Unable to find a WSDL that has a definition for service name

I have a wsdl shared in mds and a composite with a bpel process that consumes that wsdl, but when that happens I get the following error:
oracle.fabric.common.FabricInvocationException: Unable to find the WSDL service defined for service name {http://directvla.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0}ServiceConfigurationRules_pt. Please make sure that the port attribute for the binding defined in the composite file is correct by checking the namespace and service name in the #wsdl.endpoint element. In addition, check that the WSDL associated with the binding namespace is imported and currently reachable (check the import nodes at the top of the composite file). Finally, validate any HTTP proxy settings for the server.
I checked the composite, the wsdl and the endpoint and everything is ok. At the momment to avoid the error, the wsdl is local, but this is not a real solution, what I really need is to make it work with the mds.
Can somebody help me?
Thank for advance.

here is my wsdl:
xmlns:ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0="http://xxxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0" xmlns:tns="http://xxxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0"
          <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
xmlns:commondt-v1-0="http://xxxxxx.com/schema/util/commondatatypes/v1-0" xmlns:ns1="http://xxxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/parameters"
xmlns:ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0="http://oracle.com/sca/soapservice/XXXXBusinessRule/ServiceConfigurationRules/ServiceConfigurationRules" xmlns:tns="http://oracle.com/sca/soapservice/XXXXBusinessRule/ServiceConfigurationRules/ServiceConfigurationRules"
xmlns:mime="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:soap12="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/">
               <xsd:import namespace="http://xxxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/parameters" schemaLocation="oramds:/apps/schemas/RESB/RulesParmsInput_2.xsd"/>
     <message name="ServiceActivationRequest">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationRequest"/>
     <message name="ServiceActivationResponse">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationResponse"/>
     <message name="ServiceActivationException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationException"/>
     <message name="GetAddActivationConfigurationRequest">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationRequest"/>
     <message name="GetAddActivationConfigurationResponse">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationResponse"/>
     <message name="GetAddActivationConfigurationException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationException"/>
     <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationRequest">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationRequest"/>
     <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationResponse">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationResponse"/>
     <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationException"/>
     <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeRequest">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeRequest"/>
     <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeResponse">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeResponse"/>
     <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException"/>
     <message name="GetServiceConfigurationException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationException"/>
     <message name="GetAntenaSenialRequest">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAntenaSenialRequest"/>
     <message name="GetAntenaSenialResponse">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAntenaSenialResponse"/>
     <message name="GetAntenaSenialException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationException"/>
     <message name="OrderPayPerViewRuleRequest">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleRequest"/>
     <message name="OrderPayPerViewRuleResponse">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleResponse"/>
     <message name="OrderPayPerViewRuleException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleException"/>
     <message name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeRequest">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeRequest"/>
     <message name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeResponse">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeResponse"/>
     <message name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException"/>
     <message name="CompareResourceTechnologyRequest">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:CompareResourceTechnologyRequest"/>
     <message name="CompareResourceTechnologyResponse">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:CompareResourceTechnologyResponse"/>
     <message name="CompareResourceTechnologyException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:CompareResourceTechnologyException"/>
     <message name="GetBasicProductMigrationRequest">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetBasicProductMigrationRequest"/>
     <message name="GetBasicProductMigrationResponse">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetBasicProductMigrationResponse"/>
     <message name="GetBasicProductMigrationException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetBasicProductMigrationException"/>
     <message name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerRequest">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerRequest"/>
     <message name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerResponse">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerResponse"/>
     <message name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException">
          <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException"/>
     <portType name="ServiceConfigurationRules_pt">
          <operation name="GetAddActivationConfiguration">
               <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationRequest"/>
               <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationResponse"/>
               <fault name="GetAddActivationConfigurationException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationException"/>
          <operation name="ResourceChangeMigration">
               <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationRequest"/>
               <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationResponse"/>
               <fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationException"/>
          <operation name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgrade">
               <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeRequest"/>
               <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeResponse"/>
               <fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException"/>
          <operation name="GetAntenaSenial">
               <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAntenaSenialRequest"/>
               <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAntenaSenialResponse"/>
               <fault name="GetReasonResponseException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAntenaSenialException"/>
          <operation name="OrderPayPerViewRule">
               <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleRequest"/>
               <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleResponse"/>
               <fault name="OrderPayPerViewRuleException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleException"/>
          <operation name="GetServiceActivation">
               <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationRequest"/>
               <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationResponse"/>
               <fault name="ServiceActivationException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationException"/>
          <operation name="GetOperationForWOServiceType">
               <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeRequest"/>
               <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeResponse"/>
               <fault message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException" name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException"/>
          <operation name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomer">
               <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerRequest"/>
               <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerResponse"/>
               <fault message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException" name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException"/>
          <operation name="GetBasicProductMigration">
               <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetBasicProductMigrationRequest"/>
               <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetBasicProductMigrationResponse"/>
               <fault message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationRequest" name="GetBasicProductMigrationException"/>
          <operation name="CompareResourceTechnology">
               <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:CompareResourceTechnologyRequest"/>
               <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:CompareResourceTechnologyResponse"/>
               <fault message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationRequest" name="CompareResourceTechnologyException"/>
     <binding name="ServiceConfigurationRules_ptSOAP11Binding" type="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceConfigurationRules_pt">
          <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
          <operation name="GetAddActivationConfiguration">
               <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://xxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0/GetAddActivationConfiguration"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
               <fault name="GetAddActivationConfigurationException">
                    <soap:fault name="GetAddActivationConfigurationException" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="ResourceChangeMigration">
               <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://xxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0/ResourceChangeMigration"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
               <fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationException">
                    <soap:fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationException" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgrade">
               <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://xxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0/ResourceChangeMigrationUpgrade"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
               <fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException">
                    <soap:fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="GetAntenaSenial">
               <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://xxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0/GetAntenaSenial"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
               <fault name="GetReasonResponseException">
                    <soap:fault name="GetReasonResponseException" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="OrderPayPerViewRule">
               <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://xxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0/OrderPayPerViewRule"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
               <fault name="OrderPayPerViewRuleException">
                    <soap:fault name="OrderPayPerViewRuleException" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="GetServiceActivation">
               <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://xxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0/GetServiceActivation"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
               <fault name="ServiceActivationException">
                    <soap:fault name="ServiceActivationException" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="GetOperationForWOServiceType">
               <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://xxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0/GetOperationForWOServiceType"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
               <fault name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException">
                    <soap:fault name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomer">
               <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://xxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0/GetMaxResourcesForCustomer"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
               <fault name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException">
                    <soap:fault name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="GetBasicProductMigration">
               <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://xxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0/GetBasicProductMigration"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
               <fault name="GetBasicProductMigrationException">
                    <soap:fault name="GetBasicProductMigrationException" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="CompareResourceTechnology">
               <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://xxxxxx.com/schema/businessdomain/ServiceConfigurationRules/v1-0/CompareResourceTechnology"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
               <fault name="CompareResourceTechnologyException">
                    <soap:fault name="CompareResourceTechnologyException" use="literal"/>
     <plnk:partnerLinkType name="ServiceConfigurationRules_pt_PL">
          <plnk:role name="ServiceConfigurationRules_pt_Role">
               <plnk:portType name="tns:ServiceConfigurationRules_pt"/>
     <service name="ServiceConfigurationRules_pt">
          <port name="ServiceConfigurationRules_ptPort" binding="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceConfigurationRules_ptSOAP11Binding">
               <soap:address location="http://host:port/soa-infra/services/default/ServiceConfigurationRules/ServiceRules"/>
Thank you.

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    <soap12:body use="literal" parts="return"/>
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    When are you getting the error? On deploy or when you try to actually call the WebService?
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    Once it had been established that the iWork rewrite had resulted in some features being lost and others broken, and once Apple had acknowledged the concerns* and suggested they are working on fixes**, I'm not sure what else there is to achieve.
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    ** They have barely anything listed, compared to the massive list of deleted features, and nothing but an extraordinarily long time frame considering they created the problems here and now. Apple has not said they will do anything at all about fixing the real issues, the biggest of which is that the new iWork apps break virtually all the work of existing users.

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    From the error, the C could not be the staging location because it is system partition. You need to format a fixed drive to NTFS partition and try again.
    Juke Chou
    TechNet Community Support

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    Ipod touch is not formatted one way or the other at all.
    Just sync it to the new computer using itunes.
    iPod touch User Guide (For iOS 5.1 Software)

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    Try these apps.
    Dragon dictation, needs IOS 4+. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dragon-dictation/id341446764?mt=8
    Voice Answering Lite, needs IOS 5+.  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/voice-answer-lite/id532522396?mt=8

  • We are unable to find a user that matches the Rep.ID and Password you have entered. Please verify and try again. work on IE but now Firefox

    We are unable to find a user that matches the Rep.ID and Password you have entered.
    Please verify and try again.
    I get this error when trying to access my Wild Tree web site
    I can log in just fine to the main page, but then they make you log in again as you go deeper into the site for Security reasons. But when I log in the 2nd time, I get the above error. Help

    This can be caused by corrupted cookies or cookies that are blocked (check the permissions on the about:permissions page).
    Note that you may have to enable third-party cookies for that domain or for visited sites.
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Firefox will: "Use custom settings for history"
    Clear the cache and cookies only from websites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    If clearing cookies doesn't work then it is possible that the <i>cookies.sqlite</i> file that stores the cookies is corrupted.
    Rename (or delete) <b>cookies.sqlite</b> (cookies.sqlite.old) and delete other present cookies files like <b>cookies.sqlite-journal</b> in the Firefox profile folder in case the file cookies.sqlite got corrupted.

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    I by accident deleted an important Note that had all my passwords on my Notes Ap on my Iphone 5.  I can not find a file that has deleted Notes files so I can recover it.  Any idea how I can get it back?  Thanks,Mike

    Do you have a backup of your iPhone?   If so, do a restore and whatever Notes were backed up should reappear.
    You will lose any changes made since that backup though.

  • I can't find the app that has locked my screen orientation on my iPhone 5?

    I can't find the app that has locked my screen orientation on my iPhone 5?

    Read here:

  • I can't find an app that has supposedly been downloaded

    I can't find an app that has supposedly been downloaded

    I have the same problem w a 3 g s. I did a search but no results. When I go to the app store and try to download it tells me it is installed. I would like to correct the problem as it is my banking app.

  • How can you find an ipod that has been lost

    how can you find an ipod that has been lost and the icloud is not turned on

    No app is required.                                               
    - If you previously turned on FIndMyiPod on the iPod in Settings>iCloud and wifi is on and connected go to iCloud: Find My iPhone, sign in and go to FIndMyiPhone. If the iPod has been restored it will never show up.
    iCloud: Find My iPhone
    - You can also wipe/erase the iPod and have the iPod play a sound via iCloud.
    and go to FIndMyiPhone. If the iPod has been restored it will never show up.
    iCloud: Find My iPhone
    - You can also wipe/erase the iPod and have the iPod play a sound via iCloud.
    - If not shown, then you will have to use the old fashioned way, like if you lost a wallet or purse.
    - Change the passwords for all accounts used on the iPod and report to police
    - There is no way to prevent someone from restoring the iPod (it erases it) using it unless you had iOS 7 on the device. With iOS 7, one has to enter the Apple ID and password to restore the device.
    - Apple will do nothing without a court order                                                        
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product                                               
    - iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number

  • Unable to find the timestamp in SPRO-"delete timestamp for infosource"

    in system BIT.
    issue: unable to find the timestamp in SPRO-"delete timestamp for infosource" in ECQ, for a load which i did in BIQ and getting error that init was already done but request was deleted from target.
    for cube 0CFM_C10, i did init load from 0CFM_POSITIONS flow , was fine
    next init load from flow 0CFM_DELTA_POSITIONS, some issue,
    got messaget that init was already done but request was deleted from target.
    so i deleted req from infopkg-scheduler-init options for src system - here deleted the req.
    did load got same error again.
    next in ECQ, SPRO- "delete timestamp for infosource", for this option when i search, i am getting msg that "0 timestamps deleted for infosource".
    why is that i am unable to find the timestamp here in SPRO in ECQ? any other solution ?
    pls  help

    deleted the additional entry from SPRO as suggested in this thread.
    Error while executing RSA3
    did the load ,
    init load via 0CFM_DELTA_POSITIONS flow, successful :   so that error got solved.
    delta load via 0CFM_DELTA_POSITIONS flow, getting another new error and message below
    Job terminated in source system --> Request set to red
    can anyone suggest on how to solve this?
    in src system logs, this data was found
    Job log overview for job:    BIREQU_DAVZG15LMNNG2N3XPN9J5C6QS / 11111300
    Date       Time     Message text                                                                      Message class Message no. Message type
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 Job started                                                                            00           516          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 Step 001 started (program SBIE0001, variant &0000000083979, user ID ALEECQREMOTE)      00           550          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 Asynchronous transmission of info IDoc 2 in task 0001 (0 parallel tasks)               R3           413          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 DATASOURCE = 0CFM_DELTA_POSITIONS                                                      R3           299          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 RLOGSYS    = BITST                                                                     R3           299          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 REQUNR     = REQU_DAVZG15LMNNG2N3XPN9J5C6QS                                            R3           299          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 UPDMODE    = D                                                                         R3           299          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 LANGUAGES  = *                                                                         R3           299          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 *************************************************************************              R8           048          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 *          Current Values for Selected Profile Parameters               *              R8           049          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 *************************************************************************              R8           048          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 * abap/heap_area_nondia......... 0                                       *             R8           050          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 * abap/heap_area_total.......... 16777216000                             *             R8           050          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 * abap/heaplimit................ 40000000                                *             R8           050          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 * zcsa/installed_languages...... 1CEFIJKLNOSUV                           *             R8           050          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 * zcsa/system_language.......... E                                       *             R8           050          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 * ztta/max_memreq_MB............ 2047                                    *             R8           050          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 * ztta/roll_area................ 3000000                                 *             R8           050          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 * ztta/roll_extension........... 2000000000                              *             R8           050          S
    19.07.2011 11:11:13 *************************************************************************              R8           048          S
    19.07.2011 11:14:15 Internal session terminated with a runtime error (see ST22)                            00           671          A
    19.07.2011 11:14:15 Job cancelled                                                                          00           518          A
    Edited by: Swetha N on Jul 21, 2011 6:40 AM
    Edited by: Swetha N on Jul 21, 2011 6:40 AM

  • What is the best way to 'clean up" a Mac that has been going for about 2 years.  I reset safari frequently but need to be sure stuff I don't want is gone.

    What is the best way to 'clean up" a Mac that has been going for about 2 years.  I reset safari frequently but need to be sure stuff I don't want is gone.

    I'd gather by your "reset Safari"  and "clean up" you mean by sites you rather not have your mom see.
    Hidden Flash cookies are stored in "Macromedia" Folders on your computer, can delete using the free Easy Find first, but need to reinstall Flash again here
    OnyX run All the cleaning and maintenance steps followed by a reboot, followed by a Disk Utility erase free space.
    CCleaner is in beta for OS X, can combine the cleaning and secure erase in the same steps if properly configured.
    Every web site knows your apx location.
    To be sure to have a clean machine, a
    Restoring OS X - 10.6  "fresh install method"
    Restoring OS X - 10.7 - wipe and install
    is the only way as you only bring files back to the machine that you know what they are, everything else is removed.

  • I have a Targus Versavue bluetooth keyboard that has worked perfectly for 2 years.  It lost connection yesterday.  I charged the battery but it still won't connect.  Help ??

    I have a Targue Versavue bluetooth keyboard that has worked perfectly for 2 years.  It lost connection yesterday.  I charged the battery but it still won't connect.  I just get a blinking blue light.  Help ??

    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks  http://support.apple.com/kb/ts3304
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4199
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at http://macintoshhowto.com/advanced/how-to-get-a-good-range-on-your-wireless-netw ork.html
    Another thing to try - Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwWtIG5jUxE
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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