Tween issues

I'm having intermittent issues with a roll_over / roll_off tween.  I have had this problem before and being self taught, I'm wondering if I'm not doing something a little less than perfect.
The issue is, if I roll_off too fast, sometimes things get stuck.  Also, I seem to notice it more on Safari than I do on IE or Mozilla, which is another mystery to me as I was under the impression that Flash is not affected by browser.
If anyone could shed some light on this, it would be appreciated.
Here's the link: hxxp://
Here's the package:
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;         // Stong.easeOut as opposed to linear
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    public class MosquitoAviation_AS extends MovieClip{
        public function MosquitoAviation_AS(){
            // image holder outline left
            var imageBorder:Shape = new Shape();
  , 0xbdc3bc);
            imageBorder.visible = false;
            // image holder outline right           
            var imageBorderB:Shape = new Shape();
  , 0xbdc3bc);
            imageBorderB.visible = false;
            // add to thumbnails to the stage
            var thumb1:thumb1_btn = new thumb1_btn();
            thumb1.x = 115;
            thumb1.y = 580;
            var thumb2:thumb2_btn = new thumb2_btn();
            thumb2.x = 304;
            thumb2.y = 580;
            var thumb3:thumb3_btn = new thumb3_btn();
            thumb3.x = 674;
            thumb3.y = 580;
            var thumb4:thumb4_btn = new thumb4_btn();
            thumb4.x = 863;
            thumb4.y = 580;
            // add event listeners
            thumb1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollOn);
            thumb1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, rollOff);
            thumb1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navPage1);
            thumb2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollOn);
            thumb2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, rollOff);
            thumb2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navPage2);
            thumb3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollOnB);
            thumb3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, rollOff);
            thumb3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navPage3);
            thumb4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollOnB);
            thumb4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, rollOff);
            thumb4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navPage4);
            // functions
            function rollOn(event:MouseEvent):void{
                var imgW:Tween = new Tween(, "width", Strong.easeOut, 181, 196, 1, true);
                var imgH:Tween = new Tween(, "height", Strong.easeOut, 118, 133, 1, true);
                var borderTween:Tween = new Tween(imageBorder, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 1,true);
                var borderW:Tween = new Tween(imageBorder, "width", Strong.easeOut, 181, 194, 1, true);
                var borderH:Tween = new Tween(imageBorder, "height", Strong.easeOut, 118, 138, 1, true);
                imageBorder.visible = true;
                imageBorder.x =;
                imageBorder.y =;
                setChildIndex( as MovieClip, numChildren-1);
                setChildIndex(imageBorder, numChildren-1);
            function rollOnB(event:MouseEvent):void{
                var imgW:Tween = new Tween(, "width", Strong.easeOut, 181, 196, 1, true);
                var imgH:Tween = new Tween(, "height", Strong.easeOut, 118, 133, 1, true);
                var borderTween:Tween = new Tween(imageBorderB, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 1,true);
                var borderW:Tween = new Tween(imageBorderB, "width", Strong.easeOut, 181, 194, 1, true);
                var borderH:Tween = new Tween(imageBorderB, "height", Strong.easeOut, 118, 136, 1, true);
                imageBorderB.visible = true;
                imageBorderB.x =;
                imageBorderB.y =;
                setChildIndex( as MovieClip, numChildren-1);
                setChildIndex(imageBorderB, numChildren-1);
            function rollOff(event:MouseEvent):void{
                var imgWBack:Tween = new Tween(, "width", Strong.easeOut, 196, 181, 1, true);
                var imgHBack:Tween = new Tween(, "height", Strong.easeOut, 133, 118, 1, true);
                imageBorder.visible = false;
                imageBorderB.visible = false;
                navText.text ="";
            function navPage1(event:MouseEvent):void{
                navText.text = "Navigate to pg 1";
            function navPage2(event:MouseEvent):void{
                navText.text = "Navigate to pg 2";
            function navPage3(event:MouseEvent):void{
                navText.text = "Navigate to pg 3";
            function navPage4(event:MouseEvent):void{
                navText.text = "Navigate to pg 4";

> David, could you explain further what you mean by
> adding properties at runtime?
The MovieClip class is dynamic, which means you may add
properties to
movie clips at runtime. For example, open a new FLA and
create a quick
movie clip. Give that clip an instance name -- say, mcTest --
and enter the
following into your Actions panel.
mcTest.testProperty = "test value";
Test that SWF and you'll see no errors. Debug it, and you'll
see the
mcTest instance with a new property, testProperty, attached
to it.
Now add another line beneath that first one.
import mx.transitions.Tween;
var tw:Tween = new Tween();
tw.testProperty = "test value";
Test again and you'll see an error:
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 4: There
is no property
with the name 'testProperty'.
tw.testProperty = "test value";
Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1
Which means the compiler doesn't like it that you're trying
to add a
property to that Tween instance. The Tween class isn't
> I have successfully created functions such as the
> following which have properties added.
> //in frame 1
> function fSlide(mcName:MovieClip, begin:Number,
> end:Number, sec:Number):Void {
> new Tween(mcName, "_x", Strong.easeOut, begin, end, sec,
> }
> //in frame 5
> fSlide(about_btn, 300, 200, 1);
I think you might be talking about the parameters (or
arguments) passed
into the fSlide() function, right? That's perfectly allowed,
because your
fSlide() function passes those arguments right into the Tween
which *excepts* those arguments. Make sense?
David Stiller
Adobe Community Expert
Dev blog,
"Luck is the residue of good design."

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    When you doubleclick the symbol to edit it, you are inside the symbol, on its timeline, editing the content it contains, which is the image you placed there.
    What you should do/try is first convert the image to a graphic symbol, such that you see a graphic symbol in the library (you could use a movieclip or button as well, but a graphic will work).  Then do what you did for the image... place it on the stage, convert it to a movieclip, and then doubleclick the movieclip to edit what's inside it (which is now the graphic symbol instead of the raw image).

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    Maybe somone could take a look at it:
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    var currentImg:uint = 0;
    var imgArrayFw:Array = new Array(image_2, image_1, image_3, image_4, image_5, image_6);
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        var myTween:Tween = new Tween(imgArrayBw[currentImg], "x", Strong.easeInOut, imgArrayBw[currentImg].x,0, 2, true);
    currentImg = (currentImg+1)%imgArrayBw.length;

    I'd recommed never using the included Tweening classes and start using a good tweening engine like TweenLite/TweenMax from The Adobe ones are slow and problematic - one of the issues they have is tweens stopping like you described. It should be pretty simple to swap out to using tweenlite and once you do, you'll find the syntax much easier.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Jon,
    Does this sound like the problem you're encountering?
    (there are a few workarounds on the page)

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    var r:IListItemRenderer;
    for (var j:int = 0; j < numCols; j++)
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    r.move(r.x, r.y + moveBlockDistance);
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    ModFlexSprite instead of FlexSprite. How would I recompile the
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    extend the List class and override the moveRowVertically method
    (from, see first post in thread) and change the line:
    r.move(r.x, r.y + moveBlockDistance);
    to:,1,{y:r.y}); //using TweenMax Class
    This works as expected when you click the scroll arrow and
    wait for the tween to finish, then click the arrow again. But if
    you scroll the thumb or click the scroll arrow before the tween
    ends, then unexpected tween issues occur.
    can see the example here. this is because the r.y value is
    being calculated in a number of places in the ListBase class-
    before the tween is finished, and moving the listItem(s) into
    unexpected y positions.
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    was set first, and return the end_y value instead of the y value:
    //in ModFlexSprite:
    override public function get y():Number{
    return = (end_y)? end_y : _y;
    So then i could do something like this:
    r.end_y = r.y + moveBlockDistance;,1,{y:r.y, onComplete:r.remove_end_y})
    the r.remove_end_y method would remove the end_y value when
    the tween completes. This should take care of the scrolling of
    items that are already on screen.
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    the ones that "appear" if you click the scroll arrow). If you have
    any suggestions i would be greatful! Thank you. -b

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    Are you using new motion tweens with CS4?  If so, then that's "expected" in that new motion does not (yet) support changing symbol frames - only one object and one frame per tween span. You will need to use classic tweens or split the motion span.

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    Hey, the best bet would be what the above poster said, click on your symbol and push Q to select the Free Transform tool and change the registration point to fit in the center. If you're having any scaling issues using tweens I'd just remove the tween and try again, I find tweening always buggy.

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    I'm using 3D tweens for  animations on my site.  Problem is, that at the end of the tween, the  image quality of the movieclip I'm tweening is pretty bad.  For example,  I have seom text in the movie clip that I'm tweening, and it's kind of  blurry.  I know 3D tweens live convert everything in the movieclip into a  bitmap, and I'm assuming that's what's causing the poor quality.  Is  there a way to convert the movieclip back to it's original state where  it looks crisp at the end of the tween?  Or bump up the quality of the  3D tween?

    Finally found the solution!
    Apparently, anytime you change the z axis of the movieClip, it is  transformed into a live bitmap to be animated.  This is why the moieClip  can look a little blurry.
    movieClip.transform.matrix3D = null;
    If you just  add the above code to the frame that the tween completes on (aka, it's  no longer moving), the 3D tween will release its grip on the movieClip,  undo the bitmap status, and effectively restore the clarity of the  movieClip without removing your desired tween.
    Thanks so much for the help!
    P.S. the  blur filter was not on.

  • 3D Tween Quality Issues

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    Has anyone noticed how the 3D tween causes a loss in visual quality of the movieclip?  For example, if I have text within a movieclip, and then put a 3D tween on that movieclip, the text becomes almost blurry (even when the tween is complete).  Then if I take the 3D tween off the movieclip, the text goes back to being perfectly clear.  It's not just text though; its any content with a 3D tween on it; text is just the most noticable.  Is anyone else dealing with this?
    Is there something that I'm missing, like a quality setting on 3D tweens?
    Thanks for any insight!
    P.S. there aren't any blur filters on the movieclip.  I checked

    I found the solution for this:-

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    Emm, i meant that you should make motion tween by yourself to see that problem with flowers on layers 8,9,10. You just selecting any frame you want, then applying motion tween on flower on layer 8,9 or 10 and then puff, its like screwed up. Well, i tried to copy and replace this flower movie clips, but its always the same. For example, the rest of objects, when you apply motion tween on em, dont changing their location...

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    I have a script which sets the duration of the Tween
    transition to 20 frames. How can I start another function when the
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    The onMotionFinished property only works if I want to
    initiate something at the completion of the transition but I want
    to start something at a certain frame while it is still running.
    var butWebX:Tween = new Tween(butWeb, "_x", Bounce.easeOut,
    -300, 5, 20, false);
    Also is there any way to control the duration or the speed of
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    thanks, Attila

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  • Tween() class - having MAJOR issues

    Hi All,
    This is my first post and i am REALLY new to flash, also very stuck and am hoping someone can help....
    Basically i have seen a tutorial for making a marker follow the mouse curser as it clicks over menu headings. I understand the tutorial and the components of the script. The code is below....
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    var curMarkerXPos:Number = btn1.x;
    var duration:Number = 0.5;
    function markerFollow(event:MouseEvent):void{
         var markerTween:Tween = new Tween(marker,"x",Strong.easeOut,curMarkerXPos,,duration,true);
         curMarkerXPos =;
    This code came from a video tutorial which i can't remember....the website has a little builder guy that follows your mouse across the menu bar on the top of the page - he uses a ROLL_OVER and i've changed it to CLICK.
    It's a cool effect, but what i want to do, so similar, but different - I want to click on the button, but want the 'marker' to move in a different space, so not related to where the button is. Difficult to explain, but imagine a load of buttons on the bottom of the page, and a long bar across the top of the page. When you click on a button, the bar moves horizontally to a certain position. When you click on a different button, the bar gracefully moves horizontally to a new position which is relevant for that button.
    I want the same motion as the code above is giving me, but need to be able to define the target x coordinate for the 'marker' for each individual button.....
    If you understand all that, does anyone know if this is possible???
    I've been really stuck on this for ages, so any help would be AMAZING!!

    Sure it's possible and pretty simple. You want to move this marker movieClip to new locations on the stage. Make an array and put each .x location in the array from left to right. Something like this:
    var markerLocArray:Array = new Array(50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400);
    // substitute your numbers as needed. You should have one number for each button.
    then create a second array to contain the instance names of each button:
    var buttonArray:Array = new Array(btn1,btn2,btn3,btn4,btn5,btn6,btn7,btn8);
    Then you just need to change the function's code a little to find the button in use and get the the corresponding location number:
    function markerFollow(event:MouseEvent):void{
          var newPosition:* = markerLocArray[buttonArray.indexOf(event.currentTarget)];
         var markerTween:Tween = new Tween(marker,"x",Strong.easeOut,marker.x,newPosition,duration,true);

  • Issue with Shape Tween

    Good day everyone, i have some problems with shape tween and i need your help and explanations. The links below: first link is example of which way this drawing has to be animated, and the second one is my failed attempt. So, why  are these strokes changing their shape this way, not like in the first link? Is there any possible way to fix it? I tried to add some shapehints, but flash didnt understand what i wanted to do, hints are simply were red.

    if your shape hints stayed red, you didn't assign them correctly.
    remove your current shape hints and then add one.  move that a shape hint in the tween's start frame to a position you choose.  in the tween's final frame, move a to a position your choose where it is green.  test.
    any problem?

  • Free Transform breaks Motion Tweens

    Sigh! Normally I try to solve problems myself... but Google isn't giving me anything about this so maybe I'm the only one in the world experiencing this particular issue.
    I've used Flash for making games for years now, and I got used to using the old motion tweens for making looping animations for characters. I made the leap from AS2 to AS3 a while ago, and felt like I should try to use these new motion tweens as well since I got CS5...
    I've found them completely unusable, however, due to a bizarre problem that happens when moving around objects using the Free Transform tool.
    For a single character, I'll have a MovieClip with several layers, each with a 'body part' MovieClip on it, then I add the new blue-type motion tweens to all of those layers. At the end of those tweens, I use F6 to (hopefully) duplicate the starting pose; it is meant to loop, after all. Then I'll go about half way between these two keyframes and move bits around to create the A->B->A sort of 'idle' or 'breathing' animation.
    The Free Transform seems dodgy though. If I select all the 'limbs' of a character at once and try to rotate them as a group, it works, but they each end up displaced a bit when I release the mouse; they get offset slightly or rotate a bit in seemingly random directions.
    For example, compare these two images (it's easiest if they're opened in separate tabs, I suppose): and
    The first one is after rotating it but before I released the mouse button, the second is what the pieces ended up like after I released the button. Most of the pieces ended up where they should be, but the head was offset slightly. This is a mild case; it's usually worse and affects all the pieces, and the slight offsets and rotations build up, too.
    This in itself wouldn't be too bad - though it's frustratingly inaccurate - but it gets much, much worse the more I work on a single animation.
    (Note: These strange changes don't happen if I rotate all the parts as a group if they're not also contained within new motion tweens...)
    Here's a screenshot showing a frame mid-way through an animation, with one of the parts selected:
    The Motion Editor is shown, though I don't use that directly.
    With that feather bit selected, I then rotated it a tiny, tiny amount, but didn't *move* it at all. When I released the mouse, it ended up snapping suddenly to here:
    That'd be frustrating in itself, but as you can see from the Motion Editor, it's also messed up most of the other frames in the animation, somehow. This becomes unbearable, as you can likely imagine!
    If I edit the graph in the Motion Editor directly to alter the Z value and cause a rotation, it works, without problems... but this is horribly inefficient and unintuitive and not a solution. I can't animate by tweaking numbers. It's like trying to draw a portrait using an Etch-A-Sketch!
    It seems to only be the Free Transform tool that creates this bizarre problem.
    This has been happening since I got CS5 maybe a year or two ago, though I haven't actually had to use the animation tools much until a few days ago so that's why I'm bringing it up now. I've restarted Flash, my computer, etc, etc, many times; I also got the trial version of CS6 today to see if THAT would fix it, but the exact same thing happens in that version too.
    I'm wondering whether it's my computer's fault in some way... I don't know enough about hardware and 'specs' and that sort of stuff to describe anything about it, but I'm using Windows Vista and the computer is fairly old and not exactly what I'd call reliable. I'm planning to get a new one soon, so it'd be nice if that fixed this problem... but frustrating if it doesn't.
    I'll link to the CS6-flavoured .fla that those screenshots are from:
    I'd very much appreciate it if someone could test this to see if it's happening to only me! If I go to frame 146 (to choose one at random), and try to rotate the foot, slightly, using the Free Transform tool, it breaks in the way that I've described. (Oddly, the head feather rotates without issues on that frame...) If you were to try to do this same thing and it *doesn't* break, it might be a good sign that it's my computer's fault!
    If it *does* break though... then I'd very much appreciate any help I can get from someone who understands the new motion tweens better than I do!
    It'd be a shame to have to go back to Classic Tweens because of this...

    Sigh! Normally I try to solve problems myself... but Google isn't giving me anything about this so maybe I'm the only one in the world experiencing this particular issue.
    I've used Flash for making games for years now, and I got used to using the old motion tweens for making looping animations for characters. I made the leap from AS2 to AS3 a while ago, and felt like I should try to use these new motion tweens as well since I got CS5...
    I've found them completely unusable, however, due to a bizarre problem that happens when moving around objects using the Free Transform tool.
    For a single character, I'll have a MovieClip with several layers, each with a 'body part' MovieClip on it, then I add the new blue-type motion tweens to all of those layers. At the end of those tweens, I use F6 to (hopefully) duplicate the starting pose; it is meant to loop, after all. Then I'll go about half way between these two keyframes and move bits around to create the A->B->A sort of 'idle' or 'breathing' animation.
    The Free Transform seems dodgy though. If I select all the 'limbs' of a character at once and try to rotate them as a group, it works, but they each end up displaced a bit when I release the mouse; they get offset slightly or rotate a bit in seemingly random directions.
    For example, compare these two images (it's easiest if they're opened in separate tabs, I suppose): and
    The first one is after rotating it but before I released the mouse button, the second is what the pieces ended up like after I released the button. Most of the pieces ended up where they should be, but the head was offset slightly. This is a mild case; it's usually worse and affects all the pieces, and the slight offsets and rotations build up, too.
    This in itself wouldn't be too bad - though it's frustratingly inaccurate - but it gets much, much worse the more I work on a single animation.
    (Note: These strange changes don't happen if I rotate all the parts as a group if they're not also contained within new motion tweens...)
    Here's a screenshot showing a frame mid-way through an animation, with one of the parts selected:
    The Motion Editor is shown, though I don't use that directly.
    With that feather bit selected, I then rotated it a tiny, tiny amount, but didn't *move* it at all. When I released the mouse, it ended up snapping suddenly to here:
    That'd be frustrating in itself, but as you can see from the Motion Editor, it's also messed up most of the other frames in the animation, somehow. This becomes unbearable, as you can likely imagine!
    If I edit the graph in the Motion Editor directly to alter the Z value and cause a rotation, it works, without problems... but this is horribly inefficient and unintuitive and not a solution. I can't animate by tweaking numbers. It's like trying to draw a portrait using an Etch-A-Sketch!
    It seems to only be the Free Transform tool that creates this bizarre problem.
    This has been happening since I got CS5 maybe a year or two ago, though I haven't actually had to use the animation tools much until a few days ago so that's why I'm bringing it up now. I've restarted Flash, my computer, etc, etc, many times; I also got the trial version of CS6 today to see if THAT would fix it, but the exact same thing happens in that version too.
    I'm wondering whether it's my computer's fault in some way... I don't know enough about hardware and 'specs' and that sort of stuff to describe anything about it, but I'm using Windows Vista and the computer is fairly old and not exactly what I'd call reliable. I'm planning to get a new one soon, so it'd be nice if that fixed this problem... but frustrating if it doesn't.
    I'll link to the CS6-flavoured .fla that those screenshots are from:
    I'd very much appreciate it if someone could test this to see if it's happening to only me! If I go to frame 146 (to choose one at random), and try to rotate the foot, slightly, using the Free Transform tool, it breaks in the way that I've described. (Oddly, the head feather rotates without issues on that frame...) If you were to try to do this same thing and it *doesn't* break, it might be a good sign that it's my computer's fault!
    If it *does* break though... then I'd very much appreciate any help I can get from someone who understands the new motion tweens better than I do!
    It'd be a shame to have to go back to Classic Tweens because of this...

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