Unable to get the selection value of OAMessageChoiceBean

From our 11i to R12 upgrade, in Customer Advance Search page, we are unable to get the proper handle for OAMessageChoiceBean (in extendedCO).
The code snippet for handling the bean is as follows:
OAMessageChoiceBean PartyStatusFilter = (OAMessageChoiceBean)vOAPageContext.getRootWebBean().findChildRecursive("xxfeF426PartySearchStatus");
String xxTest= PartyStatusFilter.getSelectionValue(vOAPageContext);
The value for above xxTest (in R12 env.) is coming as null. Whereas, the same code is working in 11i enviroment and the output of xxTest="A".
Hence, we are unable to get the selection value of the messagechoicebean in our R12 environment. Moreover, I've already looked into similar previous posts of this forum, also tried using getSelectionText(vOAPageContext) or getSelectedValue(), but it didn’t worked too.
Any pointers please?
Many Thanks,

Hi Keerthi,
I'm still unable to get the value using your provided code. The referenced snippet I used is as follows:
String messageChoiceValue = null;
vOAPageContext.writeDiagnostics(s, "Before the IF LOOP", 2);
if(vOAPageContext.getParameter("xxfeF426PartySearchStatus")!= null ) {
vOAPageContext.writeDiagnostics(s, "Inside the IF LOOP ", 2);
messageChoiceValue = vOAPageContext.getParameter("MessageChoiceID");
vOAPageContext.writeDiagnostics(s, "Value of MessageChoice... "+messageChoiceValue, 2);
if( messageChoiceValue != null ) {
saveFilterRow(SSLineVO, HeaderId, new oracle.jbo.domain.Number(l), "C", "Status", messageChoiceValue);
vOAPageContext.writeDiagnostics(s, "After the IF LOOP", 2);
The resultant output is as follows:
"Before the IF LOOP", "After the IF LOOP"
It doesn't goes inside the IF condition as the valuie is null. Any other alternative?

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  • Getting the selected value in tableview.

    Hi friends,
      In tableview am displaying some 5 columns in which one column is in dropdown.I want to modify the tableview.But unable to get the selected value at the particlular cell
    (the column which is in dropdown) in tableview.
    I have tried by using the method GET_CELL_ID.and get_form_field also.But am not getting the selected value only for this column.For remaining columns am getting the values properly.
    Can anybody pls help me how should i catch the selected value for a particular column  in tableview.
    Thanks in advance.

    in the cell you are rendering a dropdwonlistbox, so to read the content of the same use
    data: data type ref to cl_htmlb_dropdownlistbox.
      data ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data( request      = runtime->server->request
                                              name         = 'dropdownListBox'
                                              id           = 'DDLB1'
          if data is not initial.
            tab1sel = data->selection.
    for id use the same id given in the interator-render_cell_start method for this

  • Unable to set the selected value for a ADF LOV

    I am developing an application using jdeveloper 10.1.3 and Struts.
    I have created a ADF LOV on my JSP Page as given below:
    <html:select property="lob" onchange="javascript:selectLOB(this.form)">
    <html:optionsCollection label="prompt" value="index" property="lob.displayData"/>
    When i submit the form, i am able to get the value of the selected Value in the List.
    JUCtrlListBinding listBinding = (JUCtrlListBinding) formBean.get("Lob");
    Row r = (Row) listBinding.getSelectedValue();
    String SoLob = (String) r.getAttribute("LobLob");
    But i am unable to set the selected value back in the list when i return to the form again.
    I tried the following:
    int x = listBinding.getSelectedIndex();
    It would be really helpful if some one could let me know what needs to be done.

    I tried with the code you suggest , its trying to set the value of a field, but my requirement is to change the property for
    "Rendered" on the field so that based on search parameters we can hide result table column.
    After searching online, I modified the controller code as follows
    1.Created a new transient attribute (Testrender) with type "Boolean" and always updateable.
    2.changed the "Rendered" property value on the field I want to hide as ${oa.PoSearchVO1.Testrender}.
    3. Modified the controller code as follows :
            OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
            OAViewObject testvo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("PoSearchVO1");
            OADBTransaction txn = am.getOADBTransaction();
            if (testvo != null)
              OARow row = (OARow)testvo.first();
                if (a.equalsIgnoreCase("Approved"))
                     row.setAttribute("Testrender", Boolean.FALSE);
                     row.setAttribute("Testrender", Boolean.TRUE);
            } But now when i run the page and populate the search field and click "Go" its hiding the field but throwing the following error and the search results are also bad.
    Its using only the value of one search parameter but not the second one .
    The search cannot be executed because the table has pending changes that would be lost. I think the vo is getting dirty when I update the transient attribute value. So I used txn.rollback ,then search is working fine but its not hiding the field.
    So can you please let me know how to proceed from here ?

  • How to get the selected values from a selectmanylistbox?

    Hi ADF Experts,
    <af:selectManyListbox label="Label 1" id="sml1" partialTriggers="cb2"
                      autoSubmit="true"      valuePassThru="true">
        <f:selectItems value="#{viewScope.TestBean.actualList}" id="si1"
      <af:commandButton text="get selected values" id="cb3"
      private List<String> lovValue;
      private List<SelectItem> actualList;
    //getters and setters
      public void getSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for (String selectedItem : lovValue) {
            System.out.println("Selected item: " +selectedItem.); // this is giving 1 and 3 like this. how to get the checked values as I'm getting only the indexes. In this scenario I am populating the list programmatically.Just I wanted to know how can we get the selected values(not indexes). Please suggest.

    Hi Timo,
    As I am sharing the page fragment and the Java class. So its my usecase I have mentioned below
    I am sharing the jsff page fragment and java class. So that it wud be of help to others.
    jsff page fragment
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.1"
            <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
              <af:commandButton text="Search"  id="cb1"
        <af:popup id="p1" binding="#{viewScope.TestBean.searchSupplierPopup}">
              <af:dialog id="d2"
               <af:table value="#{bindings.Contacts.collectionModel}" var="row"
                      emptyText="#{bindings.Contacts.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                      filterVisible="true" varStatus="vs"
                      rowSelection="multiple" id="t1">
              <af:column sortProperty="name" filterable="true" sortable="true"
                         headerText="#{bindings.Contacts.hints.name.label}" id="c2">
                <af:outputText value="#{row.name}" id="ot1"/>
              <af:column sortProperty="email" filterable="true" sortable="true"
                <af:outputText value="#{row.email}" id="ot2"/>
          <af:commandButton text="OK" id="cb5" partialSubmit="true"       actionListener="#{viewScope.TestBean.testMethod}"/>
          <af:commandButton text="Cancel" id="cb6"
      <af:selectManyListbox label="Label 1" id="sml1" partialTriggers="cb5"
                      autoSubmit="true"      valuePassThru="true"
        <f:selectItems value="#{viewScope.TestBean.actualList}" id="si1"
      <af:commandButton text="get selected values" id="cb3"
      <af:commandButton text="remove selected" id="cb4"
             partialSubmit="true"           actionListener="#{viewScope.TestBean.removeSelectedValues}"/>
    package com.demo.view;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.component.UISelectItems;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.RichPopup;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.data.RichTable;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.input.RichSelectManyListbox;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.context.AdfFacesContext;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.event.DialogEvent;
    import oracle.jbo.Key;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;
    public class TestBean {
      private RichTable tsupportIssues;
      private List<SelectItem> lovValue;
      private List<SelectItem> actualList;
      private RichSelectManyListbox prp1;
      private List valuesChoosed = new ArrayList();
      private UISelectItems selectedItems;
      private RichPopup searchSupplierPopup;
        public TestBean() {
      public void setTsupportIssues(RichTable tsupportIssues) {
        this.tsupportIssues = tsupportIssues;
      public RichTable getTsupportIssues() {
        return tsupportIssues;
      public void testMethod(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        // For learning purposes - show Select Many Button clicked 
         System.out.println("Select Many Button has been Clicked");
        // // RowKeySet Object can hold the selected rows from a user as follows    
        RowKeySet rksSelectedRows =         this.getTsupportIssues().getSelectedRowKeys();
        // Iterator object provides the ability to use hasNext(), next() and remove() against the selected rows 
        Iterator itrSelectedRows = rksSelectedRows.iterator();  
        // Get the data control that is bound to the table - e.g.
        // OpenSupportItemsIterator    
        DCBindingContainer bindings =         (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry(); 
        DCIteratorBinding dcIteratorBindings =         bindings.findIteratorBinding("findAllContactsIterator"); 
        // Information from binding that is specific to the rows  
        RowSetIterator rsiSelectedRows =         dcIteratorBindings.getRowSetIterator();   
        // Loop through selected rows  
        int i=1;
        while (itrSelectedRows.hasNext()) {        
          // Get key for selected row    
          Key key = (Key)((List)itrSelectedRows.next()).get(0);  
          // Use the key to get the data from the above binding that is related to the row      
          Row myRow = rsiSelectedRows.getRow(key);         
          // Display attribute of row in console output - would generally be bound to a UI component like a Label and or used to call another proces       
    //        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    //        String j = Integer.toString(i);
    //        actualList.add(new SelectItem(j, (String)myRow.getAttribute("name")));
    //      i++;
      public void setLovValue(List<SelectItem> lovValue) {
        this.lovValue = lovValue;
      public List<SelectItem> getLovValue() {
        return lovValue;
      public void setActualList(List<SelectItem> actualList) {
        this.actualList = actualList;
      public List<SelectItem> getActualList() {
        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
          actualList.add(new SelectItem(valuesChoosed.get(i), (String)valuesChoosed.get(i)));
          actualList.add(new SelectItem("1","Select One"));
        return actualList;
      public void setPrp1(RichSelectManyListbox prp1) {
        this.prp1 = prp1;
      public RichSelectManyListbox getPrp1() {
        return prp1;
      public void setValuesChoosed(List valuesChoosed) {
        this.valuesChoosed = valuesChoosed;
      public List getValuesChoosed() {
        return valuesChoosed;
      public void getValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
      public void getSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
         for(int i=0;i<this.getLovValue().size();i++){
             System.out.println("Selected Value:"+this.getLovValue().get(i));
      public void removeSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
      public void setSelectedItems(UISelectItems selectedItems) {
        this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
      public UISelectItems getSelectedItems() {
        return selectedItems;
        public void setSearchSupplierPopup(RichPopup searchSupplierPopup) {
            this.searchSupplierPopup = searchSupplierPopup;
        public RichPopup getSearchSupplierPopup() {
            return searchSupplierPopup;
        public void cancelPopupSearch(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
        public void searchSupplier(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
            RichPopup.PopupHints hints = new RichPopup.PopupHints();
    package com.demo.view;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.component.UISelectItems;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.RichPopup;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.data.RichTable;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.input.RichSelectManyListbox;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.context.AdfFacesContext;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.event.DialogEvent;
    import oracle.jbo.Key;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;
    public class TestBean {
      private RichTable tsupportIssues;
      private List<SelectItem> lovValue;
      private List<SelectItem> actualList;
      private RichSelectManyListbox prp1;
      private List valuesChoosed = new ArrayList();
      private UISelectItems selectedItems;
      private RichPopup searchSupplierPopup;
        public TestBean() {
      public void setTsupportIssues(RichTable tsupportIssues) {
        this.tsupportIssues = tsupportIssues;
      public RichTable getTsupportIssues() {
        return tsupportIssues;
      public void testMethod(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        // For learning purposes - show Select Many Button clicked 
         System.out.println("Select Many Button has been Clicked");
        // // RowKeySet Object can hold the selected rows from a user as follows    
        RowKeySet rksSelectedRows =         this.getTsupportIssues().getSelectedRowKeys();
        // Iterator object provides the ability to use hasNext(), next() and remove() against the selected rows 
        Iterator itrSelectedRows = rksSelectedRows.iterator();  
        // Get the data control that is bound to the table - e.g.
        // OpenSupportItemsIterator    
        DCBindingContainer bindings =         (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry(); 
        DCIteratorBinding dcIteratorBindings =         bindings.findIteratorBinding("findAllContactsIterator"); 
        // Information from binding that is specific to the rows  
        RowSetIterator rsiSelectedRows =         dcIteratorBindings.getRowSetIterator();   
        // Loop through selected rows  
        int i=1;
        while (itrSelectedRows.hasNext()) {        
          // Get key for selected row    
          Key key = (Key)((List)itrSelectedRows.next()).get(0);  
          // Use the key to get the data from the above binding that is related to the row      
          Row myRow = rsiSelectedRows.getRow(key);         
          // Display attribute of row in console output - would generally be bound to a UI component like a Label and or used to call another proces       
    //        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    //        String j = Integer.toString(i);
    //        actualList.add(new SelectItem(j, (String)myRow.getAttribute("name")));
    //      i++;
      public void setLovValue(List<SelectItem> lovValue) {
        this.lovValue = lovValue;
      public List<SelectItem> getLovValue() {
        return lovValue;
      public void setActualList(List<SelectItem> actualList) {
        this.actualList = actualList;
      public List<SelectItem> getActualList() {
        actualList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
          actualList.add(new SelectItem(valuesChoosed.get(i), (String)valuesChoosed.get(i)));
          actualList.add(new SelectItem("1","Select One"));
        return actualList;
      public void setPrp1(RichSelectManyListbox prp1) {
        this.prp1 = prp1;
      public RichSelectManyListbox getPrp1() {
        return prp1;
      public void setValuesChoosed(List valuesChoosed) {
        this.valuesChoosed = valuesChoosed;
      public List getValuesChoosed() {
        return valuesChoosed;
      public void getValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for(int i=0;i<valuesChoosed.size();i++){
      public void getSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
         for(int i=0;i<this.getLovValue().size();i++){
             System.out.println("Selected Value:"+this.getLovValue().get(i));
      public void removeSelectedValues(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        for(int i=0;i<this.getLovValue().size();i++){
            System.out.println("Selected Value:"+this.getLovValue().get(i));
      public void setSelectedItems(UISelectItems selectedItems) {
        this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
      public UISelectItems getSelectedItems() {
        return selectedItems;
        public void setSearchSupplierPopup(RichPopup searchSupplierPopup) {
            this.searchSupplierPopup = searchSupplierPopup;
        public RichPopup getSearchSupplierPopup() {
            return searchSupplierPopup;
        public void cancelPopupSearch(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
        public void searchSupplier(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
            RichPopup.PopupHints hints = new RichPopup.PopupHints();
    A. Abhijit

  • How to get the selected value in SelectOneMenu in backing bean

    Hello all,
    I need your help. I want to have 2 select menus with the second menu's items list are populated based on the selection in the first menu. I don't know how to get the selected value in the backing bean so that I can based on that select menu to populate the second menu's item list. Basically I need to access to the UI Component of the first select Menu and retrieve its selected value.
    Could you help me out?
    Thank you very much in advance,

    Hi Lingo,
    There r two ways of getting the values into the list. First one is hardcoding the values and the second one is use the list and get the values into the list by firing a query in the database.
    Inorder to display the values in the second menu based on the first onces selection we need to add an attribute to the first selectonemenu known as valueChangeListener and we need to sumit the page.
    Here is the sample code
    <h:selectOneMenu id="catalogue"
                                  binding="#{urbean.catalogue}" onchange="submit()"
                                  <f:selectItem itemLabel="Select Catalogue" itemValue="" />
                                  <f:selectItems value="#{urbean.catalogueList}" />
    <h:selectOneMenu id="category"
                                  binding="#{urbean.category}">     <f:selectItem itemLabel="Select Category" itemValue="" />
                                  <f:selectItems value="#{urbean.categoryList}" />
                                  <                         </h:selectOneMenu>
    now in method called by valuechangelistener we need to write the similar code
    public void categoryValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
    String rfnum = (String) event.getNewValue();
    List categoryList = new ArrayList();
    List tempList = new TablenameDAO().getActiveCatByCatalogueID(rfnum);
              for (int i = 0; i < tempList.size(); i++) {
                   Tablename tablename = (Tablename ) tempList.get(i);
                   String value = "" + tablename .getrfnum();
    String label = tablename .getname();
         if (label == null) {
                   label = "";
                   SelectItem item = new SelectItem(value, label);
    ///getActiveCatByCatalogueID (rfnum) should bring the records which r based on the rfnum
    if u follow this process i am damsure that u will get the values in to the secondlist based upon the first list
    Thanks & Regards

  • How to directly get the selected value in the dropdown

    Hi Experts
        Now, in POV, i want to directly get the selected value in the dropdown. Because, the program doesn't enter the PAI before POV part. Therefore, the corresponding variable of dropdown doesn't store the selected value. That's reason why i want to find a way to directly get the selected value in the dropdown. is there any function module to do this?

    you can use INITIALIZATION event which triggers first before any other events..
    and u can use VRM_SET_VALUES to populate the values in the list
    DATA : v TYPE vrm_values.
    DATA : vw LIKE LINE OF v.
      vw-key = '1'.
      vw-text = 'ABC'.
      APPEND vw TO v.
      vw-key = '2'.
      vw-text = 'DEF'.
      APPEND vw TO v.
          id              = 'A'
          values          = v.

  • Unable to get the item value in cursor

    I have function which returns organization_id for each item selected in Sales Order window.
    From this function I will populate warehouse value in shipping tab whenever i am tabbing out from ordered item in Sales Order Form.
    But my cursor is unable to get the item id value (Ex: FOR cur_rec IN cus_l (l_item_id)). It is directly going to last return statement and displaying default value.
    Please help me out.
    FUNCTION custom_default_rule (
    p_database_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
    p_attribute_code IN VARCHAR2
    l_line_type_rec oe_order_cache.line_type_rec_type;
    l_item_id NUMBER;
    p_org_id NUMBER;
    CURSOR cus_l (p_item_id IN NUMBER)
    SELECT a.organization_id, b.element_name, b.element_value
    FROM mtl_parameters a,
    mtl_descr_element_values b,
    mtl_system_items_b c
    WHERE b.inventory_item_id = c.inventory_item_id
    AND a.organization_id = c.organization_id
    AND a.organization_id = c.organization_id
    AND c.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
    AND a.organization_id <> a.master_organization_id
    ORDER BY a.organization_id;
    CURSOR cur_org (p_org_id IN NUMBER)
    SELECT organization_code
    FROM mtl_parameters
    WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
    l_line_type_rec :=
    l_item_id := ont_line_def_hdlr.g_record.inventory_item_id;
    FOR cur_rec IN cus_l (l_item_id)
    IF cur_rec.element_name IN
    'Emission Norms',
    'Duty Rating',
    'Product Family'
    AND cur_rec.element_value IN
    RETURN cur_rec.organization_id;
    If u want more info. abt function refer: Refer "PL/SQL API + Defaulting Rules in OM" in Forums.oracle.com
    PL/SQL API + Defaulting Rules in OM
    Please help me out. This is very urgent.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sateesh Kumar

    Hi Suresh,
    I tried like below:
    create or replace FUNCTION custom_default_rule (
    p_database_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
    p_attribute_code IN VARCHAR2
    l_line_type_rec oe_order_cache.line_type_rec_type;
         l_line_rec OE_AK_ORDER_LINES_V%ROWTYPE;
    l_item_id NUMBER;
    p_org_id NUMBER;
    CURSOR cus_l (p_item_id IN NUMBER)
    SELECT a.organization_id, b.element_name, b.element_value
    FROM mtl_parameters a,
    mtl_descr_element_values b,
    mtl_system_items_b c
    WHERE b.inventory_item_id = c.inventory_item_id
    AND a.organization_id = c.organization_id
    AND a.organization_id = c.organization_id
    AND c.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
    AND a.organization_id <> a.master_organization_id
    ORDER BY a.organization_id;
    CURSOR cur_org (p_org_id IN NUMBER)
    SELECT organization_code
    FROM mtl_parameters
    WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
    l_line_type_rec :=
         l_line_rec := ONT_line_Def_Hdlr.g_record;
    --      l_item_id := l_line_rec.inventory_item_id;
    -- FOR cur_rec IN cus_l (l_item_id)
         FOR cur_rec IN cus_l(l_line_rec.inventory_item_id)
    IF cur_rec.element_name IN
    'Emission Norms',
    'Duty Rating',
    'Product Family'
    AND cur_rec.element_value IN
    RETURN cur_rec.organization_id;
    FOR cur_rec_org IN cur_org (p_org_id)
    RETURN cur_rec_org.organization_code;
    END IF;
    RETURN '204';
    IF oe_msg_pub.check_msg_level (oe_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error)
    oe_msg_pub.add_exc_msg ('OE_Default_PVT', 'CUSTOM_DEFAULT_RULE');
    END IF;
    RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
    END custom_default_rule;
    This function executed without errors. But it is displaying final return statement value (i.e., 204).
    I am not getting inventory_item_id value to my cursor.
    Please help me out...It is very urgent.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sateesh Kumar S
    Message was edited by:

  • Need to get the selected values from the selectManyShuttle

    I am using ADF11g newer version.
    I have a selectManyShuttle and a command button. Need to insert all the selected values on the right hand side of the selectManyShuttle into a database table.
    I created the selectManyShuttle with the values. Need help in getting the values on the right hand side.
    <af:selectManyShuttle value="#{bindings.UserMgmtVO1.inputValue}"
    <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.UserMgmtVO1.items}"
    Any sample code or link is really appreicated.

    Thanks for the reply.
    I am using a View Object and I dropped it as SelectManyShuttle
    <af:selectManyShuttle value="#{bindings.UserMgmtVO1.inputValue}"
    <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.UserMgmtVO1.items}"
    public void getSelectedValues(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    System.out.println("Testing Shuttle");
    ArrayList list = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(valueChangeEvent.getNewValue()));
    String val = "";
    String sqlStmt = "";
    try {
    if (list != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    int l = list.size() - 1;
    val = list.get(l).toString(); //returns , delimited string
    System.out.println(" value:" + val);
    if (val != null) {
    val = val.replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", ""); //remove []
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val, ",");
    int nto = st.countTokens();
    for (int j = 0; j < nto; j++) {
    String users = st.nextToken().trim();
    System.out.println("Users:" + users);
    //sqlStmt = " update xxpp_project_clip set clip_status='true', clip_seq = "+j * 10+
    // " where project_id = "+rHdr.getAttribute("ProjectId") +
    // " and clip_name ='"+ clip_Name +"'";
    //System.out.println("sqlStmt:" + sqlStmt);
    //if (stmt != null)
    // stmt.close();
    // am.getDBTransaction().commit();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    I don't see the values in the list.
    I gets printed as
    how to get the individual values in the list?

  • How to get the selected values from multiselected list

    I have a multiselect list displaying all the years from 2003 to 2008 (used dynamic LOV). The user can choose one or more years as per his needs, and then when user clicks on the link the selected values of the list are to be captured and a pop up page of a Discoveror report needs to be opened where these years get passed as a parameter. I tried several methods to capture the value, but either one or all are getting passed but not exactly what the user has chosen.
    This is how it looks:
    P2_FISCAL_YEAR is a multiselect list containing values from 2003,2004... 2008
    If user chooses 2004 and 2007
    then I want the url to capture these values and pass as parameters for my discoveror reports. as '&qp_fiscal_year=2004,2007'
    Any help is appreciated!
    Thanks in advance,

    I have a multiselect list displaying all the years from 2003 to 2008 (used dynamic LOV). The user can choose one or more years as per his needs, and then when user clicks on the link the selected values of the list are to be captured and a pop up page of a Discoveror report needs to be opened where these years get passed as a parameter. I tried several methods to capture the value, but either one or all are getting passed but not exactly what the user has chosen.
    This is how it looks:
    P2_FISCAL_YEAR is a multiselect list containing values from 2003,2004... 2008
    If user chooses 2004 and 2007
    then I want the url to capture these values and pass as parameters for my discoveror reports. as '&qp_fiscal_year=2004,2007'
    Any help is appreciated!
    Thanks in advance,

  • How to get the selected values from the shuttle

    Please tell me how to get the selected option values from the shuttle leading list.

    you can also obtain the option values present in the leading and trailing lists using the
    following methods:
    public String[] getLeadingListOptionValues(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean
    public String[] getTrailingListOptionValues(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean
    webBean)For example, the following code sample returns an array of values in the trailing list, ordered according to the
    order in which they appear in the list:
    String[] trailingItems =
    shuttle.getTrailingListOptionValues(pageContext, shuttle);Thanks

  • Unable to get the selected from table when AM Pooling is disabled

    I have created a EO and VO for EMPLOYEE table and dragged on to pagefragment as ADF table. RowSelection property is set as Single.
    It is displaying the data in the table. I have written below method which should be invoked on selection of a row.
    It should give the Firstname and LastName column values of the selected row.
    public void onSelectTable(SelectionEvent selectionEvent)
    RowKeySet selectedEmps = getEmpTable().getSelectedRowKeys();
    Iterator selectedEmpIter = selectedEmps.iterator();
    DCBindingContainer bindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    DCIteratorBinding empIter = bindings.findIteratorBinding("EmployeeVOIterator");
    RowSetIterator empRSIter = empIter.getRowSetIterator();
    Key key = (Key)((List)selectedEmpIter.next()).get(0);
    Row selRow = empRSIter.getRow(key);
    String firstName = selRow.getAttribute("FirstName").toString();
    String lastName = selRow.getAttribute("LastName").toString();
    This method is working fine.
    But I have disabled the Application Module Pooling and tried in local machine(AM Configuration -> Pooling and Scalability -> Uncheck Enable Application Module Pooling).
    Then it is not workinng. it is returning null to selRow. Ideally it should work.
    Can any one pls suggest why it is not working when Application Module Pooling is disabled?

    Which jdve version do you use?
    What is the whole use case?
    I don't understand why you make it so complicated when the framework gives you what you like fro free. If you leave the selectionListener like it was when you dropped the table onto the page the framework handles the selection for you. If you like the name and first name of hte selected row you can drag the name, firstname from the VO onto the table (even if you don't want to see it, dorp it an e.g. inputText) and drop it onto the page. This will create the needed binding for you in the pagedef file. as you don't want to see the inputtext components switch into source mode for the page and remove the components. Removing components in source mode will keep the bindings, whereas if you remove them in design mode the bindings are removed too.
    Now, if you select a row in the table, the attributes for name, firstname automatically getting the correct values assigned.
    If you like to get to them from a mangaed bean you should read http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/adf/learnmore/23-generic-table-selection-listener-169162.pdf which shows you how to first use the default selectionListener and then do something else with the row (if you like).

  • How do I get the selected value only out of a tree control?

    If I use the value property and create an indicator, it gives me another tree, not an array of selected values...I can use an event structure to get it with a CV Event using the new value terminal but I know that there must be a simpler, better way.  Can anyone answer this one quickly?

    Check out the "Family Tree.vi" example that ships with LV.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Unable to get the tax value in Sales order

    Hi Forum,
    I am preparing a sales order for a customer with a material.
    When I go to the item conditions tab, I see that the correct tax value is being calculated but that tax value is not appearing in the TAX field.
    Net value is appearing correctly in the NET field.
    Please help me which are the areas of concerns i should look for to get the tax amount in the TAX field.
    Many thanks.

    Dear Sheetal
    Go to V/06, select the tax condition type and execute.  There check whether you have maintained "Condition Class" as D.   If not, maintain D and then retry.
    G. Lakshmipathi


    hi all,
    I  have a small issue.
    i have created two views.In the table of the first view i'm selecting a row and pressing the button it will move to next view.
    i am adding some fields manually in the table of the second view and pressing the save button.Here all the values should get updated corresponding to the field which i have selected in the first view.
    I want to know how to get the particular field in the selected row from one view to another view.
    Kindly help me.

            Any data sharing accross views can be achiveved by defining CONTEXT data in COMPONENT CONTROLLER and mapping it to the CONTEXT of all the views. Follow the below steps.
    1. Define a CONTEXT NODE in component controller
    2. Define same CONTEXT NODE in all the views where this has to be accessed & changed.
    3. Go to CONTEXT NODE of each view, right click on the node and choose DEFINE MAPPING.
    This is how you map CONTEXT NODE and same can be accessed/changed from any VIEW or even from COMPONENT CONTROLLER. Any change happens at one VIEW will be automatically available in others.
    Check the below link for more info regarding same.

  • How to get the selected values from ADF select many shuttle to textfield

    Hi All
    Actually in my webpage, I am using text field and beside that placing the command button. When user clicks the command button, a popup window will open up with the "af:select many shuttle" component. While popup opens, it fetch the values backend and displays it to the user in left side of the component. When user selects few values to the right side of the component and clicks ok. Those selected values should be displayed in the besides inputtext field.
    Code in Webpage:
    <af:inputText id="disciplineVariable"
    <af:commandImageLink id="cb12" icon="/compliance/images/List.PNG" hoverIcon="/compliance/images/HoverList.PNG">
    <af:clientListener type="action" method="disciplinePopupMethod"/>
    PopUp code:
    <af:popup id="testingPopUP" contentDelivery="lazyUncached">
    <af:dialog title="TestingPOPUP" dialogListener="#{testBean.testingValues}">
    <af:selectManyShuttle id="sms1" valueChangeListener="#{testBean.testingPopUP}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{ADFStandards.mostCommonStandards}" id="si1"/>
    Could anyone please help me in this.

    Bind your value attribute for af:selectManyShuttle to the List property in ManagedBean. When the User finish the selection, in your MB set the attribute List in input string attribute (probably what you want is iterate over the list, and concatenate on the String). After that, you have to partialTriggers on the inputText component in order to refresh.

Maybe you are looking for

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