Trouble importing ProRes QuickTime movies

As A video professional I thought I would NEVER use the Adobe line, boy was I wrong on so many levels.  I love it all!
I am having a problem with the Media Encoder since the last update.  I can't import ANY Quicktime Prores HD files and I'm really getting frustrated with it, because the Blue Ray Encodes are REALLY Fantastic. 
Please help a reformed Adobe Video Guy!

Are you having problems with just ProRes movies, or is it all QuickTime movies?

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    I think this is a super simple question, How do I import a
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    Beth H

    There's not a default insert behavior for this built into
    Dreamweaver, but a
    quick search on the Exchange show that there is an extension
    for this,
    although I've not used it. Do a search for "quicktime" here: xchange%20Search
    Make sure you set the program dropdown to Dreamweaver to
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    of hits. Should be the second one on the list: "Insert a
    QuickTime Movie,
    Hope this works for you. There is some additional information
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    extension on the detail page that you might want to look at
    to ensure
    everything works properly.
    Best regards,
    "befh" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:eoao6c$84t$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > I think this is a super simple question, How do I import
    a quicktime movie
    > onto my page? I presume you go to insert>media>?
    not to sure what comes
    > next
    > though? Is it shockwave,applet,active x or plugin?
    > Thanks,
    > Beth H

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    And if You
    Share to file - and as 480p - then drop this file into iDVD bigMenu window (avoiding dropzones) - You get an even better result.
    other res gives problems.
    Yours Bengt W

  • MP3 importing as Quicktime Movies? Huh?

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    Mac mini 1.25   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   Running iTunes 6.0.2 & QuickTime Pro 7

    This started happening when iTunes got the ability to play videos. The easiest way to prevent this happening is to avoid saving the MP3 from the browser window when the QuickTime browser plugin is loaded. Instead, back up a page and control-click (or right click if you have a multi-button mouse) and choose "Download Linked File to Disk" from the pop-up menu.
    The "Save as Source..." menu item in the QT browser saves the file with the wrong type and creator codes, fooling iTunes into thinking it's a movie file.
    I've posted a more complete explanation, along with an AppleScript that can be used to change the type and creator codes for a few files at once, instead of one at a time.

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    When playing a movie in QuickTime Player, you can hit Command + I to see the movie properties.
    Doing this for an exported QT file from iPhoto, I see that it is NOT actually a movie file but just a series of JPEG photos with an MP3 soundtrack. Apparently QuickTime is smart enough to know how to play it as a slideshow (with a very low frame rate).
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    You cannot open it up as a Sequence to edit, but you can stick it into your Sequence Timeline.
    It plays fine in FCE along with the music, or just add your own soundtrack later.

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    What computer do you have (Type, Graphics card, OS)?
    What codec did you use for the video?
    Which version of Final Cut Pro (Express /7/X)?
    We need more specific details to be able to help.

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    In Keynote, make sure you are using a timed slideshow, not a manual advance track. iMovie will not edit extraneous tracks like tween tracks, closed captioning tracks, chapter tracks, manual advance tracks, etc.

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    When you export from FCP take care of selecting QuickTime Movie self contained with same settings that your timeline (ussually the default settings in the export window).
    Besides that my advice is you encode your video to MPEG2 and your audio to Dolby AC3 before importing in DVDSP. DVDSP will leave audio uncompressed what can give you playback issues in some players because it take too much of your bitrate.
    In DVDSP3 you must use A.Pack for the AC3 encoding. Try this tutorial about Encoding AC3 with A.Pack (from KenStone site).
    Good luck.

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    I just found a program to convert Quicktime video.
    Ultra Video Converter

  • Importing a quicktime movie?

    I have tried file>import movie.
    The movie is greyed out.
    Can you help?

    QuickTime is a framework or wrapper that can contain various media formats some of which are not able to be imported into iMovie without first converting them.
    To find out what Kind of file your dealing with, select the QuickTime file in the Finder and choose File>Get Info.

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    The file is 138 MB's

    Hi mncyclist - DV is a type of video format. Mini-DV video cameras create this type of video. It is high quality and can be edited for creating DVD movies etc.
    You can find out what version of iMovie you have very simply by clicking on the iMovie menu in the menu bar, and then clicking 'About iMovie'.
    I have no idea what that file is, but almost certainly it is not understood by iMovie!
    You could try running the original .avi file through the free app. called MPEG StreamClip and see if that helps (convert it to .dv format) - see here:

  • Error message when trying to import Quicktime movies

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    File Error: 1 file(s) recognized, 0 access denied, 1 unknown
    Any thoughts why this might be happening? Any input would be appreciated.

    I now see that two of them have been encoded using the AAC, Sorenson Video 3 codec which is not one I've seen before so I suspect that would be it.
    The other one I'm having trouble with is encoded using Integer (Big Endian), Animation. I know I've seen the Integer (Big Endian) codec before so do you think that because it's animation that's a problem? I imported several other uncompressed files that were encoded with Integer (Big Endian) that worked fine so that's my suspicion.
    Tom, you've always been very helpful on these boards for my questions. Thank you so much.

  • Trouble importing Quicktime

    I thought that Final Cut liked Quicktime movies?
    When i try to import a quicktime movie (Apple ProRes422HQ) it says:
    "File Error: 0 Access Denied. 1 Unknown"
    I was told by other Apple folks that work in the store to use this compression/codex because it keeps the resolution the best.
    My files are 1920x1080, and I would like to keep them that size for best quality resolution.

    thanks Tom, goes:
    16-bit Integer (Little Endian), Stereo(l R), 48.000kHz
    Apple ProRes 422 (HQ), 1920 x 1080, millions
    FPS: 59.96
    Playing FPS: (Available while playing)
    Data Size: 1.07 GB
    Data Rate: 440.15 mbits/s
    Current Time: 0:00:00:00:00
    Duration: 0:00:00:20:86
    Normal Size: 1920 x 1080 pixels
    Current Size: 681 x 383 pixels

  • Can't import Quicktime .mov into iMovie 10

    Is it possible to import a Quicktime movie into iMovie 10?  I used to be able to do this with iMovie 9 but cannot get it to work with 10.  I can drag it into an event but no clips show up.   I can't believe that Apple would require a 3rd party product to get this to work. 
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    .mov can contain a variety of different movie formats not all of which are importable into iMovie 10.  Try playing it in Quicktime player 10 - does it say it has to convert?   If it converts it, the resultant file should import into iMovie 10 OK.  see: OS X Mavericks: Some files may be converted when opened in QuickTime Player - Apple Support
    In Quicktime 10 the way to do this is to split a movie into clips and trim each clip as required.  These can then be imported into iMovie and joined as part of a project.  See:  QuickTime Player 10.x: Rearrange your movie’s content
    Quicktime 7 Pro (which does allow removing 'middle' parts of a movie) still works in Yosemite

  • How to Import from  Web Page or QuickTime movie

    Help! I accepted what I though was an easy assignment to make a DVD of a web page clip
    so my sister-in-law can show it as part of the Veteran's Day program at her school. The
    clip is
    A friend got it into QuickTime movie format for me but she wants it on a DVD
    so it can be played over the projection system that plays normal DVD movies.
    I tried using Toast and it burned a nice coster that plays a slide show with no audio.
    I could use some help on how to import a QuickTime move into something that
    will burn it to a DVD.
    Any help will be appreciated. Anybody need some DVD coasters?

    .. that is a very tricky file..
    ctrl-click on your link, choose from context-menu 'download file'.. got a 5.8MB scene4.swf file..
    opened that with QTpro + plug-in.. plays..
    'Export/dv' generates an audio-less file ...
    2nd try:
    using VisualHub, set output to dv.. boom!.. aborts.
    3rd try:
    using VisualHub, set output to h264 - audio only file ( ?? )
    but, now I have an audio-less dv + and a video-less h264.. so, I simply copy/add trimmed the audio from h264 to the dv file in QTpro.. tadaahhh , done.
    I mostly doubt, that all pics in this 'show' are free for use, and not © protected..
    for sure, the music has some © ...
    and: as the credits tell you, the whole swf claims a © ..
    be nice to copy rights ..
    //no politics allowed on this board, but OMG!.. when we Germans produced such movies, that is >60y ago .. //

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