Unable to display all listings in my listbox component pulling from an xml doc

I have a listbox that I'd like to pull it's data from an XML
doc. My listbox only pulls the first Artist from my xml file.
I changed changed the "index for to #2" under bindings and I
got only the second artist listed.
What am I missing?

Pls try application-config tag like this
    <property name="PrivateSharingReference" value="com.sap.portal.htmlb">
    <property name="SharingReference" value="com.sap.portal.runtime.application.soap">
Also check component tag is in this order
<component name="AddAccounts">
        <property name="ClassName" value="Test">
        <property name="JSP" value="pagelet/test.jsp">
        <property name="tagLib" value="/SERVICE/htmlb/taglib/htmlb.tld">

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  • How do I display a hyperlink in a Spry data set from static xml?

    I have a page that should display files available for clients to open and save.  The xml works because all info displays, but I get no link. I've tried putting the <a href></a> tag in, but get an 'undefined' .  The current iteration gives me the title, but no link except in Opera where I still get undefined.  What am I missing here?  Here is the XML line in question:
    <doc value="docs/MCB_Landfill_II_75_dwgs.pdf">Dwgs</doc>
    This worked in another site, but that used xsd and xml docs rather than the spry dataset. Active link below.
    Mille Grazie,

    Never Mind.  HTML & XML 101.  I put the <a href> tag in the html doc and not the xml.  I DID have to add an additional line to separate the name from the file name, but who cares.
    See ya, ya'll.

  • How do I return all elements from a xml doc?

    I have a xml document which in my VB code I am saving the elements(ns1:Statute) in a variable
    objXmlStatuteNode  then adding that variable in to an object
    My code is working but only displaying one element (<ns1:Statute>) even though I have 3 <ns1:Statute>. How do I display all 3 <ns1:Statute>?
    Here is my xml document modified version to make it short.
    <ns1:Statutes xmlns:ns1="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/messages/4.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <ns1:Statutes xmlns:ns1="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/messages/4.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <StatuteId xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">12875</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">171</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">22</Section>
    <Subdivision xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1(7)</Subdivision>
    <Year xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1994</Year>
    <StatuteId xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">12875</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">171</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">22</Section>
    <Subdivision xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1(7)</Subdivision>
    <Year xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1994</Year>
    <StatuteId xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">12875</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">171</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">22</Section>
    <Subdivision xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1(7)</Subdivision>
    <Year xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1994</Year>
    Here is my vb code
    Public Class GetStatutes
    Shared Sub main()
    Dim objMessageProcessor As New MessageProcessor
    Dim objSchemasCollection As New Msc.Integration.MessageBroker.Library.v4.SchemasCollection
    Dim objTransformsCollection As New Msc.Integration.MessageBroker.Library.v4.TransformsCollection
    objMessageProcessor.ProcessInputQueue(False, False, objSchemasCollection, objTransformsCollection)
    End Sub
    'Child class MessageProcessor which inherits from main class GetStatutes
    Private Class MessageProcessor
    Inherits Msc.Integration.ServiceCatalog.Library.v4.SoapMessageProcessor
    Protected Overrides Sub ProcessMessage(ByRef aobjBroker As ServiceCatalog.Library.v4.Broker, ByRef aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc As System.Xml.XmlDocument, ByRef aobjInstantiatedObjectsCollection As Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection, ByRef aobjConsumer As ServiceCatalog.Library.v4.Consumer)
    MyBase.ProcessMessage(aobjBroker, aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc, aobjInstantiatedObjectsCollection, aobjConsumer)
    Dim objXmlStatutesDoc As XmlDocument
    Dim objXmlStatuteNode As XmlNode
    Dim objNameTable As Xml.NameTable
    Dim objXMLNameSpaceManager As XmlNamespaceManager
    Dim objXmlBcaResponseDoc As XmlDocument
    Dim objXMLOutputSoapEnvelopeDoc As XmlDocument
    'set up the namespace manager
    objNameTable = New Xml.NameTable
    objXMLNameSpaceManager = New Xml.XmlNamespaceManager(objNameTable)
    objXMLNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("soap", Msc.Integration.Utility.Library.v4.Soap.NamespaceUri(aobjBroker.SoapMessageVersion))
    objXMLNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("wsa", Msc.Integration.Utility.Library.v4.Soap.WsaNamespaceUri(aobjBroker.SoapMessageVersion))
    objXMLNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("ns1", "http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/messages/4.0")
    objXMLNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("st", "http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0")
    objXmlStatuteNode = aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("soap:Body/GetBCAStatuteRequest", objXMLNameSpaceManager)
    objXmlStatutesDoc = New XmlDocument
    'Get the statutes
    objXmlBcaResponseDoc = New XmlDocument
    objXmlStatutesDoc = New XmlDocument
    objXmlStatutesDoc.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("runType", "Request")
    objXmlStatutesDoc.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("runDateTime", Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"))
    'Create a variable to store the statute element information ns1:Statute name space
    objXmlStatuteNode = objXmlBcaResponseDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns1:Statute", objXMLNameSpaceManager)
    'Add the variable objXmlStatudeNode to the object objXmlStatuteDoc
    objXmlStatutesDoc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(objXmlStatutesDoc.ImportNode(objXmlStatuteNode, True))
    'Create the SOAP envelope to return the reply to the submitter
    objXMLOutputSoapEnvelopeDoc = aobjBroker.CreateSoapEnvelope("http://www.courts.state.mn.us/StatuteService/1.0/GetStatutesResponse", _
    Msc.Integration.Utility.Library.v4.Soap.GetReplyEndpointReference(aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc), _
    objXmlStatutesDoc.DocumentElement, , aobjConsumer, _
    aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("soap:Header/wsa:MessageID", objXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText)
    'Return the response to the requester
    End Sub
    End Class
    End Class

    Are you aware that there's a duplicate line in the XML? It won't work with that in there so I've modified it as shown here:
    <ns1:Statutes xmlns:ns1="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/messages/4.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <StatuteId xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">12875</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">171</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">22</Section>
    <Subdivision xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1(7)</Subdivision>
    <Year xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1994</Year>
    <StatuteId xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">12875</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">171</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">22</Section>
    <Subdivision xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1(7)</Subdivision>
    <Year xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1994</Year>
    <StatuteId xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">12875</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">171</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">22</Section>
    <Subdivision xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1(7)</Subdivision>
    <Year xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">1994</Year>
    The following isn't a way that I'm proud to do but I couldn't manage to work out LINQ-To-XML all the way through it. Nevertheless, this will work:
    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On
    Option Infer Off
    Imports System.IO.Path
    Imports <xmlns:NS1="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/messages/4.0">
    Public Class Form1
    Private Class NS1
    Private _statuteID As Integer
    Private _chapter As Integer
    Private _section As Integer
    Private _subdivision As String
    Private _year As Integer
    Public Sub New(ByVal id As Integer, _
    ByVal chapter As Integer, _
    ByVal section As Integer, _
    ByVal subdivision As String, _
    ByVal year As Integer)
    _statuteID = id
    _chapter = chapter
    _section = section
    _subdivision = subdivision.Trim
    _year = year
    End Sub
    Public ReadOnly Property Chapter() As Integer
    Return _chapter
    End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Section() As Integer
    Return _section
    End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property StatuteID() As Integer
    Return _statuteID
    End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Subdivision() As String
    Return _subdivision
    End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Year() As Integer
    Return _year
    End Get
    End Property
    End Class
    Private ns1List As New List(Of NS1)
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
    Handles MyBase.Load
    Dim desktop As String = _
    Dim xmlPath As String = _
    Combine(desktop, "Example.xml")
    ' Now hover your mouse over "ns1List" above
    ' and expand it. You'll see your data.
    End Sub
    Private Sub GetNS1Data(ByVal filePath As String)
    If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(filePath) Then
    Dim xDoc As XElement = XElement.Load(filePath)
    For Each sData As XElement In xDoc...<NS1:Statute>
    Dim id As Integer
    Dim chapter As Integer
    Dim section As Integer
    Dim subdivision As String = Nothing
    Dim year As Integer
    For Each element As XElement In sData.Elements
    Select Case element.Name.LocalName
    Case "StatuteId"
    If Not Integer.TryParse(element.Value, id) Then
    Throw New ArgumentException("The StatuteID could not be parsed.")
    End If
    Case "Chapter"
    If Not Integer.TryParse(element.Value, chapter) Then
    Throw New ArgumentException("The Chapter could not be parsed.")
    End If
    Case "Section"
    If Not Integer.TryParse(element.Value, section) Then
    Throw New ArgumentException("The Section could not be parsed.")
    End If
    Case "Subdivision"
    If String.IsNullOrEmpty(element.Value) OrElse element.Value.Trim = "" Then
    Throw New ArgumentException("The Subdivision could not be parsed.")
    subdivision = element.Value
    End If
    Case "Year"
    If Not Integer.TryParse(element.Value, year) Then
    Throw New ArgumentException("The Year could not be parsed.")
    End If
    End Select
    Dim instance As New NS1(id, chapter, section, subdivision, year)
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
    End If
    End Sub
    End Class
    I hope that helps. :)
    Still lost in code, just at a little higher level.

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    would like to display time of occurrence and error text, so possibly a table instead of a listbox

    You can check on the alliance page for a product that does this, but there are no LabVIEW utilities to do this specific task. You will have to build one yourself it seems.

  • ADF DVT: Stack Bar Graph unable to display all Bar.

    Hi Experts,
    I'm currently having a problem displaying bar graphs in my Use Case.
    There are unavoidable instance that at some point of the information provided, there may be part that contain a very huge data.
    Below is my sample code.
    In the example code below only the detail with huge data is rendered in the graph. and the rest are not rendered. is this  a known issue?
    screenshot: http://sdrv.ms/13DXeyn.
    I'm using ADF PS6 in windows7(64bit), Chome browser.
    ManagedBean. This bean contains static data for testing only. Notice how big the data in the 2nd to the last detail.
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException;
    import oracle.adf.view.faces.bi.component.graph.UIGraph;
    import oracle.adf.view.faces.bi.event.TimeSelectorEvent;
    public class GraphTimeAxisManagedBean {
        SimpleDateFormat stdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH.mm.ss");
        public List getTabularData() {
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
            try {
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-06-18-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-06-18-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(20) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-06-18-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(50) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-06-18-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(30) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-07-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-07-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(150) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-07-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(240) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-07-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(10) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-08-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-08-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(60) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-08-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(80) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-08-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(10) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-09-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-09-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(90) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-09-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(50) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-09-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(80) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-10-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-10-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(10) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-10-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(90) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-10-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(80) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-11-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-11-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(200) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-11-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(20) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-11-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(70) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-12-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-12-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(60) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-12-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(80) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2010-12-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(10) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-01-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-01-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(90) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-01-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(80) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-01-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(70) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-02-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-02-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(60) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-02-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(80) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-02-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(30) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-03-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-03-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(203)});
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-03-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(90)});
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-03-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(70)});
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-04-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-04-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(75) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-04-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(86) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-04-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(99) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-05-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-05-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(60105) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-05-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(50309) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-05-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(50210) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-06-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"", new Double(0) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-06-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 1", new Double(80) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-06-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 2", new Double(77) });
              list.add(new Object[] { new Date(stdFormat.parse("2011-06-01-00.00.00").getTime()),"description 3", new Double(99) });
            } catch (ParseException e) {
            return list;
    JSFF (UI Page).
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.1"
      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
        <dvt:graph id="barGraph1" graphType="BAR_VERT_STACK" shortDesc="testing"
                   inlineStyle="width:800px; height:300px;"
          <dvt:legendArea automaticPlacement="AP_NEVER"/>

    This is not an issue with the graph as such, but the data issue. Since the value of the data that is being displayed is huge and other datas are relatively very small to occupy the graph area (Ex : 60105 Vs 10).
    You may want to try implementing zoomListener and/or zoomScrollListener for the graph to zoom and see the small datas.

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    My clinic software has many columns. How can I display all the columns without having to scroll from left to right all the time?

    If the software you are using doesn't offer the ability to increase or decrease document size, as many do, then the only way is to increase your screen resolution. If that's not possible, maybe you can decrease your font size?  If you can't do any of these, I think you're out of luck!

  • Report to display all the contacts of an opportunity.

    I have a requirement, can we create a report which displays all the contacts of an opportunity apart from primary contact.
    Any inputs on the same will be appreciatable. TIA
    Edited by: 1004233 on May 6, 2013 12:16 AM
    Edited by: 1004233 on May 6, 2013 3:28 AM
    Edited by: 1004233 on May 6, 2013 3:28 AM

    Hey Aveek;
       Try this, which will get the most recent one.  You would just need to change it to loop at the edids records to get at them all...
          TABLES: *edidc, *edids, *t100.
          DATA: wf_string type string.
          CLEAR *edids.
          SELECT SINGLE *
             INTO *edids
             FROM edids
             WHERE docnum = *edidc-docnum
               AND status = '51'.
          SELECT SINGLE text
             INTO *t100-text
             FROM t100
             WHERE sprsl = 'EN'
               AND arbgb = *edids-stamid
               AND msgnr = *edids-stamno.
             CLEAR wf_string.
          MOVE *edids-stapa1 TO wf_string.
          REPLACE '&' WITH wf_string INTO *t100-text.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            CLEAR wf_string.
            MOVE *edids-stapa2 TO wf_string.
            REPLACE '&' WITH wf_string INTO *t100-text.
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              CLEAR wf_string.
              MOVE *edids-stapa3 TO wf_string.
              REPLACE '&' WITH wf_string INTO *t100-text.
              IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                CLEAR wf_string.
                MOVE *edids-stapa4 TO wf_string.
                REPLACE '&' WITH wf_string INTO *t100-text.
          A little sloppy (OK, alot!), but it gets the job done...

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    OK, I understand.  Try this ... it's much safer.  It will simply restore your backup, but not do anything to your iOS:
    While your iPhone is plugged in to iTunes, right click on the iPhone icon on the left side of the iTunes display.
    Choose "Restore from backup ..." from the pop-up menu that appears.
    Again, what this will do is place that backup back on your iPhone without changing iOS.  So you should be very confident in the backup contents before doing this.

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    Can someone help please?

    Are the Kindle purchases?
    Just what happens when you try to redownload via the Kindle app on the iPod?
    Deliver to Kindle for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
    Deliver books, periodicals, and personal documents to your Kindle reading app fromManage Your Content and Devices.
    To successfully deliver Kindle content, the Kindle reading app must be registered to the same Amazon account you use to purchase Kindle content.
    After you buy a Kindle book, Audible audiobook, magazine, or newspaper, the title is saved to the Cloud and can be accessed from Manage Your Content and Devices. New purchases are sent to your reading app and appear under the Cloud tab.
    From your computer:
    Visit Manage Your Content and Devices
    Select Your Content.
    Select the title and then click Deliver.
    On the pop-up window, select the device or app from the drop-down menu.
    Select Deliver. Your content will automatically be delivered to your device or reading app once its connected to a wireless network.
    From the Kindle reading app Home screen, tap the Device tab to view and open the title.
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  • How can I get my iPod touch to display all the artwork on my computer?

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    First, try a system reset.  It cures many ills and it's quick, easy and harmless...
    Hold down the on/off switch and the Home button simultaneously until the screen blacks out or you see the Apple logo.  Ignore the "Slide to power off" text if it appears.  You will not lose any apps, data, music, movies, settings, etc.
    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  Connect via cable to the computer that you use for sync.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."
    At the end of the basic Restore, you will be asked if you wish to sync the iPad/iPod.  As before, say "yes."  Note that that sync selection will disappear and the Restore will end if you do not respond within a reasonable time.  If that happens, only the apps that are part of the IOS will appear on your device.  Corrective action is simple -  choose manual "Sync" from the bottom right of iTunes.
    If you're unable to do the Restore, go into Recovery Mode per the instructions here.

  • Unable to display a PDF image on the page - Mac 10.6

    Running an iMac with 10.6.8 and Indesign 5.0.4. Just wanting to export a PDF as per usual via File > Export function. However, I keep getting the error message, "Unable to display a PDF image on the page'. No idea what this is and have never seen this error before. The only info on the internet reveals error code 0x2511(9489).
    I've deleted prefs, closed down and re-opened Indesign and even restarted the computer. I've also re-linked the images contained in the document and even created a new document and set it up the same, but still the same problem. Investigating further, other Indesign documents still export properly.
    The only ones that don't export are 2 documents, both giving this same error message. Both documents are ones where a client has sent a PDF, I've imported into two of these into an 2-page A4 Indesign document (each PDF is 48MB each) and then just added a text layer (using Times) which is properly installed on the computer. I basically have to 'update' course dates for the client and add PDF to the website, all very basic.
    I've tried importing a jpeg and other PDFs into the file (replacing the existing ones) and they export fine.
    All my software is legal and I've exported this document before now in exactly the same File > Export without any problems (under 10.5 and 10.6).
    OK... I've just imported the offending PDFs into Acrobat, optimized and shrunk the file size, re-imported back to Indesign and the PDF export works fine. So it seems InDesign / PDF Export doesn't like large imported PDFs? I think they were originally exported from Publisher, so maybe that's the problem or a file conflict somehow.
    Any ideas on the culprit? I've googled it, searched these forums and Apple discussions and haven't found anything. Although I've found a workaround, I do get large files to import and then export. Thanks for any help

    It does sound like a problem with the original PDF files the client sent you. You can check how they were made in Acrobat Pro from the Additional MetaData button on the Description tab of the document properties dialog. It will be under Advanced at the bottom of the list when the metadata opens.
    You might be able to salvage them by running the optimzer and not changing the size, or just doing a Save As in Acrobat.

  • JavaMapping in PI 7.1 Error:Unable to display tree view; Error when parsing

    i get by testing in PI 7.1 (operation mapping) this ERROR:
    "Unable to display tree view; Error when parsing an XML document (Content is not allowed in prolog.)"
    this is my java-programm-code:
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformation;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    /*IMPORT statement imports the specified classes and its methods into the program */
    /Every Java mapping program must implement the interface StreamTransformation and its methods execute() and setParameter() and extend the class DefaultHandler./
    public class Mapping extends DefaultHandler implements StreamTransformation {
    Below is the declaration for all the variables we are going to use in the
    subsequent methods.
         private Map map;
         private OutputStream out;
         private boolean input1 = false;
         private boolean input2 = false;
         private int number1;
         private int number2;
         private int addvalue;
         private int mulvalue;
         private int subvalue;
         String lineEnd = System.getProperty("line.separator");
    setParamater() method is used to store the mapping object in the variable
         public void setParameter(Map param) {
              map = param;
         public void execute(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
                   throws com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformationException {
              DefaultHandler handler = this;
              SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
              try {
                   SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
                   this.out = out;
                   saxParser.parse(in, handler);
              } catch (Throwable t) {
    As seen above execute() method has two parameters "in" of type
    InputStream and "out" of type OutputStream. First we get a new instance
    of SAXParserFactory and from this one we create a new Instance of
    SAXParser. To the Parse Method of SaxParser, we pass two parameters,
    inputstream "in" and the class variable "handler".
    Method "write" is a user defined method, which is used to write the
    string "s" to the outpurstream "out".
         private void write(String s) throws SAXException {
              try {
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
         public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
         public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
              try {
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
         public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String sName, String qName,
                   Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
              String eName = sName;
              if ("".equals(eName))
                   eName = qName;
              if (eName.equals("NUMBER1"))
                   input1 = true;
              if (eName.equals("NUMBER2"))
                   input2 = true;
         public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String sName, String qName)
                   throws SAXException {
              String eName = sName;
              if ("".equals(eName))
                   eName = qName;
              if (eName.equals("NUMBER1"))
                   input1 = false;
              if (eName.equals("NUMBER2"))
                   input2 = false;
         public void characters(char[] chars, int startIndex, int endIndex)
                   throws SAXException {
              String dataString = new String(chars, startIndex, endIndex).trim();
              if (input1) {
                   try {
                        number1 = Integer.parseInt(dataString);
                   } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
              if (input2) {
                   number2 = Integer.parseInt(dataString);
              if (input2 == true) {
                   addvalue = number1 + number2;
                   mulvalue = number1 * number2;
                   subvalue = number1 - number2;
                   write("" + addvalue + "");
                   write("" + mulvalue + "");
                   write("" + subvalue + "");
    in developer studio 7.1 i dont get error.
    this happens by testing the mapping-programm in ESR.
    can somebody help me please?

    Make sure that the xml created out after the java mapping is a valid xml with only one root node.

  • TestStand Deplyment Error- Error: Unable to locate all subVIs from saved VIs because a subVI is missing

    I am a Systems and Software Engineer based in Vancouver. I developed an automated test system using LabVIEW 2013 and TestStand 2013 with custom operator interface.
    I encountered 'missing VIs' problem which is kind of weird because I passed analyzing the sequence for both TestStand Sequence Editor and TestStand Deployment Utility >> Distrubuted Files Tab.
    But when I tried building the installer and reaching the point 'Calling distribution VIs, it always throw an error saying 'An error occurred while trying to read the depencies of the VIs, possible because the VIs are not saved in the current version of LabVIEW. Do you want to save any modified now?'. I tried both cases (i.e. Yes and No) for this option but it did not solve the issue.
    This is part of the original error message displayed in TestStand Deployment Utility:
    While Processing VIs...
    Error: Unable to locate all subVIs from saved VIs because a subVI is missing or the VI is not saved in the current version of LabVIEW.
    The call chain to missing VIs:
    1 - ATE_AccelerometerTest.vi
    2 - CreateAndMergeErrors.vi (missing)
    3 - LogControl_CheckForErrorSendUpdates.vi (missing) "
    All missing VIs are coming from userlib.
    Actions Done:
    - Analyzed sequence file using TestStand Sequence Editor and TestStand Deployment Utility
    - Verified 'Search Directories' include all necessary files/dependencies.
    - Mass compile the directory of the missing VIs
    - Added all needed files and folders in the workspace file.
    The result is still the same based from the actions done.
    The last debugging I did earlier is that I tried locating the sequence and steps of missing VIs as mentioned above (e.g. ATE_AccelerometerTest.vi)
    and I found out that the step seems to be an empty action step. Would this be possible even if it already passed the analysis?
    Other considerations include:
    I am using LabVIEW 2013 sp1 and TestStand 2013. We tried building from three (3) computers and we only succeeded once to a freshly-installed comptuer.
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    With Best Regards,
    Michael Panganiban
    Systems and Software Engineer
    [email protected]

    Hi All,
    We were able to resolve the issue. First to note is that the release notes in TestStand 2013 is outdated and we confirmed from NI Engineer in Austin that TestStand 2013 works fine with LabVIEW 2013 SP1.
    Secondly, we played around TestStand Deployment option that resolved the issue. Attached are the images.
    We just enabled the 'Remove Unused VI Components'. It could be one of the libraries (lvlib) we included in the build but we haven't figured it out yet because we verified that all VIs are working. It could be also something else that I think very difficult to find based from the information. However, if anybody experienced the same issue, this could be helpful.
    Again, we revert back in using TestStand 2013 and LabVIEW 2013 SP1.
    I appreciate any comments and feedbacks. Otherwise, you can close this support request.
    Thank you.
    With Best Regards,
    Michael Panganiban
    Systems and Software Engineer

  • Crystal Reports not displaying all data

    We have a simple report pulling from 3 tables on a sql server. For some reason, data from one table does not fully display. The table is called Referral, and we have some clients that have a Referral record tied to them. Out of a report of 20 records, we will have 3-4 that won't display the referral data (even though I can see it in the database), but the other 16 records will. If I go into the database, and change the data on one of the non-displaying referral records and save, it will start displaying. If I then change the data back to the original, it will also display. Being new to Crystal Reports, I don't know if this is a Crystal issue or a problem at the data source, but thought I would put it out here in case someone is familiar with this problem. Our Crystal Reports version is 2011.

    This could be either table join problem in your crystal reports designer or when you are linking the tables it is unable to match the records.
    -- Go in Crystal reports designer and refresh the report and go in Database Menu--Show SQL query and copy the SQL and run the same at database end and check.
    Also you said you are able to see all records at database end, if you are extracting data through SQL you can very well copy that SQL in crystal reports under 'Add Command'  option and create your report.
    You will find Add command option under your Database connection while creating a report.

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    Please let me know how can i display all the table Names in the MS Access Dats Source.

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