TREX installation test error

I've finished installing TREX on Unix and an attempting to run the Python installation check script:
I'm getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sap/TRX/TRX00/", line 4, in ?
    from testbase import TestBase, TestError
  File "/usr/sap/TRX/TRX00/", line 6, in ?
    import fuzzypy
  File "/usr/sap/TRX/TRX00/", line 897, in ?
    from _fuzzypy import *
ImportError: No module named _fuzzypy
1.  I run to set the environment.
2.  I ensured my permissions and ownership are correct as sidadm. 
3.  I moved,, fuzzypy (directory with contents) and all other fuzzy* files I could find into my <trex_home> directory.
Here's the current directory listing:
-rwxr-xr-x   1 trxadm   sapsys        11764 Sep 11 2006
-rwxr-xr-x   1 trxadm   sapsys          460 Sep 11 2006
-rwxr-xr-x   1 trxadm   sapsys           76 Sep 11 2006  scripts.lst
drwxr-xr-x   2 trxadm   sapsys          256 Mar 12 14:12 sec
drwxr-xr-x   2 trxadm   sapsys          256 Mar 12 14:12 log
drwxr-xr-x   3 trxadm   sapsys          256 Mar 12 14:12 data
drwxr-x---   2 trxadm   sapsys          256 Mar 12 14:13 doc
-rwxr-x--x   1 trxadm   sapsys         5630 Mar 12 14:14 TREX
-rwxr-x--x   1 trxadm   sapsys         1350 Mar 12 14:14
-rwxr-x--x   1 trxadm   sapsys         1091 Mar 12 14:14 TREXSettings.csh
drwxr-x---   3 trxadm   sapsys          256 Mar 12 14:15 cloneInst
drwxr-xr-x  12 trxadm   sapsys         4096 Mar 13 08:43 exe
-rw-rr   1 trxadm   sapsys         2617 Mar 13 10:38 dev_rfc.trc
-rw-rr   1 trxadm   sapsys       160402 Mar 13 10:44 rfc835720_00001.trc
drwxr-xr-x   2 trxadm   sapsys         4096 Mar 13 13:42 fuzzypy
-rwxr-xr-x   1 trxadm   sapsys        60839 Mar 13 13:43
-rwxr-xr-x   1 trxadm   sapsys       102748 Mar 13 13:45
-rw-rr   1 trxadm   sapsys        51951 Mar 13 13:46 testbase.pyc
-rwxr-xr-x   1 trxadm   sapsys        40666 Mar 13 14:02
-rwxr-xr-x   1 trxadm   sapsys        12758 Mar 13 14:02
-rw-rr   1 trxadm   sapsys        38592 Mar 13 14:04 fuzzypy.pyc
drwxr-xr-x   6 trxadm   sapsys         4096 Mar 13 14:20 nwkwcs
What am I missing?
Thanks for your help!

Hello Experts.
SAP Global Support suggested the following for AIX ver 5.2:
hdodev01:trxadm 13> source TREXSettings.cshhdodev01:trxadm 14> /usr/sap/TRX/TRX05/exe/Python/bin/python /usr/sap/TRX/TRX05/exe/python_support/
[1, 0.001] >> starting runInstallationTest (at Thu Jun 12 07:49:35 2008)
[1, 0.001] args: ()
[1, 0.001] keys: {}
                    <--- INSTALLATION TEST SUMMARY --->
--> Check 01: Show Installation History
NR ││ TYPE    ││ INSTALL DATE        ││ SID ││ VERSION       ││ BUILD
0  ││ install ││ 2008-06-08 13:48:07 ││ TRX ││     ││ 7006000420
1  ││ update  ││ 2008-06-10 13:22:31 ││ TRX ││ 7.0.41        ││ 7041000503
--> Check 02: Ping TREX Services
STEP  ││ ACTION              ││ SPECIFICATION                ││ RESULT
01/04 ││ ping indexserver1   ││ host=hdodev01 port=30503     ││ OK
02/04 ││ ping nameserver     ││ host=hdodev01 port=30501     ││ OK
03/04 ││ ping preprocessor1  ││ host=hdodev01 port=30502     ││ OK
04/04 ││ ping queueserver    ││ host=hdodev01 port=30504     ││ OK
--> Check 03: Check TREX Web Site
STEP  ││ ACTION              ││ SPECIFICATION                ││ RESULT
01/01 ││ check web site      ││ post xml request             ││ skipped
--> Check 04: Check Process size
STEP  ││ ACTION              ││ SPECIFICATION                ││ RESULT
01/01 ││ Process size        ││ cur = 2047MB > min = 1900MB  ││ OK
--> Check 05: TREX Services and Third Parties Version
indexserver1     ││        ││ 700.41.144682   ││ 144682 (700_REL)
nameserver       ││        ││ 700.41.144682   ││ 144682 (700_REL)
preprocessor1    ││        ││ 700.41.144682   ││ 144682 (700_REL)
queueserver      ││        ││ 700.41.144682   ││ 144682 (700_REL)
PYTHON           ││ 2.4               ││ 216             ││ ---
FILTER           ││ 8.2.0             ││ ---             ││ ---
LEXICON          ││ 3.7.3             ││ ---             ││ ---
--> Check 06: Check TREX Healthiness
STEP  ││ ACTION              ││ SPECIFICATION                 ││ RESULT
01/20 ││ clean up index      ││ clean up indexId = abc        ││ OK
02/20 ││ create index        ││ create indexId=abc            ││ OK
03/20 ││ processing file     ││ content of     ││ OK
04/20 ││ processing file     ││ content of ││ OK
05/20 ││ processing file     ││ content of ││ OK
06/20 ││ processing file     ││ content of     ││ OK
07/20 ││ exact search        ││ query = ['jython']            ││ OK
08/20 ││ fuzzy search        ││ query = ['jyto']              ││ OK
09/20 ││ linguistic search   ││ query = ['questions']         ││ OK
10/20 ││ clean up index      ││ clean up indexId = abc        ││ OK
11/20 ││ create index        ││ create indexId=queueId=abc    ││ OK
12/20 ││ set queue parameter ││ bulkIndex=bulkOptimize=4      ││ OK
13/20 ││ processing file     ││ content of     ││ OK
14/20 ││ processing file     ││ content of ││ OK
15/20 ││ processing file     ││ content of ││ OK
16/20 ││ processing file     ││ content of     ││ OK
17/20 ││ wait processing     ││ elapsed time: 14.021 sec      ││ OK
18/20 ││ exact search        ││ query = ['jython']            ││ OK
19/20 ││ fuzzy search        ││ query = ['jyto']              ││ OK
20/20 ││ linguistic search   ││ query = ['questions']         ││ OK
-> Test Script Error Count: 000
hdodev01:trxadm 15>

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  • Trex installation error

    hello friends,
    iam doing trex installtion in my local system, it's in installwebserver and trex webpages. i got bellow error:
    TRACE      [synxcaccmg.cpp:648]
    Account SAP_ALL/IIS_WPG has ADS path 'WinNT://SAP_ALL/IIS_WPG'
    TRACE      [synxcaccnt.cpp:571]
               bool CSyAccountImpl::do_isMember(IUnknown* pAccount, iastring sName) const
    INLD50044610A\rajadm is not member of group "SAP_ALL\IIS_WPG"
    TRACE      [synxcaccmg.cpp:648]
    Account INLD50044610A/rajadm has ADS path 'WinNT://INLD50044610A/rajadm'
    TRACE      [synxcgroup.cpp:425]
               void CSyGroupImpl::addMember(PSyAccount pAccount)
    IADsGroup::Add: HRESULT = 0x8007056b
    ERROR      2008-02-15 17:06:41 [synxcgroup.cpp:426]
               void CSyGroupImpl::addMember(PSyAccount pAccount)
    FSL-01006  Unable to add account <#0> to group <#1>. <#2>
    TRACE      [iaxxejsbas.hpp:270]
    JS Callback has thrown std::ESyException: ESAPinstException: error text undefined
    TRACE      [iaxxcwalker.cpp:301]
    <html><head></head><body><p>An error occurred while processing service <b>SAP NetWeaver '04 SR1> SAP System Installation> Search and Classification (TREX)> TREX Instance Upgrade / Installation</b>. You may now</p><ul> <li>press <I>Retry</I> to repeat the current step.</li> <li>press the <I>View Log</I> button to get more information about the error.</li> <li>stop the task and continue with it later.</li> <li>reset your input for the current task. In this case, SAPinst will permanently remove all installation files from the installation directory. This gives you the opportunity to restart from scratch.</li></ul><p>Log files are written to <b>C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\NW04\PATCOL640\WEBAS630\IND\TREX\MAIN</b>.</p></body></html>
    pls help me out in this issue.
    points guaranteed..

    Hi Rich,
    Thanks for the reply. I tried whatever you have said. After executing the command "G:\usr\sap\trex_02\TREXDaemon.exe -f G:\usr\sap\trex_02\TREXDaemon.ini", instead of MSVCP60.DLL missing, I got
    "An instance of this service is already running.
    You should consider checking if the process with the id 2548 is running and of type TREXDaemon. If you are sure that there is no instance alive remove the file G:\usr\sap\trex_02\lock\[email protected] and restart." and also I have the MSVCP60.DLL file under C:\WINDOWS\system32. My EP is on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.
    I removed [email protected] and restarted. I am still getting the same error "Index could not be created; creating index failed: HTTP server error: 502 (Errorcode 7266)". I am still not able to create an index. While TREX installation i have a first_test_index created succesfully. But No index Server is Displayed in TREX Monitor. While performing Serach I get No Search Index could be found.
    Rich could you help me out.
    Thannks and Regards,

  • TREX preprocessor/filter errors

    after trex installation on linux and running the the script finishes with the following console output:
    [16384, 5.498] TREX_QDOC_STATE_PREPROCESS         :0
    [16384, 5.498] detected Documentsd in PREPROCESS_FAILED -> Test Broken
    [16384, 5.499] << ending waitQSqueriedState, rc = 3 (RC_SUBTEST_FAILED) (2 of 2 subtests passed), after 4.003 secs
    [16384, 5.499] << ending runInstallationTest, rc = 3 (RC_SUBTEST_FAILED) (7 of 8 subtests passed), after 5.498 secs
    The TREXPreprocessor-Trace contains the following error messages:
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.211 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00335) : ERROR: read returncode failed
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.213 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00312) : ERROR: write document failed
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.224 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00335) : ERROR: read returncode failed
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.224 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00382) : still failed request after maxtries
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.226 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00312) : ERROR: write document failed
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.227 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00382) : still failed request after maxtries
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.236 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00430) : ERROR: write request type failed
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.239 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00444) : ERROR: read returncode failed
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.249 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00444) : ERROR: read returncode failed
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.250 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00482) : still failed request after maxtries
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.250 e preprocessor Preprocessor.cpp(01458) : FILTER: TrexFilter 'internet/'
    completed with errors: As filterRc is 128 content is cleared, HARD ERROR.
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.251 e preprocessor Preprocessor.cpp(03393) : HANDLE: DISPATCH - Processing Document with key '
    internet/' failed, returning PREPROCESSOR_ACTIVITY_ERROR (Code 14128)
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.252 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00444) : ERROR: read returncode failed
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.252 e TrexFilterCl TrexFilterCl.cpp(00482) : still failed request after maxtries
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.253 e preprocessor Preprocessor.cpp(01458) : FILTER: TrexFilter 'internet/' comp
    leted with errors: As filterRc is 128 content is cleared, HARD ERROR.
    [32771] 2005-09-29 11:48:12.253 e preprocessor Preprocessor.cpp(03393) : HANDLE: DISPATCH - Processing Document with key '
    internet/' failed, returning PREPROCESSOR_ACTIVITY_ERROR (Code 14128)
    The trace continues with a lot of similar error messages.
    All efforts to index a repository in the enterprise portal have failed due to similar errors (the TREXPreprocessor-Trace file shows similar error messages and the same error code 14128).
    Does anybody know what might be the problem here?
    Kind regards,

    Hi Christof,
    14128 = Operating system generated error
    And in that case there are only two comments I can make:
    1) Have you gone through the documented post installation tasks?
    2) If 1=true, then log a support message to SAP, please.

  • Help with TRex Installation

    Hi, I am trying to install TRex ( on my local portal (Netweaver 04 (640) - Stack 12) and during the 2nd last step of the installation I get the following message:
    "error starting web server" and then the installation fails. When I checked the log, I got the following error message:
    "The system cannot find the file specified.)in execution of a 'CreateProcess' function, line (278), with parameter (C:\usr\sap\Python
    python.exe C:\usr\sap\trex_02/CCMS/".
    I tried installing a couple of times and I always got the same error messages. Can anyone please help me? Thanks a lot for your valuable time.

    When once Trex installation is failed, subsequent tries will also get the same error. My advice woudl be to uninstall the trex, delete all the sap_inst dir contents and delete the trex website after uninstallation. Go ahead with fresh installation. But the specify the new trex instance suppose previously you have specified 00, now specify 02 or 03 etc.
    Never install Trex on same server on which portal is installed. It slow down your portal performance.
    As well you need to satisfy the pre-requisites specified in installation directory.
    Hope this helps.
    PS. Dont forget to reward points

  • TREX installation problems

    I have EP on MSS 8.0, J2EE pl 22
    The Portal is up. I tried to install TREX on the same server. However I had not installed the IIS before I started. I got an error during the TREX install about creating a site in IIS. So I decided to uninstall TREX cleanly and re-install after I got my ISS up. That way I hoped it would create the site this time.
    However I guess the Control panel - Add remove programs does not uninstall TREX cleanly. Because I tried to un-install / re-install and this time it was not showing the TREX services as originally. One more pass at the same, and now I have errors during installation.
    My question is, how can I remove all traces of TREX from this box ( while not touching the portal, J2EE, MSSQL etc.), so that I can start again just as if it was the first time......
    Regards, Sanket

    Clear out all of your temp folders. TREX installation stores some information in the temp folders to be re-used. I've ran into the same problem and noticed that when i reinstalled with the same user my previous settings were remembered, but when I installed with a other user I could select the options again......


    I'm growing more and more upset with this program and soon to be company.
    I love what you do, but I hate how you help.
    I have had the same problem for THREE MONTHS, and customer service has yet to help!
    I have lost two hundred dollars since I was unable to return my product.
    Please, can we get this problem fixed?
    Half way through my installation from Adobe Premiere Elements, the CD ejects.
    Stating "Your Installation Encountered Errors" with "Exit Code 7" labeled.
    What does this mean and how can i get around it?
    If its possible to call me and make this process quicker, I beg you to do so.
    602 329 0854
    - manny

    This is a user-to-user forum and I doubt someone would call you.  When you say customer service has yet to help, does that mean you’ve been on the phone for hours and hours with people in India and/or similar time with the same people on a chat session while they talk you through various things, and none of those things have helped?  Or have you not gotten through to anyone from customer service and found this forum?
    Adobe provides a 30-day trial for most of their products, so if you paid for it without testing it on your computer, that is not Adobe’s fault.  Most credit-card companies can handle refunds within 30-days, and if you didn’t do that, it, again, is not Adobe’s fault.
    If you provide some details about your system it is possible that someone here might be able to suggesting things to do to figure something out, but it may not be more than what Adobe Support did with you, already, if you have spent a bit of time with them.
    One suggestion I would have is to run the Adobe Log Analyzer to see if it finds anything.  And if it doesn’t, at least look at the installation logs to see what they say about the install failure.

  • Installation Linking Errors

    Hello, I am installing Oracle 11G on a redhat server. I pass every pre installation test. When the installation gets to 77% it reports an error:
    Error in invoking target 'client_sharedlib' of makefile
    '/mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.9/db_1/rdbms/lib/' See
    /mnt/data/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions2008-07-06_05-07-05PM.log' for details.
    Last 15 lines of installActions2008-07-06_05-07-05PM.log:
    INFO: The output of this make operation is also available at: '/mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/install/make.log'
    INFO: Start output from spawned process:
    INFO: ----------------------------------
    INFO: /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/genclntsh
    INFO: make: execvp: /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/genclntsh: Permission denied
    make: *** [client_sharedlib] Error 127
    INFO: End output from spawned process.
    INFO: ----------------------------------
    INFO: Exception thrown from action: make
    Exception Name: MakefileException
    Exception String: Error in invoking target 'client_sharedlib' of makefile '/mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/rdbms/lib/'. See '/mnt/data/app/oraInventory/logs/installActions2008-07-06_06-50-19PM.log' for details.
    Exception Severity: 1
    Here is also the 25 or so lines of make.log:
    (if [ "compile" = "assemble" ] ; then \
    /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/gennfgt > nnfgt.s ;\
    /usr/bin/as -o nnfgt.o nnfgt.s ;\
    rm -f /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/nnfgt.o ;\
    mv nnfgt.o /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/ ;\
    /usr/bin/ar rv /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/libn11.a /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/nnfgt.o ; fi)
    (if [ "compile" = "oratmp" ] ; then \
    /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/gennfgt > nnfgt.c ;\
    /lib/idcpp nnfgt.c oratmp.c ;\
    -i oratmp.c -o oratmp.s -f nnfgt.c ;\
    /usr/bin/as -o nnfgt.o oratmp.s ;\
    rm -f oratmp.c oratmp.s ;\
    rm -f /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/nnfgt.o ;\
    mv nnfgt.o /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/ ;\
    /usr/bin/ar rv /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/libn11.a /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/nnfgt.o ; fi)
    (if [ "compile" = "binary" ] ; then \
    /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/gennfgt > nnfgt.c ;\
    gcc -c nnfgt.c ;\
    -rm -f /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/nnfgt.o ;\
    -mv nnfgt.o /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/ ;\
    /usr/bin/ar rv /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/libn11.a /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/lib/nnfgt.o ; fi)
    /usr/bin/make -f client_sharedlib ORACLE_HOME=/mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1//mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/genclntsh
    make: execvp: /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/genclntsh: Permission denied
    make: *** [client_sharedlib] Error 127
    All Help is Appreciated!

    In my experience genclntsh errors are usually related to glibc version mismatch between what's on the box and what Oracle compiled against.
    What's throwing me off right now is your genclntsh error is 'permission denied'. It almost seems like the /mnt/data/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ has been mounted with the noexec option.
    Should have asked earlier ... which RedHat Server? (Version and Edition). I've been assuming you have gone through the Install manual at and met all the prereqs, especially the package requirements in section 2.3.3

  • ERecruitment TREX Installation Index category

    Hi All,
    SDN is really very helpfull. Thanks to one and everyone for sharing their knowledge. I am having a problem with TREX installation.
    We installed TREX with SES. First i created Search service relation with TEST_SSR. with this ssr a index category is created. I got some errors in this index category. So i deleted this index category and tried to create another Search service relation with different name. Here New index category is not created but the old category is exisiting and when i am trying to use it, it is giving an error that "TEST_SSR" does not exist. So could u pls suggest me to create a new index category for new SSR.

    Now for the step activate index category enter the search server id TREX_SSR as you have created. keep it as it is.
    Then check for the rfc destinations if its fine and the link is made.
    Now after that you will create the index category so only refer to the last step(split in multiple to create the index category as in the document).

  • Installer / Uninstaller Error "No Error Information is Available" 2

    Today firefox asked me to update flash to the latest version (running Windows 7). The uninstall of the previous version at least worked in so far that neither the IE nor the version for other browsers is listed in the programs control panel anymore.
    But I'm not able to start the installation of the new version (tried Chrome, Firefox and IE as well as the installer files) or even start the uninstaller. In any case I get the adobe error message "The installation encountered errors: No error information is available".
    Any ideas?

    Hi, ok then the update was the Firefox browser itself and then a message to update Flash Player. It sounds as if you need to Uninstall Flash Player and then Install for IE and FF.
    Download the Uninstaller and SAVE to your Desktop:
    Download the Flash Player for IE and SAVE to your Desktop:
    Download the Flash Player for FF and SAVE to your Desktop:
    You may want to print out the instructions from the Uninstaller. Be sure to read and follow those instructions. Use the Administrator Account, and before you start, Close All browsers. Refer to any Flash running in the system tray. After you Run the Uninstaller, Reboot (restart) your computer and when fully Rebooted, Reboot again(to clear the IE files out).
    Then Run the Installer for IE, Run the Installer for FF, then one final Reboot.
    test here:

  • Camera Raw 6.7 Update for Mac OS 10.10:  Installation Failed error message.

    Camera Raw 6.7 Update for Mac:  Installation Failed error message.  Update downloaded directly from Adobe website.  Newly purchased Mac Workbook Pro, OS 10.10, using Photoshop CS5. Other updates successfully accomplished.  Camera Raw 6.7 Update was downloaded multiple times with multiple installation attempts. Any recommendations?

    thanks for the prompt response...i appreciate it.  according to the link you listed, that's correct.  the strange thing is that prior to the upgrad to mac os 10.8.4, photoshop CS5 was working just fine and i was able to open my canon raw files with my current camera raw plug-in version 6.7 which adobe has indicated is the last camera raw update they'll be offering for cs 5
    so it's clearly an issue related to the "upgrade" of the os.  seems like every solution creates 6 new problems...further evidence for the notion that if it ain't broke don't fix it!  thanks again.

  • SharePoint Designer 2013 after installation getting error with runtime i.e. error writing to file Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.Local.Resources.dll Verify that you have access to that directory

    SharePoint Designer 2013 after installation getting error with runtime i.e. error writing to file Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.Local.Resources.dll Verify that you have access to that directory
    after retry..again SharePoint Designer requires the following component require to install Microsoft.NET framework version 4 i have downloaded and try to installed but fail not work please answer what to do?
    Thanks and Regards, Rangnath Mali

    Hi Rangnath,
    For running SharePoint Designer 2013, you need to install Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework or higher.
    Please uninstall the Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework, and install it again. After that, reboot your machine.
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can anyone tell me what apple hardware test error code apple hardware 4MOT/4/40000002: Exhaust-1153 or 1209 means? I am running a MacBook Pro.

    Can anyone tell me what apple hardware test error code apple hardware 4MOT/4/40000002: Exhaust-1153 or 1209 means? I am running a MacBook Pro

    The motor on the exhaust fan has failed or is failing.

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    after itunes installation an error message is shown, (itunes could not connect to the iphone, because it is locked with a passcode, you must enter your passcode on your iphone before it can be used with itunes)

    Hi ..
    Follow the instructions here >  iOS: Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode

  • Trying to download icloud control panel - only getting so far.  Got message: The installer encountered errors before iCloud Control Panel 2.1.2 could be configured.  Your system has not been modified.  To retry these operations at ltr time, pls run again.

    First time on here... so not sure if doing correctly.
    I'm tryng to download icloud control panel to my PC (have Windows 7 - so should be ok).  I only get so far - 2 times I've tried it.  Keep getting message:
    The installer encountered errors before iCloud Control Panel 2.1.2 could be configured.
    Your system has not been modified. To retry these operations at a later time, please run the installer again.

    As I mentioned before you need to start the iTunes installation, then do NOT allow it to complete. In other words go all the way to the point that the installer extract the installation files, then STOP right there.
    Now look for the temp folder and the files I mentioned in my initial posting. If you don't find the temp folder it may be because you have "Do not show hidden files and folder" selected under "View Tab" in the "Folder Options". You may need to unselec it. If you don't know about hidden files and folders in Windows XP take a look here:
    Another possibility is that you may have a different path for your temp folders. To find out where you temp folders are located please do the following:
    - Right click on "my computer"
    - Select the "Advanced" tab
    - Click on "Environment Variables"
    Then look for the path for both variables "TEMP" and "TMP" take note of the path and check them out.
    Or you may just go to a DOS Prompt and type the following commands:
    1 - %temp% and hit enter
    2 - %tmp% and hit enter
    to both of these commands you will get a reply such as:
    'c:\temp' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or bath files.
    So by looking at the reply you can see that my temp folder is c:\temp
    The above is the temp folder on my machine which I've customized to my own use. Your machine may be different.
    I suggest you check for the iTunes temp folder inside both your temp folders locations "TEMP" and "TMP" as they may be in different locations.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you allow the iTunes installation to complete you will NOT SEE the iTunes temp folder and files because it will be deleted as soon as iTunes processes the installation.
    Hope it helps.

  • Installer Encountered Errors - PLEASE HELP

    Getting very annoyed - sat at the computer for almost 2 hours.
    Have windows Vista and finally it has allowed me access to install iTunes. When I go through the stages to install I get the following message:
    +The installer encountered errors before iTunes could be configured. To retry these operations at a later time, please run the installer again.+
    I have tried so many times. Windows is up to date and I have looked at the troubleshooting pages and am getting nowhere. I want to play with my new toy and can't. Can anyone help me get this thing installed successfully.
    Thank you!

    See if you can get itunes to install from another Windows user account. That will tell you if the problem is system-wide or user-related.
    Then try other steps listed in this article:

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