Trash basket size in Snow Leopard

I have two Mac Book Pros - one a late first generation model and the second a first generation unibody. Both have 10.6.1 installed on them. I have two other desktop Mac systems with 10.6.1 but they are not affected by the problem I describe below.
Since installing 10.6 and then 10.6.1 I've noticed that whenever I go to empty the trash (simple empty, not secure), the number of files in the trash is exponentially more than what the trash folder shows. For example, today it showed 2 files in the folder/basket and when I emptied it, it deleted 751 files. Other times I've had 5 or 6 files in the basket/folder and the delete involved thousands of files. Since this happens only on the Mac Book Pros, I don't quite get what is going on here. This never occurred under any iteration of Leopard and it doesn't occur on desktops with Snow Leopard installed. Both Mac Book Pros have large hard drives with at least 70% free space on each.
Thoughts, suggestions, observations?

What makes this question curious and befuddling is that this issue ONLY arises on my MacBook Pros, not on my iMac, my MacBook Black, or my Mac Pro. When the trash basket says it has 3 files, it has three files. On the MBPs under Snow Leopard, the number of files reported in the trash basket bear no relationship to the actual number of files. This morning (just a half an hour ago), I was using my Unibody Mac Book Pro. It said I had 4 files in my trash basket. Being the compulsive type who doesn't like clutter, I went to delete them. When the basket started to empty, it told me THEN that it had 3951 files to empty. It took nearly 20 minutes to empty and got the machine so hot that the fans started up full blast. From a full battery, it took me down to 0:35. The moment the trash was emptied, the battery indicator literally jumped to 2:05 and the heat dissipated quickly. While it is emptying trash, it is using up many cycles of CPU and the machine slows to a halt. This occurs on a 2.6 GHz Core 2 and a 2.8 GHz Unibody. It occurs on no other machines, suggesting it is an SL/MBP interaction. I can't figure out what is going on. I can't even get a listing of what is in the trash basket except for the listed files.
If this happened only once or twice after the SL upgrade, I wouldn't be concerned about it, but it happens every time I use either machine, which is often.
Anyone have an alternative explanation of what is going on and how to prevent it?

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    If you're on Mountain lion it would make more sense to post in that forum.
    However, anyone who wants to help will need to know what's in the Trash and where it came from.
    Note that the collective Trashes of all connected volumes are aggregated in the Trash in your Dock. They can only be emptied if the volume they're on is mounted on your Mac.
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    Hi b,
    Have you restarted yet?

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    Not sure where these hard disk folders are located that you are referring to?  Finder, Finder tool bar, Finder side bar, Desktop, Dock? 
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    Steve Horn

    websentia wrote:
    But I'm not using the Mac PDF creator. So what I am asking is a way to use the File/Save As/Adobe PDF
    That is the Mac PDF creator. The PDF printer is hosed in Snow Leopard so you basically won't be using Acrobat at all.
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    In InDesign? If so, use the smallest file size setting. Also, that's not Acrobat.
    websentia wrote:
    Distiller still can make small files but with added steps of creating objects that fill the artboard (rectangle with white background or whatever), save as EPS, drop into distiller, then multiply all that by the number of pages in the document..
    Again, you can use "Save As" in Illustrator to save it as a PDF file. Check the advanced settings to be sure they're tuned up for what you want. In InDesign, use the "export" command to create a PDF using the InDesign PDF generator. Check your presets and choose the one that works best.
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    So it just comes down to an (in)accurate definition of a Mb?
    It's not inaccurate. Apple is now using the same definition of MB that is recommended by the International Standard of Units and the International Electrotechnical Commission. Most (all?) hard drives are labeled with this unit rather than the base-2 megabyte. This causes confusion to consumers who think the OS is short-changing them when a drive that's supposed to be 500 GB is actually quite a bit less. That confusion is gone in SL. Note that Ubuntu will be moving to the same base-10 units in the next version. I wouldn't be surprised if the old base-2 units are a thing of the past in 5 years.
    That still doesn't help though when I need to burn to DVD with Toast.
    As with all such changes, there's a period of growing pains. Until Toast is updated for the newer units, simply convert the maximum capacity of a DVD from base-2 to base-10 and then keep that capacity in mind when building your list of files for the DVD.

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    If you're referring to desktop icons, right click on the desktop > Show view options > check "show item information".

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    Is there a setting I can change, or is this a bug, or what?

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    The second problem is that, the size option buttons work for some images and not for others. I tried attaching three files of different sizes: 2.7MB, 5.2MB, and 6.2MB. All four size buttons work for the two larger files, but, once again "medium" and "large" choices both result in the same size image, "medium."
    Even if the export-attach option worked correctly, it would involve many more steps and much more time than my former method of sending direct from iPhoto.
    I have not upgraded to iLife9. Perhaps the problem has been corrected in it. I was holding out for iLife10, but might go ahead with 9 if I could be assured it would work. This is really a huge problem for me.

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