Unable to authorize new computer with correct Vendor ID

Okay so a few months ago i purchased a new computer and installed Adobe Digital Editions on it, I haven't been able to access my books on this new computer as they are registered to a kalahari.com vendor under this email address. I hope the following gives a bit more insight into what I am getting at:
Screenshot of authorization information on old computer: http://i59.tinypic.com/sc4xux.jpg
Screenshot of authorization information on new computer: http://i57.tinypic.com/2vtayp0.jpg
I only made an Adobe account with this email address once I purchased my new computer so SOMEHOW my old computer was authorized WITHOUT an Adobe account but with this email address.
I would also like to note that Kalahari is not under the list of vendors that I can select to authorize using a vendor ID.
ANY help would be much appreciated as these books are very expensive and I need to start reading them for source material.

iTunes Store- Authorize or deauthorize your Mac or PC.
In iTunes you use the Authorize This Computer or De-authorize This Computer option under the Store menu in iTunes' menubar.
For Windows use the ALT-S keys to access it. Or turn on Windows 7 and 8 iTunes menus: iTunes- Turning on iTunes menus in Windows 8 and 7.

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