Trouble with high rez movie over 1:12:30

I am attempting to add chapters to a fully functioning .mov file with garageband, and then export it back to the same file type. The movie is of length 1:20:00, with the audio quality set to "Higher Quality" and the Movie settings set to "Full Quality". When I attempt to export the movie back to a .mov, it finishes, but when the clip is played, it produces a white screen, but plays the audio fine. Again, the only thing that is getting changed is the addition of chapters, no other settings have been modified. Anyone have any ideas?

I tend to work the other way, so this is just a suggestion you may wish to try: Export the GB audio file and drop that into iMovie and work on your movie there. Just a thought.

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    plaing the menu in every .swf file will increase the size of
    each file. the shared library file will be larger than it needs to
    Why not just make one .swf that only contains the just the
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    Thank you very much for at least reading this!

    First, be careful of the forum you post in - there are Automator forums for both Tiger and Leopard. Your profile shows you running Leopard, but this reply would apply to Tiger as well.
    Most actions return the results from whatever it is that they do - in the case of Move Finder Items, the action returns the items that it moved. In your example workflow, when you follow the move action with the Get Specified Finder Items, you double up the list of items to rename, so there is some extra renaming going on. Most actions have an option to ignore the input from the previous action, but getting rid of the Get Specified Finder Items action from your workflow should clear things up.
    Automator will work for your workflow if there aren't too many items, but if you really have thousands of files you might have better luck with an AppleScript.

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    function showimage1(event:MouseEvent):void {
    btn2_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showimage2);
    function showimage2(event:MouseEvent):void {
    btn3_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showimage3);
    function showimage3(event:MouseEvent):void {
    btn4_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showimage4);
    function showimage4(event:MouseEvent):void {
    btn5_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showimage5);
    function showimage5(event:MouseEvent):void {
    btn6_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showimage6);
    function showimage6(event:MouseEvent):void {
    btn7_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showimage7);
    function showimage7(event:MouseEvent):void {
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    btn2_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showimage2);
    btn3_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showimage3); etc...
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    Location: Scene 1, Layer 'actions' Frame 1, Line 2 Description: 1120: Access of undefined property btn1_btn Source: btn1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showimage1);
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    Exactly what is INSIDE the video you are editing?
    Codec & Format information, with 2 links inside for you to read
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... A screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing for screen shot instructions
    Free programs to get file information for PC/Mac

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    It was something around iSync and the sync-manager. I got a hint on who you can found here:
    Look at the second post after the one who i linked from the user "valerina". I only delete the pref.file and i check the keychain (without any problems). After that iSync work and i can sync my iPhone to. Only the Mail sync is't work at the moment, but I can life with that and I'm sure that i will found a solution to for that.
    +1. There is no need to log in as ROOT about removing files if you are administrator+
    +2. You need just to trush the file, named It is inside Users/'Your username'/Library/Preferences+
    +3. It is not bad idea to repair with First Aid the Keychain and to Clear the cash using /Applications/iSync/Preferences...+
    +4. Now You can start sync with Mobile me.+
    +If You still have problems:+
    +1. Go to MobileMe and revoke your certificate and password+
    +2. Go to iChat and take another certificate+
    +3. Go to Mobileme preference pane and log out+
    +4. Go to Airport app and change the password+
    +5. Go to MobileMe preference pane again and+
    +5.1. Log in+
    +5.2. Turn on the Back to My Mac+
    +5.3. Unsign your username from syncing with Mobile me+
    +6. Try to sync+

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    3.9 gb usually indicates a problem withthe file, let alone 4.7.
    Do you have a lot of embedded or pasted images or vector art?
    Do you get an error message when you try to open the file? If not, keep waiting. I've seen files take up to 2 hours to open when they are that large (due to huge amounts of pasted vector art).
    Do you have any backup you can open to fix?

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    I'm doing some test animation sequences for an IMAX film (ratio 4:3). I'm hoping that we might be able to do a very high resolution version 4K - 8K if this first test works. I've been told that with the new Radeon card one can do this.
    Meanwhile, I'm finding that if I try to set a high resolution 4:3 in Motion, it seems to think it is anamorphic and is messing with the frame... (and the graphics I'm importing).
    All ears,

    Thank you Mark,
    I futzed around with it a bit ... and was able to get a very odd 4:3 HD-esque QT. I'm going to need more than a laptop to mess with this stuff I think...
    Actually, Motion was handling it remarkably well for this little 2G RAM job. I'm impressed. Now if I can find a magic codec to reduce it back down to SD - they are editing all the live-action footage in SD (amazing how good SD looks when the source material is IMAX) ... and these animation sequences have to go on that timeline for now.

  • How to export a large, high-rez Keynote'08 file as a QT movie?

    I have used Keynote '08 to create a 1.6GB presentation, 1024 x 768 resolution, 940 slides of stills and animation clips, navigatable hyperlinks on every slide. It plays and navigates perfectly well in Play mode.
    The presentation would of course be most effective if I could export it as a single QuickTime movie - 1024 x 768 resolution. But I have not been able to do this, either on my own or with help from Apple employees at an Apple retail outlet. (I cannot remember whether we tested Keynote '08 or '09 at the store)
    The best I've been able to accomplish is to break the presentation into ten parts and export them as ten QuickTime movies at a reduced resolution of 800 x 600.
    I've been able to create a full length single movie - but only as a web-sized lowest quality (H.264) QT movie - in which the hyperlinks work but the slide captions cannot be clearly read.
    This interactive education presentation would be so much more effective if I could export it as a single high-rez QT movie.
    So I am searching for a solution to this problem, if it indeed exists using Keynote '08 or '09, and feedback/educated opinions from Keynote users who have encountered the same problem. Is Apple aware of this limitation? Might Apple address it in Keynote '10 whenever that arrives? Is there additional software available that could solve this problem?

    I want to be able to watch my 1080p work on Apple TV in the best quality.
    The TV device is limited to max of 720p playback. While the TV1 did have an option to scale content for output as 1080i or 1080p, this was discontinued with the TV2 since 1080p native HDTVs will automatically rescale the negotiated input as/if needed for proper viewing. To maintain compatibility with the TV1 device, Apple presets will export 720p content only if the source file is larger than or equal to these dimensions and the frame rate is 25 fps or less. They will not allow you upscale smaller dimension files. Thus, your 1080p source files will be exported as either 720p24 or 540p30 files depending on the source frame rate. If you have an TV2 device and wish to ensure a 720p30 output, then use a free third-party app like MPEG Streamclip or HandBrake. Both have TV2 specific conversion options.

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