Trimming Top of Main/Wrap Table

I hope I am able to phrase this question correctly . . .
First off, I consider myself a Web Design hobbiest - not a
professional by any stretch of the imagination. The other premise
is - yes, I know CSS all the rage for web deign these days - but
for the purposes of this issue, I am using good ole' traditional
I am working in Dreamweaver 8. I set a main/wrap table for my
entire project - let's say 1024 x 768. I have been designing my
site within the main tables (with embedded tables and such). I have
decided that I want to trim some space off of the top of my main
table and, essentially, have everything within it bump up
accordingly. (I hope that made some sense). So, in essense, the
main/wrap table will now be something like a height of 760 (from
Is there a way I can accomplish this without having to
painstakingly reposition all of the embeddeed tables, cells and
graphics within the main "wrap" table?
Thanks for any help, insight, or direction you can provide.

> Believe me ... I tried using CSS, using layers and such
Using layers is definitely not equivalent to using CSS,
although layers are
CSS constructions.
> The problem is, the
> layout neveer conformed cross platform (all the current
A well built CSS page can definitely do that - and may not
have a single
layer on it - see for example, this page -
> I'm not diminishing your advise, mind you ... just
explaining my
> frustration
> as it relates to my progress. I've been working ont his
> (eCommerce)
> project for many months - and I need to get it out.
Now - have you not been given a solution to your 'trimming
top of table'
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
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"tcraw1010" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]...
Originally posted by:
Newsgroup User
> On Sat, 5 Aug 2006 17:50:50 +0000 (UTC), "tcraw1010"
> But I have really learnt a lot from this forum, and now
embrace CSS -
> not well perhaps - but I'm really trying. So I would
encourage anyone
> else in the same position to do likewise. Leave HTML
only pages
> behind.
> I'm now embarking on using PHP as well - and learning a
lot and
> hopefully improve my websites as a result.
> Believe me ... I tried using CSS, using layers and such.
The problem is,
> the
> layout neveer conformed cross platform (all the current
browsers). It
> simply
> got to be way too frustrating and time consuming to try
to learn
> everythign I
> needed to to get my site up and running. Perhaps at some
point I may have
> a
> profesional go over the site and see if he/she can't
re-qork ti to where
> it is
> all CSS . . . but for the time being, using traditional
tables is getting
> the
> job done (for the most part).
> I'm not diminishing your advise, mind you ... just
explaining my
> frustration
> as it relates to my progress. I've been working ont his
> (eCommerce)
> project for many months - and I need to get it out.

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    1                  |   123               | abc
    1                  |   123               | abc
    2                  |   456               | TGIF
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    Purchase No: 123
    Distributor: abc
    TABLE 1
    Sales Order: 2
    Purchase No: 456
    Distributor: TGIF
    TABLE 2
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    Purchase No: 123
    Distributor: abc
    TABLE 1
    Sales Order: 1
    Purchase No: 123
    Distributor: abc
    TABLE 2
    Sales Order: 2
    Purchase No: 456
    Distributor: TGIF
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    Question before: why dont you just use the std.API for reading the classification data?
    Second: a DELETE DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES works only only sorted tables.
    Doing this after a select will only succeed randomly depending on the buffers of your data based below.
    ( 90% chance if it is an oracle system)
    To your question:
    Just replace your LOOP AT gt_data into ls_list
    by a LOOP AT gt_data ASSIGNING <current_list_record>.
    then you can access the fields directly:
    <current_list_record>-SECTION_WIDTH = LT_AUSP-ATWRT.
    Cause of your issue:
    "MODIFY" needs a key to to find the record to be updated.
    If your gt_data ist referencing a DDIC table type with a key or a local type with a key
    it has no chance to do it.
    Hope that helps.

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    Please contact me directly at [email protected] I'd like to thoroughly understand your network and exactly how/where the file was being saved.
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    insert ZDBTAB from table itab.
    Modify ZDBTAB from table Itab.
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    You should not update standard tables directly though.
    rewards if usefuyl

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    Check the Paragraph designer to see what cell location (Top, middle or bottom) is specified for the paratag used for the heading in the table. Also, check to see if there are any positional overrides for the margins specified in the paratag. These will trump whatever settings you specify via the Table designer.

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    Double click on the table.
    Click on Select pattern icon>Display framed Pattern>Select the Second one (1 row 2nd column)

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    Thanks for your time and help.

    Glad that you found it. I use it constantly, as I often animate my Titles with Keyframed Effects, and will just Copy/Paste Attributes to all. Same for Effects that are common to multiple Video (or Audio) Clips.
    One caveat: when planning on use it, do one Clip with the complete Effects line-up, then Copy. Select all other Clips that you wish to Paste Attributes to. If you have already added some Effects, beyond the Fixed Effects, you will get multiple instances of that/those Effect(s), i.e. if you have already added Color Correction to the destination Clips, an have Color Correction in your source Clip, you will likely get 2 instances of Color Correction. Plan ahead, so that you do not have to go back and Delete any duplicated Effects.
    Good luck,

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    Edited: 08/28/2007 at 03:06:40 PM by karonz

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    I have a form with one Window -> Main Window, in this Window it will be written many different information... there is also a table, when the table cause a new-page, the header (discription of the table) should be written (repeated) also on the new page.
    Im trying to find out, how i can get the page number in the print-programm... but I dont found any variable (print_co-actpage doesnt work)
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Hi David,
    I'm sure you've got around your requirement by now, but for future reference you can get the page number into your print program by calling the function module 'GET_TEXTSYMBOL'.
    data: lv_page(255) type c.
    lv_page = '&PAGE&'.
    call function 'GET_TEXTSYMBOL'
         exporting  line             = lv_page
                        start_offset = 0
         importing  value            = lv_page.

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    I want to add new rows in advanced table. I can able to add rows using the AddMoreRows button in the footer of the advanced table.
    This adds the row at the end. But I want to add the row at the top.
    How to achive this? Please suggest.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Yes you can do it...
    Just set the add Rows automatically property to False of Add Row Button
    and then in processForm Request capture the addRows event
    and invoke a method in AM and then create a new Row in VO.
    Use this will insert row at the top...
    public void addrows()
    AddressesVOImpl vo1 = getAddressesVO1();
    AddressesVORowImpl row1 = (AddressesVORowImpl)vo1.createRow();

  • Wrapping table column header text

    I want my jTable column header texts to be wrapped automatically when the text does not fit in the width of the column. Any one help me?

    Thanks for your good advise. I have checked the site and found double line header of table. BUT, those lines are static i.e. not wrapping rather fixed. I want it to be wrapped automatically when the width is smaller than the required width to display in on single line. Can anyone help?

Maybe you are looking for