Unable to buy Sharepoint online

I am unable to buy Sharepoint online.
Whatever I try i am not getting a user id. It tried all sorts of combinations but it keeps on saying that the name is not availble. Please help, what can I do?

Did you try Raoul89?  The problem is that the id must be unique.  Keep try different combinations till you find one that isn't in use.  like these forums just adding a unique number can often be enough.
Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
Principal Architect: Blue Chip Consulting Group
Blog: http://dontpapanic.com/blog
Twitter: Follow @pstork
Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.

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    According to your post, my understanding is that SharePoint Online Site was unable to load web part and got the “Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeCompatibilityException” error.
    Per my knowledge, the SPUpgradeCompatibilityException occurs during upgrade when the front-end Web server attempts to connect to an incompatible database.
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    Regarding SharePoint Online, for quick and accurate answers to your questions, it is recommended that you initial a new thread in Office 365 forum.
    Office 365 forum
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
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    TechNet Community Support

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    The list of workflow actions on the server references an assembly that does not exist. Some actions will not be available.  The assembly strong name is Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Actions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c.
    Contact your server administrator for more information.
    I have also tried to do the same in SharePoint Designer 2010, but receive the same massages.
    What should I be looking at or doing to help rectify this?

    uninstalled Language Pack and it worked!
    Uninstalling the Preview and installing SharePoint Designer 2013 resolved the error.
    According to the link as linle provided, there are two deletions in local, please double check these two places:
    1.Delete all folders in the following directory:
    C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SharePoint Designer\ProxyAssemblyCache\
    2.Delete the files in all folders in this directory:
    C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache\  (don’t delete the folders, just delete the contents of the folders)
    Then, try to create a new workflow in SharePoint Designer 2013 to see if it works.
    You can first keep the list for the current status, and save it as a template which will be used to create another list.
    1.Login and locate the associated list on your SharePoint Online.
    2.Click List Settings under List tab, and click Save list as template.
    3.Type a File name, Template name, select Include Content, and click OK. Click OK.
    4.Click Site Actions->More Options->List.
    5.Locate and click the newly saved template, type a name, and click Create.
    Then, create a workflow in your SharePoint Designer 2010 associated to the new list to see if it works.
    Moreover, please check if there are any maintenances on your SharePoint Online which may cause the issue.
    1.Login to Office 365 Portal (https://portal.microsoftonline.com/).
    2.Click Service Health in the left pane of Admin page.
    3.Check the status of SharePoint Online
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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    Hi Andy,
    According to your description, my understanding is that the page would switch to mobile view when attempting to add user permissions in SharePoint Online.
    I recommend to verify the things below:
    Clear the caches in browser to see if the issue still occurs.
    Test the same scenario in another computer to see if the issue still occurs.
    Append mobile=0 to the URLs in SharePoint Online.
    In the meanwhile, you can post your question to the forum for SharePoint Online: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/msonline/en-US/home?forum=onlineservicessharepoint.
    More experts will assist you, then you will get more information relation to SharePoint Online.
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to export SharePoint Online sites in an offline format that can be accessed without SharePoint?

    Non-techie needs to archive SharePoint site and apps content into one convenient file. 
    1. Currently SharePoint calenders, contacts and tasks synced to Outlook and exported to an Outlook .pst; 
    2. Document libraries to a folder in file system; 
    3. SharePoint Online 2013 microfeed cannot sync at all (correct me if I'm wrong). 
    4. Pages also not really exportable.
    Migration between O365 plans and tenants I can use .wsp but still limited to 50MB export and needs site collection settings access.
    Ideally able to access these content offline (no security implications here).
    Anyone know of a simple way?

    Hi Tian-An,
    SharePoint contents (e.g. document files, list items, pages) are stored in SQL database, it may if you want to use the contents without SharePoint environment, I think you can click "Open with Exporer" from library ribbon and then copy them to
    the file system(e.g. a network dirve fileshare), note that the library columns value would be unable to be copied/exported; for the list items you can click "Export to Excel" button form list ribbon to export list itmes to
    excel file, or as you have done with connecting to Outlook.
    And we have a dedicated Office365 SharePoint online forum, I would recommand you post there for getting a better assistance redarding this SharePoint online contents exporting.
    Daniel Yang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Sharepoint Online Can not edit anything in Sharepoint designer as Site collection administrator

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    I am using sharepoint online and sharepoint designer 2013. Things were working fine but one day it suddenly stopped working. I have assigned site collection administrator to several accounts and I tried on different computers. I can not edit anything in
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    I also created another blank site, same thing happens.

    Are you able to edit site in IE?
    Try below:
     One straight forward way of doing it is from the UI (Which did not work in my case though :(  )
      1.  Right-click the ONET.XML file ( at \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates\<var><Service></var>\xml) for the site definition and open it with Notepad
           If you see “DisableWebDesignFeatures=wdfopensite” section in the one.xml that means your site has been configured to disallow SharePoint designer.
          You can remove this section from the file and should be able to access the site in designer now
    2.   If you are unable to get rid of “DisableWebDesignFeatures=wdfopensite” or find the correct onet.xml corresponding to your site definition, here is a simple script I put together to see if Designer is disabled on the site using the property
    vti_disablewebdesignfeatures2 and update it as required.
    Manage Permissions and Control Access to Sharepoint Designer
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • SharePoint Online / Office 365 -- Client Object Model

    i try to get some Data from the SharePoint Online "Office365" Beta with the Client Object Model. I use an Sample from the MSDN but i always get the Error
    "Server was unable to process request. ---> The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. ...." in Visual Studio 2010.
    Following the Code Snip:
    ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext("https://URI.sharepoint.com/");
    clientContext.AuthenticationMode = ClientAuthenticationMode.FormsAuthentication;
    clientContext.FormsAuthenticationLoginInfo = new FormsAuthenticationLoginInfo("USER", "PASS");
    Web web = clientContext.Web;
    ListCollection allLists = web.Lists;
    Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", web.Title, web.Description);
    foreach (List list in allLists)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", list.Title, list.BaseType);

    Hi M.Litschke. You should have received a welcome email when you signed up for the Beta that had the community forum link & login details in it. Did you not recieve one?Myles Jeffery | Thinkscape |
    SharePoint Online Deployment |
    SharePoint Online File Migration Tool

  • How to use sharepoint online lists in different subsites as a datasource to powerpivot

    My customer has sharepoint online + project online.
    As you might know each project has a site, and in each site there are lists with the same name on each site.
    We need a pivot table where we can aggregate all that list data, is this possible? Do I need powerbi, or can I do it without power bi?
    Can u guide me in the right direction?
    Follow me on Twitter
    levalencia Blog

    I opened a ticket with MS support on this.  They concluded that there is no means of scheduling an auto-refresh when you are aggregating more than one SharePoint list as your data source.  They recommended buying a third party product to accomplish
    this.  Below is the relevant text I received from MS tech support for my ticket....
    CAUSE: This is by design. The functionality needed for this is not currently implemented.
    RESOLUTION: We were able to find a 3<sup>rd</sup> party tool that may be able to schedule refresh for these
    reports (http://www.powerpivotpro.com/2015/02/introducing-power-update/)
    We assessed the report. It seemed that a Power Query data source needed to be created within Power BI, so we attempted to create that:
    We were prompted to create a default gateway, even though the data was O365 data
    We were only able to find references directly related to on-premise data sources and the default gateway
    We attempted to find a workaround for this particular situation. We attempted the following configurations:
    PowerPivot report populated by SharePoint lists
    Excel report implementing SharePoint lists with the Data tab
    Connecting the report to a SharePoint Document Library data source
    Using OData feed for report
    *All of the above configurations were unsuccessful
    Additional Information
    Even if a gateway could be created for the report, it would require Anonymous or Windows Authentication. O365 data sources require Claims Authentication.
    Scheduled refresh can be made for SQL Azure data sources. However, this would require configuring some type of automatic refresh for the SQL Azure data source itself to populate with the SharePoint list

  • Export sharepoint online list in powershell

    is there any commandlet to export content of sharepoint list to csv? I need some script witch does it automaticaly. Is it possible?
    Thanks for help

    Hi Tian-An,
    SharePoint contents (e.g. document files, list items, pages) are stored in SQL database, it may if you want to use the contents without SharePoint environment, I think you can click "Open with Exporer" from library ribbon and then copy them to
    the file system(e.g. a network dirve fileshare), note that the library columns value would be unable to be copied/exported; for the list items you can click "Export to Excel" button form list ribbon to export list itmes to
    excel file, or as you have done with connecting to Outlook.
    And we have a dedicated Office365 SharePoint online forum, I would recommand you post there for getting a better assistance redarding this SharePoint online contents exporting.
    Daniel Yang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Configure site auditing in sharepoint online using powershell or Client object model

    Is the any way to configure site collection audit settings in sharepoint online programmatically or using powershell.

    Hi Bhism,
    The solution given in the article is for sharepoint 2010, i want to enable site auditing in Sharepoint 2013.
    When i tried using that for sharepoint 2013 making he neccessary changes required for sharepoint 2013 i got an error :
    Unable to find type [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAuditMaskType]: make sure that the
    assembly containing this type is loaded.
    I think the assembly is for SP2010, is there anything like that for SP2013
    Thanks in Advance.

  • Send a link via email that will start a workflow on a sharepoint online list

    I am trying to send a hyperlink in an email that will start a workflow on a sharepoint online list. I am unable to use javascript because the end-user will be clicking this link on their mobile device. I have found many articles that get me almost there
    but none of them will actually start the workflow.
    here is one that is very close to what i am looking to do. http://sharepointerz.blogspot.com/2012/05/run-workflow-from-hyperlink-in.html
    Is it possible to start a workflow using a URL with out using javascript?
    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks 

    you can use ECMA script to Start the workflow.  However you need to redirect to a sharepoint page and there on Load you can do this. Directly from Email I don't know.
    You can use http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/607127/Using-SharePoint-Workflow-Services-JS-API
    From other blog http://www.vrdmn.com/2014/08/start-sharepoint-2013-workflows-with.html
    Thanks and Regards
    Er.Pradipta Nayak
    Visit my Blog

  • Copy/paste images into pages within sharepoint online?

    There seems to be a workaround to use RadControl for this. (http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/655c080f-ec1e-4e69-b082-d35973ee426a/copy-and-paste-for-images-in-sharepoint)
    However, I don't think we can deploy custom app/binaries onto sharepoint online.
    Is there other way we can easily copy/past images into pages?

    you cannot paste the images into sharepoint pages directly, Images cannot be rendered as HTML so cannot be pasted.
    You have to upload the images into SharePoint then insert it on the pages /places you want.
    or other work aorund buy the 3rd party tool which you mentioned.
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog: http://wscheema.com/blog

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