Two JVM on Single Weblogic8.1 Server

Hi All
We are planning to setup two JVM in a single Weblogic Server8.1SP5. Two applications are going to run on each JVM.
Just I want to confirm that if it is two JVM means Two individual Managed Servers or not. Please any one confirm.

1 JVM per managed server, plus a JVM for the Admin Server.
(you can use the Admin Server to deploy applications in a non-clustered environment if so inclined)
Kevin Powe

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    You should have a good enough to have two or more instances running on the same machine.
    The performance of a single instnace will always be better compared to having two or more instances on the same machine.
    Is it possible to connect and work on two database at the same time?Yes
    Here is an example
    $ ps -ef |grep pmon
    ora101AS 548928 1 0 Aug 06 - 0:31 ora_pmon_orcl
    ora102DB 552974 1 0 Aug 06 - 0:36 ora_pmon_TEST
    ora102DB 1380412 1 0 00:58:49 - 0:04 ora_pmon_LIVE
    testuser 1613946 1691868 0 10:46:11 pts/2 0:00 grep pmon
    Single machine having multiple instances
    $ ps -ef |grep pmon
    ora102DB 4086 1 0 Aug 06 - 1:39 ora_pmon_LIVE10
    testuser 32848 31172 0 10:46:24 pts/0 0:00 grep pmon
    Single machine having a single instance
    The second machine performance is much better compared to the first machine that has mutiple instances.
    Normally CREATE DATABASE is used by advance users while DBCA is relatively easy to use.

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    Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0xFE1CBCAC
    Function=[Unknown. Nearest: JVM_FillInStackTrace+0x4CE4]
    Current Java thread:
    Dynamic libraries:
    0x10000 /bea/jdk142_05/bin/java
    0xff360000 /usr/lib/
    0xff3a0000 /usr/lib/
    0xff200000 /usr/lib/
    0xff340000 /usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240/lib/
    0xfe000000 /bea/jdk142_05/jre/lib/sparc/server/
    0xff2e0000 /usr/lib/
    0xff1e0000 /usr/lib/
    0xff100000 /usr/lib/
    0xff0d0000 /usr/lib/
    0xff1c0000 /usr/lib/
    0xff310000 /usr/lib/
    0xff0a0000 /usr/lib/
    0xff070000 /bea/jdk142_05/jre/lib/sparc/native_threads/
    0xff050000 /usr/lib/
    0xfe7d0000 /bea/jdk142_05/jre/lib/sparc/
    0xfe790000 /bea/jdk142_05/jre/lib/sparc/
    0xfe770000 /bea/jdk142_05/jre/lib/sparc/
    0xf94a0000 /osmf/i3/i3v7/products/j2ee/lib/
    0xf9480000 /usr/lib/
    0xf9460000 /usr/lib/
    0xa9050000 /bea/jdk142_05/jre/lib/sparc/
    0xa9290000 /usr/lib/
    0xa8db0000 /usr/lib/
    0xa9030000 /bea/weblogic814/server/lib/solaris/
    0xa8b60000 /usr/ucblib/
    0xa8b20000 /usr/lib/
    0xa8d90000 /bea/jdk142_05/jre/lib/sparc/
    0xa8a60000 /usr/lib/
    0xa8920000 /usr/lib/
    0xa8900000 /usr/lib/
    0xa83e0000 /bea/jdk142_05/jre/lib/sparc/
    Heap at VM Abort:
    def new generation total 339264K, used 293091K [0xa9400000, 0xbe950000, 0xbe950000)
    eden space 329024K, 87% used [0xa9400000, 0xbac61f00, 0xbd550000)
    from space 10240K, 58% used [0xbd550000, 0xbdb26ea0, 0xbdf50000)
    to space 10240K, 0% used [0xbdf50000, 0xbdf50000, 0xbe950000)
    tenured generation total 699072K, used 204153K [0xbe950000, 0xe9400000, 0xe9400000)
    the space 699072K, 29% used [0xbe950000, 0xcb0ae7f8, 0xcb0ae800, 0xe9400000)
    compacting perm gen total 65024K, used 64974K [0xe9400000, 0xed380000, 0xf9400000)
    the space 65024K, 99% used [0xe9400000, 0xed373a30, 0xed373c00, 0xed380000)
    Local Time = Mon Nov 20 13:17:55 2006
    Elapsed Time = 150397
    # HotSpot Virtual Machine Error : 11
    # Error ID : 4F530E43505002EF 01
    # Please report this error at
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.4.2_05-b04 mixed mode)
    any idea?

    Hi Jitesh
    JVM crash could be because of any code, it could be weblogic or your own application or a bug in JDK itself.
    1) You can run tools like GDB on the core file which will indicate the source of the crash.
    From the stack it looks like a Sun JDK bug
    2) Search on sun for this error code shows some known bugs. Checkout
    3) You can also upgrade the JVM to the latest version of 1.4.2. I believe you have 1.4.2_05

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    Thanks and regards. 

    Even though you can do it, it is the best practice to have SCCM 2012 and WSUS installed on separate instances.
    When the Configuration Manager and WSUS databases use the same SQL Server and share the same instance of SQL Server, you cannot easily determine the resource usage between the two applications. When you use a different SQL Server instance
    for Configuration Manager and WSUS, it is easier to troubleshoot and diagnose resource usage issues that might occur for each application.

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    -Password Expiration for SSO
    -Lockout Policy
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    VMware admins are looking at a new set of questions relating to authentication and authorization.  Someone has to have written something or will be writing something to help us get the big picture of what is changing with SSO if anything and how we need to look at SSO from a security design and best practices.
    Should we just make existing vCenter Server admins SSO admins or do we need to take a step back and reconsider?

    Actually, yes. SSO is fairly robust in 5.5. It has a few limitations around email of expired passwords, but that is mainly because some people do not use them. I use SSO to provide the usernames and passwords for all my VMware vCenter and related product service accounts. I.e. an account for vdp, Horizon, vCops, Log Insight, etc.  This is more about keeping systems segregated once more with no real need for AD for services. But AD via SSO is used by users.
    Read the documentation, and determine how SSO fits into your current password policy and take a long hard look at your virtualization management environment. Is there a 1 service account per service talking directly to vCenter? If not, SSO can help you implement that. The key is to match its functionality to your security policy.
    Best regards,
    Edward L. Haletky
    VMware Communities User Moderator, VMware vExpert 2009, 2010, 2011,2012,2013,2014
    Author of the books 'VMWare ESX and ESXi in the Enterprise: Planning Deployment Virtualization Servers', Copyright 2011 Pearson Education. 'VMware vSphere and Virtual Infrastructure Security: Securing the Virtual Environment', Copyright 2009 Pearson Education.
    Virtualization and Cloud Security Analyst: The Virtualization Practice, LLC -- vSphere Upgrade Saga -- Virtualization Security Round Table Podcast

  • How Can I create a cluster of two instances running on the same server?

    I can't find how to create a cluster or even a failover rule for my two instances running on the same server ODSEE 11gR1.
    Could you please help?

    Clustering (intended as Sun Cluster, Veritas Cluster, etc... ) IS NOT SUPPORTED since 7.0: [page 20]
    and, based on my own experience, is the WORST way of achieving high availability of an LDAP Directory Service and an almost GRANTED way to get replication issues in your topology (lock, split, re-init, etc...).
    Please use instead the 'application-level' clustering that you get out of the box with the Multi-Master Replication.

  • Can I configure two webserver domain in one windows server

    Can I configure two webserver domain in one windows server with default port. ( i.e 80 )
    For Ex:- http://server-name/psp/DOMAIN/?cmd=login and another one
    If not please let me know the workaround to do so. B'coz i don't want to put portnumber in my second URL..

    You can even have serveral domains within the same webserver instance.
    During PIA installation (of the second) choose option existing domain and then add an additional site.
    Give the domain a unique name and port to your second application server and you are ready to go.
    I usually do this on sandbox environments to keep the sandbox small , with several databases (Portal, HCM, FIN, CRM) and one PIA with serveral domain.
    But is definitely not what you should do for production systems.
    Each application should have it's one PIA instance.
    I didn't read the port number requirement.
    You can only run one webserver instance on a port number for example port 80.
    But you can still have one webserver PIA with serveral domain on the same port number as described above.
    Edited by: Hakan Biroglu on Mar 14, 2012 2:28 PM

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    Is there a way we can set 2 JVM's for Planning, Financial Reporting, etc as mentioned in the
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    * One-JVM (64bit) vs. Two-JVMs (64bit) on 64bit OS*
    If so how can I do it? Any documentation for the same?
    Any help will be highly appreciated.

    Hello Gurus,
    Any updates??
    I have gone through John Goodwin's blog for EPM -
    but I am looking something similar for

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    Hi all,
    I am new user of LabVIEW 2013 with electrical power suite.
    May i know how to measure two different point of single phase system using the same VI such as in DAQ power and energy example?
    As I notice that there are several type of wiring available. Is only one voltage and one current availabe during 1 ph voltage and 1 current selection. Thus, when I select 3ph voltage and 2 current, the value I obtain is not seem to be true.
    From the figure attached, I want to measure the voltage at current at the solar/PV  to obtain the power value. Other than that, I also need to measure the voltage and current at the load such as water heater. This is a single phase configuration network.
    (2 voltage and 2 current measurement at single phase)
    Hope for guidance.

    Hi Lewis,
    Here attached the file.
    Actually I wanted to measure power two different point in a single phase system as shown in the first attachement.
    Since, there is example in power quality measurement(DAQ) as shown in the second attachment.
    since there is two measuring point in my measurement. May i know how to obtain two measurement voltage at the same time in DAQ?
    Hope for guidance.
    Two measuremernt point (single phase).png ‏7 KB
    power & energy measurement.jpg ‏172 KB

  • Cannot connect two computers to the same game server HELP!

    I have a Linksys WRT54G Router.  I have two computers and I want to be able to use them on the same gaming server.  Unfortunately, the game only have one port, so I can only port forward one of my computers.  How can I configure my router to have two external IP addresses to the server so it won't kick one of my computers out.  Thanks!

    I am in a gaming community and many members have a Linksys at home (but I don't know which kind exactly). Many of us try to connect two computers to the same server (many have a family). It seems it is a common problem that no one can connect two computers to the same game server.
    I have a BEFSR41 V3 Firmware version 1.04.8
    I use fixed IP address and no connectivity problem on Internet.
    I have win XP SP2 on both computer.
    I am using a DSL modem
    I can connect the two computers to two different game servers at same time, but not the same server. Default port for this game is the same for all servers I use. I tried with both port forwarding enabled (in that case one PCs can connect the other not) or not (in the second case, whenever the second PC connects, the first one lose his connection to the server, no mater the order I try to connect my PCs).
    Now the weird thing is that one member in my community just decided to throw away his Linksys router and he bought another brand (which I won't name to remains politically correct). Now, without changing anything in his PCs or his connection type, he can now play with two PC on the same server.
    I am seriously thinking doing the same move. Since more and more game are now using Internet (and servers that controls piracy, $$) and family want to play together, not being able to connect two PCs on the same game server makes Linksys in bad situation from marketing point of view.
    For example, in my gaming communtity, we now all know that Linksys can't handle two PC on same server, but other brand can...
    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • Use Different mailbox or same mailbox if setup two accepted domains in one Exchange Server 2010

    I want to know if I setup two accepted domain in one Exchange Server 2010, will it have another mailbox or use same mailbox?

    Based on my knowledge, to add a new name in the accepted domain list is to add a SMTP address suffix for the mailboxes. Thus, it uses the same mailbox if you setup two accepted domain in one Exchange Server 2010.
    If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • Prime Fulfillment 6 AND LMS 4.2 on single Solaris 10 server?

    Is it possible to easily operate both Prime Fulfillment 6 AND LMS 4 on single Solaris 10 server?

    They were not tested together, and I recommend they not be installed on the same zone instance (due to potential conflicts).  Now, if you're certain you have a server that can accommodate both suites (in terms of resources), create separate zones for each suite.  This will eliminate the conflict possibility while still giving you one overall physical machine to manage.

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    In one client, from the main windows, open two sub-windows.
    When open the two sub-windows, I want use different JVM. But I does not know how to communicate in two JVM each other.

    I mean, While Java program running on default JVM,
    you can create another JVM using JNI Not with the Sun VM you can't. It will not create another VM.
    and then call
    functions specifying the JVM on which that function
    has to be executed. I haven't tried creating JVM
    using JNI call, but there is a function to do so.And it will fail if a VM already exists in the same application.

Maybe you are looking for

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