Typing in French

When you use the word "De" in French it auto corrects that word to the date in French. Example mer 10 apr 2013. And when you try to correct the word "De" to the word you like, the word following "De" gets attached sometimes. So example "demoi" when I'm trying to type "de moi"

Language and input» automated assistance» word substitution
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    Please help.How can I find accents on the keyboard when typing in french?Thanks

    You can also open the Keyboard Viewer & hold Option key & Shift+Option to see...
    Option key...
    Shift+Option or alt key...

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    Amazing response. Unbelievably fast. Totally helpful. Totally
    A thousand thanks

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    I am wondering if there is a way to get my MacBook with a bilingual Eglish/French keyboard as I am required to type in both languages.
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    I had the same issue as I live in France.. I need to work in English but communicate on a personal level in French. The accents are a bit of a pain on my MacBook International English keyboard, so I just bought myself a French wireless keyboard, and use that when typing in French.

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    Anyone know of a solution for Canadians typing in French with bluetooth?

    give you some  more infomation.
    ASCII character can be stored in SQL Server as varchar or char data type which will take one storage byte per character.
    You can store non ASCII characters using either
    a) creating a column of character data type (either varchar or char) with appropriate collation for e.g. if you create column with Arabic collation you can store arabic character in varchar columns and it still takes only one
    byte per character.
    B) or You specify your column with data type nvarchar or nchar where N stands for national character and it will allow you to store any character/language that unicode supports. This however increase storage overhead as each character will take
    two bytes.  
    >>> Just wondering how/where i can specify the unicode piece?
    create table t1
    keycol int identity(1,1) primary key,
    data nvarchar(30) NOT NULL
    By specifying column with data type of nvarchar or nchar
    for more info

  • How to keep keyboard qwerty layout for french input

    Hello all. I'm a new converted to OS X world, long time windows user. I'm experiencing a really great time with my MacBook Pro since i bought it about one week now, learning and learning a lot of new things about it since this OS and the windows OS are not really the same.
    I spend a lot of time on this forum looking for answers to my qestions and i've found so many answers, thanks to the seniors who helping us the newbies.
    Here is one question I'm not finding a thread of on this forum: My keyboard is a qwerty one, but i use both english and french language for my work, when i added the french language to the keyboard, it automaticaly convert the layout into azerty keyboard everytime i want to type thing in french. I'm having iOS and i was able to keep the qwerty layout for french so that when i'm typing in french, and push "q w e r t y" it out put "q w e r t y" which is what i want, as for the accents that can be find in several french words, the auto correct correct the as i'm typing on my iDevice so that i do not have to wory about the acsents. I've noticed that the MBP also have the auto correct feature in the keyboard setting, so i was hoping that there is actually a way to set the French language to use the qwerty layout instead of auto converting into azerty layout whenever i want to input using french. And if there is a way to set it, or a software that i need to download to get what i need then please advice me a how - to or a step by step instructions.
    thanks in advance for you helps.

    Thanks Tom, I like the "hold down key" trick.
    However I come back to the initial request, as I can manage with the accent in several ways: autocorrect, hold down trick, alt-` shortcut; but they are not so direct solution!
    The solution i am expecting is changing the language to french as I know by heart where the accent keys are. But my keyboard is US (so qwerty). When I change to french (it comes with azerty) I need to adapt with the letters.So I would like to get also qwerty arrangemet of letters for french language setting.
    If that is possible I will be able to set up on time the french language when I'm typing text in french, having to adapt only with the accents keys which I know by heart. It would be the perfect solution for me. By the way, I'm currently learning how to type the accents with the US keyboard which is the more direct solution I've found untill now.

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    I looked on the internet and found a lot of people with the same problem but no sustainable solution. Some say it's a virus but I didn't think that would be possible on Mac.  It's really annoying when typing in French. Can someone help? Thank you.
    ps: I'm not very computer savvy, so you'll need to spell it out. :-)

    Actualy dis regard my last post. Check this website out.
    do what it says and it might help.

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    i hope someone can tell me why that happened, because it was really freaky! and no, this isnt a joke!

    Hi clemens  ,
    type ALLG_TEST
    There is only field with name  ALLGTEST  and not ALLG_TEST  .
    when  you use it as  parameter  and check  on dictionary field  in text elements  it takes name TEST RUN  (DICTIONARY NAME  )

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    Thanks !

    Have a look :http://www.easytypefrenchaccents.com/
    With this application, you can easy type in French. I am also using a US keyboard but typing in French is not
    more an issue .

  • T500 Vista buying experience and initial setup problems

    This a long post but I felt the information could be used by others buying a notebook and trying to set it up.
    I have used a Thinkpad T40 (1 GB, XP Pro) at work since 2003  and just love the rock-solid keyboard, screen, and hinges. The IT department has offered me the most recent Dell computer as an upgrade but I much prefer to keep my old reliable T40.
    When my daughter needed a notebook for university in September, it was only natural to consider Lenovo, having heard about too many quality problems with other manufacturers. I wanted this notebook to last through the 4 years without any hardware problems.
    I did a lot of research on the Web and read numerous Thinkpad forums. The information gathered was invaluable for deciding which configuration to buy. Note that I have never used VISTA before, nor have I ever opened a notebook to replace parts.
    Buying experience:
    - On my first contact with the Lenovo Sales desk in Canada, they mentioned there was a special 25% coupon sale, if my configuration was over $1500 (discounted price). These specials come back often, so it is best to check the Lenovo site. At the time, there was a free integrated camera, free upgrade to 250 MB HDD and free shipping. Since these promotions can be removed at any time, I decided to place an online order for a Thinkpad T500, before having completed all my research. It is easy to place an order online. You just have to remember that not all items contribute to making up the $1500, such as MS Office software.
    - Lenovo Sales telephone support for answering any questions about online ordering was outstanding and very helpful.
    - Note that if a particular online configuration is there one week, it might not be there the next week. It depends on parts availability at Lenovo.
    - In order to get the 25% coupon discount, I had to add some items to my configuration to reach $1500, such as Bluetooth, Wifi 5100, which I did not really need, but the saving on the overall cost was worthwhile.
    - I had ordered a WXGA (1280 x 800) High Brightness LED Backlit screen and 3 GB of RAM. After reading about the poor display quality of these screens, I was able to cancel my order by phone the next day (after making sure the same deal was still available), and place a new revised order for a WSXGA+ TFT (1680 x 1050) screen. Since the configuration price for an additional 2 GB RAM was $110 CDN, I decided to buy the extra 2 GB RAM (only $43 CDN) as an accessory, on the same order, separate from the T500 configuration. I could then install the RAM myself to save $67 ! Just make sure you pay the extra to get the base 2 GB RAM on one DIMM, since there are only 2 slots available. I know I will only be using 3.5 GB with my 32-bit Windows, but at least, if one of the DIMMs goes bad, I can still operate on 2 GB.
    - as for choosing which CPU to buy, I chose in the middle range, starting with the first CPU having 3 MB L2 cache.
    - I did not buy MS Office or McAfee Antivirus with the configuration. Since my daughter attends a post-secondary institution, she was able to order MS Office Ultimate 2007 for $64 CDN + $13 for the DVD. Microsoft has had this promotion on their site
    for a while, but it is not well known. You get 8 MS products for one low price and it is completely legal for numerous countries ! I downloaded the software since it took 5 weeks to get the DVD delivered ! At the end of 4 weeks, I contacted Microsoft to tell them I had still not received the DVD. So I received the first DVD and a few weeks later, I received a second copy. So much for quick shipping !
    Initial impressions:
    - I received 3 separate shipments: 1 free Thinkpad privacy filter to install on the screen, the 2 GB RAM, and finally the T500 (which took about 2 weeks).
    -The stainless steel hinges are rock-solid. When trying to raise the lid in the first weeks, you have to hold down the keyboard. Not at all like the hinges I see on the Dell notebooks at work.
    - The 3 USB port connections are very tight, which means they should last through repeated plugging and unplugging.
    - The T500 is surprisingly quiet, more than my T40. You can hardly hear the fan.
    - I am extremely satisfied with the screen resolution, colours, and quality.
    - The only disappointment was the keyboard ! Typing on the left-hand side (Q,W keys) produced an annoying "clunk". This was the worst keyboard I had ever used, being accustomed to the legendary quality of my T40. Even my daughter complained about the keyboard. I had read on the forums about the "flex" in the keyboard. Before ordering, when I asked the Sales Rep if these known problems had been solved, I was told that yes, the keyboard flex was no longer an issue. Too bad this was not true !
    Initial Setup:
    - Setup was easy. Just follow the on-screen instructions.
    - I was not very happy to see a trial version of MS-Office and McAfee Antivirus on my notebook. I had not ordered it on the online configuration and did not want it. I had read on the forums that other users had all sorts of problems trying to get their own version of MS Office working (activation keys not being recognized), when the pre-loaded software was still there. And I knew how difficult it could be to erase all traces of McAfee by myself.
    Hardware problems:
    - after I burned my very first DVD, I pressed the Eject button. To my surprise, there was a thin grey foam ring (about 3 cm diameter) sitting on top of my DVD media. I assumed that this came from the roof of the DVD drive and the manufacturing process had missed the glue to keep it there. I contacted Lenovo and they immediately sent out a replacement (received the next day), which was easy to install. I then returned the defective part to Lenovo. My only complaint is that this was a refurbished unit. I was expecting a new unit since the part was defective out of the box and not a few months later.
    - for the defective keyboard, I contacted Lenovo and mentioned the numerous complaints on the forums, and they sent me a new keyboard (FRU 42T3938). Unlike the DVD drive, I did not have to send back the original keyboard. However, the replacement keyboard was exactly the same as the original, with a thin flexible backing full of holes. I contacted Lenovo again in the morning and the agent mentioned I should contact Sales, since there was nothing more he could do. That afternoon, the agent called me to say that after further research, he had found a replacement keyboard that would correct the flex. When I received the second replacement keyboard (FRU 42T3210), I knew it was the right one, since there were far less holes in the more solid backing plate. I followed the instructions for replacing the keyboard and added my additional 2 GB RAM at the same time, since it is in the same area, under the palm rest. Now the keyboard is almost like my solid T40, and I am no longer ashamed of the T500 keyboard. For those of you wondering what an ACNOR or CSA keyboard is, it is one where the 5 most common French accented characters (and not only the é) are used with one keystroke. I have been using such a keyboard disposition since 1994 and it is invaluable when typing in French.
    For pictures comparing the defective and replacement keyboards, see
    My immediate goals:
    - out of the box, there are 3 partitions: partitions Q (10 GB)  and S (1 GB) are Lenovo partitions to recover the operating system, C partition is a single partition over 200 GB on my 250 GB DD. I wanted to partition the C: drive in multiple partitions.
    - I also wanted to eliminate MS Office and McAfee so I could install my own software (MS Office 2007 Ultimate and free Avast Antivirus). When I contacted Lenovo to ask how I could do this, they said I could use the recovery partition and "customize" it so that this software would not be installed. Turns out that this option was removed by Lenovo. I guess pressure from Microsoft and McAfee was too great ! The only other option was to use Add/Remove.
    Partitioning problems.
    - I ran Diskmgmt.msc (also available on XP) to see the layout of my HDD. Unfortunately, it did not seem to be powerful enough to partition like I wanted. But it is great to see the layout of the disk and do basic partitioning. (http://www.theeldergeek.com/hard_drives.htm)
    - I installed the free EASUS Partition Manager (http://www.partition-tool.com/); the non-free Pro version works on 64-bit.  I wanted to partition: C 35GB (Operating System and Office), D 20GB (other applications), E 25GB (Data), F 100GB (Music and Pictures). I also installed the free EASUS Todo Backup (http://www.todo-backup.com/) to do regular image backups as I was proceeding.
    - while trying to partition the C drive, I must have made an error somewhere (I think I accidentally declared another partition as the active partition). Whenever I rebooted, I would get the message "Boot MGR is missing". I could not even use the recovery partition (Q and S) on the HDD. So my notebook was totally unusable. Fortunately, I had burned 4 Recovery DVD's, as soon as the OS was operational. The first recovery DVD booted OK. However, the system would not recognize any of the 3 other recovery DVD, displaying a message such as wrong disk inserted or something similar. Imagine if in a few months I had needed to use these recovery DVD that I had burned; they were completely useless and I would have nothing to recover with. Very scary !
    - I explained the problem to Lenovo Support and they sent me within 3 days a set of 4 Rescue & Recovery DVD. By following the instructions, it took 2 hours to recover to a working system. The good: no Office or McAfee trial software came with this recovery. The bad: there was a 2 GB empty partition at the beginning of the HDD and 10 GB of unallocated space at the end of the disk. Why Lenovo would do this, I don't know; seems a bit sloppy to me. Also, I had to manually reconfigure everything, since there is no "just follow the instructions" as when configuring the "out-of-the-box" system. I had to install my own PDF viewer
    (free open source PDF X-viewer http://www.docu-track.com/home/prod_user/PDF-XChange_Tools/pdfx_viewer), Adobe Flash, etc...
    - the major problem in partitioning is the inability to shrink a partition (such as C) in order to free up space after to add extended partitions
    (http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/working-around-windows-vistas-shrink-volume-inadequacy-...). There always seems to be VISTA unmovable files, MBR or something else. After reading numerous posts, I installed the trial version (30 days) of Raxco PerfectDisk Home edition in order to consolidate all the files to the front of the C: drive. A few iterations were required since the MBR seems to be placed in the middle of the partition. I was finally able to partition my HDD exactly as I wanted. I was so pleased with the efficiency and ease of use of PerfectDisk that I bought the Pro 10 version. Just wait for when the software is occasionally discounted. (http://www.perfectdisk.com/home)
    VISTA User account setup:
    I had created my E partition to store all user data of all accounts, since I would have multiple accounts on the computer. I also wanted to store all music and pictures in the Public folder on F partition. There are numerous methods described on the Internet, most of which seem too complicated. See http://joshmouch.wordpress.com/2007/04/07/change-user-profile-folder-location-in-vista/ and
    http://www.vista4beginners.com/Move-user-files-folders-to-another-partition?page=1. I finally decided to do just 2 simple registry modifications described in the last post here
    It worked for me but use at your own risk ! Just edit the 2 Registry keys and replace the C: drive by the one you need.
    - I only had the Admin account created on the C: partition. Before creating any other user accounts, I modified the registry so that all new user accounts created would use my E partition.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList  ProfilesDirectory = E:\Users
    - I modified the registry so that the Public folder would be on my F partition.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList  Public = F:\Public
    Other notes of interest:
    - I had been a long-time subscriber to the Fred Langa Langalist
    (http://www.langa.com/backups/backups.htm). I now subscribe to the excellent Windows Secrets newsletter (http://www.windowssecrets.com/). The information provided is very useful.
    - I had considered an inexpensive boot manager, partition manager and imaging software (BootIt Next Generation) highly recommended by Fred Langa
    (http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/index.htm). But it seemed a bit like overkill for my needs. There is a fully-functioning trial version.
    - I regularly consult a complete list of recommended free software on Gizmo's Freeware review (http://www.techsupportalert.com). One recommended free open source defragmenter which I did not use was MyDefrag (http://www.mydefrag.com/).
    - download and install the latest version of the Lenovo System Tools (Toolbox). It is very easy to use and can troubleshoot all hardware problems. Search for MIGR-67520 on the Lenovo site.
    - you can find Roxio DVD burning software on the Lenovo site (MIGR-72359 on the Lenovo site). I have not installed it yet.
    - use the Lenovo System Update to keep your drivers up-to-date.
    - for info on how to use switchable graphics, search on the Lenovo site for MIGR-70495.
    - for tips on setting battery parameters, http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=320082
    Recommendations to Lenovo:
    - don't ship poor quality keyboards. You have too much to lose, for the small manufacturing savings.
    - don't pre-install trial versions of Office or McAfee. This should be an option and not be forced onto buyers.
    - at least ship the HDD with a 40 GB C primary partition and the rest as D: partition. This would make it easier for users who are not technical.
    - if you are going to include an integrated camera, provide software to use it. Currently, I have no way of taking a picture or making a video without acquiring other software. The technique described here
    (http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-67413) does not work !
    - provide some software to reduce the speed of the DVD drive when watching movies. The noise at the default maximum speed is very annoying.
    Thinkpad T500 | Model 2081-CTO | Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 (2.53GHz, 1066MHz 3MB L2 Cache) | 4 GB PC3-8500 DDR3 RAM | 15.4" WSXGA+ | ATI Mobility Radeon 3650 (256MB) | 250GB Hitachi HDD (5400rpm) | Bluetooth 2.1 | Integrated Camera | DVD Recordable UltraBay Slim | Intel Wifi Link 5100 | Sony 6-cell Li-Ion battery | Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP1

    people complaining about problems installing an office over another office are (dare i say it) stupid. it makes absolutely no sense installing one over the trial version. just uninstall the trial and you'll be fine. every single time.
    as for problem with uninstalling mcafee (or any other antivirus, for that matter, just download the uninstaller from the software company e.g. http://service.mcafee.com/FAQDocument.aspx?id=TS100507 for mcafee.
    that said i believe you get to choose if you want mcafee and/or office when you go through the inital boot, the "on-screen instructions"
    you can slow down the odd via power manager
    and thanks for the tips on changing the reg to have the user profiles somewhere else!
    T400s - 2815RW1 + Win7 Ultimate
    Don't pm me for help! That's what the forum is for. Also, Google's nicer than me. Ask him.

  • Why a document gets attached without any attach request

    Today I sent an email to the condo manager and noticed too late that a pdf was attached that I never requested. The attachment is named "Part 1.2.2" and could not be found with a file search. When you click on that name the file opens normally with the viewer. Incidentally that message was typed in French where you do not use the words attach, attachment etc. because they have a different meaning. This is embarrassing because the attachment contains rather confidential information. Knowing that Windows regularly drops files into a Temp folder I frequently delete them manually. Does anyone know why this mysterious action occurred? Many thanks.

    I have a similar experience last month.
    1.I replied a mail.
    2.A receiver told me that there was a strange file attached in the replied mail.
    3.After checking the sent mail, I found there was an attached file named 「Part」 and it's type was PDF.
     The original location of the PDF file was another mail.
    Could anyone tell me why this happened?
    Thanks a lot.

  • « instead of quotation marks

    So yeah pretty self explanatory. Only when I am typing on Apple products (Pages, Keynote, iMessage etc) will the quotation mark (Shift + Right Enter) turn into a double arrow thing.
    I looked online and many people were having this problem but on Microsoft for Mac. The solution was that it thought you were typing in French.. I have been through Langauges and Regions and Keyboard, but everything is set to English or my region Australia.
    It has been bugging me for a while now.. it's probably just some simple thing I missed out.

    Oops I meant Shift + Button next to RIght Enter

  • How to disable repeating keys

    I need to accent some characters when typing in French.  According to what I read, repeat keys should no longer work in Mountain Lion, except for asterisks and dots etc.  In theory I should be able,  by holding down the letter on the keyboard, to get a pop-up panel of possible accents to use.  But I am getting repeat keys instead.   I have tried using Lion Tweaks to use the 'disable repeating keys' function and although I get the message that is has been done, it hasn't.  Can anyone help?

    I can't explain why you are not getting the accents, but you can still use the key-chords to type accented characters.
    Press Option (alt) + Accent key, release the keys, then press the letter. For example, press Option-i, then o to get ô.
    If you have the input menu active, you can use the Keyboard Viewer to see the Accent keys. Open the viewer and press the Option key. The Orange highlighted keys will display the accents under them.

  • ITunes 9.0 - Suggestions...

    I was looking for French translation apps on iTunes, so I typed in French under the search bar.
    Then clicked Applications...
    Unfortunately, there wasn't ANY filters, the apps were just listed.
    Please add a filter..."highest rated, most purchased, price, etc."

    Click here and fill out the form.

  • Font changes when saving to Word

    Hi, I am trying to save an appleworks document as Word 97, 2000 but when I open in in Word2000 the font has changed from Times New Roman (default in in AW) to Helvetica. Also all the foreign language characters ( I am typing in French) have been replaced by weird characters making the document unreadable - a CV by the way.
    I know that I can save as PDF or probably download and use OpenOffice but I would love to be able to do all this in AW. Should it be possible? Am I missing something obviuos
    TIA Andy

    Hi Andy
    Have you ever try to save as HTML ?
    The resulting doc will be readable in any Browser keeping my dear french characters.
    Alas, the font info is NOT passed.
    Here is a sample resulting file. The original contained three fonts.
    «!--Fichier créé par le filtre AppleWorks HTML Filter 6.0-->
    «META NAME=GENERATOR CONTENT="AppleWorks HTML Filter 6.0">
    «META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;CHARSET=macintosh">
    «TITLE>sans titre«/TITLE>
    «BODY >
    «P>ceci est un essai§eacute;l§eacute;mentaire §agrave; l§#146;intention de §egrave;§egrave;§egrave;§egrave;§egrave;§ccedil;§ccedil;§ccedil;§ccedil;§ugrave ;§ugrave;§ugrave;§ugrave;«BR>
    ceci est un essai§eacute;l§eacute;mentaire §agrave; l§#146;intention de §egrave;§egrave;§egrave;§egrave;§egrave;§ccedil;§ccedil;§ccedil;§ccedil;§ugrave ;§ugrave;§ugrave;§ugrave;«BR>
    ceci est un essai§eacute;l§eacute;mentaire §agrave; l§#146;intention de §egrave;§egrave;§egrave;§egrave;§egrave;§ccedil;§ccedil;§ccedil;§ccedil;§ugrave ;§ugrave;§ugrave;§ugrave;«/P>
    I replaced < and & by &#171; and &#167; to fool the forum's interpreter.
    <!--Fichier cr&#233;&#233; par le filtre AppleWorks HTML Filter 6.0-->
    <META NAME=GENERATOR CONTENT="AppleWorks HTML Filter 6.0">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;CHARSET=macintosh">
    <TITLE>sans titre</TITLE>
    <BODY >
    ceci est un essaiélémentaire à l’intention de èèèèèççççùùùù
    ceci est un essaiélémentaire à l’intention de èèèèèççççùùùù
    ceci est un essaiélémentaire à l’intention de èèèèèççççùùùù
    Hi Dale
    Are you aware of the openOffice 2.0 availability ?
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE dimanche 30 octobre 2005 15:04:19)

Maybe you are looking for