UIView Animation Question

To all,
I have a question about how to handle the asynchronous call when a UIView animation is created. My setup is as follows. I have a method in a view controller that get user input from and then makes external http calls. Since the calls could take a few seconds I wanted to notify the user when the call started and ended. In order to show this message I created a simple animation block in a method which I will list below.
The animation simply slides a box up with a label on it and then slides it back down. A pop up slider if you will.
This is my method which does the http processing simplified down.
My problem is that since the animation call is asynchronous the and takes 4 seconds total to complete. If the HTTP processing takes less then 4 seconds (at times it does) the next displayMessage is called and my animation gets screwed up.
The thoughts I have had were to have a check to see if the animation was running which is set true in the pop up reveal and false in the popup hide. Then I could simply sleep my thread if the boolean was true. But this wasn't working since the animation stop block was never called.
I need to bounce ideas of you guys cause I don't know how to get past this basic problem.
- (void)loadPostViewController:(id)sender
[self displayMessage:@"Parsing address"];
//Actual http processing code here which invokes external service
[self displayMessage:@"Address processed"];
- (void)displayMessage:(NSString *) inMessage
CGFloat PostListViewXOFFSET = 20.0f;
CGFloat PostListViewYOFFSET = 20.0f;
NSInteger messageWidth = 150;
NSInteger messageHeight = 60;
self.transitioning = TRUE;
self.view.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
UIView *localContainerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]];
CGRect messageFrame = CGRectMake(0,0,messageWidth, messageHeight);
roundedRectangle *view = [[roundedRectangle alloc] initWithFrame:messageFrame x:0 y:0 Width:messageWidth Height:messageHeight cIndex:0 radius:10.0f positionIndex:0];
CGRect frameOut = CGRectMake((localContainerView.bounds.size.width/2)-(messageWidth/2),localConta inerView.bounds.size.height+messageHe ight, messageWidth, messageHeight);
UILabel *mylabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(PostListViewXOFFSET, PostListViewYOFFSET, messageWidth-40,20)];
mylabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:12];
mylabel.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];
mylabel.text = inMessage;
mylabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.messageLabel = mylabel;
[view addSubview:mylabel];
[mylabel release];
view.frame = frameOut;
self.messageView = view;
[self.view addSubview:view];
[UIView beginAnimations: nil context: nil]; // Tell UIView we're ready to start animations.
[UIView setAnimationDelegate: self]; // Set the delegate (Only needed if you need to use the animationDid... selectors)
[UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector: @selector(animationDidStop:finished:context:)]; // example of a selector called with context when animation finishes.
[UIView setAnimationCurve: UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut];
[UIView setAnimationDuration: 2.0f]; // Set the duration to 4/10ths of a second.
CGRect frameIn = view.frame; // Get the current frame.
frameIn.origin.x = (localContainerView.bounds.size.width/2)-(messageWidth/2); // Move the view completely on screen.
frameIn.origin.y = localContainerView.bounds.size.height-(messageHeight+20.0f);
view.frame = frameIn; // set the new frame
[UIView commitAnimations]; // Animate!
[view release];
- (void)animationDidStop:(NSString *)animationID finished:(NSNumber *)finished context:(void *)context
self.transitioning = FALSE;
[self HideMessage];
- (void)HideMessage
NSInteger messageWidth = 150;
NSInteger messageHeight = 60;
UIView *localContainerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]];
CGRect frameOut = CGRectMake((localContainerView.bounds.size.width/2)-(messageWidth/2),localConta inerView.bounds.size.height+messageHe ight, messageWidth, messageHeight);
[UIView beginAnimations: nil context: nil]; // Tell UIView we're ready to start animations.
[UIView setAnimationDelegate: self]; // Set the delegate (Only needed if you need to use the animationDid... selectors)
[UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector: @selector(clearMessageView)]; // example of a selector called with context when animation finishes.
[UIView setAnimationCurve: UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut];
[UIView setAnimationDuration: 2.0f]; // Set the duration to 4/10ths of a second.
self.messageView.frame = frameOut; // set the new frame
[UIView commitAnimations]; // Animate!

To all,
I have a question about how to handle the asynchronous call when a UIView animation is created. My setup is as follows. I have a method in a view controller that get user input from and then makes external http calls. Since the calls could take a few seconds I wanted to notify the user when the call started and ended. In order to show this message I created a simple animation block in a method which I will list below.
The animation simply slides a box up with a label on it and then slides it back down. A pop up slider if you will.
This is my method which does the http processing simplified down.
My problem is that since the animation call is asynchronous the and takes 4 seconds total to complete. If the HTTP processing takes less then 4 seconds (at times it does) the next displayMessage is called and my animation gets screwed up.
The thoughts I have had were to have a check to see if the animation was running which is set true in the pop up reveal and false in the popup hide. Then I could simply sleep my thread if the boolean was true. But this wasn't working since the animation stop block was never called.
I need to bounce ideas of you guys cause I don't know how to get past this basic problem.
- (void)loadPostViewController:(id)sender
[self displayMessage:@"Parsing address"];
//Actual http processing code here which invokes external service
[self displayMessage:@"Address processed"];
- (void)displayMessage:(NSString *) inMessage
CGFloat PostListViewXOFFSET = 20.0f;
CGFloat PostListViewYOFFSET = 20.0f;
NSInteger messageWidth = 150;
NSInteger messageHeight = 60;
self.transitioning = TRUE;
self.view.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
UIView *localContainerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]];
CGRect messageFrame = CGRectMake(0,0,messageWidth, messageHeight);
roundedRectangle *view = [[roundedRectangle alloc] initWithFrame:messageFrame x:0 y:0 Width:messageWidth Height:messageHeight cIndex:0 radius:10.0f positionIndex:0];
CGRect frameOut = CGRectMake((localContainerView.bounds.size.width/2)-(messageWidth/2),localConta inerView.bounds.size.height+messageHe ight, messageWidth, messageHeight);
UILabel *mylabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(PostListViewXOFFSET, PostListViewYOFFSET, messageWidth-40,20)];
mylabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:12];
mylabel.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];
mylabel.text = inMessage;
mylabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.messageLabel = mylabel;
[view addSubview:mylabel];
[mylabel release];
view.frame = frameOut;
self.messageView = view;
[self.view addSubview:view];
[UIView beginAnimations: nil context: nil]; // Tell UIView we're ready to start animations.
[UIView setAnimationDelegate: self]; // Set the delegate (Only needed if you need to use the animationDid... selectors)
[UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector: @selector(animationDidStop:finished:context:)]; // example of a selector called with context when animation finishes.
[UIView setAnimationCurve: UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut];
[UIView setAnimationDuration: 2.0f]; // Set the duration to 4/10ths of a second.
CGRect frameIn = view.frame; // Get the current frame.
frameIn.origin.x = (localContainerView.bounds.size.width/2)-(messageWidth/2); // Move the view completely on screen.
frameIn.origin.y = localContainerView.bounds.size.height-(messageHeight+20.0f);
view.frame = frameIn; // set the new frame
[UIView commitAnimations]; // Animate!
[view release];
- (void)animationDidStop:(NSString *)animationID finished:(NSNumber *)finished context:(void *)context
self.transitioning = FALSE;
[self HideMessage];
- (void)HideMessage
NSInteger messageWidth = 150;
NSInteger messageHeight = 60;
UIView *localContainerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]];
CGRect frameOut = CGRectMake((localContainerView.bounds.size.width/2)-(messageWidth/2),localConta inerView.bounds.size.height+messageHe ight, messageWidth, messageHeight);
[UIView beginAnimations: nil context: nil]; // Tell UIView we're ready to start animations.
[UIView setAnimationDelegate: self]; // Set the delegate (Only needed if you need to use the animationDid... selectors)
[UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector: @selector(clearMessageView)]; // example of a selector called with context when animation finishes.
[UIView setAnimationCurve: UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut];
[UIView setAnimationDuration: 2.0f]; // Set the duration to 4/10ths of a second.
self.messageView.frame = frameOut; // set the new frame
[UIView commitAnimations]; // Animate!

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    myPolyView.transform = CGAffineTransformConcat(t1, t2);

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    If you do not have an image editor that allows to do that then use one of the online sites to resize images.
    * http://www.shrinkpictures.com/
    * http://www.picresize.com/

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    @interface AnimationsAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {
    IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
    UIView* theView;
    UIImageView* theImageView;
    UIButton* scaleUpButton;
    UIButton* scaleDownButton;
    BOOL scalingUp;
    BOOL scalingDown;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) UIWindow *window;
    - (void)scaleUpButtonTouchDown;
    - (void)scaleUpButtonTouchUp;
    - (void)scaleDownButtonTouchDown;
    - (void)scaleDownButtonTouchUp;
    - (void)continueScalingUp;
    - (void)continueScalingDown;
    - (void)scaleUpButtonTouchDown {
    NSLog(@"scale up button touch down");
    NSLog(@"ustawiam scalingUp na 1");
    scalingUp = YES;
    [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(continueScalingUp) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
    - (void)continueScalingUp {
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    NSLog(@"continue scaling up");
    while(scalingUp) {
    [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
    if(scale<5.03) {
    NSLog(@"scale up multiplier = %f",scale);
    [UIView setAnimationDuration:.15];
    CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(scale,scale);
    theImageView.transform = transform;
    [UIView commitAnimations];
    [thePool release];
    - (void)scaleUpButtonTouchUp {
    NSLog(@"scale up button touch up inside");
    NSLog(@"ustawiam scalingUp na 0");
    scalingUp = NO;
    - (void)scaleDownButtonTouchDown {
    NSLog(@"scale down button touch down");
    scalingDown = YES;
    [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(continueScalingDown) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
    - (void)continueScalingDown {
    NSAutoreleasePool * thePool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    NSLog(@"continue scaling down");
    while(scalingDown) {
    [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
    if(scale>.02) {
    NSLog(@"scale down multiplier = %f",scale);
    [UIView setAnimationDuration:.15];
    CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(scale,scale);
    theImageView.transform = transform;
    [UIView commitAnimations];
    [thePool release];
    - (void)scaleDownButtonTouchUp {
    NSLog(@"scale down button touch up inside");
    scalingDown = NO;
    So the main view looks like this:
    So when I touch the scale up button and hold it, the image should be scaled. And it is, but I cannot see any transition When I touch and hold the button it looks like nothing is happening, but when I release the button, the image is instantly scaled up. It would be really cool if I could see the image getting bigger and bigger while holding the button, so can anyone tell me what am I missing or what am I doing wrong?

    I have already tried both:
    1. [view setNeedsDisplay]; -> no effect
    2. setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState to YES -> no effect
    Thanks for being interested though. I will try to play a bit with delegate methods, just as Pumbaa suggests. But I need some more free time to do this, will post when done.
    Message was edited by: lawicko

  • Animation question: when adding new layers...

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    In the animation flyout menu, uncheck New Layers Visible in All Frames.
    more info:
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/photoshop/cs/using/WSB8C58284-9DEB-44f2-9D8F-7F77594A8CC2a.htm l

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    - epompa03

    Along with Steve's tip on doing two Titles (probably the easiest way to handle this), would be to use Keyframed Effects to create your animation. Since Drop Out By Character, is the harder one to do by hand, I'd just add a Blur to the Title, and Keyframe it to start out heavily Blurred (maybe even with a lowered Opacity, also Keyframed) and then Keyframe the Blur out, where you wish to have the Title sharp. Then, add the Drop Out By Character.
    The beauty of Keyframing the various Effects is that you can control many at one time on a single Clip. However, the concept is not the easiest to initially grasp. Once you do, you'll likely use Keyframes in lieu of most packaged animation Effects.
    Steve has a good series of articles on Keyframing on the Muvipix site. Do not recall if they are in the "free" section, or not. Since there is a ton of great material, articles, tutorials and also Assets, like Motion Footage and Menus there, a subscription often pays for itself in one day of downloading.
    Good luck,

  • Include webshop into app magazine / animation question

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    1) Webshop:
    is it possible to include webshops into an app magazine via the Adobe DPS Single Edition (or only Professional Edition)? This is the webshop I'm talking about that should be included in the app magazine: http://www.blooms.de/ShopRubriken/128143.html?UID=7F46330ACD307CB6A9DA366D9D969CEC3CCEC71A 3FC29CAC10E3AA
    I researched on the internet and saw how Lakeland did it (Adobe Digital Publishing Suite – Marketing-Materialien). They linked to the webshop on the internet what looks like the easiest (also best?) solution. But is there a good way to include the webshop directly into the app magazine rather than linking to it?
    In my research I've also come across this video: Adobe Digital Publishing Suite delivers a rich immersive commercial experience for Shop Direct | Digital Publishing Suit… It looks like a webshop too but integrated into the app. How does this solution work?
    And: How do I get analytics for the shop if it's embedded in the app magazine?
    2) Animations:
    I would like to animate text/textboxes into a full screen background picture. I've read that animations with PDF format (for crisp text on the app!) are not supported. How do I solve this problem?
    Many thanks in advance,

    1) You can integrate it via a web overlay, but honestly it is far less complicated and much more likely to work if you just include hyperlinks to your existing web shop and have the reader do the purchasing in the in-app pop-up browser.
    2) This is pretty much impossible to do without doing a bunch of work in Edge Animate. To be honest, I don't really think it's ever worth the time spent. I'd look at doing a different design instead that doesn't rely on that style of animation.

  • CS5 (and/or 5.5) - animation question

    Hi everyone! I have a problem that I just can't seem to work out and hoping some clever person out there will know an answer
    I have put together an example of what I am trying to do:
    I have 5 objects (the blue rectangles) that I wish to appear in sequence. To do this I selected each object and applied the standard "appear" animation option to each object. (see SCREEN_1 below).
    Then I created a button (the pink circle) and added the animations to the button and set them to play (SCREEN_2).
    After all the rectangles have appeared, I want them all to disappear so I grouped the rectangles and then chose 'disappear" from the animation options and applied it to the group (SCREEN_3)
    And then added this new group animation to the button so it would play after the earlier animations that made the rectangles appear. (SCREEN_4)
    Then I previewed my animation - the pink start button starts the animation and it previews (and exports to swf) fine and looks as I want
    If I push the pink start button again, it doesn't play correctly (there is a delay and then the group just appears all at once) . And I CANNOT work out why! And have tried for so long to work this out but am COMPLETELY stumped.
    I basically want the animation (rectangles to appear and then disappear after) to repeat everytime the pink start button.
    Can anyone out there help?!
    Thanking you very much in advance!

    hi again!
    this is weird!
    I had the same problem, but I figured it out, here's how:
    1. do not group the rectangles
    2. select all the rectangles and give them the animation you want (pic1)
    3. make sure "Hide Until Animated" is checked
    4. make a button from your circle and animate each rectangle like pic2
    5. after doing that, do it aigain! make 5 more actions (animate) in your button panel but choose "REVERSE" at "options" (pic3)
    6. at the timing panel, link the last 5 animations (the ones you choose to reverse)
    7. that did the trick for me: http://www.jocstone.be/test/testje.html
    8. let me know if it works?
    9. sorry if my english is not always correct

  • Transfer Case Animation Question Regarding if Logic.

    I am using the following code in a transfer case animation and for the life of me, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.  The "if (neutralSequence ==0)" part works great, but the "}else if (neutralSequence == 14){" part doesn't. I am using traces in each step and the value is equal to 14 when entering the function.  I've attached the file and description of how to follow the sequence and it works until I get to this step.
    this.neutral_mc.onPress = neutral_mc.onPress = function(){
    trace ("Are you there?");
    trace (_root.neutralSequence);
    this.neutral_mc.onRelease = neutral_mc.onRelease = function(){
    trace ("Here");
    if (_root.neutralSequence == 0) {
      if (needle_mc._x > 368) {
       trace ("The vehicle must be completely stopped before shifting into neutral.");
       _root.neutral_mc.gotoAndPlay ("flash");
      } else if (_root.engineOff == "N") {
       trace ("The engine must be turned off before shifting the transfer case into neutral.");
       _root.neutral_mc.gotoAndPlay ("flash");
      } else if ((_root.ignitionSwitchPosition == "F") || (_root.ignitionSwitchPosition == "A")){
       trace ("The igntion switch must be in the ON position before shifting the transfer case into neutral.");
       _root.neutral_mc.gotoAndPlay ("flash");
      } else if (_root.held == "N") {
       trace ("Please press the Brake Hold button before shifting the transfer case into neutral.");
       _root.neutral_mc.gotoAndPlay ("flash");
      } else if (shiftPosition != "N") {
       trace ("The transmission must be in Neutral (N) before shifting the transfer case into neutral.");
       _root.neutral_mc.gotoAndPlay ("flash");
      } else {
       if (_root.PreviousMode != "4Low") {
        _root.gotoAndPlay ("NeutralFromTwo");
        _root.neutralSequence = 1;
        trace (_root.neutralSequence);
       } else {
        root.gotoAndPlay ("NeutralFromFour");
        _root.neutralSequence = 1;
        trace (_root.neutralSequence);
    } else if (_root.neutralSequence == 14) {
      _root.neutralSequence = 15;
      trace (_root.neutralSequence);
      _root.neutral_mc.gotoAndPlay ("NProcComp");
    Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!!

    Thanks for the suggestions, but I think the problem is in Flash.  It seems that when an onRelease command occurs within the movie the code is attached to, it creates problems for the run-time engine (if that's the correct term).
    I was just about to pull my hair out and thought of one other possible woraround.  I created a 0 alpha movie clip above the original movie clip, then copied and pasted the EXACT code to the new movie and it worked fine.
    I'm pretty new to coding and would have done a lot of things differently (more function based) if I had to do it over again but I didn't want to spend 100 hours reworking an animation that is 95% done.
    I've got a lot to learn but it seems the folks at Adobe do as well.  I'm sure they are aware of these limits but I doubt they're published anywhere the gen pub can see them.  Perhaps they're trying to get me to purchase Suite 4?   LOL
    Anyway, I really appreciate your taking the time to try to help!

  • Animation question regarding darkening...

    Hi Folks,
    I have created an animation in Photoshop CS5 and when I am done I render to video.  When the rendering is done, if the file is sizeable I don't have a problem.  However when I reduce the file I get a darkening between the end of the first layer cell and the beginning of the next layer cell (I used 5 base images and used 5 tween images between each).  I am trying to keep these small because I want to insert them into a PowerPoint presentation.  What am I doing to get that darkening effect?  And....how do I get rid of it?
    I am new at this area of Photoshop, so please keep it simple!
    Thanks a lot,

    Thanks for the suggestions, but I think the problem is in Flash.  It seems that when an onRelease command occurs within the movie the code is attached to, it creates problems for the run-time engine (if that's the correct term).
    I was just about to pull my hair out and thought of one other possible woraround.  I created a 0 alpha movie clip above the original movie clip, then copied and pasted the EXACT code to the new movie and it worked fine.
    I'm pretty new to coding and would have done a lot of things differently (more function based) if I had to do it over again but I didn't want to spend 100 hours reworking an animation that is 95% done.
    I've got a lot to learn but it seems the folks at Adobe do as well.  I'm sure they are aware of these limits but I doubt they're published anywhere the gen pub can see them.  Perhaps they're trying to get me to purchase Suite 4?   LOL
    Anyway, I really appreciate your taking the time to try to help!

  • Character animation question

    Hi all,
    i need some help to try to understand which technique was used to do this video "puppet",
    i mean witch techniques i can use to reach this result?
    Someone tell me that adobe guys done this kind of characteer animation at nab some time ago...
    thanks to anyone want to help me.

    THe filmmaker comments might have some suggestions but they are mostly political.
    You might be able to contact the filmmaker directly.
    That pieces uses a digitally updated version of classic cel-based animation. Any good book on animation will include all you need to know. Some of the scenes are entirely synthesized but most are made of carefully designed individual drawings. The jiggle can be synthesized or created manually. Some effects are obviously done in AE or another compositor. Other effects were simply edited in a timeline like Final cut or Premiere.
    The most critical factors: Preproduction planning and storyboarding. Every frame of that piece was carefully designed by people who understood their tools. And they worked for a director who understood the pipeline.

  • Animation Question: Changing all keyframe instances in a single layer all at once?

    I am working on an animated piece in Adobe Flash. I have a
    single 'head comp' layer that contains head, eyes, mouth, etc.
    layers within. I have created several keyframes in this layer to
    animate the entire head comp. Furthermore, I have several keyframes
    within that comp for lip sync, eye movements, etc.
    My problem is, I have to manually change every single
    keyframe in the head comp layer to sync up with the animation
    contained within. For example, if I have a keyframe on the main
    head comp layer-- on frame 5-- I have to manually select frame 5,
    go to Properties panel, change to "Play Once," and then type in the
    frame number in the "First" field. I then have to repeat this
    process several hundred times across the entire layer. There must
    be a faster to to sync up the whole layer. Please help!!!

    Thanks again for your help.
    I think my problem here is, I'm not trying to move any frames
    or anything. I just want to change the properties panel of each
    keyframe in the layer to "Play Once" and have the number in the
    "First" field match it's frame number (example: I want to change
    the "First" field to "10" if the keyframe starts on frame 10. That
    way it will match up with my lip sync animation on frame 10 of the
    nested layer within.) Does that make sense? I have been having to
    change each keyframe number in the layer manually. It takes
    The "Play Once/Loop/Single Frame" option isnt available if I
    dont create a motion tween. Again, I'm not trying to move my
    animation-- just change all of the Properties at once.
    Also- if this helps- I am working in CS3.

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