Unable to loggin to database remotely

dear all
I have created and configured a new database...in oracle 9i...my problem is I can't connect with the database remotely....listener is running and database is also started..and I did the listner configeration as well
I have 2 separate oracle homes in my PC.database is in 9i home I can connect with database in 9i home but can't connect in 10g home...when I' m going to connect it says............
ORA-12500: TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process
Please help me to solve this

ERROR:ORA-12500: TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process

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    I would really appreciate it if you could help me get ridd fo this issue.
    Server Error in '/' Application.
    Unable to connect to database. Check database connection information and make sure the database server is running.
    An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
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    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Unable to connect to database. Check database connection information and make sure the database server is running.
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    the description of the error on the server is as follows:
    The description for Event ID ( 27745 ) in Source ( Windows SharePoint Services 3 ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use
    the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: #50071: Unable to connect to the database MOSS_Content_RBI on BartDB\Bart.  Check the database connection information
    and make sure that the database server is running..

    are you using the Aliases for the SQL Server, make sure your account having the correct permission.
    If it is your QA farm, you can run the config wizard to fix his problem...
    check this post having the similar issue.
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog: http://wscheema.com/blog

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    Exception occurs after some time because it times out trying to connect to wrong host.  Exception below:
    Exception encountered for SOAP method GetSystemProperties: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond <WRONG HOST IP>:80
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
    at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception) -
    -- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2010.RSConnection2010.SetConnectionProtocol()
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2010.RSConnection2010.SoapMethodWrapper`1.ExecuteMethod(Boolean setConnectionProtocol)
    No powershell commands or any of the settings in the service application allow me to set this.  Any help would be appreciated.
    20 Bay Windows Home Server (Not Vail!)

    Issue an iisreset on the WFE, and validate that SSRS Service is running on the App servers.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • RC-40201: Unable to connect to Database

    I am trying to run
    perl adclonectx.pl migrate
    on new linux server, I am getting error, I tried with some action metalink notes, but no luck,
    DB is up and runnin and listener is up and running,
    what else i need to check, i am not sure, i have created SR, but i have not got good action plan,
    Initializing the Apps Service Context variable Hash
    DEBUG: Apps Service Status context variable extracted from the given Apps context file
    PROMPT :
    Does the target system have more than one application tier server node (y/n) [y] ?
    ANSWER :
    PROMPT :
    Does the target system application tier utilize multiple domain names (y/n) [n] ?
    ANSWER :
    PROMPT :
    Default value found for s_tools_oh : /tmp/
    Default value found for s_weboh_oh : /tmp/
    PROMPT :
    Do you want to preserve the Display set to dbora12:1.0 (y/n) [y] ?
    ANSWER :
    PROMPT :
    Location of the JDK on the target system [opt/java1.5]
    ANSWER :
    java.lang.Exception: Cant connect to database using DBUtil
    at oracle.apps.ad.context.CloneContext.checkDatabaseConnection(CloneContext.java:5694)
    at oracle.apps.ad.context.CloneContext.promptForPortPool(CloneContext.java:5376)
    at oracle.apps.ad.context.CloneContext.doClone(CloneContext.java:637)
    at oracle.apps.ad.context.CloneContext.main(CloneContext.java:6228)
    RC-40201: Unable to connect to Database OFMSREGT.

    Please mention the application release and the OS.
    Do you have proper entry in the hosts file? Can you connect to the database remotely?
    Do you have the latest AutoConfig (Rapid Clone) patches applied?
    Please see if these docs help.
    Note: 273477.1 - Running Perl Adcfgclone.Pl Appstier Gives Error
    Note: 421148.1 - Jdbc Errors Cloning Apps Tier
    Note: 271250.1 - Adcfgclone.pl tier apps Errors with RC-40201: Unable to connect to Database
    Note: 392989.1 - Oam Cloning Preclone while Failed trying to connect to the target DB

  • Unable to connect to database; verify that database TCP/IP port service is

    Hi i have a problem with a few servers when i'm trying to upgrade from SAP 2007 SP00 PL47 to SAP 2007 SP1 PL06, i run the upgrade for SBO-COMMON and gives me the message Unable to connect to database; verify that database TCP/IP port service is  started, and i don't know why, i hope you can help me.

    Ensure that the connection to the database is configured properly.
       1. Check that the TCP/IP port is not being blocked by a Firewall.
       2. Set the Server's Remote Connection to accept TCP/IP connections.
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -> Configuration Tools -> SQL Server Surface Area Configuration -> Server Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections -> MSSQLSERVER -> Database Engine -> Remote Connections
    Restart the 'SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)', and run the upgrade again.
    Hope this will resolve your issue !

  • Error while applying a patch "Unable to get the database connection"

    Dear Experts,
    A patch which got successfully applied is failing Production and the error is kind of surprising to me.
    Apps version is
    db version is
    The worker log file shows
    Time when worker restarted job: Thu Nov 24 2011 22:14:52
    Start time for file is: Thu Nov 24 2011 22:14:52
    adjava -ms128m -mx256m -nojit oracle.apps.fnd.odf2.FndXdfCmp &un_apps &pw_apps &un_apps &pw_apps &jdbc_protocol &jdbc_db_addr table &fullpath_pa_patch/115
    Reading product information from file...
    Reading language and territory information from file...
    Reading language information from applUS.txt ...
      Temporarily resetting CLASSPATH to:
      Calling /usr/java14/bin/java ...
    Exception occured
                  Copyright (c) 2003 Oracle Corporation
                     Redwood Shores, California, USA
             XDF(XML Object Description File) Comparison Utility
                            Version 1
    NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development
          unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.
    Unable to get the database connection using schema username/passwordIo exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    AD Run Java Command is complete.
                         Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
                            Redwood Shores, California, USA
                                        AD Java
                                     Version 11.5.0
    NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development
          unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.
    AD Worker error:
    The above program failed.  See the error messages listed
    above, if any, or see the log and output files for the program.
    Time when worker failed: Thu Nov 24 2011 22:14:53
    The error says database connection error.  I am able to connect to the database using sqlplus.  I tried to restart the failed worker, but the same error is repeating. 
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Edited by: user7640966 on Nov 24, 2011 9:07 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    One thing which I noticed now is in the apps Tier the
    tnsnames.ora under $TNS_ADMIN
    shows entry like this:
            )Actually *(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<appsIPaddress>)(PORT=1521))* this line in the tnsnames.ora is not correct. In fact the appsServerName should be replaced with dbServerName
    I deleted the tnsnames.ora and reran autoconfig but it is again recreating the same entry.
    Any clue how this can be fixed?

  • Unable to open 10g Database Control Webpage from another computer

    Unable to open 10g Database Control Webpage from another computer
    Hi Gurus
    I have just installed Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release on my PC Windows XP , created database and configured DB control
    I can open Database Control Webpage on the database machine by typing
    But can not open it from another PC
    When I do following from another PC
    1. http://USI2374993VND0.vlgdw2k.visteon.com:1158/em
    Get error: [code=DNS_NO_DATA] The IP address was not found during the DNS lookup. Contact your system administrator.
    Get error:Can not display web page
    I can ping but not USI2374993VND0.vlgdw2k.visteon.com
    On the other PC I also tried adding to
    tools - internet options - security - local internet - sites - advanced - add this web
    site to the zone as
    But it did not work
    Please help with any ideas
    Thanks a bunch
    New DBA

    DNS translation issues?

  • Unable to reseed the database

    Unable to reseed the database .... test-replicationhealt is ok for both node . the problem is that content index is failed on both node .
    VERBOSE: [07:18:55.867 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Active Directory session settings for
    'Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy' are: View Entire Forest: 'False', Default Scope: 'XXXXX.com', Configuration Domain
    Controller: 'XXXXX.com', Preferred Global Catalog: 'XXXXX.com', Preferred Domain Controllers:
     '{ XXXX.com, XXXXX.com }'
    VERBOSE: [07:18:55.883 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Runspace context: Executing user:
    VERBOSE: [07:18:55.883 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Beginning processing &
    VERBOSE: [07:18:55.914 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Instantiating handler with index 0 for cmdlet extension agent
    "Admin Audit Log Agent".
    VERBOSE: [07:18:55.930 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Current ScopeSet is: { Recipient Read Scope: {{, }}, Recipient
     Write Scopes: {{, }}, Configuration Read Scope: {{, }}, Configuration Write Scope(s): {{, }, }, Exclusive Recipient
    Scope(s): {}, Exclusive Configuration Scope(s): {} }
    VERBOSE: [07:18:55.930 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Searching objects "Mailbox_DB01\Server01" of type
    "DatabaseCopy" under the root "$null".
    VERBOSE: [07:18:55.977 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Previous operation run on domain controller
    VERBOSE: [07:18:55.977 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Processing object "XXXXXXX".
    VERBOSE: [07:18:56.008 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Admin Audit Log: Entered Handler:Validate.
    VERBOSE: [07:18:56.008 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Admin Audit Log: Entered ClassFactory:InitializeConfig.
    VERBOSE: [07:18:56.008 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Admin Audit Log: Exited ClassFactory:InitializeConfig.
    VERBOSE: [07:18:56.023 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Admin Audit Log: Exited Handler:Validate.
    VERBOSE: Updating database copy Server1 on server Server1.
    VERBOSE: [07:18:56.023 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Resolved current organization: .
    VERBOSE: [07:18:56.039 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Update-DatabaseCopy is requesting the Microsoft Exchange
    Replication service on server 'Server1' to begin seeding.
    VERBOSE: [07:19:14.353 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Admin Audit Log: Entered Handler:OnComplete.
    VERBOSE: [07:19:14.385 GMT] Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy : Admin Audit Log: Exited Handler:OnComplete.
    A source-side operation failed. Error An error occurred while performing the seed operation. Error: Communication was t
    erminated by server 'Server2': Data could not be read because the communication channel was closed.. [Da
    tabase: XXXXXXXXX]
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy], SeedInProgressException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DDD603BC,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.UpdateDatabaseCopy

    This is the first step of trouble shooting which i did but no success . as i said both copy catalog index is in failed status
    What I have done
    a full catalog index on mounted copy
    Get Index catalog GetSearchIndexForDatabase.ps1 "databaseName"
    Stop the index service and delete the catalog index by using ps1
    .\ResetSearchIndex.ps1 -force "databaseName"
    Start Search Index
    crawling not initiated after this 
    2. Delete the failed copy and re add it again which added successfully but reseed process getting failed with same error .. and event ID 245 Information Store (4492) :  The internal database
    copy (for seeding or analysis purposes) has been stopped because it was halted by the client or because the connection with the client failed.

  • "Unable to connect to the remote server" error message (ID 6102) in event view after installing MOSS 2007

     Hi brothers,
    After installed the Moss 2007(basic) , I find some error in event view. The event ID is "6102". More detail information is shown below.
     Event Type:        Error
    Event Source:    Office SharePoint Server
    Event Category:                Launcher Service Event ID:              6102Date:                     11/27/2007Time:                     8:22:17 AMUser:                     N/AComputer:          MOSS-001Description:LoadBalancer.RegisterLauncher failed:  Unable to connect to the remote server For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. 
    Please help me, thanks.

    i think this has to do with the "Document Conversions Load Balancer Service".
    If you don't need the service than try to stop it:
    Start Central Administration > Operations > Services and stop the service.
    If you need it the service, try this:
    Start Central Administration > Operations > Service Account
    Change the service account to "Document Conversions Load Balancer Service" And Select a "Network Services" Click Save
    Hope this helps!
    Daniel Bugday
    SharePoint Forum
    Daniel Bugday's SharePoint Blog

  • Unable to connect to database server : MDM 7.1

    Hello All,
    I installed MDM 7.1 and I am unable to create/mount/unarchieve repository : Error message I am getting is :
    Unable to connect to Database
    I installed MSDE : Light version of SQL server... On command prompt I used: setup.exe sapwd=abcd SECURITYMODE=SQL
    Its an mixed mode..
    Dont know MSDE is okey to use for MDM 7.1? Any one faced such issue?
    Thanks in advance

    Did you install Oracle client on MDM server.  If not please install it and revert with the result..
    Please check SAP Note 1350635 - "Problem connecting to database from MDM console" & Note 1363797 -" Oracle connection problem".. Kindly also check the log in MDM console and revert with the result.
    Also, Please check Configurations Settings as mention in [MDM installation Document|https://websmp209.sap-ag.de/~sapidb/011000358700001668492008E] from Page no 42 to 45.
    Check it and revert with your findings.

  • Unable to Connect to Database (after server has been re-started)

    Hi,<BR><BR>I use Essbase Admin Services 7.1.3 and the server was not responding, therefore our IT guys re-started it. Since then I am unable to connect to one of the applications. I have tried to start/Stop the application but it just says "Application did not start". <BR><BR>There are 6 databases in this application altogether (3 data and 2 Currency). The application has been there for about 3 years (it holds historic sales data) and there has never been any problems with it.<BR><BR>When I tried to Start the application, in the message panel at the bottom it says "Error: 1013015 Unable to Connect to Database (2003)". It's as if there is a problem with this 2003 database but the 2002 and 2004 database are OK.<BR><BR>Has anyone ever had this problem and knows how to rectify it??<BR><BR>Thanks in advance.<BR><BR>Sarah

    It may be that the server restart corrupted the database. Go into database properties and uncheck the box start database with application and then try to restart the application.<BR><BR>You can try database validation, or simply reload the database from backup. But you can get the application up and the rest of the databases up by decoupling the database restart from the application start.<BR><BR>There will be a .xcp log file in your application directory (and possibly your database directory.) These might help Hyperion Support in identifying the cause of the problem. But the quickest solution would be to reload the database from backup. The serer and application logs can also provide help in identifying the problem.<BR><BR>One of the keys is to determine why the server is not responding before restarting the server. It may be that a single application is the source of problem. Typical causes are unscheduled free space restructures, application loads of large databases, and an occasional rogue process. Rather than rebooting the entire box, or even restarting the Essbase server, the safest approach is to only kill the job that is soaking up the cpu cycles, causing the server to be unresponsive. This requires identifying the offending process (esssvr.exe) and killingit. Often that restores the rest of the system to operations, giving you time to focus onthe offending application.<BR><BR>You learn thses things when you are pushing the server to its limits (or beyond). If it happens often, you need to do a serious performance audit of teh server and determine whether you need more power and/or memory. <BR><BR>And in any case, you are less likely to encounter this sort of problem in the future if you try to limit applications to a single database. This will allow a better utilization of system resources. And also, it's a good idea to shut down applications that you are not going to be using for a while. Every loaded app takes system resources whether or not it is doing anything. So review your list of apps that start on startup and consider unloading apps after completing batch processing. <BR><BR>Sorry about the long lecture, but I speak from somewhat painful experience. I hope that this will help you.

  • JMS - Unable to connect to a remote server

    Hi All
    I am trying to point my WL7.0 to a JMS QUEUE on ORACLE FUSION WL10.3
    I am getting the following error message on myserver.log: (I deleted the port and ip)
    <Unable to connect to a remote server on address ### and port ###
    with protocol t3. The Exception is java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused>
    I have seen a post that implied that there is a bug in WL7.0 , but I am not sure that this is the case.
    When the JMS queues are on the same server .i.e WL7.0 to WL7.0 it is fine.
    Can anyone help ?

    There could be compatibility issues. Refer to "WebLogic Server Compatibility".
    Link: [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E12839_01/web.1111/e14529/compatibility.htm#INRMP118]
    Are you using a JMS bridge between the two domains?
    Edited by: Manish Chellappan on Sep 3, 2009 3:35 PM

  • Unable to connect to database  in ofline mode

    Hi ,
    i have server OBIEE server installed in Linux and client installed on windows7
    the issue is
    when i log in to admin tool on client it opens and show all tables but..
    ..... when i right click a table and click on view data .. it through an error 'UNABLE TO CONNECT TO DATABASE"
    can any help in this regard

    which DB are you using? if u r using Oracle DB refer the below steps and make sure u r end
    There are 3 options to work around this
    1. Copy your tnsnames.ora to {Oracle_BI1}\network\admin directory & {oracle_common}\network\admin directory (only the former is needed as that is the ORACLE_HOME)
    2. Or instead of tnsnames.ora source entry, use the full expanded tnsnames as shown below
    3) easy to connect u r DB
    To configure OCI, you have to provide in the connection pool of the physical layer three parameters:
    the call interface. You must choose OCI.
    The data source name
    The user name and password
    In the data source name, you have to enter a connect identifier that can be one of the following naming methods.
    for more :

  • I'm unable to connect to database thru cold fusion

    I'm unable to connect to database thru cold fusion. it
    sometiems give me an error that your uname is undefined , soemtimes
    it gives ur index page not found so i created index page also but
    still im unable to connect to database n update my records..plz
    help me out..im a fresher in cold fusion

    I am having a similar problem having CFMX 7.02 verify my SQL
    Server 2005 Data Sources.
    I am using the sa account for CF to access the db's. But i
    get the following error:
    Connection verification failed for data source: myDatabase
    java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC
    Driver]Error establishing socket. Connection refused: connect
    The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException:
    [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket.
    Connection refused: connect
    Every role in SQL Server has the sa grantor Grant enabled. I
    can also login to SQL Server with the sa account w/o a hitch.
    I don't know what else to do. The server information is set
    to the ServerName port 1433, datasource name and database name are
    the same as the database name in sql server, and the username and
    password are set for the sa account.

  • Getting image path from database( Remote server)  & display in jsp page

    hai frnds,
    i have one doudt regarding in my web application Development
    . I want to Getting image path from database( **Remote server**) & display in jsp page here iam forwarding my control through Servlets
    how this will passiable
    Thanks in Advance
    [email protected]

    I think ur doubt will be...
    1) Getting a Image From Remote Server( & U stored a only path name in Data Base)
    2) Image r stroed in saparate Drive( Not in Webroot-- where u Created domine )
    Please Any Help Will be Appriciated
    [email protected]
    Edited by: Sonykamesha on Dec 18, 2007 11:02 PM

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