Turn my Mac Mini PowerPC G4 into a Server??

I have a Mac Mini 1.42 GHz PowerPC G4 that is sitting idle.  Can I turn it into a server?  Is it a software download or something similar?

You can get Leopard server here but no cheap;
http://www.amazon.com/Apple-Version-Leopard-10-Client-License/dp/B000BX7JLE/ref= sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1412625675&sr=8-6&keywords=mac+os+x+leopard+server
Linux server should probably work. See:

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    Is this a screensaver?
    Push the power button and hold it until the mini shuts down, then start it again.

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    You need an Intel-based Mac with Leopard to use the iPhone SDK:

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    iMac; Mac Mini;Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    Hallo, I installed the program as you said. Everything ok.
    When i have to give my serialnummer, it is not accepted. Code is not valid he said
    Op 21-sep.-2014, om 17:44 heeft Rikk Flohr <[email protected]> het volgende geschreven:
    Hi, I want to install my lightroom version on a new mac pro. How do i get started. Can't find it on this site. Thx
    created by Rikk Flohr in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
    Hit the Download link at the bottom the page.
    Hit Lightroom
    Hit Free Trial
    When you are done downloading, launch, and enter your serial number from your previous installation.
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  • Mac mini wont connect to exchange server

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    Hmm, the fact that that link didn't work may be thekey, here's that page anyway...
    By Erik Eckel
    October 25, 2011, 6:00 AM PDT
    Takeaway: Erik Eckel addresses a common problem — trying to get Lion Mail connected to Exchange servers. Here are some tips for how to do it.
    Many technology professionals become frustrated when connecting Macs to Exchange servers. The frustration typically results from a misunderstanding of Microsoft Exchange technologies. Here’s what Lion users and administrators should know.
    Exchange Web Services is the key
    When connecting a Mac OS X Lion system, the email server should be running Exchange 2007 or 2010. Microsoft Exchange 2003 does not leverage the newer Exchange Web Services (EWS) introduced with the 2007 platform. iPhones and iPads leverage ActiveSync technology, which is one of the reasons those mobile devices typically work with Exchange 2003 servers.
    While there are workarounds for connecting Lion systems to Exchange 2003 servers, including leveraging POP3, IMAP or browser-based OWA technologies, those solutions are less secure and support fewer capabilities. Anyone considering such options should remember that Microsoftsuspended mainstream support for Microsoft Exchange 2003 in April 2009. Organizations still dependent upon Exchange 2003 infrastructure should already be planning if not implementing their Exchange 2010 migrations.
    Connecting Lion Mail
    Assuming an SSL certificate is installed, DNS A and MX records are properly configured, and the organization’s firewall passes the appropriate traffic, you can follow these steps to connect Mac OS X Lion’s Mail application to an Exchange 2007/2010 server:
    Open Mail.
    Click File and select Add Account.
    Specify the user’s name in the Full Name field. Enter the email address and type the password associated with the user’s Windows/Exchange user account, then click the Continue button. Mail will search for the associated email server; users may have to click Connect if Mail reports it cannot verify the identity of the email server.
    When the Incoming Mail Server screen appears, select Exchange from the Account Type drop down menu.
    Within the Incoming Mail Server field, specify the email server, providing again the user name and password.
    Check the Contacts and Calendars boxes if you wish also to synchronize those items, then click Continue.
    If SSL is to be used, check the Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) box on the Incoming Mail Security screen and then click Continue.
    An Account Summary will appear. Review the information entered to ensure accuracy, then click Create.
    Connecting Outlook 2011
    Microsoft Outlook 2011 users can configure the application to connect to properly configured Exchange servers by following these steps:
    Open Outlook 2011.
    Click Tools and select Accounts. If an account already exists, click the + icon and select Exchange. Otherwise, click Exchange Account from the Add an Account screen.
    Enter the email address within the E-mail address field, then specify the authentication method. The most common method is likely the default user name and password configuration. Once you supply the requisite information, click the Add Account button (note Outlook selects the Configure automatically box by default).
    If Outlook is unable to automatically configure the account, you will need to specify the server address, then click Add Account.
    The Accounts screen will then appear. If additional settings must be configured, click the Advanced button. From the Server tab, you can override and update ports and change the server address, among other options. The Delegates and Security tabs, meanwhile, enable configuring delegate users, digital signing, and encryption certificates.

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    There were ways to get Front Row onto systems which were at first not compatible (it's not supported by Apple but you may still find instructions if you Google it) but Front Row in Leopard works extremely well with G4 minis, as long as you have at least 512Mb RAM. Of course a copy of Leopard adds to the cost of the project!
    However, you don't need Leopard to be able to access the iTunes library on another system at home. As long as that system is connected to the same network, and is set to share it's library, the mini should be able to see that shared library even if it's running an earlier version of MacOS. You might want to have a look over at the iTunes area of Apple Discussions (http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=789) for information on how to set it up if you're not familiar with doing so.
    In terms of your video problem, if you're getting a usable screen up until the point where the mini is logging itself into your user account, then you have display preferences set to something the TV can't handle. I'm not very knowledgeable on connecting minis to HDTVs, so you might be better posting a new thread asking this question in the 'using displays' section of the Mac mini discussion area (http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=761), to increase the chances of one of our resident experts on this area of using these systems seeing your problem and responding. However, if you connect your mini to an ordinary display and reset it to a basic screen resolution, such as 800x600 at 60Hz, it should then work with your TV sufficient that you can get a usable display to start from. You may then need a utility such as switchresX to help set up your display settings to make it work correctly - you'll find a number of threads in the 'using displays' area on this general area of Mac mini use!

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    mazwig wrote:
    I just want to know if I turn off iMessages and iCloud Back up, and ONLY use SMS myself and my family just SMS's me - and do this on my PHONE ONLY and not touch his ipad (so he doesn't know), if he will get any of my messages I send or receive on his ipad please. Its just a temp thing and I just want to take action myself on my own phone and want to know if this will work. Does anyone know?
    SMS messages will not go to the iPad Mini. It's not capable of receving them. If you have access and can do it without it causing a problem, remove your iPhone from the Apple ID Support profile:
    Go to: https://supportprofile.apple.com/MySupportProfile.do
    Log in if not already logged in.
    Click on "Edit Products"
    Click on the "X" to the right of the product.
    Click "Unregister"
    If anyone in your family uses iMessage, they will go to both you and your boyfriend unless you do that.
    To be completely safe, you may want to simply use an alternate message app such as Skype, Viber, Whatsapp (assuming everyone has a smartphone) until the issue is resolved. Google Voice will also allow you to send and receive texts to another number on your phone.
    Best of luck.

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    I have a Mac mini (intel) which was running happily running a fully updated leopard os, then for no aparent reason the airport would not turn on rendering wifi conections impossible. after hours of hunting for help and finding none i bought snow leopard and did a full install in the hope of retifying the problem.
    unfortunalty the problem is still there, sometimes it says airport card not installed sometimes its there, but whatever it says nothing happens when i try to turn it on i press the turn on button but nothing happens.
    for fear of the card itsself being faulty i bought a usb wifi dongle, istalled it as per the instructions yet still i cannot get wirelessly on the internet
    can someone please help?

    Try doing a complete reinstall again. Not an update, a fresh install.

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    Is it worth it or should I just buy one of the new minis?

    The newer versions are faster. Our 1.5Ghz G4 works fine for word processing, email, and most internet work, although some video strains it. If I had a choice of spending $200 on a G4 or buying new, I'd buy new, as it's more likely to last longer in terms of horsepower and applications it can run, and there are a number of applications that require an Intel-based processor.

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    What backups do you have?

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    Startup holing the Option key and see if the Startup Manager will allow you to select the Macintosh HD.
    see > Startup Manager: How to select a startup volume
    If not, then return it for either a full refund, a replacement system or help. 

  • Mac Mini as 600 cd Music Server - up to the task??

    I have two 400 disc cd-changers that I am endeavering to replace with a Mac Mini. My wife bought me (bless her soul!) a 60gb core duo mini for Christmas. We have an iMac in our office and love the convenience of using Front Row with our 200+ iTune songs. We love it so much that we'd like to have the same convenience of perusing our cd collection in our living room - plus it would mean getting rid of two behemoth-sized CD-changers.
    My Question:
    Is the mini and Front Row up to the task? I want to use the mini exclusively for music. Any problems with feeding nearly 600 cds into the drive of the mini? I plan on ripping nearly all CD's using Apple lossless encoding (I'm an audio geek). ..I know that I will have to buy an outboard hard-drive (probably a 500GB LaCie).
    Secondly, any good recommendations for a cheap monitor? Since I will only be using this to select music, create playlists, etc.. it need not be top tier in terms of resolution, etc.. That said, I would like it to be flat and slim so as to fit on the table next to our stereo system.
    Many thanks to all readers/ responders!

    Firstly, thank you all responders. ..Your input was indeed considered.
    Well, I did exactly as I endeavored and turned my new Mac mini into a music server. So far so good. A few comments regarding the process:
    Expanded capacity: I purchased a LaCie 250GB and directed iTunes to store all music on it. It works flawlessly. My concerns that Front Row would function sluggishly due to using an outboard drive and due to the sheer size of the library were unfounded. So far, I have not had a single mishap.
    Monitor: Though I would have preferred something in the 6-10" range, the smallest I could find was a 15" Envision for $79 (after $120 mail in rebate). Though a bit ostentatious for my modest digs, it works great.
    Outboard CD-Rom/ DVD Drive: Acting on the advice of an employee at an Apple store, I elected to use an outboard CD-Rom drive rather than extract the 600 cds using the integrated drive on the Mac Mini. For $70, it seemed like a good idea. ..Easier to replace an outboard drive, than have to ship the Mini back for service.
    One small problem encountered: After hooking the whole thing up and playing a few tracks back, I noticed that if I held my ear close to my speakers (Vandersteen 3A Sig), I could hear a faint hum from the tweeter. Dang, a ground loop. ..Thankfully, a $15 ground loop filter from Radio Shack took care of the problem without any harmful affects on the sound.
    For >$1000, I now have a very cool music server that I expect to have great fun playing with. ..Good luck to any who might do the same.
    IMAC (early 2006)   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   1.5 G Ram

  • Using Mac Mini as a home music server

    I own an unused 2009 Mac Mini and some 800G of music (in Apple Lossless format).  I was thinking of upgrading Mac Mini's internal HD to 1TB, download my Music into the Mac Mini and wire it to one of our 2 Hi-Fi sound systems.
    As we also own a SONOS system, the music could then be played wirelessly into different locations within our house, including another Hi-Fi sound system.
    The other pieces of hardware we own are :
    - One 2010 Mac Book Pro w. Mountain Lion (350 G / 8 G of RAM)
    - One 2011 Apple TV
    - One Ipad 2 (64 G)
    - Two Iphones 4S (16 G)
    - 3 other Ipods
    Of course, we would like the music to be available from all these devices as well, especially to be able to manage our Iphones/Ipods from our MacBook Pro (where agenda, contacts, pictures... resides under two different profiles - and two Itunes/appstore accounts)
    I am asking here in order to validate :
    Q1 -  Is that this is a workable architecture, or  I am mistaken in this design ?
       Q1.1 - Would it be more efficient to put the music library on an extarnal drive lwired to the Router and access it from all devices ?
       Q1.2 - Will access from the other devices will be best acheived by granting read/write privileges to the users on the Mac Pro on the Mac Mini (so Mac Pro Itune can point directly to the remote library), or by sharing the music library via music sharing ?
    Q2 - would I need a special server OS on the Mac Mini ? 
    Here is a schema.
    Many thanks for your input.

    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer [or another drive] - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4527
    do not confuse moving your whole folder and library with moving just media files as in
    iTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Media folder - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1449
    Quick answer if you let iTunes manage your music:  Copy the whole iTunes folder and all its subfolders and files intact to the other drive.  Start iTunes with the option key held down and guide it to the new location of the library.
    If your whole iTunes folder + library files is already on the external, simply start the other computer's iTunes with the option key held down after the drive has mounted.

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