Tree Structure in Dashboard

Can i have an tree structure in the dashboard where i can navigate to different dashboard tabs and this tree is common for every tab?
Thanks in Advance

Kishore and Sainath
i want to display links to the tab as i am using dashboard prompt in it. I looked in the Folder option in edit dashboard but is does not show the option for link to dashboard objects it only shows the folder structure of the saved reports.
is there any way i can change the font of the link?
Thank to all

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    Hi ,
    I have a requirement to show a tree structure on one of my dashboards !!
    Any pointers ??

    Tree /Explorer structure is currently not available in OBIEE .
    What you can best do for a hierarchy is to create a report with conditional formatting to hide the columns which will not have any data i.e if the user logs at level 3 it would hide nulls in columns 1 & 2 ..this is the only way i think you would be able to do it dynamically ...
    If hierarchy is small you can also look at embedding the image ..dont know if you want to do that !!
    HTH !!

  • Tree Sturcture of Dashboard in OBISE1

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    I am using OBISE1 Version in that I am created 4 Dashboard now.In that how to create tree structure of Dashboard please expain clear.

    user8035288 wrote:
    Hi Friends,
    I am using OBISE1 Version in that I am created 4 Dashboard now.In that how to create tree structure of Dashboard please expain clear.1.) OBISE1 Forum is Business Intelligence Standard Edition One.
    2.) Your questions isn't very clear since you can mean at least 2 things: a) displaying the catalog tree inside a dashboard or b) having a multi-level navigation for your dashboard groups, dashboards and dashboard pages.
    3.) In both cases you can find the answer by searching the forum.
    4.) Since you're most likely talking about b)... in the instanceconfig.xml, add <DashboardMaxBeforeMenu>1</DashboardMaxBeforeMenu>.

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    The FTree package provides functions to populate the tree - look for the topic "Manipulating a hierarchical tree at runtime
    " in the online help this point to all the functions and triggers

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    hi all,
    how to show data or create a alv report in tree structure.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Harsha,
    Its done using FM 'RS_TREE_CONSTRUCT'
    and FM for displaying the tree:  'RS_TREE_LIST_DISPLAY'

  • How to get Text for nodes in Tree Structure

    Hi Friends,
    How to get Text for nodes in Tree Structure
    REPORT  YFIIN_REP_TREE_STRUCTURE  no standard page heading.
                       I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N
                      ID 'YFIINICD' FIELD SY-TCODE.
      IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
        MESSAGE I000(yFI02) with SY-TCODE .
    class screen_init definition create private.
    Public section
      public section.
        class-methods init_screen.
        methods constructor.
    Private section
      private section.
        data: container1 type ref to cl_gui_custom_container,
              container2 type ref to cl_gui_custom_container,
              tree type ref to cl_gui_simple_tree.
        methods: fill_tree.
    Class for Handling Events
    class screen_handler definition.
    Public section
      public section.
        methods: constructor importing container
                   type ref to cl_gui_custom_container,
                   for event node_double_click
                   of cl_gui_simple_tree
                   importing node_key .
    Private section
      private section.
    *&                        Classes implementation
    class screen_init implementation.
    *&                        Method INIT_SCREEN
      method init_screen.
        data screen type ref to screen_init.
        create object screen.
    *&                        Method CONSTRUCTOR
      method constructor.
        data: events type cntl_simple_events,
              event like line of events,
              event_handler type ref to screen_handler.
        create object: container1 exporting container_name = 'CUSTOM_1',
                       tree exporting parent = container1
                         node_selection_mode =
        create object: container2 exporting container_name = 'CUSTOM_2',
        event_handler exporting container = container2.
    event-eventid = cl_gui_simple_tree=>eventid_node_double_click.
        event-appl_event = ' '.   "system event, does not trigger PAI
        append event to events.
        call method tree->set_registered_events
             exporting events = events.
        set handler event_handler->handle_node_double_click for tree.
         call method: me->fill_tree.
    *&                        Method FILL_TREE
      method fill_tree.
        data: node_table type table of abdemonode,
              node type abdemonode.
    types:    begin of tree_node,
              folder(50) type c,
              tcode(60) type c,
              tcode1(60) type c,
              tcode2(60) type c,
              text(60) type c,
              text1(60) type c,
              text2(60) type c,
              end of tree_node.
      data:  wa_tree_node type tree_node,
                t_tree_node type table of tree_node.
    wa_tree_node-folder = text-001.
    wa_tree_node-tcode  = text-002.
    wa_tree_node-text =  'Creditors ageing'.
    wa_tree_node-tcode1 = text-003.
    wa_tree_node-text1 =  'GR/IR aging'.
    wa_tree_node-tcode2 = text-004.
    wa_tree_node-text2 =  'Bank Balance'.
    append wa_tree_node to t_tree_node.
    clear wa_tree_node .
    wa_tree_node-folder = text-005.
    wa_tree_node-tcode  = text-006.
    wa_tree_node-text =  'Creditors ageing'.
    wa_tree_node-tcode1 = text-007.
    wa_tree_node-text1 =  'Creditors ageing'.
    wa_tree_node-tcode2 = text-008.
    wa_tree_node-text2 =  'Creditors ageing'.
    append wa_tree_node to t_tree_node.
    clear wa_tree_node .
    wa_tree_node-folder = text-009.
    wa_tree_node-tcode  = text-010.
    wa_tree_node-text =  'Creditors ageing'.
    wa_tree_node-tcode1 = text-011.
    wa_tree_node-text1 =  'Creditors ageing'.
    wa_tree_node-tcode2 = text-012.
    wa_tree_node-text2 =  'Creditors ageing'.
    append wa_tree_node to t_tree_node.
    clear wa_tree_node .
    node-hidden = ' '.                 " All nodes are visible,
        node-disabled = ' '.               " selectable,
        node-isfolder = 'X'.                                    " a folder,
        node-expander = ' '.               " have no '+' sign forexpansion.
        loop at t_tree_node into wa_tree_node.
          at new folder.
            node-isfolder = 'X'.                      " a folder,
            node-node_key = wa_tree_node-folder.
                   clear node-relatkey.
            clear node-relatship.
            node-text = wa_tree_node-folder.
            node-n_image =   ' '.
            node-exp_image = ' '.
            append node to node_table.
         at new tcode .
            node-isfolder = ' '.                          " a folder,
            node-n_image =   '@CS@'.       "AV is the internal code
            node-exp_image = '@CS@'.       "for an airplane icon
            node-node_key = wa_tree_node-tcode.
             node-text = wa_tree_node-text .
                     node-relatkey = wa_tree_node-folder.
            node-relatship = cl_gui_simple_tree=>relat_last_child.
          append node to node_table.
        at new tcode1 .
            node-isfolder = ' '.                          " a folder,
            node-n_image =   '@CS@'.       "AV is the internal code
            node-exp_image = '@CS@'.       "for an airplane icon
            node-node_key = wa_tree_node-tcode1.
                     node-relatkey = wa_tree_node-folder.
            node-relatship = cl_gui_simple_tree=>relat_last_child.
              node-text = wa_tree_node-text1.
          append node to node_table.
           at new tcode2 .
            node-isfolder = ' '.                          " a folder,
            node-n_image =   '@CS@'.       "AV is the internal code
            node-exp_image = '@CS@'.       "for an airplane icon
            node-node_key = wa_tree_node-tcode2.
                     node-relatkey = wa_tree_node-folder.
            node-relatship = cl_gui_simple_tree=>relat_last_child.
            node-text = wa_tree_node-text2.
          append node to node_table.
        call method tree->add_nodes
             exporting table_structure_name = 'ABDEMONODE'
                       node_table = node_table.
    *&                        Class implementation
    class screen_handler implementation.
    *&                        Method CONSTRUCTOR
      method constructor.
       create object: HTML_VIEWER exporting PARENT = CONTAINER,
                      LIST_VIEWER exporting I_PARENT = CONTAINER.
    *&                 Method HANDLE_NODE_DOUBLE_CLICK
      method handle_node_double_click.
      case node_key(12).
    when 'Creditors'.
    submit YFIIN_REP_CREADITORS_AGING  via selection-screen and return.
    when  'Vendor'.
    submit YFIIN_REP_VENDOR_OUTSTANDING  via selection-screen and return.
    when 'Customer'.
    submit YFIIN_REP_CUSTOMER_OUTSTANDING  via selection-screen and
    when 'GR/IR'.
    submit YFIIN_REP_GRIR_AGING  via selection-screen and return.
    when 'Acc_Doc_List'.
    submit YFIIN_REP_ACCOUNTINGDOCLIST  via selection-screen and return.
    when 'Bank Bal'.
    submit YFIIN_REP_BANKBALANCE  via selection-screen and return.
    when 'Ven_Cus_Dtl'.
    submit YFIIN_REP_VENDORCUST_DETAIL via selection-screen and return.
    when 'G/L_Open_Bal'.
    submit YFIIN_REP_OPENINGBALANCE via selection-screen and return.
    when 'Usr_Authn'.
    submit YFIIN_REP_USERAUTHRIZATION via selection-screen and return.
    Program execution ************************************************
      call screen 9001.
    at selection-screen.
    Dialog Modules PBO
    *&      Module  STATUS_9001  OUTPUT
    module status_9001 output.
      set pf-status 'SCREEN_9001'.
      set titlebar 'TIT_9001'.
      call method screen_init=>init_screen.
    endmodule.                 " STATUS_9001  OUTPUT
    Dialog Modules PAI
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_9001  INPUT
    module user_command_9001 input.
    endmodule.                 " USER_COMMAND_9001  INPUT
    *&      Module  exit_9001  INPUT
    module exit_9001 input.
    case sy-ucomm.
    when 'EXIT'.
      set screen 0.
            exit_9001  INPUT

    you can read  the table node_table with nody key value which imports when docubble click the the tree node (Double clifk event).
    Gopi .
    Reward points if helpfull.

  • How to use ONE query to find out tree structure?

    1------------ 0---------- Folder
    2------------ 1------------ Folder 1- Sub
    3------------ 2------------
    4------------ 1------------ Folder 1- Sub
    Hi all, if I have a table like above to demonstrate the
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    Any help on this will be highly appreciated!

    Also, see this thread: 55788&enterthread=y

  • How to create a form on a tree structured table

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    Table Name: test
    I created a browser (IR) (page 1) that calls a form (page 2)
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    select * from test where ParentID = :P2_ID
    I need at the region level to add a button to call a form to edit the child record (which is the same table) and when done, to return to the form again but to the parent record.
    How can I do that successfully? Is there any example:?
    Thank you

    Maybe this can help:
    using instead of trigger on a view.
    Denes Kubicek

  • How to create Tree structure in Visual Composer

    Hi All,
         I need to develop tree structure in my VC application. Can any one of you please suggest me the steps to do it.Its very urgent please can any one help me out in this.

    Hi Nutan,
    if you want to solve it with webdynpro it depends on your skills in java and abap. There are books available to start with webdynpro and there are examples for building tree structures with Webdynpro.
    [Java Webdynpro|]
    [ABAP Webdynpro|]
    If you want to do it in VC you have to write e.g. an ABAP rfc function module, which returns you the tree with the information about childnode, parentnode and so on, so that you can display it in the table. But if the users click on sort then the tree is "destroyed". You can also display only a few levels of your tree and when you select a certain node a drill down is done by calling a rfc which returns the child nodes of the corresponding node.
    But I think the solution with VC is not the best. Use webdynpro for this requirements.
    Best Regards,

  • How to get Tree structure in JSP page?

    I would like get data from the database and display the data in tree structure with the check boxes at each nodes on a jsp page with out using any third party tools. how can i do that? Do i require any new tags to fulfill this requirement?
    can any one help me out by sending any example code?
    thanks in advance.

    Once you have the data in a list or something, can't you just use <c:forEach> and then output standard nested <ul> and <li> tags to give the tree structure.
                             <input type="checkbox">Check 1</input>
                                       <input type="checkbox">Check 1A</input>
                                       <input type="checkbox">Check 1B</input>
                             <input type="checkbox">Check 2</input>
                                       <input type="checkbox">Check 2A</input>
                             <input type="checkbox">Check 3</input>

  • How can I create a Tree  Structure in java ??

    I want to create a tree structure(objects hierarchy) using java language. Is there any API method for this ?
    Can any one please give me a hint or suggestion how I can do this ??
    Thanks for the help in advance.

    Do you mean graphically?
    You can use a TreeSet or TreeMap if you just want to use tree structures.

  • How to get tree structure navigation in module pool program

    please send me a sample code for getting tree structure navigation in a screen  in module pool program.

    do a chain and endchain on the fields.Then insert the fields in to the required database.

  • How to get the folder name of selected subitem in tree structure?

    Hi All,
               I created a tree structure like below.
             ->Folder1-- 1
                    i.e i have two folders & each folder having the values like above.Now i want to perform some action by clicking on the any of the values.Suppose if i click value 2,i want to do some action.the actions need to perform is varies from floder to to folder.
            So How can i get the folder name of clicked Value?

    Hi Kumar ,
    the below code should help you.
    Register the below action for the leaf node for which u need the subfolder's name above it.
    Worked fine in my system ...hope it does in ur scenario too
      data : lr_element TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
             lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
             ls_path type string,
             ls_path_node TYPE string,
             lt_string type TABLE OF string,
             l_lines type i,
             l_lines_1 TYPE i.
      lr_element = wdevent->get_context_element( 'CONTEXT_ELEMENT' ).
    **-> getting the path of the node/leaf
    *which  u had clicked and from that getting the node above it
      ls_path = lr_element->get_path( ).
      SPLIT ls_path at '.' into table lt_string.
    -> remove the first 2 entries as they will contain the view name
      DELETE lt_string FROM 1 to 2.
      l_lines = LINES( lt_String ).
      l_lines_1 = l_lines - 1.
    -> remove the last 2 entries as they will contain the element in the path
      DELETE lt_string  from l_lines_1 to l_lines.
      LOOP AT lt_string into ls_path.
        CONCATENATE LINES OF LT_STRING into ls_path_node SEPARATED BY '.'.
    **-> getting access to the node above the leaf element
    LR_NODE = WD_CONTEXT->PATH_GET_NODE( path = ls_path_node ).
    lr_element = lr_node->get_element( ).
    **-> Getting the name of the folder...
    *here path is the attribute in my context which stores the name of the folder
    lr_element->get_attribute( EXPORTING name = 'PATH' IMPORTING value = ls_path ).

  • How to create a PortalSite map in a tree structure

    We are trying to reuse SAP Portal EP 7.3 standard functionalities related to create a Portal Site Map.
    I've seen the procedure to create a Workset map iview (, but we are interested in generate this map contained in a tree structure, because currently the SAP EP 7.1 brings the menu and option format.
    I would like to know if this is possible using the standard functionalities or it is required to develop any application?
    Please if you could help me it would be really useful.
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks for your help Srinivas,
    I was trying to know if it was possible to assign a style or layout to the site map iview created using the standard map iview delivered by SAP EP 7.3. I was looking for documentation but it is not enough at all and in my project we are still working with SAP EP 7.0
    Please, if anyone could know about the map site iview standard and the available styles or maybe it is not changeable.
    In that case, the only way it would be a development to get the tree structure.

  • I would like to know where the forum tree structure is so I can see what I'm doing and not be led around to irrelevant information.

    I'm having trouble '''Finding''' the forum where I can look for the information I need. I keep ending up in '''endless menus of non-helpful information. '''
    I got a popup message, I needed to upgrade to 3.6.17. After allowing it and rebooting, I couldn't start FF anymore, just got a crash report. I tried going to the restore point I had set with no luck and I tried creating a new profile. I lost all my bookmarks (only the Cache remained). And I sat in live chat for an hour waiting for help. German live chat had one helper and English live chat was closed.
    So I gave up on help, uninstalled FF 3.6.17 and downloaded FF 3.6.15 and installed it. It loads but all bookmarks are gone. More importantly, now when I load the bookmarks, I can't '''retrieve''' them except by storing a new one. '''Only''' when I create a new bookmark can I see the folders I've created. I can't get to the organizer so I can't use the bookmarks to retrieve websites.
    I'm disturbed that I can't get to the tree-structure forum where I can get the help I need. This "lead me around" labyrinth from one question to another, without being able to look through the forum for the information I need, is not helpful.
    Thank you.

    I believe you just are able to delete them from iTunes.
    Hope it will be helpful

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