Trying to run ASDM on Linux

As the title says, I'm trying to run ASDM on Linux (Mint 14), and failing miserably.  I have Oracle Java 6 installed.  Other web-based Java apps seem to work fine, however, when I try to open ASDM, whether directly from the ASA web interface or by running the jnlp file directly from my system, the Java splash screen comes up, "thinks" for about 10 seconds, and then closes.  Nothing else happens.
Any thoughts?

it does not appear to be.  There were 0 packets captured on the ASA when I tried to connet.  I also ran Wireshark on my Linux box, and there was nothing there either.
I'm guessing it's something with Java and the jnlp file.
Here is my Java version:
java -version
java version "1.6.0_43"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_43-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 20.14-b01, mixed mode)

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    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
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    at oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom.getNamespaceURI(
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    My Java Version is:
    java -version:
    java version "1.3.1_04"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1_04-b02)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1_04-b02, mixed mode)
    and any possible environment variable related stuff (all links have been double checked and are valid):
    I would really like to thank you in advance for your concern,
    Best regards,
    Nassos Koyrendas

    JDeveloper is only supported with JDK 1.3.1_02 as we are aware of some issues with 1.3.1_04. Can you try with JDK 1.3.1_02 and see whether the problem still reproduces.
    JDev QA Dear Lisa,
    As I have stated within my previous reply to your immediate answer/response, today I reverted my production PC at work to operate with a single processor Linux kernel (2.4.18-4GB) and also installed JDK 1.3.1_02 but still get the same irritating error that apparently does not allow me perform almost any action at all:
    at oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom.getNamespaceURI(
    at oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom.applyTransforms(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProject.ensureOpen(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProject.getProjectSettings(
    at oracle.ide.AddinManager._registerAddin(
    at oracle.ide.AddinManager.initAddins(
    at oracle.ide.AddinManager.initAddins(
    at oracle.ide.AddinManager.initProductAndUserAddins(
    at oracle.ide.Ide.initProductAndUserAddins(
    at oracle.ide.Ide.startupImpl(
    at oracle.ide.Ide.startup(
    at oracle.ideimpl.IdeMain.main(
    at oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom.getNamespaceURI(
    at oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom.applyTransforms(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProject.ensureOpen(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProject.getProjectSettings(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProject.getActiveConfiguration(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProject.getEncoding(
    at oracle.ide.Ide.getDefaultEncoding(
    at oracle.ide.model.TextNode.loadURLContentIntoBuffer(
    at oracle.ide.model.TextNode.reopen(
    at oracle.ide.model.TextNode.acquireTextBuffer(
    at oracle.ide.model.TextNode.getInputStream(
    at oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html.HtmlEditorConnection.getInputStream(
    at ice.pilots.html4.DOMBuilder.loadData(Unknown Source)
    at ice.pilots.html4.DOMBuilder.linkStyleSheet(Unknown Source)
    at ice.pilots.html4.DOMBuilder.startElement(Unknown Source)
    at ice.pilots.html4.Lex2.doElementCallback(Unknown Source)
    at ice.pilots.html4.Lex2.parseElement(Unknown Source)
    at ice.pilots.html4.Lex2.parseMarkup(Unknown Source)
    at ice.pilots.html4.Lex2.do_parse(Unknown Source)
    at ice.pilots.html4.Lex2.parse(Unknown Source)
    at ice.pilots.html4.Lex2.parse(Unknown Source)
    at ice.pilots.html4.ThePilot.parse(Unknown Source)
    at ice.storm.StormBase.do_render_content(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    No matter what the action that is to be performed is, the JDeveloper application insists on reporting the above mentioned problem and almost always refuses to perform the desired activity!
    Based on your more advanced knowledge of the underlying architecture of JDeveloper, do you happen to have a more clear idea about it and especially the "oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom.getNamespaceURI(" case ?
    Is there anything that I have forgotten to properly configure during the installation of jdeveloper ?
    Any other clues that could further assist me ? I am afraid I am still desperate for any king of useful derictives ?
    I would once again like to thank you for your concern,
    Best regards,
    Nassos Koyrendas

  • Compiled on linux, trying to run on win32

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    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: c:\temp\francConverter
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    import java.text.*;
    public class francConverter {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    double dollars;
    double francs = 100.00;
    final double RATE = 6.85062;
    dollars = francs/RATE;
    DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.00");
    String output = myFormatter.format(dollars);
    I just started learning yesterday, so pls forgive my ignorance. All is running beautifully on Linux. Just don't know how to distribute x-platforms outside an applet, and it's difficult to find info on distributing java programs.
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    Apple only supports Windows on certain hardware.
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    When I remove FPGA option the diag pass.
    Can anyone please let me know which diag I should use in FPGA mode.
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    Hi Durgam,
    Thanks for quick reply. I use these options but sim fails at compile time
    [upendra@dev2 sim]$ sims -sim_type=vcsi -group=thread1_mini -novera_build -novera_run -max_cycle=50000 -vcs_build_args=FPGA_SYN -vcs_build_args=FPGA_SYN_NO_SPU -vcs_build_args=FPGA_SYN_1THREAD
    sims -sim_type=vcsi -group=thread1_mini -novera_build -novera_run -max_cycle=50000 -vcs_build_args=FPGA_SYN -vcs_build_args=FPGA_SYN_NO_SPU -vcs_build_args=FPGA_SYN_1THREAD
    sims: ================================================
    sims: Simulation Script for OpenSPARC T1
    sims: Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    sims: All rights reserved.
    sims: ================================================
    sims: start_time Tue Nov 25 15:03:26 PST 2008
    sims: running on dev2.liga.local
    sims: uname is Linux dev2.liga.local 2.6.9-11.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jun 8 17:54:20 CDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
    sims: version 1.262
    sims: dv_root /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim
    sims: model_dir /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/OpenSPARC_model
    sims: tre_search /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/2008_11_25_1/tre/sims.iver
    sims: Frozen tre_search /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/tools/env/tools.iver
    sims: processing diaglist /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/verif/diag/master_diaglist () ..
    sims: processing group thread1_mini
    sims: using config file /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/tools/src/sims/sims.config ()
    sims -nosimslog -sim_build -novera_build -sys=core1 -vcs_rel_name=thread1_mini_2008_11_25_1 -novera_run -max_cycle=50000 -vcs_build_args=FPGA_SYN -vcs_build_args=FPGA_SYN_NO_SPU -vcs_build_args=FPGA_SYN_1THREAD -nosas -novcs_run
    sims: ================================================
    sims: Simulation Script for OpenSPARC T1
    sims: Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    sims: All rights reserved.
    sims: ================================================
    sims: start_time Tue Nov 25 15:03:27 PST 2008
    sims: running on dev2.liga.local
    sims: uname is Linux dev2.liga.local 2.6.9-11.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jun 8 17:54:20 CDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
    sims: version 1.262
    sims: dv_root /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim
    sims: model_dir /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/OpenSPARC_model
    sims: tre_search /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/2008_11_25_1/tre/sims.iver
    sims: using config file /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/tools/src/sims/sims.config ()
    sims: using random seed 3932776618
    sims: creating model directory /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/OpenSPARC_model/core1/thread1_mini_2008_11_25_1
    sims: setenv VERA_LIBDIR /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/OpenSPARC_model/core1/thread1_mini_2008_11_25_1/vera
    sims: LM_LICENSE_FILE : /apps/mentor/modeltech/license.dat
    sims: Building rtl model
    sims: Caught a SIGDIE. sim_build_cmd not defined at /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/tools/src/sims/sims,1.262 line 2456.
    sims: Caught a SIGDIE. Could not build model for regression at /pub/upendra2/t1_1.6/sim/tools/src/sims/sims,1.262 line 1281.
    I looked at DVGuide. In section 5.3 "Additional FPGA Support in OpenSPARC T1" section It talks about +define. then I serch sims script & found -rtl_config option which I previously used. But with this option the diag fails.
    What should I use in order to compile & run successfully. Pl. let me know.

  • NullPointerException trying to run application

    I'm trying to run my project using JSF 1.2 and Facelets on Tomcat 6. When i do that I'm getting this error:
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ELResolverInitPhaseListener.beforePhase(
         at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.informPhaseListenersBefore(
         at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.restoreView(
         at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
         at Source)
    Can anybody help me with what that error means and how to fix it?

    Thanks for the reply.
    I have the following ones:
    The funny thing is, that the app runs fine at home with the same versin of Eclipse/Tomcat but not over here at work. Both are Devel environments running Windows XP. Also tried to run on Tomcat 6 in linux and got same null pointer.
    Any idea which jar it can be?

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    Well, if your husband managed to ade 1.8 running with wine, I'll gladly take any hint on how he did that. I get get ADE to start.

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    which is the best way to do it?
    im using a macbook air 2012 with 4gigs

    There are strings in the pliist file to add other Macs so that you can use some USB-DVD drives.
    This is 5 page thread, so a little more 'meat' to it:
    And on PC booting Windows from a USB DVD to do the install is usually a piece of cake, sometimes you just need to specify that USB in the BIOS boot order and sometimes select via F12 (or another Fkey) and that is it.
    What you have here seems to be everything and everyone is excluded unless there is a  mac-model device ID string that specifies yes.  An unnecessary hurdle.

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    on my application. Unfortunately Solaris_x86 partition ID is the same as
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    partitions. A way around is to to use partiotion/boot manager (Ranish) to
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    up before booting Linux and reversing the partiotion tables before
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    to do the changes. Is there a better way?

    First install linux then after solaris also never create a linux swap in primary try dos extended

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    It's the other way round: first, you install Parallels, and then you can install Windows 7, 8, Vista, whatever you want. Or Linux. For more information visit the Parallels website.

  • Trying to run an example

    Hello guys
    i am reading the good tutorials about of Technical Articles and Tips of j2me
    i have a problem ,well i am in linux with j2me toolkit 2.2 and use the jvm or jdk 1.5 update 1
    and trying to run the example with servlets to send an email
    well this example consist in 3 java files how is evident
    well i put in the src (folder apps toolkit) of an project to execute the example
    the rest of both java files go to an independent project or folder in tomcat (5.5.9)
    (the web.xml and classes is fine) coz i execute other examples of the same style (that needs localhost or tomcat)
    well i change of course the line of the url to my localhost
    and when i try to send the email appear this message in my visual console in the toolkit
    (is not the unique case related with servlets and email, coz there is an another example of this style that
    throw this message) and the application,
    Project settings saved
    Building "SUN02"
    Build complete
    Running with storage root DefaultColorPhone
    Warning: To avoid potential deadlock, operations that may block, such as
    networking, should be performed in a different thread than the
    commandAction() handler.
    and of course the application deadlock
    how i can fix the code?
    p.d:i only change the line of the url
    thanks a lot for your time

    What are u exactly using? The PLSQL front-end or the Java front-end? How are u seeing this cut off? Is it in SQLPlus or ur own application?

  • Trying to run Vertex vprtmupd for first time

    I am trying to run the Vertex vprtmupd for the first time on a fresh install on Linux. I am on and have run the "Quantum Program Update Installer" with no problem ran great!
    I tried to run "Quantum Data Update Installer" and it failed with this error:
    LOCATION py3vntsetup:2
    APP-PAY-06882: Assertion failure detected at location py3vntsetup:2.
    Cause: an internal error has occurred at location py3vntsetup:2.
    Action: please contact your Oracle customer representative.
    I then tried to run it manuly by running "vprtmupd" and this is what happened:
    Select a Monthly Update Function
    1. - Update Payroll Tax Database
    2. - Exit Program
    Select: 1
    Beginning Payroll Tax Monthly Update Process.
    Enter Data Source: /u01s/app/oracle/appl/pay/11.5.0/vendor/quantum/data
    Unable to establish connection with the Payroll Tax Database. Verify the
    information entered and retry.
    Press Enter to continue...
    WARNING! The update process will destroy the contents of the
    current database before it creates a new one. Please make
    a backup before proceeding.
    Any idea? It seems like I need the tax database created before the "vprtmupd" program will work. How do you create the tax database for the first time?

    The same error is reported in the following docs, please review it and see if any is applicable.
    QuickPay Fails with HR_6882_HRPROC_ASSERT, APP-PAY-06882: Assertion failure Detected at Location py3vntsetup:25 [ID 242952.1]
    VERTEX: Troubleshooting Document [ID 1059679.1]
    Payroll/Quickpay - APP-PAY-06882: Assertion failure detected at location py3vntsetup:1c [ID 315195.1]
    QuickPay Error APP-PAY-06882: Assertion Failure Detected At Location Py3vntsetup:1d [ID 1186805.1]
    Vertex/Quantum Troubleshooting Guide [ID 735986.1]
    After Patch 5366666 Quantum Update Data Installer Fails With APP-PAY-06882 [ID 399182.1]
    After ''Rapid Clone'' Payroll Fails With HR_6882_HRPROC_ASSERT [ID 368124.1]
    After YE 2008 Phase 1 Patch 7259999, Quick Pay Fails with HR_6882_HRPROC_ASSERT [ID 742556.1]

  • I'm trying to install the bm39 linux vpn client on sled 10sp1. I

    I'm trying to install the bm39 linux vpn client on sled 10sp1. I
    installed nici and nmas first, but the vpn client won't install because
    nmas or nici aren't installed. I try to reinstall them but it says
    they're already installed. I try to remove them but it tells me they
    aren't installed. Any ideas? What am I missing? Is there some way
    to clean this up and start over?
    mark-x:/home/mark/nwclient/x86_64 # rpm -e nici64-2.7.3-12.x86_64.rpm
    error: package nici64-2.7.3-12.x86_64.rpm is not installed
    mark-x:/home/mark/nwclient/x86_64 # rpm -i nici64-2.7.3-12.x86_64.rpm
    package nici64-2.7.3-12 is already installed
    mark-x:/home/mark/nwclient/x86_64 # rpm -e novell-nmasclient-3.4.0-17.x86_64.rpm
    error: package novell-nmasclient-3.4.0-17.x86_64.rpm is not installed
    mark-x:/home/mark/nwclient/x86_64 # rpm -i novell-nmasclient-3.4.0-17.x86_64.rpm
    package novell-nmasclient-3.4.0-17 is already installed
    mark-x:/home/mark/nwclient/x86_64 #
    TIA for any help or suggestions.

    Thanks, I should have caught that.
    I should be able to install 32 bit sled in a vm and run the client from there, right?
    >>> On 4/17/2008 at 6:18 AM, in message <2eHNj.4636$[email protected]>, mysterious<[email protected]> wrote:
    Mark wrote:
    > I'm trying to install the bm39 linux vpn client on sled 10sp1. I
    > installed nici and nmas first, but the vpn client won't install because
    > nmas or nici aren't installed. I try to reinstall them but it says
    > they're already installed. I try to remove them but it tells me they
    > aren't installed. Any ideas? What am I missing? Is there some way
    > to clean this up and start over?
    > mark-x:/home/mark/nwclient/x86_64 # rpm -e nici64-2.7.3-12.x86_64.rpm
    > error: package nici64-2.7.3-12.x86_64.rpm is not installed
    > mark-x:/home/mark/nwclient/x86_64 # rpm -i nici64-2.7.3-12.x86_64.rpm
    > package nici64-2.7.3-12 is already installed
    > mark-x:/home/mark/nwclient/x86_64 # rpm -e
    > novell-nmasclient-3.4.0-17.x86_64.rpm
    > error: package novell-nmasclient-3.4.0-17.x86_64.rpm is not installed
    > mark-x:/home/mark/nwclient/x86_64 # rpm -i
    > novell-nmasclient-3.4.0-17.x86_64.rpm
    > package novell-nmasclient-3.4.0-17 is already installed
    > mark-x:/home/mark/nwclient/x86_64 #
    > TIA for any help or suggestions.
    vpn linux client is only supported on the 32 bit OS

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    Hello Gurus How do I configure or start working on portals which is installed as part of BI 7.0 installation that is  EP and EP Core(Includes BI-JAVA and ABAP Stacks). Please help me out with possible guidance(if possible Step by Step procedure) how

  • Oracle CLOB fails to display in the Java report viewer (CR4E 2.0)

    We are using Crystal XI report designer and CR4E 2.0 report engine accessing a Oracle 10g MAXIMO database.  There is one field (longdescription.ldtext) that is an Oracle CLOB, which Crystal sees as a Memo data-type field, that displays just fine in C