TS1410 how to retrieve ipod information

I tried to sync my daughter's ipod on to my Mac and Itunes and it couldn't sync the itunes but she lost all her app's. How can I retreive all her app's??  Thanks!!!!  A

Restore them from your backup, or use these instructions to redownload them through the iCloud.

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    Hi Leo,
    Try the below OID , i am not sure if it is Implemented yet or not  ::
    Object     cpaePortOperVlanType
    Values     1 : other
    2 : none
    3 : guest
    4 : authFail
    MIB     CISCO-PAE-MIB ;   -   View Supporting Images this link will generate a new window
    Description     "The type of the Vlan which is assigned to this port via IEEE-802.1x and related methods of authentication supported by the system.
    A value of 'other' for this object indicates type of Vlan assigned to this port; via IEEE-802.1x authentication; is other than the ones specified by listed enumerations for this object.
    A value of 'none' for this object indicates that there is no Vlan assigned to this port via IEEE-802.1x authentication. For such a case, corresponding value of cpaePortOperVlan object will be zero.
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    Heres some code that I have. This might be what your looking for. getSystemDisplayName will
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    Code help is highly rewarded.

    Hi Rajesh!
    I have tried your code. But some where i went wrong. Please correct me: I am using NWDS2.0.9
    my web.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
        <display-name>WEB APP</display-name>
        <description>WEB APP description</description>
    my application.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN"
        <description>EAR description</description>
    and my servlet code:
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.PrintWriter;
    import java.io.Writer;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.Result;
    import javax.xml.transform.Source;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
    import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
    import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import com.sun.java_cup.internal.parser;
    import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl;
    public class DisplayRes extends HttpServlet {
         public void doGet(HttpServletRequest requset, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
              doWork(requset, response);
         public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException
              doWork(req, resp);
         private void doWork(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException
              String path = null;
              PrintWriter out = null;
              PrintWriter p2=resp.getWriter();     
                   out = resp.getWriter();
                   path = req.getPathInfo();
                   if(req.getContentLength() != -1){
                   outputURI(req.getInputStream(), out);
              } catch (IOException ioe) {     return;     
         //private void outputURI(InputStream resultStream, Writer out) {
              private void outputURI(InputStream resultStream, PrintWriter out) {
              if (resultStream == null) {
    //             no default file
    //            logger.error("No File to return");
              try {
              DocumentBuilder parser = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
    //            Class clazz = loader.loadClass("org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl");
    //            DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl factory = (DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl) clazz.newInstance();
    //            DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
              parser.setEntityResolver(new ClassPathEntityResolver());
              printXML(parser.parse(resultStream), out);
              } catch (Exception e) {
    //            logger.error("Trying to parse the output " , e);
         //private void printXML(Document document, Writer writer) throws Exception {
              private void printXML(Document document, PrintWriter writer) throws Exception {
              Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
              Source source = new DOMSource(document);
              Result output = new StreamResult(System.out);
              transformer.transform(source, output);
    //             Write as XML so that entity references can be resolved.
              if (writer != null) {
              transformer.transform(source, new StreamResult(writer));
    Please tell me how to display in servlet.
    If it is better to display in a browser. Please send me the code.

  • Bought a new 4s and need to transfer photos from iCloud to new device. iCloud is giving me an old @me address. I do not have the email or pw  for the iCloud account. How do I retrieve this information? Thanks.

    Bought a new 4s and need to transfer photos from iCloud to new device. iCloud is giving me an old @me address. I do not have the email or pw  for the iCloud account. How do I retrieve this information? Thanks.

    If you need to change the iCloud ID on your new phone you have to go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account, provide the password for the old ID when prompted to turn off Find My iPhone, then sign back in with the ID you wish to use.  If you don't know the password for your old ID, or if it isn't accepted, go to https://appleid.apple.com, click Manage my Apple ID and sign in with your current iCloud ID.  Click edit next to the primary email account, change it back to your old email address and save the change.  Then edit the name of the account to change it back to your old email address.  You can now use your current password to turn off Find My iPhone on your device, even though it prompts you for the password for your old account ID. Then save any photo stream photos that you wish to keep to your camera roll.  When finished go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account and choose Delete from My iDevice when prompted (your iCloud data will still be in iCloud).  Next, go back to https://appleid.apple.com and change your primary email address and iCloud ID name back to the way it was.  Now you can go to Settings>iCloud and sign in with your current iCloud ID and password.

  • My iMac (late 2010 model) desktop's hard drive is fried (was about 200GB). How much am I expecting to pay for a new one and retrieve my information?

    My iMac (late 2010 model) desktop's hard drive is fried (was about 200GB). How much am I expecting to pay for a new one and retrieve my information?

    As you can see Erin, trying to recover information from a hosed drive can be very expensive. 
    I would suggest first the OWC site as well. You can get a new drive of choice in size there.
    I would also get the voyager  http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Newer%20Technology/VOYQHDB1.0T/
    Wth your lap top and these folllowing tools your are set to change out the drive, reload OS and then with
    the voyager pop in the old iMac drive and with the Prosoft software, try to mount and recover the files. Data Rescue is very good at this " if " the drive is not totally mechanically hosed. Drive Genius is very good at a number of things too. Nothing replaces the old adage of Back Up Back up Back up.
    The voyage I listed can become the new backup drive for you.. your choice of tools: Time Machine or by cloning via CarbonCopyCloner or by what I use SuperDuper! IF you want to be really kewl.. both. By that I mean cloning and Time Machine.
    It will take you an hour to swap out the drive and spring clean the iMac.. there is a hundred how too,s on you tube.
    Hope this helps. Remember if is always when a drive will fail..they all do. I tell the people I support that Harddrives are good for 15 min.. to when they don't work. They will all fail.
    Apple Geniuses are very limited to what they can and will do as far as file recovery.
    Your best bet is to try to do it your self first. There is lots of help out here and you are not the first.

  • How to retrieve client certificate information from sender mail adapter

    Hi, expert:
    I have a requirement to verify the validation of coming email with digital certification. The mail is with digital certification. If the coming email is valid, I 'll get the attachemt of the mail for further processing. I have a sender mail adapter and receiver file adapter configued.
    I have already my own developed adapter module, which is configued in mail adapter. My question is how to retrieve the detailed certificate information in the adapter module developed by myself. Is it feasible?
    Thanks a lot.

    The WL-Client-Proxy cert should be the cert used on the proxy side if SSL is configured between Apache and WebLogic, so I believe that is the reason why that does not work. Basically, the problem here is that SSL is end-to-end, and the two ends of this transaction are the client and apache.
    That said, when you add the +ExportCertData option, this should record the client's SSL certificate in the vairable SSL_CLIENT_CERT.  So you should be able to use request.getAttribute("SSL_CLIENT_CERT").
    If this doesn't work for you (which is possible if the WL_Proxy is doing something funny to the request), it is probably best just to dump out the entire contents of the session, and see what you have:
    for (Enumeration e = request.getAttributeNames() ; e.hasMoreElements() ; ) {
    String attr = (String)e.nextElement();
    System.out.println("ATTR = " + attr);
    System.out.println("VAL = " + request.getAttribute(attr));
    If you can't see any SSL certificate there, you will have to work out some way to pass this on manually.

  • RE: Polymorphism - retrieving type information from thedatabase or how

    Ok but if I was to model a real restaurant, I would then have a head chef
    that can then delegate to other chefs. This head chef would have the
    additional task of coordinating the completion of subservient chefs. This
    does not and would not mean that the head chef is stuck (or partitioned) in
    one part of the kitchen. Further a head chef would most likely also be a
    chef so that he would be running around the kitchen using and interacting
    with different objects to get his part of the recipe completed. Then once
    all chefs have completed their part of the recipe the head chef could return
    the meal.
    I would also point out that it does not make sense to me to be talking about
    the chef and its ability to scale. I would look that the resource limited
    devices that must be used to prepare meals to see scalability. In this case
    the grill, the stove and the microwave. Scalability of the restaurant is a
    function of the amount of resource limited devices versus the number of
    process (i.e. chefs) that need to use those devices concurrently and the
    amount of time they require access to those devices. By talking about chefs
    as if they are the scalability limiting factor seems to bring us back to the
    notion that the chef is a manager object that is shared. And again I come
    back to the question, why?
    You may now think that in a real restaurant, there are only so many chefs so
    why not make it a shared service? Well in a real restaurant there are only
    so many of any object, but this is not a consideration in our restaurant
    model. In our "virtual" restaurant hiring a chef is as easy as:
    Chef = new;
    And of course chefs are of zero mass so there can be a whole lot in the
    kitchen. Now assuming the Grill, Stove and Microwave map to physical
    objects in our computing environment, then that is the limiting factor and
    are therefore partitioned. Whenever communication has to go through a
    single source, then scalability breaks down. I fear that too many people
    make shared objects and create communication bottlenecks where they simply
    don't exist. The only place your scalability bottlenecks should exist is in
    the actual resource limited objects of your computing environment. Simply
    said, if something isn't a resource limited object, then why is it shared?
    If anyone is not clear how to architect an application independently of the
    business model, then I would suggest looking at various framework products
    and reading some technical architecture white papers to get a different, and
    possibly enlightening, point of view.
    Mark Perreira
    Sage IT Partners.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Don Nelson [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 9:04 AM
    To: Mark Perreira
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Polymorphism - retrieving type information from the
    First, I completely agree about the naming. I purposely used rather
    euphamistic names for these "managers", since I see many convoluted names
    for common things in various applications. But that is a topic for another
    Simply because there is a "manager" of some type, does not imply that it is
    chained to a particular duty. However, let's look at a real life case. In
    a large restaurant, you would rarely see a chef chopping carrots or serving
    dishes to customers. Those are the responsibilities of the sous-chef and
    the waiter. So, we see that the chef does not really follow the food
    around. Why not? Because it simply doesn't scale. When scalability isn't
    a problem, (the restaurant isn't that popular, for example) the chef has
    some lattitude to accept more responsibility, and might even get involved
    with purchasing, etc.
    In the real world, the more scalable something has to be, the narrower the
    responsibilities are for each of the participating members.
    At 12:59 AM 6/17/98 -0700, Mark Perreira wrote:
    One thing that always baffles me is when should an Object get the moniker
    "Manager." This practice seems to tell me a couple of things about these
    objects. In general when someone makes reference to a "Manager" objectthat
    it is probably a service object and probably contains no or very little
    attribution. The question is why? If I am developing an object model why
    am I thinking about such implementation issues.
    Surely if you are trying to model cooking an egg I would not see
    "SustenancePreparationManager" in your model. Using a more common term I
    would still be alarmed to see "CookManager" in your model. What does the
    CookManager manage? Does it manage other cooks or eggs. Maybe it shouldbe
    called an EggManager, but that doesn't make sense. How about just Cook.
    There that seems like the real world. And this brings me to a problem in
    the analogy. Conjuring up managers in a model can sometimes make you missa
    container. For example, I would say that if we wanted to model the real
    world, then eggs is a specialization of ingredient that is contained by
    recipe that can be given to a cook to be prepared.
    I may have many cooks (objects) that can prepare recipes and my application
    architecture not the object model needs to deal with how to best let those
    cooks utilize the grill, stove and microwave that sits on different
    partitions on my server. My cooks can move around and when they do they
    take their ability to know how to cook with them. In the real world Iwould
    expect a cook to use the right appliance to prepare the recipe based on its
    contents. I would not chain every cook to its appliance and them make me
    responsible for giving the right cook the right recipe. This is what
    managers can cause. They cause the consumer of cooks to know which cookcan
    prepare what recipes based on where they are chained. This then makes me
    know something about cooking. And if I don't know anything about cooking I
    can only image what my egg would look like if I accidentally gave therecipe
    to the cook stationed at the microwave.
    Ok Ok, I have seen many architectures use facades to hide the fact that I
    like to chain my cooks to their appliance. But what is that. I have gone
    to restaurants and I don't know what a cook facade is. If I ask themanager
    to present the cook facade manager employee I would probably be met by the
    bouncer employee.
    So what is the answer? Well for a start keep the application architecture
    out of the model. The model should stand alone in describing the
    interactions required to satisfy use cases. Second find an architecture
    that describes a more responsibility driven design and how that design and
    can map your business object behavior to a physical implementation with
    appliances and cooking rules. And lastly, don't be so quick to chain your
    cooks to their appliances. Give them some control over where they cook
    their recipes, after all that is what they do.
    Mark Perreira
    Sage IT Partners.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected]
    [<a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]]On</a> Behalf Of Don Nelson
    Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 2:07 PM
    To: Nick Willson
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Polymorphism - retrieving type information from the
    This thread is switching context a bit, but I would add one thought tothe
    idea of encapsulating behavior. One of the advantages to OO is that it
    helps us model real world behavior. In the real world, I would not askan
    invoice to stuff itself into an envelope and mail itself to its
    customer; I
    would not ask my vehicle to fuel itself or change its own oil; I wouldnot
    tell an egg carton to ask one of its eggs to fry itself. Even if these
    things were physically feasible, I could list a number of reasons why I
    still wouldn't want to do them. That is why we haveVehicleRepairManagers
    and SustenancePreparationManagers (aka, "Mechanics" and "Cooks").
    At 11:28 PM 6/15/98 -0700, Nick Willson wrote:
    You've had lots of good suggestions so I hope you won't mind an attempt
    at another one. The consensus seems to be for your option (1) for the
    Vehicle table, and Steve's example of a GenericConstraint (taking the
    place of your Vehicle) is probably how most people would go about
    answering your question. I don't have much to add to that, just wanted
    to offer something about where the persistence mechanism lives and how
    things look to clients that depend on it.
    Suppose for a moment you think about the Vehicle classes' persistence as
    being just one aspect of their behavior. In addition to persistence,
    you might have to implement security, or locking for concurrent access,
    or caching of vehicle objects to improve performance, and of course you
    want to calculate the vehicle tax and probably do other things with
    Vehicles too.
    You can put the persistence aspect of Vehicles into a
    PersistenceObjectManager, but then the others need somewhere too. If
    you use a bunch of Managers (one for security, one for locking...) then
    each class's behavior is scattered across these various Manager classes,
    each of which has to know about many classes. Or if you use one Manager
    class, it's going to know still more, plus you are forced to implement
    all the behavior in (or at least via) that manager's partition.
    An alternative would be to keep all the Vehicle classes' behavior
    encapsulated together, so a client always makes requests to a Vehicle,
    and the Vehicle delegates the implementation of requests to a chain of
    handler objects that hang off the vehicle object (a handler for
    security, another for persistence, and so on).
    One of the nice things about this is, the handlers can be responsible
    for going to another partition (if necessary), e.g. to perform
    persistence operations, or for more business-specific operations like
    tax calculations. And because the handlers are smart, you don't have to
    put a lot of code into service objects, the SOs can stay pretty simple.
    This isn't an approach you'll see in Express, so I hope of it's of some
    General wrote:
    Part 1.1 Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
    Encoding: quoted-printable--
    Nick Willson
    SCAFFOLDS Consultant,
    Sage IT Partners, Inc.
    (415) 392 7243 x 373
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    Don Nelson
    Regional Consulting Manager - Rocky Mountain Region
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    Don Nelson
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    You are absolutely correct. But this is where I honestly think you are
    missing the point. While the mail program sends the mail, my mail message
    has an interface (i.e. send button) which can delegate that to the mail
    program. This makes it nice and simple for me the consumer of the mail
    program. It also means I can think of mailing by focusing on the interface
    (i.e. the button). It would suck if every time I wanted to mail something I
    had to identify the correct pop server to send it to (i.e the MailManager).
    Mailing something is the collaboration of the setup information of the mail
    program and my mail message. If I were to model this my mail object would
    indeed have a send method that could delegate to the correct mail servers.
    This is just simplicity of interface and it is a good practice in UI
    development just as it is in business model development. A simpler
    interface, I think we can all agree, provides for a better and quicker
    Mark Perreira
    Sage IT Partners.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected]
    [<a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]]On</a> Behalf Of Don Nelson
    Sent: Thursday, June 18, 1998 9:22 AM
    To: Nick Willson
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Polymorphism - retrieving type information from the
    It turns out that your message does not, indeed send itself. Your mailing
    program does that.
    At 11:54 PM 6/17/98 -0700, Nick Willson wrote:
    Hey Don,
    In the real world, no, you can't tell an invoice to put itself into anenvelope
    and mail itself. You have to know about stamps and post boxes and wherethey
    are located. But isn't it nice that in software you don't have to followthe
    real world very closely if you don't want to?
    Above the top left hand corner of this message I'm typing right now, thereis a
    send button which lets me tell the message to 'stuff itself into anenvelope
    and mail itself'. Why wouldn't you want to do that?
    Don Nelson wrote:
    This thread is switching context a bit, but I would add one thought to
    idea of encapsulating behavior. One of the advantages to OO is that it
    helps us model real world behavior. In the real world, I would not askan
    invoice to stuff itself into an envelope and mail itself to its customer;I
    would not ask my vehicle to fuel itself or change its own oil; I wouldnot
    tell an egg carton to ask one of its eggs to fry itself. Even if these
    things were physically feasible, I could list a number of reasons why I
    still wouldn't want to do them. That is why we haveVehicleRepairManagers
    and SustenancePreparationManagers (aka, "Mechanics" and "Cooks").
    At 11:28 PM 6/15/98 -0700, Nick Willson wrote:
    You've had lots of good suggestions so I hope you won't mind an attempt
    at another one. The consensus seems to be for your option (1) for the
    Vehicle table, and Steve's example of a GenericConstraint (taking the
    place of your Vehicle) is probably how most people would go about
    answering your question. I don't have much to add to that, just wanted
    to offer something about where the persistence mechanism lives and how
    things look to clients that depend on it.
    Suppose for a moment you think about the Vehicle classes' persistence as
    being just one aspect of their behavior. In addition to persistence,
    you might have to implement security, or locking for concurrent access,
    or caching of vehicle objects to improve performance, and of course you
    want to calculate the vehicle tax and probably do other things with
    Vehicles too.
    You can put the persistence aspect of Vehicles into a
    PersistenceObjectManager, but then the others need somewhere too. If
    you use a bunch of Managers (one for security, one for locking...) then
    each class's behavior is scattered across these various Manager classes,
    each of which has to know about many classes. Or if you use one Manager
    class, it's going to know still more, plus you are forced to implement
    all the behavior in (or at least via) that manager's partition.
    An alternative would be to keep all the Vehicle classes' behavior
    encapsulated together, so a client always makes requests to a Vehicle,
    and the Vehicle delegates the implementation of requests to a chain of
    handler objects that hang off the vehicle object (a handler for
    security, another for persistence, and so on).
    One of the nice things about this is, the handlers can be responsible
    for going to another partition (if necessary), e.g. to perform
    persistence operations, or for more business-specific operations like
    tax calculations. And because the handlers are smart, you don't have to
    put a lot of code into service objects, the SOs can stay pretty simple.
    This isn't an approach you'll see in Express, so I hope of it's of some
    General wrote:
    Part 1.1 Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
    Encoding: quoted-printable--
    Nick Willson
    SCAFFOLDS Consultant,
    Sage IT Partners, Inc.
    (415) 392 7243 x 373
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    Don Nelson
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    Don Nelson
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