Ubuntu/Linux on a Macbook?

For those of you who have successfully installed Ubuntu, or any other Linux build, on a Macbook, how did you install it, and how is it that you boot it?
I'm thinking about trying it, but i'm not exactly sure how to go about it.
Also, is it possible to install on an external hard drive and boot from that?

I currently have Ubuntu linux installed on my macbook (1st Gen) and it works well. Personally I cannot see myself dropping the Mac OS at any stage... it is so much better than Ubuntu, but as a comp sci student I do need linux and it is fun to mess around with.
As for installing it there are several good guides around the net and I am too lazy too look them up.
Long story short: Download and burn the ubuntu install .iso to a CD.
Use Boot Camp to create a non destructive partition on your disc, place ubuntu cd in your drive and holding down the 'C' key boot from it.
Follow the install instructions on the Ubuntu desktop and make sure to install it on to the correct partition (the one made for windows)
To boot into Ubuntu it is a simple matter of holding down the 'option' key at boot (before the start up chime) and selecting the disk called 'windows' (remembering thats where we installed ubuntu)
It's that easy, as I say find an online guide as that will walk you through every step of the process.

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    how can use linux in my macbook?

    You can use various distributions of Linux either by running them under Boot Camp, or in a virtualized environment such as Parallels or VMWare's Fusion. Note that you may have to try several different distros until you find one that works. I settled on Ubuntu running under Parallels.
    Best of luck.

  • Install Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition on Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (64-bit) Howto

    h2. Install Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition on Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (64-bit) Howto
    Version: B
    Author: Dude, 24. May 2011
    The following are step by step instructions how to install Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition (Beta) under Linux Ubuntu 11.04, 64-bit.
    Access to the Internet is required.
    The instructions cover the following additional topics:
    - Converting Red Hat based Oracle XE installer to Ubuntu.
    - Work-around for missing /sbin/chkconfig tool.
    - Install Oracle XE into a different directory or disk volume.
    - Relocate and configure the Oracle user and default login directory.
    - Uninstall, reconfigure and perform first database backup.
    - Notes and web links.
    - Troubleshooting
    h3. A) System Setup and Prerequisites
    h4. A.1. System Access
    You will need terminal command line, root and system console access to perform the setup tasks.
    To open a Terminal at the system console:
    Menu Applications > Accessories > TerminalThe following commands will enable remote ssh login with root access:
    sudo apt-get install openssh-server
    sudo passwd root
    ssh root@xe_server_host_nameh4. A.2. Software Prerequisites
    The following is required in order to install Oracle 11gR2 XE:
    sudo apt-get install alien libaio1 unixodbcThe following is not required, but it will fix backspace and arrow keys in case you prefer using the vi-editor:
    sudo apt-get install vimh4. A.3. System Swap space
    Minimum swap space required is 2 GB. You can increase swap space if necessary using a swap file:
    To analyze current swap space and memory configuration:
    sudo cat /proc/meminfo
    To install a 1 GB swapfile named swapfile in /, for example:
    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576
    (this may take a while)
    sudo mkswap /swapfile
    sudo swapon /swapfile
    sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig
    sudo echo '/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab
    sudo swapon -a
    sudo swapon -sh4. A.4. Kernel Parameters
    Oracle 11g XE requires the following additional kernel parameters:
    sudo nano /etc/sysctl.d/60-oracle.conf
    (Enter the following)
    # Oracle 11g XE kernel parameters
    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=9000 65000
    kernel.sem=250 32000 100 128
    (Save the file)
    Note: kernel.shmmax = max possible value, e.g. size of physical RAM.
    Verify: sudo cat /etc/sysctl.d/60-oracle.conf
    Load new kernel parameters:
    sudo service procps start
    sudo sysctl -q fs.file-max
    -> fs.file-max = 6815744h4. A.5. Oracle Installation Directory
    The current Oracle Installation Guide uses the same directory like in previous versions: /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/server. However, the current Beta installation uses Oracle Flexible Architecture (OFA) and installs into /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe. Due to size limitations of Oracle XE it may not be necessary to store the installation to a specific directory or separate volume, but it is possible:
    Install Oracle XE to separate disk volume:
    From the system console menu: System > Administration > Disk Utility
    Select "ext3" filesystem for Oracle compatibility and specify a Volume label, e.g. Oracle.
    Notice the device name e.g. /dev/sdb
    Get the drive UUID:
    sudo blkid
    e.g. /dev/sdb: UUID="d19a2d8f-da43-4802-8bdb-0703c855e23a"
    Modify /etc/fstab to automatically mount the volume at system startup:
    sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.original
    sudo nano /etc/fstab
    (Add the following, using determined UUID, for exmple)
    UUID=d19a2d8f-da43-4802-8bdb-0703c855e23a /u01 ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
    (Save the file)
    Create the mount-point, mount the new volume and set ownership and privileges:
    sudo mkdir /u01
    sudo mount -a
    sudo chown root:root /u01
    sudo chmod 755 /u01
    df -h
    or restart the systemYou can also install Oracle XE into a specific directory:
    Create a symbolic link to store the installation into an existing directory, for instance:
    sudo mkdir /home/oracle-xe
    sudo ln -s /home/oracle-xe /u01h3. C) Oracle 11g XE Download and Installation
    h4. C.1. Download and convert the Installer from Red Hat to Ubuntu
    Please see section E.3. to download the Oracle 11gR2 XE installer.
    Select the version listed for Linux x64.
    sudo unzip linux.x64_11gR2_OracleXE.zip
    sudo alien --to-deb --scripts oracle-xe-11.2.0-0.5.x86_64.rpm
    (This may take a while)h4. C.2. Create a special chkconfig script
    The Red Hat based installer of Oracle XE 11gR2 beta relies on +/sbin/chkconfig+, which is not used in Ubuntu. The chkconfig package available for the current version of Ubuntu produces errors and my not be safe to use. Below is a simple trick to get around the problem and install Oracle XE successfully:
    Create /sbin/chconfig:
    sudo nano /sbin/chkconfig
    (Cut and paste the following)
    # Oracle 11gR2 XE installer chkconfig hack for Debian by Dude
    if [[ ! `tail -n1 $file | grep INIT` ]]; then
       echo >> $file
       echo '### BEGIN INIT INFO' >> $file
       echo '# Provides:             OracleXE' >> $file
       echo '# Required-Start:       $remote_fs $syslog' >> $file
       echo '# Required-Stop:        $remote_fs $syslog' >> $file
       echo '# Default-Start:        2 3 4 5' >> $file
       echo '# Default-Stop:         0 1 6' >> $file
       echo '# Short-Description:    Oracle 11g Express Edition' >> $file
       echo '### END INIT INFO' >> $file
    update-rc.d oracle-xe defaults 80 01
    (Save the file)
    Set appropriate execute privileges:
    chmod 755 /sbin/chkconfig
    Note: You should remove the /sbin/chkconfig file after successful installation of Oracle XE.
    h4. C.3. Install and configure Oracle XE
    sudo dpkg --install ./oracle-xe_11.2.0-1.5_amd64.deb
    /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
    (This will take a while)
    Remove the /sbin/chkconfig script, which is no longer needed.
    sudo rm /sbin/chkconfigh4. C.4. Relocate and Configure the Oracle user login
    The Oracle XE installer specifies /u01/app/oracle as the login directory for the Oracle user. Although not really necessary, the following will relocate the Oracle user $HOME to a standard location and create standard /etc/skel login files:
    Exit all Oracle user sessions:
    sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe stop
    sudo kill -9 `ps -ef | grep oracle | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
    sudo userdel oracle
    sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -G dba -g dba -m oracle
    sudo passwd oracle
    sudo id oracle
    -> uid=1001(oracle) gid=1001(dba) groups=1001(dba)h4. C.5. Setup Oracle environment variables
    In order to use sqlplus and other tools, the Oracle account requires certain environment variables. The following will set these variables automatically at every interactive Oracle login:
    sudo echo '. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/oracle_env.sh' >> /home/oracle/.bashrch4. C.6. Oracle sudo root access
    It is not essential to allow the Oracle user to use sudo, but it is convenient:
    usermod -G admin oracle
    id oracle
    -> uid=1001(oracle) gid=1001(dba) groups=1001(dba),120(admin)
    sudo su -
    -> Enter Oracle account passwordh4. C.7. Oracle 11g XE Post-installation
    After you install Oracle Database XE, its graphical user interface is only available from the local server, but not remotely.
    The following will correct the problem if necessary:
    Login as user Oracle or use:
    su - oracle
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    At the SQL prompt, enter the following command:
    exith3. D) Unintstall, Reconfigure and Troubleshooting
    h4. D.1. Uninstall Oracle 11g XE
    The following will completely uninstall and remove Oracle 11g XE:
    Login as user root:
    sudo su -
    /etc/init.d/oracle-xe stop
    dpkg --purge oracle-xe
    rm -r /u01/app
    rm /etc/default/oracle-xe
    update-rc.d -f oracle-xe removeh4. D.2. Reconfigure Oracle 11g XE
    Type the following in a terminal window:
    /etc/init.d/oracle-xe stop
    sudo rm /etc/default/oracle-xe
    /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configureh4. D.3. Enable Archivelog mode and perform a database backup
    Login as user Oracle:
    su - oracle
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    At the SQL prompt, enter the following commands:
    shutdown immediate
    startup mount
    alter database archivelog;
    alter database open;
    Login to system console of the Oracle user account:
    Select Applications > Oracle Database 11g Express Edition > Backup Databaseh3. E) Notes
    h4. E.1. Oracle 11g XE limitiations overview
    - It will consume, at most, processing resources equivalent to one CPU.
    - Only one installation of Oracle Database XE can be performed on a single computer.
    - The maximum amount of user data in an Oracle Database XE database cannot exceed 11 GB.
    - The maximum amount of RAM that Oracle XE uses cannot exceed 1 GB, even if more is available.
    - HTTPS is not supported natively with the HTTP listener built into Oracle Database XE.
    h4. E.2. Documentation and Links
    Official documentation for Oracle 11gR2 XE can be found at:
    h4. E.3. Oracle 11g XE downloads
    The Installer is available from the Oracle Technology Network at:
    h4. E.4 APEX links and archives
    The APEX archives can be found at:
    The APEX download site is:
    h3. F) Troubleshooting
    ... in progress
    Regards and best of luck!
    Edited by: Dude on May 25, Version B: various corrections. chkconfig package (A.2.) not required.

    even though I am admin user.Admin user is a MS Windows term, that does not apply to Linux or Unix in the same fashion.
    The configuration script tells you "You must be root user to run the configure script. Login as root user and
    then run the configure script."
    This is most likely correct because your account is not root and does not have UID 0. What you can do is to login as root e.g. sudo su -, as the message suggest, or use "sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure", provided your account is defined in the /etc/sudoers file to perform root/admin actions.
    Btw, do not modify /etc/passwd and /etc/group to give you admin privileges or try to create a another root account under a different name. That's not the way it works and usually leads to nasty problems.

  • Upgrading to Firefox 17 on ubuntu linux 10.04 caused my xmodmap remapped keys to not work in Firefox

    After upgrading from Firefox 16 (16.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) to Firefox 17 (17.0+build2-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) on 22-November-2012 I no longer can use an xmodmap remapped F key in Firefox. It still works in other gnome programs but pressing the new F key anywhere in Firefox 17 produces no action. I even had to use the gedit program in order to type all this before copying it into the Ask a Question form.
    Here is my situation: I use Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS on a circa 2004 Sony Vaio notebook pc. I've been using linux on it dating back to Ubuntu 8.04. When I got the used pc the "F" key on the keyboard was broken off. I programmed the .xmodmaprc file in my home folder to initiate the "Keycode 133 = F" command on startup in order to remap the missing key to the unused Windows Logo key on the lower left of the keyboard. This has worked flawlessly for over four years. In all prior versions of Firefox going back to whatever version was included in Ubuntu 8.04 I have had no trouble using this key through all Firefox upgrades until now.
    On the morning of 22-Nov-2012 the Update Manager notified me of an upgrade to the following packages as shown in the history log of Synaptic Package Manager:
    Commit Log for Thu Nov 22 09:20:16 2012
    Upgraded the following packages:
    firefox (16.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) to 17.0+build2-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
    firefox-branding (16.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) to 17.0+build2-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
    firefox-gnome-support (16.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) to 17.0+build2-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
    firefox-locale-en (16.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) to 17.0+build2-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
    ubufox (2.1.1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) to 2.6-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
    xul-ext-ubufox (2.1.1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) to 2.6-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
    After performing the upgrade and restarting Firefox I noticed I was no longer able to use my remapped F key at all. I checked other programs and it worked OK so I know it's a Firefox 17 problem only. I tried reinstalling all the packages again with no results. I even went so far as to perform a Reset Firefox in Help-->Troubleshooting Information to try and get it working. All this ended up doing was removing all add-on extensions and changing some of my settings in Preferences but I'm not positive of any changes beyond the Location Bar setting in Privacy changing from Nothing to History and proxy setting going from No to Auto-Detect.
    The only solution that has worked to fix this problem is uninstalling Firefox 17 and reinstalling Firefox 16 using a downloaded firefox_16.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1_i386.deb file from Ubuntu as Firefox 16 no longer shows up in the main repository since 22-November-2012. The only versions available for a Force Version in Synaptic are 3.6 and 17 now. After downgrading only the firefox package shows version 16.0.2, all other components I listed above stayed at version 17. I don't know if this will cause any other problems but so far nothing bad has happened.
    After I submit this question I will be downgrading again to Firefox 16 until this problem can be solved.
    Edit: noted the following Language Packs were disabled on restart after downgrading to Firefox 16 again:
    English (GB) Language Pack 17.0
    English (South Africa) Language Pack 17.0
    If my memory is correct I only remember having an English (GB) Language Pack in all prior versions of Firefox. Firefox 17 was the first time I noticed a English (South Africa) Language Pack installed. It's possible the problem with xmodmap keys not functioning in Firefox 17 could be related to something in these two packs.

    Ok I tested a bunch of different Firefoxes on my pos linux box.
    '''''Worked with xmodmap:'''''
    Vanilla 16.0.2,
    Vanilla 16.0B6,
    Ubuntu Firefox 16.0.2 (16.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1)
    '''''Did Not Work with xmodmap:'''''
    Vanilla 17.0.1,
    Ubuntu Firefox 17.0.1 (17.0+build2-0ubuntu0.10.04.1)
    I have an old Dell Dimension 2400 I plan to use as a replacement for the Sony Vaio when it pops. I've held out as long as possible because it lacks a pci or usb wifi and I really didn't want to run 50 feet of cat5 up a flight of stairs to it. [as i type this i think i remember where a linksys stick for it might be]. Yes I guess it's about time I just do that.
    Don't laugh but the reason I held off adding a simple usb keyboard was just lack of space in my tiny bedroom. My setup is on two tray tables side-by-side. Sony Vaio is on left one, my lcd monitor and mouse are on the other. I barely have room to put a cup of coffee on the one with monitor and mouse let alone a full size usb keyboard lol.
    Anyway thank you again for all your help.

  • What is the best client for ARD from ubuntu linux?

    I attempt to connect to my mac mini running osx 10.7 from ubuntu linux using the default vncviewer application and the tightvnc client and I get to the login display but am unable to click on any of the users nor log in.  I was successful from my windows7 laptop, but not from my windows xp HTPC--ultravnc gets to the login prompt, showed me the password field, but didn't allow me to change focus to that field, however, this isn't reproducable since I get a different behavior each time I try to remote in.

    Back up all data. Update all third-party software to the latest version and remove any you don't need. Download the Yosemite installer from the App Store. Run it.

  • How to install oracle on ubuntu linux 10.1

    hi i have been trying to install my oracle 11g in ubuntu 10.1 linux any one have direction for me where to go maybe manual
    Edited by: user603350 on 2011/08/03 12:45 PM

    None of the Oracle installation, Express or Enterprise Edition are really easy by today's standards. Both installation have their specific challenges. The following should answer your questions:
    Oracle 10g Express on Ubuntu 10.10 AMD 64-bit howto
    Oracle 10g Express on Ubuntu 10.10 AMD 64-bit howto
    Install Oracle 11gR2 on Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (64-bit) Howto
    Install Oracle 11gR2 on Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (64-bit) Howto
    Oracle 10g Express on Fedora 14 64-bit howto
    Oracle 10g Express on Fedora 14 64-bit howto
    Installing Oracle 11g R2 on Ubuntu 10 Howto
    Installing Oracle 11g R2 on Ubuntu 10 Howto
    Install Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition on Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (64-bit) Howto
    Install Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition on Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (64-bit) Howto
    I think the installation of Oracle database under Oracle Linux is the least troublesome because you an install the "oracle-validated" package, which takes care of software prerequisites and system parameters. Enterprise Linux is however not suitable for Desktop and Laptop systems. For the purpose of development or evaluating Oracle products I suggest to use Virtualbox http://www.virtualbox.org. If your system is too old or not well equipped to support virtual systems, consider a hardware upgrade or try the howto's above.

  • How to install Oracle client on UBUNTU LInux

    I want to install oracle client on ubuntu linux. Which version of oracle client works on it and is there any other tool which i can install instead of oracle client?

    RJiv wrote:
    I want to install oracle client on ubuntu linux. Which version of oracle client works on it All recent Oracle version support different Linux flavours
    The problem is Oracle usually don't provide direct Oracle Client download except for Windows. You need to download the Server installation file and install the client piece. The download files are rather large.
    and is there any other tool which i can install instead of oracle client?It depends on what you plan to do with Oracle client and why you need it.
    On alternative is instance client, it has direct download for all supported platform.

  • Printers in RDP Windows 2012 and Ubuntu Linux

    Computer 1. Windows Server 2012 Std with RDP Terminal Server
    Computer 2. Ubuntu Linux 13.04 with RDP client Remmina and HP LaserJet 1020 Printer
    Computers isn't located in one local network. When I connected to the Windows by RDP - I couldnt see any printers (e.g. HP LJ 1020). What should I do to make visible my printers when I connect thru Remmina to Windows 2012 Server? May be add some components
    or roles? By the way, when I use Windows 7 to connect to Server 2012, I could see my printer like Remote Desktop Easy Print.
    Windows Server 2012 и клиент на Ubuntu не находятся в одной локальной сети, поэтому подключить принтер из под терминальной сессии по локальной сети не получится. Нужно прокидывать принтер с Ubuntu в терминальную сессию через RDP. Так вот,
    если я подключаюсь из под Windows 7, то принтер виден, Easy Print отрабатывает нормально, а если из под Ubuntu, то нет ни одного принтера. Как я понял, это особенность Windows 2012, то что они отключили там устаревшие компоненты, потому
    что подключаюсь к Windows 2008R2 и там принтер из Ubuntu виден.

    (SOLVED) Problem with printer redirection between Ubuntu Linux 12.04 and Windows 2012R2
    Server - Windows 2012R2 
    Clients - Linux Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 
    RDP client - Remmina Remote Desktop Client (Stable release: 1.0.0). 
    It turned out that for some strange logic in the connection settings to the server in the RDP client - Remmina must specify sound "local". 
    Then Printer redirection works and print remotely without problems. 
    Special thanks to the user with the nickname "nechik_uk" from forum.oszone.net.

  • HT5639 Can I use Boot Camp to install Linux on my MacBook Pro?

    Can I use Boot Camp to install Linux on my MacBook Pro?

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    Boot Camp wasn't designed to install Linux. Apart from that, the Boot Camp version included in OS X Mountain Lion will ask you to insert a Windows 7 or Windows 8 DVD in order to run Boot Camp, as far as I know.
    Apple doesn't support Linux on Macs, but it works properly on Macs. There are a lot of how-to's in the Internet about the steps to install Linux and the different possibilities you have. Also, what distribution do you want to install on the computer? You should also consider the option to install Linux on a virtual machine

  • Mega pc 865 runnig ubuntu linux

    i've just instaled ubuntu linux on my mega pc 865. everything seems to be working properly...
    the only (big) problem is the fan noise. when i boot windows xp, the fan noise always reduces into an acceptable minimum. but that doesn't happen when i boot into ubuntu.
    oh, and i have bios version 1.30. before i upgraded the bios, i had suse 9.2 and it worked fine...
    any linux experts out there...?

    It took me months to figure out, but YES you CAN get fan control in Ubuntu 5.10 on a MEGA 865.  Linux isn't my strongpoint, in fact getting to work on the MEGA has been my only accomplishment, so I can't walk you through it step by step.  I'm at work now, so later I'll have to look through my bookmarks to find some of the guides I used to get it working.  A few things I know for sure:
    You need to upgrade the kernel to 2.6.14 or higher so the necessary drivers are availible.  Search ubuntuforums.org for a great easy to follow guide.
    Then you need to install the lm_sensors package.  You can just use 'sudo apt-get install lm-sensors' for that.
    Now when I said fan controll I didn't mean automated software controlled fan regulation.  I'm still trying to figure that part out.  However, you can manually modify the fan speeds by setting the right files to the appropriate values.  This obviously is dangerous as you can't really tell when to turn the speed up, but it's a start!  After you get all the drivers installed the files are called pwm1 and pwm2, where pwm1 id the primary CPU fan and pwm2 is the secondary.  To modify these all you need to do is echo the appropriate value in.  Example: (this is from memory so it may not be 100%)
    cd /sys/bus/i2c/devices/9191-0800
    sudo echo 170 > pwm1
    sudo echo 130 > pwm2
    the 170 and 130 are simply the values that I found made the fans sound most like they did in Windows when they were on low speed.  I have not yet had any problems with these values.  You can use anything from 0-255, but for the chip that's in our MEGAs the values are inverted, so 0=full speed and 255=off.
    I'll try adn find some of the web pages I used to get it working and post links.  Hope this helps.  Remember, ubuntuforums is your friend.  Search those for lots of great how tos and other help.

  • Inadequate sound capture levels using Audigy 2 w/ Ubuntu Linux.

    Hello, everything works fine in Windows XP. I use Audacity to do some basic multitrack recording with my guitar and Line6 POD.
    However, I recently installed Ubuntu Linux (5.10) in a dual boot configuration with Windows. I cannot get decent recording levels using my typical recording method: guitar => Line6 POD preamp => Aux 2 (stereo RCA) on Audigy2 ZS Platinum breakout box => Audacity software. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the Linux audio drivers. I have found where to change the audio capture levels for the sound card (ALSA mixer), but even when I max everything out, my record levels are pathetic compared to Windows (-10 dB or more). Does anyone have suggestions?

    Thanks pzad! At least now I know I'm not going crazy. Still, it's disappointing to come across problems like this. It looks like I'll have to ditch Linux for audio recording purposes, at least until this issue is resolved or I get some new audio hardware.
    I gathered from that bug tracker issue that you were planning to release a patch for this issue. Since the issue is still open, I take it that you haven't been able to do this yet? If it's because you don't have the hardware to test, I would be happy to help in any way I can. Just to warn you though: I am a Linux noob.

  • VMM 2012 R2 Error (10637) Ubuntu Linux (64 bit)

    When I try to change the properties of my VM to "Ubuntu Linux (64 bit)" I get the Error (10637) saying it's not supported...
    VMM 2012 R2 and the Hyper-V server is Server 2012 R2 Datacenter.
    I found a bunch of articles about RedHat and changing the OSFlags value in the table tbl_IL_OS however none of them say what those flags are / do or why set it to THAT value. I've also found a few other blogs about other OSes and different values. I'd rather
    not guess what the correct value should be...
    The actual VM is Ubuntu Server 13.10 but I'm not sure that matters?

    This issue relates to the way Operating Systems are flagged for Hypervisor support in the DB (the OSFlags as you mentioned).  Ubuntu Linux 12.04 (32 bit) and Ubuntu Linux 12.04 (64 bit) are flagged as supported by Hyper-V. The Ubuntu Linux
    () entries are flagged as supported by VMware but not Hyper-V.  You could use the Other Linux or Ubuntu Linux 12.04 property. 

  • Best method for networking with ubuntu linux

    I'm setting up an ubuntu linux fileserver, and I was wondering what the best method for filesharing with my mac is. I'm currently running osx 10.4.11, though I may be upgrading to 10.5 soon. I'll be running SMB networking for a couple of other computers, but I'd prefer something a bit more robust that can handle file permissions etc.

    Mac OS X supports NSF out of the box. Configuration isn't documented.
    I recall Apple got rid of net info manager in Leopard, so the configuration will be different. Perhaps more unix like.
    Mac OS X support the Unix Network File System (NFS). However, it leaves out
    the GUI.
    This page show you how to use NetInfo Manager:
    http://mactechnotes.blogspot.com/2005/09/mac-os-x-as-nfs-server.html#c1168221713 40271068
    NFS Manager can both setup NFS shares and connect to NFS shares.
    Once you figure out how NFS Manager configures the NFS shares, you can
    use Applications > Utilities > NetInfo Manager to create more shares.
    You will either have to coordinate Unix Userid number and Unix Group Id number or use the mapall option on the share.
    To find out your Mac OS X userid and group id do:
    applications > utilities > terminal
    ls -ln
    ls -l
    # lists the NFS share on your mac
    showmount -e localhost
    #list NFS shares on a remote host
    showmount -e remote-ip-address
    Once you see what NFS Manager does, you will be able to use NetInfo Manager to manage a connection. In Mac OS 10.4 you can configure the /etc/exports control file. See man exports for the details. Before that you had to have the data in NetInfo manager. When Mac OS X came out, many common Unix control files were not present. Instead the data had to be in NetInfo manager. Over time Apple has added more and more standard Unix control files.
    You do know about the need to match userids & groupids.
    # display uid and gid
    ls -ln
    sudo find / -user short-user-name -exec ls '-l' {} \;
    # on Mac OS X
    you will need to go into NetInfo Manager and select user and find your short-user-name. Change uid and guid.
    #on Linux look in
    # with care...
    # change 1000:20 to your values for uid:gid
    sudo find / -user short-user-name -exec chown 1000:20 {} \;
    The manual for Tenon MachTen UNIX (which Apple checked when doing Mac OS
    X) says that one should crate the file /etc/exports, which will cause
    portmap, mountd and nsfd to launch at startup via the /etc/rc file. The
    file must not contain any blank lines or comments, and each line has the
    directory -option[, option] hostlist
    where 'directory is the pathname of the directory that can be exported,
    and 'hostlist' is a space separated list of hostnames that can access the
    directory. For example
    /usr -ro foo bar
    /User/gladys gladys
    The client the uses a command like
    /sbin/mount -t type [-rw] -o [options] server:directory mount_point
    where 'type' is 'nfs', 'server' the name of the server, 'directory' the
    server directory mounted, and 'mount_point' the client mount point. See
    'man mount' for details.
    I haven't tried the above, but it would be nice to know if it works on Mac OS X.
    Hans Aberg
    This will give you some hints on NFS. Post back your questions.

  • Adobe livecycle for ubuntu linux

    adobe livecycle for ubuntu linux pls

    This is not officialy supported to run LiveCycle ES/ES2 on any linux distribution but Enterprise Red Hat or SUSE Linux. But this does not mean this is not gonna run on Ubuntu.
    I've tested LiveCycle ES2 using Glassfish and Geronimo as application servers, that are not officially suported, and that works.
    For testing/developing purposes, i think you may use Ubuntu, but if you run in troubles you wont get support from Adobe.
    Do not try any unsupported platform for production environments.

  • Using a Signature Pad in Adobe Reader Ubuntu Linux??

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    I'm also experiencing the same issue where we go to open a document and it takes a long time to verify each of the signatures. Have you found a solution to this?

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