Trimming comma in Transformation

Hi all,
I have a requirement of storing a string (containing commas) into an integer database field (without commas). I am thinking of trimming the commas inside transformation but I am not able to acheive it.
Source Datatype: String
Source Data example1: 2,000,765
Source Data Example2: 1,000
Destination Database column datatype: Number
Destination Data should look like: 2000765 (for example1) and 1000 (for example2)
I need to remove the commas from the incoming string and need to store it in Database column. Above I have mentioned just an example.
I am using Jdeveloper version.
Please help me out in this.

Hi all,
I have resolved this issue by using Translate function and then converting it to number in Transformation.

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  • Trimming comma from string

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement of storing a string (containing commas) into an integer database field (without commas).
    Source Datatype: String
    Source Data example1: 2,000,765
    Source Data Example2: 1,000
    Destination Database column datatype: Number
    Destination Data should look like: 2000765 (for example1) and 1000 (for example2)
    I need to remove the commas from the incoming string and need to store it in Database column. Above I have mentioned just an example.
    I am using Jdeveloper version.
    Please help me out in this.

    Hi all,
    I have resolved this issue by using Translate function and then converting it to number in Transformation.

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    // Transform duplicate layer
    function InteractiveTransform() {

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    You should be able to click insde the transform handles to commit the transform or switch tools.
    Depending your mouse driver you might be able to assign the enter/return key to the middle mouse button.

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    Hi Neil,
    at the moment it is not possible to have the entire bpel process from db adapter receive to db adapter invoke inside a single jta/global transaction context. We are working on some ideas for next the release.
    The best thing for now is to add exception handling to your business process and apply some compensation logic for the individual records which fail. I.e. if using the LogicalDeletePollingStrategy you could set the 'deleted' flag back to 'errored' for rows which are found to be invalid in the transform step and have a separate business process to deal with these.
    You could also try a large maxRaiseSize setting. That way if you read 100 rows they will be raised as a single xml document. If the transform fails then no rows will be written to the target database. However the commit will still occur on the source database.
    Finally, you could use a non-destructive polling strategy like the SequencingPollingStrategy or LogicalDeletePollingStrategy and a large maxRaiseSize. Your business process could look like this:
    receive (non-destructive destroy)
    merge all rows - target db
    delete all rows -source db
    If the 'merge' operation is jta enabled then it will be rolled back if either the transform or the delete fails.
    This above idea is like a two stage polling strategy. First the rows are marked as being processed by the receive, but only when they arrive at the target db are they marked a final time as being completed or deleted completely.
    Let us know if you need help implementing these ideas. To jta enable the merge see the recent thread 'oc4j-ra and data-sources.xml'.

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    In one session you see the inserts also without a commit, so in the debug mode it only seems to work without this pragma.
    Be aware frm the misunderstanding that you can use the results of the autonomous transaction in the calling mapping. Look here:

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    I assume you are using the Shape tool to draw your hexagons. After you drag out the shape, use the Transform controls to tweak the size, so that the width is evenly divisible by 4, and the height is an even number. If you wand a gap between shapes, include that in your adjustments. Make a note of the new width and height.
    Once the scaling is committed and the shape is selected, Control+Alt+T to Free Transform Copy, and in the Option Bar, set the X and Y to Relative. Set X to zero, and Y to the height you set earlier, and commit the Transform. Then Repeatedly press Shift+Control+Alt+T to make more transformed copies.
    With a vertical column of shapes, Alt-Click on the Shape Path in the Paths panel to select the whole path. Control+Alt+T again. This time, again using relative, set X to three-quarters of the width you noted earlier, and Y to one-half the height, and commit
    Finally, again Alt-click on the Shape Path in the Paths panel, and Transform Copy relative with X = one and a half times the width you noted, and Y to zero. After committing this, Shift+Control+Alt+T as above to extend more columns.
    And JJ, those are Octagons .

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    I assume you are using the Shape tool to draw your hexagons. After you drag out the shape, use the Transform controls to tweak the size, so that the width is evenly divisible by 4, and the height is an even number. If you wand a gap between shapes, include that in your adjustments. Make a note of the new width and height.
    Once the scaling is committed and the shape is selected, Control+Alt+T to Free Transform Copy, and in the Option Bar, set the X and Y to Relative. Set X to zero, and Y to the height you set earlier, and commit the Transform. Then Repeatedly press Shift+Control+Alt+T to make more transformed copies.
    With a vertical column of shapes, Alt-Click on the Shape Path in the Paths panel to select the whole path. Control+Alt+T again. This time, again using relative, set X to three-quarters of the width you noted earlier, and Y to one-half the height, and commit
    Finally, again Alt-click on the Shape Path in the Paths panel, and Transform Copy relative with X = one and a half times the width you noted, and Y to zero. After committing this, Shift+Control+Alt+T as above to extend more columns.
    And JJ, those are Octagons .

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    Anyone hod gone through this kind of functionality.

    try to use XPath functions like 'normalize-space()', 'right-trim()', 'left-trim()' in your transformation.

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    When I attempt to embed vector files in Photoshop sometimes they appear without anti-aliasing. I've tried rasterizing them after they are embedded, but this doesn't fix the issue.
    Here is a video I captured of the issue in action: 2014 10 10 12 39 54 - YouTube
    And here's a photo of the several embedded .EPS files.

    Rasterizing will just keep the bits you have.
    Select the smart object layer, select free transform, turn on the antialias checkbox in the free transform options, and commit the transform (without moving anything).

  • Strange WindowListener behaviour

    I'm using 1.6.0 (not updated yet)
    public abstract class MForm implements ActionListener, KeyListener, WindowListener
    protected Window window;
    protected boolean loaded = false;
    public void showWindow(Window parent)
            loaded = true;
            JDialog dialog = new JDialog(parent);
            window = dialog;
            //initialize stuff
    public abstract class EditForm extends MForm
    public void showWindow(Window parent)
            loaded = true;
            JDialog dialog = new JDialog(parent);
            window = dialog;
            //initialize stuff
    public final class DBUserGroup_E extends EditForm
    public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
    public final class DBUserGroup_M extends MForm
    private DBUserGroup_E groupForm;
        //create the object in the constructor,
    //There will be a popup menu to trigger the groupForm to be shown.
    }Now this is the behaviour.
    IF DBUserGroup_E is shown (via shownWindow()) the "here" message is printed when DBUserGroup_E is closed AND when DBUserGroup_M is closed!!! why is that?
    Edited by: o00oo00o on Oct 16, 2007 10:05 AM

    Not to answer for Simeon, but this is different behavior in PsCS6.  Say you scale two  text layers (for example- 10 pt scaled 200%) and commit the scale. When you target each layer individually, the pt size reflects the scale (so it will appear around 20 pt). However. if you target BOTH text layers the font size is indicated as 10 pt - the original size before the scale. One would expect if you target 2 text layers of same font and size, the Character Panel would show the correct size, as happens in PsCS5.
    Steps to reproduce:
    Open default RGB 8 bit document.
    Select Type tool at default settings 12pt type. Type a word and commit type.
    Type another word at same font and commit (you’ll now have two text layers, same font and size)
    Target both text layers and Edit>Transform>Scale 200%. Commit the transform.
    When each layer is targeted individually, the Type Tool Option bar (or Character Panel) shows the new, scaled size of 24pt
    Shift click to target both the 24pt text layers… now Type Tool Option bar reverts to show 12 pt.
    Expected behavior: that the Option Bar would show the new pt size of the two layers.

  • Navigating a zoomed image with shift+end... but using an action or a script?

    i a have a crop script and with all my images i have to clean the floor...
    in that script the image goes to 200% zoom, them manually i hit "shift+end" to move to the bottom right of the image... so that i can clean that floor.
    can you help me automate the process with a script or lead me how to create the code?
    shift+end or shift+home using script
    thank you in advance
    Vitor Rompante

    Do you know how to code Photoshop Scripts in javascript.
    It is also impossible is Actions and  Script to give users complete manual control only interactive controls of a step is possible.    For complete manual control the script and actions need to be broken in to two actions or two scripts.  It can also be done by adding stops in actions that divide actions into part that can be used to continue execution after the stop and user operations.
    If its the just the bottom area you want to crop away its a relatively easy action to record. You would just inster a fit on screen menu item, record a select all,  then use menu select>Transform selection rotate the selection 180 and move up the bottom about 10 % commit the transform and finally record menu  image>crop. Stop recording the action and turn on the transform steps dialog to make the step interactive.  When the action is played the transform dialog bounding box will display and be interactive. You have control of the transform. If the recorded 10% bottom off is acceptable all you need do is hit enter to complete the crop.
    Try this one
    Crafting Actions Package UPDATED Aug 10, 2014 Added Conditional Action steps to Action Palette Tips.
    Action Actions Palette Tips.txt
    Action Creation Guidelines.txt
    Action Dealing with Image Size.txt
    Action Enhanced via Scripted Photoshop Functions.txt
    CraftedActions.atn Sample Action set includes an example Watermarking action
    Sample Actions.txt Photoshop CraftedActions set saved as a text file.
    More then a dozen Scripts for use in actions

  • Resizing a drawn rectangle removes 'snap to pixels' and gives blurry edges, why?

    When i draw a rectangle in photoshop i have to make sure that the "Snap to pixels" is enabled otherwise it will draw a rectangle with blurry edges (firstly why on earth does photoshop do this since its a vector graphic...). I need to then resize this rectangle with free transform (while it is still a vector) however this causes the blurry edges to show again on th rectangle. How do i use the free transform on a rectangle with perfectly crisp edges without causing the blurry effect again?
    Thank you.

    Using the gridlines can be a little tricky, you have to look at all the corners before
    you commit the transform and make sure you have View>Snap checked or the
    path won't snap to the gridlines.
    Another option would be to use paths instead of shape layers and then when your
    certain of the size and position of the path, use the fill paths option with anti-alias turned off
    and 0 feather radius.
    Right click the path in the paths panel and choose Fill Path.
    Message was edited by: MTSTUNER

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