I have 10 tabs to be displayed on a portal page. I would like to arrange them in two rows (5 each). How do i do that ? Right now, they all appear in a sigle row.
Thanks in advance

Have you tried playing around with ROWS and COLUMNS inside a page and then adding tabs within it.You might be able to get something working with this approach.

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    Edited by: Soundarapandian on Nov 25, 2009 3:10 PM

    Soundarapandian wrote:
    I need to create a JTabbedPane with layout policy as SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT with two rows of tabs. The first level will have say 10 tabs and the all the remaining tabs (say 20) will be added in the next level. Please help me out on this, to how to proceed with it?Try this (imho better) approach:
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    Keep in mind that the tabs themselves are list items that are floated to the left. If a tab/list item is deeper than the rest (perhaps with an added need only be a pixel deeper), it blocks the rest of the 'second row' list items from floating all the way over to the left.
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    Thanks in advance for your help.

    App tabs are special tabs and are always displayed at the left end of the tab bar.
    You can place all bookmarks that you want to see on the Bookmarks Toolbar in the Bookmarks Toolbar folder.<br />
    You can do that in the side bar or the Bookmarks manager if you can't do it on the Bookmarks Toolbar.<br />
    Most Visited is a special (smart) folder that shows websites that you've visited and that aren't necessarily bookmarks, so you can't drag them on the bookmarks toolbar unless you first bookmark them. You can do that by opening them in a tab and clicking the star on the location bar twice and choose the Bookmarks Toolbar as the destination folder.

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    Any thoughts People ?
    Thanks in Advance

    af:panelTab does not support muti rows (just an overflow area for tabs that don't fit). A possible solution is to mimic tabs using images (bachround) and command links. Each of the link would then trigger an af:switcher component to display a specific content

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    Source: Windows
    Transient error
    Source: System Center Configuration Manager
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    Successfully sent location services HTTP failure message.
    LocationServices 4/17/2015 11:20:33 AM
    1348 (0x0544)
    the clientlocation.log log was clean
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  • Using Sections To Tie Two Rows Together

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    TABLE 1
    ROW 1: element1, element2               -- Row 1&2 are group as a section
    ROW 2: element1, element2
    User press the add button:
    Table 1
    ROW 1: element1, element2                -- So when the user press the add button it duplicates the section to add two more rows in order
    ROW2: element 1, element2
    ROW3: element 1, element2
    ROW4: element 1, element2
    The user now saves the form and exits...
    The user lanuches reader and opens the form. they see the follow result...
    ROW1: element1, element2
    ROW3: element1, element2
    ROW2: element1, element2
    ROW4: element1, element2
    I need the section to stay together...  Any suggestions of what can be done?

    Uncheck the checkbox for the "Repeat Row for each Data Item" in the Bidning tab for Row2 and Row3 inside the Section.
    You are actually creating a new instance of the section (which includes Row2 and Row3). So this check box should be checked at the Section levl not at the Row level. You have already checked the Section property so remove from Row 2 and Row3.

  • Query help first two rows

    i need to sort desc order by date and need to take two rows only
    id date
    1 1/2/1994
    2 2/2/2000
    3 1/5/88
    4 6/5/2006
    i need out put like this
    id date
    4 6/5/2006
    2 2/2/2000
    plz give query with good perfomence thanks

    You can use any one of the below query which performs better for you
    SQL> with t
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select 1 id,to_date('1/2/1994','dd/mm/yyyy') dt from dual
      5  union all
      6  select 2,to_date('2/2/2000','dd/mm/yyyy') from dual
      7  union all
      8  select 3,to_date('1/5/88','dd/mm/yyyy') from dual
      9  union all
    10  select 4,to_date('6/5/2006','dd/mm/yyyy') from dual
    11  )
    12  select * from
    13  (
    14  select * from t
    15  order by 2 desc
    16  )
    17  where rownum <=2
    18  /
            ID DT
             4 06-MAY-06
             2 02-FEB-00
    Execution Plan
       0      SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=9 Card=2 Bytes=24)
       1    0   COUNT (STOPKEY)
       2    1     VIEW (Cost=9 Card=4 Bytes=48)
       3    2       SORT (ORDER BY STOPKEY) (Cost=9 Card=4 Bytes=48)
       4    3         VIEW (Cost=8 Card=4 Bytes=48)
       5    4           UNION-ALL
       6    5             FAST DUAL (Cost=2 Card=1)
       7    5             FAST DUAL (Cost=2 Card=1)
       8    5             FAST DUAL (Cost=2 Card=1)
       9    5             FAST DUAL (Cost=2 Card=1)
              1  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
              0  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
            416  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            496  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              1  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
              2  rows processed
    SQL> with t
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select 1 id,to_date('1/2/1994','dd/mm/yyyy') dt from dual
      5  union all
      6  select 2,to_date('2/2/2000','dd/mm/yyyy') from dual
      7  union all
      8  select 3,to_date('1/5/88','dd/mm/yyyy') from dual
      9  union all
    10  select 4,to_date('6/5/2006','dd/mm/yyyy') from dual
    11  )
    12  select id,dt
    13  from
    14  (
    15  select id,dt,row_number() over(order by dt desc) rn from t
    16  order by 2 desc
    17  )
    18  where rn <=2
    19  /
            ID DT
             4 06-MAY-06
             2 02-FEB-00
    Execution Plan
       0      SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=8 Card=4 Bytes=100
       1    0   VIEW (Cost=8 Card=4 Bytes=100)
       2    1     WINDOW (SORT PUSHED RANK) (Cost=8 Card=4 Bytes=48)
       3    2       VIEW (Cost=8 Card=4 Bytes=48)
       4    3         UNION-ALL
       5    4           FAST DUAL (Cost=2 Card=1)
       6    4           FAST DUAL (Cost=2 Card=1)
       7    4           FAST DUAL (Cost=2 Card=1)
       8    4           FAST DUAL (Cost=2 Card=1)
              1  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
              0  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
            416  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            496  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              1  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
              2  rows processed

  • Two rows as one display the data in one row

    Hello All,
    I would like to have data of two rows put in one as:
    Lets say the data is like this:
          COL1       COL2       COL3 C
           1.5          3          1 M
                        2          1 C
           2.5                     2 C
                      3.5          2 M
                      4.5          3 M How do i get the output as :
           COL1       COL2       COL3 COL4 COL5
           1.5          3          1 M      2
           2.5                     2 C      3.5
                      4.5          3 M If there are two rows with same value in Col3, then col5(a new dummy column in select stmt) the second row's col2 should be disaplyed in Row 1.
    Can we do it in a Select Statement ?

    A try :
    SQL> select * from Amkotz;
          COL1           COL2          COL3 C                                             
           1,5              3             1 M                                             
                            2             1 C                                             
           2,5                            2 C                                             
                          3,5             2 M                                             
                          4,5             3 M                                             
    SQL> select a.col1,
      2         a.col2,
      3         a.col3,
      4         a.col4,
      5         max(decode(a.rowid,b.rowid,null,b.col2)) keep (dense_rank last order by a.col1,a.col2) as col5
      6  from   (select Amkotz.*, row_number() over (partition by col3 order by col1,col2) rn from Amkotz) a, Amkotz b
      7  where  a.rn=1
      8  and    a.col3=b.col3
      9  group by a.col1,
    10         a.col2,
    11         a.col3,
    12         a.col4;
         COL1       COL2     COL3 C COL5      
          1,5          3        1 M 2         
          2,5                   2 C 3,5       
                     4,5        3 M            Nicolas.

  • Alv field heading in two rows

    hi all
    In alv report out put  the field heading  is too long.
    So I want to disply the heading in two rows.
    Like ‘ April 2006 prior month personal’,
    Is to be disply like in one row ‘April 2006’.
    And in next row ‘prior month personal’.
    Please send the reply as early as possible to [email protected]

    i think it is not possible like that , u can increase the length of that field in fieldcatalog
    wa_fieldname-outputlen = '100'.
    and in layout u can use
    wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.

  • I used to open many tabs in the same page and i move from one to other by mouse but since3 two days the tabs open in the same page normaly but i can't move from one to other when i clik with mouse on any tab it don't open/ do u have any solve for this?

    i used to open many tabs in the same page and i move from one to other by mouse but since3 two days the tabs open in the same page normaly but i can't move from one to other when i clik with mouse on any tab it don't open/ do u have any solve for this

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.

  • Merge Two Rows of a table to One row but into two columns

    I Am struck in writing a query to merge two rows into two columns of one row.
    Here is the Sample data i am working with,
    Col 1     Col 2     Col3 Col4 Col Col6
    5000     573-3000 2     0     Phone      
    5000     573-3036 1     0          Fax
    5000     893-5703 3     0     WOrk      
    3000     232-5656     1     0     Phone     
    3000     353-5656     2     0          FAx
    Here Col,Col3,Col4 form the Key.
    now wht i am trying to do is to Merge these type of rows put them into Columns P,F,W,E respectively to achive a Structure as below
    Col1      P     F     W
    5000     573-3000      573-3036      893-5703
    3000     232-5656     353-5656     
    Can you please help me how could i do this.
    I am pretty ordinary at writing SQL's.
    Thanks a Lot in Advance
    Message was edited by:

    Search the forum for PIVOT and you'll find plenty of examples.

  • Add new row in table between two rows - OATableBean

    I have a requirement where I need to add a new row between two rows. Lets say I have a table with 5 rows. I am envisioning having an icon (table switcher) on the row #1, which when clicked will insert/create a new row between rows #1 and #2 like #1.5, something that can be achieved in core forms. In core forms, when we click the add button, it immediately creates a new row before the current row ( and pushes other rows down). Is that possible with OATableBean. Please let me know if you have any ideas.

    I used following code to insert the row in the end
    public void createNewRow()
    XXEGASRLinesVOImpl vo =getXXEGASRLinesVO1();
    Row row1 ;
    int i;
    Row row[] = vo.getAllRowsInRange();
    row1 = vo.createRow(); //vo.createRowSet("10");
    Check if it works for you, you have to modify it to meet your requirement.
    Reetesh Sharma

  • I need to retrieve the a set of rows in between two rows from a table.

    consider employees table and primary key employee_id.
    With out using EMPLOYEE_ID column in the where clause or between clause, I need to get the records between 104 and 116 or a set of records between two rows.
    Can any one help me in this... i know this is simple but am just a fresher to oracle development... help me grow....

    ya at last i got the out put... thank guys for thinking with me....
    SELECT rownum, employee_id FROM (SELECT rownum, employee_id FROM employees ORDER BY employee_id)
    SELECT rownum, employee_id FROM (SELECT rownum, employee_id FROM employees ORDER BY employee_id) WHERE ROWNUM <= 4

  • How to hide the grid lines between two rows in a ALv? Please help!

    Hi Experts,
             I have a ABAP ALV(reuse alv grid FM) report.
    The last field in the ALV is "Description" which can contain data of size more than 130 chars.
    Since the max field length in ALV grid is 130 chars hence I am splitting this field value whenever the field length is more than 130 chars.
    After splitting I am generating duplicate rows but with different "Description" field values ( each contains the splitted values".
    For example:
    Name| City | Description                             |
    Hari|HK    |Employee responsible for time management |
    Hari|HK    |and issue resolution                     |
    Now I want to hide the grid line between these two rows
    and just for Description field.
    In other words I want ALV to display like this:
    Name| City | Description                             |
    Hari|HK    |Employee responsible for time management |
    Hari|HK    |and issue resolution                     |
    How can I acheive this?
    Please provide some sample code.
    Please help. I will be really greatfull to your help.

    Hi Rich,
          If that is the case then atleast how can I hide the complete row grid line?
    Please give some sample code.

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