Trying to install Exchange Server 2013 and receive this error.

I have a computer running Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard. I have completed all the prerequisites to install Exchange Server 2013. It all was going good until the install started. Then I received the below error. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am new
to Exchange Server so would thank and appreciate any help I could get to resolve this issue.
Thank You,
The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); 
initialize-ExchangeUniversalGroups -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ActiveDirectorySplitPermissions $RoleActiveDirectorySplitPermissions
" was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.InvalidWKObjectException: The well-known object entry B:32:A7D2016C83F003458132789EEB127B84:CN=Exchange Servers\0ADEL:16cd035a-6201-492f-b85f-1e28cc9f9ee0,CN=Deleted Objects,DC=MULTIAXCNC,DC=local on
the otherWellKnownObjects attribute in the container object CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=MULTIAXCNC,DC=local points to an invalid DN or a deleted object.  Remove the entry, and then rerun the task.
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.ThrowError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory errorCategory, Object target, String helpUrl)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.WriteError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory category, Object target)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.InitializeExchangeUniversalGroups.CreateGroup(ADOrganizationalUnit usgContainer, String groupName, Int32 groupId, Guid wkGuid, String groupDescription, GroupTypeFlags groupType, Boolean createAsRoleGroup)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.InitializeExchangeUniversalGroups.CreateGroup(ADOrganizationalUnit usgContainer, String groupName, Int32 groupId, Guid wkGuid, String groupDescription)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.InitializeExchangeUniversalGroups.InternalProcessRecord()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)".

Here is the error I am getting and the last setup log I can find. Any help how to get past the error would be helpful.
Thank You,
The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
          Install-ExchangeCertificate -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -services "IIS, POP, IMAP" -DomainController $RoleDomainController -InstallInTrustedRootCAIfSelfSigned $true
          if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true -And $RoleIsPartnerHosted -ne $true)
            Install-AuthCertificate -DomainController $RoleDomainController
        " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.AddAccessRuleCryptographicException: Could not grant Network Service access to the certificate with thumbprint 845C42A131A8A73487400A91491182FB95B81612
because a cryptographic exception was thrown. ---> System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access is denied.
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TlsCertificateInfo.CAPIAddAccessRule(X509Certificate2 certificate, AccessRule rule)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TlsCertificateInfo.AddAccessRule(X509Certificate2 certificate, AccessRule rule)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.ManageExchangeCertificate.EnableForServices(X509Certificate2 cert, AllowedServices services, String websiteName, Boolean requireSsl, ITopologyConfigurationSession dataSession, Server server,
List`1 warningList, Boolean allowConfirmation, Boolean forceNetworkService)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.ThrowError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory errorCategory, Object target, String helpUrl)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.WriteError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory category, Object target)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.InstallExchangeCertificate.EnableForServices(X509Certificate2 cert, AllowedServices services)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.InstallExchangeCertificate.InternalProcessRecord()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)".
Setup Log Below
# Default Install steps for ClientAccessRole.
# Programmatically generated on 7/5/2014 10:58:24 PM.
# Variable Declarations
$RoleAllRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,GatewayRole,ClientAccessRole,MailboxRole,UnifiedMessagingRole,FrontendTransportRole,AdminToolsRole,MonitoringRole,CentralAdminRole,CentralAdminDatabaseRole,CentralAdminFrontEndRole,LanguagePacksRole,CafeRole,FfoWebServiceRole,OSPRole'
$RoleBinPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin'
$RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled = $True
$RoleDatacenterPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Datacenter'
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointMsoFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>'
$RoleDomainController = 'MULTIAX2012.MULTIAXCNC.local'
$RoleExternalCASServerDomain = $null
$RoleFqdnOrName = 'MULTIAX2012.MULTIAXCNC.local'
$RoleInstallationMode = 'Install'
$RoleInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\'
$RoleInvocationID = '20140705-2258240578829153548'
$RoleIsAdminToolsRoleInstalled = $True
$RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = $True
$RoleIsDatacenter = $False
$RoleIsDatacenterDedicated = $False
$RoleIsFfo = $False
$RoleIsPartnerHosted = $False
$RoleLanguagePacksPath = 'C:\Exchange\'
$RoleLoggedOnUser = 'MULTIAXCNC\Administrator'
$RoleLoggingPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging'
$RoleNetBIOSName = 'MULTIAX2012'
$RoleNoSelfSignedCertificates = $False
$RolePreviousVersion = $null
$RoleProductPlatform = 'amd64'
$RoleRoleName = 'ClientAccessRole'
$RoleRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,AdminToolsRole'
$RoleSetupLoggingPath = 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs'
$RoleTargetVersion = '15.00.0913.022'
$RoleUpdatesDir = $null
# Component tasks
# Tasks for 'All Roles Common First' component
# [ID = AllRolesCommonFirst___3e69ba31a53e4c29a2d6bffcf78cc614, Wt = 5, isFatal = True] "Starting the WMI service."
7/5/2014 10:58:24 PM:
          if (Get-Service winmgmt* | ?{ $_.Name -ieq "winmgmt" })
            Set-Service winmgmt -StartupType Automatic
            Start-SetupService -ServiceName winmgmt
# [ID = AllRolesCommonFirst___56139ce4432346ecb7936afae4c3a9cc, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Creating the Exchange server configuration object in Active Directory."
7/5/2014 10:58:24 PM:
          & $RoleBinPath\ServiceControl.ps1 EnableServices $RoleRoleName.Replace('Role','')
# [ID = AllRolesCommonFirst___edc23bc11a4e4119a6a4ee802ff1ea49, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Creating the Exchange server configuration object in Active Directory."
7/5/2014 10:58:24 PM:
          if ($RoleRoles)
            & $RoleBinPath\ServiceControl.ps1 EnableServices $RoleRoles.Replace('Role','').Split(',')
# [ID = AllRolesCommonFirst___62f13a063b2846a5ab20765bb7a3fc51, Wt = 5, isFatal = True] "Starting the Remote Registry service."
7/5/2014 10:58:25 PM:Start-SetupService -ServiceName RemoteRegistry
# [ID = AllRolesCommonFirst___00573a17b6e34c26842a6646830d57fa, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Creating the Exchange server configuration object in Active Directory."
7/5/2014 10:58:25 PM:Set-LocalPermissions
# [ID = AllRolesCommonFirst___77668249568048d3812fb7cdba08c58b, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Creating the Exchange server configuration object in Active Directory."
7/5/2014 10:59:35 PM:
          $mofFilePath =  ($RoleInstallPath + "bin\Exchange.MOF");
          $mflFilePath =  ($RoleInstallPath + "bin\en\Exchange.MFL");
          compile-moffile -MofFilePath:$mofFilePath;
          compile-moffile -MofFilePath:$mflFilePath;
# [ID = AllRolesCommonFirst___f557448f44964e5eaa5dba792a3c4f09, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Creating the Exchange server configuration object in Active Directory."
7/5/2014 10:59:35 PM:
           Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeRPCByPortRule)
# [ID = AllRolesCommonFirst___84a0f0e2c2f44db2b537e9696c26fc3e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Creating the Exchange server configuration object in Active Directory."
7/5/2014 10:59:35 PM:
           Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeRPCEPMapByPortRule)
# Tasks for 'ClientAccess Permissions Configuration' component
# [ID = ClientAccessLocalPermissionsComponent___6246589bb8494a3580c22c26e18451d1, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Setting folder or registry permissions for the Mailbox role: Client Access service. "
7/5/2014 10:59:35 PM:Set-LocalPermissions -Feature:"ClientAccess"
# Tasks for 'Exchange 2003 Registry Configuration' component
# [ID = LegacyRegistryMarkersComponent___7d6dadc1069b42ac93eadd1143c04a1a, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Installing/Removing registry values used by Exchange 2003 components"
7/5/2014 11:00:01 PM:set-ExsetdataRegistryMarkers
# Tasks for 'Client Access Perf Counters' component
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___deb99c54869843b68426390615283ab7, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:00:01 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName OwaInstallSingleCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___ca78563ec1f1468982d1a2e59c6001bd, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:00:15 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName EcpPerfCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___e69a559428fb42029ca3261e795b216d, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:00:21 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RwsPerfCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___c335490f948a4b16b5e2d2ce5f1eb9e7, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:00:26 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerAvailabilityPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___5af856aa00ae485ca206c5cdd13e9128, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:00:31 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerSharingPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___86121d1b951e43fb934f1f1d573362eb, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:00:35 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ThrottlingPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___ea5896b92c494834b1a93c4620fcaef4, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:00:42 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MiddleTierStoragePerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___dab6f03bdf5141efb7b017c3009fb9e6, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:00:48 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ActiveManagerClientPerfmon.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___5471455db0ef4610bf68fe7ad9417e19, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:00:53 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RmsPerfCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___81ad52cb2950483196b52371b4d992c8, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:00:58 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerMailTipsPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___072bf6737f1c42a0a8847ce35cf8a0c7, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:01:03 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerUserPhotosPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___50b64611f7444bb49d50e00c206d2c13, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:01:08 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName AirSyncCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___f2620ff8c3754396a8ea7d77257e2895, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:01:14 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ClientAccessRulesPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___4ef0f16c017840a583ace9f062300207, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:01:19 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName Imap4Counters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___135fb06dadd9403a83ceebb290638efe, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:01:24 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName Pop3Counters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___312e8d44e92b45e0809f9d3d5dc2cfc0, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:01:29 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName WsPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___3c333497697041cb854190ec31c17b18, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:01:48 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName UMClientAccessCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___ba015b97cc0b4beba7b25b6cb297fcac, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:01:54 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName AutodiscoverPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___3daffea50d5a4318aab4aa737e508146, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:01:59 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName OAuthCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___c71073d7f1ab4c119af83efb513b3a9d, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:04 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoWorkerMessageTrackingPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___abdaf0bf21f4473b88819ee85cada219, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:10 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RpcClientAccessPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___9f160f3e42984edfa25b62424ebc05b5, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:15 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RpcClientAccessServerPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___e55cb179521a4dacbeaa588c6948cf14, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:15 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName AddressBookServicePerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___064a7856cf7c4b0399c85cf4f3bc2f1c, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:20 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RpcEntryPointsPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___42325F33-A961-41FE-B6B5-5CFB3AA9820A, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:22 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MapiHttpEmsmdbPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___4C04D747-3B5C-400A-980F-45504324EF42, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:28 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MapiHttpNspiPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___5ab36fffacd04975bb1bc681a214bf71, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:33 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ThrottlingServiceClientPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___6ca23933132d44b39d6586cb3f9f8f21, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:39 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MSExchMailboxReplicationServicePerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___6602c41b35254405bed412fab7d527fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:44 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MSExchMailboxReplicationServicePerMdbPerformanceCounters.xml -FileMappingSize 2097152
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___74e45a45ea8c449092a10929ae24ba4b, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:50 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MlbPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___a3bcb686add64cf296c8616d387d0323, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:02:55 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MlbMultiInstancePerformanceCounters.xml -FileMappingSize 2097152
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___c00c15c4ef6f479b9f5deb852d8eda7d, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:03:01 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ProvisioningPerfCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___fe1a2a7c828f4b57abc2e50dc09baddf, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:03:06 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName GalsyncPerfCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___35D14CB8B01949818832943A391D77B9, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:03:11 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName BackSyncPerfCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___e69599d235234effb6d2740f3c52f7e1, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:03:11 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName AdminAuditPerfCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___09bd11b57f6445e890391a507262cf32, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:03:16 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerMultiMailboxSearchPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___324687361E1C473A834C22A66104679f, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:03:16 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ProvisioningCachePerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___98C36FFEC7944065889DB24067CFD3EE, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:03:21 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName OABRequestHandlerPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___1F5A7B68C95B42568E02FAA15A05EF17, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:03:26 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName DlpPolicyTipsPerformanceCounters.xml
# [ID = ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent___995DEA7A1AC5467C89939F5F8CE5F2AF, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Installing or removing Client Access performance counters."
7/5/2014 11:03:31 PM:new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ConfigurationCachePerformanceCounters.xml
# Tasks for 'Client Access Configuration' component
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___d5119205104847bcb275cb63b65160b6, Wt = 5, isFatal = False] "Pre-compiling setup binaries."
7/5/2014 11:03:35 PM:
          $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\Owa\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.dll");
          $appBase = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin");
          precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName  $fullPath -AppBase $appBase;
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___954344d74d8849e9ae7123b91761ed9d, Wt = 5, isFatal = False] "Pre-compiling setup binaries."
7/5/2014 11:03:57 PM:
          $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\Sync\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AirSyncHandler.dll");
          $appBase = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin");
          precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName  $fullPath -AppBase $appBase;
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___6632d6c1d5054563942db4f180976238, Wt = 5, isFatal = False] "Pre-compiling setup binaries."
7/5/2014 11:04:01 PM:
          $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\AutoDiscover\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AutoDiscover.dll");
          $appBase = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin");
          precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName  $fullPath -AppBase $appBase;
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___390b4ffddd484dcb9edc01dd725e020a, Wt = 5, isFatal = False] "Pre-compiling setup binaries."
7/5/2014 11:04:07 PM:
          $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Services.dll");
          $appBase = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin");
          precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName  $fullPath -AppBase $appBase;
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___178a10624c88445093855c4ede7e9b9c, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:42 PM:
          . "$RoleInstallPath\Scripts\ConfigureNetworkProtocolParameters.ps1";
          Set-NtlmLoopbackCheck $false
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___14a6761e144e428b93c62249acc814fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:42 PM:install-ClientAccessIisWebServiceExtensions
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___28fdfe8bec984e809cdeef6d4d59bf4e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:43 PM:
        if (get-service MSExchangeServiceHost* | where {$ -eq "MSExchangeServiceHost"})
            restart-service MSExchangeServiceHost
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___7816256880dc4be0baf5b005b2af8cd3, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:45 PM:
        if (get-service MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost* | where {$ -eq "MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost"})
            restart-service MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___e95499b43bd1484dbc03098fb1b4e592, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:45 PM:set-ExchangeServerRole -Identity $RoleFqdnOrName -IsClientAccessServer:$true -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___f4c48e196e374cf3af269b1cea0602c8, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Installing/Removing the WebReady Document Viewing service."
7/5/2014 11:04:45 PM:Install-TranscodingServiceEx
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___f50fd59d231140eb9b2405bbed2b93d4, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:45 PM:
          if ($RoleIsDatacenter -eq $false)
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___9fad9d51b3ec4ecdad567ab58e470be7, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:45 PM:
          if ($RoleIsDatacenter -eq $false)
            stop-setupservice -ServiceName MSExchangeFBA
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___1c7a7da2ab9d41bb8db75522ad28b9db, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:45 PM:
          $tpath = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\microsoft.web.administration.dll";
          add-type -Path $tpath;
          $sm = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager;
          if ($sm.Sites["Exchange Back End"] -eq $null)
            $ppath = "$env:SystemDrive\inetpub\wwwroot";
            $s = $sm.Sites.Add("Exchange Back End","http", "*:81:", $ppath);
            $s.ServerAutoStart = $true;
            $sb =$s.Bindings;
            $b = $sb.Add("*:444:","https");
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___a5f211d837784aea931b9ba55c39996d, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:45 PM:
          Get-ExchangeServer $RoleFqdnOrName | Add-AdPermission -User "S-1-5-20" -ExtendedRights "Exchange Web Services Token Serialization";
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent__SetInstallPathInMrsAppConfig, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:45 PM:
          Set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath "Bin" -ConfigFileName "MsExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config"
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___765cc444ba07411aa81d58397b0401fd, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:45 PM:
          if (!(get-service MSExchangeMailboxReplication* | where {$ -eq "MSExchangeMailboxReplication"}))
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___151b722e327b42a69411df32afdbbcbb, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:46 PM:
           Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeMailboxReplicationFirewallRule)
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___7d69bb94f08245589e49eb569c6d5f4f, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:46 PM:
          if (!(get-service MSExchangeMigrationWorkflow* | where {$ -eq "MSExchangeMigrationWorkflow"}))
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___95f051d9dc5941c4b6014181b6e5ce93, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:
           Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeABRPCFirewallRule)
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___959c2d6566984da6b8e0e3235c1c11c2, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:
           Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangePOPBeByPortRule)
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___29864e7462374fdb84fc75eec931d8e4, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:
          Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeIMAP4BeFirewallRule)
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___052e1b794d0641ada4d6d417061af2a8, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:
           Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeOWAByPortRule)
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___975efd8911fd41cca8b17462535d710e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:
           Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeMailboxReplicationByPort)
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___023036e43f004bda9f4f4e0b1e0d233f, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___3a51c2876e2c4643bc892d2665754228, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath "ClientAccess\PushNotifications\" -ConfigFileName web.config
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___FCC16AC1FFED43518F8292DBE770C621, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb\" -ConfigFileName web.config
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___E9C71786D02E40CBB1403E2E1A4B0758, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath "ClientAccess\mapi\nspi\" -ConfigFileName web.config
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___abcab6b91ac844848c58b4ee66fcbea6, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___9D94915F-B12D-4579-93EE-36B6DF42CF4A, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:47 PM:
          $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe;
          $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi");
          $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb");
          $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config");
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`"
/processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183);
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183);
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`""
-IgnoreExitCode @(183);
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost";
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___B551AAAC-0F36-428B-B1BB-3B9AFDC9EAEF, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:50 PM:
          $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe;
          $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi");
          $MapiAddressBookClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\nspi");
          $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiAddressBookAppPool_CLRConfig.config");
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiAddressBookAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`"
/processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183);
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183);
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiAddressBookClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiAddressBookAppPool /path:`"/mapi/nspi`""
-IgnoreExitCode @(183);
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/nspi`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/nspi`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/nspi`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/nspi`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/nspi`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/nspi`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost";
          Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/nspi`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost";
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___178FD1A31B5949A0B4A819E39311B1FD, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:52 PM:
            $ExchangeLabsRegKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeLabs'
            $E4eCertificateDistinguishedNameRegValueName = 'E4eCertificateDistinguishedName'
            if ($RoleDatacenterE4eCertificateDistinguishedName -ne $null)
                New-ItemProperty -path "$ExchangeLabsRegKey" -Name $E4eCertificateDistinguishedNameRegValueName -Value $RoleDatacenterE4eCertificateDistinguishedName -Force
                Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "Wrote registry key: $ExchangeLabsRegKey\$E4eCertificateDistinguishedNameRegValueName. value: $RoleDatacenterE4eCertificateDistinguishedName"
                Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "Could not write registry key: $ExchangeLabsRegKey\$E4eCertificateDistinguishedNameRegValueName. Value is null."
            $E4eServiceUrlRegValueName = 'E4eServiceUrl'
            if ($RoleDatacenterE4eServiceUrl -ne $null)
                New-ItemProperty -path "$ExchangeLabsRegKey" -Name $E4eServiceUrlRegValueName -Value $RoleDatacenterE4eServiceUrl -Force
                Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "Wrote registry key: $ExchangeLabsRegKey\$E4eServiceUrlRegValueName. value: $RoleDatacenterE4eServiceUrl"
                Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "Could not write registry key: $ExchangeLabsRegKey\$E4eServiceUrlRegValueName. Value is null."
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___240c7e5d07f941cfbe69a692dc33a31a, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:52 PM:
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'autodiscover'
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'ecp'
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'ews'  
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'oab'
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'owa'
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'powershell'
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'pushnotifications'
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'rpcproxy'
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'sync'
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'mapi\emsmdb'
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'mapi\nspi'
          CreateCustomHeadersNodeForBackend 'outlookservice'
# [ID = ClientAccessComponent___75f8c93d15314369983d33ec0742e189, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Mailbox role: Client Access service."
7/5/2014 11:04:53 PM:
          New-PushNotificationsVirtualDirectory -Role Mailbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController;
# Tasks for 'POP/IMAP Backend Configuration' component
# [ID = PopImapBeComponent___d91be94d83bb4dc28e1fbdf7d94ca60e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring the server."
7/5/2014 11:05:05 PM:
          if (!(get-service MSExchangeIMAP4BE* | where {$ -eq "MSExchangeIMAP4BE"}))
# [ID = PopImapBeComponent___e2debc6ecabf457eb6f278096ad5102c, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring the server."
7/5/2014 11:05:06 PM:
          if (!(get-service MSExchangePOP3BE* | where {$ -eq "MSExchangePOP3BE"}))
# [ID = PopImapBeComponent___7ee4dbb3fe884d26bb3e060ac68061ee, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring the server."
7/5/2014 11:05:06 PM:
          $file = 'Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3Service.exe.config';
          $template = $file + '.template';
          $relPath = 'ClientAccess\PopImap';
          $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, $relPath);
          $fullFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($fullPath, $file);
          Set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath $relPath -ConfigFileName $template;
          Preserve-AppSettings -RoleInstallPath $fullPath -ConfigFileName $file;
          set-appconfigvalue -ConfigFileFullPath:$fullFilePath -Element:configuration/runtime/generatePublisherEvidence -Attribute:enabled -NewValue:false
# [ID = PopImapBeComponent___9b86c2af9f364990aa196cb6e69905b6, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring the server."
7/5/2014 11:05:06 PM:
          $file = 'Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3.exe.config';
          $template = $file + '.template';
          $relPath = 'ClientAccess\PopImap';
          $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, $relPath);
          Set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath $relPath -ConfigFileName $template;
          Preserve-AppSettings -RoleInstallPath $fullPath -ConfigFileName $file;
# [ID = PopImapBeComponent___01c604c08fd6402e9de6b3c45e3431c8, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring the server."
7/5/2014 11:05:06 PM:
          $file = 'Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4Service.exe.config';
          $template = $file + '.template';
          $relPath = 'ClientAccess\PopImap';
          $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, $relPath);
          $fullFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($fullPath, $file);
          Set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath $relPath -ConfigFileName $template;
          Preserve-AppSettings -RoleInstallPath $fullPath -ConfigFileName $file;
          set-appconfigvalue -ConfigFileFullPath:$fullFilePath -Element:configuration/runtime/generatePublisherEvidence -Attribute:enabled -NewValue:false
# [ID = PopImapBeComponent___2528980001a444fcb7097d123e879728, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring the server."
7/5/2014 11:05:06 PM:
          $file = 'Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4.exe.config';
          $template = $file + '.template';
          $relPath = 'ClientAccess\PopImap';
          $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, $relPath);
          Set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath $relPath -ConfigFileName $template;
          Preserve-AppSettings -RoleInstallPath $fullPath -ConfigFileName $file;
# [ID = PopImapBeComponent___bbfdc492aaf748298977cb9b98e00029, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring the server."
7/5/2014 11:05:07 PM:install-Imap4Container -Name:"IMAP4" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = PopImapBeComponent___091c98cfe0f145189c0966717496795e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring the server."
7/5/2014 11:05:07 PM:install-Pop3Container -Name:"POP3" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = PopImapBeComponent___42cb9f4ac2924c27b6ebf60b92a03628, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring the server."
7/5/2014 11:05:07 PM:new-ImapSettings -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ExchangePath $RoleInstallPath
# [ID = PopImapBeComponent___181f5361a5df4e7ca009f21f26f8c0d5, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring the server."
7/5/2014 11:05:07 PM:new-PopSettings -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ExchangePath $RoleInstallPath
# Tasks for 'ClientAccessExchangeCertificate' component
# [ID = ClientAccessExchangeCertificate___fb5e9028e669404d94dba90aace8c2f9, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Installing Client Access server certificates."
7/5/2014 11:05:07 PM:
          Install-ExchangeCertificate -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -services "IIS, POP, IMAP" -DomainController $RoleDomainController -InstallInTrustedRootCAIfSelfSigned $true
          if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true -And $RoleIsPartnerHosted -ne $true)
            Install-AuthCertificate -DomainController $RoleDomainController

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    Hi Idan,
    We need to do these steps to connect to Configuration:
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    Gulab Prasad
    Technology Consultant
    Blog:    Twitter:
       Check out CodeTwo’s tools for Exchange admins
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

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    thanks :

    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    I'm marking the reply as answer as there has been no update for a couple of days.
    If you come back to find it doesn't work for you, please reply to us and unmark the answer.
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    TechNet Community Support

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    Based on my research, the two additional directories are created on this D:\ drive during installation of Exchange 2013 automatically:
    Currently, there is no official document about this issue. Since it will not cause any issue, you can leave it there.
    We will wait for the official explanation of the issue. We highly appreciate your kindly understanding and patience.
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
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    Hi Jon,
    please try the following Exchange PowerShell command:
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    Sounds like Your imap Proxy is bad.
    Please mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you. Thank you! Off2work

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    tried to download Adobe application mgr and got this Error Code: U43M1D207 is not letting me update CS5 without this update..
    thank you, Lori

    I had issues trying to download updates to CS5 also, kept getting errors.  Finally, deactivated, uninstalled, reinstalled, downloaded AAM again (took several tries), finally got it to install, then downloaded the updates one at a time. Again, took repeated tries, but finally got them to work.  I am not sure what the issues were, but am glad i finally got the updates for CS5, RAW updates, and Bridge two work.

  • TS3694 1015 ? I'm trying to update my iPhone 3 and get this error message. The phone belonged to my wife, and I'm trying to restore it to factory settings as new owner. Any ideas?

    1015 ? I'm trying to update my iPhone 3 and get this error message. The phone belonged to my wife, and I'm trying to restore it to factory settings as new owner. Any ideas?

    Before beginning the download, try temporarily disabling your antivirus, anti-adware, anti-spyware, and any other anti-whatever that is required with the secure OS your computer is running.

  • Exchange Server 2013 and Remote Access VPN on a single server running Windows Server 2012?

    Just by way of background, I have been installing and administering network servers, e-mail systems, VPN servers, and the like for many years.  However, my involvement with Exchange and Windows Server has been mostly on the forensics and data recovery
    level, or as a (sophisticated) user.  I have never tried to deploy either from scratch before.  My deployment experiences have been mostly with Linux in recent years, and with small private or personal "servers" running such cutting edge
    software as Windows XP back when it was new.  And even NetWare once.
    When a client asked me if I could set up a server for his business, running Exchange Server (since they really want Outlook with all of its bells and whistles to work, particularly calendars) and providing VPN access for a shared file store, I figured it
    could not be too difficult given that its a small business, with only a few users, and nothing sophisticated in the way of requirements.  For reasons that don't bear explaining here, he was not willing to use a vendor hosting Exchange services or cloud
    storage.  There is no internal network behind the server; it is intended to be a stand-alone server, hanging off a static IP address on the Internet, providing the entirely mobile work-force of about 10 people with Exchange-hosted e-mail for their computers
    and phones, a secure file store, and not much else.  If Exchange didn't need it, I would not need to install Active Directory, for example.  We have no direct need for its services.
    So I did the research and it appears, more by implication than outright assertion, that I should be able to run Windows Server 2012 with Exchange Server 2013 on a server that also hosts Remote Access (VPN only) and does nothing else.  And it appears
    I ought to be able to do it without virtualizing any of it.  However, I have spent the last three or four days fighting one mysterious issue after another.  I had Remote Access VPN working and fairly stable very quickly (although it takes a very
    long time to become available after the server boots), and it has mostly remained reliable throughout although at times while installing Exchange it seems to have dropped out on me.  But I've always been able to get it back after scrounging through the
    logs to find out what is bothering it.  I have occasionally, for a few minutes at a time, had Exchange Server willing to do everything it should do (although not always everything at the same time).  At one point I even received a number of e-mails
    on my BlackBerry that had been sent to my test account on the Exchange Server, and was able to send an e-mail from my BlackBerry to an outside account.
    But then Exchange Server just stopped.  There are messages stuck in the queues, among other issues, but the Exchange Administration Center refuses now to display anything (after I enter my Administrator password, I just get a blank screen, whether on
    the server or remotely).
    So, I am trying to avoid bothering all of you any more than I have to, but let me just begin with the basic question posed in the title: Can I run Exchange Server (and therefore Active Directory and all of its components) and Remote Access (VPN only) on
    a single Windows Server 2012 server?  And if so, do I have to run virtual machines (which will require adding more memory to the server, since I did not plan for it when I purchased it)?  If it can be done, can anyone provide any pointers on what
    the pitfalls are that may be causing my problems?  I am happy to provide whatever additional information anyone might like to help figure it out.

    An old thread but I ran into this issue and thought I share my solution since I ran into the same issue. Configuring VPN removes the HTTPS 443 binding on the Default Site in IIS for some strange reason; just go and editing the bindings, add HTTPS and things
    should be back to normal.

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