UCCX scripting change decimal symbol from point to comma

Hi all,
I have an UCCX 7.0 SR5 deployment. I have some HTTP script to which I am passing some variable with the HTTP Contact Info. My scripts are accepting floats only if the decimal symbol used is a point. I would like to change this behaviour so that my scripts could accept floats with a comma instead.
Best Regards,
Hatem Hamdi,

This problem cropped up with the advent of OS X. Prior to that the period (under the 3 on the right hand end of the big keyboard) worked as a decimal point and could produce a point or a comma depending on what language you were working with. Nowadays it doesn't work like that and no amount of fiddling with languages will get it to do things right. So now you either have to use the period (two spaces to the left of M) when entering measurements or else hold down shift when using the decimal period. It's a nuisance and takes a bit of getting used to. Incidentally the decimal period works right in the Calculator but for some reason not in Illustrator. Here in Iceland we use commas for decimals but have to enter periods for Illy measurements.
The trick that I use for converting points to commas and vice versa in balance sheets in annual reports and that sort of thing is this: First step - Use Edit : Find and Replace to select all the commas and change them to some obscure character that is not used elsewhere.
Second step - Select all the periods and change them to commas.
Third step - select all the "obscure characters" and change them to periods.
I haven't found a better way than this 3-step method but any other suggestions are more than welcome.

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  • Illustrator script to create symbols from images in folder

    Time to give back to the community...
    Here is a script I recently devised to bulk create symbols from images in a folder. Tested with Illustrator CC 2014.
    // Import Folder's Files as Symbols - Illustrator CC script
    // Description: Creates symbols from images in the designated folder into current document
    // Author     : Oscar Rines (oscarrines (at) gmail.com)
    // Version    : 1.0.0 on 2014-09-21
    // Reused code from "Import Folder's Files as Layers - Illustrator CS3 script"
    // by Nathaniel V. KELSO ([email protected])
    #target illustrator
    function getFolder() {
      return Folder.selectDialog('Please select the folder to be imported:', Folder('~'));
    function symbolExists(seekInDoc, seekSymbol) {
        for (var j=0; j < seekInDoc.symbols.length; j++) {
            if (seekInDoc.symbols[j].name == seekSymbol) {
                return true;
        return false;
    function importFolderContents(selectedFolder) {
        var activeDoc = app.activeDocument;     //Active object reference
      // if a folder was selected continue with action, otherwise quit
      if (selectedFolder) {
            var newsymbol;              //Symbol object reference
            var placedart;              //PlacedItem object reference
            var fname;                  //File name
            var sname;                  //Symbol name
            var symbolcount = 0;        //Number of symbols added
            var templayer = activeDoc.layers.add(); //Create a new temporary layer
            templayer.name = "Temporary layer"
            var imageList = selectedFolder.getFiles(); //retrieve files in the folder
            // Create a palette-type window (a modeless or floating dialog),
            var win = new Window("palette", "SnpCreateProgressBar", {x:100, y:100, width:750, height:310});
            win.pnl = win.add("panel", [10, 10, 740, 255], "Progress"); //add a panel to contain the components
            win.pnl.currentTaskLabel = win.pnl.add("statictext", [10, 18, 620, 33], "Examining: -"); //label indicating current file being examined
            win.pnl.progBarLabel = win.pnl.add("statictext", [620, 18, 720, 33], "0/0"); //progress bar label
            win.pnl.progBarLabel.justify = 'right';
            win.pnl.progBar = win.pnl.add("progressbar", [10, 35, 720, 60], 0, imageList.length-1); //progress bar
            win.pnl.symbolCount = win.pnl.add("statictext", [10, 70, 710, 85], "Symbols added: 0"); //label indicating number of symbols created
            win.pnl.symbolLabel = win.pnl.add("statictext", [10, 85, 710, 100], "Last added symbol: -"); //label indicating name of the symbol created
            win.pnl.errorListLabel = win.pnl.add("statictext", [10, 110, 720, 125], "Error log:"); //progress bar label
            win.pnl.errorList = win.pnl.add ("edittext", [10, 125, 720, 225], "", {multiline: true, scrolling: true}); //errorlist
            //win.pnl.errorList.graphics.font = ScriptUI.newFont ("Arial", "REGULAR", 7);
            //win.pnl.errorList.graphics.foregroundColor = win.pnl.errorList.graphics.newPen(ScriptUIGraphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1);
            win.doneButton = win.add("button", [640, 265, 740, 295], "OK"); //button to dispose the panel
            win.doneButton.onClick = function () //define behavior for the "Done" button
            //Iterate images
            for (var i = 0; i < imageList.length; i++) {
                win.pnl.currentTaskLabel.text = 'Examining: ' + imageList[i].name; //update current file indicator
                win.pnl.progBarLabel.text = i+1 + '/' + imageList.length; //update file count
                win.pnl.progBar.value = i+1; //update progress bar
                if (imageList[i] instanceof File) {         
                    fname = imageList[i].name.toLowerCase(); //convert file name to lowercase to check for supported formats
                    if( (fname.indexOf('.eps') == -1) &&
                        (fname.indexOf('.png') == -1)) {
                        win.pnl.errorList.text += 'Skipping ' + imageList[i].name + '. Not a supported type.\r'; //log error
                        continue; // skip unsupported formats
                    else {
                        sname = imageList[i].name.substring(0, imageList[i].name.lastIndexOf(".") ); //discard file extension
                        // Check for duplicate symbol name;
                        if (symbolExists(activeDoc, sname)) {
                            win.pnl.errorList.text += 'Skipping ' + imageList[i].name + '. Duplicate symbol for name: ' + sname + '\r'; //log error
                        else {
                            placedart = activeDoc.placedItems.add(); //get a reference to a new placedItem object
                            placedart.file = imageList[i]; //link the object to the image on disk
                            placedart.name =  sname; //give the placed item a name
                            placedart.embed();   //make this a RasterItem
                            placedart = activeDoc.rasterItems.getByName(sname); //get a reference to the newly created raster item
                            newsymbol = activeDoc.symbols.add(placedart); //add the raster item to the symbols                 
                            newsymbol.name = sname; //name the symbol
                            symbolcount++; //update the count of symbols created
                            placedart.remove(); //remove the raster item from the canvas
                            win.pnl.symbolCount.text = 'Symbols added: ' + symbolcount; //update created number of symbols indicator
                            win.pnl.symbolLabel.text = 'Last added symbol: ' + sname; //update created symbol indicator
                else {
                    win.pnl.errorList.text += 'Skipping ' + imageList[i].name + '. Not a regular file.\r'; //log error
                win.update(); //required so pop-up window content updates are shown
            win.pnl.currentTaskLabel.text = ''; //clear current file indicator
            // Final verdict
            if (symbolcount >0) {
                win.pnl.symbolLabel.text = 'Symbol library changed. Do not forget to save your work';
            else {
                win.pnl.symbolLabel.text = 'No new symbols added to the library';
            win.update(); //update window contents
            templayer.remove(); //remove the temporary layer
        else {
            alert("Action cancelled by user");
    if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
        importFolderContents( getFolder() );
        Window.alert("You must open at least one document.");

    Thank you, nice job & I am looking forward to trying it out!

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    symbol" in regional setting. But, after we install Acrobat Pro 9.1, we cannot print t
    o PDF any more, when we change decima symbol back to period,
    it works but standard in my country is use comma "," for decimal symbol instead of per
    iod "." error message is "standard.joboption..."
    So, any one can give us the solution to print Word or Excel file to PDF without any error, why Acrobat 7 can work but not Acrobat 9.1 and above cannot.
    Thanks in advance!

    I downloaded a trial of Acrobat today, but apparently the Distiller part doesn't work at all. It's not really an option to change the decimal symbol, being Swedish. I'm using Win7x64, English language but Swedish keyboard, date format and of course comma as a decimal symbol.
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  • How change decimal separator from . to ,

    I need change the decimal separator from . to ,
    and apply ZZZ.ZZ9,99

    There are a number of ways in which you can change these characters. They can be changed for all jobs by updating the jfmerge.ini, or for a single job by using command line options.
    You can update the jfmerge.ini either in an editor, or by using Central Control.
    In an editor you will update the entries for CurrencyComma (, by default) and CurrencyDot (. by default).
    In Central Control go to the 'Configuration' menu item, then select 'Configure Central and Agents', then select 'Print Agent' and Edit. Then select the 'Currency' button. You can now modify any of the currency options.
    On the command line you can enter -acucc=. for the thousand separator, and -acucd=, for the decimal separator.
    For more info on these options see the -acu Option Arguments in the Print Agent documentation.

  • Changing Currency Symbol from the Menu bar to other than €

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    There are many variations to the symbols used for currency worldwide, please, if yours is wrong let Apple know. The feedback option is under Numbers on the menu bar. This is a user to user forum provided by Apple, not run by them.
    My symbol on the menu bar is $, which is correct and rather common worldwide, maybe a generic currency symbol is used for smaller areas of the world. I know I have the Australian flag rather than a New Zealand one on my menu bar for the international settings. We are obviously too small to have our own
    You can show all currency options in the inspector by changing the Numbers preferences. A quick way of selecting the correct currency in the inspector is to open the list and type the first few letters.
    I'd expect your default would be the same as you have set in the System Preferences > International.
    You could also make a couple of templates for yourself in both currencies and use them instead.
    Numbers is a neat piece of software, keep playing with it and you may well get to like it.

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    thanks in advance,

    If you are talking about Server-side script - your server-side script should work as it - if its working in 3.5 it should work without any changes in 4.5

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    I'm open to any suggestions you may have as I'm not very familiar with this side of SAP (sales distription and taxes).
    Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

    Thanks Bill.  As it turns out, we are in the US where jurisdiction is an option I guess so this procedure may not be needed.  As I dig further it appears we are currently setup to use TAXUS procedure which utilizes tax codes - a limited number.  But since the recent change, we may need to switch to TAXUSJ. 
    Does this ring a bell for anyone?  If it is what we need to do, what need I be aware of that will change in the rest of the system?
    Thanks for your answers so far!

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    Ok, I know why you dont understand my question. I should have said, that points in InDesign do not equal pixels in HTML  (and I should have left Photoshop out of it). 
    My problem is going directly from InDesign to HTML CSS code. I used to be able to look at the type in my layout sketch in InDesign, select pixels in the units preferences and (assuming I am using the same webfont thanks to google fonts and the @fontface style) the font size would match exactly when I view the webpage in a browser. But now, when I try to code my webpage fonts in pixels, using the value from InDesign's points, fonts sizes dont match when viewed in borwser. This may seem like I am splitting hairs to you but it makes a big difference if I can just look at my InDesign sketch and see the excact size of the type without having to export a tracing/guide image and try to match visually. It just worked when I could see font size in pixles in InDesign in CS 5.5 but does not work in CS 6.
    Try a test: make a div in webpage with same pixel size as an InDeisgn doc. Use a defualt font like helvetic that is aval. to both InDesign and your browser. A 20 point word will not match a 20 pixel word in the same font.
    Also: I believe I rulled out any font replacment issues. For my designes, I am using the same font in both the InDesign doc and webpage code. I am using google fonts (donloaded for indesign and "link href" in head of code on webpage and/or using the @fontface style).

  • Problem with decimal symbol

    When I import in string format and after try to convert to number sometimes my procedure fails. I see that sometimes database need number string decimal symbol to be '.' and I replace ',' with '.' . But time after I find that I must change my procedure because system only acepts '.' like decimal symbol in to_number(str) operation. I think there could be two solutions I don't know how could be developed:
    1) Control in de procedure which of the two symbols is accepted
    2) Make Oracle database not to change decimal symbol setting
    Any idea?

    That isn't a sql developer issue. You are not specifying the correct 'fmt' or nlsparam' parameters to the TO_NUMBER function.
    When I import in string format and after try to convert to number sometimes my procedure fails. I see that sometimes database need number string decimal symbol to be '.' and I replace ',' with '.' . But time after I find that I must change my procedure because system only acepts '.' like decimal symbol in to_number(str) operation. I think there could be two solutions I don't know how could be developed:
    1) Control in de procedure which of the two symbols is accepted
    2) Make Oracle database not to change decimal symbol setting
    Any idea?
    Your statement that "system only acepts '.' like decimal symbol in to_number(str) operation" is misinformed.
    Oracle's TO_NUMBER function will accept both a format string and an nslparam parameter and will handle that conversion for you.
    See the TO_NUMBER function in the SQL Language Reference.
    More importantly see the TO_CHAR function in the same doc since the example for 'fmt' and 'nlsparam' are there
    There are examples in the TO_CHAR section and this introductory text should satisfy you that these parameters will do what you need.
    TO_CHAR (number) converts n to a value of VARCHAR2 data type, using the optional number format fmt. The value n can be of type NUMBER, BINARY_FLOAT, or BINARY_DOUBLE. If you omit fmt, then n is converted to a VARCHAR2 value exactly long enough to hold its significant digits.
    If n is negative, then the sign is applied after the format is applied. Thus TO_CHAR(-1, '$9') returns -$1, rather than $-1.
    Refer to "Format Models" for information on number formats.
    The 'nlsparam' argument specifies these characters that are returned by number format elements:
    •Decimal character
    •Group separator
    •Local currency symbol
    •International currency symbol
    This argument can have this form:
    NLS_CURRENCY = ''text''
    NLS_ISO_CURRENCY = territory '
    The characters d and g represent the decimal character and group separator, respectively. They must be different single-byte characters. Within the quoted string, you must use two single quotation marks around the parameter values. Ten characters are available for the currency symbol.
    If you omit 'nlsparam' or any one of the parameters, then this function uses the default parameter values for your session.
    Those comments appy to the parameters when used with TO_NUMBER also.

  • Change Currency Symbol

    I have SAR as my default currency symbol, but in Project Center and other places, it is the unit is displayed in Arabic Translation instead of SAR, even if I change the symbol from project professional. Is there a way to change the symbol from Arabic translation
    to SAR (or blank in worst case, but not in Arabic translation)?
    Thanks in advance

    Change from Regional Settings Options, yu can Find this over Site Settings,  and then all Project Server View refresh with the new values.
    Raymundo Chapa, MCTS http://www.inavant.mx/blog http://projectaserverzone.blogspot.com/

  • Insert symbol from dropdown list that requires font change

    I am trying to script the following:
    I have a dropdown list set to GDT font which contains symbols. (GDT font creates symbols with various lower case letters are entered)
    When selecting a symbol from the dropdown list, I want that symbol to be inserted into the textfield where I stopped typing text and the cursor is currently positioned. The text I typed is using the Myriad Pro font, so to insert the symbol, the script needs to change the font to GDT without affecting the text font that is already typed in the textfield, insert the GDT font symbol and then change the GDT font back to Myriad Pro so I can continue to type more text in Myriad Pro.
    If the script would just copy the symbol and the font it was created in, paste it where the cursor is position and then change the font back to the default (Myriad Pro), that would be great!
    This is for Design Engineering work to allow engineers to insert GDT symbols into the same textfield as their description is in.
    Can anyone help me with this script?

    Troubleshooting plugins
    * https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting%20plugins
    Check and tell if its working.

  • Change decimal point

    How to change decimal point to '.' or ',' ,and how to do this only for current schema, session or user.
    Thanks in advance.

    Decimal separator is an NLS setting. By default it is determined by the value of your NLS_TERRITORY but it is easy enough to override...
    SQL> SELECT 0.98 FROM dual
      2  /
      2  /
    Session altered.
    SQL> SELECT 0.98 FROM dual
      2  /
    SQL> Cheers, APC

  • DB Read error from UCCX Script

    Hi All,
    We are running uccx 7.0.
    Trying to return data from DB using stored procedure from the uccx script.
    We are able to run this when we pass explicit value instead of variable ANI.
    But whenever we provide variable ANI, we get below
    error: SQL statement varible not defined : ANI
    Query which provided in the DB Read as below,
    select * from  table(credit_back.fun_select_point($ANI));
    Request your help on it..
    Shalid K.C

    Yes Gergely.
    we have created new script and when i add DB Read function in the script, it is not allow to apply it, same time it is giveing the above mentioned error.
    but when i test it with explicite value it is working.. .not working by providing variable name

  • Query AD from a UCCX script

    Does anyone know how to query Active Directory from a UCCX script?  Looking to pull the caller's email field from the ANI.

    You can do this, but it's not so simple. Two options:
    1) Create a custom java class to read LDAP and return the info you require
    2) Implement a middleware web server that you can call from UCCX, that would take ANI as a parameter and return the email address.
    I've done 1) before, or something very similar...

  • Download scripts, prompts and documents from UCCX 8.0.2

    Is there any way to download scripts, prompts and documents from an UCCX 8.0.2
    I want to download these files from our production server and upload to an lab server that is running UCCX 8.5

    I tried that but I only get the message:
    $tar -xvf 2011-11-11-01-03-05_SESTHCC1CCX002_UCCX_SYSLOGAGT.tar
    tar: This does not look like a tar archive
    tar: Skipping to next header
    tar: Read 207 bytes from 2011-11-11-01-03-05_SESTHCC1CCX002_UCCX_SYSLOGAGT.tar
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
    Same thing if I copy the TAR file to my windows PC, tar doesn't recognize it as a tar file and isn't able to extract it.
    No problem to restore the files to the original server.

Maybe you are looking for