Type groups for alv

how many type groups r there for ALV reports

The following Groups are used in ALV Reports.
ALVHT     ALV Control: HTML Templates
KKBHT     Type pool for hierarchy component KKRT
KKBLO     Type group for dynamic list output
SLIS         Global types for generic list modules
Mehul Shah.

Similar Messages

  • Change transaction type group for transaction type

    Is it possible to change the transaction type group for a TTY.For ex i want to change for 270 and 151 -TTY GRP -32 and 33 respectively.As of now it is TTY grp is 25 and 10.I need to change this so that in Asset history sheet when i do ABT1N i want these values to be in field transfer and not in acquisition and retirement in respective company codes.
    Where is TTY grp are set for TTY.Can it be modified.Please suggest.

    For creating transaction type see the wiki.
    In the transaction types you assign them!
    For 151
    Financial Accounting / Asset Accounting / Transactions / Acquisitions / Define Transaction Types for Acquisitions.
    Assign there the asst  hist group you need for this transaction type
    For 270
    Financial Accounting / Asset Accounting / Transactions / Retirements / Define Transaction Types for Retirements
    Assign there the asst  hist group you need for this transaction type

  • Column headings are missing in the output for ALV?

    Hi all,
    i have coded a small report in ALV mode. i am getting the data but the column headings are missing.
    iam not getting the column headings in the output. it is coming as blank. Could you all please help me out in this?
    below is the code of my program:
                     Includes                                            *
    *---Standard header and footer routines
    INCLUDE zsrepthd.
    *--- ALV Routines
    INCLUDE zvsdi_alv_routines_ver3.
    *--- Authorization Check
    INCLUDE z_selection_auth_check.
                     Types Declarations                                  *
    tables : ekpo.
                     Types Declarations                                  *
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_ekpo,
            EBELN(18) TYPE C,
            EBELP(20) TYPE C,
            MATNR(18) TYPE C,
            WERKS(11) TYPE C,
          END OF ty_ekpo.
    *-Output field name
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_output,
            EBELN(18) TYPE C,
            EBELP(20) TYPE C,
            MATNR(18) TYPE C,
            WERKS(11) TYPE C,
          END OF ty_output.
    *-Output field name
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_fields,
            fname(60) TYPE c,
           END OF ty_fields.
                     Internal Table Declarations                         *
    DATA:it_ekpo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_ekpo,
    *--- Alv parameters
        it_out_alvp TYPE typ_alv_form_params, "for alv parameters
    *-Field catalog  for ALV display
        it_fcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
    *-Field names for Excel column headings
    it_ekpo_fields TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_fields WITH HEADER LINE.
    **--To store output for Principial Pegging data
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_output occurs 0,
            EBELN(18) TYPE C,
            EBELP(20) TYPE C,
            MATNR(18) TYPE C,
            WERKS(11) TYPE C,
          END OF it_output.
    **--To store output for 2nd
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_output1 occurs 0,
           END OF it_output1.
                     Data Declarations                                   *
    data: v_ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln,
          v_ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp,
          v_matnr TYPE ekpo-matnr,
          v_werks TYPE ekpo-werks.
                     Constants Declarations                              *
         c_0    TYPE i     VALUE  0,
         c_x    TYPE char1 VALUE  'X',
         c_i    TYPE char1 VALUE  'I',
         c_eq   TYPE char2 VALUE  'EQ',
         c_ekpo  TYPE char4 VALUE 'EKPO',
         c_hyfn  TYPE char1 VALUE '-'.
                     Work Area Declarations                              *
    DATA: x_output_ekpo type ty_output,
          x_ekpo type ty_ekpo.
                     Selection Screen                                    *
          s_ebeln FOR v_ebeln OBLIGATORY,
          s_ebelp FOR v_ebelp,
          s_matnr FOR v_matnr,
          s_werks FOR v_werks.
                     At Selection Screen                                 *
                     Start-of-Selection                                  *
    *--- Check Authorizations for Selection-screen
      PERFORM  z_selection_auth_check.
    *--- Fetch Purchasing Document Item data
      PERFORM  fetch_status_pp.
                     End-of-Selection                                    *
    **-- Download data to final internal table.
      PERFORM data_output.
      IF NOT it_output[] IS INITIAL.
    *--- Fill the structure for calling the ALV form
        PERFORM initialize_alv_params.
    **-- Display ALV Report
        PERFORM setup_and_display_alv_ver2
         it_out_alvp        "Parameter structure
         it_output[]        "Internal Data table(header table)
         it_output[].       "Dummy table for Hierarchical ALV!!(item table)
      IF it_output[] IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE i999(zi) WITH 'No data found for selection'(i02).
    *&      Form  FETCH_STATUS_PP
    Get data from ekpo table
    *-Fetch PP Data from ekpo table
      REFRESH it_ekpo.
             FROM ekpo
             INTO TABLE it_ekpo
             WHERE ebeln IN s_ebeln
               AND ebelp IN s_ebelp.
      IF sy-subrc = c_0.
        SORT it_ekpo BY ebeln ebelp.
    ENDFORM.                    " FETCH_STATUS_PP
    *&      Form  f_top_of_page
    *This is to write the top of page
    FORM top_of_page.
      DATA:  lt_list TYPE slis_t_listheader,
             lx_list TYPE slis_listheader.
    *--- Title name
      CLEAR lx_list.
      lx_list-typ  = 'S'.
      lx_list-key  = 'Title name'(t13).
      lx_list-info = sy-title.
      APPEND lx_list TO lt_list.
      IF NOT lt_list IS INITIAL.
            it_list_commentary = lt_list.
    ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page
    *&      Form  init_page_head
    Description : This subroutine initializes the fields in table BHDGD  *
                  for printing the report heading.                       *
    FORM init_page_head.
      bhdgd-line1  = 'SLA Status Report'(h04).
      bhdgd-line2  = sy-title.
      bhdgd-lines  = sy-linsz.
      bhdgd-fcpyrt = sy-uline.
      bhdgd-inifl  = '0'.
    ENDFORM.                    "init_page_head
    *&      Form  initialize_alv_params
    Description : Form to initialize ALV Params
    FORM initialize_alv_params.
      CONSTANTS: lc_alv_grid  TYPE char1 VALUE 'G',  "Grid
                 lc_u         TYPE char1 VALUE 'U'.
      MOVE 'IT_OUTPUT' TO   it_out_alvp-tablname.   "final table
      MOVE sy-repid    TO   it_out_alvp-repid.
      MOVE lc_alv_grid TO   it_out_alvp-alvtype.
      MOVE c_x         TO   it_out_alvp-bringdefaultvar.
      MOVE lc_u        TO   it_out_alvp-variantsavetype.
    ENDFORM.                    " initialize_alv_params
          FORM it_out_init_events                                       *
    -->this is form is to modify the events
    FORM it_out_init_events
           alevnts TYPE slis_t_event.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS <alevnt> TYPE slis_alv_event.
      LOOP AT alevnts ASSIGNING <alevnt>.
        CASE <alevnt>-name.
          WHEN  slis_ev_top_of_page.
            MOVE 'TOP_OF_PAGE'  TO <alevnt>-form.
    ENDFORM.                    "it_out_init_events
    *&      Form  DATA_OUTPUT
    Download data to final internal table
      loop at it_ekpo into x_ekpo.
        x_output_ekpo-ebeln = x_ekpo-ebeln.
        x_output_ekpo-ebelp = x_ekpo-ebelp.
        x_output_ekpo-matnr = x_ekpo-matnr.
        x_output_ekpo-werks = x_ekpo-werks.
        append x_output_ekpo to it_output.
    ENDFORM.                    " DATA_OUTPUT
          FORM it_out_alv_fieldcat_before                               *
    -->  PT_FCAT                                                       *
    -->  ALVP                                                          *
    FORM it_out_alv_fieldcat_before  CHANGING
        pt_fcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv
        alvp TYPE typ_alv_form_params.
      DATA: lx_fcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
      CLEAR lx_fcat.
      lx_fcat-tabname        = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lx_fcat-fieldname      = 'EBELN'.
      lx_fcat-col_pos        = '1'.
      lx_fcat-ddictxt        = 'M'.
      lx_fcat-seltext_l      = 'Purchasing Doc No'(018).
      lx_fcat-seltext_m      = 'Purchasing Doc No'(018).
      lx_fcat-seltext_s      = 'Purchasing Doc No'(018).
      lx_fcat-reptext_ddic   = 'Purchasing Doc No'(018).
      APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fcat.
      CLEAR lx_fcat.
      lx_fcat-tabname        = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lx_fcat-fieldname      = 'EBELP'.
      lx_fcat-col_pos        = '1'.
      lx_fcat-ddictxt        = 'M'.
      lx_fcat-seltext_l      = 'Item No Purchasing Doc'(020).
      lx_fcat-seltext_m      = 'Item No Purchasing Doc'(020).
      lx_fcat-seltext_s      = 'Item No Purchasing Doc'(020).
      lx_fcat-reptext_ddic   = 'Item No Purchasing Doc'(020).
      APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fcat.
      CLEAR lx_fcat.
      lx_fcat-tabname        = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lx_fcat-fieldname      = 'MATNR'.
      lx_fcat-col_pos        = '1'.
      lx_fcat-ddictxt        = 'M'.
      lx_fcat-seltext_l      = 'Material'(010).
      lx_fcat-seltext_m      = 'Material'(010).
      lx_fcat-seltext_s      = 'Material'(010).
      lx_fcat-reptext_ddic   = 'Material'(010).
      APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fcat.
      CLEAR lx_fcat.
      lx_fcat-tabname        = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lx_fcat-fieldname      = 'WERKS'.
      lx_fcat-col_pos        = '1'.
      lx_fcat-ddictxt        = 'M'.
      lx_fcat-seltext_l      = 'Supply plant'(013).
      lx_fcat-seltext_m      = 'Supply plant'(013).
      lx_fcat-seltext_s      = 'Supply plant'(013).
      lx_fcat-reptext_ddic   = 'Supply plant'(013).
      APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " it_out_alv_fieldcat_before.
    Edited by: shalini reddy on Oct 7, 2008 5:08 PM

    The heading are in the table pt_fcat - you don't seem to be passing that in form....
    PERFORM setup_and_display_alv_ver2
    it_out_alvp "Parameter structure
    it_output[] "Internal Data table(header table)
    it_output[]. "Dummy table for Hierarchical ALV!!(item table)
    which I guessing in in one of the includes?
    Saying that the extract pof code does not show where you are calling form it_out_alv_fieldcat_before ...which populates the headings...

  • Movement type group in CIN subcontracting

    What is the relevenace  of meovement type group in SAP CIN.
    there are two movement type group 0001 & 0002 .......what is the relevance of these groups in subcontracting and if a movement type is not assigned with these groups how does it impact in system. On which basis a movement type is assigned to them.
    if i assign movement type 101 to group 0002 is there anything wrong in it
    I want to understand there significance and impact

    The logic is quite simple to understand
    Lets start from beginning
    Step 1>
    First we need to define subcontracting attributes in CIN customizing
    Logistics General --> Tax on Goods Movement --> India --> Business Transactions -->Subcontracting -->Subcontracting Attributes
    Here we maintain entries for your Excise group , Excise TT (57FC) ,Sub Transaction Type (01)
    Now here you will find 2 fields
    Mvt Grp Issues i.e Movement Type group for Issue.The movement types relevant for issue of materials are grouped for a combination of transaction type and subtransaction type.Which is 0001 in standard SAP
    Mvt Grp Receipt   Movement Type Group Receipts.Receipt of materials are grouped for a combination of transaction type and subtransaction type.Which is 0002 in standard SAP
    Step 2
    And in next step we define the movement types to its group
    Logistics General -->Tax on Goods Movement  --> India  -->Business Transactions  --> Subcontracting  --> Maintain Movement Type Groups
    Now just think Logically forget CIN
    Which are your receipt movement types ?
    101,542 etc  so assign these to Mvt type Grp 0002
    Which are your issue movement types ?
    122 ,102,541 etc so assign these to Mvt type Grp 0001
    Now detailed explanation from  SAP just find the document
    "J85 u2013 Subcontracting without Payment of Excise Duty :Building Block Configuration Guide"
    Link :   http://help.sap.com/bp_bblibrary/600/Documentation/J85_BB_ConfigGuide_EN_IN.doc
    Also check http://help.sap.com/bp_bblibrary/600/html/J85_EN_IN.htm for process details

  • Error MIGO AA629 Balance for transac type group 10 negative for the area 01

    I have the following principal case in the PRD (version 60.0 ECC):
    Active 25000549 number was discharged from the transaction MIGO 18/12/2009 USD 19295.22 and began to depreciate on 01.01.2010.
    On 22.04.2010 the vendor issues a credit note USD 11626.96 therefore created the Purchase Order number 9900000903 and when it will account for the transaction MIGO get the error message AA629 ( Balance for transaction type group 10 negative for the are). In transaction MIGO are using the kind of movement 161.
    SAP looked in and found a related note the following: 497297, 541200, 547233 but they refer to version 4.7 and 4.6C and make no reference to version 6.0.
    The error detail is as follows:
    Balance for transaction type group 10 negative for the area 01
    Message no. AA629
    Asset affected: 000025000549-0000
    With the transaction entered, the balance for the transactions in group 10 in area 01 will be negative in this fiscal year. However, the balance of transaction type group 10, according to its definition, must be positive in each fiscal year.
    System Response
    The system rejects this posting.
    Check the transaction type, the amount and the fiscal year in your posting. If you want to post a credit memo to an acquisition from the previous year, then use a transaction type for a retirement. If necessary, you can change balance rules after talking with your SAP consultant.
    My questions are: someone has thought of something similar? how to solve? must implement the foregoing notes?
    Thank you very much for your kind help

    notes 20347 and .302756.                                      
    Try to change following customizing temporarily to 160:               
    IMG->FI-AA->Transactions->Determine default transaction types for            
         internal transactions->Acquisition from goods receipt                                                                               
    Another alternative could be to TEMPORARILY change the definition  of transaction type group 10 so that it allows negative values.                                                                               
    139899   AA629 when posting MR01/MRHR/MIRO invoice receipt                                                                               
    AA629 is raised when the transactions per transaction type group in one year are negative in balance and the definition of the  transaction type group only allows positive values  (that means TABWG-VZJSAL is '+'). This is the case for transaction           
    type group 10. After posting transaction I recommend to set transaction   group 10 back to its original definition.                                    
    Regards Bernhard

  • Creation of Group for Order type

    Dear All,
    I have created the stage wise order
    types ,now I am trying to create a group for each order
    type, while doing this I maintained  text &
    no.range for the same,
    but system is not creating new group,
    it replaced the existing group.(OPJH )
    please guide me to solve this difficulty
    Thanks in advance
    Vijay Mankar

    Hi Vijay,
    1. To create a new group "F6" now type the description and the number interval. Now hit enter. New group is created
    2. You need to select the new Number Range Group by selecting the check box on the left side of the group.
    3. Place your cursor on the Order type decsription and use "F2" to select the line.
    4. Now you need to hit the "Element/Group" icon or F5 in key board to assign the order type to the number range group.
    Save the changes now. Number ranges are generally not transported, so you need to do this directly in the client where it is needed.
    Hope this steps will help you in understanding how this has to be done. Reward your points,

  • Problem creating cache group for a table with data type varchar2(1800 CHAR)

    I am using TimesTen 7.0 with Oracle server. While creating Cache Group for one of my table I'm getting the following error.
    5121: Non-standard type mapping for column TICKET.DESCRIPTION, cache operations are restricted
    5168: Restricted cache groups are deprecated
    5126: A system managed cache group cannot contain non-standard column type mapping
    The command failed.
    One of my filed type in oracle table is Varchar2(1800 CHAR). If I change the filed size to <=1000 it (E.g. Varchar2(1000 CHAR)) then the Create Cache command works fine.
    MyDatabase Character Set is UTF8.
    Is it possible to solve without changing the filed size in the Oracle Table?
    Request your help on this.

    Hi Chris.
    The TimesTen server and the Oracle Client is installed on a 32-bit system.
    1. ttVersion
    TimesTen Release (32 bit Linux/x86) (timesten122:17000) 2008-04-04T00:09:04Z
    Instance admin: root
    Instance home directory: /appl/TimesTen/timesten122
    Daemon home directory: /var/TimesTen/timesten122
    Access control enabled.
    2. Oracle DB details
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Oracle Client - Oracle Client running in a 32 bit Linux/x86
    3. ODBC Details

  • How to add a default user group for multiple document type's?

    I am trying to add same default user group for different document types when MA is created. Is there any way to setup using a single "Document Security Template"? Or I need to create different templates for different document types?
    Please confirm.

    Hi Saloni,
    Based on what your specific requirement, it might be easier to do it with scripting.
    If you are doing it using Document Security Templates, you would have to create a Document Security Template for each of the 6 MA types and assign the default group. Create another one and leave the Document Type field blank, so it will apply to the other 4 MA types that don't have a default group.

  • T.code for transaction type groups (FI-AA)

    Hi Friends,
    Please can you tell me the t,code for creating transaction type groups. ( Transaction type groups are attached to transaction types in t.code AO73).
    Thanks & Regards

    T.Code: OAVJ
    However, I wouldn't create Transaction Group Types if I were you... since there is a lot of config behind it that you need to be careful with.
    I assume you know what you are doing.

  • How to create new group for material type

    Hello all experts,
    Im unable to create a new group for materials types, diff groups for FG and raw materials material type??
    Could you pls help ??
    Thanks in advance.

    When you create a new material you have to specify the material types like finished goods or raw material like that in the initial screen
    For this new material types can be defined in
    SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Basic Settings -> Material Type ->Define attribute of material Type
    T code OMS2
    After specifying the material type and giving organizational data like plant, storage location,sales org etc we go on to create the material
    In one of the tabs the material groups should be specified and from MM point of view it is a reqd entry
    this can be defined in
    Define Material Group
    SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Setting for Key Field -> Define Material Group
    T .Code: OMSF
    I beleive this is what you are asking about

  • Service group for particular document type or Purchase Organisation

    Dear Gurus,
    I want to add service group as like Material group. but my objective is to restrict those service group for particular document type or Purchase Organisation??
    Is it possible, if so please advice me the SPRO Settings

    Basically, this task (both customized table activation via SE11 transaction and user exit activation via SE37 transaction) will be done by ABAPer.  All you should do is to prepare the functional specs document in which you require -
    1)   A generation and activation of the customized table which consists of at least four columns -
         a)   Purchasing Organization;
         b)   Purchasing Document Type;
         c)   Material group/service group
         d)   Purchasing Document Creation Date
    2)   A coding and activation of the related function module (You can use SMOD transaction to view the enhancement MM06E005 to view related user exit).

  • Define Account Grouping for Movement Types??

    In account determination the setting in transaction  OMWM - Define Account Grouping for Movement Types
    The above transaction needs any setting or its standard SAP settings??
    Can somebody explain me about this transaction in detail.

    OMWM is to decide account determination should happen via valuation grouping code or not. SAP standard is with valuation grouping code. I had never seen singe time anywhere it is deactivated.
    Account grouping for movemement you can see in OMJJ. (Inside movement type left side). It is also predefined by SAP. You see only account modifier and check acct. assignment is editable. Others cannot be edited.
    In case for same transaction if you want 2 different GL account needs to be triggered for same material in same plant, we copy a movemen type and create a new and assign a different account modifier.
    Then in OBYC against it we will maintain different GL account.
    Hope you are clear

  • Account grouping for movement types

    Can any one explain me in detail about the account grouping for movement types,
    in account determination without wizard,as i am unable to understand the lines for each movement types.
    If u have any link, pl attach it also.
    Thank you

    Hi, Please refer the below link.

  • Creating Authorization groups for material types

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to create Authorization groups for different material types we have in our company. Basically these are intended to restric the users from accessing the material master. Different material types needs to be assigned to differnt group of users.
    So if we can create couple of Authorization groups, then I am thinking of assigning the material types to these groups.
    I went to SPRO---Logistics general ---Material master -
    Tools --- Maintain authorization and authorization profiles.                 TCODE : PFCG
    Is this the right path?
    Please advise

    Hi All,
    I don't think SPRO---Logistics general -Material master- Tools --- Maintain authorization and authorization profiles is the right path to create new authorization groups.
    Can anyone explain how to create new authorization groups for different material types. The purpose is to create a role and assign this auth. group to this role and provide that security role to specific users.

  • Table for Type Groups (DDIC)

    I´m searching for the database table the Type Groups are stored in.
    (SE11 -> Type Group)
    From table TADIR I´m getting the owner and the dev. class.
    From table DDTYPET I´m getting the short text.
    But where I can find "Last changed on/by"? (SE11 -> Type Group -> Atttributes)

    Use this function module TYPD_GET_OBJECT to get the last changed by user
    PTRDIR exporting parameter contains the values
    column - UNAM - Last changed by
                 UDAT - Last changed time
    you can get all the details from this parameter(PTRDIR).

Maybe you are looking for

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