Trying to load Minecraft to my iTouch

Why won't Minecraft Pocket Edition Lite load to my iTouch with os ver4.2.1 (suppose to be the latest per "Latest Updates") but Minecraft says it needs ver4.3?

I don't believe Apple has stated a reason, but I would guess that the hardware is not capable of supporting new features of higher Operating Systems.

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    Apologies, without making the assumption that you are signed in
    1) Go to
    2) In the top right hand corner select sign in and enter your Adobe ID and password
    3) Once logged in, on the center of the screen at the left hand side, select the link 'All your purchases and shared items'
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    Kind regards,

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    ''locking as a duplicate -''
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    I have continually waited and it says Firefox is not responding and I may be able to see the multiple tabs opened in my browser but cannot navigate or access them.
    I have read on various sites that users have had as many as 1500 bookmarks load at once in tabs in the Firefox browser version that are outdated.
    I have not been successful with just loading 50 bookmarks my goal is to be able to have 500 tabs loaded in firefox with webpage loading stopped on all of them. I will choose reload for about 10 tabs at a time to view webpage content and then close and move on to the rest.
    My ultimate goal is to clear up the Thousands of bookmarks I have piling on for the past 6 years and some are duplicates or similar page sites.
    Their is no Firefox 3rd party addons that I could locate that would allow this. Only to restrict the number of tabs loaded by giving warning messages when limit is reached.
    Please assist me as it will greatly help me with finally deleting and re-organizing my Favorite and frequent websites in my Browser of choice Firefox.
    The email is generic for privacy but it is valid please respond with methods on how I can achieve my request or suggestions on how I can modify my browser or PC settings to allow this. Thanks Firefox Administration Team.
    I edited with a recent Workaround added to Troubleshoot section.
    If there is a keyboard shortcut or easier way to do this would someone please let me know?

    Firebug is notorious for causing problems like you described.
    Disable it when you don't need it or install it in a 2nd Profile. Then you can launch the 2nd Profile separately to use Firebug and not affect what you are doing in the 1st Profile,

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    --BI version :
    --OS          : WINXP
    Did you run microsoft update program if yes then what patches you have updated?
    -No. I just installed .net framework on my machine before installing this BI publisher.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- edited with XML Spy v4.0 NT beta 1 build Jun 13 2001 ( by Alexander Falk (Altova, Inc.) -->
    <schema xmlns="" xmlns:ipo="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="unqualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
    International Purchase order schema for
    Copyright 2000 All rights reserved.
         <!-- include address constructs -->
         <include schemaLocation="address.xsd"/>
         <element name="purchaseOrder" type="ipo:PurchaseOrderType"/>
         <element name="comment" type="string"/>
         <complexType name="PurchaseOrderType">
                   <element name="shipTo" type="ipo:Address"/>
                   <element name="billTo" type="ipo:Address"/>
                   <element ref="ipo:comment" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <element name="Items" type="ipo:Items"/>
              <attribute name="orderDate" type="date"/>
         <complexType name="Items">
                   <element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                  <element name="productName" type="string"/>
                                  <element name="quantity">
                                            <restriction base="positiveInteger">
                                                 <maxExclusive value="100"/>
                                  <element name="price" type="decimal"/>
                                  <element ref="ipo:comment" minOccurs="0"/>
                                  <element name="shipDate" type="date" minOccurs="0"/>
                             <attribute name="partNum" type="ipo:Sku"/>
         <simpleType name="Sku">
              <restriction base="string">
                   <pattern value="\d{3}-[A-Z]{2}"/>
    Then I created an XMLType table:
    CREATE TABLE purchaseOrder OF XMLType
    XMLSCHEMA "ipo.xsd" ELEMENT "purchaseOrder"
    I'm trying to load the sample XML file ipo.xml into purchaseOrder using SQLLDR. This is ipo.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- edited with XMLSPY v2004 rel. 4 U ( by Mr. Nobody (Altova GmbH) -->
    <ipo:purchaseOrder xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ipo="" orderDate="1999-12-01" xsi:schemaLocation="
         <shipTo export-code="1" xsi:type="ipo:EU-Address">
              <ipo:name>Helen Zoe</ipo:name>
              <ipo:street>47 Eden Street</ipo:street>
         <billTo xsi:type="ipo:US-Address">
              <ipo:name>Robert Smith</ipo:name>
              <ipo:street>8 Oak Avenue</ipo:street>
              <ipo:city>Old Town</ipo:city>
              <item partNum="833-AA">
                   <productName>Lapis necklace</productName>
                   <ipo:comment>Need this for the holidays!</ipo:comment>
              <item partNum="748-OT">
                   <productName>Diamond heart</productName>
                   <ipo:comment>Valentine's day packaging.</ipo:comment>
              <item partNum="783-KL">
                   <productName>Uncut diamond</productName>
              <item partNum="238-KK">
                   <productName>Amber ring</productName>
                   <ipo:comment>With no inclusions, please.</ipo:comment>
              <item partNum="229-OB">
                   <productName>Pearl necklace</productName>
              <item partNum="128-UL">
                   <productName>Jade earring</productName>
    This is what's in the control file:
    INFILE *
    INTO TABLE purchaseOrder TRUNCATE
    xmldata LOBFILE (CONSTANT ipo.xml)
    The load fails with:
    Record 1: Rejected - Error on table PURCHASEORDER.
    ORA-22805: cannot insert NULL object into object tables or nested tables
    Another question I have is, how do we know how many records (0's) to specify in the control file? In this case there's only one but when real files are used we won't know how many are in the file.
    Thanks for your help!

    The concept was "Don't use SQL*Loader to parse XML".
    You can use SQL*Loader to load an entire XML document into the DB. That is fine. You can do the same via BFILENAME to read in files from disk as well.
    If you want to parse XML, do that from within Oracle via PL/SQL and/or SQL. The solution depends upon your version of Oracle and what is good enough for you in terms of performance.
    So the basics are
    a) How am I getting the information?
    b) How am I getting in into Oracle?
    c) How do I want to parse it?
    As I see the schema, it only allows for one ipo:purchaseOrder node in the document, since that is the root node. If you have multiple in the incoming file, you no longer have valid XML, both per the schema and because you have no single root node. You have an XML fragment, which must be treated different.
    Just trying to understand the question since I now realize it does not agree with what the schema in your initial example shows.

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    I am trying to get minecraft for my iPod touch. When I put in my apple ID it says that I have to verify that I can buy it. I click ok I pulls up a site ask me for my apple ID and then I put in my security questions. After that it ask me some weird question like Who Is your favorite teacher and another question like what is your least favorite car model. I did not set those as my secure questions. So can u please help me

    Forgotten Security Questions/Answers
    You need to contact Apple by:
    1 - Use the Express lane and start here:
    then click More Products and Services>Apple ID>Other Apple ID Topics>Forgotten Apple ID security questions.
    Apple - Support -form iTunes Store - Contact Us
    2 - Call Apple in your country by getting the number from here:
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    3 - Use your rescue email address if you set one up
    Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
    For general  information see:
    Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions

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    you need your serial number.
    if you purchased from or registered with adobe check your account,

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    Hello, you need to contact the makers of avast, alwil software
    Firefox is not a security program.

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    I have now tried to load this book twice
    By load do you mean order?  It appears that there may be a damaged image on page 6 or 7. 
    Export all of the photos on those two pages to the desktop as Kind = Originals.  Open each with Preview and save as a new jpeg file.  Import lthose new files into iPhoto, add them to the book and use them to replace the existing photos in those two pages.  Now try ordering again.
    HOWEWVER, you might try this first: boot into Safe Mode, Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode, and try to order from there.  Keep the pdf Preview files you've created to compare with the printed copy when it arrives.

  • Trying to load a javascript link from text file into a dynamic textfile

    Can anyone help me with this problem? Im trying to load in a
    newsfeed from into my text field. If i put this
    javascript link on an html page, the page shows correctly, which is
    im supposed to get 3 dynamic links with news content headlines.
    Please view the link to see what i mean:
    Now, i cannot get this same type of display behavior in my
    text field if i just paste into my text file the javascript link
    thats supposed to bring up the 3 headlines. It is my understanding,
    that flash cannot do this without some sort of specific
    actionscripting, that involves asfusion, and/or externalInterface.
    Im not sure exactly how to go about setting this up to make this
    work. My current code looks like this:
    If anybody could tell me where im going wrong and what i
    should change in order to get the desired result im going for, Id
    very much appreciate it. Thanks

    well sorry there fanmap - but I don't think you're going to
    be able to get this to work. here's why: the link points to a php
    file - which gathers dynamic info from a DB - the return from the
    php is generating a string that is based on the DOM and
    'constructs' a javascript method that in turn writes to the html
    document. although we can embed html into a textField in Flash
    there are a limited number of supported html tags - and JS methods
    will not operate internally. in addition, (i'm not certain someone
    correct this if i'm off) there's no way to 'change' the output of
    the php call, therefore you will not be able to read the return
    because it is designed to use the DOM and write solely to the
    current document. Even if you were to access the JS method from the
    swf file (which one can) it will still only write the content of
    the php return to the html document - and the output is not
    compatible with the textField class.

  • Error when trying to load jar file (loadjava)

    I have been struggling with this issue for a few days. I read all the old threads and solutions online but none of them worked. I wrote some java stored procedures and have been trying to load the required jar files. The error message I keep getting is this:
    ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: Error during loadjava: Failures occurred during processing. Check trace file for details
    I have tried to load them using Enterprise Manager Console and the following:
    call dbms_java.loadjava(' -force -resolve
    c:\javacog\cognosClient.jar', ' -resolver "((* PUBLIC) (*
    SYS) )"')
    Any ideas? We are using Oracle 10gr2, and trying to load Cognos 8.3 SDK jar files. According to Cognos, Java 1.4 is supported.
    Edited by: user10406501 on Oct 8, 2008 2:26 PM

    Sorry to respond to an old message, I was just looking for the solution for the totally different problem.
    Key word 'Cognos' got me here.
    I've menage to load Cognos SDK onto Oracle on Windows XP.
    I've used simple loadjava script. After that it requires some additional GRANTs, and it works.
    If you still are looking for the solution for this problem, respond to this message, and I'll post the scripts.

  • I have a spinning wheel in Mail - stuck on trying to load a new message. I've force quit both Mail and my whole computer, but when I open mail again, it brings up the same new message - and the side bar curser is stuck in Drafts. What can I try to cancel

    I have a spinning wheel in Mail - stuck on trying to load a new message. I've force quit both Mail and my whole computer, but when I open mail again, it brings up the same new message - and the side bar curser is stuck in Drafts. What else can I try to cancel

    Can you log on to the email account via webmail in a web browser, view the email and delete it from there if necessary.

  • Firefox crashes as soon as Flash video tries to load and Safari shows the error "Plug-in Failure"

    I am unable to use Youtube or view Flash video on any sites.
    Firefox crashes/quits as soon as a video tries to load and Safari shows the error "Plug-in Failure".
    I have uninstalled Flash, downloaded a fresh version and installed, but no joy.
    I am using OS X 10.6.6.
    This is what I have tried so far;
    1. Repaired Permissions.
    2. Restarted with external drive and run Disk repair.
    3. Restarted with external drive and run DiskWarrior.
    4. Completely uninstalled Flash plugin. Robooted. Reinstalled Flash plugin. Rebooted.
    5. I even installed an earlier version of the plugin to see if there was some incompatibility with the latest version.
    6. Created a new user login and tried from there. Same problem.
    Any ideas?

    You have what is necessary for Flash Player to be working. Firefox had some issues last year but it was after loading a video or the website. I had not heard of it lately and even last year don't recall it happening on the Macs.
    What is happening with yours sounds like a direct conflict with some addon/extension.
    Here is the link from Firefox describing what happened last year. You might want to see if there is anything more current. x+crashing+browser&as=s
    I'll get the Mac troubleshooting guide in a minute and post it also.
    Any adblock or popup blocker software would cause this also.

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