Transparent failover for forms

Kindly let me know that if real application clusters are implemented in windows enviorment does it gives transparent failover if we are using forms and report only in our applications .that means that if an end user is accessing a form and that node goes down ,he would not come to know and the control switch to some other node and he will continues with his work

TAF implementation has not much to do with RAC. It's client side feature and it will work equally well with RAC, Data Guard, single instance and cold failover databases assuming the service is back when reconnect is issued.
However, Transparent Application Failover is not transparent at all for transactions. Read only activities are pretty much OK and depending on whether you use SESSION of SELECT based method, and user might not see the impact at all.
However, if user session was in the middle of transaction when failure happened, session will not reconnect until user session issues rollback. This is because instance failure in the middle of transaction causes Oracle to rollback the changes and it needs to make sure that user (application) is aware that previous part of the transaction was rolled back. The way it's done - application needs rollback.
So application DOES need to handle these situations. Imagine a transaction that spans across several forms or user interactions and commit at the end. Let's say user is already at the last step and most of transaction has been applied to the database but no commit yet. Failure happens and Oracle rolls everything back naturally to preserve transactional integrity. User/application must realize that to avoid situation when user presses final "DONE" button sending just simple commit while loosing all the changes. The way to handle it is rollback and either to re-try transaction from the beginning (might be a problem in forms) or inform the user that transaction failed and must be retried.
Reports must be ok assuming it's selects only that's probably safely can be assumed for Oracle Reports.
Form might have an issue unless there is something already implemented to handle this but I can't recall (not that I'm a Forms exert though).

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    Have a nice day to all!
    I have 2 HP Proliant DL380P Gen8 servers containing 8 x 1TB disks (with P420i HP Smart Array RAID Controller) in each server.
    So, there are 2 arrays on every server:
    1. 2 x 1TB in RAID1 (+1 disk for hot swap) - system volume
    2. 5 x 1TB in RAID5 (+1 disk for hot swap) - data volume
    And I installed Windows Server 2012 Standard on each server.
    Than I created a failover two-nodes cluster.
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    Thanks in advance!
    You need to have your storage you want to export as being a shared storage visible to your cluster (part of CSV). Then you'll configure failover file shares using content accessible from both cluster nodes. Refer to this manual for diagrams (ignore StarWind
    and replace it logically with your existing shared storage you've used to create your cluster):
    Also see these manuals from MS on how to create failover file server:
    However if you want to use existing storage located on the both nodes you're out of luck. Microsoft does not provide anything representing local DAS to the cluster nodes. If you want to use existing DAS then you'll have to stick with a third-party product
    like StarWind, SteelEye or DataCore. To create something like in this picture:
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    Hope this helped :)
    StarWind iSCSI SAN & NAS

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    How do you imagine this will work?  You reduce the opacity of the container but not the contents.  The user is left with no way of clearing the junk off the screen.  Opacity is for Forms and Forms only for a reason.
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    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html"%>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <html:html locale="true">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <title>Anmeldung f?r GOLEM Quickplayout</title>
    <html:form action="">
      <table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%" align="left">
            <bean:message key="prompt.username"/>
            <html:text property="username"/>
            <bean:message key="prompt.password"/>
            <html:text property="password"/>
    </html:form>i tryed a lot for the FORM -Tag, for instance:
    <html:form action=""> or
    <html:form action="/"> or
    <html:form action="/checkLogin"> but all throws the same exception. :(
        <form-bean name="loginForm" type="de.orb.quick.view.LoginForm"/>
      <action path="/login" type="de.orb.quick.view.LoginAction" name="loginForm" input="/login.jsp" scope="session" unknown="true">
        <forward name="success" path="/showData.jsp"/>
        <action path="/checkLogin" type="de.orb.quick.view.CheckLogonAction" unknown="false" input="/login.jsp">
          <forward name="success" path="/"/>
          <forward name="failure" path="/"/>
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean null
         at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.lookup(
         at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.doStartTag(
         at _login._jspService(login.jsp:11)     [/login.jsp]
      public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
        return mapping.findForward("success");
    public class LoginForm extends ActionForm  {
      private String password = "";
      private String username = "";
      public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
        super.reset(mapping, request);
      public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
        return super.validate(mapping, request);
      public String getPassword() {
        return password;
      public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;
      public String getUsername() {
        return username;
      public void setUsername(String username) {
        this.username = username;
      }Sorry for this stupid question, but how can i avoid this exception while using struts TagLibs?
    I tried to face the jsp with another action, but this does not change anything.
    Thank you in advance

    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean myfrom
         at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.lookup(
         at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.doStartTag(
         at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(
         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

  • Cannot retrieve definition for form bean null

              I have a page jsp which contains a form. This form contains an action
              towards ( ).
              I configured struts-config.xml file in whom I put a configuration of
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              Cannot retrieve definition for form bean null "
              Could you indicate to me where is the problem ?
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              < html:form action = " " method = " post " >
              </html:form >
              <action path="/page"
              <forward name="show" path="/page.jsp"/>
              Thanks in advance

    There's little reason to use Struts infrastructure to set this up since you have no model, and the controller aspect is well-defined (just go to "NewProject"!). You're basically providing a link from one page to another, akin to doing an <a href>, and you wouldn't use Struts to do a simple link :).
    I would just just use standard HTML.
    If you're okay with using Javascript, this is the simplest:
    <input type="button" onClick="document.location='NewProject'">
    Or you can use a standard HTML form, as you've basically done already:
    <form action="NewProject" method="get">
    <input type="submit" value="Create">

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    Thanks you for your help. I am trying to implement third party external LDAP authentication for APEX and Forms.
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    If i try the printpreview through SE71 it shows without error.
    Thank You.

    "test printing" via SE71 only prints what exists in the form. Here your form is missing TITLEDET window and element.
    The print program tries to print TITLEDET but it does not exist. Could you check SAP notes to get correct versions of print program and sapscript form.

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    My question is: is it a problem to add now a fiscal year 2010 (yearly basis)?
    Thanks and regards
    Peter Ganserer

    Hi Peter,
    Although it is your 2nd posting, I would add welcome message because I had not do so 1st time.
    For your question, it is not possible to add new posting period for former fiscal year. You best solution is to post those OB as the first date of the first period.

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    When i am trying to set text for a form value type field it is giving null pointer exception, please help me out.
    I tried below way.
    OAFormValueBean containlineid=(OAFormValueBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("item11");

    HI Keerthi,
    I am able to set and get the value now, i am able to see the data in my log window, but in my page it is erroring out, giving null pointer exception.
    after commenting the two lines setting and getting value page is running fine, so any clue on this, please check the below code.
    public class XXDPECONTAINLINESCO extends OAControllerImpl
      public static final String RCS_ID="$Header$";
      public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =
            VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(RCS_ID, "%packagename%");
       * Layout and page setup logic for a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
        OAApplicationModule am = (OAApplicationModule) pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
          OARawTextBean startDIVTagRawBean =
          (OARawTextBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("DivStart");
          System.out.println("debhorizontal"+ startDIVTagRawBean);
    // addScrollBarsToTable(pageContext, webBean,"DivStart", "DivEnd", true , "400",true,"400");
       * Procedure to handle form submissions for form elements in
       * a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
         String preplenish = pageContext.getParameter("item1");
          String pworkorder = pageContext.getParameter("item2");
          String pdmr = pageContext.getParameter("item4");
          String punloading = pageContext.getParameter("item6");
          String prrnum=pageContext.getParameter("item16");
          String pworknum=pageContext.getParameter("item14");
          String pdtr=pageContext.getParameter("item13");  
          Serializable param[] = {preplenish,pworkorder,pdmr,punloading,prrnum,pworknum,pdtr};
          OAApplicationModule am = (OAApplicationModule) pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
            if(am !=null)
          if (pageContext.getParameter("item30") != null) {
            String recout = (String)am.invokeMethod("getSelectedData");
               System.out.println("deb multi select test"+recout);        
                OAFormValueBean containlineid=(OAFormValueBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("item32");
              ///  System.out.println("22222"+containlineid.getValue(pageContext));
    --------------Error it is giving in the page as----------------
    Exception Details.
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: java.lang.NullPointerException at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException(Unknown Source) at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageErrorHandler.prepareException(Unknown Source) at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageErrorHandler.processErrors(Unknown Source) at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.processFormRequest(Unknown Source) at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(Unknown Source) at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(Unknown Source) at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(Unknown Source) at _OA._jspService( at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke( at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal( at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest( at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest( at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest( at at at$ at at$700( at$ at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$ at ## Detail 0 ## java.lang.NullPointerException at at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequest(Unknown Source) at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processFormRequest(Unknown Source) at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAMessageComponentLayoutBean.processFormRequest(Unknown Source

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    Thanks in advance.

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    Appreciate any guidance.

    Try with the Elliptical marquee tool:
    On the tool's option bar set feather 25-40 px (experiment)
    Drag out the Ellipse to embrace the object
    Go to Layer>new>layer via copy, or CTRL+J
    Your selection should fade out as a vignette and be surrounded by transparency
    Save this layer via File>save for web, select PNG-24, and tick "Transparency"

  • Error when running URL returned by GET_RUN_FUNCTION_URL for form INVIDITM

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to launch form INVIDITM with an URL returned by PL/SQL API FND_RUN_FUNCTION.GET_RUN_FUNCTION_URL. To generate appropriate URL I call GET_RUN_FUNCTION_URL like the following:
    v_Return VARCHAR2(2000);
    P_RESP_APPL := 'MSC';
    P_PARAMETERS := 'org_id=208 item_id=216955';
    P_ORG_ID := NULL;
    P_LANG_CODE := 'US';
    P_ORG_ID => P_ORG_ID,
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_Return = ' || v_Return);
    With this I get an URL like:
    Running this URL, I get the error message:
    "APP-FND-01016: Routine FDFRKS: Unknown structure ID for flexfield code GL number with application ID 101"
    Can anybody tell me how to fix this, or if I missed specifying any more parameters in P_PARAMETERS?
    Any help is highly appreciated...
    Thanks and Regards

    I got some help for this problem from Oracle support community: Setting paramter CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID.
    This seems to solve the problem. I don't get the error message any more, when setting the following:
    P_PARAMETERS := 'org_mode=N chart_of_accounts_id=101 org_id=208 org_code=S1 item_id=216955';
    Nevertheless, I still have problems with getting the correct parameter settings for form BOMFDBOM (form functions: BOM_BOMFDBOM, ENG_BOMFDBOM):
    1. Trying to display a BOM with a specified alternate (e.g. EBOM) doesn't work. I pass the following parameter values to funtion GET_RUN_FUNCTION_URL:
    P_RESP_APPL := 'MSC';
    P_PARAMETERS := 'org_id=204 item_id=240996 zoom_org_id=204 zoom_item_id=240996 zoom_flag=Y zoom_alternate=EBOM current_rec=1 item_rev=A';
    P_ORG_ID := NULL;
    P_LANG_CODE := 'US';
    The returned URL doesn't behave as expected: Though the form for respective alternate is displayed, the alternate field is empty and it isn't possible to select any field on the form, as following error message is displayed:
    "APP-BOM-20087: This bill already exists. Please enter another alternate to create an alternate bill, or use Query Find to find an existing bill."
    2. Trying to set query only mode for this form alway displays an empty "Find Bills" form, instead of the specified BOM in query only mode. I try to set this mode by the following:
    P_PARAMETERS := 'org_id=204 item_id=240996 zoom_org_id=204 zoom_item_id=240996 zoom_flag=Y zoom_alternate=EBOM current_rec=1 item_rev=A query_only=YES';
    Please, can anybody help me with this...
    Thanks & Regards

  • Actions tab for form field properties

    This question was posted in response to the following article: l

    I am working in Acrobat. I trying to create a form dealers will complete and submit. There will be no licensing issues. I have created a button and named it SUBMIT. In the Actions tab I have selected “Submit a form.” I have entered “mailto:[email protected]” under “Enter a URL for this link”. I have also selected “PDF The complete document” as the Export Format.
    I saved the file but when I go to the Preview Mode and click the new “Submit” button, I am asked to “Save PDF as” from a menu. Even if I rename the file and click save, nothing happens. I am back in the Preview mode. If I click “Submit” again, I get the same “Save PDF as” routine.
    I am baffled.
      Lloyd Doolittle
    Re:  Actions tab for form field properties
    [Personal information deleted]

  • Additional Plug ins for FORMS

    I am new to Forms. When I tried to run the Form, it was saying like "additional plug ins required to display the content." But I have all the plug ins required.
    My Forms Builder details are as follows.
    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
    Oracle Toolkit Version (Production)
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V11. - Production
    PL/SQL Editor (c) WinMain Software (, v1.0 (Production)
    Oracle Query Builder - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools GUI Utilities Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE     Production
    Also I have the latest Java( 6 Update 29 ).
    Please let me know what else I have to install for Forms.
    And how to run the Form. As I am new to Forms, I do not know how to deploy it properly. Do I need to place the .fmx file in some location ?
    Please help me out. Thanks in advance :)
    Edited by: 889224 on Dec 6, 2011 7:32 AM

    I will assume you are using a non-IE browser (e.g. Firefox). Assuming this is true, the problem you are seeing is the result of the configuraiton expecting to find 1.6.0_12. Look in formsweb.cfg for references to 1.6.0_12 and change them to the desired version. For example, replace the current with these in order to use 1.6.0_29:

Maybe you are looking for

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