TREX in CRM2007 after Upgradation from CRM4.0

Hi All,
I have Upgraded the CRM system from 4.0 to 2007.
Now I have to enable to functionality of TREX. What steps are to be followed and done. I am new to the CRM environment.
Please guide me and do the needful.

Hi Vikranth,
Hope this helps.

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    F:\Documents and Settings\hakem>emctl start dbconsole
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control ...The OracleDBConsoleor
    cl service is starting..........................................................
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    In Argument 0 - Type: Integer Value: 196613
    In Argument 1 - Type: Number Value: 54
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: 12
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    Out Argument 0 - Type: Integer Value: 19
    Executing GET_MENU_ITEM_PROPERTY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: Integer Value: 19
    In Argument 1 - Type: Number Value: 79
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: TRUE
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    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: NORMAL
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    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: NORMAL
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    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: N
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    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: FNDCPVCM
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    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_block
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: MASTER
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    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_form
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: FNDCPVCM
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_block
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: MASTER
    Executing GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: Number Value: 75
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: IHR40P
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Completed call_all_libraries. Event is WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Completed app_standard.event. Event is WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    FNDCPVCM, 10, Prog Unit, Exit, 316509814, /FNDCPVCM-3/P45_30_DEC_201223_28_33
    FNDCPVCM, 9, Trigger, Exit, 316509814, WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE
    FNDCPVCM, 8, Prog Unit, Exit, 316509814, /DMU-4/P8_30_DEC_201223_23_12

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    Thanks, Joel.
    You inspired me to take a closer look, and look beyond the upgrade.
    After the upgrade, my application passed a superficial checkout. Later, I exported my application and in the export file, the Instance ID was not NULL. I had not noticed any problems with how APEX was working.
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    2. Remove workspace (PVA_AH9_R12)
    3. (drop the parsing schema, xxpva, and related tablespace)
    4. (create tablespace and schema user, xxpva)
    5. Import workspace (PVA_AH9_R12) from an APEX instance.
    6. Import application (ID 820) including supporting objects from an APEX instance, running 11g (
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    9/22/09 1:17:16 PM [0x0-0x3a03a][468] objc[468]: Class NLAssertionHandler is implemented in both /Applications/Remote Desktop and /Applications/Remote Desktop . One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
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    9/22/09 1:13:23 PM [0x0-0x24f24f][5502] objc[5502]: Class NLAssertionHandler is implemented in both /Applications/Remote Desktop and /Applications/Remote Desktop . Using implementation from /Applications/Remote Desktop .
    9/22/09 1:13:39 PM Remote Desktop Connection[5502] * _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x16a25c20 of class NSCFArray autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
    Stack: (0x9277af4f 0x92687432 0x93062bf5 0x926ce0fb 0x9723dff5 0x9268d52c 0x92fd447a 0x92fd4753 0x92fd4a48 0x930375da 0x530bac 0x4831a2 0x483750 0x483c0b 0x47a811 0x4796ac 0x485dad 0x47d475 0x5099dc 0x574c70 0x4ade03 0x4ae65d 0x4ae6f7 0x4ac8dd 0x53260c 0x534187 0x4ae76a 0x4ae7d0 0x4ae88e 0x493925 0x4ae13d 0x533b1a 0x53da6c 0x94a48057 0x934b3155 0x934b3012)
    Any help would be appreciated

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    Thanks to a posting by Jim in a different Apple Discussions (forum), my problem is now resolved. Read on for the details.
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    Hey hvbnfrgvn,
    Thank you for the information on your HP Pavilion g7-2270us Notebook PC.
    I suggest following the steps in this document for Drive Cannot Read Discs (Windows 8).
    If your CD/DVD Drive Is Not Detected (Windows 8), follow the steps in this document.
    I hope this information helps, please keep me posted on how it goes.
    Best of luck and have a great day!
    I worked on behalf of HP.

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    Hello rick,
    First of all, welcome to the Apple discussions.
    * How did you upgrade the OSX 10.2.3??
    * Did you use the combo update?
    * Did you run the dick repair permissions before an after
    Here is the Combo Update for OSX 10.x
    Combo Update
    An here is how you use the disc repair permissions
    About Disck Repair Permissions
    Applications Quits
    Let me know if so ...
    Discussions is a ongoing process. Hope to see you around anytime you need us, or can offer help to others.
    Dimaxum <]:~))

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    I resolved my issue. Renamed search.sqlite and reinstalled Firefox 9.0.1
    All default search engines are now available.

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    If you have this product,
    you have to go back to Snow Leopard.
    To re-install SL, back up your home directory, format and re-install.

  • Performance problem for mass transactions after upgrade from 4.7 to ECC6.0

    Hi All,
    After upgrade from 4.7 to ECC 6.0 (IS-U), mass transactions such as FPY1, FPVA, FP04M are taking very long time to complete. for example, before upgrade the jobs sceduled for FPVA transaction take around 5k-6k seconds. Whereas after upgrade the jobs for FPVA with the same variant takes around 9k-10k seconds. I am unable to figure out the cause for exponential increase in the duration of several mass-jobs (after the upgrade). Are there any SAP notes or do we need to do any customizing setting to solve this problem? Does anyone face this kind of problem?
    Thanks in advance

    This is normal after upgrade to 6.0, I have faced the same in all upgrades I've done and some others that I have involved also. If you did not requests and going live upgrade check I strongly recomend to schedule an Early Watch Check to minimize the impact. Times won´t be the same but can be very close if the system is tuned well. We have tuned systems that now run with good performance after this services.

  • Performance issue after Upgrade from 4.7 to ECC 6.0 with a select query

    Hi All,
    There is a Performance issue after Upgrade from 4.7 to ECC 6.0 with a select query in a report painter.
    This query is working fine when executed in 4.7 system where as it is running for more time in ECC6.0.
    Select query is on the table COSP.
              AND LEDNR EQ '00'
            GROUP BY (GROUP_LIST).
       LOOP AT I_COSP      .
         COSP                           = I_COSP      .
         CLEAR: $RWTAB, COSP                          .
         CLEAR CCR1S                         .
    I have checked with the table indexes, they were same as in 4.7 system.
    What can be the reson for the difference in execution time. How can this be reduced without adjusting the select query.
    Thanks in advance for the responses.

    ohhhhh....... lots of problems in select query......this is not the way you should write it.
    Some generic comments:
    1. never use SELECT
      into table
       for all entries in table
       use perform statment after this selection.
    2. Do not use into corresponding fields. use exact structure type.
    3. use proper sequence of fields in the where condition so that it helps table go according to indexes.
        e.g in your case
              sequence should be
    sequence should be same as defined in table.
    Always keep select query as simple as possible and perform all other calculations etc. afterwords.
    I hope it helps.

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    We are unable to get the login page after upgrade from to R12, all the services are up and running.
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    Apps DBA

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    Apps DBA

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