {
              int k;     
              String temp = "";
              for (k = 0; k < word.length; k++) {
                   temp +=word[k];
    //               System.out.print(word[k] + " ");
              return temp;
              //                    return showWord();
    //          System.out.println(" \nYou have exactly " + (GUESSES - Misses)
    //                    + " guesses left! Time is running out! Cue Music LOL ");
         private boolean wordGuessed() {
              int a;
              for (a = 0; a < word.length; a++) {
                   if (word[a] == NADA) {
                        return false;
              return true;
         // .setIcon --- Put image.
         public String play() {
              String temp = "";
              while (true) {
    //               showWord();
                   //May not have to return string.
    //               System.out
    //                         .print("Your guess shall be? 1234567890abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvqxyz hA! Guess... it's simply up to you!");
                   String s = Blah.readString();
                   if (s.length() > 0) {
                   if (Misses >= GUESSES) {
    //                    System.out.println("You killed your hangman because....");
                        //                    System.out.println(storeWord);
                   } else if (wordGuessed()) {
    //                    System.out.println("You win. You suck. LOL. ><");
    //                    System.out.println(word);
              index = (index + 1) / myWords.length;
              return temp;
         //     public String storeWord() {
         //          return SW;
         public static final void main(String args[]) {
              hmg hmg = new hmg();
         private class MousePressedListener implements MouseListener {
              public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
                   if (e.getButton() == e.BUTTON1) {
                        ((JButton) e.getSource()).setText("X");
                   if (e.getButton() == e.BUTTON3) {
                        ((JButton) e.getSource()).setText("O");
              * (non-Javadoc)
              * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
              public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              * (non-Javadoc)
              * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
              public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              * (non-Javadoc)
              * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
              public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              * (non-Javadoc)
              * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
              public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.awt.Component#getAccessibleContext()
         public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              return super.getAccessibleContext();
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see javax.swing.JPanel#getUI()
         public PanelUI getUI() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              return super.getUI();
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getUIClassID()
         public String getUIClassID() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              return super.getUIClassID();
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.awt.Component#paramString()
         protected String paramString() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              return super.paramString();
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see javax.swing.JPanel#setUI(javax.swing.plaf.PanelUI)
         public void setUI(PanelUI arg0) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see javax.swing.JComponent#updateUI()
         public void updateUI() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         private String myWords[] = { "analysis", "approach", "area", "assessment",
                   "assume", "authority     ", "available", "benefit ", "concept ",
                   "consistent", "constitutional", "context", "contract", "create",
                   "data", "definition", "derived ", "distribution ", "economic",
                   "environment ", "established", "estimate ", "evidence", "export",
                   "factors", "financial", "formula", "function", "identified",
                   "income", "indicate ", "individual ", "interpretation",
                   "involved", "issues", "labour", "legal", "legislation", "major ",
                   "method", "occur", "percent ", "period", "policy", "principle",
                   "procedure", "process", "required", "research", "response", "role",
                   "section", "sector", "significant ", "similar", "source",
                   "specific", "structure", "theory", "variables", "achieve ",
                   "acquisition", "administration ", "affect", "appropriate ",
                   "aspects", "assistance ", "categories", "chapter", "commission",
                   "community", "complex ", "computer ", "conclusion", "conduct",
                   "consequences", "construction", "consumer ", "credit", "cultural ",
                   "design", "distinction", "elements ", "equation", "evaluation ",
                   "features ", "final", "focus", "impact", "injury", "institute ",
                   "investment", "items", "journal ", "maintenance", "normal",
                   "obtained ", "participation", "perceived ", "positive ",
                   "potential", "previous", "primary ", "purchase ", "range ",
                   "region", "regulations", "relevant ", "resident", "resources",
                   "restricted ", "security ", "sought", "select", "site",
                   "strategies", "survey", "text", "traditional", "transfer",
                   "alternative", "circumstances ", "comments", "compensation",
                   "components", "consent", "considerable", "constant ",
                   "constraints", "contribution", "convention ", "coordination",
                   "core", "corporate ", "corresponding", "criteria", "deduction",
                   "demonstrate ", "document", "dominant", "emphasis ", "ensure",
                   "excluded", "framework ", "funds", "illustrated ", "immigration",
                   "implies", "initial ", "instance ", "interaction", "justification",
                   "layer", "link", "location", "maximum ", "minorities", "negative ",
                   "outcomes", "partnership", "philosophy ", "physical ",
                   "proportion ", "published ", "reaction", "registered ", "reliance",
                   "removed", "scheme", "sequence", "sex", "shift", "specified ",
                   "sufficient", "task", "technical ", "techniques", "technology",
                   "validity", "volume", "access", "adequate", "annual", "apparent",
                   "approximated", "attitudes ", "attributed ", "civil", "code",
                   "commitment ", "communication", "concentration", "conference ",
                   "contrast ", "cycle", "debate", "despite ", "dimensions ",
                   "domestic ", "emerged ", "error", "ethnic", "goals", "granted",
                   "hence", "hypothesis ", "implementation", "implications",
                   "imposed", "integration", "internal ", "investigation", "job",
                   "label", "mechanism ", "obvious", "occupational ", "option",
                   "output", "overall ", "parallel", "parameters", "phase",
                   "predicted", "principal", "prior", "professional", "project",
                   "promote", "regime", "resolution ", "retained", "series",
                   "statistics ", "status", "stress", "subsequent", "sum", "summary",
                   "undertaken ", "academic ", "adjustment ", "alter ", "amendment ",
                   "aware ", "capacity ", "challenge ", "clause ", "compounds ",
                   "conflict ", "consultation ", "contact ", "decline ",
                   "discretion ", "draft ", "enable ", "energy ", "enforcement ",
                   "entities ", "equivalent ", "evolution ", "expansion ",
                   "exposure ", "external ", "facilitate ", "fundamental ",
                   "generated ", "generation ", "image ", "liberal", "licence ",
                   "logic ", "marginal ", "medical ", "mental ", "modified ",
                   "monitoring ", "network ", "notion ", "objective ", "orientation ",
                   "perspective ", "precise ", "prime ", "psychology ", "pursue ",
                   "ratio ", "rejected ", "revenue ", "stability ", "styles ",
                   "substitution ", "sustainable", "symbolic ", "target ",
                   "transition ", "trend ", "version ", "welfare ", "whereas ",
                   "abstract ", "accurate ", "acknowledged ", "aggregate ",
                   "allocation ", "assigned ", "attached ", "author ", "bond ",
                   "brief ", "capable ", "cited ", "cooperative ", "discrimination ",
                   "display ", "diversity ", "domain ", "edition ", "enhanced ",
                   "estate ", "exceed ", "expert ", "explicit ", "federal ", "fees ",
                   "flexibility ", "furthermore ", "gender ", "ignored ",
                   "incentive ", "incidence ", "incorporated ", "index ",
                   "inhibition ", "initiatives ", "input ", "instructions ",
                   "intelligence ", "interval ", "lecture ", "migration ", "minimum ",
                   "ministry ", "motivation ", "neutral ", "nevertheless ",
                   "overseas ", "preceding ", "presumption ", "rational ",
                   "recovery ", "revealed ", "scope ", "subsidiary ", "tapes ",
                   "trace ", "transformation ", "transport ", "underlying ",
                   "utility ", "adaptation ", "adults ", "advocate ", "aid ",
                   "channel ", "chemical", "classical ", "comprehensive ",
                   "comprise ", "confirmed ", "contrary ", "converted ", "couple ",
                   "decades ", "definite", "deny ", "differentiation ", "disposal ",
                   "dynamic ", "eliminate ", "empirical ", "equipment ", "extract ",
                   "file ", "finite ", "foundation ", "global ", "grade ",
                   "guarantee ", "hierarchical ", "identical ", "ideology ",
                   "inferred ", "innovation ", "insert ", "intervention ",
                   "isolated ", "media ", "mode ", "paradigm ", "phenomenon ",
                   "priority ", "prohibited ", "publication ", "quotation ",
                   "release ", "reverse ", "simulation ", "solely ", "somewhat ",
                   "submitted ", "successive ", "survive ", "thesis ", "topic ",
                   "transmission ", "ultimately ", "unique ", "visible ",
                   "voluntary ", "abandon ", "accompanied ", "accumulation ",
                   "ambiguous ", "appendix ", "appreciation ", "arbitrary ",
                   "automatically ", "bias ", "chart ", "clarity", "conformity ",
                   "commodity ", "complement ", "contemporary ", "contradiction ",
                   "crucial ", "currency ", "denote ", "detected ", "deviation ",
                   "displacement ", "dramatic ", "eventually ", "exhibit ",
                   "exploitation ", "fluctuations ", "guidelines ", "highlighted ",
                   "implicit ", "induced ", "inevitably ", "infrastructure ",
                   "inspection ", "intensity ", "manipulation ", "minimised ",
                   "nuclear ", "offset ", "paragraph ", "plus ", "practitioners ",
                   "predominantly ", "prospect ", "radical ", "random ",
                   "reinforced ", "restore ", "revision ", "schedule ", "tension ",
                   "termination ", "theme ", "thereby ", "uniform ", "vehicle ",
                   "via ", "virtually ", "widespread ", "visual ", "accommodation ",
                   "analogous ", "anticipated ", "assurance ", "attained ", "behalf ",
                   "bulk ", "ceases ", "coherence ", "coincide ", "commenced ",
                   "incompatible ", "concurrent ", "confined ", "controversy ",
                   "conversely ", "device ", "devoted ", "diminished ", "distorted",
                   "distortion", "equal", "figures", "duration ", "erosion ",
                   "ethical ", "format ", "founded ", "inherent ", "insights ",
                   "integral ", "intermediate ", "manual ", "mature ", "mediation ",
                   "medium ", "military ", "minimal ", "mutual ", "norms ",
                   "overlap ", "passive ", "portion ", "preliminary ", "protocol ",
                   "qualitative ", "refine ", "relaxed ", "restraints ",
                   "revolution ", "rigid ", "route ", "scenario ", "sphere ",
                   "subordinate ", "supplementary ", "suspended ", "team ",
                   "temporary ", "trigger ", "unified ", "violation ", "vision ",
                   "adjacent ", "albeit ", "assembly ", "collapse ", "colleagues ",
                   "compiled ", "conceived ", "convinced ", "depression ",
                   "encountered ", "enormous ", "forthcoming ", "inclination ",
                   "integrity ", "intrinsic ", "invoked ", "levy ", "likewise ",
                   "nonetheless ", "notwithstanding ", "odd ", "ongoing ", "panel ",
                   "persistent ", "posed ", "reluctant ", "straightforward ",
                   "undergo ", "whereby ", "noob", "frag", "punish", "lamer", "noobs",
                   "knife", "shank", "humvee", "sniper", "don't", "run", "you'll",
                   "only", "die", "tired", "LOL", "ROFL", "GG", "FTW", "indeed",
                   "sure", "yeah", "yea", "hi", "hello", };
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class HangManGuiTest {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    //          hangmangui hmg = new hangmangui();
              hmg hmg = new hmg();
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("Hangman! DJ Joker[8]Baller");
    //          JFrame j = new JFrame();
    //          Listeners - Control everything - Call stuff from hmg.
    //          frame.getContentPane().add(hmg);
    //          j.setSize(500, 500);
    //          j.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
    //          j.setVisible(true);
    Message was edited by:

    Hey! Thanks for the tip...
    Anyways, I fixed all of the errors (T hank god) and now all I have t o do is add the text to the gui. Help for adding the text into the gui. When I run it, it runs a gui, and it shows the spaces, but when I put in input.. nothing shows up and nothing plays.
    So I'm going to use a.setText... for showWord and and play()... Is there anything else I woiuld need to do?
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.plaf.PanelUI;
    public class hmg extends JPanel {
         private char[] word;
         private int Misses;
         private int myWordIndex;
         private int index;
         private boolean[] used;
         protected Image[] i = new Image[8];
         protected Image[] s = new Image[3];
         private final static char NADA = '_';
         private final static int GUESSES = 8;
         private String fileName;
              i[0] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang1.jpg");
              i[1] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang2.jpg");
              i[2] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang3.jpg");
              i[3] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hange4.jpg");
              i[4] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang5.jpg");
              i[5] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang6.jpg");
              i[6] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang7.jpg");
              i[7] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hang8.jpg");
              s[0] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
                        "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hacks.jpg");
              s[1] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
              "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hacks.jpg");
              s[2] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(
              "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\hacks.jpg");
         protected int x = 0;
         protected ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(i[x++]);
         protected ImageIcon icon2 = new ImageIcon(s[x++]);
         private JLabel j = new JLabel(icon);
         private JButton b = new JButton();
         private JLabel a = new JLabel();
         private String[] wordArray;
         private String wordChosen;
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
         public hmg() {
              JButton guess = new JButton("The Click of Faith!");
              this.add(guess, BorderLayout.WEST);
              guess.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        if (!(x == i.length)) {
                             icon = new ImageIcon(i[x++]);
              JButton guess2 = new JButton("Click here if your almost dead! ");
              this.add(guess2, BorderLayout.WEST);
              guess2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        icon2 = new ImageIcon(s[x++]);
    //          this.add(a, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    //          a.setText(clear());
    //          a.setText(showWord());
    //          a.setText(play());
              Misses = 0;
              index = 0;
              used = new boolean[Character.MAX_VALUE];
         //     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
         //          if (!(x == i.length)) {
         //          icon = new ImageIcon(i[x++]);
         //          j.setIcon(icon);
         private void clear() {
              int k;
              for (k = 0; k < Character.MAX_VALUE; k++) {
                   used[k] = false;
              word = new char[myWords[myWordIndex].length()];
              for (k = 0; k < word.length; k++) {
                   word[k] = NADA;
         private void guess(char ch) {
              int b;
              boolean charFound = false;
              ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
              for (b = 0; b < word.length; b++) {
                   if (!used[ch] && myWords[index].charAt(b) == ch) {
                        word[b] = ch;
                        charFound = true;
              if (!used[ch] && !charFound) {
              used[ch] = true;
         private void chooseRandomWord()
         // myWords[];
    //      loadFileList();
              Random generator = new Random();
              int x = generator.nextInt(wordArray.length);
              wordChosen = wordArray[x];
         //public void processFile(String commonWords) {
         //     wordArray = commonWords.split(",");
         //private String[] loadFileList() {
         //     try
         //          fileName = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\Wordlist";
         //               File file = new File("C:\\Documents and
         // Settings\\mfleming\\Desktop\\Wordlist");
         //          if(file.exists());
         //               Scanner scan = new Scanner(file);
         //               while(scan.hasNext())
         //                    String word =;
         //                    processFile(word);
         //     } catch (Exception e)
         //          e.printStackTrace();
         //     return wordArray;
         //     public void add() {
         //          try {
         //               Scanner s = new Scanner(new File("Wordlist"));
         //               while (s.hasNext())
         //          } catch (Exception e) {
         private String showWord() {
              int k;     
              String temp = "";
              for (k = 0; k < word.length; k++) {
                   temp +=word[k];
    //               System.out.print(word[k] + " ");
              return temp;
              //                    return showWord();
    //          System.out.println(" \nYou have exactly " + (GUESSES - Misses)
    //                    + " guesses left! Time is running out! Cue Music LOL ");
         private boolean wordGuessed() {
              int a;
              for (a = 0; a < word.length; a++) {
                   if (word[a] == NADA) {
                        return false;
              return true;
         // .setIcon --- Put image.
         public String play() {
              String temp = "";
              while (true) {
    //               showWord();
                   //May not have to return string.
         JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Your guess shall be? 1234567890abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvqxyz hA! Guess... its simply up to you!");
    //               System.out
    //                         .print("Your guess shall be? 1234567890abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvqxyz hA! Guess... it's simply up to you!");
                   String s = Blah.readString();
                   if (s.length() > 0) {
                   if (Misses >= GUESSES) {
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You killed your hangman because....");
    //                    System.out.println("You killed your hangman because....");
                        //                    System.out.println(storeWord);
                   } else if (wordGuessed()) {
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You win. You suck. LOL. ><");
    //                    System.out.println("You win. You suck. LOL. ><");
    //                    System.out.println(word);
              index = (index + 1) / myWords.length;
              return temp;
         //     public String storeWord() {
         //          return SW;
         public static final void main(String args[]) {
              hmg hmg = new hmg();
               * (non-Javadoc)
               * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
              public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
               * (non-Javadoc)
               * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
              public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
               * (non-Javadoc)
               * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
              public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
               * (non-Javadoc)
               * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
              public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
          * (non-Javadoc)
          * @see java.awt.Component#getAccessibleContext()
         public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              return super.getAccessibleContext();
          * (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.swing.JPanel#getUI()
         public PanelUI getUI() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              return super.getUI();
          * (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getUIClassID()
         public String getUIClassID() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              return super.getUIClassID();
          * (non-Javadoc)
          * @see java.awt.Component#paramString()
         protected String paramString() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              return super.paramString();
          * (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.swing.JPanel#setUI(javax.swing.plaf.PanelUI)
         public void setUI(PanelUI arg0) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
          * (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.swing.JComponent#updateUI()
         public void updateUI() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         private String myWords[] = { "approach", "area", "assessment",
                   "assume", "authority     ", "available", "benefit ", "concept ",
                   "consistent", "constitutional", "context", "contract", "create",
                   "data", "definition", "derived ", "distribution ", "economic",
                   "environment ", "established", "estimate ", "evidence", "export",
                   "factors", "financial", "formula", "function", "identified",
                   "income", "indicate ", "individual  ", "interpretation",
                   "involved", "issues", "labour", "legal", "legislation", "major ",
                   "method", "occur", "percent ", "period", "policy", "principle",
                   "procedure", "process", "required", "research", "response", "role",
                   "section", "sector", "significant  ", "similar", "source",
                   "specific", "structure", "theory", "variables", "achieve ",
                   "acquisition", "administration  ", "affect", "appropriate ",
                   "aspects", "assistance ", "categories", "chapter", "commission",
                   "community", "complex ", "computer ", "conclusion", "conduct",
                   "consequences", "construction", "consumer ", "credit", "cultural ",
                   "design", "distinction", "elements ", "equation", "evaluation ",
                   "features ", "final", "focus", "impact", "injury", "institute ",
                   "investment", "items", "journal ", "maintenance", "normal",
                   "obtained ", "participation", "perceived ", "positive ",
                   "potential", "previous", "primary ", "purchase ", "range ",
                   "region", "regulations", "relevant ", "resident", "resources",
                   "restricted ", "security ", "sought", "select", "site",
                   "strategies", "survey", "text", "traditional", "transfer",
                   "alternative", "circumstances ", "comments", "compensation",
                   "components", "consent", "considerable", "constant ",
                   "constraints", "contribution", "convention ", "coordination",
                   "core", "corporate ", "corresponding", "criteria", "deduction",
                   "demonstrate ", "document", "dominant", "emphasis ", "ensure",
                   "excluded", "framework ", "funds", "illustrated ", "immigration",
                   "implies", "initial ", "instance ", "interaction", "justification",
                   "layer", "link", "location", "maximum ", "minorities", "negative ",
                   "outcomes", "partnership", "philosophy ", "physical ",
                   "proportion ", "published ", "reaction", "registered ", "reliance",
                   "removed", "scheme", "sequence", "sex", "shift", "specified ",
                   "sufficient", "task", "technical ", "techniques", "technology",
                   "validity", "volume", "access", "adequate", "annual", "apparent",
                   "approximated", "attitudes ", "attributed ", "civil", "code",
                   "commitment ", "communication", "concentration", "conference ",
                   "contrast ", "cycle", "debate", "despite ", "dimensions ",
                   "domestic ", "emerged ", "error", "ethnic", "goals", "granted",
                   "hence", "hypothesis ", "implementation", "implications",
                   "imposed", "integration", "internal ", "investigation", "job",
                   "label", "mechanism ", "obvious", "occupational ", "option",
                   "output", "overall ", "parallel", "parameters", "phase",
                   "predicted", "principal", "prior", "professional", "project",
                   "promote", "regime", "resolution ", "retained", "series",
                   "statistics ", "status", "stress", "subsequent", "sum", "summary",
                   "undertaken ", "academic ", "adjustment ", "alter ", "amendment ",
                   "aware ", "capacity ", "challenge ", "clause ", "compounds ",
                   "conflict ", "consultation ", "contact ", "decline ",
                   "discretion ", "draft ", "enable ", "energy ", "enforcement ",
                   "entities ", "equivalent ", "evolution ", "expansion ",
                   "exposure ", "external ", "facilitate ", "fundamental ",
                   "generated ", "generation ", "image ", "liberal", "licence ",
                   "logic ", "marginal ", "medical ", "mental ", "modified ",
                   "monitoring ", "network ", "notion ", "objective ", "orientation ",
                   "perspective ", "precise ", "prime ", "psychology ", "pursue ",
                   "ratio ", "rejected ", "revenue ", "stability ", "styles ",
                   "substitution ", "sustainable", "symbolic ", "target ",
                   "transition ", "trend ", "version ", "welfare ", "whereas ",
                   "abstract ", "accurate ", "acknowledged ", "aggregate ",
                   "allocation ", "assigned ", "attached ", "author ", "bond ",
                   "brief ", "capable ", "cited ", "cooperative ", "discrimination ",
                   "display ", "diversity ", "domain ", "edition ", "enhanced ",
                   "estate ", "exceed ", "expert ", "explicit ", "federal ", "fees ",
                   "flexibility ", "furthermore ", "gender ", "ignored ",
                   "incentive ", "incidence ", "incorporated ", "index ",
                   "inhibition ", "initiatives ", "input ", "instructions ",
                   "intelligence ", "interval ", "lecture ", "migration ", "minimum ",
                   "ministry ", "motivation ", "neutral ", "nevertheless ",
                   "overseas ", "preceding ", "presumption ", "rational ",
                   "recovery ", "revealed ", "scope ", "subsidiary ", "tapes ",
                   "trace ", "transformation ", "transport ", "underlying ",
                   "utility ", "adaptation ", "adults ", "advocate ", "aid ",
                   "channel ", "chemical", "classical ", "comprehensive ",
                   "comprise ", "confirmed ", "contrary ", "converted ", "couple ",
                   "decades ", "definite", "deny ", "differentiation ", "disposal ",
                   "dynamic ", "eliminate ", "empirical ", "equipment ", "extract ",
                   "file ", "finite ", "foundation ", "global ", "grade ",
                   "guarantee ", "hierarchical ", "identical ", "ideology ",
                   "inferred ", "innovation ", "insert ", "intervention ",
                   "isolated ", "media ", "mode ", "paradigm ", "phenomenon ",
                   "priority ", "prohibited ", "publication ", "quotation ",
                   "release ", "reverse ", "simulation ", "solely ", "somewhat ",
                   "submitted ", "successive ", "survive ", "thesis ", "topic ",
                   "transmission ", "ultimately ", "unique ", "visible ",
                   "voluntary ", "abandon ", "accompanied ", "accumulation ",
                   "ambiguous ", "appendix ", "appreciation ", "arbitrary ",
                   "automatically ", "bias ", "chart ", "clarity", "conformity ",
                   "commodity ", "complement ", "contemporary ", "contradiction ",
                   "crucial ", "currency ", "denote ", "detected ", "deviation ",
                   "displacement ", "dramatic ", "eventually ", "exhibit ",
                   "exploitation ", "fluctuations ", "guidelines ", "highlighted ",
                   "implicit ", "induced ", "inevitably ", "infrastructure ",
                   "inspection ", "intensity ", "manipulation ", "minimised ",
                   "nuclear ", "offset ", "paragraph ", "plus ", "practitioners ",
                   "predominantly ", "prospect ", "radical ", "random ",
                   "reinforced ", "restore ", "revision ", "schedule ", "tension ",
                   "termination ", "theme ", "thereby ", "uniform ", "vehicle ",
                   "via ", "virtually ", "widespread ", "visual ", "accommodation ",
                   "analogous ", "anticipated ", "assurance ", "attained ", "behalf ",
                   "bulk ", "ceases ", "coherence ", "coincide ", "commenced ",
                   "incompatible ", "concurrent ", "confined ", "controversy ",
                   "conversely ", "device ", "devoted ", "diminished ", "distorted",
                   "distortion", "equal", "figures", "duration ", "erosion ",
                   "ethical ", "format ", "founded ", "inherent ", "insights ",
                   "integral ", "intermediate ", "manual ", "mature ", "mediation ",
                   "medium ", "military ", "minimal ", "mutual ", "norms ",
                   "overlap ", "passive ", "portion ", "preliminary ", "protocol ",
                   "qualitative ", "refine ", "relaxed ", "restraints ",
                   "revolution ", "rigid ", "route ", "scenario ", "sphere ",
                   "subordinate ", "supplementary ", "suspended ", "team ",
                   "temporary ", "trigger ", "unified ", "violation ", "vision ",
                   "adjacent ", "albeit ", "assembly ", "collapse ", "colleagues ",
                   "compiled ", "conceived ", "convinced ", "depression ",
                   "encountered ", "enormous ", "forthcoming ", "inclination ",
                   "integrity ", "intrinsic ", "invoked ", "levy ", "likewise ",
                   "nonetheless ", "notwithstanding ", "odd ", "ongoing ", "panel ",
                   "persistent ", "posed ", "reluctant ", "straightforward ",
                   "undergo ", "whereby ", "noob", "frag", "punish", "lamer", "noobs",
                   "knife", "shank", "humvee", "sniper", "don't", "run", "you'll",
                   "only", "die", "tired", "LOL", "ROFL", "GG", "FTW", "indeed",
                   "sure", "yeah", "yea", "hi", "hello", };
    }Message was edited by:

  • Adobe Reader 11.0.05 won't always display the GUI when opening PDF?!

    I have come across some odd behaviour with Adobe Reader 11.0.05. In particular, the following issues seem to have surfaced since upgrading to 11.x from 9.x.
    Opening a PDF from any application, launches an "AcroRd32.exe" process but the GUI is not shown i.e. you don't see a Reader window or PDF. If you try open the PDF again it will launch another instance of that process and still won't show the GUI. Killing all AcroRd32.exe processes via Task Manager and re-opening the PDF will then work.
    Some users are experiencing the following error when opening PDFs via IE and other 3rd party apps.
    We've deployed 11.0.05 across a few thousand 32-bit Windows 7 PCs and it's a little concerning that PDFs won't always open. At this stage it is very random, maybe 1 out of 5 times it won't show the GUI but launch the process. Our only workaround is to advise users to kill all AcroRd32.exe processes and try again.
    Our packaged 11.0.05 was created as follows:
    AIP created from 11.0 msi > AIP patched with 11.0.04 msp (Q) > AIP patched with 11.0.05 msp (OOC). Transform was created using Adobe Customization Wizard 11.
    Oddly, this does not occur using Adobe Reader 9.5.5 (or other versions of 9.x).
    Sounds like 11.x is buggy, anyone else experiencing the same issues??

    Yes, I am always having problems. Microsoft fixed the problem for me but it has reverted back to a trial I downloaded. I can't access my PDF at all.
    Packager wrote:
    I have come across some odd behaviour with Adobe Reader 11.0.05. In particular, the following issues seem to have surfaced since upgrading to 11.x from 9.x.
    Opening a PDF from any application, launches an "AcroRd32.exe" process but the GUI is not shown i.e. you don't see a Reader window or PDF. If you try open the PDF again it will launch another instance of that process and still won't show the GUI. Killing all AcroRd32.exe processes via Task Manager and re-opening the PDF will then work.
    Some users are experiencing the following error when opening PDFs via IE and other 3rd party apps.
    We've deployed 11.0.05 across a few thousand 32-bit Windows 7 PCs and it's a little concerning that PDFs won't always open. At this stage it is very random, maybe 1 out of 5 times it won't show the GUI but launch the process. Our only workaround is to advise users to kill all AcroRd32.exe processes and try again.
    Our packaged 11.0.05 was created as follows:
    AIP created from 11.0 msi > AIP patched with 11.0.04 msp (Q) > AIP patched with 11.0.05 msp (OOC). Transform was created using Adobe Customization Wizard 11.
    Oddly, this does not occur using Adobe Reader 9.5.5 (or other versions of 9.x).
    Sounds like 11.x is buggy, anyone else experiencing the same issues??
    Packager wrote:
    I have come across some odd behaviour with Adobe Reader 11.0.05. In particular, the following issues seem to have surfaced since upgrading to 11.x from 9.x.
    Opening a PDF from any application, launches an "AcroRd32.exe" process but the GUI is not shown i.e. you don't see a Reader window or PDF. If you try open the PDF again it will launch another instance of that process and still won't show the GUI. Killing all AcroRd32.exe processes via Task Manager and re-opening the PDF will then work.
    Some users are experiencing the following error when opening PDFs via IE and other 3rd party apps.
    We've deployed 11.0.05 across a few thousand 32-bit Windows 7 PCs and it's a little concerning that PDFs won't always open. At this stage it is very random, maybe 1 out of 5 times it won't show the GUI but launch the process. Our only workaround is to advise users to kill all AcroRd32.exe processes and try again.
    Our packaged 11.0.05 was created as follows:
    AIP created from 11.0 msi > AIP patched with 11.0.04 msp (Q) > AIP patched with 11.0.05 msp (OOC). Transform was created using Adobe Customization Wizard 11.
    Oddly, this does not occur using Adobe Reader 9.5.5 (or other versions of 9.x).
    Sounds like 11.x is buggy, anyone else experiencing the same issues??
    Packager wrote:
    I have come across some odd behaviour with Adobe Reader 11.0.05. In particular, the following issues seem to have surfaced since upgrading to 11.x from 9.x.
    Opening a PDF from any application, launches an "AcroRd32.exe" process but the GUI is not shown i.e. you don't see a Reader window or PDF. If you try open the PDF again it will launch another instance of that process and still won't show the GUI. Killing all AcroRd32.exe processes via Task Manager and re-opening the PDF will then work.
    Some users are experiencing the following error when opening PDFs via IE and other 3rd party apps.
    We've deployed 11.0.05 across a few thousand 32-bit Windows 7 PCs and it's a little concerning that PDFs won't always open. At this stage it is very random, maybe 1 out of 5 times it won't show the GUI but launch the process. Our only workaround is to advise users to kill all AcroRd32.exe processes and try again.
    Our packaged 11.0.05 was created as follows:
    AIP created from 11.0 msi > AIP patched with 11.0.04 msp (Q) > AIP patched with 11.0.05 msp (OOC). Transform was created using Adobe Customization Wizard 11.
    Oddly, this does not occur using Adobe Reader 9.5.5 (or other versions of 9.x).
    Sounds like 11.x is buggy, anyone else experiencing the same issues??

  • How to modify  the search results of the GUI for subscribing to calendars

    How to modify the search results of the GUI for subscribing to calendars
    <LI>The following information applies only to iPlanet Calendar Server 5.0
    Patch 3.
    <LI>All of the cases for which the XSLT changes will work have not been
    <LI>The following is only an example of an XSLT customization.
    The example below shows a sample customization of the
    dialog. This customization will result in the Display Name being included as
    part of the search results in the GUI, which would normally show just the
    calendar ID. It will render the returned calendars in the following format:
    Display Name - <I>description</I>
    Normally, the format would be as follows:
    Calendar-ID - <I>description</I>
    The example consists of the following two files:
    (the entire XSLT file)
    (the context sensitive diff patch file,
    which basically shows only the changes that need to be made)
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet (View Source for full doctype...)>
    - <!--
    set the output properties
    - <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="">
    - <!-- set the output properties
    <xsl:output method="html" encoding="ISO-8859-1" />
    <xsl:include href="data/common.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="data/i18n.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="data/date_format.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="data/dialog_tabs.xsl" />
    - <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="calendar" />
    - <xsl:template match="calendar">
    - <xsl:choose>
    - <xsl:when test="@top='true'">
    - <xsl:variable name="Frame1">
    <xsl:value-of select="frame[1]" />
    - <xsl:variable name="Frame2">
    <xsl:value-of select="frame[2]" />
    - <xsl:variable name="Frame3">
    <xsl:value-of select="frame[3]" />
    - <xsl:variable name="tab_value">
    <xsl:value-of select="@tab" />
    - <HTML>
    - <HEAD>
    <xsl:call-template name="contextJavascript" />
    <TITLE>Calendars Search: Calendar Express - iPlanet</TITLE>
    - <FRAMESET border="0" frameborder="0" rows="77,*,71">
    <FRAME name="tab" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no"
    scrollbars="no" src="{$Frame1}" />
    <FRAME name="main" frameborder="0" src="{$Frame2}" />
    <FRAME name="button" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no"
    scrollbars="no" frameborder="0" src="{$Frame3}" />
    - <xsl:when test="@view='searchProperties'">
    - <xsl:for-each select="group">
    - <xsl:if test="@name='searchProperties'">
    <xsl:call-template name="search_toolbar" />
    - <xsl:when test="@view='main'">
    - <xsl:for-each select="group">
    - <xsl:if test="@name='main'">
    <xsl:call-template name="main" />
    - <xsl:when test="@view='button'">
    - <xsl:for-each select="group">
    - <xsl:if test="@name='button'">
    <xsl:call-template name="button_root" />
    - <xsl:otherwise>
    - <html>
    What's this view? (search_for_cals.xsl) -
    <xsl:value-of select="@view" />
    - <xsl:template name="search_toolbar">
    - <HTML>
    <xsl:call-template name="emit_frame_head_tag" />
    - <BODY bgcolor="{$bgcolor_background}" background="imx/tdbg.gif"
    marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onload="window.focus()">
    - <FORM>
    - <xsl:attribute name="action">
    <xsl:value-of select="./formdata@action" />
    <xsl:attribute name="name">form</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="onSubmit">document.forms[0]['find'].click(); return false;
    <xsl:apply-templates select="formdata" />
    - <CENTER>
    - <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100%">
    - <TR>
    - <TD align="center">
    - <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
    - <TR>
    - <TD colspan="4">
    <FONT size="{$font_size_big_2}" face="{$font_name}">Find all calendars where
    the calendar</FONT>
    - <TR>
    - <TD valign="baseline">
    - <FONT size="{$font_size_big_2}" face="{$font_name}">
    - <SELECT name="which">
    <OPTION value="name;calid">name or ID</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="name">name</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="primaryOwner">primary owner</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="calid">ID</OPTION>
    - <TD valign="baseline">
    - <FONT size="{$font_size_big_2}" face="{$font_name}">
    - <SELECT name="how">
    <OPTION value="0">contains</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="1">begins with</OPTION>
    - <TD valign="baseline">
    <INPUT type="text" name="what" />
    - <TD valign="baseline">
    - <FONT size="{$font_size_big_2}" face="{$font_name}">
    - <INPUT type="button" name="find" value="Find">
    - <xsl:attribute name="onClick">
    <xsl:value-of select="./button[@name='find']" />
    - <xsl:template name="main">
    - <HTML>
    <xsl:call-template name="emit_frame_head_tag" />
    - <BODY bgcolor="{$bgcolor_background}" background="imx/tdbg.gif"
    marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
    - <FORM name="form" method="post">
    - <xsl:attribute name="action">
    <xsl:value-of select="./formdata@action" />
    <xsl:attribute name="name">form</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="formdata" />
    <INPUT type="hidden" name="how" value="0" />
    <INPUT type="hidden" name="which" value="name;calid" />
    <INPUT type="hidden" name="what" value=" />
    <INPUT type="hidden" name="selectedGroup" />
    - <xsl:if test="(./calsearchresults/nomatch)">
    - <!-- print no match found
    No Match Found
    - <xsl:for-each select="./calsearchresults/searchresultcal">
    - <P>
    - <FONT size="{$font_size_big_2}" face="{$font_name}">
    - <FONT size="{$font_size_big}" face="{$font_name}">
    <xsl:value-of select="@owner" />
    <FONT size="{$font_size_big}" face="{$font_name}" color="{$bgcolor_wend_mid}">|
    Calendar ID:
    <xsl:value-of select="@id" />
    <BR />
    - <FONT size="{$font_size_big_2}" face="{$font_name}">
    - <xsl:choose>
    - <xsl:when test="@subscribed='false'">
    - <INPUT type="checkbox" name="calendar">
    - <xsl:attribute name="value">
    <xsl:value-of select="@name" />
    - <A target="_blank">
    - <xsl:attribute name="href">
    <xsl:value-of select="@viewCommand" />
    <xsl:value-of select="@name" />
    - <xsl:otherwise>
    - <A target="_blank">
    - <xsl:attribute name="href">
    <xsl:value-of select="@viewCommand" />
    <xsl:value-of select="@name" />
    - <xsl:if test="string-length(@description) > 0">
    - <FONT size="{$font_size_big}" face="{$font_name}">
    <xsl:value-of select="@description" />
    <A HREF="#back">Back</A>
    Index: search_for_calendars_common.xsl
    RCS file: /m/src/ns/server/msg/calendar/core/html/search_for_calendars_common.xsl,v
    retrieving revision
    diff -c -r1.1.2.14 search_for_calendars_common.xsl
    *** search_for_calendars_common.xsl 2000/12/12 23:10:43
    --- search_for_calendars_common.xsl 2001/03/15 23:55:19
    *** 182,188 ****
    &#38;nbsp; &#38;nbsp;
    <INPUT type="checkbox" name="calendar">
    <xsl:attribute name="value">
    ! <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
    &#38;nbsp; &#38;nbsp;
    --- 182,188 ----
    &#38;nbsp; &#38;nbsp;
    <INPUT type="checkbox" name="calendar">
    <xsl:attribute name="value">
    ! <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
    &#38;nbsp; &#38;nbsp;
    *** 190,196 ****
    <xsl:attribute name="href">
    <xsl:value-of select="@viewCommand"/>
    ! <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
    --- 190,196 ----
    <xsl:attribute name="href">
    <xsl:value-of select="@viewCommand"/>
    ! <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
    *** 199,205 ****
    <xsl:attribute name="href">
    <xsl:value-of select="@viewCommand"/>
    ! <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
    --- 199,205 ----
    <xsl:attribute name="href">
    <xsl:value-of select="@viewCommand"/>
    ! <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
    <A HREF="#back">Back</A>

    Maybe on the Google API s page?

  • How to build dynamically specified GUIs/Forms

    Dear forum members:
    As Flex newbie I still have got some questions concerning the Flex technology.
    I've got to modernize an existent catalog-based ordering system in which a ShopManager (the 1st kind of enduser and an "enduser programmer" at the same time) shall be able to *declaratively specify* some customer groups, products, product bundles, product- and group-specific prices (via pricing rules) and product selection rules. Then, a customer (2nd kind of enduser) shall be able to place orders through a GUI that behaves exactly as specified before by the ShopManager.
    In a non-enduser-programming scenario I normally would use a MVC-framework (like Cairngorm or Swiz, I guess for the Flex world) and hard-code the controller logic as need.
    The problem I have in this enduser-programming scenario is that I cannot figure out how to transform the declaratively specified behaviour into running controller code!?!!!
    Perhaps a rudimentary example in order to clarify issues:
    Let's say we have a ShopManager and a Customer, and that the "workflow" is as follows:
    A) the ShopManager specifies via his/her ShopManagerTool the following topics, ignoring further topic-specic properties for now:
       1. customer_groups = {cg01, cg02}
       2. products = {prodA, prodB, prodC}
       3. product_bundles = {{bundle01, prodA, prodB}, {bundle02, prodB, prodC}}
       4. price_rules = {
                            //atomic product prices, cgroup-specific:  (*1)
                            price_rule(cg01, prodA, 20.00USD),        
                            price_rule(cg02, prodA, 18.00USD),
                            price_rule(cg01, prodB, 25.00USD),
                            price_rule(cg02, prodB, 22.00USD),
                            price_rule(cg01, prodC, 30.00USD),
                            price_rule(cg02, prodC, 27.00USD),
                            //bundle prices, cgroup-specific:
                            price_rule(cg01, bundle01, 39.99USD),
                            price_rule(cg02, bundle01, 37.99USD),
                            price_rule(cg01, bundle02, 59.99USD),
                            price_rule(cg02, bundle02, 55.99USD),
       5. selection_rules = {                                           
                            sel_rule(cg01, dependsOn(prodC, prodA)),   (*2)
                            sel_rule(ALL , dependsOn(prodC, prodB)),
                            sel_rule(ALL , includes(prodA, prodC)),    (*3)
                            sel_rule(ALL , excludes(bundle01, prodC)), (*4)
    B) the Customer uses the ordering GUI to select products and/or bundles and place his/her order.
        The GUI components always follow the pricing and presentation/selection rules imposed by the ShopManager specification done before.
    (*1) This is a kind of pricing matrix and should be obvious.
    (*2) This selection rules should be read as follows:
         (*2) "for cg01 holds: whenever he selects prodA then prodC becomes selectable (as prodC depends on the selection of prodA)".
         (*3) "for all customer groups: the selection of prodA automatically includes prodC".
         (*4) "for all customer groups: the selection of bundle01 automatically excludes prodC".
    That's basically the kind of app to realize, and as far as I can figure it out with my current Flex-understanding, I'll need some model element classes (Product, Customer, CustomerGroup, RuleSet, Rule, PricingRule, SelectionRule, etc.) used by the ShopManager to specify things, and further also let him define some kind of "model element (property) to view element (property)" mapping for visualizing the specifications.
    1. How could this problem be solved the best way? I.e., what would an appropriate solution architecture look like?
    2. How would I transform the declarative ShopManager specifications into concrete MVC code in general and into concrete controller code
    in particular?
    3. Could anyone of you provide me with a rudimentary example of such "dynamically specified forms"?
    Please, due to the current importance of these issues, I would be very very thankful for any helpful solution hints.
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Best regards

    Dear Adobe (Flex) Forum Members:
    Really no ideas for this topic?
    I would appreciate any solution hints very much -- even pretty simplistic ones.
    Thank you a million in advance.
    Best regards

  • Transform sap query into transaction

    my question is not related to mm but also not to other forums in this site.
    i'm trying to transform sap query into transaction using se93 transaction.
    i just learing sap in a class and we use an old version of sap.
    user group name: ofer6
    infoset name: ofer9
    query name: ofer8
    all created in global area
    when i enter se93 i write t-code ZSTART and press "create".
    then i choose: "transaction with parameters" in the popup window.
    in the second screen i write the transaction ZSTART again.
    i mark "skip initial screen" and "inherit gui attributes"
    at the bottom of the page in "default values" i use the following:
    when i press enter i get  messages:
    transaction ZSTART does not exist
    Screen 0000 of program  does not exist
    The field D_SREPOVARI-REPORTTYPE does not exist on the called screen
    The field D_SREPOVARI-REPORT does not exist on the called screen

    Please check the link below:
    Hope this will be helpful to you.

  • Formula in transformation

    Hey, BW Gurus:
    If I need to filter out value "A" in field "customer" in a 7.0 transformation before the cube, I think i need to use a formula. The source filed and target field, I will be using "customer". In the rule type, i need to choose formula. Can someone tell me what is the syntax in this formua to only filter out value "A", but still making the rest of the values of customer field going to the cube?
    Thanks for your help!!

    Thanks very much!! You have helped me resolved the issue!!
    As I tried out in DTP, there is one lag thing and wonder if you have experience before.
    In DTP>Extraction Mode>Filter-->There are ten fields avalable but not my needed field. Then, I click on change selection, I was able to find the field and put on the selection screen on the top  -->Continue -->Put value A as exclusion field and save, activate my DTP.
    The problem is as I went back and check the filter selection again, I couldn't find the customer filed, Nor the value "A" . All I saw is the equal sign on the bottom in the red square.
    However, it does filter out the value as I loaded the data to cube again.
    Have you ever seen the strange GUI before?? Or I have missed any configuration here?

  • Gui xalan xml

    I am trying to program a java swing gui with one button that will
    transform old.xml to new.xml using transform.xsl using xalan
    but the compiler gives an error message: unreported exception javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
    anyone know the solution of this problem
    this is the complete code:
    //using apache xalan to transform old.xml with tranform.xsl into new.xml
    //with java swing gui
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    public class Transform2
    public static void main(String[] args)throws TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException,FileNotFoundException, IOException
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Event Handling Tombol & TextField");
    final JButton button = new JButton("Transform");
    ActionListener eventclick =
    new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    if (e.getSource() == button) {
    frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    private static void transformation(String inputfile,String xslfile,String outputfile)throws TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException,FileNotFoundException, IOException
    // Use the static TransformerFactory.newInstance() method to instantiate
    // a TransformerFactory. The javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
    // system property setting determines the actual class to instantiate --
    // org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.
    TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    // Use the TransformerFactory to instantiate a Transformer that will work with
    // the stylesheet you specify. This method call also processes the stylesheet
    // into a compiled Templates object.
    Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xslfile));
    // Use the Transformer to apply the associated Templates object to an XML document
    // (foo.xml) and write the output to a file (foo.out).
    transformer.transform(new StreamSource(inputfile), new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(outputfile)));

    private static void transformation(String inputfile,String xslfile,String outputfile)throws TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException,FileNotFoundException, IOExceptionStates that that function might throw an on of the exceptions mentioned.. to do this you have to have
       //the code that this function should do...
    catch(Exception e)
        // if doing previous stuff fails... this will be executed.
        // here do the throwing..
        throw new IOException (this);
    }also the main function propably should not throw exceptions..

  • Xalan gui xml

    I am trying to program a java swing gui with one button that will
    transform old.xml to new.xml using transform.xsl using xalan
    but the compiler gives an error message: unreported exception javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
    anyone know the solution of this problem
    this is the complete code:
    //using apache xalan to transform old.xml with tranform.xsl into new.xml
    //with java swing gui
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    public class Transform2
    public static void main(String[] args)throws TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException,FileNotFoundException, IOException
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Event Handling Tombol & TextField");
    final JButton button = new JButton("Transform");
    ActionListener eventclick =
    new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    if (e.getSource() == button) {
    frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    private static void transformation(String inputfile,String xslfile,String outputfile)throws TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException,FileNotFoundException, IOException
    // Use the static TransformerFactory.newInstance() method to instantiate
    // a TransformerFactory. The javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
    // system property setting determines the actual class to instantiate --
    // org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.
    TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    // Use the TransformerFactory to instantiate a Transformer that will work with
    // the stylesheet you specify. This method call also processes the stylesheet
    // into a compiled Templates object.
    Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xslfile));
    // Use the Transformer to apply the associated Templates object to an XML document
    // (foo.xml) and write the output to a file (foo.out).
    transformer.transform(new StreamSource(inputfile), new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(outputfile)));

    Crossposted in 4 places.

  • Xalan gui

    I am trying to program a java swing gui with one button that will
    transform old.xml to new.xml using transform.xsl using xalan
    but the compiler gives an error message: unreported exception javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
    anyone know the solution of this problem
    this is the complete code:
    //using apache xalan to transform old.xml with tranform.xsl into new.xml
    //with java swing gui
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    public class Transform2
    public static void main(String[] args)throws TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException,FileNotFoundException, IOException
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Event Handling Tombol & TextField");
    final JButton button = new JButton("Transform");
    ActionListener eventclick =
    new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    if (e.getSource() == button) {
    frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    private static void transformation(String inputfile,String xslfile,String outputfile)throws TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException,FileNotFoundException, IOException
    // Use the static TransformerFactory.newInstance() method to instantiate
    // a TransformerFactory. The javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
    // system property setting determines the actual class to instantiate --
    // org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.
    TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    // Use the TransformerFactory to instantiate a Transformer that will work with
    // the stylesheet you specify. This method call also processes the stylesheet
    // into a compiled Templates object.
    Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xslfile));
    // Use the Transformer to apply the associated Templates object to an XML document
    // (foo.xml) and write the output to a file (foo.out).
    transformer.transform(new StreamSource(inputfile), new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(outputfile)));

    Your transformation method is declared to throw a number of exceptions. You need to handle these in your actionPerformed method (probably displaying an error message to the user to indicate what went wrong).

  • BPEL transform issues

    I am using BPEL PM The transform activity seems to be flaky. The transform works fine when it is created the first time. If any changes are made - using the GUI - the changes do not seem to take effect or in some cases the transform errors out. If a new transform is created with the same changes then it works fine. Are there any best practices when using the transform in Any other options?
    Thanks in advance.

    If you make a change in the visual work flow in then the change will map. As an example just add an empty process, save and deploy and the transform will work. on the next change/save delete the empty task etc. its odd but easier than starting and stopping etc .
    Hope it helps,

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