Two Server names showing up....

Just upgraded to 10.5 as a stanard server. When we browse the network from our Mac Pro's we see two computer names as the server. We see "prepress" and "" Why? We never saw "" w/ 10.4. Also when we boot up our PC Windows RIP computer we get the message that there is a duplicate computer name on the network.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I wonder why you are wondering why? Surely only you or whoever installed the server would know why you see two names? When selecting Standard as the Server Mode after the initial install the Server Setup Assistant begins to assist you in setting up and configuring the server based on answers you give it to the questions its asking. Part of this question and answer process is to do with defining the internal DNS Service (as well as other Services) the Server is going to use for itself. It may not have seemed like it at the time but that was what was happening. There would have been a question regarding domain name as well as host/server name. Someone at your site must have keyed in and prepress without fully realizing the significance.
You are not entirely to blame for inflicting this on yourself. Apple should have made the documentation clearer as well as reigning in the marketing department a little bit.
There are three 'modes' available with Leopard Server: Standard, Workgroup and Advanced.
I assume many people think Standard = Simple and choose that thinking all they want are simple file services, perhaps a bit of Mail and that will do - thank you. You get that but you get DNS thrown in whether you like it or not because without it those other simple things won't work. Workgroup assumes the existence of an internal DNS Service already on the network provided by another Server. This 'mode' is actually quite good in assisting integration into an AD server based environment. The last 'mode' is Advanced. Most people shy away from this thinking that this 'mode' is far too complex and advanced for them. Wrong.
In my opinion Advanced is the easiest as nothing gets configured, apart from a domain, hostname and IP address at the beginning of the installation process. Afterwards It will sit there until you configure and enable a Service. In this mode if all you want is AFP and a few shares that's all you'll get. In Advanced you get to use Server Admin and Workgroup Manager. The 'new' application available for OSX Server - Server Preferences - won't work in Advanced. Its an application specifically designed to work in the other two modes.
As for the PC Problem? Verify first that it does not have the same IP address as your Server. Your Server should have a fixed IP address anyway - apologies if you know this. Right click on My Computer, select Properties and in there you should see the name the PC has been assigned. Change it if its been named the same.

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    We can edit the default NS record. Replace the real name server with "" and "".
    Then create the A record of "" and "".
    I have test it in my lab server, it works properly. Here is the screenshot of my lab server,
    Best Regards.
    Steven Lee
    TechNet Community Support

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    import java.util.*;
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         public static void main(String[] args)     {
              try {
                   Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
                   env.put("java.naming.provider.url", "dns://");
                   DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
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                        Attribute attr = (Attribute);
                        String attrId = attr.getID();
                        System.out.println("Attribute ID retrieved is" + attrId);
                        for (Enumeration vals = attr.getAll();vals.hasMoreElements(); System.out.println(attrId + ": " + vals.nextElement()));
              catch(Exception e)
                   System.err.println("Problem querying DNS: " + e);
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    0 100 389
    0 100 389
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    Same thing here, after hours of playing with it:
    One audio book had a box checked "Part of a compilation" and the other one did not.
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    Go to "Get info"
    Go to the "Info" tab
    Check the box that reads "Part of a compilation" (if it's already checked then it's the other book which you'll need to go through each track and check this box)
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    CU4 for SP1 is out
    I haven't seen any reports from anyone who has actually installed it to see whether it introduces any problems or whether the fixes work in a real-world environment.
    the notes include:
    "Issue 5
    By default, when a generic performance report is exported, the object information (such as server name, disk label, and so on) is collapsed, and the information is missing."
    So it looks like the fix is in.

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    Verification started
    Checking keychain configuration for marcio (user ID=502)
    Home directory is /Users/marcio
    Checked login keychain
    Checked default keychain
    Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
    No problems found
    Verification completed
    Verification started
    Checking keychain configuration for Marcio Esteves (user ID=502)
    Home directory is /Users/marcio
    Checked login keychain
    Checked default keychain
    Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
    No problems found
    Verification completed
    Of course I can format the HD and re-install from the scratch but I'm curious because, as far as I know, user names and accounts can not be duplicated.
    The only thing that occurs to me is when I bought this machine - MB pro 2.4 - I imported the account from my previous MB pro AFTER change user name from "marcio" to "Marcio Esteves", keeping the same home directory name as "marcio" (as still today).
    So, how can I fix it without formatting and installing everything again??

    Every account on a Mac has two names. These names are called different things depending on the version of the OS and whether you are looking at the System Preferences|Accounts panel or the Workgroup Manager on a server. The "Name" or "Full Name" and the "Short Name" or "Account Name". The short name is the typical unix username. and the full name is just that, your full name. The Mac allows you to use either of these in any of the GUI dialog boxes that ask for your user name and password. At the command line I think you can only use your short name. I see that in OS X 10.6, once you create an account, you cannot see the short name in the System Preferences|Accounts panel any longer.
    At a command line (in the Terminal application for example) you can type id or whoami to see your short name.
    I think it is probably normal for entries in your keychain to refer to both or either of these names.
    As for creating new accounts and copying files I think you should be able to do most of that when logged in as an admin user (which you don't normally do, right?).
    Does that help?

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    My BOE clustered with two or more webi server, I want to capture the webi server name in the webi report after I refreshed this report. Is there any standard webi funtion I can use to show the server name or any variable in the universe I can use?

    Hi Bruce,
    May the following links lead you to the solution......

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    So I have set up a localhost area in my Mac. I have the new and I am running yosemite 10.10.2 .
    I have a program running in my local server enviroment that wants to FTP to my mac .
    It asks for the server , name, password, port and path. what are they?
    I am pretty certain that the Serveris "localhost",
    Name is my macs name (like my-mac-min)
    password is "my login password"
    and they suggest port 21.
    But what is the file path, lets just say my site is set up http://localhost/siteftp and is actually at my Users/Sites/siteftp folder.
    Why cant this program connect to the mac.
    Is it because they are both operating in the same localhost enviroment,
    could it be my folder permissions are not correct on siteftp folder?
    Help please !

    I tried turning the computer off and then back on. The alerts don't show the notice to update as resolved. Hopefully this is not a problem or an indicator or another problem. Should I ignore or reload 10.10.1 from the app store to trigger a resolved check in a green circle?
    Interesting that I had to buy server software after my free Yosemite download. I would have hoped that the two pieces of software would have gone together without any complication. It is not positive to end up buying a problem. Ah well, time to move on.

Maybe you are looking for