Unable to import to Aperture 3.0

I have successfully imported images from flash card two or three times but am now unable to do so. For some reason 75% the import panel is now hidden off to the right hand side of the screen and I am unable to resize the window or the panel to get it to reappear.
Any ideas?

Resizing the window (using the '+' upper left button or the lower right handle) would not show any more of the Import Browser window than already visible. The right inch, inch and a half of what should be on the screen was not visible. For example, I could see 'Destination: N' under 'Aperture Library', but not the rest ('ew Project'). Swapping the Inspector tabs with the Browser window (so that the Import Settings pane is in the middle of the screen during an Import) did not fix the problem. In addition I had no vertical scroll bars, and, in an album with 16 images, using icon view, only 7 or so showed on screen - the rest, I think, continued off-screen to the right, unaccessible. All would be visible if I switched to list mode.
For me, as I mentioned, an uninstall then reinstall fixed the problem.

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    Hi New
    It doesn't look like your camera is supported, which is why your raw files don't show up to import.
    (Check the list here, for sure
    Mine isn't either.
    I use DNG Converter from Adobe (Free) to convert my RAW files to DNG. The .DNG files ( not '.dng') are then readable by Aperture.
    You can get the app here: (or just go to Adobe's website)
    What I do:
    Open DNG converter
    Select the folder with the raw files
    Save in new location:
    Select folder: and create a DNG folder inside the original folder with the RAW images)
    File Extension .DNG
    When i import into Aperture, I choose the option to 'Store files in their original location' (which is an external drive foe me) ... this way i'm not getting duplicates and taking up more space.
    Sorry I couldn't be more helpful

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    Hi Jack,
    Thanks for responding (as it seems as though no one else has been able to provide any insight as of yet)! Not sure if you saw my recent post, but the version of Aperture on the 2008 MacBook has been upgraded to 3.1.2 (not sure how; I bought it in 2009, but only have OS X 10.5.8... which apparently can't house 3.1.2 of Aperture, but hey, like many other anomalies i'm encountering, I'm no longer surprised!). I am unable to upgrade it any further, as it warns me that my OS X does not fit the requirements. I exported the projects as libraries; however, like I posted before, apparently these are from too old of a version for the new Aperture (3.3.1) to handle and import.
    It's getting to the point where I'd almost pay to upgrade the OS X on my previous MacBook (10.5.8) to something newer in order to THEN update Aperture to a newer version; however, my previous MacBook simply cannot handle this (the specs are awful -- hence my decision to save up and upgrade to the newest MBP with Retina).
    I've spent hours upon hours transferring files, libraries as projects, previews, versions, even masters (though, apparently some of them aren't accessible?) with no luck. I've rebuilt the library and reprocessed everything. And this is all after having to return one MBP already since Aperture 3.3.1 is glitch-y as it is, and froze everything for having a "managed library". So, now that I know that I have to deal with a referenced library in Aperture... I just need to actually transfer my previous library to my new one (hopefully WITH adjustments since these are years worth of photos and work).
    Again, any help is appreciated. I've lost enough sleep, time, and vision health over this at this point.
    Also, I know Migration Assistant is an option, I was told that it wouldn't work properly anyway because of the different operating systems, and the potential for problems.

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    When you select a collection the tool bar above the filmstrip lets you reverse the order by clicking the A/Z symbol. It also  has a drop-down menu to the right of sort. You can choose a number of options. But the beauty of collections is that you can drag thumbnails around into any order. They then remain fixed in your own user order. Useful for slideshows, web galleries etc.

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    It sounds like you are using an application to import. You can do it manually.
    Start > Computer (on the right) > scroll to the bottom and you will see your iPhone under Portable Devices > Open it and you will see a Drive, open that and there will be a DCIM folder. That is where your photos will be (There may be other folders each holding photos).

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    Hi S
    1. DVD-Cameras are for playback - not to be edited from.
    iMovie, FinalCut Express and Pro works with miniDV tape Cameras
    This course DVD and hard disk Cameras compact info to medium BUT in
    a destructive way. You can't get full quality back to be edited.
    miniDV also compacts to tape BUT Non-destructive = full quality to Mac.
    2. Does Your Camera really have FireWire. Most probably You are using
    the USB-cable that was delivered with Your Camera. FW is buy extra.
    Best solution - though sour. Change Camera
    If this isn't an option You'll have to back convert to streaming DV that iMovie
    and FCE/P understands.
    - Converting programs like may be:
    MPEG Streamclip converts from mpeg-1 to whatever you like (within reason).
    QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component
    via analog out on Camera via an A/D-box to FW to Mac.
    Non is a good way though.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Any ideas??!! Thanks.

    ahostmadsen wrote:
    .. and I import AVI video clips directly without converting to .dv, without problems.
    lucky you.. .avi is just a container, no 'format'/codec .. I can show you dozends of .avis, which will NOT import into iMHD6, due to being playback-codecs, not convertable by the underlying Quicktime engine into separte, editable audio+video streams ..
    .. If you convert to .dv, the size just blows up.
    dv is 13GB/h and a codec meant for editing; e.g. it stores every frame (video=30 frams/sec) of a recording, as mpegs usually doesn't do so.. = your Mac has to estimate content, when converting and 'recovering' the content = lossy process.
    iMHD6 is a dv-editor; the mpeg4 feature is only a toy, to spice up iSight recordings.. for sure, the QTengine can convert a lot, but too much conversion (from one lossy codec, e.g. divx, into another, e.g. mp4) means a (dramatic) loss of pic quality..
    my 5€ cents ..

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    Hello Terence,
    Okay I will try reformating the camera's card. However all is well when I export photos to my iMac at home or onto my iPad.
    If your suggestion does not work should I try reinstalling iPhoto from the iLife disk? If so, how do I go about doing that or is there a website somewhere explaining this?

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    Any chance that the Playlist you are importing has some 'special characters'? They are usually fine within the playlist, but the title of the playlist cannot contain them.
    Just a thought....

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    Did you copy the files into the Aperture Library on Import?
    If so, it's safe to do so. My tip: wait a few weeks until you're happy that you're committed to Aperture.
    Drag the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder to the trash.

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    We are unable to import table into the RPD using OCI 10G/11G to import the table then the import box open but we are unable to see the tables below the schema name. When we use ODBC 3.5 and created a DSN for the database then we are able to see all the tables and import them. But the problem here is that when we are using window server 7 64 bit to install client and then importing the table ODBC is not working fine as well.
    Please note that we are using OBIEE 11G which is installed on unix box and we connect to RPD using client installed on windows server.
    Appreciate all the help in advance.

    Hi Sayak,
    This means we need to installed Oracle client to resolve this problem. Can you please share if you have some knowledge regarding the same.

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    Are you using Firefox Sync or any other sync service like Xmarks?
    You can check for problems with the places.sqlite database file in the Firefox Profile Folder.
    See also:

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    So where is LR trying to copy the files?  Check your destination in the Import panel at the right.

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    Lightroom crisis:
    suddenly, unable to import images into lightroom - A window comes up that says ""Following files were not imported because they cannot be read". I was in the process of importing images - 10 images were imported from the shoot then the import stopped.
    I tested the card and the card readers by using cards from different cameras and using different card readers. I was able to import the images into a folder on my desktop so know nothing is corrupted.. The memory cards are good, my card readers are good. no setting have changed in my camera. Nothing has changed in my routine. Have been using lightroom for several years.
    I import through a card reader, convert to DNG and save on an external hard drive. All very ordinary.
    No one I have contacted has had nor knows of anyone who has had this problem.
    Unable to get in touch with anyone at Adobe.
    Thank you for any help or direction to tec support
    Barbara Nelson
    [email protected]

    On a quick read, it sounds like the same issue that had me dead in the water for 7 days. (LR 4.2)  I tested everything - my card readers are good, the memory cards are not corrupted, tried different cards from different cameras,etc. Working my way through all my tech savvy friends and professionals, I was lucky to connect with a great sr. tech person at Adobe.  After trouble shooting  all lightroom possibilities (3 hours on the phone) we checked my external hard drive where all the images are stored.  Even tho the external hard drive had plenty of space and "told me" that it was healthy and functioning well, Adobe had me go into the external hard drive's properties/tools and do a "check for errors.  12 hours later after the program went though the drive one file at a time, it found errors, moved them to a separate folder, and now all is functioning OK.  The hard drive had not crashed nor were any images lost.  As can happen after some time there must have been a scratch or similar that prevented more images from being written  (or read) to the drive.  Even though all is working OK at this time, I will replace my external hard drive (and it's back up external drive).just in case there are more "bumps" on the external hard drive.
    My tech knowledge is limited, and I am not intuitive  about anything digital, so can't add any more information then the experience I had.
    Barbara Nelson

  • When I try to import photos from my camera roll on iPhone, I can't see them in the import on Aperture

    I'm using Aperture(3.5.1) on my iMac(10.9.4). I've connected the IOS device(5S) to the computer, opened Aperture and tried to import from the camera roll on my iPhone. Photos that I see in the camera roll don't show up in the Aperture import window, though I can see them in the camera roll on the phone. In fact, since aug. 23, 2014, none of my iPhone photos show up in the import window.
    I've shut down my iPhone and my iMac and restarted both, but no change.
    I'm aware Aperture is going away soon. I'd like to get these photos off my phone and into Aperture so when the big merge comes, I won't be missing anything.

    Could the photos already have been imported to Aperture using Photo Stream? The Import window will not show them, if the option "Do not import Duplicates" is active and the photos are already in the library.
    Check any Import option in the Import settings, that might be excluding photos from importing.

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