Unable to delete recordings/ action new recordings

Attempting to clean up my +box and it won't let me delete or action recordings (VRC 004) is displayed on the red banner at every attempt. Even scheduled recordings are failing. Any help? 

Have you tried rebooting the box yet?  That fixes quite a lot of Vision problems.

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  • Unable to Delete a Menu.

    I am having problems removing a menu (NNTP Newsgroup Actions).
    I can successfully delete all the menu items below this menu but then when
    I then try to delete the menu itself, using the Delete method of the
    GWMenu object, no error is raised but the menu remains visible in the
    An overview of how my C3PO works:
    - Read a text file containing the menu items to be removed. This is
    performed during the Init function of the CommandFactory. A menu item is
    specified by the full 'path' e.g. Actions|NNTP Newsgroup Actions|New
    Discussion. The menu items are stored in a (globally declared) Scripting
    dictionary object.
    - In the CustomiseMenu function I call a procedure to iterate through the
    menu items to be removed. Beginning with the top level menu object, the
    code drills down the menu path identifying each menu level. If the menu
    item is found, the menu type is determined (i.e. GWMenu or GWMenuAction)
    and an appropriate object is instantiated and the Delete method called. I
    have pasted the functions below.
    - The CustomizeMenu function returns False so that the changes are not
    volatile and applied the first time an instance of a context is created.
    (Assume that the menus are removed regardless of the context.)
    Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong?
    Many thanks in advance,
    My environment:
    GroupWise client version: 7.0.2 (6/4/2007)
    Dev Language VB6 SP6
    OS: Windows XP
    Public Function CustomizeMenu(sGWContext As String, objGWMenu As Object)
    As Boolean
    'The changes are not volatile.
    CustomizeMenu = False
    'Remove the menu items listed in the global dictionary object:
    Call UpdateLogFile("")
    Call UpdateLogFile("")
    UpdateLogFile("*********************************** *************************************")
    Call UpdateLogFile("*")
    Call UpdateLogFile("* CustomizeMenu Called for Context: " & sGWContext)
    Call UpdateLogFile("*")
    UpdateLogFile("*********************************** *************************************")
    Call UpdateLogFile("")
    Call RemoveMenus(objGWMenu)
    End Function
    Private Sub RemoveMenus(ByRef objTopMenu As Object)
    'This procedure goes through the list of menu items stored in the global
    dictionary object: gdicMenuItems
    'and if they exist, the item is deleted.
    'A typical entry in the dictionary object is "File|New|Document Version"
    'The last component in the menu item path is the menu item that is deleted.
    Dim objMenu As Object
    Dim objGWMenuAction As C3POTypeLibrary.IGWMenuAction
    Dim objGWMenu As C3POTypeLibrary.IGWMenu
    Dim varFullMenuPath As Variant ' Menu path found in dictionary
    object. e.g. "File|New|Document Version"
    Dim strFullMenuPath As String ' The full menu path as a string.
    Dim arrFullMenuPath() As String ' Menu path as an array, split by the
    '|' character.
    Dim strMenuItemName As String ' Menu path element e.g. File or New
    or Document Version.
    Dim lngMenuItemIdx As Long ' Loop index for drilling down the
    menu path.
    Dim blnMenuFound As Boolean ' Flag indicating whether the menu was
    Dim strMsgTxt As String ' Message box text.
    On Error Resume Next
    Call UpdateLogFile("RemoveMenus Procedure Started.")
    Call UpdateLogFile("")
    'Go through all the menus to be removed.
    For Each varFullMenuPath In gdicMenuItems
    'Convert the variant object representing the full menu path into a
    strFullMenuPath = CStr(varFullMenuPath)
    Call UpdateLogFile("Strip the menu item: " & strFullMenuPath & ".")
    'Split the menu into its component parts.
    arrFullMenuPath = Split(CStr(varFullMenuPath), "|")
    'Set the Menu object to represent the top level menu.
    Set objMenu = objTopMenu
    'Assume the menu can not be found.
    blnMenuFound = False
    'Drill down the menu path.
    For lngMenuItemIdx = LBound(arrFullMenuPath) To UBound(arrFullMenuPath)
    strMenuItemName = arrFullMenuPath(lngMenuItemIdx)
    'Set the Menu item object to be the desired child menu item.
    Set objMenu = objMenu.MenuItems.Item(strMenuItemName)
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case 0
    ' The child menu item was found.
    Call UpdateLogFile(String(lngMenuItemIdx, vbTab) & "Found
    menu item: '" & strMenuItemName & "'.")
    blnMenuFound = True
    Case 91
    ' The menu does not exist - therefore it does not have to
    be removed.
    Call UpdateLogFile(" * Unable to find the menu item: '" &
    strMenuItemName & "' as part of: " & strFullMenuPath & " in this context.")
    blnMenuFound = False
    Exit For
    Case Else
    strMsgTxt = "* An unexpected error was raised in the
    'RemoveMenus' procedure when attempting to " & _
    "instantiate an object representing a menu." &
    vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    "The full menu path was: " & strFullMenuPath & vbCrLf
    & vbCrLf & _
    "The menu item name was '" & strMenuItemName & "'." &
    vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    "The error number was " & Err.Number & " with the
    description:" & _
    vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
    Call UpdateLogFile(strMsgTxt)
    MsgBox strMsgTxt, vbExclamation, cstrAppTitle
    blnMenuFound = False
    Exit For
    End Select
    Next lngMenuItemIdx
    'If the menu item was found, try to delete it.
    If blnMenuFound = True Then
    Call UpdateLogFile("Menu Identified: " & strFullMenuPath & ".
    Caption: " & objMenu.Caption)
    ' If the menu has previously been stripped, the objMenu object may
    be 'Nothing'.
    ' In this case, do not attempt to remove it.
    Call UpdateLogFile("The menu type: " & TypeName(objMenu))
    If TypeName(objMenu) = "Nothing" Then
    Call UpdateLogFile("* The menu type is 'Nothing' therefore the
    menu no longer exists in this context.")
    Call UpdateLogFile("Stripping the menu ...")
    Select Case objMenu.ObjType
    Set objGWMenuAction = objMenu
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Call UpdateLogFile("* Failed to set a GW Menu
    Action type object to this menu. Err Number: " & Err.Number)
    Call UpdateLogFile(Err.Description)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Call UpdateLogFile("* Failed to delete a GW
    Menu Action type object. Err Number: " & Err.Number)
    Call UpdateLogFile(Err.Description)
    Call UpdateLogFile("Stripped the action menu
    item: " & strFullMenuPath & ".")
    End If
    End If
    Set objGWMenu = objMenu
    Call UpdateLogFile("The GW Menu has " &
    objGWMenu.MenuItems.Count & " sub menu items.")
    Call UpdateLogFile("The GW Menu Parent: " &
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Call UpdateLogFile("* Failed to set a GW Menu type
    object to this menu. Err Number: " & Err.Number)
    Call UpdateLogFile(Err.Description)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Call UpdateLogFile("* Failed to delete a GW
    Menu type object. Err Number: " & Err.Number)
    Call UpdateLogFile(Err.Description)
    Call UpdateLogFile("Stripped the menu item: "
    & strFullMenuPath & ".")
    End If
    End If
    End Select
    End If
    End If
    Next ' Next (full) menu path.
    Set objMenu = Nothing
    Set objGWMenuAction = Nothing
    Set objGWMenu = Nothing
    End Sub

    Novell informs me that the behaviour described below is normal. It is not
    possible to delete any standard menu object (i.e. any client menu provided
    by Novell). However, you can delete custom-made menus.
    I think the documentation is misleading in that it states that we can not
    delete 'root' menus. I understood this to be only the top level menus,
    but this is not the case. We can not delete any standard client menu
    which has child menu items regardless of their position in the menu
    Andy Cooper wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I am having problems removing a menu (NNTP Newsgroup Actions).
    > I can successfully delete all the menu items below this menu but then when
    > I then try to delete the menu itself, using the Delete method of the
    > GWMenu object, no error is raised but the menu remains visible in the
    > client.
    > An overview of how my C3PO works:
    > - Read a text file containing the menu items to be removed. This is
    > performed during the Init function of the CommandFactory. A menu item is
    > specified by the full 'path' e.g. Actions|NNTP Newsgroup Actions|New
    > Discussion. The menu items are stored in a (globally declared) Scripting
    > dictionary object.
    > - In the CustomiseMenu function I call a procedure to iterate through the
    > menu items to be removed. Beginning with the top level menu object, the
    > code drills down the menu path identifying each menu level. If the menu
    > item is found, the menu type is determined (i.e. GWMenu or GWMenuAction)
    > and an appropriate object is instantiated and the Delete method called. I
    > have pasted the functions below.
    > - The CustomizeMenu function returns False so that the changes are not
    > volatile and applied the first time an instance of a context is created.
    > (Assume that the menus are removed regardless of the context.)
    > Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong?
    > Many thanks in advance,
    > Andy
    > My environment:
    > GroupWise client version: 7.0.2 (6/4/2007)
    > Dev Language VB6 SP6
    > OS: Windows XP
    > Public Function CustomizeMenu(sGWContext As String, objGWMenu As Object)
    > As Boolean
    > '
    > 'The changes are not volatile.
    > CustomizeMenu = False
    > '
    > 'Remove the menu items listed in the global dictionary object:
    > gdicMenuItems.
    > Call UpdateLogFile("")
    > Call UpdateLogFile("")
    > Call
    UpdateLogFile("*********************************** *************************************")
    > Call UpdateLogFile("*")
    > Call UpdateLogFile("* CustomizeMenu Called for Context: " & sGWContext)
    > Call UpdateLogFile("*")
    > Call
    UpdateLogFile("*********************************** *************************************")
    > Call UpdateLogFile("")
    > '
    > Call RemoveMenus(objGWMenu)
    > '
    > End Function
    > Private Sub RemoveMenus(ByRef objTopMenu As Object)
    > '
    > 'This procedure goes through the list of menu items stored in the global
    > dictionary object: gdicMenuItems
    > 'and if they exist, the item is deleted.
    > '
    > 'A typical entry in the dictionary object is "File|New|Document Version"
    > '
    > 'The last component in the menu item path is the menu item that is deleted.
    > '
    > Dim objMenu As Object
    > Dim objGWMenuAction As C3POTypeLibrary.IGWMenuAction
    > Dim objGWMenu As C3POTypeLibrary.IGWMenu
    > Dim varFullMenuPath As Variant ' Menu path found in dictionary
    > object. e.g. "File|New|Document Version"
    > Dim strFullMenuPath As String ' The full menu path as a string.
    > Dim arrFullMenuPath() As String ' Menu path as an array, split by the
    > '|' character.
    > Dim strMenuItemName As String ' Menu path element e.g. File or New
    > or Document Version.
    > Dim lngMenuItemIdx As Long ' Loop index for drilling down the
    > menu path.
    > Dim blnMenuFound As Boolean ' Flag indicating whether the menu was
    > found.
    > Dim strMsgTxt As String ' Message box text.
    > '
    > On Error Resume Next
    > '
    > Call UpdateLogFile("RemoveMenus Procedure Started.")
    > Call UpdateLogFile("")
    > '
    > 'Go through all the menus to be removed.
    > For Each varFullMenuPath In gdicMenuItems
    > '
    > 'Convert the variant object representing the full menu path into a
    > string.
    > strFullMenuPath = CStr(varFullMenuPath)
    > Call UpdateLogFile("Strip the menu item: " & strFullMenuPath & ".")
    > 'Split the menu into its component parts.
    > arrFullMenuPath = Split(CStr(varFullMenuPath), "|")
    > '
    > 'Set the Menu object to represent the top level menu.
    > Set objMenu = objTopMenu
    > '
    > 'Assume the menu can not be found.
    > blnMenuFound = False
    > '
    > 'Drill down the menu path.
    > For lngMenuItemIdx = LBound(arrFullMenuPath) To UBound(arrFullMenuPath)
    > strMenuItemName = arrFullMenuPath(lngMenuItemIdx)
    > 'Set the Menu item object to be the desired child menu item.
    > Set objMenu = objMenu.MenuItems.Item(strMenuItemName)
    > Select Case Err.Number
    > Case 0
    > ' The child menu item was found.
    > Call UpdateLogFile(String(lngMenuItemIdx, vbTab) & "Found
    > menu item: '" & strMenuItemName & "'.")
    > blnMenuFound = True
    > Case 91
    > ' The menu does not exist - therefore it does not have to
    > be removed.
    > Err.Clear
    > Call UpdateLogFile(" * Unable to find the menu item: '" &
    > strMenuItemName & "' as part of: " & strFullMenuPath & " in this context.")
    > blnMenuFound = False
    > Exit For
    > Case Else
    > strMsgTxt = "* An unexpected error was raised in the
    > 'RemoveMenus' procedure when attempting to " & _
    > "instantiate an object representing a menu." &
    > vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    > "The full menu path was: " & strFullMenuPath & vbCrLf
    > & vbCrLf & _
    > "The menu item name was '" & strMenuItemName & "'." &
    > vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    > "The error number was " & Err.Number & " with the
    > description:" & _
    > vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
    > cstrHelp
    > Call UpdateLogFile(strMsgTxt)
    > MsgBox strMsgTxt, vbExclamation, cstrAppTitle
    > Err.Clear
    > blnMenuFound = False
    > Exit For
    > End Select
    > Next lngMenuItemIdx
    > '
    > 'If the menu item was found, try to delete it.
    > If blnMenuFound = True Then
    > Call UpdateLogFile("Menu Identified: " & strFullMenuPath & ".
    > Caption: " & objMenu.Caption)
    > ' If the menu has previously been stripped, the objMenu object may
    > be 'Nothing'.
    > ' In this case, do not attempt to remove it.
    > Call UpdateLogFile("The menu type: " & TypeName(objMenu))
    > If TypeName(objMenu) = "Nothing" Then
    > Call UpdateLogFile("* The menu type is 'Nothing' therefore the
    > menu no longer exists in this context.")
    > Else
    > Call UpdateLogFile("Stripping the menu ...")
    > Select Case objMenu.ObjType
    > Set objGWMenuAction = objMenu
    > If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    > Call UpdateLogFile("* Failed to set a GW Menu
    > Action type object to this menu. Err Number: " & Err.Number)
    > Call UpdateLogFile(Err.Description)
    > Err.Clear
    > Else
    > objGWMenuAction.Delete
    > If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    > Call UpdateLogFile("* Failed to delete a GW
    > Menu Action type object. Err Number: " & Err.Number)
    > Call UpdateLogFile(Err.Description)
    > Err.Clear
    > Else
    > Call UpdateLogFile("Stripped the action menu
    > item: " & strFullMenuPath & ".")
    > End If
    > End If
    > Case C3POTypeLibrary.GWOBJTYPE.eGW_GWMENU
    > Set objGWMenu = objMenu
    > Call UpdateLogFile("The GW Menu has " &
    > objGWMenu.MenuItems.Count & " sub menu items.")
    > Call UpdateLogFile("The GW Menu Parent: " &
    > objGWMenu.Parent.Caption)
    > If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    > Call UpdateLogFile("* Failed to set a GW Menu type
    > object to this menu. Err Number: " & Err.Number)
    > Call UpdateLogFile(Err.Description)
    > Err.Clear
    > Else
    > objGWMenu.Delete
    > If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    > Call UpdateLogFile("* Failed to delete a GW
    > Menu type object. Err Number: " & Err.Number)
    > Call UpdateLogFile(Err.Description)
    > Err.Clear
    > Else
    > Call UpdateLogFile("Stripped the menu item: "
    > & strFullMenuPath & ".")
    > End If
    > End If
    > End Select
    > End If
    > End If
    > '
    > Next ' Next (full) menu path.
    > '
    > Set objMenu = Nothing
    > Set objGWMenuAction = Nothing
    > Set objGWMenu = Nothing
    > '
    > End Sub

  • GW7 - Unable to delete Domain & MTA objects after crash

    Yes...I know there are similar threads already on the forums...but I'm still stuck :)
    Had a server crash - which was running GW7 WebAccess & hosted a Domain (Domain_3 in our case). And naturally, this server was put together by a long gone consultant years ago - who left little documentation and no current backup (well, we thought we had one...but it didn't restore). So I was left to wing it on my own.
    Rebuilt a server from scratch (NW 6.5 SP8). The server sits it's own tree and is in a DMZ off of a BorderManager server (multi-homed - and yes...life on the trailing edge of technology).
    I was unable to delete or use the existing GW objects (Domain_3, MTA or WebAccess)...so I created a new domain (Domain_2) and reinstalled WebAccess and the MTA. I used the same IP addresses/ports as the original/crashed server.
    This got us back on our feet and WebAccess seems to be working as expected.
    I've since tried following various TIDS about grafting the legacy objects into another part of the tree, etc. Unfortunately, the grafting process likewise failed after seemingly creating the domain & MTA objects. An error message indicated that I (as admin) didn't have sufficient rights (hard to believe...). So now I have two Domain_3 objects (w/MTAs, etc.) in different parts of the tree - which are non-functional and un-delete-able (if that's a word).
    I also managed to create another temporary domain object (Domain_9) in testing - which now won't allow me to delete it either (ugh)!
    I also found numerous pending GW operations - including the deletes, modifies, etc.
    Digging deeper - I have some stuck obituaries that are all related to the domain objects that I'm trying to get to disappear. Of course, I tried to free these stuck obituaries following various TIDs (which I've done in the past for other non-groupwise objects stuck in limbo) - but failed. I'm not sure if this is a cause, an effect, or just collateral damage...
    So I'm 10 miles past frustration...and have obviously hosed this pretty well...
    Any suggestions or guidance on where to focus my attention first?

    That's how I ended up with a 2nd copy of Domain_3 :) I created a temporary container - and tried to graft Domain_3. It created a domain object and a MTA - before failing (the error said I had insufficient rights to complete the task). Naturally, I couldn't delete these new objects either once they were created I performed this action as "admin" - authenticated to both trees (the GW objects are actually in our production tree).

  • Unable to delete applet.....

    Hi all,
    I am unable to delete one applet which I have loaded in the card.
    There are 2 applets, one is purse and other is loyalty. And am using shareable interface in which loyalty is the server and purse is the client. I can delete the purse applet but i can't delete the loyalty from the card.
    Here is my code : There are in all 3 codes, one is purse, second is loyalty code and third is the shareable interface code. Can some one look at the code and tell me what's wrong in this programs.
    package com.gemplus.examples.loyalty;
    import javacard.framework.*;
    import visa.openplatform.*;
    public class Loyalty extends javacard.framework.Applet implements TestInterface
    static byte points ;
    protected Loyalty(byte[] buffer, short offset, byte length)
    // data offset is used for application specific parameter.
    // initialization with default offset (AID offset).
    short dataOffset = offset;
    if(length > 9) {
    // Install parameter detail. Compliant with OP 2.0.1.
    // | size | content
    // |------|---------------------------
    // | 1 | [AID_Length]
    // | 5-16 | [AID_Bytes]
    // | 1 | [Privilege_Length]
    // | 1-n | [Privilege_Bytes] (normally 1Byte)
    // | 1 | [Application_Proprietary_Length]
    // | 0-m | [Application_Proprietary_Bytes]
    // shift to privilege offset
    dataOffset += (short)(1 + buffer[offset]);
    // finally shift to Application specific offset
    dataOffset += (short)(1 + buffer[dataOffset]);
    // checks wrong data length
    if(buffer[dataOffset] != 4)
    // return received proprietary data length in the reason
    ISOException.throwIt((short)(ISO7816.SW_WRONG_LENGTH + offset + length - dataOffset));
    // go to proprietary data
    // points = 0;
    // register this instance
    register(buffer, (short)(offset + 1), (byte)buffer[offset]);
    * Method installing the applet.
    * @param bArray the array constaining installation parameters
    * @param bOffset the starting offset in bArray
    * @param bLength the length in bytes of the data parameter in bArray
    public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) throws ISOException
    /* applet instance creation */
    new Loyalty (bArray, bOffset, (byte)bLength);
    * Select method returning true if applet selection is supported.
    * @return boolean status of selection.
    public boolean select()
    /* return status of selection */
    return true;
    * Deselect method.
    public void deselect()
    public void process(APDU apdu) throws ISOException
              // check valid Applet state
    if(OPSystem.getCardContentState() == OPSystem.APPLET_BLOCKED)
              byte[] apduBuffer = apdu.getBuffer();
    // writes the balance into the APDU buffer after the APDU command part
              apduBuffer[5] = (byte)(points >> 8) ;
              apduBuffer[6] = (byte)points ;
    // sends the APDU response
    // switches to output mode
              apdu.setOutgoing() ;
    // 2 bytes to return
              apdu.setOutgoingLength((short)2) ;
    // offset and length of bytes to return in the APDU buffer
              apdu.sendBytes((short)5, (short)2) ;
         public void creditPoints(byte pTobeCredited)
    points += pTobeCredited;
    public Shareable getShareableInterfaceObject(AID client, byte param){
              if(param != (byte)0x00)
                   return null;
         return (this);
    second code is :
    package com.gemplus.examples.oppurse;
    * Imported packages
    import javacard.framework.*;
    import visa.openplatform.*;
    import com.gemplus.examples.loyalty.*;
    public class OPPurse extends javacard.framework.Applet
    // the APDU constants for all the commands.
         private final static byte INS_GET_BALANCE = (byte)0x30 ;
         private final static byte INS_DEBIT      = (byte)0x31 ;
         private final static byte INS_CREDIT      = (byte)0x32 ;
         private final static byte INS_VERIFY_PIN = (byte)0x33 ;
         private final static byte INS_SET_NAME                    = (byte)0x34 ;
         private final static byte INS_GET_NAME                    = (byte)0x35 ;
    // the OP/VOP specific instruction set for mutual authentication
         private final static byte CLA_INIT_UPDATE = (byte)0x80 ;
         private final static byte INS_INIT_UPDATE = (byte)0x50 ;
         private final static byte CLA_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATE = (byte)0x84 ;
         private final static byte INS_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATE = (byte)0x82 ;
    // the PIN validity flag
    private boolean validPIN = false;
    // SW bytes for PIN Failed condition
         // the last nibble is replaced with the number of remaining tries
         private final static short      SW_PIN_FAILED = (short)0x63C0;
         private final static short SW_FAILED_TO_OBTAIN_SIO = (short)0x63D0;
         private final static short SW_LOYALTY_APP_NOT_EXIST = (short)0x63E0;
    // the illegal amount value for the exceptions.
    private final static short ILLEGAL_AMOUNT = 1;
    // the maximum balance in this purse.
    private static final short maximumBalance = 10000;
    // the current balance in this purse.
    private static short balance;
    /*     byte[] loyaltyAID = new byte[]{ (byte)0xA0,(byte)0x00,(byte)0x00,(byte)0x00,
    /* Security part of declarations */
    // the Security Object necessary to credit the purse
    private ProviderSecurityDomain securityObject = null;
    // the security channel number
    byte secureChannel = (byte)0xFF;
    // the authentication status
    private boolean authenticationDone = false;
    // the secure channel status
    private boolean channelOpened = false;
         private byte[] nameBuffer = new byte[6];
    * Only this class's install method should create the applet object.
    protected OPPurse(byte[] buffer, short offset, byte length)
    // data offset is used for application specific parameter.
    // initialization with default offset (AID offset).
    short dataOffset = offset;
    if(length > 9) {
    // Install parameter detail. Compliant with OP 2.0.1.
    // | size | content
    // |------|---------------------------
    // | 1 | [AID_Length]
    // | 5-16 | [AID_Bytes]
    // | 1 | [Privilege_Length]
    // | 1-n | [Privilege_Bytes] (normally 1Byte)
    // | 1 | [Application_Proprietary_Length]
    // | 0-m | [Application_Proprietary_Bytes]
    // shift to privilege offset
    dataOffset += (short)( 1 + buffer[offset]);
    // finally shift to Application specific offset
    dataOffset += (short)( 1 + buffer[dataOffset]);
    // checks wrong data length
    if(buffer[dataOffset] != 2)
    // return received proprietary data length in the reason
    ISOException.throwIt((short)(ISO7816.SW_WRONG_LENGTH + offset + length - dataOffset));
    // go to proprietary data
    } else {
    // Install parameter compliant with OP 2.0.
    if(length != 2)
    ISOException.throwIt((short)(ISO7816.SW_WRONG_LENGTH + length));
              // retreive the balance value from the APDU buffer
    short value = (short)(((buffer[(short)(dataOffset + 1)]) & 0xFF)
              | ((buffer[dataOffset] & 0xFF) << 8));
    // checks initial balance value
    if(value > maximumBalance)
              // initializes the balance with the APDU buffer contents
    balance = value;
    // register this instance as an installed Applet
    // ask the system for the Security Object associated to the Applet
    securityObject = OPSystem.getSecurityDomain();
    // applet is personalized and its state can change
    // build the new ATR historical bytes
    byte[] newATRHistory = new byte[]
    // put "OPPurse" in historical bytes.
    (byte)0x4F, (byte)0x50, (byte)0x50, (byte)0x75, (byte)0x72, (byte)0x73, (byte)0x65
    // !!! ACTIVATED IF INSTALL PRIVILEGE IS "Default Selected" (0x04). !!!
    // change the default ATR to a personalized's one
    OPSystem.setATRHistBytes(newATRHistory, (short)0, (byte)newATRHistory.length);
    * Method installing the applet.
    * @param installparam the array constaining installation parameters
    * @param offset the starting offset in installparam
    * @param length the length in bytes of the data parameter in installparam
    public static void install(byte[] installparam, short offset, byte length )
    throws ISOException
    // applet instance creation with the initial balance
    new OPPurse(installparam, offset, length );
    * Select method returning true if applet selection is supported.
    * @return boolean status of selection.
    public boolean select()
    validPIN = false;
    // reset security if used.
    // In case of reset deselect is not called
    // return status of selection
    return true;
    * Deselect method.
    public void deselect()
    // reset security if used.
    * Method processing an incoming APDU.
    * @see APDU
    * @param apdu the incoming APDU
    * @exception ISOException with the response bytes defined by ISO 7816-4
    public void process(APDU apdu) throws ISOException
    // get the APDU buffer
    // the APDU data is available in 'apduBuffer'
    byte[] apduBuffer = apdu.getBuffer();
    // the "try" is mandatory because the debit method
    // can throw a javacard.framework.UserException
    case INS_VERIFY_PIN :
    break ;
    case INS_GET_BALANCE :
         getBalance(apdu) ;
    break ;
    case INS_DEBIT :
         debit(apdu) ;
    break ;
                        case INS_SET_NAME :
                        case INS_GET_NAME :
                        break ;
    case INS_CREDIT :
         credit(apdu) ;
    break ;
    case INS_INIT_UPDATE :
    if(apduBuffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] == CLA_INIT_UPDATE)
    // call initialize/update security method
         init_update(apdu) ;
    // wrong CLA received
    break ;
    // call external/authenticate security method
         external_authenticate(apdu) ;
    // wrong CLA received
    break ;
    case ISO7816.INS_SELECT :
    break ;
    default :
    // The INS code is not supported by the dispatcher
         ISOException.throwIt(ISO7816.SW_INS_NOT_SUPPORTED) ;
    break ;
         }     // end of the switch
    } // end of the try
              catch(UserException e)
    // translates the UserException in an ISOException.
              if(e.getReason() == ILLEGAL_AMOUNT)
    throw new ISOException ( ISO7816.SW_DATA_INVALID ) ;
    //- P R I V A T E M E T H O D S -
         * Handles Verify Pin APDU.
         * @param apdu APDU object
         private void verifyPIN(APDU apdu)
    // get APDU data
    // get APDU buffer
    byte[] apduBuffer = apdu.getBuffer();
    // check that the PIN is not blocked
    if(OPSystem.getTriesRemaining() == 0)
    // Pin format for OP specification
    // |type(2),length|nible(1),nible(2)|nible(3),nible(4)|...|nible(n-1),nible(n)|
    // get Pin length
    byte length = (byte)(apduBuffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_LC] & 0x0F);
    // pad the PIN ASCII value
    for(byte i=length; i<0x0E; i++)
    // only low nibble of padding is used
    apduBuffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA + i] = 0x3F;
    // fill header TAG
    apduBuffer[0] = (byte)((0x02 << 4) | length);
    // parse ASCII Pin code
    for(byte i=0; i<0x0E; i++)
    // fill bytes with ASCII Pin nibbles
    if((i & 0x01) == 0)
    // high nibble
    apduBuffer[(i >> 1)+1] = (byte)((apduBuffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA + i] & 0x0F) << 4);
    // low nibble
    apduBuffer[(i >> 1)+1] |= (byte)(apduBuffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA + i] & 0x0F);
    // verify the received PIN
    if(OPSystem.verifyPin(apdu, (byte)0))
    // set PIN validity flag
    validPIN = true;
    // if applet state is BLOCKED then restore previous state (PERSONALIZED)
    if(OPSystem.getCardContentState() == OPSystem.APPLET_BLOCKED)
         // the last nibble of returned code is the number of remaining tries
              ISOException.throwIt((short)(SW_PIN_FAILED + OPSystem.getTriesRemaining()));
    * Performs the "getBalance" operation on this counter.
    * @param apdu The APDU to process.
    private void getBalance( APDU apdu )
    // check valid Applet state
    if(OPSystem.getCardContentState() == OPSystem.APPLET_BLOCKED)
    // get the APDU buffer
    byte[] apduBuffer = apdu.getBuffer();
    // writes the balance into the APDU buffer after the APDU command part
              apduBuffer[5] = (byte)(balance >> 8) ;
              apduBuffer[6] = (byte)balance ;
    // sends the APDU response
    // switches to output mode
              apdu.setOutgoing() ;
    // 2 bytes to return
              apdu.setOutgoingLength((short)2) ;
    // offset and length of bytes to return in the APDU buffer
              apdu.sendBytes((short)5, (short)2) ;
         private void setName(APDU apdu)
              // check valid Applet state
    if(OPSystem.getCardContentState() == OPSystem.APPLET_BLOCKED)
              // the operation is allowed only if master pin is validated
              byte[] apduBuffer = apdu.getBuffer();
              for(short i=0,k=5;i<6;i++,k++)
                   nameBuffer[i] = apduBuffer[k];
         }//end of setName
         private void getName(APDU apdu)
              // check valid Applet state
    if(OPSystem.getCardContentState() == OPSystem.APPLET_BLOCKED)
                   byte[] apduBuffer = apdu.getBuffer();
                   for(short i=5, k=0;i<11;i++,k++)
         }//end of storeName
    * Performs the "debit" operation on this counter.
    * @param apdu The APDU to process.
    * @exception ISOException If the APDU is invalid.
    * @exception UserException If the amount to debit is invalid.
    private void debit(APDU apdu) throws ISOException, UserException
    // check valid Applet state
    if(OPSystem.getCardContentState() == OPSystem.APPLET_BLOCKED)
    // the operation is allowed only if master pin is validated
    // get the APDU buffer
    byte[] apduBuffer = apdu.getBuffer();
         // Gets the length of bytes to recieved from the terminal and receives them
    // If does not receive 4 bytes throws an ISO.SW_WRONG_LENGTH exception
              if(apduBuffer[4] != 2 || apdu.setIncomingAndReceive() != 2)
              ISOException.throwIt(ISO7816.SW_WRONG_LENGTH) ;
              // Reads the debit amount from the APDU buffer
    // Starts at offset 5 in the APDU buffer since the 5 first bytes
    // are used by the APDU command part
              short amount = (short)(((apduBuffer[6]) & (short)0x000000FF)
    | ((apduBuffer[5] << 8 ) & (short)0x0000FF00));
    // tests if the debit is valid
    if((balance >= amount) && (amount > 0))
    // does the debit operation
    balance -= amount ;
    // writes the new balance into the APDU buffer
    // (writes after the debit amount in the APDU buffer)
    apduBuffer[7] = (byte)(balance >> 8) ;
    apduBuffer[8] = (byte)balance ;
    // sends the APDU response
    apdu.setOutgoing() ; // Switches to output mode
    apdu.setOutgoingLength((short)2) ; // 2 bytes to return
    // offset and length of bytes to return in the APDU buffer
    apdu.sendBytes((short)7, (short)2) ;
              /*short points = 10;
    AID loyaltyID = JCSystem.lookupAID(loyaltyAID, (short)0, (byte)loyaltyAID.length);
              if(loyaltyID == null)
              TestInterface sio = (TestInterface)(JCSystem.getAppletShareableInterfaceObject(loyaltyID, (byte)0x00));
              if(sio == null)
    // throw a UserException with illegal amount as reason
    throw new UserException(ILLEGAL_AMOUNT) ;
    /* byte points = (byte)0x0A;
              //short points = 10;
    AID loyaltyID = JCSystem.lookupAID(loyaltyAID, (short)0, (byte)loyaltyAID.length);
              if(loyaltyID == null)
              TestInterface sio = (TestInterface)JCSystem.getAppletShareableInterfaceObject(loyaltyID, (byte)0x00);
              if(sio == null)
    * Performs the "credit" operation on this counter. The operation is allowed only
    * if master pin is validated
    * @param apdu The APDU to process.
    * @exception ISOException If the APDU is invalid or if the amount to credit
    * is invalid.
    private void credit(APDU apdu) throws ISOException
    // check valid Applet state
    if(OPSystem.getCardContentState() == OPSystem.APPLET_BLOCKED)
    // the operation is allowed only if master pin is validated and authentication is done
         if (!validPIN || !authenticationDone)
    // get the APDU buffer
    byte[] apduBuffer = apdu.getBuffer();
              // gets the length of bytes to recieved from the terminal and receives them
    // if does not receive 2 bytes throws an ISO.SW_WRONG_LENGTH exception
              if(apduBuffer[4] != 2 || apdu.setIncomingAndReceive() != 2)
    throw new ISOException(ISO7816.SW_WRONG_LENGTH) ;
              // reads the credit amount from the APDU buffer
    // starts at offset 5 in the APDU buffer since the 5 first bytes
    // are used by the APDU command part
              short amount = (short)(((apduBuffer[6]) & (short)0x000000FF)
    | ((apduBuffer[5] << 8) & (short)0x0000FF00));
    // tests if the credit is valid
    if(((short)(balance + amount) > maximumBalance) || (amount <= (short)0))
    throw new ISOException(ISO7816.SW_DATA_INVALID) ;
    // does the credit operation
    balance += amount ;
    * Performs the "init_update" security operation.
    * @param apdu The APDU to process.
    private void init_update( APDU apdu )
    // receives data
    // checks for existing active secure channel
    // close the openned security channel
    catch(CardRuntimeException cre2)
    // channel number is invalid. this case is ignored
    // set the channel flag to close
    channelOpened = false;
    // open a new security channel
    secureChannel = securityObject.openSecureChannel(apdu);
    // set the channel flag to open
    channelOpened = true;
    // get expected length
    short expected = apdu.setOutgoing();
    // send authentication result
    // expected length forced to 0x1C
    apdu.sendBytes(ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, (byte)0x1c);
    catch(CardRuntimeException cre)
    // no available channel or APDU is invalid
    * Performs the "external_authenticate" security operation.
    * @param apdu The APDU to process.
    private void external_authenticate( APDU apdu )
    // receives data
    // checks for existing active secure channel
    // try to authenticate the client
    securityObject.verifyExternalAuthenticate(secureChannel, apdu);
    // authentication succeed
    authenticationDone = true;
    catch(CardRuntimeException cre)
    // authentication fails
    // set authentication flag to fails
    authenticationDone = false;
    // close the openned security channel
    try {
    } catch(CardRuntimeException cre2) {
    // channel number is invalid. this case is ignored
    // set the channel flag to close
    channelOpened = false;
    // send authentication result
    // send authentication result
    * The "reset_security" method close an opened secure channel if exist.
    * @return void.
    public void reset_security()
    // close the secure channel if openned.
    if(secureChannel != (byte)0xFF)
    // close the openned security channel
    catch(CardRuntimeException cre2)
    // channel number is invalid. this case is ignored
    // reset security parameters
    secureChannel = (byte)0xFF;
    channelOpened = false;
    authenticationDone = false;
    and the 3rd code is:
    package com.gemplus.examples.loyalty;
    import javacard.framework.Shareable;
    public interface TestInterface extends Shareable
    // public void creditPoints(byte points) ;
              public void creditPoints(byte points) ;
    Thanks in advance......

    Thanks. I know they are not the same thing. A package cannot be deleted if it contains one or more applets.
    I tried to delete by typing in the applet AID first, but it just doesn't work. And of course it doesn't work for package AID.
    Both the package and applet AID are generated in JBuilder, which looks like this, package AID(6D 79 70 61 63 6B 61 67 31),
    applet AID(6D 79 70 61 63 30 30 30 31),
    instance AID(6D 79 70 61 63 30 30 30 31)
    I've tried those three AIDs, it's not working.

  • Unable to delete Address Book File

    I am unable to delete nor copy over an Address Book file that I have on an external HD connected via Airport Extreme. When I connect the HD directly to my Macbook Pro, I am able to delete the file - but not via Airport Extreme. When I attempt to delete the file, I get a message from Trash as follows: The operation cannot be completed because the item "Metadata" is in use. Same message when I attempt to replace the file with a new file. In other words, I am unable to use AE to transfer my Address Book file to my external HD, unless I change the name of the file. What is going on here?

    Hello Bob.
    You may be having a problem with some Firefox add-on that is hindering your Firefox's normal behavior. Have you tried disabling all add-ons (just to check), to see if Firefox goes back to normal?
    Whenever you have a problem with Firefox, whatever it is, you should make sure it's not coming from one of your installed add-ons, be it an extension, a theme or a plugin. To do that easily and cleanly, run Firefox in [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe+Mode safe mode] and select ''Disable all add-ons''. If the problem disappears, you know it's from an add-on. Disable them all in normal mode, and enable them one at a time until you find the source of the problem. See [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting+extensions+and+themes this article] for information about troubleshooting extensions and theme. You can troubleshoot plugins the same way.
    If you want support for one of your add-ons, you'll need to contact its author.

  • Unable to delete a file

    I'm unable to delete a a file from the filesystem.
    String fileName = "dummy.xml"
    boolean delete = (new File(fileName)).delete();It's not deleting this file from the filesystem.

    Can anything else delete that file? Is the fileopen?
    I don't know what you mean by can anything else
    delete the file.I mean can you delete the file from the command line, a window, whatever. Is it just Java's delete that is having this problem or is it the file system?
    No this is not opened/or use.How do you know?
    DO I have to specify a path for this. Certainly. How else would Java know which file to delete?
    If yes, please read on ........
    the path where this xml file resides could by
    anywhere in the file system. If it is how do I access
    it since there is no specific location (it is left to
    the user's choise to save the file anywhere he
    wants)Keep the user's choice.

  • Unable to delete videos from my iad

    I am unable to delete videos from my ipad.  When I go to Settings - Usage - Storage; the video section will show up as no data in it even if it has multiple videos downloaded from itunes in it.  I am using iOS 7.0.4 on a new iPad mini Retina 64GB.  I am seeing the same problem on my iPhone 5S. 

    I was puzzled by this since ios7 I waited for  7.1 and thought it was fixed as it seems to go away. Now its back in 8.0 and 8.0.2.
    It seems somewhat related to incomplete accounting of downloaded video and music too on the device and applying to storage left on device as these two icons are not showing up under usage in settings, even with show all selected.
    Here is what I did:
    Go to "Videos" under settings, turn off "show all videos", this will show only videos that presumably are on your device.
    Go to Videos" app and you should see video that is presumably downloaded to device, select the cloud icon and as unintuitive as it seems, download the video as if it is not already on the device.
    When one or all of your videos finish, go to "Settings", "General", "Usage", you will see an increase in available storage.
    While there, select "Manage Storage" and "Videos" should show up in usage and an amount of MB or GB.
    Select "Videos" under storage and your videos will present. Select "Edit" in upper right corner.
    Select red "minus symbol", delete.
    As you do this you will see more and more of your devices storage coming back in available storage.
    This is similar to or is a memory leak issue that needs to be addressed. It apparently hasn't yet.
    The same process works with Music. I haven't seen this as an issue in dealing with apps.

  • Unable to delete file after in a file adapter

    I have a BPEL process , which gets invoked when there is a new .PDX file in a folder. After processing the data from the file , I want to move into the archive folder. The process moves the file properly to the archive folder, but I am unable to delete the file from the folder I read it from.
    One solution that worked was forcibly dehydrating the process using a checkpoint(). But that seems a very inefficient solution considering its expensive to do this step. Does any one else have a better solution?

    Just check the option "Delete after reading" in Adapter wizard if that is something you can do.. Adapter automatically deletes it once the file is moved to archive..

  • I cannot fully uninstall iTunes because I am unable to delete the commonfiles\apple folder

    I received error 42404 after updating to itunes 11, and have attempted to follow the instructions at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1925. However, my Vista will not let me delete the commonfiles\apple folder. How can I delete it?
    The day of iTunes 11's release, I updated my iTunes, then opened up the prgm to take a look at it. I was immediately brought to the attention that the program didn't install correctly (with error 42404), so I uninstalled iTunes and reinstalled it, with the same error coming up. I continued to use iTunes and see if i could ignore the issue, however I discovered I was unable to log into my itunes acount on the store.
    So I followed the isntructions at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1925 correctly, deleted the remaining files/folders, except I am still unable to delete the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\ folder. I attempt to delete it, it asks me for permission to do so, I say continue, and even after I give it permission to delete the folder, it instantly says to me, "You need permission to perform this action," and it gives me the options to cancel or try again (which immediately brings this same window up again asking me to try again).
    I've done plenty of research for the past two days, from attempting to delete the individual files within this folder via the Command Prompt, using Safe Mode, and many other options, yet nothing works. I've seen many forums advise using a program called "Unlocker," however, anyone googling the program will find that it is offered from a plethora of various sites, and I honestly dont trust programs from these sites.
    Is there ANYTHING anyone knows to do for an issue like this? All I need is that one folder deleted, and all my problems are gone!

    It still didn't work...
    Within this commonfiles\apple folder, there is only one folder, labeled "Internet Services." Within this folder, there are 6 folders, labeled:
    Within all but CoreDAV and BookmarkDAV_client, there are multiple different folders, all labeled starting with a two letter (acronym I believe, for different languages) then .lproj (for example, a folder is labeled "ar.lproj".
    In each of the folders of APLZOD.resources, there is a file labeled "APLZODlocalized.dll."
    In all of the folders containing the multiple .lproj folders, there are likewise "name"localized.dll files contained.
    In the BookmarkDAV_client and Core DAV folders, they each contain only one file, "Info.plist"
    I attempted to delete all of these files, and still, the FileAssassin could not delete them. I unlocked one of them for instance, and I tried to delete the file myself (thru windows explorer and just clicking delete), and I still had the same issue of coming eventually to the window requesting me to "try again" to have permission.
    What can I do?? I'd like to avoid Unlocker, but if it really is a reliable and SAFE program, and someone knows a SAFE place to download it from, I'd appreciate it very much so!!

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    Previous replies are omitted to reduce excess data. Latest reply from Pondini is as follows: You're still having a problem with Apple's old Backup app (with the umbrella icon). It should be sending a message when that happens; (it does)if not, make s